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Eco Medics - Spotlight Session 1 - 13/09/2021



This medical teaching session aims to empower medical professionals to become stakeholders in reducing the NHS' carbon footprint, enabling healthcare to become more sustainable. With four doctors based in London, Eko Medics will provide resources to help reduce carbon output through education, empowerment and energising initiatives. These include a free virtual conference once a year, interactive workshops and the PSA Virtual Coffeehouse, waste-free Wednesdays, data-driven research and carbon footprint calculators. They will also work to instill similar change in medical schools in the UK. Attending this session will help medical professionals become part of the global effort to reduce carbon emissions in healthcare.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Recognize the impact of climate change on healthcare works and communities.

  2. Understand the responsibilities on individuals, medical trainees and healthcare professionals to reduce the NHS's carbon footprint.

  3. Explain the three main pillars of Eco Medics' sustainability initiative.

  4. List ways health care professionals can reduce carbon emissions and wasteful materials in the workplace.

  5. Develop an insight into sustainability efforts of medical institutions and utilize these resources to reduce emissions.

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Hello. Can you'll hear me on? Can you see my screen? Most importantly, Perfect. Yes, the mornings are on one of the Peko Medics group, but what I'll do first is just introduce us as a as a collective. So the ICO team. There's four of us. We are four doctors based in London. Moment. So first we update Who's the South African born and Bred GP trainee on? Clearly pop it or go there as well. Um, he is responsible for the newsletters that you've been receiving if you been reading them so far and I'll be linked to subscribe. If you don't make that there's myself. I'm an anesthetic trainee working in Lewisham in south London. I've also done some work with See Shepherd Conservation Society, A C Shape, a global on marine conservation group. Lucy, who is an e d trainee EDS. T three from Check Republic on. Finally, we have Nathan, who has just introduced the whole event on he is a if six proud doctor who's an E m. And I see you kind of essential that moment on has keen interest in conservation that it's there has recently come back from Indonesia, always been working with some marine constructions organizations. Anyway, this isn't necessarily with us. It's about what we do. And so I thought I'd give you a bit of background if you don't know what's already on the story so far. So in 2020 October, so coming up to a year now, Nathan did a talk with the World Extreme Medicine Society International Conference on line. It was a kind of sustainability, open conversation and forum on. He talked about his experiences having seen the wastefulness, an environmentally unfriendliness that goes on at work on. But he had a very important point, which is that a lot of us are trying very hard to change our behaviors back home. But actually, when we get to work, that'll change is because our priorities might be quite different. What's the context of, uh, well, the NHS is responsible for 5% off the national carbon footprint UK on. In working for the NHS, we are partly responsible for that as well. The images has a commitment to becoming net zero by 2024 2040 which is fantastic. But if the employees uninvolved a stakeholders in that how how is that gonna happen. And so EKO's medics was born as a as a grassroots collective. To try and to try and improve. What we can do is employees in the workplace. And why is that important? Well, not only does the any chest and healthcare around the world having impact on the climate through its carbon up, but actually worsening climate change, increased pollution, increased greenhouse gases, then has a knock on effect on to the general population as well. For example, increased respiratory disease burden in society and the people who had impacted most of the people who necessarily might not be responsible for that carnal impact in developing countries. So it's very important that way. Address this kind of to weigh this to weigh approached in in sustained most health care. So with that in mind, with the idea that we, as medics on healthcare professionals, need to be kind of stakeholders in this carbon flesh on reducing carbon footprint at work we eat, a medics have come up with three East off off the genetics, so firstly, to educate, to raise awareness of all of what I said in above on, do more. We'll go into this in more detail in a bit to empower, to show people to show employees unpaid since how easy it could be to make change in the workplace and for us is equal medics to make it easier for you to do so, should you want to and finally to energize, to make it exciting, fun and attractive to get embedded into our portfolios. Trainees, on importantly, to keep it interactive and keep it free, Open access for any event that we do. So I'm just gonna go into those three. He's in a little bit more detail, so the first is educating. So back in 2020 the reason Nathan made that made that talk of the women conference was something you've seen in the workplace, where he was working in UCLA Church and I see you, and he noticed that it was a vast number of disposable paper and plastic cups and disposable coverage being used in start rest areas. That that was incredibly wasteful. This was in the midst of Cove. It So obviously there was a lot going on by way of single use stuff PT on DNA know kind of sharing calorie income. So there was that in the backdrop, but he decided to get in touch with procurement at, um, you see, like to find out how much was actually being spent on these items every year and how many items in used and the results were quite astounding, actually, that in you see, it's is trust between 2019 and 2020. You know, you can see those numbers for yourself, but it was pretty crazy how much was being used. So he wanted to sort of educate people at this conference about that. And he got us all talking about how you know, how about this isn't what we can do about it. And I'm coming on. Come on on to what we did about these particular figures in just a bit. Our main educational events so far has actually been a quite a large conference off. Nearly, I think, 200 attendees in May. This is a free virtual conference where we had speakers such a human gunnery. I see Consultant could have right jack of all trades, but very, very important in on the kind of sustainability from to healthcare. Um, and I talked from Rosman kissy Deborah's well, here is the mother off off lickety Deborah, who was the first? I think the first child to be to have died, unfortunately, from what it was asthma. But on the death certificate, there was a revolution on on one of the reasons that, um so that that went down very, very well on. We are going to try and commit to a free virtual conference once a year. We then had a talk or a workshop, even from Rosie's food, who wasn't able to join us today but is the education fellow at the Center for Sustainable Healthcare. And she did an interactive workshop about how we can actually, as