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CRF 09.05.23 PLAB 2, Dr Khaldon Albaiter



This on-demand teaching session discusses the requirements before taking the Black Too exam for medical professionals. Dr Albuter and Dr Tara go into detail about the English test requirements, the Blood One test, and what to expect on the Black Too exam day. They provide guidance in data gathering, clinical management skills, and interpersonal skills. Additionally, they cover the differences between face-to-face, telephone, and video consultations so that attendees can feel better prepared and less stressed for the exam.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the requirements for the UK Medical Council Black 2 exam
  2. Be knowledgeable about the structure of the Black 2 exam
  3. Understand the three aspects which the Black 2 exam assesses: data gathering and technical assessment, clinical management skills and interpersonal skills
  4. Understand the difference between a face-to-face consultation, telephone consultation, and video consultation
  5. Analyze and practice the time management strategies needed to complete a successful Black 2 consultation in 8 minutes.
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Hello everybody. Uh My name is Doctor Albuter today. I will be here uh with Dr Tara trying to deliver this sexual regarding preparing For Black too. Uh If you have any question uh as you can hear my voice, I have relax symptoms. So if you have any questions or we do not understand anything, believe, do not hesitate to write in the shot books. Uh Doctor Tara will try to answer the questions. Uh Doctor Tear is going to step in and say something about yourself. Hi, I'm Tara Watson. I'm an old GP in Southampton. It's nice to work with doctor our beta as a young person. I hope between the two of us, we, we give you a well rounded lecture and we're particularly conscious of multiple um um accents through the through the call. So please put in the chat if you need something explained or repeated and I'll try and pick it up. It is. Thank you the patera. So before uh starting the station, I would like to highlight uh the member and that we are going to talk about. Um I want to say also that Black too is very heavy subject to be delivered in one hour. Um So we will try to highlight the most important point and answer your questions and queries. And then uh we'll start by talking about what is the requirement before cutting black too as a doctor to do the block to exam, you need to do some, some exams before that. We are going to talk about in this session also. So we'll explain what is blocked. Uh How are you going to be tested on the exam there? Because knowing how are you going to be tested that will help you in a way that you are going to study um kind of consultation that will be expected on the exam day. Uh sources and Dr Tara and I are going to do like um um like roleplay. A case is similar to what happened on the exam day. The first thing we are going to talk, as I said is um what are the requirements before starting blocked? Well, damn before doing the blood doing them, uh you need to do to bus an English test here, we have to kind of English test that you are, you can do. The first one is uh 0 80 otherwise eyelid. Uh both of them are accepted from the General Medical Council. Gm. See um the difference between them is I'll uh I'll it is International English language test system. It is a general English test where people use it for visas for join the university for different careers. However, the 80 which is occupational English test, it is specific for health professions. Uh Here, I might say my personal experience as I am one of the doctors who was plaque too and I was through all these steps. Uh I did already because it is like targeted to the health professionals also. Uh for me, it helped me a lot uh and preparing um uh for blood to why I am a doctor. Uh Well, I my native language, my, my languages Arabic and I studied medicine, medicine in Spanish. So uh through throughout the way and preparing for my exams, I did the 18. So it put me in the mood of um studying uh of the medicine and English also because um um the writing, it is a medical letter with uh listening and reading also it about medical subjects. And the interesting part is speaking part where there is too short or many consultation or five minutes, which is something um uh we'll just leave the miracle bar. It is something similar to that blob too. So it's a way that prepare you for, for your upcoming exams at the end. It's up to the person. Some people who have already had a good level of English and they can go directly to I'll list it's okay as soon as you pass the uh English test, uh people are ready, have prepared, ready to start preparing for blood. One Well, a blood one, it is uh medical exam where it's examine your medical knowledge. Um It's consent of uh 180 questions um which will do the 180 questions in three hours and about it to 50 to 60 minutes edge question. Uh That is for blood one. Doctor Star A is there any questions so far? No, so far it's people still introducing themselves were guessing we've had over 100 people joined now. So that's lovely. Thank you. So now what is blood to uh blood to, is it objective? So technical exam, it is an exam uh after batting at uh ingress test and the blood one test, you go to the uh I told the practice part of, of this journey, it's concept of 16 stations uh in the in the exam. They, you will be in a place where there is 16 rooms. Normally it happened in Manchester in the UK Manchester, uh 60 rooms, you will have about 90 seconds to read the question after the 92nd. Um There is a sound in which tell you that you can get into the