CPD approved Gradscape Teaching Series by Dr Kapilraj Ravendran on GMC registration & Clinical attachments
Join Dr. Kapa in this engaging and practical CPD-approved talk on TMC registration and clinical attachments. This highly interactive on-demand teaching session includes tips for graduating med students to prepare for their certification exams and apply to medical jobs. Participants will benefit greatly from the open discussions, slide presentations, and opportunities to ask specific questions or express concerns about their career prospects. Dr. Kapa comprehensively covers the GMC registration process, clinical attachments, and strategies for job applications. He also provides valuable insights about developing an impactful CV and timelines for proceeding with various medical job applications. This session is designed for professionals looking to establish a strong foundation in their medical careers.
Learning objectives
- Understand the process of TMC registration for medical graduates and identify key steps in the process.
- Discuss the importance of clinical attachments in the process of securing employment in the medical field.
- Identify and engage with strategies for effectively applying for medical jobs after graduation.
- Understand the importance of early preparation for English language exams (IELTS or OEts) and how it affects the process of eligibility for GMC registration.
- Gain knowledge about key documents and certification needed for GMC registration and how to avoid common errors in submission.
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Hello, everyone. Um Can someone please confirm in the chat if you can hear me properly? Ok, so we can start now. Hello everyone. My name is Dia and I'm the vice president of Grads CPE and welcome to our CPD approved talk on TMC registration and clinical attachments by doctor Kapa, who is the cofounder of grads. So I would like to hand over to doctor Kapila. Hi. Uh Good morning and good afternoon everyone. Um So today's talk is gonna be about uh a couple of things GMC registration, clinical attachments and applying for jobs. Um I would prefer you like to have it as an open discussion. I mean, I do have slides which I will share as well, but I think it's predominantly for you guys. So I think we can start off by first of all asking like, what kind of questions do you guys wanna like? What queries do you guys have? What are you concerned about and what would you like to know about? So those of you can switch on your mic so you can ask on the mic or you can write in the chat and don't worry, it's an open free space or any questions that you have, feel free to ask cos predominantly it's for you guys. So what do you want me to go through first? Do you want me to go through GNC registration or clinical attachments or anything else first? Ok. So you wanna go for clinical attachments first? Ok. Um I will share my slides, just bear in mind. I can't see the chat box when I'm sharing the slides. So um if you do have any questions as you can switch on your mic, switch on your mic, I couldn't hear you when you were talking on the mic for some reason, Mohammed. But if you want, you can write in the chat and I can have a look what you wanna go through D and C registration. Ok. Ok. So can someone confirm they can see my slides so they can just switch on their mic because I can't see. Yeah, we can see them. Yeah. Ok. So we'll go through the GMC registration first and then we'll go through clinical attachment and touch on applying for jobs and then any questions you guys have as well. So I did take a few slides from my colleague as well who's had a really good slide. So some of it will not be for you guys, but it's basically in general. So basically we start off with your journey, right? So you guys have started, you guys are mostly in medical school or you're finishing medical school. So my advice for you guys would be to start developing your CV, uh which we'll go through, um get NH SS placements which are basic clinical attachments, which we'll go through. Don't do the mistake I did. Um Don't wait till you finish university to do your Ielts exam at O ETS try and do it while you're in university. It just off the process. Um I was lucky in the fact that I was able to pass my Ielts straight away and then was able to get an ID check with the GMC. But I know some people who did it slightly afterwards and I had to wait a couple of months. So try to do your ielts before you finish university. Um You will graduate. So ignore the June bit. Most of you will be graduating if you and Sophia will be graduating in um February. Um I thought some of you who graduated and your graduation yesterday and basically you don't have to wait for your graduation to get uh apply for GMC. You can use something called a pre graduate document, which I'll go through as well. Um To get your G and C registration, there are vacancies throughout the whole year, but predominantly, they're more in August December and April simply because of the fact that most of the F one and F two rotations happen in August December and April. And by that time, they will know if there's any gaps basically for the next rotation or current rotation and therefore jobs open up and you should keep an eye on that, but keep an eye on it in general anyway, on NHS tracks. So you'll need to get some paperwork to, um, get GMC registration. Ignore the certificate of good standing. I just put that in there cos I know some of the people have been asking if you graduated