medical trainees on wealth care professionals absolutely have the tools in place to make change of the workplace and have to do it in a effective on sustainable and long lasting way. And we do tend to do more of those of the teachers well. And finally, the PSA Virtual Coffeehouse. Now the PSA is the Society of arts on. We're very lucky that we actually our initial grant to get off the ground was given to us by the RS a very kindly on then Nathan and morning for four members, Grace 100 AM took part in a special coffee house off other people who, also being involved in the grunt process, received cross themselves. So all members were very keen to instigate social change in a variety of industries. And that was a chance for us to collaborate with other stakeholders patients who gave their their views on what we'll do. On one particular mentioned would be James Dixon, who was their sustainability director. And the new cars will trust so lots of educational events that we've been doing so far. Increasing awareness off these problems at hand on the next step is empowering, which is how can we actually do something about that? So our, um, just going back to what we were talking about earlier, you see a ledge on the amount of money spent every year on the East items, as well as the number of items spent. I then went and roll this out at a different different hospital within UCLA 10. It's also been rolled out of the way to turn, but I tried to make it easy for people to make the switch from disposable country and disposable plastic cups and baby cups by introducing it very slowly. So firstly, in January, in the midst of covert and second wave, we did waste free, Wednesdays said. Everyone stays every Wednesday, would put away the disposable plates, disposed, booked a disposable coverage and on drops on, uh, see, if people were able to bring in their own items on day surveyed them at the end of this time on it gone very well. So after waste three Wednesdays in in December, we did green January Onder very pleased to say that now we've got 33 separate sites to use elation one or Whittington, which have completely inland eliminated, um, the this type of disposable waste from the start rest areas. We then thought it may good idea to actually see what the effect on off disposable country in on day disposal Kataria and plates and cuts would be across the country. And so we did a freedom of information request to all trusts gathered a huge amount of data which has been calling the analyzed by six degrees Enbrel, which is a society could've think tank Stevie, Right. We've got that data now and where looking at writing it up and trying to publish it in the coming weeks to months on. Then we've got a website is well, which I'll come to you in a bit, but also trying to make it easy figure as individuals to make changes. Oh, so we've partnered up with Climate Hero, which is a essentially carbon footprint calculator on but the end of it calculated carbon footprint. Based on your results on Did it allows you to then offset with gold standard approved projects as well and finally tying into education. We also recognized the importance off the next generation of health professionals in driving this change. Um and so it's our mission to get every medical school in the country to develop, to create their own sustainability society on give them a Zico, medics give them the tools that they need to develop their own societies and develop their own projects. And very, very happy to say that. Actually, I saw Catherine destroying the the past, but Manchester Medical Store has just announced on publicizes it's PICO Medics Sustainability group, which is fantastic. So what I got from I'm looking forward to seeing what you have to offer more projects, you've got gonna happen again and then finally energizing. Um So, as I said, we're going to try and do what we've been doing in a kind of attractive interactive manner. On Go, We've got this social media page. Instagram's will be unmade social media outlets that moment. Azizi, PICO underscore medics with some great content being put out. Um, we've got a website which you can go Tonto Stockholder at UK On On that, you've got a bit of a summary of what I've been talking about so far. The access, the link to the climate zero carbon offset to as well as the link to our monthly newsletter, which I'll come onto in just a bit. But that's a real good chance to look at the coast wops. Hear about our latest work on any opportunities you might have to work with us on on there on the website is also our store Now that's not a non profit we were part about with sustainable, sustainable product ranges that we feel are good for the good for the planet. On doing so. The money that we generate from doing this goes back into projects and we're running is even medics on none of us get a slice that, as you see nation, we'll talk about the mass that we've got later on. We've got a fantastic range off multicolored key cups for you to your coffee said. And I think that brings me to the end of the the first section of this talk about what we've been doing so far. Um And so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna handle it. It's Lucy who's going to start the spotlight session where we talk about some of the great work that other societies and groups have been doing this. Well, thank you. Ah, rough. Thank you. You talk eso the if you just put the next line, please. Oh, that's the link to the newsletter. Perfect for the spotlight session on. And I would like to start with UCLA age. And the reason why were mentioning you see, a wage number one, I think, because that's where everything kind of started on. There was a time where Nathan me and are a pool working insulate on. That's why I would like to highlight some of the projects there actually running at the moment. The other reason is because you see a lady, Actually, they just declared climate and health emergency. It's a second trust in London that declared that emergency the first trust who did that was in 2019. It was New Castle, and the first one in London was Gosh, so, uh, we're very proud of you. See, a lady that they've managed to achieve this. Now, uh, the other thing that they managed to do is they set an ambition to reach zero in the next 10 years, and they actually produced an excellent 10 point plan. What is gonna happen about that? So the some of the most key improvements just mentioned on the slide. So they just installed over two million worth led lights in hospitals, and they're saving a lot of energy. They're currently using 100% renewable electricity on. They also switch to 100% recycled paper to very excited about that. Uh, the other thing they're planning is so they reduced their patient journeys by 50% on go overall. They're saving a lot of the saving a lot of trouble for patients hospitals. Uh, the other thing that's happening in there is, so they reduce the use of most harmful anesthetic gas, which is desperation. And they are encouraging the anesthetic department to use total intravenous anesthesia that they just purchased about 138 intravenous poems. There's a lot of other things going on in the pipeline, so they're planning to install solar panels, for instance on. But as I mentioned already there ambition is to be meds zero in the next 10 years. So lot sooner than the