room in the room. Uh Normally expected to see a patient, uh an an examiner, you have eight minutes uh to finish with the consultation, which we are going to explain a bit with more details later on. Um um what they expect from you in this consultation. They doesn't effect from you to to uh to do a consultation uh like a consultant labor know they expect from you. Uh fy two ff two doctors in his first or in his or heart, first day uh working and fy too. So uh that's it. Um Now it is very important when you going to prepare for the exam, it's very important to know what uh what are you going to be tested and what is the skills? Because uh if I already did my English test, I already did my uh medicine test, which is blood one, what they want from me on that exam. This is uh this is a good question to ask that help you uh in a way that you are studying or preparing for the exam I fully brought to. They will, they will examine you in, in three parts. Very important aspects. The third one, data gathering, technical assessment and skills, what they examine you? Uh Is it like a usual consultation where you see a patient with any with, with, with complained, maybe headache, uh nausea, whatever. And they will see how, how are you going to take history to the, to the patient? Do relevant examination, maybe examination, maybe proceeded uh that help you uh to know what the patient have investigation that lead you to the diagnosis for this part if you have uh score four because uh vegetation, they score, they scored you based on 12th. So uh the first uh so it divided in three H one has four scores. So data, data gathering and technical assessment. It is for the second part, it is clinical management skills. Um here also, they will give you a best on score uh for uh what are you going to do in the clinical management skills? Here, they will examine how are you going to reach the diagnosis? Uh explain that diagnose it in a lemma language. They expect from you, they expect from you that explains, it's not just uh tell that patient that they ignored it, not you uh you should, you most uh make that your patient going out of the consultation, knowing what he had. And if someone has this this patient, what do you have? He can explain it in his own language, in his own world. So it's not just take, for example, you have money, you know, you should explain in layman language. What is meningitis? How so that the patient going out from your consultation on what is meningitis? And if someone asked him, he can't answer this question, not just say the word, for example, meningitis or day abated or whatever and then they will salmon your management plan. So yeah, based on that, they diagnose it that you get or you reach in the in the consultation, they will see how are you going to manage this patient? And the last aspect is interpersonal skills, interpersonal skills. I think it is the part where most of the doctors uh face um some difficulties, interpersonal get uh they they examined or looked uh consultation from the from the first moment that you get introduced yourself with a big smile and then see how are you going to deal with the patient his ways. So, empathy to the patient, I know that we sometimes we are in the exam there and we are a best stress. We want to finish. I get the diagnosis quickly and treat the patient. But it's very important here. The ethics part and, and show empathy with the patient. They will see how are you going to ask questions because normally it's to do a perfect consultation or trying to do a perfect consultation is start by asking like from um open question and then going to uh the the clothes questions to how professional you are, do not treat how professional you all. How do you deal with the ethic principles which is normally used here in the UK. Now it is very important when you are preparing for the exam, they know what kind of consultations are going to face on that day. Uh Blood to you, to have a face to face consultation and normal consultation like a normal GV or or any specialist in the clinic in the hospital. Uh doing it's like a face to face consultation. Um um but after corona, we know that the world has, has changed. So uh they had two new consultations with the telephone consultation and the video consultation. Um What is the difference between the two best consultation and telephone and video consultation? The first, the first consultation is the normal, as I said, is in the normal consultation that all of us uh deal with in your in our usual or daily daily wear. Um Regarding a telephone consultation, it is similar. Actually, the difference is there are some like change in the approach. For example, you have to ask the patient some specific questions uh check the identity of the patient. Uh ask him about the number. What is the best number to put him back in case of the uh in case of the cold drop, check the address of the patient and the video consultation is similar. It's just terrible consultation. You have a screen where you can see the patient. Uh the difference you ask about the link. What is the best is that the best link to call you back? In case of the uh like the internet is connected in both consultation, telephone consultation and video. One, you have to add the the best time to talk with you because you know, sometimes you call the patient regarding some specific thing or brightly thing where he doesn't want he or she doesn't want someone else who live with him at home or maybe he's at work, don't want to listen. So you, you normally ask the best time uh to call um uh the three consultations should be finished in eight minutes. I mean, uh taking history uh getting of diagnosis, explained that diagnosis and then create the patient and