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Dr Sue Peters - Long covid in children



This on-demand teaching session is relevant to medical professionals and offers a comprehensive overview of the often overlooked topic of long-COVID in children. Peter, an educational psychologist and a parent of a child with long-COVID will be discussing the prevalence, symptoms and challenges associated with long-COVID in children, as well as how to support them. He will be providing an insight into his daughter's experience, and discussing tips on how to access healthcare and support the mental and physical wellbeing of those affected. Join now to gain invaluable knowledge on this growing topic.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify the physical and mental health challenges associated with long-term Covid-19 in children and young people
  2. Recognize the symptoms and signs associated with long term Covid-19 in children
  3. Understand the social and educational impacts of long Covid on children and young people
  4. Distinguish between the medical treatments and therapies available to children with long Covid
  5. Explore methods to support children and families with long Covid in accessing healthcare services and support.
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they don't to see. Peter is an educational psychologist who spends most of her career helping people with all sorts of struggles to integrate into school environment. You yourself have experienced long covert and also supported their own daughter, I believe, with the condition and now working with charity, no kids to try and make impact in supporting young point of risk pregnancy so much weight that you were just love to be here. So just to reiterate a couple of it's they're talking today as an educational psychologist should check me longer to kids. Um, I also worked the local authority edge of patients that collagenous for the apartment week. I have got myself on you also, and speaking as a parent of a child, about 16 road with cabbage and also just for full transparency. My daughter is saying cardiologists here is in this room just just so I've been asked to talk about the best you can tell. They're so quite a big brief. I only have 15 minutes. I could probably talk for 15 minutes minimum about each of these so pleased with me. It's gonna be a little bit of a whistle stop. It was I gave you right. And so thinking France thing about Publix and Symptoms and Children Way heard a little bit about this already. From there's the other one intensive the school infection survey. So the on the right there at the top, nearly one in 60 points for Children, anyone in 20 seconds school Children are experiencing on kind of it, since they're mostly infection. I'm just in terms of those secondary figures that people a second to school of around 1000 people's. That's potentially 48 people in that school, which is quite a big number. And then on the other side we have the one s figures. I should say both of these published this month last month, June but related to the biggest March. So you can see they're 115,000 Chilean people living with long cable. It's 90,000 of those, but least three months, 26,000 suffering symptoms beyond 12 months on. If you compare them up by month biggest, that's that's gone up 3000 month and 16,000 of days have their activity limited a lot. Oh, I didn't say that gender. The help white paper there from May 22 shows that in a way, aged angels between 13 and 50 more females infected with prevalence of 60 on sent plus, apart from the 0 to 12 8 range where it's much more even so, males 50.5% cream. Last 49 I just applied really on sentence and Children, so lots of similarities with adults. But these are the top 10 sentences CDC in America has highlighted. I'm particularly in Children reading without, but you can see them there on. We often talk about set located and Children. Being the elephant in the room is a symptom picture that kids have. Great it, um, and again similar to what we've heard already from From Totally Hillman Multi System. It can see the picture there on again, much like in adults. Symptoms really very by individual effects will systems. They can either continue one from the initial infection, or they can develop weeks or months after on apparent recovery. Symptoms convey continuous, so so every day or they come and go kind of a relapse and, um, remissions pass him on again like adults during the duration of symptoms is unclear. There is the Children in the kids reach that still, since infection right in beginning of the pandemic, an early 20 and again like adults, Children in developed these other conditions. Airports, pounds, pandas pins and the vest on and cats start tensions a swell. So what does this me Children, young people think the first way that want to pick out It's unexpected, But I think the difference between Children adults on one paper is that the Children, the narrative has been right from beginning. Some don't get Kobe. They don't transmit cove it. They only get coated. Largely they don't get no help a bit. So when your child does get paid, it is actually quite an unexpected, right? Well, some of those kind of hits you. It's like, Well, I didn't even know this. It's possible and sail either. Now I hear all the time. Well, Children don't get my paper to, you know. So the unexpected. I think it's a really big thing. Children, um, again like adults long term, but it's saying health challenge, which can impact your ability to access uh, day like education on access to healthcare is really variable in the support groups, those stories of people getting fantastic support. There are people, those stories of families really getting very little experiencing, minimizing sentence gaslighting and a really acknowledge that goes back to that first point about not really understand. We're not paid with panic attacks. Children's well, um, and then, like with adults know treatments yet from the cave, it said, There are some clinics, the Children, but there are many sporting chance to live with. Manage the symptoms and then again, alongside those physical challenges, we've got the uncertainty, future recovery, and that can have an impact or mental house. But again, I want to be clear with the minimizing that that that has taken place. Too many families have experienced. It is just, you know, it's your child being anxious or it's a it's a mental health condition. So actually, when we do see mental health needs, they're often as a result of the long paper it on know instead of um, and then in terms of schools. Just likewise, with with healthcare, many families reporting a lack of understanding for schools I'm taking at the moment schools of being really directed very heavily spokes on attendance, so there's a conflict there, so it's another gobbled. This is just a little bit about my family's experience. So this is my daughter and see it on the right hand side. Very fit and healthy. She did sports six times a week. Probably should paid squash. Oh, country on