Ear, Nose & Throat Surgery: Miss Natasha Keates
This on-demand teaching session is relevant to medical professionals and will explore NTI, the variety of surgeries and procedures it offers, why it is enjoyable, and it also covers work-life balance and the benefits this specialty offers. Attendees will get to understand the complexities of managing ENT patients and have a chance to learn about the capabilities of ENT surgeons and the newer technologies used in surgery. It will be an overview of the whole ENT specialty that will provide insight into its great variety and complexity.
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the key aspects of an ENT role that can provide work-life balance and satisfaction
- Understand the interdisciplinary collaboration within ENT
- Recognize the various tools and gadgets used within ENT
- Appreciate the complexities of the ENT specialty to diagnose and treat various conditions
- Appreciate the importance of timely diagnosis and management of ENT emergencies to reduce mortality.
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I had to talk to about NTI most of a biased. I think it's brand new and lots of reasons why I chose and why I like it on, um, like with all these talks we could let you talk about How is an arrow is about the Internet. It's all the operations, and he does. This was literally just be a taste of the clinical images are all very, very well off Google I take no, I take no, uh, credit for them. I'm looking here is also for your eye. So they're no no non medical images of my okay, So moving on TNT on the same photo from, uh if you see this is the view from the beach. I'm staying in Cornwall. Was that 20 minutes from the driver? I'm working. So the advantage of anti is that you could do it actually, every DJ virtually every hospital in the country. So if you have a nice place, you want to live and you want three and t you can do it. So it's all about work pants or something like that. So I'm anti being in nose and throat. This is ah, a graft from messily, which shows overall satisfaction. Workload. I'm like, Well, why you're showing me this tachyons? She's for me in the middle of that but it shows very high work, very high satisfaction for lower work clothes and some of the other surgical ones that run higher. So plastics, high nasal medicines higher. Told you authority. So they will have. So we have quite a nice work. Life, balance, life, I think like the mass worst mentioning also, uh, high up in happiness on the likes of general surgery and things like that. But not that I'm trying to start a specialty ward is very much like my machine on being a funeral surgeon were quite a high percentage. A few more training. I think that's the balance, the fact that will generally quite nice. We'll focus on good training, enjoying yourself getting most out of it. It's quite sessional work on the on calls on the arduous. So this is sort of the little post finishing 2020 which is the percentage of our females consultants wouldn't specialty. There are a lot more female trainers are consulting. I think that's been a very quickly swing further up as we go So for those who aren't few mother, the audience. This is still relevant to you because those sorts of things show, um, a Procrit nissen of training and workout balance and happiness and also flexibility in training. If you want to have a port, throw your career or, um, take our leading roles in your home life. Yeah, do you sort of things? Eso It's not just earwax and tonsils, though. I'm very happy with that sort of thing. You can do anything from Skull Base so that the natural So my boss is due joints during operations with the neuro surgeons that used to that natural side of things. You could do lots of facial plastic surgery and write a person's and complex reconstructions. You can work with your plastic surgery and Max Axe colleagues or more complex things like that. You can do a high level pediatric surgery, and you didn't do implants and complex airways. You can do have neck with the likes of fancy, very bots and laser. You can do voice and complex areas that might need a voice consulting this point. It did my first time getting a note allergy conduce implant, You're out to improve people stages of life of the hearing and help engage with life is much they can on, and you have my knowledge, and you could do the skull base surgery from that side of things you can do to measure. You can just improve people's lives after trauma Newell to deal with people with complex medical conditions such as, um, chronic inflammatory conditions lately to politicians like cystic fibrosis. So you could manage all those sorts of things are a Shinto age rights from the moment of life or earlier to the end of life way have quite a lung cohort, um, of patients usually, and it's quite high. Turnover is quite nice of your short attention span like myself, with working conditions like so in the reason I like in tears is really practical. Sequelae either. Correct surgery is an S H O is you're in clinic. You're still mostly just chatting, maybe doing one or two things and everything and be done. There's an outpatient and not by ourselves. Whereas from the moment I sent to the ent is left to, we're always doing something practical clinic. There's microsection. You can put your, um, it's and in clinic. You could do hearing test. You can treat it stacks ist you do reviews you scoped patient so much, scoping