from Bulgaria. You don't need a good cert of good standing simply because you've not been registered to work as a doctor in Bulgaria. But if there's anyone that's worked in their home country, um then you would need to get a cert standing from the registration body that you're at. But if you're in Bulgaria and you're just finishing, you don't need a good cert worker standing cos you would not register with Bulgaria. Anyway, your internship approval will be your pregraduate internship document. And then basically, um as I said, you will start creating your CV and then you start applying for jobs and then preparing for interviews. So this is like the kind of timeline which my colleague made, which is quite good, I thought as well. And I like to at the beginning that life is not a race. So all of you won't start in the same position and you won't be going in the same direction and some of you might get a job quickly, some of you might get it later. But just remember that at the end of the day, your medical career is a marathon. It's not a sprint and it's basically your lifelong journey. So go at your own pace and don't give up hope. At the same, the same time. I know sometimes you'll get rejections. Sometimes it'll be difficult to get jobs. But I think as I mentioned, my previous one of my previous talk, you will get a job. You just need to keep trying. And this was just basically a little timeline of when you should do it, but we'll go through it step by step anyway. So there's two pathways. Um I wasn't sure who was attending. So if you're a non eu country, you need to go for the PLA, which is obviously going to be replaced by the UK MLA soon as well. So you need to sit your plas first as well as your um English exams before you can then register for GMC if you're for Bulgaria. Um So basically, um they're no longer automatically accepted. So you need to um create an epic or E se CFM G um account basically to, they will basically verify your documents, notarize it and inform the GMC that it's um legitimate and therefore this can be accepted as a document to be registered for the GMC. Um But of course, be aware that I think some of you that are graduating later on. Um I know the UK Malay has been lingering around for a while and II believe the UK students are doing it at the end of the 2025 academic year. So it may be coming in soon for you guys as well. So just keep an eye on it. So that might be an additional exam that you guys would have to take to get your GMC registered. So for most of you, you've, you've graduated from medical school. Um So many, congratulations. That's honestly a big achievement. I don't feel as underachievement, but obviously, I know some of you've been allowed, what's next? So what I would recommend is I know obviously most of you have finished your um state exams, but those of you that are still in university like a couple of months before you know, you're gonna finish. So I know in Sophia you finished in November as your last exam probably around September October time sign up for an epic account because when you sign up for the Epic, you need to basically they need to verify you first. So you need to have them make an appointment where they will, you have to send off their, send a photo, your passport, they then have to see you by camera and you have to sign a few documents and that takes a bit of time and you don't want to be doing that when you're ready to basically get your documents notarized. So do that as soon as possible. As I said, pass it. I also and O et before you finish your last exam, it will save you time as well. Then you obtain a completion document from the university, which is basically alternative on to graduation document, which I'll show you an example. So you need to get it verified. So you get it verified by epic. So you upload it onto the EE CFM G the original document and the translated document. The thing that most of us in my year had problems was the size check the size properly. Um Basically adjust it on a PDF if it's bigger than the size because it's, if it's bigger or a bit or smaller, they will tell you to, they'll say it's been rejected and upload another one and you won't lose money. So when you do have to upload it, you need to pay $100. But if it gets rejected, it goes into your uh basically uh piggy bank and then basically you can use that to, to upload it next time, but it just again, delays it. So keep an eye on the um dimensions, the exact dimensions that they want. And then once they've done that you will have to send, they will have to verify it with your university. So both of you and um Sophia, you need to send it to, to Rova. She will, you have to pay them a fee as well. You pay the fee beforehand, you send her an email and then she's just a click of a button and then the next day, Epic will verify and then you can start filling your GMC form. So as I said, translate all your documents and then GMT registration. So to get most of us now will get full registration. You won't get provisional registration, which is why you can't go into the Fy one training program. So fy one training program is for those that have a provisional license. So if you get a full GMC license, you can only go into the F two standalone training program or you can apply for F one or F two or J CF um trust grade posts which are non training. So you need to obviously demonstrate good language. So you need to do Iu Ielts or your O ETS. So for this, for the GMC purpose, you need to get a minimum of seven in your