regional level, playing football. Did athletics Printing your jumpers. You can see that. As you say. No, I'm delighted. Health conditions. Um, as a family, we contracted cove. It generally 21. None of us were in enough to make hospital, and it was before any of us were vaccinated and we had the kind of typical symptoms Husband and I lost. That smell and taste for Children didn't. And then I scheduled my daughter. Those symptoms just continued. Actually, we start. The restaurant starts to feel a bit better after he was going down so much stuff. You know, I think we're coming out. This where it's has just kind of kept going to go. How many symptoms and too much so she It's west. The feeling tight chest have a tight chest, heart palpitations, fast heart rate, the business on extreme fatigue. So I should say No, just it's not cheap. Even imagine a DPT been fantastic. Sentenced to any early February. Um, they did a few tests there and then just sent home. Just come just anxious. So as a mother has a psychologist and she wasn't just anxious and, you know, something more physical, But we were told to see how she wasa and to go back to the GPS and a couple of weeks she was better. But you did back to a jeep, a back to any, and then admitted to the Children sports person further tests. Uh, yes, they did. They told us it was my card, I says, but again, not entirely on based on what I've heard today, they discharged her after few days of tests on, but she would have a follow up in a few months, which turned out to be a think eight months, which, for a child who's break that healthy. Suddenly you've heard my card itis. It was very difficult time of waiting and not really knowing. I'm not really knowing anything about the pivotal Children. Um, so since then, she's been diagnosed with one painted. She's been diagnosed with any CFS. She's undergoing some testicle genomic dysfunction, and she has chronic daily migraines. All those symptoms are still there. Any treatments ready that she's having a minute? Are acceptance of commitment therapy from a clinical psychologist doing some activity Miles room with a busy out. And she's having some vitamin supplements. Additional sold drinking of school. So So, Yeah. Uh huh. I should probably send off the therapy as well to see about pictures. They're new puppy over this period of time. So in terms of access to healthcare, it was a really long way. As I said, to see the NHS pediatrician a look audiologist, Um, and in the end, we decided to go private and way would speed up these appointments. But the HS pediatrician, Actually, the first three appointments we had were three different pediatricians. They just quite difficult in terms of continuity, of telling the story. I'm I'm feeling that you were being held and that things are moving in the right direction. Visit therapy has been amazing. She's been pretty the one constant from fairly early on and still three now on. She takes one of my good tasting and activity management, and now my daughter's exams finished. We're hoping to do, um, just have to do some Pilates with something. Um, she has spending long hatred. Pediatric clinic. That was 11 months, 11 months. Wait. So again, a long period of time before we got there. I'm great, but it was much disciplinary we felt for the first time. We've got really hurt, really understood that we're professionals who really didn't know about located and Children the best time, But it's very much seemed like a one off, so all they would have referrals on, um, it hasn't really been a process for review so far. I don't know whether there will be a, um let us say we went down over in private reach. So initially saw a pediatric cardiologist. Hey, said there was an autonomic dysfunction. She did try arrange medication, but it didn't really haven't impact on it symptoms. So she's been referred to adult cardiologist, and we're just in the process. Now. We've been referred to lots of other professionals, actually have a lot of tests. That tilt table test, um, a little hole in the range of tests. And we're now do you to go back on duty, the cardiologists in August, so we'll see what we get too without on but just a bit about impact of daily life family. So it's had a long time. It just had a huge impact on my door decides. And on their family terms of school, she's on average. It's time tables that she she was doing three half days and four days every week. Um, she was driven them back. You would normally walk back up, and I want you would normally have that. No comment that needs to be literally dropped to the door. Evan with that timetable. Someday she's physically unable to 10 school until attendance has really dropped. It's it's actually it was nearer 62%. Now, um, in the middle picture was last summer, so she gets home from school. She's full time in the car and then to used in stapes to three hours mean so that that has an impact with homework called Struck. She just wouldn't have the energy to do anything else like tension in school. Um, and then it will send times a school missing out on things like that. Um, breath, field trips, trips that really related to the whole course. Like an urgency, um, on the missing out, obviously, on seeing friends and social activities, and I think the big thing for her. Um, given her identity as quite sportswoman, it's just really not being able to return to that level of fitness. So walking to them, to the road, walking upstairs, it's It's a big deal. And then just thinking about the impact on the rest of my family with my son, I think about holidays and family activities. We have to do a lot more planning, thinking we're planning on the weapon we park how bobble sheeting to walk back and she sit down. Andi, even planning things like what we're doing the day before to make sure she's rested enough to do an activity. What we do in the next day so that she can recover so big in back, Um, I could talk forever on this subject. When I wait, I will direct you to the block that I have written on. Think it's a the Boston. They're like, Think you're getting copy of the slides? And so we ask the parents, We also Children by their parents in the computer age Facebook roots describe them on Cobra. I don't say to describe him what he's help receptions Blanc a bit of how that made him feel the perfect. That is the general descriptions of long cable. So you can see some of the words that standing out tiring. It's all staying sad for lonely. Um, I'm a bit like I need to say the things that they really wanted their teachers to no other professionals today because they wanted to be a listen ta. He wants to be believed. They wanted to have to feel. I'm still they wanted to ask that would help them. And then once we oh supported to be able to engage with the education they're learning to interact socialized with the initial helps emotional well being. So just thinking about returning to school on support once in school, um, it's really important have to initially to be able to take some well being over tendency on longer. The kids has a noti that they work