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Creating a Scientific Profile



This course covers the fundamentals of Clinical Research, providing an overview of the design, conduct, and analysis of clinical trials.

The course covers:

  • Strategies in the Critical Review of Literature
  • Introduction to Systematic Reviews
  • Getting involved in Basic Science Research for Medical Students and Early Career Doctors
  • Getting involved in Clinical Research for Medical Students and Early Career Doctors
  • Overview of Clinical Trials
  • Creating a Scientific Profile
  • Writing Compelling Abstracts

Course participants will learn about the various types of clinical trials and the regulatory processes involved in conducting clinical research. Additionally, the course will provide an overview of the literature review process as well as insights into critiquing research articles.

We have also included a module on personal development for medical students and early career doctors. Upon completion, students will have a foundational understanding of Clinical Research and the skills necessary to critically evaluate and participate in clinical research.

Certificates are awarded upon completion of all lectures and quizzes.

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It contains a, um it's essentially a correction of information in a scient tome database. And I'll tell us what the Ciento Database is shortly. And essentially, it shows everything you have done or the work you do as a scientist, it is your Twitter bio of your scientific work or your or your linkedin of your scientific work as the case may be. It's something that when people see it's kind of like AC B that showcases your scientific work. And essentially um these days, journals are increasingly requiring autos to have scientific profiles. And if you're applying for a grant or you're applying for um a, a program or, or some kind of position or a job that, you know, deals with research, someone will ask you to provide something called a unique identifier, which is a number linked to your scientific profile. So this is increasingly being requested. I know a couple of years ago um uh I was, I wrote a paper on Dengue virus with some colleagues and, you know, the first thing when we're about to submit it and I was just um I, I was very young at that time and, you know, Oh, the first thing the authors, the journal asked was for us to provide our, that's an auto ID number that I'll talk about shortly. So it's very important. And even um if they want people want to collaborate with you or you apply for some work or, or grants, the first thing I'm going to ask you is to submit your um a unique identifying number that links them to your scientific profile. So um I have here that when you create your scientific profile, essentially, what it does is that it helps demonstrate your visibility and credibility as a researcher, it highlights your interest, your research interest and also helps you find potential collaborators in your field of research. When you create scientific profile, you assign a unique or ID that can be used to distinguish you from other researchers who are the same or similar names. And I'll give an example. Now my name is UBI. My, my um other names are Chukka Z. So when I write my name in the paper or elsewhere, I write that U ce. However, my cousin who also does biomedical research, his name is Obi. So when he publishes, he writes his own for oee now my brother who does engineering research from time to time his own is Obre C. So when he publishes also says OC, so if you search for my name, you're likely going to come across a ton of people publishing things that are in different fields. There may also be other obre that I don't know about. So how can some, how can I distinguish myself? How can I tell people that? OK, this is work that is essentially mine. I need to have a scientific profile. I need to be able to share this unique author ID when I'm applying for a grant or I'm I'm I'm submitting my CV or my linkedin. So I need, I need to put this unique author ID. So people can find and know, OK, this is the work that actually belongs to me. I know my cousin or my brother. So what are the advantages of creating a research profile very quickly? Um It helps you promote your research and your teaching activities um also improves your chances of being cited. Um If you go through POM and you click on an or name, sometimes you actually see them, show you the or ID and then if you go to the or ID, you're going to see similar works by that author. Also, it helps to ensure correct attribution. Um It helps to guarantee, guarantee credit in research assessments, to find new collaborators and to find new funding sources that by funny sauces, I mean brand. So um these are some of the om meric databases. I said I was going to show you guys and the, the first one which I consider by far, probably the most important is orchid, which is open recession and contribution ID. And if you're not going to take anything out of today's um session, please go online and sign off for an orchid number. Create a profile, take your time and have an orchid ID. It's a unique identify. An orchid is perhaps the one that most journals request you to have. So it's very important. Um So another ciric databases researcher ID Google scholars cous research Gates Manly, they're used for doing your and cations actually also can be used as a scientific profile. If you go to the Manly website, not the app, there's actually a an area there where you can create a