actual images plan. If you can just put the next slide off since we've got Zoey with us, whose emergence medicine register in rural free hospital. And you just like to mention a few words about the Arkan initiative the green 80 concept socially, if you're with us, yes, yes, thanks. So see how everybody I'll try and make this sound stampedes. So I'm just gonna explain a bit about what the green Edie framework is and how it came about and what the next step saw. Ah, and what's been going on with the the pilot project face, which is where we're at at the moment. Um so So agreement D is, um is a knish. It'd that we've started up a box come through our environment group, which was set up in 2019 after a small group of us Ah, emergency medicine junior doctors successfully lobbied the college to divest from fossil fuels and dick there climate emergency, which they did in 2019. And this part of that, they were saying on cable, what else do you want us to do? And we're like, Oh, well, set up an environment group so we can kind of take this, uh, all these aspects of this work in mobilizing specialty Fords on and so they did. So we have, ah environment Special Interest Group. And we didn't that we have the the green E d project, which is, um ah, National Working Group that's essentially set up to develop the framework, which is a set of operational standards for sustainable emergency medicine. I've got a very draft version of it behind me here on, um and you can see on the next couple of slides yet structured into these three different levels of phase ability, this is just a nymph, a graphic to kind of to picked some of our highlights criteria. And the idea is that it's a way to kind of help get everyone on the same page about what to do, where to start and what we can do is shut full staff in a kind of a clinical community, um, of somewhere like an e day. But the same sort of model could be applied to a different specialty, and and it's to kind of, ah, help provide a set of tools and methodology for both. Measuring and reducing the environmental impact of everyday departmental practice is covering various different categories that a part of the, um the broad plan to how to get to it a net zero and address. Um, so there's just in examples. They're, uh I weren't going in and into any detail about that the criteria, but ah, I just wanted to say that one of them is actually the EDI is working with the other departments, and I noticed that here we have, um, the knee statist consultant, pediatricians, pediatric surgeon, someone you night to you Is that the role free? Actually, with me, and and, uh, most was there, um, every spirit tree, uh, position. And I think that, um, that cross collaboration is really key because the sort of motto of think big start small scale quickly and the idea that will try. And we're trying to sort of standardized things where possible from the outset means that then we can scale of the efforts quickly. And so we keep our have that is actually all working together across specialties within different departments within the hospital. But then also, this broader climate health network which equal medics, is just being an integral part off. Ah, really, uh, setting up in generating momentum in the medical community. Um and, uh, yeah, I'm conscious. I don't have much time, So just, uh, you know, I'll leave the rest of Westchester is, but that I just sign posts to anyone's interested. That's our Twitter. And, um and that's Ah, that's our, uh, email for people that are interested in becoming a pilot side. What were broadly planning for the time timeline from here on in is to formally launch the framework in the project at the annual scientific conference, which is in about three weeks time on down. And by the end of the year, we will have wrapped up. The current phase of the pilot project was just happening at three different departments around Sorry for around the country, including the role free. And, um uh, with the learnings from the pilot side with, you know, what was what was possible. It wasn't how we got things done to try and create shortcuts for people to to implement criteria in the future, we're gonna kind of create a framework to 0.0. But in the meantime, between now and the end of the year, if anyone is interested in being a pilot site, um then, uh, then just getting in touch because we're gonna set up a serious of carnage. Different inner, no induction, but well, like just networking meetings, Teo, find out more about the project and and where to go from there. Amazing. Thank you. So you got that. I think that's really useful. Especially for the older people interested in, um but no, just about that. Because, you know, the eighties, it's really good hospital. So it's great to stay connected. I apologize for my head. Jealous? Just one. Could I just see one more thing? Sorry. We had a pilot launch in June, and then Dave from IKA. Medics came and I would recommend to people not in any GI context that engaging with them the EKG medics team has been really great for us in in the sort of staff engagement from and not only staff engagement but also, for instance, the plaques plastic cups Q I project that they developed were adapting to the E g context. And so I'd say I'd recommend to kind of know needy people that yeah, that that it's these guys a great to kind of help get things going and your own departments if I thank you. Uh, no, just a couple of other projects and groups. So for all the GP trainings and GP said, I think I've noticed is quite a lot of you guys in the audience. Um, I don't know whether you already know about Green a practice, but Green practice is a group of healthcare professionals working from London in primary care. So all all of you interested in that, please just go and have a look at their website is a lot of really great Resource is it's not just for the GPS and for the healthcare professionals. They have a whole section for patients as well, so they can read a bit about the environmental impact they can read about what they can do to kind of improve their carbon footprint, and there's a lot of really great resource is in there. There's a section for medical students as well. So again, for all the medical students would like to get involved, who are thinking about the GP career or just in general, looking for a green project just had to their website. Or you can actually email green or practice London a gym. It'll calm and they'll be very happy to get in touch with you on start a collaboration, really practice. They're actually improving, not only wariness off the climate emergency, but they're also creating some excellent projects, and they're implementing them into various GP practices. Some of the projects worth mentioning is one of them is actually from sport. I think it is that it's pretty much similar to what's happening in an E, and then you see a legend everywhere else. We're encouraging no only stuff members but also patients to choose a more sustainable drawn sport to the hospital sent to their appointments. It's not just for the environment, but it's also good for your health. So please do that if you can, uh, the other thing to mention so air pollution. There's a lot of information about evolution and the Harvard dimension. Rosalind and she. She saw it from percent how evolution can have