a long time and just do that every day in clinic. And it's really pat school, really, and a nice variety, which were one of the highest outpatient work, clothes and surgery. About 70% which is nice. Then you could be a bit more. It's national news things around. You can also do rural connects, going out smaller places to do clinics and just outreach that way. So that's really nice, if you like a more sort of, ah, rule medicine. Bind on this is significant medical element to ent. So if you want to do be more complex or far cover than I am on, you can take that along with those joints care of complex medical pensions. Generally, the operating is very planned, mostly elected, mostly day case, which means it's very easy to plan life around it. I have lots of the male consulted take on a childcare rolls because they know they can rule us plan their days well around now, which is excellent. The murder see workload depending on the center and how many hospitals you cover on the whole head stays quite right. Intensity Moon resident on calls. But when things go wrong, they go dramatically, impressively wrong. And that's quite fun. Me and he has little emergency work never would be quite well stated. Those who want to live a professional portfolio tight life when you want to see. Oh, but it's not all wax and early finishes, A comes first and everything for maybe CD trachea. Last two. Chris A comes first, and we are the airway surgeons do, um, and so even those at all into you just off doing clinics or they're just taking tops without, But when everything goes wrong, we are called on. We generally help on Were very nice that we do it. We went through things across the room, but you on will be supportive of all about training. And that's what I'm like as an ethos. So I like surgery every opportunity and surgeries. A training opportunity. Most certainly anti. I really like that. I love the multidisciplinary work of the Antichrist. Work nutrition's with any with any success very closely. So shed airway practitioners. I just think it's funny, um, and I very rarely have been shattered up. And he certainly I'm sure my only count on one hand will be made to feel less than happy with other kinds of surgeons. I know that's very center based on very individually based on the whole were quite my I think there's some pros is to give an idea since the baby on the right who has a, um uh unfasten canal. Formacion has a truck either. So we do things like exit procedures before the baby has been disconnected. Mom will come in and help support the airway with that sewing. You do that one away from time games all the way up. So that also the other like that I don't there with a trucking. So we are, Yeah, every surgeons, we we help electively our technicians. Righty. But we're also there when it all goes well, does the fancy robot surgery so I don't in my region. But if that's the old bag of tricks, you confined robots, you could find ladies. They provide all the gadgets in mind. When I was trying to decide what I wanted to deal, I was like, I want a we got It's possible by China, Orthopedics, urology and ent. And I like the work. My balance of the ent, but also off the sheer number of gadgets is just wonderful. Have you ever looked at the Otology Theater set? The amount of stuff on there is just incredible, and I like us. If anatomy is more your bag, it's just beautiful. Area could confuse you with nerves and vessels and muscles and also too complicated. I know and after me all over the body is quite impressive. Between this and the skull base on the sciences and everything working to get it. It's beautiful. It's complex if it I think it's quite inspiring if you like that sort of thing. So if that's if that's what you want to what beautiful and after me walk into a theater to a neck dissection, I'd how I did be hard pressed to find anything more wonderful. Yeah, also, some routine things is my particular bunk bear. So we see a lot of actors, faxes, um, on day, something very annoyed by that, but I think it's also very important. So if you're not, if you're so insulted, if it's that some of your sitting there eating or lunch drinking tea thing. I'm really gonna listen to this country. And he said, And I I want you to remember one thing if you're going to learn it, which is that 60% of people experience, um, no speed in their lifetime. It's questions. 10% of those people require medical intervention. Easy New case. That's what 25,000 people every year presents today. Any chest with the nose, the lots of will be on the wall with patients that you're managing half of them will be on a blood thinner, which makes a slightly more complex on. If you present for the next access, you have a 3.4% chance of dying within 30 days. That is it, because the mismanagement it is a marker of failed on my particular bug grows out. Stroke has an entire specialty, and they have a 30 day month kind of about 10%. Hit factors are managed to get, um, clones and lovely medics and to come in to take care of their patients. And they have. Ah, there's a mortality 6% so we still have a reasonable mentality, but we manage all there are cells, and maybe that'll scare you weigh when you collect site you with the complexity of managing these things. But if you learn nothing today but this I always just want you to remember when you see that pool patient in the market available being ignored with that and that had for 12 hours it's a warning