Doctors As Educators Welcome Event
This is an on-demand teaching session presented by Doctors Educators, a society that supports medical professionals in developing their teaching skills, education approaches, and career prospects. Through this session, attendees will learn more about the society, including the events and activities planned for the year, committee positions available for recruitment, and a webinar on how medical education can improve career prospects and happiness. The session will cover topics such as student teaching, academic field of medical education, education development, professional development, recruiting for committee positions and more. Medical professionals who are interested in improving their teaching and career prospects will benefit from this session.
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the purpose and scope of medical education-focused societies.
- Learn about the range of educational and professional development activities offered by the society.
- Evaluate the value of medical education for individual career objectives.
- Develop knowledge and skills for teaching medical students more effectively.
- Receive information about committee positions available within the society.
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just gonna turn off transcription. Okay, Fantastic. So welcome, everybody. Thank you very much for joining us. Uh, this evening. So my name is Andrew. I'm the president of doctors. Educators. Uh uh, welcome to this intro. Welcome talk. Uh, I think we're aiming for this to be about half an hour. Uh, we're going to talk about who we are. As a society. We're going to talk about the events that we have planned for this year. Uh, we're also going to talk about some committee positions that we have available. Now, we're looking to start recruitment for next week, and then finally, we're gonna finish on with a short webinar. So this is kind of like a sample webinar that we were looking to run a couple of times throughout the year. It's kind of like on an educational topic related to the subject of meds. Um, but first, let's talk about who we are. So maybe I ran into at the freshest fair. Maybe not, but so let's just start with who we as a society. So you may already be aware of some societies that bartonella London Some medical education societies such as mess, which is the Medical Education Support Society. Uh, there's also a class, which is kind of like mess, Uh, but for clinical skills and then you have panels, which is the Pier Assisted Learning Society, which, as far as I know, it's kind of like a more kind of want one tutoring. Uh, Now, what separates us from those medical medical societies is that those societies focus on supporting students to achieve the medical school curriculum. Uh, and of course, were different from that because we're not looking to support the students for the medical school curriculum. We're looking to support the teachers. So those kind of like other medical students that are teaching other students were supporting the teachers. Uh, and the best way to explain why we do that is if I give you a bit of a bit of a story about why I decided to come up with a society. So when I started, uh, placements in year three, I I started at home in the hospital. Uh, and I was really quite shocked at, kind of like the level or the variety of the teaching skills between all the doctors I was shadowing, Uh, for example, I saw some amazing doctors who are like, really skilled educators, and they were really motivating to see an action. Um, I also saw some other kind of like doctors who are really enthusiastic about teaching students, but they didn't have quite the skills to kind of know how to do it. Well, uh, and then, unfortunately, always get some doctors that hate teaching hate students and can tell you what nothing to do with medical education, which is which is a bit unfortunate. But you probably will come across one or two of them at some point. And the point from all this all of this is that I was really quite surprised how you can have some doctors are amazing educators and then the other doctors that were not very good. Uh, and why is there such a variety in teaching ability and teaching skill? And the answer to that is that it's not really covered in medical school, and it's not really covered as a postgraduate doctor unless you really actively try to develop as an educator. So this is why we're here. We're looking to support them to improve the medical school experience of your experience of teaching on, uh, medical placements by helping the next generation to generation of doctors, which is you guys to become better educators. And the way that we're gonna do that is we're going to help support you with teacher development. So running, teaching skills workshop. So you develop the skills, become a teacher and also to help, kind of like tell you a bit more about the the the academic field of medical education. So if you don't already know, medical education is an academic feel like any other specialty. So maybe you've heard of the academic field of cardiology or neurology, for example. So medical education is an academic feel like any other specialty, and it has research and has projects and debates associated with it, uh, so that ties in quite nicely with kind of like what we have planned for this year. So we have two streams of events or activities, educated development and professional development. So on the right hand side of this of this kind of like, um, of this figure here is we've got some examples of what we aim to for education development. So it's as it sounds, were looking to develop your teaching and education skills. And the main way we're going to do that is with our educated master class, which is a multiple, a series of lectures and workshops, which gives you kind of like the basics of teaching. But also, hopefully it gives you a bit more about the kind of like the teaching educational theory and also some basically top tips and tricks in order to be the best teacher to other students. Um, so that's educated development, and also we're looking to professional development. So this is more along the lines of How can I create a career for myself that includes medical education? So this may be what they evolve as bringing speakers who'd experts in medical education to find out about how they've they've incorporated into their careers as doctors or maybe networking events, which kind of like