effect on your health. So there's a lot of information they website all that as well. And then just another listen project about community gardens. So one of the GP practice is set up a community garden with a lot of vegetables and kind of herbs and food, which are growing. And they received funding for that, and they had a lot of volunteers working on that. And it's actually the food that they get from the garden is being donated for free. But that's just another idea how to improve, um, the sustainability. So if you are GP trainees, please have a look at their website or send them an email. Uh, if I can just have the next slide or off. So the next next group is a gasto. It's greener Anesthesia and sustainability project. It was started by to anesthetic trainees in London on Do you conjoined them on a mission which is very similar to ours, So they'd like to reduce the environmental impact off health care in the UK and beyond know Justin on aesthetics, bottles and surgery because that's very falsely connected. I've just put a couple of notes at the bottom about a couple of their projects. Eso one of them is reducing the youth of volatile and aesthetics and, again, desflurane and natural socks side on, basically encouraging departments to use total intravenous anesthesia. Now the other great project that they have, in some interest a couple of the trusts. It's the theater shutdown checklist, so it's actually very simple checklist, and it's just couple of things that it needs to be done at the end of your regular or emergency list. And actually, if you do that, you just saved a lot of energy for your trust. UH, two more projects. So one of them is about reducing broke waste in theaters. So as I'm sure you are aware about all the drugs that we have to have ready for every every surgery, and it's not just the ones that are used for the procedure itself, there's a lot of emergency drugs. We have to prepare for every case, and then a lot of the times, unless that have been used, they just get disposed so the other project back aren't working on is to arrange prefilled syringes, so if they're not use, that can be used for the next time. So this is another excellent project. There's a lot more going on on the left side and then old information. So feel free to have a look through all that and have a bit of a read. And there is really great called her. She just wanted to mention So we are the first generation to feel the effects of climate change on the last generation. We can do something about it by Barack Obama. So I think that's really powerful. And there's ah, again old teachers about gas so you can look up or their twitter a pound there instagram and you could just had to their website again. Plenty of information. And if you're interested in all of that, if you're doing on aesthetics of surgery, please register for their free event in October. And if you've got a green project going on, you can submit a poster or you end. The deadline is end of September and you can have that on the con. 2021 to please have a look for that. So I think I think now we're gonna and over to Nathan to take over for the for the rest yourself. Every game got myself off me. So thank you so much. Arable see and very for all of that so far. Absolutely. Yeah, it's great to hear about all of the amazing work is being done across the NHS. I think we're so often bombarded with horror stories around climate change on this sort of diabolical Armageddon type situation that we all feel like we're facing. And sometimes it can feel quite hopeless. And But, you know, if you look at the bright spots and you look hard enough, there's there are so many examples of what being done, you know across the NHS, across organization's a coming together to try and reach the next cereal agenda on the NHS, being the first trust in or the first country in the world to announce it's plans to become an exterior healthcare system. It's really exciting to be a part of that journey on trying to get us all towards that same goal. So in terms of what's in the pipeline, we've got a few things that we want to be doing as economics, any society, quite new group on. We've been doing a few things that hot, but some people are wondering what's next for your medics on. So I just want to come back to the three East that are mentioned earlier. So firstly is to educate on this will be in the form of an annual conference. Virtual webinars such as this one on it will be to educate the wider publicas well, so we've got some open letters that we're thinking about. We've got some media publications, for example. The numbers that we found when we looked at the NHS is a hole with regards to single use. Catering waist was actually quite astonishing On the NHS was spending almost 5 million lbs the air on 220 million cups. She's almost a quarter of a billion on That's just in an HS acute trust say that doesn't include any of the non icky trust any of the mental health trust any of the GI people axes any of the cost is or Starbucks that are franchised into hospitals doesn't include any of that is just the NHS acute trust, sending almost a quarter of a billion cups to landfill every single year, which is absolutely shocking on s. So we're working with a group at the press associations. Hope you get something out about that in the next few weeks. So educating is one of the things that we're going to be doing. We're also going to be empowering people to take action. So there are There are people who are interested in sustainable healthcare but don't necessarily know that much about it. They'll benefit from our educational events. But once they feel like they understand the topic and it recognize how urgent is they might want to do something about it and to actually take action to make a difference on. That's where we see our empower sort of, um, pillar of what we do coming into play. And so that's all about making it easy for people who decided they want to make a difference. Toe actually make a difference on that might take different forms, depending on what area you working on, what stage in your career you're at? You know, if you're a hospital director, it might be very easy. You can just sort of mounts. Um, budget cuts in some places, you know, around paper cups, for example on. But most of us aren't in that position. And so we've got certain QP banks. So, for example, everything we did with the coffee Cup project with we formed into templates downloadable email templates, posted templates, you know, slide shows that could just be edited to make it really, really easy to do. The project in your own trust on will be hopefully launching other Q I, P's and similar template format. Soon. We've also got a how to guide sort of a step by step approach and how to form a sustainability society on Manchester Economic Society. Set up just in the last couple of weeks, which is absolutely fantastic on, we want to see all of the other medical schools around the country on nursing schools and physique schools, all of them Try and Teo create groups. Ideally, collaborative groups to tackle sustainability on Dino Manchester have done that. I'm sure Catherine can tell us on the cure inhibit later if you're up for it, but I'm sure there are some multi disciplinary members of that group already, which is great and their thing is sustainable