sometimes doctors get stressed. And they said, how, how can I finish a full consultation in Edmon? It? Um I know this question is so it is quite so difficult to answer. I will, I've been through this and I actually ask these questions, but with practice, we will get you to do that here in the UKGB. Consultation duration is just a 10 minutes. So um is one of the most frequent questions. People said okay, if I don't finish it, I am too slow and I don't finish the consultation in 10 minute. I'm going to uh to fail the station know as long as you as you show as you should, uh you should uh interpret your interpersonal schools is good because as I told you divided in four and data gathering, uh technical uh technical, an assessment skills for clinical management and for interventional skills and to normally the bussing score uh for the station uh about 5.5 0.76 some of them get to seven out of 12. So you have spayed uh like if you are, for example, good in your interpersonal schools, you'll get four. And if you make like quite good data gathering to and with the clinical management too, you got nine and you already bust um at this station uh question. For example, how many stations should I bus? I know that there are 16 stations and how many stations shall I bus out of 16 stations, you should bus 10 stations out of the 16 stations. So as I say, it's not difficult to buy this exam as long as you are prepared because you have, you can flare up to six stations. So regarding the score and I told you a station has 12th scores, but there is no no standard scores for bussing exam because it depends on the exam. There some exam they were, the exam is easier than the other day. So uh the booking score is uh different. Uh it's like between I can say 95 97 till 115. So it might be uh this ranked. So which way I'm saying the exam is not difficult to us as long as you prepare well and good the the best sources, general medical counter and I get sorted from where we can find information you are you are you, you might ask me, you tell me that you are trying to deliver a second of plaque to where uh in one hour. And it's not enough. I need, I need salt. I need to read more about black too. I highly recommend you to join to go to Google uh Inner Medical Council website. And there you can like right black too and you will find a lot of information about what is block to um how can you study for block to um the most frequent questions uh in black too. Also when I was preparing for my blood to uh I was looking, and I was looking in the, you know, Medical Council. Uh they have something lovely what's called uh like uh it's like uh does and don't, well, uh what is the thing that you should do in the arid um things you cannot buy the exam if you don't do this thing. And also they tell you what you should avoid on the exam. They because uh they, they after h exam, they see what is the mistake, the most frequent mistake that student or many doctor do on the exam. Uh and they write you to avoid these things because those things that might lead you to feel the station. Yes, you need. Sounds good. Thank you. And before coming to the cases with doctor, uh I would like uh to tell you some tips that personally I use it uh stress. Um we can't avoid states during the exam. However, um most of the people who bought the exam, they share the same opinion that uh be yourself one of the most important tips on the exam day that be yourself. Uh you are a doctor, you have dealt with similar consultation in your practice uh date. So being yourself uh be confidence also because the confident that you have, you can get to the examiner. And that is uh like uh give you a credit and my may make you like a visitation with high score. Uh As I say, I did the usual consultation. Uh don't be scripted, being scripted. It is one of the most uh like I can say repeated mistake that uh doctors have during the exam develop to exam what I mean by being scripted, big scriptures be bar memorize some phrases. Um um And some of people even memorize some cases. Uh Actually the exam is not about this. As I say, it, it's examined about your communication skills. Um Sometimes you don't know even you don't get to the management of the patient, but you've been a good listener that gives you a credit that you okay. Did doctor if you got more time, he might give the diagnosis, right? Another thing that many doctors uh another mistake that many doctors do our uh they study a lot and they might have an idea about the kids that, that like the most frequent cases have been in a black to exam. And when, when in the in the 92nd before starting the room getting into the room or they read exam and there is the station and say okay, I know it is it about the abettors but when you are in the exam, in the in the room and the 8 million your egg minute, sometimes the patient say a word is where his his confirm like it's changed the way or the approach of the station. And here come sing what we call IgE which is ideas, concern and expectation. The patient, uh the patient, when the patient goes to see a doctor, he had an idea. Nick, sometimes they had an idea, they need something. Sometimes you try to treat his headache or her headache and actually what they want is a medical tech note. Sometimes the patient has, for example, um insomnia or a problem uh to start sleeping and you try to find uh like organic causes for that while there is no organic cause it has stressed. He, he has pulling any abuse, domestic abuse. So it's not just to see what he you have to listen to every single world that your vision telling you also very important in the exam. Uh Do you look at a patient uh contact is very important, extra vulvar. Uh like sometimes the patient, you can see