hooks you guys up with these experts to kind of like maybe get a bit of networking opportunities, a bit of mentoring from them, uh and yeah, so those are kind of like the to, uh to kind of like kind of events we aim to run, and I think what's important for me to at this stage say is that we're a very new society. We started in March of this year, and at the moment we only have three people on committee. So our manpower is is fairly low, but we are ambitious, but basically what's quite exciting for you guys is that you're joining us at the start of this society's journey. And hopefully, as we a crew, kind of like more members and more committee members, we can be more ambitious with the events we run, and the end goal is to be able to kind of, like be able to do all these events on an annual basis. But I think the most important thing I want to be able to provide for you guys first of all is our educators master class, which is running in the new year. So we'll post a bit more information about that over the next few months, but basically just just to give you a bit of an awareness of what to look forward to, Um, so I've mentioned committee recruitment already, but let me talk a bit more about that in detail, so we've got a small committee at the moment. We're looking to expand, and we're looking to do this immediately. So starting next week, we're going to be opening around one committee recruitment, and we're looking to fill these positions, which is pre clinical Rep Malta rep and welfare officer. Uh, I'm not going to go into too much about the responsibilities of each of these positions, but I'll just say very quickly, Preclinical rep. Yeah, you're either being your one or year two of the M B Bs program, and the goal is basically kind of like to publicize Our our events has spread the word of our society to those in the pre clinical phases of the medical school program. Uh, the multi rep is pretty much the same responsibility, but this is for anyone from years 125. And it has to be specifically someone from the multi campus. So, for example, if you're a London student, you can't apply for this. Unfortunately, and then finally, the welfare officer. So every single society at Barton has a welfare officer, and this is basically just the response out of this position is to ensure that the society has been governed appropriately, and we're looking out for are members. I won't go into anything more about this detail. But what I'd say is that all three of these positions are perfect for pressure. So, for example, if you're you're born or even year, too, you're looking to get involved with society at an early stage. Maybe you're worried about you don't want to take on too much responsibility because you still wanna have a good time at uni. Uh, and also you You don't want to take away from your studies. These positions are great for that, and it enables you to get involved with society at an early stage. But the commitment is is fairly low. Uh, so I'd say if your pressure, uh, and you're a bit nervous about applying for a committee position Don't be because these these three positions are perfect for you. Um, so around two of our committee recruitment we're aiming to do in the new year uh, we're looking to create a secretary of publicity officer, which is kind of like a bit of a social media officer, uh, and also an event officer to help me with kind of facilitating these events now, although it says here January, February of next year if you already know you're quite interested and maybe one of these three positions just just drop us an email or the messages on Instagram to just express your interest. And then maybe we could start the ball with the recruitment process. So just because it says January February, you don't need to wait that long. If you're already keen, let me know. Okay, so I think that's all about kind of the interest society. Now we're going to move on to our webinar, which I titled. Why should I be thinking about medical education? And I really regret that title because I don't even really know what it means. So it's a bit silly of me to choose that title, so this is a much better title. So what I should have said is, how does medical education improve my career prospects and happiness? So that's what we're talking about now, Uh, and if you have any questions about this, um, feel free to drop in the chat, uh, function, and we'll review it at the end. Since I'm the only one committee member in this meeting, Fortunate can't really can't manage the chat at the same time. But I think in the future, I would like this to be a bit more interactive. So I am sorry if this does feel like I'm talking to a little bit, but I I will answer any questions you do have in a bit. So this is not an exhaustive list. This is just I cherry picked some of the things that I think might appeal to most undergraduates at this stage. So let's start off with surgery and what medical education has got to the surgery. So, um, maybe we have some surgeons in the audience, so maybe we have some of that already thinking about surgery. That's great. Good for you. Um, one thing of note, though, is that surgery is pretty competitive to get into, um, especially the course surgical training program, which is kind of like the basic training that you need to become a surgeon. And then after that, you can specialize and maybe ear, nose and throat surgery or, you know, cardio thoracic surgery. Uh, getting into surgery is quite competitive, and a lot of people that do you know they want to do surgery. They start, they start developing CV. Even in the early stages of medical school. And the good news for you is that there is a spot for medical education in your surgery applications. So if you have a look at these kind of like these grids, you get application points of both teaching, having had teaching experience and also having a crude, some teaching teacher training qualifications. So you get points for both. And what I can say is that with our society, you can definitely get teaching experience. And, well, as part of our professional development, we will be able to tell you about all the different kind of like qualifications that you can get within teacher medical education and teacher training. So if you think about surgery, don't put it off. Start thinking about your application now and start thinking about maybe I want medical education as part of my professional port failure. Uh, and also regarding developing of See the