writing, reading, listening and speaking, which I think would have been explained in the previous talk. Um And, but you need to get an overall of 7.5 and remember it expires every two years. So there's no point doing in the third year because you know, by the time you get to your graduation or you finish your exams, you have to retake it again, which is why I would probably advise to do it just before you're doing your state exams because at least, and it's still in there, you have a paper based or computer based exam, uh, paper based is those of you that are comfortable with writing, uh, but just bear in mind it takes a couple of more weeks to get the results. Um, I prefer the computer based because my handwriting and second of all you get the results within a week. I got mine in three or four days and then you're good to go and these are just some of the resources that you could um look at to do your Ielts exam. Um Alternatively, I know some people do the O ETS. Um It's a bit more pricey and you wait longer for your results. But some people tend to go for that called a small medic version. Um But you need to get a grade B at least in each section again for F two standalone. Uh You'll need to get 7.5 for the A LT S in every section. And I think you need to get 400 in O et for each section as well to be able to apply for the F two standalone. Um If you don't have that, then you won't qualify. So if you are thinking about the F two standalone, think about um getting 7.5 in the Ielts for each section or 400 0 ETS to be eligible. And this is basically what your Epic account looks like. So you go to the Epic account and you basically just establish that you're a new epic user. OK? So you need to then register your Epic account. So here will tell you a list of documents that you need to have. So you need to scan in your uh full copy of your photograph, page of your passport. You need to get the page where it says your expiration date and your date of your passport. You then need to have um the full section of your passport, of your name. You then need to upload a full color photo of yours. And then you need to mention all the un your university that you're at the medical license you're applying for, which is G GMC. Um You won't have this at the time. So ignore this part and then you don't have this either. So you need to basically upload all of these points and then you make a payment uh which is around $100. And this is an example basically. So if you say I've uploaded the photo, uploaded the passport and it's been accepted and you basically get a document like this um where you'll have an appointment with a notary. So when you make the appointment with a notary, they will basically have to um see you in camera. They'll ask you to sign a few documents and from there, then they, they, they sign you up. Now when you do sign up for F MG, they will say, first of all, like if you were to sign up today. They'll probably say your next appointment is in January or something like that, just book the nearest appointment and then go back and just say re re re um, make a new appointment or modify your appointment and then you'll see that there will be an appointment maybe the next day. Um, because that's what I did when I did mine in November, I said my next appointment will be in Dec, but then I tried, then I booked it, then changed it and then I had one the next day. It might be at various times in the day because they're based in the US, but just get it done. Um All it basically is is they basically just say, uh can you sign it there? Can you show your face and that's it. And then they sign you up after you pay $100 and then you've got your Epic account basically. So as I said, you email confirmation that your account is registered, you get an email confirmation that your account is registered and then you download the Epic form. Um and then you put everything in your photo and your uh passport, you then go to Notary am.com and you make a notary appointment, you have your meeting through Zoom and then you sign the EF and then you receive an email again to say that you have all your Epic has been accepted and therefore you're allowed. Now to use the Epic platform. So this is why I said probably start this before you finish your final exams because this might take a bit of a process as well. Is there any questions at the moment or so far or anything you want me to repeat? Uh Epic account is like for lifetime, right? It's just like, yeah, so if you pay the $100 it's for a lifetime so you can use it. But um, yeah, you'll probably just use it once. But yeah, it's a lifetime. Yeah, so just bear in mind that's $100 fee that you have there as well. Then this is the documents you need to get. Um, let me know if it's not clear and I can try and expand it. But basically you need to get a letter from this, from the student office. Um, and when it basically gets translated, you need to have that you've got a master degree and you're a physician. So you need that master physician. Um, it also needs to have um, this page here that you, that you've um, graduate coursed on your program on and you've completed the completion date and when you are set to receive your diploma. So then obviously they know, ok, you've completed, but your graduation is later on. And therefore, um, it is a value document and then you'll have your official numbers here. So I know a lot of you have been asking, do I need to get it notarized. Uh the question, the answer is no. So when you get your university