Discharge Planning - A Perry
This on-demand teaching session is designed to help medical professionals understand the complexities of patient discharge planning, ranging from patient and family education, to transport arrangements and continuity of care. Learn how to effectively communicate with patients to validate their concerns and help them to feel safe, in addition to tools and tips for completing vital documentation. Join us for this practical and insightful session to learn all about patient discharge planning.
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives for the Teaching Session:
- Recognize the importance of timely and safe discharge planning for improved patient care.
- Describe the components of an effective discharge plan.
- Appraise the patient's safety to ensure they are able to go home.
- Construct documentation to establish the patient's baseline and tracking of continued care.
- Identify key communication strategies to ensure patient engagement, understanding and trust.
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little. So now it's coming nearly to the end off the study day. Our patient is a getting closer to going home. I'm going to talk about this judge planning discharge upon in can be very complex, especially a friend. The patient is a very Infraero. I will keep my talk. Simple stick. Two practical side of this church planning relevant er department are they mix. Okay, So I I'm I'm sure everybody's familiar with alarming at this tragic planning sign displayed just that side of the measures. Three. That's a very used to use volatility. Remind us the important points to cover before they pick a discharging passion. But the discharge planning is not just going through these kick box is to make sure the patients maybe access is removed and things like that. So the Strattera planning is to facilitate it. Timely discharges on the reduced the length off necessarily stay needy. Uh huh. I started to discuss a few minutes, so I popped right. Doesn't seems to be walking. Give us a just a few minutes and then just had that. Were you going again? Fact. Yeah. Get you onto temper. Be president. Just so you press across. Okay, Sorry. It seems to be working right? So this just running is to facet it's timely discharges and register their length of on this side state needy on the employee of the patients. Can a patient on care family experience on and share the safety on continuity off? Careful. It's so optimizing patients that come on a boy. I really had a mission TV discharge, planning. Remember, we were talking about, um, things. Just planning, uh, patient. The first thing we have to ask is patient's safe to go home. I'll be happy with news on the communicative. Functional status is back today is nine. Or what about their social stars? Who is at home who's only looking after that patient care packages? Do they have a cat packaging place? Is it stopped because the patient was coming to ET Do we need to restart it if we actually started? We have list of full numbers, so getting a let's nothing trash. No wonder we can get in touch with a K A provider on what about family? What kind of the family supposed to be have on? I'm not going to, um, the tail of the DEA you referral because Ms Doctor Market, just talk about the Valium. But are the identification or potential for this judge a patient who needs them? The team but is important Completing past documentation at all? The stage will help identifying patient's baseline and, um, actual cognitive and functional status. Cindy Indeedy Timely referral on completing relative to be investigation on clear Documentations Only important, um, anybody failing in the patients Communication communication is the most important aspect off this judge running. We need to talk to the patient is a patient away. Off the plan is next of a kidney informed Nothing, nothing home informed. We need to document finally have this conversation on transport. It's personal. Care to go home on all on transport. Do we need a taxi that's patient? Have a key to get into the house if he organize taxi or that specially the accompany home? Or do we look, um, Alan's? I would discharged a little early lady is in 99. I'm asking the family to come daughter to come on. Daughter was lovely on the phone when she was happy to come on get up, but she never she arrived. I realized that care. The daughter was 82 year old herself, and she was quite elderly as well. So we have to mind the four that's the, uh, population's Asian on the cares is he's getting higher as well. So passionate medications Safety Next is a taameri, often used in the context of a discharging passion from 80. Since the majority of our passion school home safety nothing is something we do quite often the time Ceftin having refers to the specicalty guidance given to the patient about their condition on the particularly how, under when to seek further help. But it's not just about educating patient with red flag symptoms. It's it's about communicating with the patients about what, oh car, the driving lady visit what kind of treatment they received, what kind of tests and procedures they went. Three on educated patient on diagnosis on treatment plan on medications. Do be amend the usual medications. Or did we start on your medications on Medicaid patient on expected course of the illness, so they know that even their symptoms doesn't clear up in quickly. That doesn't cause anxiety, even if a patient's go home and as well as that, um, it's get fashion on science on symptoms. Still watch for so otherwise leaflets unknown to be very useful because when about either have we given viable information's, the chances are patients won't remember everything when they get home. So we have a very limited number of the advice leaflets on the right. Things are quite small. So Mary, we can see if we can include the variety of other by sniffling and maybe make it a bit more without a patient's limb. Delay on continuity off the care is it's very important we need to walk west, the guys who are going to provide the care after patient, back to community. So hospital diversions on district nurse on. You need to make sure the patient hearts right. Documentation on the appointment on check contacted the pills and that. So so that's the practical practical aside about it over this judge planning. But before I finish, just want to talk about the patient. The doesn't want to go home, so the patient who are demons, medical effect aunt, have a farm, good family support and you go into the room and explain that doctors are happy enough for a patient to go home, but the patient doesn't seem to be a tall kid to go home. And do you speak to the family and the family is not came to take home? And do you think you know we need the space? There's another patient waiting to come into. You know that spaces. Can we not send her home? But we have to stop and think that nobody really wants to come TD on. Nobody wants to stay meeting, but the event or the symptoms that made them to come to eat e mails them afraid, didn't on the field vulnerable. They lost the confidence that they are again to stay home, so it's important to validate their concern on really lessen. What do we say? I'm Howie safe and have a huge impact on patients. Emotional well being on coping ability. Good communication is essential for effective this judge planning. It is time consuming on It's easier, said Sundown, but I do think they are no shortcuts on this. As a healthcare professor. Professionals, we have to do our best to the graph that are pissed. It literally patients in our department with compassion. Thank you very much. That's me. Finished thanks so much. I knew that was That was great. And so just really important. But we're really came today is drive home this idea. Oh, see if calling say if they're starters and not finally, to start from from the front of the season arrived so on and just give him a chance to any questions about you. Officially, they're on nothing yet. But that was really helpful. Just really concise where you know you thank you. I think you maybe get off of any questions. Yeah. Care. Okay. No, No questions. So, um, we'll stop that one there. Thank you.