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CST Applications: Preparing Your Portfolio



This evening, join us for our on-demand surgical training application session. Our two core trainers, Varane and Rosie, will share their tips and tricks for preparing your portfolio. We'll also have fill from the Medall platform who will explain his mission to make healthcare training accessible to everyone. Through this session, you will learn how to streamline the process of getting your teaching and training out to healthcare professionals to make a real impact. We'll also be discussing Fair Medical Education, a scheme to help organizations welcome colleagues from low or middle income countries by providing open access tickets to their events. Learn how technology has been used to help 1300 healthcare organizations deliver 5000 courses in 171 countries and how the training has the potential to level the playing field. Join us this evening to make a difference.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe the challenges of global healthcare workforce training and why accessible training is critical.
  2. Analyze the challenges of running events, teaching, and training with limited resources.
  3. Utilize the technologies available to streamline the process of training healthcare professionals.
  4. Analyze the Fair Medical Education scheme and the impact it has had in leveling the playing field.
  5. Recognize the importance of online teaching as an alternative to face-to-face teaching and its potential to make a real impact.
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okay? Yeah. Hi, everyone. Thank you very much for joining us this evening. My name's Philippa Banks. I am the chair of the Yorkshire Ftf STS fs Society. And we're really excited to introduce you to our events this evening, which is called surgical training applications. Preparing your portfolio. We've got two wonderful core training is with us Varane and Rosie, who will be giving some insight into how they approach their portfolio. What tips and tricks they've learned along the way. Also, this evening, we've got, um, fill who is who set up the medal platform. He's just going to talk for a couple of minutes and let you know why. It's such a great platform on what his mission is regarding that for hand over to fill shortly. Um, I hope it will be really great informative first, um, session for us this year. And we're looking forward to doing more sessions over the rest of the year covering a variety of different topics, setting up a mentorship scheme that we're going to start rolling out in the next couple of weeks and make sure you keep an eye on that particular Yorkshire based trainees, um, and follow up on Twitter Instagram to update your event. This is a quick couple of more shots of our committee, and they will be. If you have a comment or question, we'll do our best to answer them at the end of slide show and pop your questions into the chatter box donut. I'll hand over to fill Thanks very much. Thank you so much. Uh, Philippa, and thank you for having me here today just to share a little bit about what we're doing that metal. And much more importantly, why we're doing it. We really believe that healthcare training should be accessible for absolutely every health care, professional everywhere. Why is that important? Well, we need to train 18 million more healthcare professionals by 2030. The World Health Organization is referred to as a workforce crisis in healthcare, but it takes 15 years and up to $700,000 to train fully trained Doctor and you combine that with what The Lancet described as severe institutional shortages in our global health care training capacity. And we have a toxic combination. We need to train a third more doctors than currently available on planet Earth. But we face severe institutional shortages in our ability to train them. And, unfortunately, where the need is at its greatest resources are. At their least, there are 11 countries on the continent of Africa that do not have a single medical school and over 20 that only have one medical school for the entire country. But it's not just a low income country problem. You see some headlines here from around the world. And even in the last six weeks, we've seen BBC news headlines for England explaining that the NHS is facing its worst staffing crisis in its history. This is not a problem that is confined to somewhere else and talking to uh, room of, uh, potential future surgeons. This slide from the Association for Surgeons and Training explains why this is a problem in the UK and Ireland. This is, uh, slide from research study published in 2017 by Asset in BMJ Open, and it explains that up to 71,000 lbs of trainees money is spent on their own training over the course of their training, and typically the range is between 20 and 26,000 lbs, much of that on conferences, courses and travel. And when you combine that with the buying part of the UK doctor salaries over the last 10 to 15 years, that again poses a toxic combination here as well. This is a tweet from Maria April, which I've used with her permission, And she's explained that as a widening participation doctor, money is and always has been tight. Study budget covers one big course or maybe 2 to 3 small ones. But to meet course surgical training needs. The wealthy can easily treat the application as a paid tick box exercise, and we don't believe that that should be the case. We believe that accessible healthcare training is really important. We believe that every health care, professional everywhere should have the ability to train and train to the best of their ability. It shouldn't be based on who you know, how much money you have or where you live. Not only is that the right thing to do, but actually it makes a really big impact around the world because this ultimately affects patient's. And to do that, we believe, to solve that initial problem of training 18 million more healthcare professionals. We have to do that at scale. We've got to train 18 million more healthcare professionals a third more than we currently have in the next eight years. So we have to be able to do this at scale. And that's why we're doing what we are doing. We looked at how healthcare organizations we're delivering teaching and training, and we believed if we can solve some really cool problems for those organizations to help them run their training more efficiently and be able to share it with more healthcare professionals, we could begin to solve that big problem. Start with a small problem facing real organizations on the ground, and we may be able to solve that big problem. And when we looked at how healthcare organizations were running, teaching and training, we saw consistently some things we saw. The organizations were setting up one place to take their registrations eventbrite bouncing people to assume call, sending out an email with a pdf registration within the event, kicking in a Google form link to collect feedback, manually copying and pasting names from a Google sheet into a Microsoft word document as a certificate template, changing the name manually, saving as a PdF emailing it out to attendees downloading the video from Zoom because they only had one gigabyte of storage on. There's, um, account, uploading it to me or YouTube and adding in another Google form link to the VA MI or YouTube video as a feedback form with no guarantee the person actually ever watched the video. And we thought, Actually, that's a colossal mess If we can help organizations streamline that process, save busy healthcare professionals. Busy doctor's busy nurse is busy physios time and energy. When it comes to their training, we might be able to help them focus on delivering more training. But also, some of the, uh, factors around those tools was limiting the number of healthcare professionals that doctors could actually train. Most institutions have a limit of 100 or 300 people on their zoom licence. We just blew that out to 10,000 people so you can actually train up to 10,000 people in a single event. This is a quote from Doctor Tedros who needs no introduction. At a tech conference a couple of years ago, he said, Ask yourself every day if your technology works to help the person in the world and reduce inequalities. And when we began to look at how we would help healthcare organizations share their teaching and training, we realized that on demand was really important. We realized that being able to share content after a teaching session was really important. We also looked at how, uh, colleagues from lower middle income countries were joining events, and when we looked at those two things together, we felt we felt that a scheme was required to help organizations welcome colleagues from around the world that they're teaching training courses and conferences. We devised a scheme called Fair Medical Education in partnership with some wonderful organizations. We did that to allow organizations to offer free and open access tickets to their events. Are technology is free and open access for free and open access events. But we we knew that some organizations still needed to charge for their events. They had a team that that they needed to pay a salary for, and actually that stuff is really important to to be able to build scalable and sustainable education. But we saw so many of those organizations still want to offer free or low cost tickets. Two colleagues who who have been joining us from around the world now for a couple of years on virtual and hybrid events. But it was a bureaucratic nightmare for them to do it. So what we did was we devised fair medical education, which