him doing some movement with his hand, some movement with extra fervor movement that express that he had the patient that the anxiety. So or sometimes he's holding his tummy and you can't, you can't hear. You have to ask him. I can see that you are holding your chest, you are holding your abdomen or we'll lm a language. You are holding your tummy. Ask him about that because sometimes they're saying something but they're acting with another. Another thing they want you to observe that they want you to be a safe doctor. Here is the world that if I can say the most important, if I indeed into this lecture, uh the most important to things that I want to uh two of the lecture, knowing it, it be a good listener and be a safe doctor. This is the most important thing to know hour or two. I want you to get out of this consultation knowing it. Uh Doctor uh um No, that's great. We haven't had any questions apart from one, I think I want the uh the person running the court possibly answer this crisis. Rescue Foundation. Um Sorry, I didn't catch your name. Sorry. What was it? Sorry, I'm Hannah. Hannah High. It was simply one earlier on was asking about how they register after the event and I didn't understand the question and be we didn't know the answer anyway. Um I'm not sure I understand the question either. So the person who wrote that if you want to clarify in the chat, I'll try and respond to that later. Thank you. Thanks Hannah. Um So, um I was thinking about what you said about patient's um, doctor are beta and what they, their ideas, concerns and expectations and I suppose I've always struggled to keep to the eight minutes as a lot of gps do. But one of the things that ironically speeds patient's up is what's called the golden minute where you let them talk and often their ideas, concerns and expectations often come out in that first minute and your time pressured and you're thinking they're talking for a very long time. But actually it is usually no longer than a minute. And then if you reflect back to them in your own words, what they've said and what you think there, ideas concerns and expectations are then bizarrely that makes things go quicker and it leads to a good consultation. So, consider doing that in your Plavix. Well, I would say, although you can tell from my accent, I've never had to dupe lab and also at the end, um, check the patient is happy with the consultation. Um, so that was quick. The other one seems, the first hint seems a long, seems going right at a long way, but actually it does shorten your time. Hope that's helpful. Additional information. Yeah, there's no other, there's no other extra questions as, as I said, if anybody's not understand, understood something, please do ask. Now is a good time to ask verbal if you want to actually the touch around. Yeah, I like, I totally agree about what you said about the golden minute and I want to add to that as a block to eat an exam. Uh, sometimes, uh, in some stations, especially with elderly people, they might talk a bit a bit longer. Do not try to interrupt your patient, do not stress, uh, about, uh, I want to get to the diagnosis where I want to manage the patient. Um always do not uh interrupt your patient, even if you talk about two or three minutes, do not interrupt him or her and always uh make an eye contact and make them know that okay or be something just to make him know that you are following him up. Also uh regarding the boy that doctor Tara said about uh check the uh check if the patient is happy. Yes, check the patient is happy. Be safe doctor and provide him with leaflet about the consultation. Uh Doctor Sarah, I think uh there's no questions we can go to uh some ones just popped up. Yeah, just popped up. Actually the the second one is very optimistic. So angle Zika, would you like to speak your own question or shall I do it? Okay her question here. I don't know if that's some anyway, Dunga's Sica's questions. One. Exactly. When do you do the Plabennec one exams? And when is the plan to are both after graduation from medical school or at different times? Oh, that is a very valid question. Uh Yeah. Um you can't do them after graduated. That is, is a good point. You can't do them. However, some people, some doctors who is uh they work like I said in smarter way or uh they do uh the English test before graduated and also they do blood to before graduated. Both of them, I think they can, they can be done. However, just block to, I think the only one who need to be after graduated and need to be done um here in the UK and the other two tests can, can be done uh overseas. Do you, um, is there a gap between the two? Do you have to have a gap between one and two or can you do one, you know, uh the only gap that is um it depends on your time and your ability to study the gap is how long it's gonna take you to study. You can do it. Uh As long as you bust blob one, you're ready to do blood to like GMC will not, you can book club to uh for example, I booked block two in the same moment that I got the result of blob one. Okay. So I think Sarah, Sarah or Sarah's asking so plaid one can be done before graduating. I think you're saying yes to that, aren't you? Yeah, I think so. It can be before that waited and can be in different countries. Uh India Bangladesh. Uh I think Sudan and Egypt has a lot of countries. Yeah, I think from talking to you dot Our bases, would you, did you find it easy to dupe lab to once you got used to being in England? You know, you should that you cannot do black to outside England, the block to the only, the only blades were black to done it here, England and I think it's in Manchester. They're too damn centers in Manchester. Hamilton Square on Hamilton Street here. Uh and before