document, as you can see, they put their stamp on here and then you basically have it translated by your notary service or translation for service. I went to um do which is on uh the main street of N DK. Um And then basically, you just upload these two documents. Um So you don't need to get this notary to understand because Epic will basically act as your notary, but you just need to get it translated. Now, when you go to the dean's office and it is predominantly for Sophia and it's probably the same everywhere. You need to take the student office, a copy of your passport, a copy of your Bulgarian ID, um two passport size photos, they'll give you some documents to sign, which is predominantly like your grades check. Sure, make sure the grades are all fine. You also need to get a little slip from the library to say that you have no outstanding fees or anything. And then you fill in a request form to say that you want this alternative document to to basically register the UK and you pay them a 2011 fee and a couple of days later they give you this document here, just double check, it has everything like this and then you go and get it translated. And the reason why is I think if some people have different wording, the GMC, then start to question it. So make sure you all have the same wording and it has master physician, I think is the main thing that you need. So the GMC knows what you, what that you've got your masters physician and it includes an internship as well. It's good. Any questions on that or is that clear? So there's a question that says, what about candidates who have completed Mr CPU K? But have a gap in clinical practice and not much clinical. OK. So I was gonna go into that. So I'm guessing you've probably not from the UK. So when you sign your GMC form, you'll put something in there. But when I get to that part, I'll get there, but you'll still need to get, you'll still need to probably upload your M RCP onto Epic and get that verified. So it's probably gonna be in English. If it's not again, you need to translate that and get that translated. So then obviously the, no, it is M RCP with the gap, I'll, I'll explain how you can get around it when we go to apply for jobs. But you will have to probably then get a good standing certificate as well from where you worked in your home country. So your form will be a bit different. But I'll go through that when I go through the GMC form, OK? And then basically when you wanna then go into um to verify your document, you need to then go into my credentials, you click alternative document and you upload your document and you pay a fee of 100 and $30. Once you pay the $130 you'll see like this. So I actually uploaded mine beforehand, but I took a lot of time because um mine kept getting rejected because I says of the size. So I had to keep you adjusting the size. Um So as you can see you, you upload it, then you request, you pay the $130 and they say they received it and then they send it for verification at this date. So obviously, this was around Christmas time, which is why I said try to do it earlier around this date. They send it to your university to your um verification, you then pay um your university. So Sophia, you send it to this email and you pay, you transfer 100 and 20 L and then basically she clicks it and says, OK, it's verified and then it's verification accepted. And from the sixth of January, you're able to um provide, you're able to go forward with it. And with this, they'll give you this Epic ID, which is at the top here. So that Epic ID is now which you'll use now on your GMC form. So you need to upload your documents, you upload both the original copy and the translated copy, make sure it's the right size. You pay the $130 fee um through Epic and then they send it to your university once they think the document looks fine, you then have to pay 100 and 20 left to um university. Send an email to say, look Epic. I'll send you an email. Can you kindly verify it? They verify it. You can then use the Epic number onto GMC four. So from here you basically go for full GMC form. So um as I said, you need to make sure you have two years within your ielts and your medical degrees within three years. Um Make sure you also before you leave university, make sure you have references. Um they always ask for two or three references, make sure it's not a letter, make sure it's by email. So when you apply for jobs, they're not gonna worry about a letter that you give them, they're gonna email that person. So make sure they check their emails, make sure they're accessible to the emails and make sure they answer to those emails and probably take down their contact number so you can contact them as well. So when you know, a reference has been sent out to them, they will reply because if you don't do that, it just basically lengthens your time for getting a job and then you then have to run around looking for someone else to give a reference. So do that while you're still at university, speak to your professors. Tell them, look, I'm going to apply for jobs. Um Do you mind if you can act as a referee for me? Can I have an email? Make sure it's not a Gmail account? Make sure it's one of those dot ABV, like it looks like an official account. If it's a Gmail account, they'll reject it. So make sure it's a professional account, make sure they check the emails and make sure they're contactable. And this is basically the charges that you're basically gonna have to pay. So when you do pay your GMC fee, it'll be 