allows healthcare organizations to welcome colleagues from low or middle income countries at no cost. We don't charge them for any of their tickets, and we automate the process of checking that that person is from a lower middle income country, as I mentioned on demand is really important as well. In part of that process. The downloading from his, um, con uploading to Vinny or YouTube that is a bureaucratic nightmare for so many organizations. But on demand is so important. Actually, when we look at how colleagues join from around the world, we realize that virtual has been a real level. When it comes to accessibility, colleagues are able to join from anywhere in the world. But live virtual is not always a magic bullet. Why Internet access? If you are in an area with poor Internet access, and that's not just a problem again confined to low income countries, if you live in a rural part of a high income country like Northern Ireland like me. Actually, Internet access can be pretty patchy, and being able to watch on demand is actually really important when we think about accessibility. And what is the impact of this type of work? Well, in the last 18 months, we have helped over 1300 healthcare organizations deliver nearly 5000 courses, two colleagues in 171 countries. And what's really amazing is that those 1300 healthcare organizations have come from 20 countries, so 20 countries worth of organizations teaching and trailing colleagues in 171. This sort of community effort has the real opportunity to level the playing field. But does it actually work? So talking to a room of surgeons, I just want to show you this paper from, um, a test for a very, which talks about whether surgical skills can be taught online versus face to face. This is a team from Imperial College London and the David Not Foundation, who actually performed a study comparing face to face an online teaching with 553 delegates, and they find that online was actually an appropriate alternative to face to face teaching. They taught those those colleagues in 20 countries, and their conclusion was that this sort of training has the opportunity to really level the playing field. This is a nurse who commented that she spotted some cardiovascular signs in a patient that had been missed for such a long time. As a result of being able to attend a session which it was face to face, she wouldn't have been able to attend one last story. And then I'm going to hand over to this wonderful team who are here ready to teach you this evening. Um, this is this is a real life example of how this sort of technology has been able to make a difference. As you'll see on the right hand side, we actually verify people who are joining in metal event, and we do that number one so the organization can truly make their events accessible, market it, tell everyone about it, welcome the world of health care, but it also keeps it really safe. So we have a really nice balance, completely open access, but also safe. But occasionally, a couple of times a week, we might get people who reached out and said I can't verify myself and we've got a process to actually help those people. In a single day in April, we had high tens, if not into the hundreds of people reach out to us and said I cannot verify myself And when Sue, who kind of manages are support team, reached out to those people and said Why can you not verify yourself? The person said. Well, actually, I'm a Ukrainian medical student and I don't have access to my institutionally know and I didn't think it was that important. Actually, for me to get assigned letter from my dean to say that I can access metal thanks very much and I've I've left the country and this was one of those goose bump moments when we dug a little bit deeper. We find that an organization in the UK had actually recruited 250 medics from around the UK to teach and tree in 2000 Ukraine medical students seven times a day every single day for two months, and they were doing that not as an imperialistic UK teach the Ukraine thing, but they were doing it so that they could free up lecturers and professors who are all trained medics on the ground to instead of providing face to face education to provide face to face patient care and to bolster their medical resources. So it has a real impact. And this is a quote from one of the professors in nipple who said thank you for everything you're doing for Naprosyn. For all the people who are trapped in this situation, that organization was a crisis rescue foundation. And they did such an incredible job. We need to train 80 million more healthcare professionals by 2030. We believe that it's only by working together as a healthcare community that we can really begin to do that. I'm going to leave it right there. And I'm gonna hand over to this wonderful team who you are here to train you this evening and to share their wonderful expertise. Thank you so much for having me along. And I hope you have a really wonderful event this evening. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much for joining us and tell us about how wonderful your platform is and how useful it can be in, um improving access to healthcare training. And on that note, I'd like to hand over to our to fabulous core trainees from Yorkshire Rosie Environment. You're going to be talking to us about how best to prep your portfolio. Um, as I said previously, if you've got any questions, we will try to answer them. And if you post them in, the chat will go through them at the end. If I remember, you haven't already covered them. Thank you so much. Hello, everyone. Um, again, thank you very much to fill their and for people, for introducing us. So we're going to crack on now and basically teach you some tips and tricks that we found helpful for, um, doing your CST portfolio. So as I'm talking, I'll introduce myself. I'm Rosie, and I have a current CT one in Sheffield. As you can see, I like Sheffield a lot. I've done pretty much all of my training in Yorkshire. Um, so I did medical school in Sheffield. I didn't interrelated degree in leads. Um, and then I was an academic trainee in medical education, um, in Sheffield for F one F two. I did take an F three year um, And then I'm back again. Here now is the core training. So, any questions about training portfolio and also specifically in Yorkshire? I'm very happy to try and help where I can. Hello, everyone. My name is Sharon. Thank you, Phil and Philippa for introducing us. So, uh, welcome, everyone. This is our in our usual session of the Yorkshire Foundation raining so surgical society of this year and also for the post surgical training interview cities. And we'll have many more. Uh, so quick introduction. My name is Sharon. I basically I'm an international medical graduate. I did my grad school in Mumbai. I did my foundation training year one in Mumbai itself. In my med school, I came to the UK set my pap and my have to engine search at bats. And then I have three, and I Do you, um uh we both actually purposely decided to mention that we have done if three is because two men to basically shed some light that it's completely okay to do an F three year after. If two are not. If you don't get into directly into see the one and we are here to help you and do our best so that we can guide you and you get into see ST thank you. So tonight, what we're going to cover. And so these I must express These are all based on last year's timeline and also the portfolio stations themselves. They might change, so we have to put that as a disclaimer. So we'll cover the approximate timeline just so that you know, roughly when applications happen, how long you have to prep, um, and also go through the application process itself, were then going to take the nine sections that were from last year's and portfolio self assessment. And we're gonna keep cover, each one in turn giving our personal experiences and marks that we got for those. And then at the end, hopefully we'll have plenty of time for lots of questions, um, to help you guys out. So this is the like, I say, last year's timeline. So what we went through last year? Um, it's a lot of text. You can find all this information online. It's not hidden. They have not released the dates for this year, but just to give you a rough idea because it's pretty similar each year. Um, that you'll be looking at sort of applications to open that beginning of November. And usually you have just one four weeks to complete your application on Oriole and to submit your self assessment scores. So as soon as that is open, you want to make sure that, you know, you've got just under four weeks to get everything sorted, and then that's the portfolio is sort of locked down. Then, um, you'll then be hopefully invited. If you've got a good cut off score above the cutoff score, you'll be invited to upload that portfolio which Varane's gonna have a chance to you about. Um, but the process is drawn out. You won't sort of know about interviews until January. Really? Um, and then following on from that again. It's only a couple of weeks until the interviews start. Um, so just so you're aware, just be really, really organized and just be as prepared as possible. Okay, Uh, we apologize, guys. Sorry. There was meant to be an animation here which actually didn't come up. So I just try to mobilize and try to translate what We're supposed to be here. So, basically, what is how is the process and for the submitting a portfolio. So as we know that since carpet has changed a lot of things and one of them is that all the interviews have gone online now this is This is the second two years. This is the third year which would be happening, so