I go on to, there's other questions coming in now, so I'll get to those. But before I, I get on um to that, um I would, yeah, I would say as a GP who has a lot of deaf patient, sometimes I find writing things down for them, helps. And I would think if you're getting desperate for your patient's to understand you or if you want to make sure they understand it, you could offer to write something down. Even if there's not a pen and paper in front of you at the station. Is that appropriate Doctor Al Baiter? Actually, um, your experience put you in, in a place like a glove to examine. Yeah. Actually there is a station where you have to, right? Ok. Sometime why, uh to make it clear for our doctors. Um, sometimes you have some, uh some patient who has learning difficulty. Yeah. And it's where the, the, the one who's going to do uh after or the one who's going the, doing the ruthless. Um Not much how many times you explain the diagnosis or what you want to tell him, he will keep asking you the same question. I do not get it. Yeah. Uh And also I want to highlight thank you, Doctor Sharon and I want to highlight that not always in the 16 stations you have a patient um as I said, plaque to it about prepare you to work in the UK. So one of the stations are teaching, you have to teach your colleague, for example, uh in my exam, uh I thought I had to teach a medical student how to do uh subcutaneous injection. Also, I had to explain to a colleague about uh toddler uh milestone. So there is a teaching stations. Uh There is the procedures where you have to do some procedures like injections like um I'm taking some blood uh Bob smear. So yeah, there is different aspects of uh you can do it. It's not just you and the patient you can teach, you can give a lecture like what we are doing right now to your colleague, to a nurse. Also, they there is a place where you have like a problem colleague station where how how you are going to deal with your colleague sometimes who have some drugs or who's coming late to to to work. So uh I really love Black too. I think it is uh in this journey from starting the English platform. Black to it is the most enjoyable bar because and it gives you confidence. Um It's between the mood, I think it is perfect. It's prepared. I saw people who, who, who started working in the UK more than 10 years ago, people who started working the last three years and there's a big difference between them. Uh, and they, they said that because now today we love to prepare you to work the second day in the UK. So, um, your questions, uh, your, your comment on stations fits in. There's quite a few questions coming. Now, your comment stations fits in with the question about, is there a breaking bad news, uh, station and also about whether there's a medication station they have to get the dosage is right. Yes. Uh I think at least that we have one, breaking news station. Uh, this is one of the sensitive stations that people sometimes uh, like lose scores. Uh, we have to show a lot of empathy. Sometimes you have to change our approach because normally when you get the station, we get, we get into the station with a big smile. But here, yeah, the approach is a bit different eye contact in this kind of stations about of the embassy that, that you have to show is offer some kind of help like uh um group support. Uh, see what, what kind of help that a patient in that station need. Yes. Uh, it is very important stations in the blood to, uh, the second question regarding prescription. You, uh, actually bringing by the news and prescription stations, one of the guaranteed station that I mean, especially prescription, you will have a prescription station. Yeah. And, and are we going to, are we need or do we need to have, uh, the correct dot Yes, we need to have the correct dose for the correct person. Um, and the way that you here and you might need a lot of time, spend a lot of time here there because here in the UK, they have like, uh, like, uh, like, um, for hospital kind of prescription for riveted another kind of prescription how to write the name. How different. Yeah. Yeah, I think a prescription is quite a new station in black too. But I can't tell you in every single love to exam, you will have at least one prescription station and you may have one tick if it's like, this sounds very like our undergraduate exams. You may have one that involves, um, prescribing controlled drugs, which you must make sure, you know how to do that. And I would say if you're not sure of a dose, even if you're sure of a dose, if you think somebody might be pregnant, always say I'd check it in the, our national book, which is the BNF, the British National Formulary. So, so be clear when, even when you're fairly sure that, that you would, you know, where to check things are, is that actually doctor, uh, actually is a very valid point. Uh, I think in everything that's taken of the 16th station we have, uh, on the prescription station, you should use the piano because, uh, one of the aims of this station that you can use the PNM. Uh No, that sounds good. So yeah, because for them, it, it's not, it sounds they will not accept you might feel that taken and you do it even you do it correctly. Uh If you don't open that PNF because they want to know if you, if you, if you are able to use the PNF formats. Yes. OK. That's, that's great. Um Now there have been um uh, there's a question about, can I do exam from Abu Dhabi? Presumably that's part one which I assume would be. Yes. Am I right? Yeah, I've never been in this but I think, yeah, you got, uh, you said undergraduate? No. Uh, um, this is Sara doesn't, I'd have to look further up to see what her level is. Yeah. Would you mind, would you mind to be the