products say this is kind of two fold. So one of the one of the benefits of having some products that were selling his economics is to support the activities were doing so it's all in a non profit basis. So any money we make gays into funding things like our zoom account in our website to Maine hosting on things like that. But we also have one of our core values, and that's our commitments in that we're not going to launch any products that on immediately having an impact on the A general we're trying to make. So, for example, each cup that we sell well, then hopefully reduce the number of cups going to until by a roughly 300 per year, which is a huge amount of people use their cups most days at work and potentially more if you're on average coffee drinker, which a lot of us probably are on. Go on, for example, the mask, so each one of the masks are produced by revolutions zero. Their type two are set surgical mask. They are fluid resistant and their C E marks there currently in used by five NHS acute trust and a couple of ambulance trust. Well, each mask can be used 40 times, so that that actually saves a huge amount going to waste. We had our first batch a couple of months ago, which was 200 masks on. They sold out in weeks, which was very much quicker than we were expecting. But if you take those 200 masks and thank you one being used 40 times, that's already 8000 mass that have been prevented from going to the landfill, which is great on last. Need to sign post and share information on. That's kind of the idea of events like we have today. There are so many great groups out there green, a practice greeny d gasped. You are doing later. Amazing work on. We want to be able Teo sign post people to those different areas on groups you know, as as appropriate on. The last thing is about energizing people. So we're very aware that sustainability and healthcare can be an incredibly boring topic if it's done badly. But it could be a really exciting topic if it's done well on one of the things that we are determined to do is to make sure that we never drown in bureaucracy and we know getting statistics. But we actually tried to keep it interesting and exciting. We want people to feel like that. It's it's an exciting area to be a part of. It really is. You know, it's one of the according to the wh oh, it's one of the most important health issues facing humanity over in our lifetime in our career on as healthcare professionals, our primary reason for existing and working is to try and keep people healthy and try and help people to lead better lives. So if we're ignoring sustainability and the impacts that we as healthcare professionals are having on the planet, then we're not really doing our job properly in a way. So I think it's a really exciting area to be a part of on. We're going to try and keep it interesting through what we do is equal medics, and that might be three Social media campaigns might be through our newsletter. So, um, they've been sending out some great news letters every two weeks on the Sunday sends out a short read on you can sign up by hitting newsletter dot ico medics Dougherty Okay, on. He'll put in some links to, um, you know, podcast that we found interesting a social media place found interesting. It will give a a bit of an overview of what we've been up to, maybe what some about other societies have been up to on also, any opportunities to get involved with certain projects and things like that and the new collaborations. So is part of that news after, well, sometimes we will suggest ecos wops. So that's where we have found a product that we think makes it really easy for you to become a little bit more sustainable. One of our favorites at the moment is that who gives a crappy role? So if you haven't heard about it, it's Ah you roll that's made from sustainable bamboo. It's delivered in a couple blocks and a big load of roles at zero plastic waste, their carbon neutral and all their delivery on. They donate 50% of their profits to supporting um, access to sanitation in developing countries around the world say they're supporting one of the United Nations sustainable development goals. There are well, so well sometimes highlight products like that in our newsletter so it can help you be that little bit more sustainable and then running interactive workshops to help you get your own ideas off the ground on so on to the next lied, um, lastly, just the quick bit about the economic shop. So if you are interesting getting a mask, it's actually a really, really great conversation started that I found. So you wear one at work and people say, Oh, what's your mask? And it gives you an inlet to talk about sustainable healthcare, Um, on dmard more comfortable than the surgical mask, and you just took it in the wash when you get home. So really great, we've got the next batch arriving in a couple of weeks so you can go to the website. If you want to an order now or this evening on, Do you expect him to send out quite quickly because we've had a lot of pre orders, so don't miss out on there on. Then there's the keep cups, a swell, so they are in a range of colors. There's six different colors on. The reason we went for these colors is to represent the rainbow on. There's a couple of different reasons for that. So essentially one of the reasons is the NHS rainbow that has come about over the last year with the public support for the NHS. Um, which is sadly, seems to be dwindling a little bit now, but hey, and that's another story. But then also the fact that each color each cup in its own right is just the color. But when all of the colors come together, it forms the rainbow. And I think that's sort of really speaks to our you know, our mission of a collective individual action. Come really make a difference when it comes to sustainability and healthcare on. Lastly, if you don't really want any of those things, but you fancy being generous, you can always give us a little donation by buying the coffee so you can head to our website to find that, as I said, it's all non profit. So all of the purchases will be going to a good cause and reducing the waist, and that's enough plugging. It always makes me feel really awkward plugging our products, but it's for a good cause. There has to be done the last bit is about joining our team. So we've bean four of us on and grace on. But my who with us before being working really hard on this in our free time. Um, over the last year on, we're looking, expanding our team say this will be to help with organizing events, help with our products. Um, help with our social media and all of that on allow us to focus on some other bigger projects as well. So over the next few weeks, we will be advertising. Are new committee structure on? We'll be looking to fill fill those rolls from events officers, the marketing officers on. It would be absolutely amazing to get some of you on board joining the team on do yeah, helping us to push the Nets area agenda. And they'll be open to literally anybody from medical students to Teo Consultant, pediatric surgeons. Teo, respect us A chose physios. Nurses, anybody? Um, Andi. Also, before we go, don't forget to sign up to the newsletter because that's where we will be advertising the committee rolls. That's newsletter dot ico medic, stockholding. Okay. And follow our social