basically all the process happens online. First is the self assessment as Rosie just brief to you about the process. So basically, you will be first uploading your documents online. Uh, you have a provision to upload your P D F. Word, documents or images, so make sure that you utilize that opportunity. Upload as much evidence to support your claim as you can when you are giving when there's a self assessment when you're scoring yourself, make sure that you don't exaggerate or you don't lie because that would be a property issue and you could be for the GMC or you could be investigated. And you definitely don't want to do that. Uh, make sure that you score yourself how much you deserve. Also, when you upload this evidence, there's a chance that you could either be upgraded very red but does happen. You could your marks called Your points could be in the same or you could be downgraded. That also happens quite often, uh, and then again, a window that opens after you're up after the school comes out where you could appeal. This usually happens within 48 hours, so that's usually the process. First the window opens. You apply. You get self assessment score. There's a cut off. If you make the cut off, then you are shortlisted. And the short distance Sorry you're long listed. The long list of people get to upload that evidence. And after the score, after the medication of evidence, your shortlisted and the shortage of candidates would be further interviewed. According to the last the statistics around 12 1300 applicator applicants weren't invited for the interviews and that are around 500 to 510 training numbers all over the UK. Lovely. So this is just a summary table. So in the self assessment document, which you will have access to once they release it and publish it prior to applicate applying, um, it's essentially nine sections that broke broken down. As you can see, um, the key thing here is just to show you how the points are distributed and that you can see clearly. Section one and Section five, which is commitment to specialty and also teaching experience, are where a lot of those points are. So it can kind of you might be worrying Sat there. I'm not, You know, I've not got a publication, or I'm not sure if it's going to be, you know, done in time. If you're applying in November, the key thing is to look where you can make those marks up. Thankfully, I like teaching. Um, and they're the sections I did strongest, most strongest on, um and it's just to give you a summary, really? Of how you can get the points. Um, also, I think, last year, um, the cutoff for being long listed was 38. So not that high. Really? When you think the top is 72? Um, so I would just go for it if you you know, if you're around that border, just just apply, and, you know, you can't lose anything. Um, So we're now going to just take each section in turn, um, and show you how we did and and give you some tips. Thank you, Rosie. So, uh, you guys were going to discuss about each and every section going to take it down further, and also, we'll give a person inside how much we have scored in this portfolio. How did we school and what evidence that we used to upload. So we have tried to divide the, uh, contents among ourselves, making sure that we can give you the best school we have, uh, made in each of the content. Uh, if you have any questions you can accordingly direct and you can according to the answer. So I basically scored overall 15 and 17, doing a portfolio, and I'm gonna tell you about all the parts that I scored and what evidence I uploaded. Uh, so starting with the commitment of specialty. So I think, uh, as you mentioned as well, that this looks like one of the most high scoring one. Because it's it condensed the highest marks as well as it definitely has a lot of a lot of, uh, scope, which you could easily gain marks as well, and you could do it. And then if, as you can see from the cold a lot of F one F three is applying for will be applying in the next two months, so you could definitely increase your marks and the scope to change as well. So starting with the commitment to specialty. So this is for the event of 4 to 5 subgroups. The first is MRCs party. So just to mention that this is my second attempt and I got the second attempt in the first one, I had I had said the first interview as well. So do two, that I have the experience of both the portfolios, uh, both the market. So I just try to tell you how it has changed and make, and just to let everyone know that this definitely changes every year. Just because you're awarded four points here. You might not get that many points this year as well. So, um, and last year we basically had one point for at least attempting the exam or booking it. But this year they had taken that out, either four or zero. So if you have scored, if you've passed the exam four points, if you have failed or if you have not even said so, it's your uh, evidence is pretty straightforward here. You can either upload the email that says that you have passed the exam or the letter that you get after passing. So nothing much to do you, uh, they might change something again this year, but it's more or less going to remain the same. Talking about a second. There's a surgical course. So this is again, uh, I think, uh, something that you could use the the score points so usually again, uh, two years ago, they actually had only three courses to attend for higher school. Now they have gone up to four, and you usually see that they always give a basic, uh, they always expect you to attend a basic number of courses, and the most common ones always include something called basic surgical skills, foundation skills and surgery. So you want to be a surgeon? A catheter course. And also some lot of research course is, uh, also to mention that just try to upload. And as an evidence, all the courses you have done, um, it doesn't need to be surgical. It's It's always better to have the first three or four surgical. But, uh, you can upload others as well. Uh, like I had more than four courses. I had about 9 to 10 courses, so I just put all of them. I had done a few the learning courses online, so I applaud them as well. So just try to make sure that you upload every everything even if they even have asked for for and make sure you you will upload every every course is that you have done. Yeah, I would reiterate that as well. So I attended a couple of courses that I that we're not directly surgical. There was. I did an A and B minor injuries course, and I did a radiology course. Um, I actually got upgraded on this section, so I marked myself as 2 to 3 because, um, there are I knew that I'd done definitely three surgical courses, but because I wasn't sure about the radiology and the and the ones, I put them in a certificate of attendance, and actually, they upgraded me. So I got two extra points for this section. So it is always worth uploading what you've done. Perfect. Uh, that's about the courses. Uh, second is about surgical experience. So operative experience, so always always make the use of Eligard to document. So this is something that I would like to mention for all the UK grads as well as the MG that you are attending a log book is something that everyone can make an account on the log book. You don't need a GMC number. You could use your own local or your country specific legislation number and just start logging all your, uh, cases on there. So two years ago, the criteria was 10. 15 cases and 15 or mode was, uh I think about three points. So they have gone up over here, and they have in case and a lot of cases needed. Um, secondly, it's important that you enter all the cases that you have observed assisted scrub. Just don't. It doesn't need to be that you need to be the first assistant or the, uh, second secondary assistant, or you don't need to be the operating surgeon for that. Even the ones you assisted also comes. So make sure you upload all the cases on Eligard and also used as an evidence. Uh, the most important thing is to not to use any patient identifiable, uh, like a patient. Uh, hospital numbers on there. Uh, so when usually you have a log book of, uh, 40 or 50 cases when usually print them off. Always remember that there's an There's an option where you could hide the patient numbers and just download them. There are two or three different forms of downloading. If you download them with the patient numbers, just make sure you pack them out with a marker and then scan them and then upload. And there's also an option where you could download them. Uh, consolidation virgin, which is it doesn't need to have a patient identifiable numbers. They don't need to have an MRI, and it just says you are on the surgery. What did you do? That's it. Uh, so that should be so that should help. And, uh, also one very important thing that what I gained from my friends was that when you get a log book, always make sure that you put your consultants name GMC number and get him sign on each and every page. If you print out the consolidate form, it's just gonna be three or four pages. So what I did was I got a PdF and I edited the pdf by putting the consultants name GMC. And then I made him sign on all the pages. I just get them stamp on all the pages. That's about surgical log book. And this is something new that they have added as I mentioned that this wasn't the quantity that that included in 2020. So this is something they added last year and surgical confidences. So just be prepared that they might change something last minute and I don't panic. It's okay because you can upload the evidence till December. The window open is open till December. So a lot of people