100 and 57 lbs, you have to pay 100 and 30 L now, which is for the Epic, your MG is 100 $100. You then have to pay 100 and 20 LEV. So you're basically gonna pay around 400 lbs in total to get GMC registration when that's all done. Um And this probably accounts for the person who else with the M RCP as well. You basically have to um make a GMC account. So you go to the GMC online and you go to make an account. Um and then once you've made, once you've made the account, you then need to fill in some of your details and then basically you just start to fill anything else, you just fill in your full name where you studied and that's it. It will come up with automatic uh reference number which will um eventually become your official GMC number. So what's basically what you need to do is then you ring the GMC, um, or you can email them. I rang them, gave my reference number. They had my email address on there and tell them that you're from Bulgaria or wherever you're from. And I need the I MG 23 form to fill in. They will then send it to you by email which is like this and you have to then print it and hand fill it out. Um go to this website to get to the registration form to F uh register for GMC. Once you get this I MG 23 form, you then have to print it as I said, fill it in, in black ink. Then you have to scan it all the pages as one PDF and I'll show you later on and then you basically, I also attached my Ielts certificate and alternative graduation document and my passport and you send it to the GMC. Once you send it to the GMC, they will then send you an email to say um yeah, we've received your um application to process through. Can you pay the fee of 100 and 61 lbs? You then have to pay the 161 lbs over telephone. After you pay the 161 lbs, it takes 3 to 5 working days for them to process your application most often, like 99% of you, there will be no other problems and other people they might ask for other evidence, the longer you leave it, I believe they ask for more evidence. So I know a lot of my friends who did it after graduation and quite afterwards, they were asking a lot of things like, ok, what have you done during this time? And this basically covers the person who asks, what do I do with a five year gap? You need to show what you've done in those five years. And it's not good enough to say, look, I've been applying for jobs. The fact that you did, your M RCP is good. You can write that down. I was studying, preparing and revising for my M RCP. If you've pa passed part one, part two, all your paces, tell them which parts you've passed. How have you kept up with professional development development? So, what courses have you attended? Uh What CPD have you done? Um Have you done anything clinical practice? Have you done any clinical attachments? And have you done anything? You need to basically fill up all the things that you've done. And this basically counts for most of you as well. Because if in your application forms, if you have more than 30 days without working, that classifies as an employment gap and you need to then write something to say why you've got the employment gap now, some of you might just say, you know, I've just finished university. I went on a holiday that's fine or I was just looking for a job. Um, my contract expired and I was offered this job and then um they were processing my documents, that's fine. Others of you might have a longer gap that you need to explain. And it also comes in your supporting information. There's no point writing in your supporting information that, um I finished here, but I was looking for a job, but I'm hard working and I'm committed because everybody's, everybody can say that you need to show how and there is something in the NHS that most of you will get used to that. If it's not documented, it didn't happen. So you may have done, I don't know, like 100 courses or whatever, but if you don't have evidence for it, it doesn't happen. So you need to probably go attend courses at 10, the online courses attend CPD, show them that you've kept up with clinical practice for them to say, ok, this person has been keeping up and can be employed if they see you as someone who's just sat at home for five years or a year or two years and not done anything that, that affects you. So you need to write something on your, um, on your form. Basically that what you've done for that one month to do it. Ok? Um And then once you've done, um, once you've done your application, they will basically write you for an ID check. When I did it, I had to go into the office, I believe. Now you can now do it online. Um, so you just make an appointment with the GMC. Um, if you do still have to go in person and they give you a date three months down the line, just accept the nearest date again, but then just be annoyed and just ring them every day. So that's what I did. So when I had mine ready by January, I believe, um, I think it was early January. I had mine ready. They gave me an appointment for March and then I just kept ringing, ringing, ringing, ringing, ringing. And then one day they said, um, if you come in on the Friday, there's a free day and I went on the Friday and got it done on the 27th of January. So if you do have to go in person, bring them regularly, um, and then on that day, you just need to take in your passport and some other things to register, uh, proof of address. You go there, they look at it, they take a photo of you and then you're registered on that day. And from then, uh, you're registered to apply