prices are a really good way to do that. So, for example, you can get, um, you can write essays. There are essay prices you can do, uh, poster presentations and, you know, best presentation at the conference and prices and what's good about medical education is that there are a number of organizations specializing in medical education that run their own prizes. So, for example, some of the common ones are jazz me, which is the Junior Association for the Study of Medical Education. You also as me, which is an extension of jazz me. And then you have a couple of others. And basically, regardless of whether you want to do medical education or not, these are a great way to boost your CV for whatever kind of whatever role you want to go for it in your medical career. Um, some other medical, some of the medical prizes and other specialties such as cardiology, um, oncology and so on. There's quite a lot of applicants for them, so they're quite competitive. What's good about medical education, though, is that they're relatively undersubscribed. So not many people know about them yet. So what that means is that if you were to apply for one of these meds Teacher Med prices, you actually sound quite good chance of winning. So what I'd say is that be aware of kind of like these different organizations that are running prizes and maybe think about getting involved in the medical education Prize because you might even though you might think, you know, I don't know much at this stage. You might do better than you think you do. Uh, and also the last this last bullet point. What I say is that, um if you already have an idea of kind of like a specialty, maybe it's nephrology. Cardiology? I've already mentioned a number so far. Check the Royal College associated with that specialty and look at their price section because sometimes, um, that college will offer a prize for medical education with in cardiology, for example. Um, but yeah. If you have any questions about any of these organizations, yeah, feel free to let me know. And I can give you a bit more informational sign post you to some of the prices available. Uh, this is probably the most fun, the most fun slide for me to make because, you know, let's face it, we don't want to be broke, and I think there are lots of opportunities within a medical career to have a bit of a side project or a side hustle. Start the entrepreneurial in some manner. Medical education is another great way for you to do that. So if you've been on medical long enough, you will have come across geeky medics. You will have come across Syria. The finals. They are incredible. And you might not know this, but they were. Both of these kind of like businesses were started by doctors who were passionate about being teaching in medical education, and basically they found a way to monetize that. And they created these businesses aimed at medical students. So they're channeling all their creativity, you know, teaching knowledge and expertise in a way to make money, which I think is great. And, you know, if I have the skills, um, I would definitely do look into this in the future, but yeah, it's still a long way for me at this stage, but definitely something to think about at this stage. Also next basic life support courses. So this is another kind of side hustle that quite a few doctors get involved in. Uh, these lives, of course, is it's basically basic resuscitation. CPR skills. You can see a mannequin in the bottom left corner. That look they've got, like, incubation. They've got the CVS attach them. Uh, these courses run across the country throughout the, uh, and they're always looking for the recruiters and doctors are you know, doctors have some of the best experience associated with, you know, life support. So it's quite a good kind of like easy side hustle for you to get involved with. But of course, this is competitive to get into because naturally, everyone, every doctor wants a bit of cash, extra cash. So you've got to demonstrate that you do have some knowledge of teaching and coaching, uh, in order to do that. And it's the same with kind of like these other private practice work teaching, uh, work teaching medical procedures, a picture of Botox there, uh, doctors are the best people to, you know, teach other healthcare professionals about the neuro vasculature of the face, that sort of thing. So it's no wonder why we have lots of doctors teaching and leading these courses again. These are so Botox courses are an example that's not the only one. There's lots of them for any kind of different kind of medical procedure. Again, every doctor wants a bit of extra cash, wants to do this, but you need to demonstrate that you have an idea of how to teach and also teaching experience. So again, developing kind of like you're teaching portfolio at this stage. Early stage in medical school is really good for, you know, these long term money making career plans. And yeah, so Okay, so I'm not sure about kind of like your understood the audience, you understand? You know of what happens after medical school, So if there's any fresh is here, let me just take a moment to explain. So after you've done medical school, you start your F on your foundation Year one, and then you do your foundation year, too, and that's kind of like the bare minimum of your medical training. Uh, and after f two, that's when you can start thinking about Do I want to apply for a medical speciality? Don't want to apply for surgical specialty, or maybe you don't want to apply for a run through training like GP, but increasing like traditionally, people go straight from F two straight into surgical training, but increasingly over 50% of you know if two is they don't go straight into training. They take what's called like an F three year, which is a little bit of a gap here now. There may be a number of reasons why doctors do this. Maybe they're feeling the effects of burn out of the F F two. Maybe they just want to have a bit of a break doing something completely different. Or maybe they just have one to have a bit of a break for whatever reason. And there exists this clinical roll called a teaching clinical teaching Fellow, which is a mixture of you're responsible teaching medical students, undergraduate students and also you can. As part of that, you can take on a bit of extra work in A and B or I T or whatever kind of like department the hospital to get a bit of extra money. So this is basically being a clinical teaching