sign. Please help. You can get someone to do so. That's my little little teaching moment for you today. Why did I want to do ent? I have a very short attention span, so I like variety. So, like I did, um, list on Thursday where we did some Sinus serve. You did some grommets who took the tonsils out. It was a nice variety still, within the three months of ENT, but you're not going to do. But that coli after that coli answer that Curly also that coating. And that's fine. And it's different, different things to different people. So I like that Rieti As a DJ age consultant, you can easily do a bit of head neck a bit of years and a bit of nose is just to keep your variety. And if you want to be the left step it actually surgeon for the under 12. You can also do that if you want to really, really specify it. It's not. That's fine. It's very practical tomorrow like it and I love treating Children. So I always impressed by Omar's talks because I really wanted to do pediatric surgery. But I also didn't want to be limited to some very only seen, very limited big centers in the country where I can treat Children in virtually every hospital that has the anti, which is most of them. And I really like that. And also we get to treat elective Children. So I know lots of people will I take. Appendix is out of Children all the time, but that's emergency was I get to do the ongoing elective normal, not always terrifying care of the well child, and I like that I like really emergencies. I don't mind getting pulled out of bed, but I would like to be a really emergency room other than just because someone can't do a procedure that's performed every single night on. I egotistically like the idea of walking to a theater being being like Ortho Got Me Ent surgeon is here, but obviously isn't quite being me. Yes, I'm very excited thoughts that being me and I really like being useful. And that's climates. I don't like to see that night. I'm happy to admit it. So it's nice that you can have that balance of having really emergencies but also having a nice life most of the time. And that's quite so now that you're obviously all convinced the same. Yes, I'd like to see the ent surgeon what we're gonna do about this. So last year, about 4.5 patients applicants for every single post. It's a wonderful when I rolled it magically make new numbers, although you keep taking HCG for them. So if there are lots people finishing, we're getting lots of the numbers in some years. So when my new consultant supply, there were 12 numbers in the whole country when I applied, if you used the 1st 23, this is about 40 um, 40 numbers on the last year. I think that was about now th the journey. People were going through this load. So there is. There is also a trial of run through free anti historically people Through there was uncoupled. Now there's a trial for it. I don't know if they're going to continue the the discussing it at the moment. All you can do the normal seem to call surgical training orders. Any other course article training. You just need a minimum of seeing my six months of the anti to apply on. Then you apply for us to treat that carries on twisty eight. You're meant to the last couple of years before CT T count with a subspecialty of some kind. But generally anti dhe and tea isn't some specialty. You know itself. So you can just do that so little bit quirks. You don't have to, you know, if there is certainly called. The Dawn's exam was a diploma of otolaryngology and had neck surgery. It's a GPS keg, Sam, but historically they made you do the whole part to pass the amounts. Yes, and two parts of the dorms that may have to pay for four exams, which was heartbreaking recently. And for me, you can do the MRI C s part me on just the dawn's part b and not get your MRI. Yes, between going to pick, too, which is great and you won't be able to do the whole don't at all because they actually scrap the first part. And that's fine. If you only want to do an anti If you want to say when I also apply for plastics and Max Axe and everything else because I'm that way inclined, you have to do the whole MRCS am Be on, then just do the anti part B and that will mean a point. It's a same through the intercollegiate college system, the numbers and everything on the website. Yeah, the FSGS is they're taking it around ST seven ish is definitely on exit exam. You're not encourage taking on. Most people do a fellowship, but I really want on. That can be anything from six months to a couple of years, depending on what fancy this you want to be, you know, be a consultant, okay? Remember that you will be a consultant even this long. Training, skiing for 2030 plus years. Enjoy the time to get that all my Boston stairs. Just enjoy the time you get there. Nothing is. This one is registrar training will operate farm or register on training in the world. Uh, vice and tips. Do what you want, whether it's ent or whether just my rambling about work. Life balance means you want to go to something else. That's absolutely fine. But it's important. Not just say I want to do this because it sounds fancy birth and problem really is going to make you happy as a boss because they're destroyed. Training is not the same what you will do as a boss, you have to look at the Boston job. Uh huh. Try getting and she seemed, course. Surgical training post, if you can. It's It's if you're going for a non couple one. They really do help get you the points. The night health