for jobs and you receive your post with the, the TNC has to do it through the post. And then you'll also get this letter to say where your ID check is as well. So you can see it. I had mine first on the sixth of March but then I kept ringing and then I got mine in January and just the last part, make sure you get your B Bulgarian police report. Um, it's not necessary but it's good to have because when you do start in the, you don't need to get this notarized either. You just need to stamp from the um from the er er translation office. It's just basically when you start working in the UK, they're gonna get you a DBS check anyway, so you need to get a DBS um in house check. None of the jobs can do that, but it's also good to have this police report just to say this covers the last five years. Um So just pay as little as possible to get this. Um I'm just gonna show you what the GNC form looks like. So can you guys still see my screen? Yeah, we can see it. Yeah, so you need to get something called the I MG 23 form and then you fill in the first bit. So the first bits are just basically your personal details. This is the bit I wanted to go through. So on here, you need to fill in that you're basically applying for full registration without previously holding a provisional license because you didn't hold a provisional in the UK um and you weren't, you're not looking for a specialist registrar, you're not looking for a GP. So you need to tick this box full registration with a license of practice without previously holding a provisional license. You then put master physician, which is the thing that I said was important. When you um get your letter from university, it should say master and a physician basically. And then you put the university details down when you started, when you finished. And when the qualification was um awarded, I went to another previous university site. But yes, here, most of you probably put no here and then you put your other stuff, but here is where then you put your epic uh number. So it will ask for your epic number. So once you put that epic number down, they can then have access to Epic and see, OK, the pregraduate documents been verified. So this is legitimate. So therefore they can move forward. So you need to make sure you get that epic number and put it here. OK? And I think here it is also important, make sure you put no for no distance learning and it's acceptable as well. And then this is basically if you've got any relevant um other qualifications. Um So no, you don't. Um for the person who said M RCP, um this is where I think you have to put your M RCP. And when you were awarded that M RCP, basically, on your GMC application form and then you're not of your apply. I was gonna apply for General practice or specialist registrar. If you did, you can actually put your details here as well. And then here is where you put your O ET or um Ielts number and you tick that box. So you'll need your Ielts and O ETS number that you're given from your certificate and you basically fill it in here. And then this is basically for those of you that again have worked. Um So if you've held registration or license for the last five years, basically, if you worked in another country, this is what you need to fill in. You need to fill in the country that you worked in their, a regulatory name. When did you start there? When was your finish? And if you're still licensed there and those of you then will then need to get a good standing certificate. So if you worked in your home country and you've got a gap anyway, you still need to show that you've got a registration in that country and you've got a good um stand a good standing certificate and that you weren't disqualified. So therefore you're still a safe doctor. So that's an additional document that you will have to get and get verified through epic. So that's one of the things that you would need to do. So, ok. And then for most of you in Bulgaria, this is what you'll need to do again. If you're doing Mr, if you're for, for the last five years, you need to put this down as well. But um just for those, those of you studying in Bulgaria, uh you will need to put all your internships down. So you put you in first internship date, finish date, put the hospital that you worked out the country and just write pregraduate internship state examination. What was the speciality? It was full time and then you need to put that in. If you worked already in another country as well, this is where you need to put the start date, the finish date, the hospital you worked at the country, the grade that you had and what speciality you worked in. So it covers basically the last five years. So you need to cover anything within the last five years um that you've done. Um But also if you in the last five years, if you're not engaged in clinical practice or you obviously had, um if you were unemployment, you then need to include that as well. So how many years were you unemployed for? And there's a little gap later on where you then explain why you were unemployed. And as I said before, you need to show what were you doing during that gap for those of you that in Bulgaria, um I actually ran the GNC COS I did quite a few clinical attachments and they told me not to put it down because I was doing mine in between the state exams and they were saying it would just complicate it more. So, if you've done a clinical attachment in between state exams, you don't need to put it down. If, on the other hand, you've done it