question, please? Can I exam from Abu Dhabi? Yeah, there is an Abu Dhabi. There is inject a Saudi Arabia in Sudan in Egypt, I think from, from the way accepting mix mint from the Middle East. Yeah. Very different. Yeah. Yeah. Very different places. Uh, in the Middle East. Yeah. Otherwise, otherwise they're in India, Pakistan. They're like, yeah, South Africa. And there's a lot of club one exams, exam centres and practical from that. Does the plan want club one have an expiry date? And do I need any certificates to take lab one? And then the third part of that recommendations of uh, courses for lab one orp lab too. And I know your answer to that, which is we're not allowed to recommend particular courses. Yeah. Could you be the first question? Ok. Um, does plaid one have an expiry date? And it's, it's a certificate I need to take before I need to have before plaid one. And what do I study to prepare for plaid one today? Um, the first thing about it's by law one. uh, never heard about expiring the for blood one. because, yeah, I don't think so that it's by the, uh, for blood one. because normally people, when they finish blood, when they start to prepare for blood to, um, uh, take them some, some people one year, two years and I never heard that someone who, who was stopped to do blood too regarding the certificate, uh, that you need to do blood one. It's not certificate. But the only thing that it's group that you have bussed the English test, uh, islets or 0 80. And I think both of them will, will be shared directly to the GMC. And do you know what people study for plaid one? Yeah. Uh, yeah, for blood one hold medicine. I, I mean, you, especially the most important, not the most potent the man, uh, like, subject like surgery. I know everything that you studied since your first year as a doctor until, uh, until like the last thing that the last update in the G MG website or the energy it website, like today, uh, it's every single thing. Uh, and, and, uh, like medical part also, we have some like epidemiology. Uh, but if you go to the, to the GMC website and you write blood one, actually they work with you how to study what you can find their, uh, uh, and also if you would like, like to have, um, like a sample, they have about 40 or so or 50 questions with answers that will give you an idea about how, how is blood one and how it just, uh, giving, how, how it's run. You can right there. You can go to Facebook or youtube, you can write this blood one. You can find a lot of sources. So it sounds like it, you could do the American, uh, one at a similar time because I, they seem to want to know everything you did from day one of medical school as well. Um, so if you're going to study for one, you could study for both by the sound of it. Uh, to actually, yeah, there is some doctors who it is for both, but I don't know, I don't recommend you. I think it's be smarter if you, if you, if you see what, what you want, you want to go to us or the UK and, uh, and focus on, on, on, on your goal. The one question I think I can answer is the benefits of the Plavix Sam. Well, basically you can't work as a doctor in the UK until you've passed plaid to, uh, so you, if you're wanting to live in the United Kingdom and work, you need that. I don't know if it also covers island. Does it? Sorry, it's also cover Ireland probably doesn't cause they're in the eu, you know, you know, we've got Northern Ireland and United Kingdom. Uh, The rest of Ireland you probably don't need it for. But basically it's, it's to show in theory the patient's understand you. But in my experience, patients don't understand my English if they're 70 plus, let alone anybody from abroad. So it really is only a starting place. Um So there's is the relationship between the university that you're applying for plaid one, I mean, some documents or response. So I don't think so. I think it's a, it's a private thing and I also think people are asking about advice on courses. Uh just to repeat myself, we're not allowed to advise on particular courses. Um Yeah. Is that private? Yeah, I'm sorry. Yeah, I think we're not advised to uh like advise some courses. But as I said, you can, if you can go to Facebook or you to, you believe me, you will find more than you need because you know, it is an example, something for years and years and years and there's many people from different countries to um uh like to have the GM see restoration and then, uh I think if you go to youtube and write blood One, you will even get lost for the amount of the things that you will find there. So don't worry about the sources. Go to the GMC website, read about the exam that you want to do blood one or black to um, see what they recommend you there and then go to Facebook or, or youtube and you will find more than you need. Yeah. Sorry, sorry to finish off. Sorry, I was going to say we're coming up to uh 45 minutes. So I was wondering, um, if anybody else has a question they feel hasn't been touched on, could they run mute and, and say it or put a hand up because I feel I've covered most of it, but I might have missed some very specific stuff. Can we still, are we still able to book club in 2024? If not, we'll UK Emily content be the same as plaid two and one. Do you understand that question? Um Doctor Al Baker. Yeah. Yeah, I do, I do. Um, actually, uh as we can see on the outside that uh about starting from 2020 for uh they will do the Emily uh exam. They say an exam that will do it for the people, uh, doctors in the UK or outside the UK. Um We don't tell now after them. Yeah. We know that we'll change from blob 1 to 2 that exam. Uh We don't have much information about that till the moment because it's not like published. However, however, however, it, if they