specialties for the point systems that look. Make sure you look at using your plan for the box. Things take boxes. Unfortunately, way of life of If you complying ahead in the next life easier. Be careful of too much time in specialty. I mentioned this earlier so when I applied, if you did more than 18 months of the anti in, you were docked quotes at the moment since being extended, Do two co bit Well, you got the number result of self assessment should show you shorten the operating or come later. So I was very annoyed. I had to do less ent Michael schedule running just to get a number. But unlike other specialties were expected to basically be able to do everything by the time you're pointing. S t three and t believe that ent higher training is when you learn to operate you're not meant to turn up in during the winter. Just show you can learn and or trainable and then they train. I like as an ideal for a specialty program while Oh, so you have to wait and basically b c City able to get into the three number I've known it. Focus your efforts on the self assessment scoring. You can do loads of other things to make you happy. But if they're not gonna help you get points to get your job, then we'll just spreading all time really thin. And that's really annoying. So I love doing lots of extra things now. You can usually bend your will on everything you want to do to fit into the boxes. But just try and work smart, Not harder, Which is something you told me. See, which I'm not going to live. So if you don't all you know about the ENT self Assessment pressed, it is last year's one. You can scan the QR code. It'll say he's straight there, and that's what you gotta live by. I mean, I could spend many minutes going through every single page, but there's just no point. It's specific. It will tell you what to aimed for. Historically, there are also prize points for prizes, management roles and things like that. But the whole point of these applications is to differentiate between delicates on. Not so the training losses interview project report programs are taking away things that they've been friendships. I was like, Well, I'm annoyed because I actually have a manager know, But the reason they're removing it because everyone has Well, um, and there's only a couple of slides left, so this is a red candy. Just break up. Keep your weight. This is my my husband's favorite animal. I still have every two years, which kind of go to the antiques. That's a good plan for the local, absolutely sources for you. So if you're in ST one plus, he complains, 7 lbs something per month to be on the UK website would let you know about courses. Have those a good learning is actually really good resource. If you're below ST 1. 20 cans a year through the ent UK will get you the students and foundation doctor membership, which again we'll get you all the access ot association A total surgeons and training is free and getting out in their mailing. Listen, it gets you on two courses and things and so it gets you onto their version of weapon else like this Today you could just find a website and signed up. It's completely fine. They also have a conference and four, which is being delayed you to cope with another good opportunity to present if you like. When is the women ent? You can find that out through into UK to remember being tuk. It's free to be a member of once. Yes, yes, it showed dot com is the how to survive ent on calls if any of your out there don't want to do the anti but cross cover it. But that is what you need. It is free the actually paid for, but the website It's free It's perfect. I love it. But it talks about red flags on what to do and when to call your Reg. That's all I want you to know. That's what I want to know. Brilliant. I am 40. Don't have any shares in it. I wish I did On then. This is a hand. If again. The second thing I'd like you to know is the head neck surgeon. All I see is skin cancers. This is the throat of me when I'm in six months traveling back to 50 some cream where your some cream. It's important to please if you'd like to give you some feedback. Was the QR code there? But I'm sure Emily will send you some. Anyway. That's my email address. You're welcome to ask me and people message me on Twitter all the time asking things were anti on. Well, actually, have the preparing for ST three calls Later, we're going to see more detail. That's what this taste of ent. Thank you very much up. Thank thanks so much for that and that that was really interesting. I think, in interest of time, maybe we'll do one quick question before we go over to Georgia. And so one of the questions is for Ent ST Tree application to the projects or old it's or whatever have to be anti related or going in any surgical specialist. They can be any specialty because we know you don't always do a lot of ent. You just need to show that your trainable if you don't lose of work in another specialty, it doesn't matter. It's the level on where the Regional National Way you presented it. It doesn't matter what topic inches don't stress about needing any anti copay and teach project if you're in another job composed absolutely fine. Lovely, and I think there were a couple more questions, but I think in the interest of time will move on. Either antacid send you the medal link or a lot message it, um, and you can have a final all right on it. We'll back out. You have to send me the like that like a hopeful and just answer them