profile and link mentally, actually has a small sort of social network for researchers if you go through it on, on the internet and then linkedin as well is another way to make your work more visible to researchers. So these are some um and the other ones these days, except for all these um ones I have listed, there are other ways people make their work more visible to researchers in the era of social media where people are no longer reading. Sadly, um I mean, you could make your work more visible to people even on tiktok. If you're very creative, I follow some very interesting people on tiktok that show you about physics research or, or chemistry research or interesting things in tiny videos. I think that may probably require you to have some editing skills or some people that take a paper and break it down and give you the key learning points in Tik Tok. It's quite interesting and that's the way you making your research visible to even the, even the lay person or Twitter. Um You know, some people would take their paper and provide key earning points. You know what the key learning points about six or seven key learning points on the paper. And that's another way to make your research more visible. So if you publish a paper, I employ you. If you have Twitter, take, go to Twitter, put a link to your article and then quickly bullet like 46 killing points or make a thread of the killer points. Just you know, the the main idea of research is to, is to make um life better for people. Let people know what you've done. If your work is just sitting in some obsolete journal on some websites, some people don't know what you're doing, then they can, they really, you've not impacted life with your work. So by all means find ways to spread your work. So very quickly, let's talk about orchid, open recession and contributor ID. An orchid provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher. It provides you with a sixteen-digit identity number. It's your ID that you can submit for grants, you can put up in your linkedin in your bio, your Twitter bio anywhere. And it distinguishes you from other researchers with the same name. It's also, it's I'll show you what orchid looks like. You can actually sign up for an orchid ID and create a profile on this ochi dot org. So um here is someone's orchid profile. Um This is the person's unique identity number sixteen-digit number here. So now this person, the orchid is kind of like a mini CB, it kind of like a reset CB. Um You, you, first of all, you, you put your name in and where you put your name. The first thing it asks you, it shows you other people with the similar names and you know, and ask you where you with any one of these people and you can say no and you know, just um you know, set up your own unique ID, put up your country, your email, orchid will also ask you whether you want to add other emails. For example, if you have a university email or institution email, you also choose to include your personal email or other emails on orchid. So people can find you to collaborate with you easily. You would um you can also put in your employment data information, your educational qualification, information, your work, that's the research you have done is the most important thing once put in your orchid. So just yeah, I have um information about the person's education and employment. Yeah, you have to like put up a quick biu so just something very simple on OK. It's kind of like what you have here. Just a brief bio. So people can have an idea of who you are. Think of it. Like a, like a social network for researchers invited positions and distinctions. If you're the kind of person that manages to rack up some distinctions in your school, you can list them up there, increases your visibility and probably helps you with collaboration. When you put up your, your, your orchid ID in your linkedin or something, um you could put up your membership positions. If you received any funding, you could put it up there. However, if you receive funding from the US government or some institutions in the UK or I can actually automatically um help you put that in once you provide your orchid ID and you know, your research works is also going to put up on orchid. Um These are some advantages of having an orchid ID. It helps fund us connect with you. Like I've said, if you're looking for advance, some people will ask you for your orchid ID. They want to know, what have you done? What field you publishing? What have you done so far? Um If you're working with a publisher, they will also ask for your OCH ID just to have an idea. Um There are two reasons why publishers will ask for your O ID. Actually, the first is to have an idea of who you are as a researcher. And the second is so that once the paper is published online, it's automatically reflects on your profile. You do not actually have to add every paper you publish automatically. If you submit your OD ID to a journal, immediately they publish that paper, it reflects on your OK profile. And also you can add it. Um, employers can use it to find you. So, yeah. Um like I've seen here, OK. Here you can see that this person didn't even put employment as Boston College. But once um on Boston when they got employed to Boston College, they included the OKD ID automatically it's reflected there. So the source of some, some of that for you may just go to your orchid one day and find the number of things you never put up yourself. And really the reason for that is because you submitted your Ki ID elsewhere and it helps you to add those things