want to examine your blood and what they want to examine you, they want to examine your medical knowledge. So I don't want, I don't think so. That may be a big difference. Um, about that, what you have to study over the subject or the kind of question. So, um I always cut with my colleague. Uh I don't think so. That might will be like that, that big difference. Uh Now the question is just popped in. Do you think us having online glasses may affect being qualified to pass plaque? That all depends on your university and if they recognize our lecter's, so I will see you again. Did you want to add to that? Sorry, I, I did not get the question. Do you know, do you think us having online classes may affect the qualified, being qualified to pass plalab? Uh My answer was, I think it depends on how your university uh what, what they mean by being qualified to bus club? Yeah. Yeah. Uh I don't know. Do you, Sarah? Do you mean it's harder to pass because you're doing online work or whether or not your university has accepted the lectures? Um My, my guess answer to both of those would be if the university accepts the lectures then the plant people will if the but it will be harder to study. I think you need to practice with friends online. Um to make up for the fact you can't do face to face possibly. Is that fair? Would you say? Look, uh I said in the, in the after Corona, the world has shanked. Uh most of the classes now are for them. But for my preparation for blood one, I did all my, my preparation online and for a bluff too, I can't say uh it is about, I did it online and then I did practice with my colleague before the exam, about four weeks before like them, like a daily practice with my colleague who was doing the exam. So I think nowadays, especially for people who would abort or not in the UK. Uh It is a personal opinion. Uh Yeah, better to do it online because it might make you through the best place to study. Okay. That's fine. So there are a couple of quite specific questions. Like I thought the, the UK, Emily one, I don't know if you were able to find out some more information and feed it back to people. Hannah. Is that something that we have the facility to do to give information to any out of any outstanding questions um to the students at a later point. Sorry, I didn't exactly understand the question. We'll say we, we had a bit of a uh the Ukmle question. Obviously, nobody quite knows what's happening. Um And there's different people asking about different uh what proof they need. Um uh So if any of these questions were not sure about and we're running out of time for questions, is there any way we can answer them back to the students at a later point? Um All I can do is share the CRF med school email address. So if anyone has any specific questions, you can email us there. I can't promise that you'll get a response straight away because we have limited admin, but we will try and get back to you. Okay. So I'll just put that in the chat now. Yeah. And maybe for the UK, Emily will try and update the, we'll try and get the website and we'll try and get you guys to put something on the website when that changes. Is that okay? Um I don't have an answer for that. You'll have to speak to Doctor Raymond about that code. That's fine. Well, we can, we can ask her if we know a bit more have, I think in the future if it, if the doctors don't think about it. Uh I think it is a very valid question. Uh We can, might try to find, organize that Doctor Sharon and find more information about that and come back with a new lecture with about it. I feel I haven't quite covered one or two of the more detailed questions. So please scream. Now if you are desperate for me to answer otherwise we'll move on to. Uh actually, if I suggest if they have questions, we can answer the questions better than doing the case. Okay, because we are here to answer their questions and the cases. They can do it a restaurant and we can organize another station. I'm happy to do it. Yeah. Okay. Well, um I'll have another look through but please can Ewan mute if you think I've missed your question. Yeah, guys, please, please. You can now you can be like be interactive and you can amuse yourself and ask your question. So there was one, what would you advise for someone who's reached the final year of medical school who's university has been closed due to war in Sudan in terms of studying and progressing through this period. Well, the first one would be make them most of these online lectures. There's a whole term of them and all the old ones are available as well. You'll be given links on how to access those but making sure that your university um recognizes them to um um and practicing with each other. Your clinical skills is vital. Um Do you want to add to that? There's more? Sorry, sorry, sorry, I'm Yeah, it's okay. You want to add to what I've said there? No, no. Thank you. Can you doctor uh told you ask any question that you are doctor Tara and I were here to answer your questions. So if you have any question, uh don't hesitate to, to like a mute yourself and ask, yeah, there's an interesting question here. People aren't on muting, but some kind of go through again. There's an interesting question here. I've not thought about this. Uh is about whether, well, there might be, we could do a whatsapp group for people who want it. Um So, um what can you answer the questions that have been sent to the email in the whatsapp group or somewhere that everyone can see and benefit from it? So there's a thought because I'm not getting the shots. Okay. Can you answer the questions that have been sent to the email in the whatsapp group or somewhere that everyone can see and benefit from? So maybe we need to set up a whatsapp