fellow. It's a very productive gap here because you're having a bit of a break from kind of like the drudgery of being a doctor being a busy doctor. But also you're developing teaching skills whilst doing it. So as you can imagine, lots of people want to become F three is because you get a break and they get their skills for their portfolio Um, but as you can imagine, these are quite popular. So they're very competitive to apply for, uh, and literally anyone wants to, Everyone wants to do them. Um, so you need to be eligible to be taken seriously for these kind of positions. You need to demonstrate, first of all, that you have the passion to teach. No one wants to teach that doesn't want to be there. So you demonstrate commitment and passion and also skills. So again, is joining society like us? Um, or joining one of the other teaching societies that barks mess, class pills and so on is a great way for you to already started demonstrating your commitments to medical education. Um, so, yeah, I talked to a little bit about burnout. I'm not going to go too much down. That kind of like rabbit hole of exploring that because there's a really complex and interesting topic, but probably isn't related to much medical education, but basically work as a doctor. It can be. It can be really stressful. Uh, and it can be very busy. And, um, what what teaching can offer you is that you can have teaching hours, which is basically dedicated time teaching students away from the clinical center from your clinical responsibilities. So, for example, maybe you work Mondays and Tuesdays doing all the work as a doctor in awards. But maybe Wednesday mornings you have completely free to teach medical students in the clinical skills lab or go to the university to run a workshop. Or maybe doing myself teams webinar just like this to run some teaching and what this offers doctors. It offers time away from kind of like the really stressful part of being a doctor, which may be really busy ward work, or maybe a break from some really frustrating patients that just makes you want to make you need a break. Let's just say that so and I am so teaching is a good way to incorporate a bit of variety into your weekly schedule, and I put that cringe. Quote variety is the spice of life, But you know what teaching can. Having teaching hours within your working life can offer that a little bit. Variety makes your day job or your regular job a lot more enjoyable. Uh, and don't worry, we're nearly at the end. I'm actually racing through this quite quickly, So we're nearly at the end. Um so GMC requirements So again for freshers. Maybe you know about this. Maybe don't. So the General Medical Council overseas kind of like doctors and training and regulates doctors within the UK, And a lot of people don't know this, but doctors have to teach. So the GMC is document good medical practice, which is kind of like the doctor's role, but they state and this that training students and other doctors is part of the job. So a couple of medical students or junior doctors are quite shocked to hear that they have to teach whether they like it or not. And that that's the General Medical Council saying that not me. Uh, and I've included the link there if you want to read about the GMC requirements for doctors and particularly related to teaching and medical education, so that's quite shocking to some people. So, um, the fact is, you kind of have to teach you don't get much choice in the matter, so you may as well take undertake some skills or experience. Of course, is that improve your teaching ability? Uh, and that kind of like sideways into our final point, which is, you know, teaching is this. Teaching is fun. Teaching will be really fun. And, you know, getting skills and experience and teaching is enables you to maximize your potential for fun. So I just put a picture of kind of like a clinical skills lab. I think some of the most fun experience of med school is kind of like messing about this clinical skills labs and having having a good time with the doctors there. Um, also, that's the title of a study I found, which basically found that incorporating teaching responsibilities into a GPS weekly schedule was a good way to improve the GPS satisfaction wellbeing, uh, with their with their job. So, yeah, and if we'll have a look at the bottom two pictures, which are both about motivation, so on the right picture, we have intrinsic versus extrinsic and this talks. So far, it's mainly been talking about extrinsic motivators. So I've talked about kind of like prizes. I've talked about perks, the job, money, bonuses and so on. But I haven't really talked about intrinsic motivators, and basically intrinsic motivators includes things like a sense of fulfillment, uh, to be able to see uh, one of your students, like grow and develop and improve as a direct outcome of your teaching can be really fulfilling. Uh, and also teaching offers you a lot of potential to kind of like, uh, endorse your creativity. And unfortunately, you know, medical, working as a doctor and day to day basis doesn't necessarily offer that. But, you know, getting involved in teaching does a lot of offer transfer a lot of creativity and simply put, I think 11 thing I idea I finished today on is that and this goes with anything, not just with teaching. If you feel good at something that you do, that in itself is motivation for wanting to do it again because you feel good at it. You feel like you're providing a good, worthwhile service, and that makes you feel good about yourself. So I think that's what I'm going to finish on today is that you know we're going to be doing a lot of teaching in our role as a doctor, whether it's teaching students or even teaching patients. So by developing kind of like experiencing skills or two that we're going to have a better time as being, uh, as an educator, Um, and I think I'm not going to go into too much more of that because I just kind of wanted you guys at this stage that have ever taste. So that's all for kind of like our webinar. I'm going to stop the recording now. So you guys feel comfortable to ask questions and anonymity and it's not going to be you never shared with anyone else. But if anyone else is watching online the moment Thanks for seeing it through and again. If you like this talk, please do share the link with other people. Uh, the link for this talk the recording will be found that are linked tree, which is bl doctors as educators. So just