who hadn't attended any cultures or just attended one or two confidence is managed to book. Some confidence is between November and December. It is possible to do that. A lot of contents keep happening every every week, every month, so don't worry about it. Don't panic estates come up with something unique like this. So what is important that when you are in the conferences, they need to be surgically teamed? There needs to be a superior gradation. Basically, all this cause conferences needs to be activated by either the surgeons or, uh, the major surgical societies of those countries, like HPB. Said SCB I anything of that sort? Um And the most important thing is that the undergrad conferences they are unfortunately not accepted. They need to have They need to be, uh, in association with one of the major Royal College of Surgeons Are, uh, you need to be, uh, cp deactivated. Uh, but also again, if they change something, just make sure that you can upload the evidence. Still still, uh, till the end of December, so you could still gain points over there. So don't panic if this this end up changing the criteria as well over here. So commitment, especially the last sector that is that, uh, that they have is about either surgical elective or surgical taste of it. So basically, this is just mentioning the definition. I am sure that the UK That's no, just that I was on. I envy. I struggled with this because I wasn't sure. Statistical elect basically is something that you, uh when you go outside your own country or your own hospital to get some surgical exposure or any experience any other field during your medical years. Classify an elective. Anything that you do after your internship or foundation training that basically surgical placement, Um, the taste of weeks. So a lot of people who have not, because that might not be a common friend in a lot of Asian countries or other countries to do a surgical, elective and privacy of pursuing Emily. So if that's the case, uh, you could That's not no need to panic as such. What you could do is you could get a test a week. So a lot of people who were working in there and it has just got an annually a study leave for 5 to 7 days, uh, managed to talk to one of the consultants, approached a consultant in the same trust in a tertiary care hospital and managed to get, uh, an attachment in plastics or something, some other field to explore that interest and also also managed to score points here. So don't worry about it. Uh, just one thing to mention over here. The difference is that there's this 11 point that they always mention is that you will be only awarded points for the attachment that you have done because a lot of time people get an attachment like suppose if you're supposed to upload evidence by December. But if the consultant has agreed for an attachment in the month of January, that wouldn't be accepted. You have to finish the attachment, get a letter from the consultant till the till the end of the evidence of your period. Uh, anything else you would like to add in this section Will see before we move ahead. No, that all sounds very reasonable. Yeah. Okay, So this is just the thing that I mentioned. This is everything that is present in the, uh, in the portfolio evidence that you find online so you can download it. Everything is just being short from that. All the surgical courses that I mentioned is to be, uh, I've regulated by the UK College of Surgeons and undergrad society. Courses will not be accepted. Yeah, moving on. Lovely. So this is my section. Essentially, it's pretty self explanatory, To be honest, have you set any post graduate degrees or qualifications? Additional degrees throughout your university, for example? Um, and interrelated degree. So if you've done a PhD, then brilliant, I've not met many to be honest that and then applying now. But fantastic. You'll get four points. Um, if you've done a degree before med school, that will count. Um, if your post grad and the most commonly one I expect amongst all of us is that you've done an integrated degree. Um, so that's one year where you've taken out of your five years of medical school. Um, so you've done six years and you've completed either a B, S, C or A masters. Um, essentially, you've done that work over a year. Um, and then you rejoined back to medical school and sort of your fourth or fifth year dependent on which university you go to. So that's what I did. Um, as long as you've got a first class, you'll get the three points. Um, if you go onto the next slide, there's just a couple more as well. Um, that just again, it's it's very, very self explanatory. But obviously you get your get points whether you got 1st 21 or 22. Um, that's it really is. And what the evidence is required is the degree certificate. So the only I don't think it should be an issue because you should have. You probably have done your circulation sort of in your third or fourth year. Um, and obviously you you should have received your certificate by now anyway, So you shouldn't have any issues without loading that. Thank you dot So this is something that's, quite, uh, quite challenging to score points. So it's like that Rosy managed to score point. Because if you haven't done it so far or if it's not a part of your curriculum for undergrad, it's difficult to score points. Um, okay, moving on. So prices and award, this is again another high scoring, but again, a bit challenging to score points. So usually what? Um, so as you can see and you can read it from the description itself, you If you have awarded a regional national price, you could you get the highest points. Uh, this needs to be redirected medicine, Or either that or either distinction in the final your, um, if you're under that level. So two years ago, the criteria was distinction in any of the subjects, but now they have slightly related to distinction. And finally, uh, so that's one other device about additional price. Again national again highest point regional as they dropped local from a local institution. It just could be something from your trust from your own hospital. If you have done an outstanding job or something that could consider and then, um, again, local institution so again from your hospital, or maybe something that you did in your school, your med school that could count as well. Um, so other opportunities where you could score this is, uh, a little presentations and poster presentation, one of the most common, but again very competitive. So other presentations usually, uh, very competitive. Usually send abstracts, uh, the best access have chosen for presentations, and, uh, the rest are chosen for poster, uh, in poster as well. There are two options. So basically, in order presentations, you actually present in front of a huge crowd in on a podium, and then they ask you questions. You're really like a survivor, so that could be slightly challenging. And it's also difficult, but highly regarding you get the highest points again. Poster presentation. As I said, uh, if you have, uh, if you have presented a poster and if you have one applies after presentation, you could get school. Here is the competitions. Also is, um, I I have the courses of a lot of people that I spoke to when I was sitting my interviews. They did mention this, but it's because maybe it's a slightly, uh, it's a competitive because people don't go for it as often as, uh, there are not as many entities as there are possible presentations and posters. Definitely. So that is also one. But again, it's It's tricky if you have not been in that habit. So it's difficult to get in and score, uh, get a price. But again, that's something you could do. Distinction in med school again is, uh, something that, if you have, uh, definitely could use that, um, this is something that definitely does. He would like to shed some light on. Yeah, So the bottom two are the ones that I am submitted. Um, and essentially, in my first year of Sheffield, I did well in my grades, so I got offered, um, the opportunity to go and study abroad over the summer holiday. Um, I don't I don't know if many universities do it, to be honest, but it was definitely unique to Sheffield. Um, and that counted because it was awarded, um, to me. And I got to go away. Um, so that counted and then the second one, Um, so if you are, if you've been lucky enough to to go and present either an oral presentation or post presentation, um, if you're if you have to apply for a Bursary or funding from the university to cover your fees at that time and it's a competitive process to get that funding, then that also counts because your you've been chosen, say, out of 10 people who have gone to present, you've been offered the funding so again that counted. Um, the key thing with this is the evidence that I had to upload was a letter from the institution because mine were a bit different. Um, that basically verified that I had been awarded both these prizes during my medical school via, you know, Sheffield University Medical School. And it had to be sort of time stamp dated, letter headed paper for the university. The criteria for what evidence is accepted is really, really specific, and it's very, very clear on the self assessment handbook. So do read it really thoroughly. If you're worried about, um, will this evidence count? What evidence do I need? Um, and essentially, I waited until it was released in November. And then that sort of three mad three weeks basically sent off loads of emails and asked for all these letters to be, um, sorted so that the wording was exactly right. Um, and it and it worked for me. So that's sort of my experience. Thank you dot So that's something. Uh, you