automatically to your or. Um so here, now let's assume the source of um there's some information that shows up on your or I don't want everybody to see. You can actually go here and include who you want to see. So you have here where everyone could see it. Yeah, it's only trusted parties and the last one is only you. So in case there's some information that you not want to be visible to the general public who we can just search for you online. Um now increasingly um research websites and press. Um um um other databases are actually asking requiring you to sign into each Twi your or ID. The same way if you're signing into the social media platform form and they say, do you want to sign in with your Google um your Gmail account? Um If you're trying to sign into public, for example, there's an option in which you could just use your or ID to sign in rather than creating a whole new profile and you know, going through the email verification, et cetera. Yes. So um that's that about this is just some information how to add some things. Um Dimensions wizard is an interesting part of orchid that you can use to find grants. Um and it's, you know, essentially looks for your interest and help you find brands or if you've got any grants can help you add the brands are into your orchid. So yeah, this is um some information I've seen here. So this is like, let's say faculty um website and you can import some information that is your orchid from your profile there. So yeah, that's about orchid, which I consider the most important and increasing the scientific profile. There are other ones here, researcher ID from Clare Va um Clavis Analytics. You can actually go there to also create a scientific profile, especially if you have publications in the Web of Science um directory. You could also create um a scientific profile on Google scholar as well. A lot of people don't know this, but you can actually do that as well. You can do it on purpose to and network with other tools. Like I've said, mentally linkedin twitter, tiktok, be creative in sharing your research. You've done something exciting, you publish your final, your project, why not tell people exactly what you did, you can tweet about it um and so on. So when um you can tweet about it and so on. So that's the importance of social media. And I've said it here using social media to boost your scientific profile. So if you want to start using your social media to boost your scientific profile, the first decision you have to make is do you want to use your social media regularly where you tweet bans or do you want to create a new social media? You want to use your a lot of social media because you have some following or you have some credibility, they may want to go through your social media. Um may maybe use a more decent profile picture, change your bio to um target your audience and so on and you know, you can use to improve your career um by sharing probably be known as the guy that summarizes research for people and makes it easy for people to understand and stuff like that. So um yeah, you can do that if you're very good with video um with vlogs, you know, it's not just about making blogs for your IG fans. You can make vlogs about your research or explaining scientific concepts to people, et cetera. Um These are some other key tools for building your scientific profile. If your university has a website, you could go online and create a profile um or keep um like I've said we set a ID can use for auto disambiguation telling them exactly who is um uh ad KKG for example. Um And in case there are more than three people that have the name ad KKG um Google scholars cos and so on. There are several ways of creating a scientific profile. It's not just limited to the traditional ones, but also use your social media to improve your visibility. And I think these days, a lot of people are increasingly connecting on social media with other sciences. Police, I mean, if you met Twitter, you can see that. So what are the 10 simple steps to improve the visibility of you and your research? Manage your name by getting an orchid identifier, which is the very next thing you should do after this presentation, manage your web addresses, sorry, make your web, your web addresses easy to find. Put up your orchid ID on your linkedin. Put it up on your Twitter bio on your IG on your Tik Tok um on your Facebook. If you, you still use that you can link all your online profiles together. I think there are some there are some um there are some um on Twitter, you know, when you click on some people's buy, you go to a page that's, you know, they, they have all the, all, all the um profiles just in one place where you could just click and it takes you from one profile to the next. So you could do something, something like that. You can write guest posts on other people's blogs to get more visibility, write to um blogs and tell them you want to talk about your research or something like that, even to newspapers. And you know, the idea these days and what we are increasingly calling for is to decentralize medical knowledge. Let's let people know what we are doing. You're talking about the genetics of metastatic prostate cancer. Let the layman understand what you're doing, you understand. So um decentralize work, make it easy for them, write blog posts about it and like, you know, Einstein or, or, or was it Newton or um I know, I think it was Richard Spine man or so that said um that if you cannot explain a concept to a five year old, then you probably don't understand it well, yourself. So