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Dr Aime Wilson | C-Safe Priorities and Challenges



This on-demand teaching session takes a deep dive into the importance and challenges of cesarean section in low-income countries and how c-safe interventions can help to improve the safety and hygiene of these operations. Led by an experienced researcher and midwife, Doctor Amy Wilson Onda, participants can further their knowledge about cesarean section, learn effective strategies to reduce maternal death rates, and take part in an interactive survey via voting sticks! Join us and discover how we can bring greater alignment to the world of midwifery and obstetric research.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Recognize the importance of providing safe and appropriate cesarean section (CS) in low-income countries.
  2. Explain the risk factors and consequences associated with performing CS in low-income countries.
  3. Identify the factors that influence CS, such as vertical interventions, maternal health, and reporting.
  4. Evaluate the importance of outcomes associated with CS clinical trials in low-income countries.
  5. Demonstrate the ability to select, rank and evaluate outcomes for clinical trials involving Cesarean Section.
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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

um so we have a next presentation which is on See Safe Priorities and Challenges. Interactive seven that is going to be given by Doctor Amy Wilson Onda Um, Amy is a research fellow in Global Maternal ho on also a registered midwife. Since 2000 and six AM, he has real question for improving care for women in Resource Limited. Sutton's Happy HDX I am in interventions to reduce maternal death in low and middle income countries on how evidence synthesis walk has achieved uh, Blake. A Shins in The Lancet on the British Medical Journal on has influenced World Health Organization guidelines. She has managed clinical research in high unloader middle income countries like Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Pakistan. She's currently conducting a Cochran review on antibiotic prophylaxis in miscarriage. Surgery on has just completed a network. My tongue on This is a prior times by W. H. O. On a cholecystitis to deliver preterm birth, Amy has walked for the wh you as a consultant, exploring the views and experiences off midwifery educators across the world. To better understand what action the bleach on global partners should take to improve quality midriff free education. Amy's king to bring greater alignment to the world's off midwifery on obstetric research. She's also a keen weight lift way. All right, so you have Ah, 20 minutes. So when it's five minutes? Oh, sure, that sounds good. Wow, what floor to follow. And thank you for inviting me here today. So I'm going to run through and give you a little bit of introduction to see, Say, we've heard about the priorities and challenges that we face ahead in terms of cesarean section. Um, so let's see if the technology will work. Ms. Jimmy, Uh, please enjoy many things. So when I was asked to talk about C safe, I was quite excited. An interactive survey, I thought, would be very, very interesting, but to make a a child of the days of the overhead projector, this is what an interactive survey looks like. But if you want to make it something really special, then no, the voting sticks. However, the realization then came that I needed to use some sort of sophisticated technology platform. Hopefully, Jamelia will say the day otherwise, we'll have front row tickets to the next day. O'Connor Prince. So we spend the day learning about the importance of appropriate and safe cesarean section, so I don't need to repeat any of the learned speakers that have gone before. But I'm just going to remind you of a few key points, the integral to see safe so a Zawodny in having a cesarean section in a low income country, I'm 100 times more likely to die than I am. If I'm in a high income country, that's terrifying. Caesarian sexual maternal death risks have not improved in the last three decades. That's the lifetime of some of our you know, because that makes it on the problem, which is there in section could be summed up by it being performed too little, too late or too many too soon. So what we really need is safe on appropriate, unnecessary cesarean section. But Cesarean Section is the most common operation performed to save her mother and baby's life in many countries. So surely there are steps in place to make it safer. I mean, nobody wants to be this person we'll save. Surgical initiatives are helpful but not always necessary for cesarean section. They're not specific enough, especially when you've got the mother and the baby to think about. They also don't focus on reducing multiple complications again. No good for Cesarean section. And what about Cesarean Section reporting? Well, we know who has a cesarean section. We often don't know why they have Cesarean section because it isn't always easy to classify the wise. So this is where see, see, if is going to save the world. Of course, we're going to bring together those vertical interventions that we've already spoken about the billing during our five year program that's funded by the MRC for 2.2 million. We're going to spend the first three quarters of the program designing the intervention on in the last quarter. We're going to test the intervention in a clinical trial on we're going to focus on three important things we're gonna focus on our c y component on that's focus on affects in on appropriate Cesarean section are see up component, which is looking at improving the safety of operatives. Is Aaron section improving increasing operative Sensation section Safety Soling on the scene on component which we were just having a debate about looking at reducing unnecessary cesarean section through promoting assisted vaginal birth next one. So the question I put to you is if you were conducting a clinical trial in a low income country that was looking at improving the safety of Cesarean section, what outcomes would you focus on? So we're going to tap into a lot that knowledge, wisdom on experience within the audience and get you to get your devices out. Thankfully, ready? Done this. So we're totally up to date with it. Now. I'm going to ask you to rank to score. Sorry. From 1 to 9. From Not important to very important how important you think these outcomes are. That's right. Yes. So the code is new. It's 71742077. That 717 phone to. You're doing 77. And we've only got about 30 seconds on each one because there's quite a lot. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's yeah, it's It should update on your phone. The next boat. It's fascinating seeing where we would Thanks. Let's see. You should have got a countdown clock. You can't. No, I mean so I can't. Good. How would that time wise to me? Yeah. Be something. Do you read to him? Definitely was. Yeah. In last few seconds to get in your votes. Then we want to the next outcome no comes. Okay. Next one's in our infection. Yeah. Okay. Moving on to the next one. Okay. Okay. Next one, though, Hum may be onto the next one. Yeah, Yeah. NextelC um next paranee toe outcomes last few. This? Yeah. Next outcomes. Yeah. Okay. It's have you on to the next outcome. It's the last one. Yeah. So much like the question before. What we're going to do is we get now is everybody's voted and you've had a chance to see everybody's votes. We're gonna repeat it again, and I'm gonna remind you of the outcomes which featured the most prominently. So we're going to go from the seven again. So on the sets of outcomes allow outcomes were scored mostly by eight or more. So have a think reflection. He wanted to change your mind or score again, given time to get to that pretty well, if you can remember couple seconds. Yes. Yes, Frasier. Okay. Okay. Next outcome. So, not too many mind changes so far. So yes, this's been affection, sir. Sepsis. Let me try for the leaders in this in this outcome section moving onto next night, huh? On this, this one, it was the top three. This school highest. Yeah. Just may be onto next outcome. Cardiac arrest and complications featured highly on this round. Moving on again. Both of these seemed quite important last time. So it was above anything about eight? Yeah. Twisting moving on to the next outcome. So, preeclampsia. That was the outline your hair with the most votes. Next outcome again, all were like it's very highly Still running a name like a death last time. Next outcome. Fearless fix. You took a prize place in this one next outcome on this one. None of these things you like. Yeah. So this finals live. It's what any outcomes that you feel are important that we haven't considered yet. It would generate some work cloud. So if you type in an outcome and it should generate a work around and the size of the world, word would indicate how many times somebody, uh, that's right. Yeah. So just a big thank you to everybody. So these these thoughts of yours are not wasted. They're going to be in put into our Adelphia survey that's gonna be used and she safe. Thank you for sharing your experience and wisdom with us today. Thank you. Everybody