could try as well. So what I did was I had got, um I've gone to one of the acid courses, and they had, uh, basically surgical skills competition at the end of it. And basically, I have one that, uh, competition. So that's how I had school points there. Uh, maybe I got lucky for my skills. Or maybe I'm talented. I'm not sure. Also regarding one more thing to mention is that one before, I had actually got second present poster presentation. So I had used that as evidence, but they had not considered that so again. This could be subjective. Uh, it's the debate. Could be that I didn't get first by little second prize or something. But just just to mention that, uh, it could be subjective, but make sure that whatever evidence you have, just upload and make sure you get points there. So, uh, this is something that we will cover again International, national, regional and local. This is something that's very important when it comes to scoring. As you can see, that every every marker, every score that you get keeps changing depending upon the level of presentation is okay, quality. Uh, so Cuba Project. So audits audits are again one of the very, very high scoring, uh, high scoring, uh, section where they could gain points. So last year again, two years ago, they had given almost 11 points, but they had come down from 11 to 8 points. But audits now again. So the just going to talk about the changes that happened, uh, two years ago to this? So basically, let's talk about what? What was the highest grade points last year? So, basically, any any audit that you do, which needs to be surgical team, you need to leave the audit basically, So these are the credit that needs to fulfill, so it needs to be a close look for the complete cycle, you need to leave it, and it needs to be a surgical team, and you need to present it somewhere. So if you fulfill all this criteria, you're gonna get the highest point. If you don't close the loop only if you need it. And if it's surgically team presentation, you're going to get two points less. And if it's not surgical team, so take one credit out, you're going to lose two points. It's more or less like that. Um, So, uh, one year ago, they didn't have the criteria of, um 32 years ago. They didn't have the credit of surgical team, which is something they have recently introduced because a lot of fun have to. Sometimes while rotation might not have a surgical posting, uh, they might not do an audit in surgical, uh, placement. They might do it in medical or some other placements, so make sure that you do a surgical team audit, and definitely since they have changed some criteria, they might change That added, add something else as well. Um, So what you need to understand is what is an audit? Basically, And, uh, what is a closed loop cycle, so I'm not going to bore you with the details of this thing. I'm sure everyone knows audit, and everyone must have done audit just a word of advice that when you complete this one cycle, this is one loop. So when you say complete cycle complete loop, you have to basically do this and repeat it again. That is basically closing the closing the loop, and that's when that's when it's cold point. So basically, we repeat the cycle twice. That is, you close the loop, so that's the most important thing you need to know. So whenever you do an order just maybe for CST interviews or in the future for ST three, it's always important that you close the loop because that only you regarding your your granted points, um, that's about audit. And, uh, yeah, so as you can see the difference. So one cycle would be just, um, least points. And then, if you have just participate in multiple cycle but not let it again, you would. You might not get the highest points, but for the highest, you need to make sure that you take all the boxes regarding presentation. Two years ago. The criteria was you need to present it at a national international meeting, though this time they have got a bit lenient by making additional local. So make sure that you presented the audit. Um, starting with the local regional meeting, at least. And then, if possible, you could You can present or send the same abstract whether acid R S E B, which is the most commonly targeted conferences by the surgical aspect. Uh, just to mention one point since we added that you can only claim points for one presentation or one thing in one section. So if you do an audit and if you present it, you can only claim it here. Unfortunately, you can't go further and claiming presentations as well, so make sure that you have not. You have multiple things to present and use them as a portfolio when they at the last minute to tweak anything bad. Thanks. So the next section is teaching experience. So as you can see, I obviously scored four marks here. It was helped by the fact that I was a medical education, AFP, But I'm going to break it down for you so that we can see exactly where the points rewarded. As you can see, it is very, very, very specific. Um, so if you go for the full points, there are three criteria that you have to meet. So that is that you yourself have identified a gap in the education market wherever, um, that you have designed to teach teaching program that has gone for more than four sessions. Uh, so you could run weekly teaching, um, so for a month, and that would count. The second thing is that you yourself personally have contributed to that teaching of medical professionals. So, um, or healthcare professionals in general, so it could be nurses. The the easiest thing is for you to set up some medical student teaching. That is, that's the easiest thing. You can mass market, and you can put any, essentially, any theme you can talk about anything. Whether that's surgical or not, you know you can do a teaching program for finals. Um, the third important thing is that there's evidence of formal feedback. So the evidence that you require to submit for teaching experience is a letter from a clinical or educational supervisor, so you have scope to get that Tell them what you've done and get them to write the wording specifically to make sure that you maximize points. So for me, I organized it was for academic trainees or people at least applying for academic trainees. And I ran, um, four sessions on how to, um, sort of the AFP application program. I know it's called the SFP now, but I did it across the Yorkshire ordinary. So targeting lead medical students, Sheffield medical students and whole medical students. Um, with my sort of interest of being a medical education specifically. But I worked with other tutors to get research, um, interest as well. Um, so that was how I scored the full point in terms of formal feedback. It's really easy just to set up a, uh, QR code a Google forms that you just put on the end of every single teaching that you ever do now. Specifically, um, they the you don't need to upload that formal feedback to the portfolio. What you need to do is you need to show an evidence that to the consultant writing your letter so they don't want you to upload all of the formal feedback that you've ever received from all your teaching sessions. All it needs to be done is verified by that consultant who is writing the letter. Um, that your then going to upload as your evidence. So they're they're sort of main points. Um, obviously, if you've done all the regular teaching, um, then everything is included. Essentially, it's just to maximize those points. It's delivered at a regional level, Um, four or more sessions, um, to medical and health care professionals over a sort of four weekly or four session period. Really? Um, and the key being here, I would wait for the self assessment form to be published for this year to work out exactly what the wording is and exactly what the criteria is, and essentially as well talk about later. You want to make it as easy as possible for the consultant marking your portfolio to go. Yeah, that's fine. She's evidence that so for me, I literally word for word copied what was in the 10 point box and just slotted in my examples. So I knew 100%. I have evidence that all of those three things, um, and it's a reference letter so you can you can sit with your supervisor, discuss what you've done, show them the formal feedback and then you get your letter of reference out of it. So it's just being really, really specific to make sure you get all of your points and you've got time. So if people looking at applying in November, you've got more than four weeks to be able to run a weekly teaching session, just think of something. Yes, it might only count for local if it's done in the local hospital or for a local university. But you've got so much time and you can get really big points for teaching, as you can see. So it's definitely worth putting some time and effort now into thinking of something that you could you could do over the next couple of months, Um, and then sort of following on from that again. This is relatively self explanatory because you've either done it or you haven't, um, but training in teaching as well. So I've done a PG certain medical education. Some of the academic posts do that, and it's included for you. You can try and do it, um, alongside your sort of F one F two studies with some universities. Um, other things to consider here. So training courses where you're trained to teach, for example, teaching the teacher. Or, um, if you're for example, you were selected as an LS candidate to be an instructor and you've attended your to day training that will count, So it will only be one point, but it has to have been, um, that sort of two day cut off. Really? Otherwise you won't. You won't get