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Spinal Stenosis & Spondylolysis & Spondylolithesis - Mr Khaleel
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This on-demand teaching session led by consultant Taj Khalil is relevant to medical professionals looking to learn more about lumbar stenosis and spondylolisthesis. The presentation will cover the definition, normal anatomy, patho anatomy, clinical presentation, natural course of each condition, and management options including surgery. There will be an emphasis on explaining the normal anatomy in detail before going into the pathological state. Armed with this knowledge, medical professionals can make more informed decisions about the best management for their patients.
Learning objectives of teaching session:
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Uh My name is Taj Khalil. I am a consultant at Ipswich Hospital. And the topic given to me is um lumbar stenosis and spondylolisthesis. Um I about Ipswich and today we will talk more about the degenerative lumbar stenosis. Uh What is lysis? What is latex spondylolisthesis? And most of the focus is on the um illustration of differences between these two conditions occurring in the adult population. Now, there'll be a lot about the lysis and the latex spondylolysis in the pediatric group, but I'm not addressing that today. So we'll go through definition. Um We'll go through what's normal, the patho anatomy that underlines this and some of the clinical presentation. And we'll spend some time on the natural course of these if we didn't do anything and some management options including surgery. So, first of all, what is normal? So we need to look at the, separate them into the column and the cord. Uh the column is designed essentially to keep us upright, uh uh give us the mobility we need. But more importantly, it protects the cord in the neural elements and this is going down to real basics here. Um We've got an x-ray A p lateral and a cross sectional ct where we can see the um uh vertebral bodies, the disc spaces, the uh foramina between the two pedicles, the facet joints, the superior artic process, the inferior articular process and the zone of the uh uh the bone between the two joints, which is called as a pars interarticularis. Looking at the cross sectional anatomy, we have the transverse processes, the lamina and the spinous process. And then in the, at the back, you also have the facet joints and these are controlled by the muscles in the front and the back. Now, I'm sure everyone knows this when it comes to the cord. Um there's again a MRI sequence, a T two sequence, um sagittal and axial and just looking at the cross sectional anatomy as it goes up, if you focus your attention on the right side of the screen, um you can see the neural elements uh which essentially are running through freely. Um Again, the, the emphasis here on is on explaining what the normal is before we um look at some pathological state and each of these structures, the disc, the facet shines one moment. I think this connection might be a bit. No. Great.