afterwards and you're kind of been, been quite a while before you've applied for GMC registration. Uh, then you've put it down. But if you have, if you, if you feel like myself who've done it in between your, um, state exams and you've, you apply for GMC quite quickly, you don't put it down. But again, those of you who've been, again, work somewhere else, you need to put down within the last five years, what you've done since you got your degree. And if you've had any gaps, you need to then explain why you had those gaps. This is just an additional page and you'll have something else. And then this is basically, um, yeah. Ok. Sorry. So this is basically if you've had any concerns at university, have you had any diseases? Um, basically your fitness to practice. So you'll just put no, no, no in most of it here. Um, again, you don't sign this letter because you did have per registration. So you leave this bit and you sign the next page, um, you understand everything that's going down, you sign it and, um, basically, then you then have to, as I as I've said upload it as one PDF and then you um, send it off to the GMC. And here is a supplementary sheet. Basically, if you've had anything that you wanted to add. So any of your gaps that you've had, um, anything that you want to explain what you've done in the last five years, you put it in here and then I just attached my passport and um, my, I Ielts exam and my um uh documents from university. Now, some of you might actually start applying for uh GMC after you've graduated. So you might decide to do it after February. So what you would need to do then is that you won't have, you won't be able to use your pregraduate documents. You'll have to use the certificate and the diploma booklet that they give you at graduation. You will need to get that all translated and upload that into Epic and then apply. So just bear that in mind if you're, if you haven't got your TMC registration by the time you've had graduation, um then after your graduation, you need to then go to a Notary or translation office and get your whole um certificate and the book that they give you at graduation to basically um register any questions so far on the GMC registration part or anything you want me to go through again or explain or any questions that you have. So um there is a question, it says gap, I uh gap of a year was 100 CPD hours, for example, or workshop. This will help or not. Please explain this point. Yeah. So if you say that you've had a gap for one year, but you explained that, you know what, I had a gap because I was looking for jobs for whatever reason it was. But during that time, you've attended 100 CPD, which is brilliant because um when you do your appraisal, they asked for a minimum of 60 CPD. Um So the fact that you've got 80 or 100 CPD is good. So you've done something for a year, you've attended courses, you've attended workshops to stay up to practice. Um So you, you've shown something to do with practice. But um what you could also try to do is probably, and this is what I was gonna say to the end, but I can probably mention it. Now, is that a lot of people think that, so I'll ask the question to you guys, why do you think it's important at this stage to do a research or an audit or some teaching? And obviously, I wanna hear you guys answer. So I'll come back to the room and if you guys let me know what your answers are, why do you think it's important to do a research audit or some teaching at this stage? Um So they know we are like, we try to do some extracurricular and not just like focus on, I think something like that. OK. How would, how would you incorporate that into your supporting information? Sorry, how would you incorporate that? So when you apply for jobs, you have something called supporting information. How would you incorporate that into your, into your thing? So what in your, in your supporting information? If you've done a presentation or you've done a publication or you've done an audit or you've done some teaching? How, why would that add weight to your supporting information? How can you use that to say you've done something? No, Mohammed, I can't hear you. Uh For some reason, your mic, I don't know if you've joined as a viewer or a speaker. Yeah. OK. Yeah, we're unable to receive. So it says probably refresh your browser or start again for some reason. OK? Anyone else have any ideas? Why you should, why you should carry this stuff out even before, even while you're at university and again, it's a free open space. So just feel free to answer. I mean, the more you guys ask questions, the more it's beneficial for you. OK. Let me rephrase the question then other than for CV, why is research important or an audit is important? W what, what would be the purpose? Why do you think jobs want you to do a research or clinical audit to check your knowledge? OK. I'll check your knowledge and the experiences to expand your knowledge. OK. But to expand your knowledge in what way, why you learn about new things and um how to make things better like in the future. Exactly. Yeah. So the way you incorporate data and your supporting information, if you've done a research is you need to tell them, basically, medicine is always ever changing, it's not staying the same. And once you've done, once you've done a research, you've learnt about new advancements and therefore you're continuing, you're showing continue to your patient care and you're showing continent development and through this, I've done this and it takes