anything. Um, So there are courses that run, I think, with having had covert and lock down. Loads of things are being taught online so you can deliver easy sessions online, and you can also be taught online. So as long as it's specific and that you've it's specific teaching methods on how you can teach. Then it should count for points, and you just upload your certificate of the day of attendance. Thank you, Rosie. I'll just quickly give my two cents on how I managed to score, so I managed to score and teaching as well, so I had conducted basically with a colleague of mine who had started the Head Start project. It was basically an induction for all the mg. So I was responsible for conducting all the surgical lecture series. Um, so that's how I I tried. I gained points, uh, by showing that I managed, and I was responsible for taking care of, uh, doing the induction. Um, did more than four sessions in a year. So, uh, make sure that, as, uh, pointed out that they need exactly what is mentioned here. They need those all those exact words that what you have done, what was your role and how many sessions for them? So that's the take of it. And then training and teaching. I managed to score one because I I only did that teaching the teachers course, so that just gave me one point. So that's what that's how I managed to score here. Uh, presentations. Um, so, as you know, all the presentation, they're more competitive. So definitely more marks for them. And then comes poster presentations. And then, uh, so on. So basically, uh, I had two or three other presentations out of which one was the first time. So I used that, and I had, uh, around five or 10 posters, which which I don't need to didn't need to be shown. So basically, as you can see, all those presentations at national level have the highest points, national or international. And then further poster presentations at the same stage gives you more points and then order, like local regional level again and post presentations at the regional level that gives you the minimal points. So talking about what's the difference? So as we discussed before oral presentation, basically, they are difficult to get accepted because, uh, they are more challenging. They're very limited, uh, spaces for oral presentation during any confidence. And, uh, because they really But then they might ask questions. Um, so that's why I try to submit all your abstracts for every every press, uh, for your all the conferences. Just make sure that you don't submit abstract Uh uh, the same conference like you can use the same abstract for additional. You could present the same same content at the local, regional and international level. But you can't send the same thing to to a different, uh, levels or, uh, same conference again. So keep trying to keep sending it for whatever, Uh, surgically theme conference. You think that your abstract as more suited to post a presentation that again, sometimes some conferences might have two types. There's some There's something else in person where they might ask you to present your posted as well. So this happens in the sense that if a lot of because they they accept lot of, uh, posters so out of fits, they sometimes like, uh, maybe only a 5% of people present there posters. Otherwise, others are a poster that just displayed that, um, again. But it doesn't matter. Both of them gives you equal points. Um, so against another reason to submit abstract is because you could get prices for either a little presentation or a poster presentation. Uh, hernias. GBI is one of the most commonly targeted conference by minor surgical trainees. Um, again, it's important to know the difference between international, national, regional and Local. As we discussed, International National is going to get better at the same point, so it wouldn't make a huge difference. Uh, now, because for the last two years, I think they have been giving, uh, working at the same point as you can see here. It's international, uh, national. So, uh, it's going to be the same. It's important to know the different regional and local. So that is, this is a gray area where people use the regional, uh, regional confidence. So, uh, regional presentations, or sometimes some trust, which have 4 to 5 hospitals, are they. Where they extend over along overall vast area, they sometimes might consider the regional. That's like a like a gray area, and it's a debatable topic. So that's something you could just do it at your discretion, But, uh, usually that's supposed to be local. But sometimes if you have presented something and that, like in the, um in a meeting or something, which is broadcasted over which all that all the hospitals of the trust have attended that sometimes it could be considered the regional. And I'm sure I would like to have those thoughts on this, But this is what I was guided by by the people I spoke to. What do you think about Rosie? Do you think that would consider as a regional if a trust has 4 to 5 hospitals and if you present something where everyone is present, that's regional? Yeah, so to me, if it's so, for example, I work in South Yorkshire. But I work for the Northern General. If I presented it just at the Northern General, then that, to me, is local. But if I presented it to people that were also attending from Barnsley or Doncaster or rather room, then that's definitely regional. And there's sort of five hospitals within that that attended. Okay, Perfect. So that's how we could score maybe one or two more points by doing region and local. Uh, that's about presentations. Okay, so next publication, So again, so publications is something which is, um, it could go Either way. It's It's very demanding to score the highest points, but at the same time it's very rewarding because it's going to be helpful for you in the long run, not just CST application, but B S t three or whatever You have to apply in the future. Be the consultant job or anything because, um, publication again. It needs a lot of hard work, a lot of planning, because the whole process takes could take years. It's not easy to get something published, um, that easily. So again, the first one is again the most difficult. Always, they give the highest 10.4, which is always the first author article. So this is how I've just tried to summarize it. So any recent research where you are the first author give you the max point, and when you say original research, it needs to be like a systematic review. Like any prospective studies, it could be observational, but it needs to be an original research, and you need to be the first author, uh, joined first order to get the most points here. So again, Max points of the research. But again, as I said, like if you're planning to apply in the next two months, it's slightly difficult to gain points here. And if you're not the first author again, it's it's difficult. Um, but what you could do is this is slightly achievable and slightly faster if you see the other to process the two sections. So usually if you're the first joint for a short in anything other than the original research, so what does count on anything, Everything else? That is like a case report. It could be a case. There is invited commentary book chapter all this fall and that all this fall under your anything other than the original research. So you need again. But you need to be your first author or joint first or third, and that's going to get you four points. Uh, it's it's important that all of this research doesn't matter. Original research, uh, Casey's and anything all need to be permitted next. That's that's one of the most important criteria. And, as you can see for shorter joint, for sure that it's just very is another important criteria. Um, these days they have added something new, which wasn't that two years ago. We started last year was a collaborative research, as you must have seen that I think overall, Covic search was one of the biggest collaborative research that took place and that, I think has, uh, instigated. A lot of people do want to take research, collaborative research. So as you can see that, uh, collaborative research three or more, and to almost gives you, um, some points at least, So it's good because, as you know, if you have participated well, the ones who haven't been collaborative research, you basically give your data. And, uh, they basically try to conduct a multi centric national international study and try to get data from all the hospitals and then the president or whatever they published. So if you have presented your data, then your, uh, name comes up as a collaborative author. She so again, in collaborative authorship, there are two different types of authorship. What is unnamed authorship? And one is a collaborative authorship, So I'm not sure. But if you have, if you want to try to understand this better you could go and maybe just check on government any coated search article. So when you when you just type of an article and if you see a coated search collaborative you'll see, then that would be first. They're not 20 names, and then there will be collaborative coated search collaborative authors, and that would be like a step down where you can when you click on it, you will see the list of all the authors. So the difference is that the named authors are basically the steering committee, and the ones who have worked hard and who were responsible for maybe collecting the data are working on it the statistics or maybe writing the manuscript and the collaborative authors. They are the named ones, and the collaborative are the ones who have even the data. So again, there's a difference between scoring for this to as