media at ICO. Underscore medics on Twitter linked. Um, Andi, Uh, instagram. Uh huh. Just to to to you. So you should follow us. We'd love to have you join our team on. We're now going to move Teo question and answer. So it doesn't necessarily have to just be questions for us. If you've got an idea that you want to share. We're very keen for this to be a sort of a bit more of an April floor discussion. I'm aware that we've gone over time a little bit, so we're trying to wrap things up. It's seven in just over 15 minutes. Um, but yeah. If anyone wants to ask a question, feel free to pop it in the chart. I see that bean some already. Um, alternatively, just a neat yourself Pop on camera. We love to say hello on board. Take from there. Actually, just before we do that, I'm going to do the feedback thing. Or a bit later. That's next word. Let's do that afterwards. Let's fire away with the Q and A and see if anybody wants to say hello, Andre, tell us what's on your mind and just a couple of things from the chaps. So and If you're interested about the project template, you're happy to send it to you through an email at the moment because we don't have it on our website yet. They will be coming. Yeah, just appeared in The chat is from Vienna and she's recommending center sustainable healthcare and they've got some excellent course is apparent in there. So Onda have a look on their website. We were hoping to do a spotlight. A couple of slides from the C S. H as well, but weren't able to in the end but way have be rosy spirited. A talker a few a couple months ago on my mind this is spotlight session number one. So there is room to spotlight some of the other amazing work on. You know, some organizations that come to mind are the center for stable health care. Here we did reach out to you and didn't get back to us. Unfortunately, on this occasion on, there's doctors for extinction rebellion as well. Obviously the work they're doing is sometimes controversial, but, you know, very important in this collective progress towards Net zero on. Then there's the things the Yorkshire ambulance trusted. That's the one a Lexus personal is that he's been doing some incredible work as well. So that'll probably be in our next spotlight session. Um, s so stay tuned for that. And if you've done anything that you feel could be spotlight, it's then please get a touch. Yeah, definitely. Card of medical school. We could imagine them as well. They got rid of all of their coffee cups on also, they're tiny, tiny little cow milk, single use plastic things which are disgraceful. They got rid of that, so that was great. And we also have, ah, message from mentions to be committed society. They just share their instagram page in the chat, and, uh, they already have 50 in the 15 students who are part of the team. So nice Clint uses well, Catherine loves who gives a crap. Zero is great quality. I congratulate that. I've been using it for ages, and it is very good quality. Very soft. Um, se Does anybody have any other? Any questions or ideas they want to share a being. I know you've mentioned a couple of things about sustainable healthcare Center. Sanibel Healthcare. Did you want to come on camera or chapter? Tell us a little bit about it all. Absolutely no pressure. You can just hit and know in the chart if you don't want to. Yeah. Uh, every day I see a friendly face, I am being a Yeah, I just started working and one of the chief sustainability officers clinical fellows, which is a new drug that's been created on any chest England with green and HS. So, yeah, just been right Just a week and a half now. So thank you. Yes, it's really exciting learning a lot. You have really recommend the courses at C. S. H. And also yeah, just posted that there's a future learn. I'm sorry. Future MHS that form where there's, like discussion boards and stuff. So yes, Good. If you want to ask any questions or just see what people are talking about hazing and those courses are they? They have a range, of course, is that they're sort of short courses, too long courses of their free ones and paid for ones. Or do you know what the setup is at the CSH year? Most of them are sort of one day of which half a day is he learning, and then half a day is like You have some small groups and you can talk about in a Q ideas you have. And then the people from the center can kind of, um, support and and give their ideas and stuff as well. So it's really good. I've been on one and getting a ritual at the moment. It's our original. Is it virtual? Yeah, and I think some of them are paid for. But you know, that's a fantastic way to use up your study budget. If you are training on, some of us have sex. Don't have much of a study budget, unfortunately, but if I did, I would be all over. Days, Of course, is great. Thanks so much for you. Don't appreciate that. No worries. Um, Catherine said she is currently driving back from placement, a bit of a throwback for anyone who have qualified on but just Teo because you mentioned her name a couple times. A Catherine is the person who set up the Manchester Economic Society on Is the first Economic Society out. There were no sort of linked in any way, but it's an E t. But on on board with this whole week. Um e k agenda. I'm say we're hoping to see a couple of other medical school spring up there in society soon. I know. Bristol. Insulins. You've got some some good work in the pipeline, Andi. Yeah, just Well, I'm Catherine. That's really awesome. You got that off the ground and everyone going follow at Manchester. I'm just got economic society to see what they're up to you. And since I don't have a another notice, drug has raised his hand. So yeah, a friend I got so recently. Well, certainly haven't been inspired by your guys Work and talks and such. I try to engage my own trust, which is essentially entirely Naito all of this stuff. Wow. Where do you work that? I worked in Liverpool's FT. So this my hospitals entry? Uh, they well put it this way. The sustainability team that has no connection, really weak finishes that they're undergoing, remember, You know, whatever the aim is to kind of get the two kind of more into linked and certainly have spoken with the post graduate lead in terms of getting cured eyes done with the f fine, But the thing is obviously like, uh, getting all of this done in together on interlinked bit challenging. So do you have any advice in terms of actually getting trusts or education leads on board on, you know, getting some practical bottom up on top down involvement? So that's, you know, we can all me in the middle of this, and that's a really good question. It's something that I struggled with initially at Easter. Later. Well, it was something I sort of mentioned it. So one of the nurses, Teo, the brakes coordinator I dated wired right thumb anyway, on them when the consultants, I kind of got palmed off each time. So what I what I did and this is just what I did other people might have different and tactics is that I just made a Google survey. So let's just went one Teo Gmail account. The Eagle Drive created a form and create a survey which basically asked questions Such a Z, what is your view about sustainability? And we can I can share the survey with, If you want, you can just copy it in the template format, and it was occasion saying, you know, um, do you