group for ongoing information. That's a possibility we haven't thought about that. Have we actually as the uh as far as it's not, it's acceptable uh by Doctor Sharon, I'm okay with anything that uh I can't support people. Sorry to interrupt. We do have quite a few whatsapp groups already. So we have um a lectures whatsapp group for all the students. So if uh if they email me all the questions, we can put them in one document and we can try and get answers for that and then post that in the whatsapp group, we can try and get that done rather than creating another whatsapp group because we already have over 400 participants on there. Thank you. I think that's, that's good. Yeah. So if everyone can email the email is I've posted it already at CRF med school at gmail dot com. If you have any questions regarding Plebe or anything related to that, we'll try and put all the questions together and get some answers and we'll try and share that at some point. I can't promise they will be done immediately. But hopefully that can be done at some point this time. You're doing a great job on a very grateful for. Thank you. Thank you. Well, we've got five minutes left unless somebody shouts, why don't we do the first interaction and running or we're not allowed to run over? What's that? Hannah, what happens if we run over three or four minutes? Unfortunately, we can't really afford to because we've got back to back lectures today. No, that's fine. That's fine. So shall we, should we just start that one and, and finish when the lecture finishes or would you rather not do that? Doctor beta for his uh session should take about at least uh eight minute. However, that will do it quickly, doctor and I need to give you a quick example about it. Yeah, let's do that. Yeah. So I will clearly that guess guys, you are a 0.2 energy. Be your patient is Anna Horton. Age 45 has called to complain of a pain in her, in her head. You are not giving any other information. You must assist and manage the patient. Uh, we can start now. Doctor, uh, something quickly before. Yeah. Hello. Hello. Hello. Yeah. Hello, Doctor, I'm Horton and I've come to see about my head. Hello, Anna. Hello. Hello, Mrs Anna Helton. My name is Doctor Al Better. I'm one of the doctors in the GV surgery. Could you confirm your age, please? My date of birth is first of February 1978 which makes me 45 probably 45. Thank you so much. And, uh, sorry, how would you like me to call you during this consultation? Uh, is good. Thanks. Uh, nice to meet you. And, uh, I understand that you broke an appointment today because you have, you're suffering from headache. Am I right? Yes. Doctor, I've got this awful pain across the front of my head. It seems to be there all the time. And despite taking ibuprofen and paracetamol, they only make it a little bit better. It won't go away. I'm really sorry to hear that. Ana, and, uh, treating me. How long have you, have you been experiencing this pain already, uh, for the last few months? Doctor, the last female? Oh, this is quite a long period of time. It might be disturbing. Is it disturbing your daily activity? I'm finding it hard to work, but I'm still carrying on with the pain killers. But the pain girl, um, could you just, uh, being point where exactly is the pain? It's right across my forehead. Feels like a tight band there all the time. Uh, and you told me that you are taking some pain killers for it. It didn't have anything else making it better. They make it a bit better but no, nothing else makes it better or worse. Really. Anything else. You think it worse? No, not that I can tell a scale of 1 to 10 where is one is the lowest pain that you might have and in the highest pain that you might have could just kill me. Your pain, please. Well, at worst, I suppose it's about an eight and then after the pain killers it can go down to five for a while. Yeah. And if there's anything or new thing happened in your life since that, uh, when, when, when, when the pain started. Well, my friend a few months ago was diagnosed with a brain tumour and I do wonder about that. Oh, I'm really sorry about your friend. And how is, how he's coming with that? Oh, he's doing okay with radiotherapy and is, uh, and has had some surgery. So he's remarkably well considering. Okay. I will stop it here. We don't, we can't finish because we don't have time. But I want to highlight some few things that I did in the consultation. If you want. If you see that, I started from open questions. Too close questions. Have you see, have you noted the question that asked that it did anything happened in your life? Uh Like something in you happen because uh this question is sound, it's not medical question. But look, I did not finish with, with the vision. I did not get the diagnosis but might be that might, might be the cause of the headache is not organic. It might be a tension headache, youtube because she's worried about her friend. Have you seen when she talked about her friend uh change the tone of my voice? I start acting about her friend. This is crap too. So, empathy. Follow the patient. This is what, what is up to about. I'm really sorry guys. Um um We are short of time. I weight that we have a bit more time to go on details with you. But Dr Tara and Hannah, I'm talking about the whatsapp group. I will be happy to answer any question there. Thank you so much for being here with. Thank you doctor. Uh Good luck all of you and all your difficult situations. We're really thinking of you. Good luck, good luck guy. And I'm a person who come from, from a cutie car. So I'm from Yemen originally. So I know what that means. So guys, uh if you have any question, any support that you needed, we are here to support you. Thank you so much.