well. But it doesn't matter unless you have some collaborative research on your belt. You can still score something in here. I basically had to. The original research is, but all those were, um, second or third or I didn't have any first author, so I couldn't score here. I had to invited community, so I was fortunate to get four points over here. And I had some lots of, uh, laboratory research and had lead a collaborative research. But it wasn't published, and, uh, it's still undergoing, so I couldn't claim points for that. So two things are important. Three things important. It needs to be published index. Second, you need to be the first or third toe joint for a shorter and third thing is that even if it's not published and even if it's accepted, and if it's impress, you still get the points. You don't need to have a permit idea. You don't need to have make sure that it's it's published, even if it's accepted, but it there's a difference. If it's under editorial review you wouldn't score points. But if the, uh if you get an email saying that it's been accepted and will be issued in the next study would be published in the next issue, you could score points. Another most important thing in publication is that when you upload it how I manage this Because, um, as I mentioned, I had 23, original research. I had a couple of invented commentaries. I had, like 10 to 12 research. But how to? Because Because I was in the first author and few of them. But I wasn't on the other. So what I did was I basically went to public Web site. I took a screenshot of the whole page, and I highlighted my name whenever it was, and I just basically just highlighted apartment idea as well. And and also I included the research article that the ones that I was the first author, I only put them as an evidence I highlighted my name. And on the last page of the evidence, I just put a screenshot of the public Web site just to make sure just to tell them that they're public index. The public really shows up, the logo comes up and your name comes up. That's about publications. This is This is again. You could find this in the evidence, which comes up when the total will open. Uh, it's pretty straight forward. Everything you'll find here, the difference between for shorter join for a shorter and collaborative author, What I just mentioned. Name brand. Collaborative author. You'll be able to find it so the final section you'll be pleased to hear is about leadership and management. So I think the key thing here is it doesn't have to be medical. Okay, so it never states well, it didn't last year. Obviously, if it's, it might change this year. But last year did not state it had to be medical. So if you have been a president or treasurer or secretary of a committee, while you've been on medical school for a society, uh, part of the medical school, so medicine society or a sports society that will still count. So I was president of the Anatomy Society. It wasn't directly linked to the medical school because it included biomedical science students and dental students as well. So it's part of the activities department. But I held that position for one term for one academic term, which is six months, more than six months. Um, and then the second key thing is to demonstrate a positive impact. Now, that might you might be like, How on earth do I do that? So the key with this again, the evidence that you upload is a letter from a supervisor. So you can word it in a way to describe what you did when you were in that role. Okay, and hopefully it was positive. So, for example, um, I went to the head of the dissection unit, Um, as basically just got a reference from her to say that whilst I worked for her, um, as part of the anatomy society as a president for From these dates to these dates, I did. And then I went through it said, essentially setting up teaching sessions or um, set up a conference or even ran a charity event, you know, raised money for, uh, the community community project. Um, like I said, it doesn't have to be medical. It's just you have to show that positive impact. And that is in how the referee rights your letter You just have to make sure that it it says that you you did a good job. Um, and that's how it's evidenced. Um, so, you know, I guess for national it would be sort of sitting on a committee, For example, the BMA if you want of the reps on on the sort of national committee or if you're a national sporting committee, um, then they would all counts. So just be aware. You know, even if you were a part of the net ball team, um, and you were the captain, You've been in a management role. Um, and you've been part of that club. And if you run an event or, you know, you were in charge of running all of the fixtures or your training, anything like that would count. So just really, you know, three points, um, is still, you know, a fair chunk, even if it's just local. Um, but it's still worth it. So that's what I would say. Perfect. Thank you. Because you just add two points here as well, since you're just almost getting done. Um, so, yeah, as it was, it was like we mentioned that first thing very important. to demonstrate a positive impact. And how do you demonstrate is just to make sure that you get something written from your medical supervisor? Uh, your CS that How did you impact It needs to be written in what? You don't need to practically prove it. And second is it doesn't need to be medically related. It could be anything it could be anything volunteer activity that you did work for an NGO. That's something it could be Anything it doesn't need to be. Medically, um, Price Code eight points here. What I did was that I was a part of an international society, which and I was the UK chair the UK chairperson for them, And I was responsible for basically a conducted, uh, we had, like, a three day virtual conference because all the coated phase So we utilize that opportunity to a coated. What's your confidence? Basically, and we did an online basic skills surgical scores, uh, where we basically dissected and banana and right stitching on it, and also had, like, a very nice debate sessions where we had the UK and Indian surgeons, uh, come up, come up and talk about the career choices and We had students asking them questions and career guidance and stuff, so that's how we did. So Basically, I used a screenshot of all the zoom session that we did the surgical skills and everything. Uh, just a screen charge of Zoom and also a letter from the chair or the secretary of the General Society. I think Yes. So yeah, finally. Now we've gone through all of those. These are just a few of our top tips, so kind of recapping a little bit what we said already. But fundamentally read the self assessment handbook. Okay, it will be updated like like foreign mentioned. There were changes between 2021 2022 applications. So be really just read it. It's really clear, and it's very, very specific about what wording is needed, what evidence is needed. So that's your go to place for all of your information? Um, the just a couple of extra points. I thought it would be worth adding. So all the evidence has to be since you started medical school or your first degree. So, essentially, it's anything since school. Really? Um, so don't be adding in things from your sixth form or from junior school or whatever. It's everything. Since you've been training, it can be from your first degree. So if you're a post grad medicine, but you did sort of a psychology degree first, it can still be included. It's essentially from when you started secondary education. Really? Um, and then just a few points to be organized. Now you know the sort of themes that come up. I bet I basically designed a sort of contents page that went through the year before. So you guys now have access to last year's, um, just to see where you are taught up your scores based on last year's and then as soon Because the new one is released, then obviously you can update it. Um, and specifically, when it's when you ask, they're asking for letters from supervisors. Wait till the new score assessing self assessment booklet is released because the worst thing is you've got all these evidence letters, and then the wording has changed, and it's just just get that all sorted in that sort of four week period that you have from when applications open. Um, just so that you don't miss out on points. Um, And then I think a couple of people have asked sort of questions about using the same piece of evidence for different sections. So everyone's already mentioned that Don't do that. So, um, if, for example, you had Accu, I project that you presented nationally and you also got it published, it's that put it in the section where it scores you the most points. So that would be under the Q I section, which would get you the full points. Um, but it wouldn't count for your publication, and it wouldn't count for a presentation as well. Um, and someone again has just said, If you held to commit to different leadership, post just put one the one that's going to score you the most points. Um, so if it was national, obviously, put that one in. If it was local, put that one in. You won't get accumulation of points. You will just be offered three points for a local leadership role. Um, be honest, as we mentioned at the beginning. If you are, there's the the odd chance you will be downgraded. It happens. That's fine. Just don't lie. You'll be you'll be caught out and they they do threaten that they will raise you to the GMC, so it's absolutely not worth it. Just be honest. Um, and then this is just a point from me. It's obviously my my portfolio score wasn't as good as reruns. Um, but really, you just need enough for an interview. At the end of the day, your portfolio only makes up a third of your overall total score. Um, and you can do so much preparation to come across well and sell yourself an interview. You just need to get past this sort of next couple of months and get an interview. Obviously, it's hard, but there are things that you can work on. Um, so really focus on meeting that cut off and maximizing as much as you can in the next couple of months. Thank you, Rosie. I I completely agree with whatever you said in this section and especially the last point that I agree. Interview. Uh, portfolio is just a big box activity. Just make sure that you just about the border just scored the bad minimum. Not like you scored the back. You have a good, good margin, but focus on interviews. The interviews carry the highest weight. That is two thirds of the marks. And also in case of a flash like I had, I had a tiebreaker I could see from the market. A lot of people have scored the same. So your interview section. So interview basically has three stations. So those three stations are used for the tiebreaker, and the fourth is your portfolio scoring. So as you can see, that portfolio scoring definitely doesn't, uh, make up the highest bed. So make sure that you don't stress too much. Just be in the safe margin. Uh, this is not to cause any panic. But just two years ago, the cutoff was 48 then it dropped to 38. 