feel like there's a department are doing enough about sustainability. Do you think we should be doing more? You know what? Your ideas Bubble bubble bar. And it's really interesting when I sent that survey out just around the mailing list that I got the administrative center on mailing list and it found something like 92% including, you know, nurses, matrons, consultants, junior doctors, everyone who's working that part Mint very much supported the sustainable agenda. Um, most of the people thought we weren't doing enough. And so with the results of that, it doesn't make it so that didn't take much work. I did that in like, an hour on the night shift on D and, you know, getting the results. That means you can just show it to whoever you don't talk to on. Only that need is one or two more senior people on board. So usually getting a consultant, um, is usually very helpful, and they'll generally be pretty hands off. They'll say, Great. I support it, you know, crack on, you do it. But it means you've got someone to that and see, see and to anemia if you want to. Someone who's who's on board with you, um, on. I think it's about sort of generating a little bit of momentum. You know, show showed that your boston is that people are interested, get a couple of important people on board, usually like a consultant. And, um, Matron is a pretty good starting point on then and then, yeah, you can. You can almost show that your your trust level that you're interested in. Well, by asking, you know, if you do that survey, you can then ask them on in anemia. Say, Hey, I've done the survey about sustainability. The hospital I'd love to present it to you guys on. Then, you know, you could even present it to them and night, and then it sort of it opens up that dialogue a little bit more. And that was kind of what we did at UCLA, and it seemed to really help. And then they they've been inviting us to all of their green direct board of directors meetings and all sorts of things I'm leaving last year on. Do you know, they seem to have been really grateful to have clinicians action taking an interest before they felt like they were saying, Hey, let's make things more sustainable. And I'm just getting red tape off the red tape. Where clinicians, We're just chatting away all their ideas. So they were certainly grateful to have us on board. You know, I know it would show up the time of doing drugs, but in terms of who actually distributed this survey like, uh, did you do it Kind of did the sustainability department at UCLA to do that. Or did you kind of you about, um, with spoken to the thing? Yeah, I say that that was through the S. So that was within the department. So it just made the link, basically made a QR code and put it on the poster and stuffing up on, then made a bit me link. A short linked teo got the lights. That thing is the rate of your nature of the department manager to just send around to the madness. And then the other thing I said younger is more of groups of people on that survey, the better. And even if it involves people who are involved indirectly with your department such a way found in in usually it's like getting infection control on our side. was incredibly important because we realized that that would be a big barrier in the middle of cove. It and so actually getting infection control say, Yeah, actually, we think what you're doing is a good idea. Was who jumped through before, before the rent. It could even be put up around it on. So one of the other things we found is getting people's ideas. For example, in the cups, a lot of people suggested dishwashers. So again, I sort of thought, Well, get rid of that idea before it springs up. So I spoke Teo procurement about a dishwasher, and they told us how much it would cost and what kind of program would have to be on on then. There was a lot of problems of who loads and unload the dishwasher. And I would say, You know, this isn't really a viable solution. Say, I think surveys a nice place to start for sure hope. Hopefully that helps and give you some ideas on. If you want to know what I think, be honest, I'm going to be on is like we were already thinking about distribute something like that already. So right on previously always uh, not getting too much response because it was being done by managerial folks. And yeah, I think we do it from the ground up. Maybe it's about responsive, and certainly that I think you're pretty done great. If you want a job or just drops animal on hello at economics. Not that you cannot go back to me and you record in touch anyway. So that is that. Is that something quickly? Briefly, I'd say also to get in touch with the acute 18 because you I can really be a way. It's quite well results within trusts. And does these guys have pointed out that the Q I, um, Project bank and that's what we're developing. Two of the roll free. I'm actually being made a clinical fellow in Queue I the sustainability within my trust. So on the Health Foundation has issued a relatively recent pretty ah, easy to read overview off Q. I this year that includes sustainability is like the seventh pillar of Q I. So from what I've been doing with engaging without cue I people, they that to Benical we should definitely add sustainability is the seventh. You don't Yeah, so I think it's It's definitely a way that I'm that you can kind of get support. Resource is and, you know, and plug in to, um to what the Yeah, to connect those dots, I guess, to train sustainability and Q I within the hospital and get someone on board, and it's less bigoted. You've got someone with you is gonna help you with that. Because if it just one person gets really lonely. And I think this is how we started cecum medic. Because I've noticed anemic from Nathan that I just thought, This is like a really good project. Why don't we just get in touch? And this is where he left. So I just feel like if you've got someone else was excited about this topic, and I'm sure they'll be loads of people Just get in touch and ones is more of you. It just gets easier. Yeah, that's a That's a good word. Advice. They're drunk or a swell, you know, get don't tackle this alone. Get someone would be equally passionate, Um, about it just on the chart has been a great little partnership. That's just a form which is nice. So New Orleans has said she from Newcastle. Sustainable medics looking for someone who can involve students and sustainable Q Y on We have time here is, um, working nights and you're on a stable product at the moment, So it's great to see you guys connecting up. One thing might be worth considering doing is actually seeing if there's any way to link in the Sustainable Medic Society in with the Q I department at the hospital. Because then that might be a conversation that can happen so that, you know, I know the key. Wide parts are always looking for people that actually do their projects. So if they can sort of tap into the resource off the sustainable Medic Society, that might be something that's worth exploring on. Just night is put out there. And another question, the chat So Jessica is asking is that they've got an option for reusable must and buys Ear's. And then she's asking about any options for reserve aprons. And I know Nathan did quite a bit of research, and yeah, it was. It was something. I looked up before cups. Turns