decide whether you want to have a personal or professional digital presence. And this is becoming important if you want to use your Twitter for professional or personal um or both, you have to make that decision and try and stick to that, use appropriate images online, maybe probably use a professional headshots and maximize the potential of your bio to make better connection. Uh Usually when people start applying for us, Mle, then they start, you know, changing their bio to look like something so they could connect to it, program directors or pro other US ML aspects. But it's never too early to create another profile to direct your bio into something like that, you understand. So use your profile bio, tell people what you're doing. I mean, four years, I invest your learn. I'm passion about um biochemistry research. This is my O ID and so on and then measure your past your research impact online. And this is very easy by just simply googling yourself and seeing your citic et cetera. So that's the end of the presentation and I'll take questions now and this is just the picture. Um If ma journal club, we have a website, you could go online, have access to our journal articles for free. Um Our quest is we are about to launch a quest very soon after this program in the coming months. And we also have a blog campus doctor where we talk about um information in a way. We present it on a blog in a way that the average university undergraduates to the goal of campus doctor really is to provide permission to be a freshman in, in um in humanity that they can understand, you know, information about health and meds in general. So you have that arm of the major club. Um You can also have access to our journal on the town for library. Some of our journals are there. If you're ever in Stanford, please visit and read our journals and on academia, you can get access to our articles for free. We published a lot of articles and we rank in the top 2% on academia currently. So thank you so much for listening. I take questions now. Thank you so much, Mika. If you have any questions, you can leave them in the chart book or in the question and answer or raise your hand. So, so OK, I have a question here for David. He says for a dissertation, how can I choose a good title? Um So um David, your dissertation title um should essentially capture a number of things you should capture very important, your results. Um Are you trying to find out the um the, let's say the prevalence of sexual violence on campus, do you understand? So it means that you're finding, if your, if your dissertation says the prevalence of sexual violence on campus or on the prevalence of sexual violence on Universal Campus, then it it means that your results should reflect prevalence. It means your study group are probably students um on on campus. So you may want to title to something like the pre prevalence of sexual violence among undergraduate students on Universal Campus. So it tells the reader what exactly you're looking for the prevalence, the targets population, which undergraduate students and exactly where the, um, the study is taking place. So you, your title for your dissertation will be guided by your results, the problems statements or questions you're seeking to ask and probably in, for dissertations, maybe the study population as well. But, um, one thing about dissertations is that your title would most likely evolve. You would tend to rephrase it and rephrase and rephrase the game to reflect your findings or to make it more suitable or? Ok. Oh yeah, somebody mentioned link three. Yeah, link three is uh it's um the stuff I was talking about that you could, you could add like a link three to your Twitter bio or your Instagram bio and when people click it, they see um all of your profiles anywhere online and they can find you anywhere. So thank you so much for adding that and I have some other people sharing gratitude. Thank you so much. Um Are there any other questions I need to answer? I think um we can um check if people have questions and or mute them. I don't know if there are people that are raising their hands. I have questions. OK. I can't see anyone not that I can't see. All right. So um safe to assume that I have answered your questions. However, in the usual fashion, if you have any questions at the end of the program. Please feel free to send it to us via email. Steven is going to drop our email in the chat box, so feel free to send us your questions via email. Um Also, um thank you so much for signing up for uh research seminar series. It's been a lovely four sessions and eight topics with you all. Um We are going to have all the recordings made available um and launch them very soon. If you have signed up for this course, it's going to be sent to you via um It's going to be sent to you. The recordings are going to be sent to you via email. We're going to send you a link. Um Our email is in the chat box. You can always reach out to us via email for collaborations or questions or if you want to connect with any of our speakers, please contact us via email as well. Um Finally, if you have not yet signed up on the Google form, please do so, Steven, please share the link, sign up on Google form. So you'll be considered for a certificate. If you have attended at least three or four sections, you will be considered for a certificate which will be sent to you via email in the coming weeks. Thank you so much. We look forward to seeing you all next year again on our research seminar series. It was a pleasure being with you. Thank you.