40. But again, that was the first year the online, uh, interviews were introduced. So that was we were expecting some things to happen like that. So I think you need to make sure that you're in a good margin. I think maybe around like, it's difficult to predict, but I think around 45 somebody 40 45 is a is a good safe margin. Anything about 45? I think you're fine. Uh, it shouldn't go up by a high margin, high amount. Um, so that's one and everything else. As Susie said, just one thing I want to share from personal experience is that when you get letters, sign from your supervisors. Please make sure that you have signed. They have signed the name is and the G M C number. A lot of people hadn't uploaded the GMC number. They had signed it. They were legit documents, but still, they will not accept it because of the GMC number. So make sure either you type it out or ask them to write, but it's always better just type out there, need that degrees there, uh, post and then just write the GMC and just ask them to sign it and get it a stand from the hospital. Um, that should be it about the tips, Uh, also before asking questions. Thank you. Philippa and Susie. They have been patiently answering and give him the chatter box, so I don't think we have a lot of questions to answer. But anyway, if you have any questions, I guess you could come online and ask, maybe thank you. Uh, exercise. Um, if we question, uh, the abscess has got a lot about what? Philip. I'm not sure if it's just me. Sorry, I'm just struggling with your connection. I'm just not able to hear you. So it's not any better. You can if you can type it in the chat. Or is that all right? Thank you. I guess we have answered. I think Phillip has answered all the questions, and Susie kindly has helped to answer all the questions. So if anyone has anything new, maybe they could come up on the mic and ask questions. Someone said How How much time does it usually take to build up the portfolio from scratch? Oh, that's a hard one. Um, if I'm completely honest, I've already started because I knew I wanted to do surgery, sort of from getting to medical school. So I had already started building up things to put in, probably from about third year, um, sort of getting myself involved with different opportunities, courses, conferences, that sort of thing. Um, publications, because that's always so much easier to do prior to work. I think I've certainly struggled to keep on top of that when you start working. Um, I don't know. That's a hard question depends how many points you want to get. What do you think, Baron? Yeah, I completely agree. It's difficult to quantify it, but I think I'm just going to answer this. Um, for the MG is basically from an eye mg perspective. I maybe you would say that maybe it's working on the portal. Is not that common? Uh, we might not have that good inside. So basically, I said an internship, That is my foundation in front here. And since I've been here, I've been working on it and started presenting and publishing and everything. So I've got 21 2017 and here I am in 2022 studying my residency. So, uh, not to sound daunting, but it's it's slightly challenging, so it's difficult to quantify, but just make sure that you make the most of it. Some, as we said, publications could take 23 years. One of my papers got 3, 3.5 years to get published from the day I started writing. But in my community, at the same time, literally from writing to get publishing was 45 days. So So it just depends. It's not always hard working smart work, but yeah, it's difficult to quantify, but yeah, just just keep working hard. Um, there's a couple, um from I'm assuming international question related questions, um, if I can find it, you run. So, um, if you're getting it signed off, sort of From a consultant in your own country. Doesn't national registration number count? Obviously, if they don't have a GMC number, does it have to be, um, specifically from a GMC registered professional? So, uh, it's tricky because I did a lot of things back home, but I definitely got it signed here as well. So it's difficult to answer that you could, definitely. If it's alleged, then you could use the screen shots and everything. And if you supplement that with the original legislation number, I think that should be fine. Uh, it shouldn't be an issue, but it's always better to do it over here because you have a better system in place, and then it just be audits presentations. You have easier way to, uh, prove, uh, support your evidence. Basically, Mhm. Um what what counts? As evidence of having an abstract accepted as any poster. Um, so I think what I had one that was accepted, Essentially, the initial letter of acceptance. That is, from that conference. Wherever you're presenting that states that your you know, abstract has been accepted for a poster presentation. Um, I use that as a screenshot. Um, and I think I also submitted my poster, um, as a sort of pdf format. Which reminds me, I think there was a clause about the in the queue I section as part of the evidence upload that you had to upload the presentation part of your cue I project or audit. Um, and several people sort of just missed out on that. So just be really We can't express enough just read the booklet and be really, really clear. Um, and if in doubt, submit it. Um, as long as it's, you know, you can follow it easily enough. Um, And then there's one more Here. I did my surgical elective after my internship, f y one without any valid provisional or permanent medical registration as it takes one month to get permanent registration after the end of the internship in my home country. Will this be a problem? I think there are a lot of questions for the degree area. The best option is to just try Just upload it. Because if you haven't done an elective, you can't perspective to go and do an elective. So your best option is either go for a test a week, upload that, get two points or then or else take a risk and upload this for three points. So if not, then just go for two points. That test of violent damages, it completely counts. Yeah, my understanding for the elective and so showing that you've done a placement or an elective again was a hand written letter by a supervisor. So if you know someone who can validate that you did X number of months or weeks in this hospital in this specialty, then that should count. So I don't Yeah, I don't think you should be limited by that, because it doesn't necessarily mean you have to be have to have worked in it because there'll be a lot of potential F one's applying that haven't done. They're surgical job yet. Um, so you know, they need to use evidence from from when they were doing an elective beforehand. So, um, I think I'm just going to take one question, Uh, just gonna answer this in general for a lot of I mg. So basically, we have this over qualification criteria that a lot of people are worried about. So, um, just to mention that you can't work more than 18 months in surgical specialties so fun of two years, the foundation training is equivalent to internships in the Asian countries. They don't count those, but after that, you have to make sure you don't work more than 18 months. So one of the reasons I went to I d was an F three year was because I had almost done 16 months of surgery. Uh, six months was back home, and 12 months was in the UK. So that's why I make sure that you don't exceed those 18 month criteria. And if that happens, then it's completely okay. You could switch to a any could switch to i t. You on medicine, but make sure you don't go to any surgical or surgical allied specialty. Yeah, I think that should sum it up lovely. If there's anything else just posted in the chat. But I think we've covered most things. Um, so thank you for listening, everyone. And best of luck, I can drop my email. And if anyone has any questions, he could maybe drop a meal or anything, and perfect. I think we've lost Philippa. Um, we can hang around for another couple of minutes. Um, and then if you just make sure that you, uh, complete the feedback for me, that'd be really, really helpful. And then we can see whether this was useful and whether we should continue to do it. I can see you, Pepe your back.