out it was a little bit trickier. There are various options for a prince So, actually, the difficult thing is having ones that are approved by the trust on the thing that was really challenging during cave. It was the fact that any chest procurement became Contrave sourced. So there was an NHS hub for procuring thing say hostels weren't actually responsible for procuring their own pee pee for much of cave in. So when I read respect to use elation persuaded them to, um, switch over to these occipital greater belabor. They said, great love the idea. But we've got a pre order of, like, two million make a print or something that we need to get three first, um, so in terms of reasonable aprons, and that's where the aprons are actually useful, a tall anyway is another argument. Um, but the aprons there are a couple of options s Oh, I know evolutions zero who produce the mask. Do you have a reasonable apron? Which is wipeable, um on There are also biodegradable aprons available from I think they're called G e health, but not the it's the case. He dropped me a message on her like that up again, and the thing to always very mind with things like reusable aprons. Reasonable vices. I'm asking all that kind of thing. Is thinking bit beyond just the product itself? Didn't say. For example, what is the? If you're going to use a reusable apron, what is the environmental impact off producing that happen in the first place and what happens to it at the end of its lifespan? And secondly, what happens every time you use it? Presumably you're gonna have to wipe it down. So unless it so if you're using a clinical white, you know, what's the impact of a criminal white versus a plastic apron? So it certainly is not quite so black and white with things like that. But it's really good to be to be thinking about that sort of thing. Unfortunately, no straightforward answer. Yeah, and if it's biodegradable and you to a clinical waste bin that, let me know if you're at the end of your kind of two shifts that have used it or something. Well, it actually get VitaCraves. Indeed it is. I did a disgusting amount of weight looking into this, and, um, it's an interesting area and no clear answer, unfortunately. Great. See, there's a whole set of Birmingham Healthcare Sustainability Society started earlier this year so that that Earth recess team, great name on social media really shot up to the urgency of the situation with the recess team. Um, and that 3. 60 My Gmail don't come Any of those questions? They just get a little Sullivan. She's ounce case anyone's pushing for more bigger than plant based food for patients and staff. More local food. It's a really good question, and I think we already thought about it and you see, like, just well and we're kind of thinking where to start, So I think, yeah, I mean, that's That's a really, really, really important project that I'm really keen Teo push at some point, and if another group gets around to it before I stand, that's fantastic. You guys can create some templates, which we can copy, but something that to really nice ideas that come to mind are trying to do something like meat free Mondays. And if you could even do meet three Mondays for inpatient meals, that'll be amazing. Um, I think you know, it's absolutely possible. It just need someone to pick up the phone and get on the phone to the catering department and start opening that conversation or meat free Mondays in the canteen or in cost or whatever cost is not gonna do it for get them on on another really, really good product to suggest. Actually, at the moment is all plants. So if anyone is not come across all plants there, a fantastic company that I've been using for all my meals at work for quite some time now say they are basically entirely plant based meals that are microwavable or even able on they, But they come frozen, say, store them in the freezer so it's actually fresh food, which means it's not full of, you know, a artificial junk. It's actually fresh free that comes frozen on their delivery. Packing's really good. There's no plastic in it whatsoever on the cardboard box, and the insulation stuff and everything you based just put it back on, and they include a return label so you can send it straight back to them and they reuse it. And they do reuse the boxes, and sometimes the boxes arrive pretty battered on Great. It means you can just grab one of those meals out the freeze, its take it to work trouble in the fridge and microwave it on. Then all of the packaging is recyclable as well. So I just took it back on my lunch bag with the country. Bring it home or she can recycle it. So it means that my meals are completely effortless at lunch. I'm not going to cost a row MNS and buying. Um, you know, I'm eating stuff. I never really, really tasty. So if he haven't tried them, try a little ants. They are so good, recommendable. And for more great Sox like that, obviously sign up, twenties letter and those Russians because I think probably ist couple minutes 47 now. So yes, this is This is it. See you back Slide Sounds good. Yes. A posted the link in the chat. And then there's just one more message from allergies, which is saying that great Ormond Street has stopped using aprons and nonsteroidal glass for anything unless patient infectious. And that was a great big project there and miss it reduced the numbers off gloves and apron used. That's amazing. I would be would be really interesting bit more about that, actually, because I know certainly a lot of hospitals are still following public health England advice, which is to assume everyone has cave it until proven otherwise, even after being proven otherwise. To be fair on diet does feel utterly ridiculous wearing an apron to see every single patient, So yeah, and it would be great if you could get in touch drops in my head about economics. Okay, Okay. I'm Do you want to put the link to their feedback for me? Try a little bit of a check. Uh uh. Trying that classic are of useless. So there's a feedback formers hosted by metal, which is also really great organization that is trying, Teo, make access to healthcare education. Really effortless. So if you go to that link, you can either get a bit a bit dot l y slash economics Oh, 9 21 for September 2021. Or just scan like you are, kid. And once you filled in the feedback form that will automatically generate your city good. Which he a attendees. But be great if you could get that done. And it can help us improve our vents for for next time. And if anyone doesn't have any more things they want to discuss or talk about, then of see, just drop us an email. I think I've said the my address, like, 5000 times, but, hey, one last rites. Hello? At, like, rheumatic stockade. Okay. Yeah. Any hills was finding on Instagram and Twitter and even messages there as well. So that should be pretty straightforward and stuff. Yeah, well, Nathan, like, close up then. Just as a big, big thank you to everyone who's come, even if you are. I know some people are night shifts and just being it's been on in the background. So thank you so much for making efforts. Come sign up to the news letter from or from, or tune it, ease in the future. More events that always going to be free and open access on. Be excited to see you at whatever Then we have on next. But thank you very much. Take care, guys.