also the um the um uh specifications, the um specific specifications they want in the job, you're basically showing them that not only are you doing for a portfolio, but you're not continuous development, you're showing new ways of practice, you're trying to develop your knowledge. And therefore that's my research and I've done this also, it accounts for your um portfolio later on as well. So especially if some of you are thinking of going into like CST radiology or um I mt this year bear in mind the I NT cut off was 15. So again, you need to get money points as well. A lot of people will tell you, you can do that during when you're working. If you can, you can, if you want to, a lot of people will tell you don't do it. I would say if those people tell you don't do it, it means they haven't done it, I would say do it as soon as you can because you get the points, the good point of doing what you can show your job. People. If you've done a clinical a, even during a gap, you've shown clinical governance, which is what they want in their, in N NHS trust. If you look at all the values, they always ask for um respect, improvement and um uh the words not coming to us, but basically, you accept responsibility basically. OK. So if you've done a clinical audit, you can say, look, I've shown a way that can be improved. I've shown clinical governance and therefore, I showed that we can make another improvement and that can also improve patient safety. So I'm a safe doctor. I'm a good team. I've shown good teamwork for undertaking this audit and I've shown good clinical governance. So again, you write that on your supporting information and then for teaching again, you wanna obviously, then you wanna pass on your knowledge. So you can say I like passing on my knowledge, but I also like to learn from other people. So I have discussions so it can be informal teaching, formal teaching. But I've also got feedback. And again, what they like to see is I've shown self reflection. So I'm not someone who's gonna think I'm always right. I will take on that feedback. I will then reflect on it and then I will seek to improve and that will then in, in, in turn improve my clinical practice. And these are some of the buzzwords that, um, most of the jobs will be looking for. Um, and so I had a discussion when I was in a conference this week, um regarding IM GS with one of the consultants and she told me that she reads a lot of, um, application forms from IM GS and there was two points that stand out that they know it's not very good. They don't like flurry lines and what she meant by that was that a lot of people tend to start off the application. I was, you know, top of the class. Um I very determined, I'm hardworking and good teamwork. They kind of smirk when people write on top of the class because at the end of the day you've got your medical degree. So, uh when you write, I've got good communication skills, but just write because I passed my ielts again. They're gonna smart because if you do pass your ielts, you won't have a GMC registration. So you're not fit to work anyway. And if you write little lines, like I'm good, I've got good teamwork. I'm hard working. How, how have you shown it? So they're looking for buzzwords they're looking for like I've done this, which shows this, I've done this, which shows this and it goes back to the point why if you've done a research, expand on it, why it's important if you've done an audit expand, why it's important, if you're part of an organization, why it's important. And that also covers the question when you ask about what can I write for? Um, uh, my gaps by showing just because you've got a gap, you're not a disadvantage, you've shown them. Look. Yes, I've had a gap and I've admitted to it, but to stay up to practice, I've done XYZ and therefore I'm still up to date with clinical practice. OK. Um And I will go through the questions that you've got just to make sure I've answered, answered it. So you want to particular things, the gap. Yeah. So with the gap, um so doing unemployment, it's just as I said, if you do, if you get involved in stuff and do things, then it's fine. Um And obviously, if you've completed M RCP, but you have a gap but not much clinical practice. Again, you can write basically how you study and you've passed your whole M RCP which will open your doors for more uh more jobs. But then again, as someone mentioned later on, you then say you've done this amount of CPD, you've done this amount of workshop, you've done this, this and that and therefore I'm up to date with the doc. And then maybe in your case, look to do a clinical attachment just to show that, you know how the NHS system works. And that will probably um get you a job and someone says, yes, you've got six or seven years clinical experience right after graduation by, at the time of G to registration. That's fine. So you just show them the last five years of experience that you've done. Um And where you've work, what your experiences were and then when you were unemployed doing GNC registration, what did you do for that last year? You weren't just sitting at home and not doing anything. And yeah, a gap year with 100 CPD points works. Yes. Um but go, go do other things like um I always say as well, going, doing a research and also going to a conference is good as well. So another point that was picked up by one of the consultants was that they receive a lot of emails from a lot of you, but they don't know who you are and all of a sudden you're reaching out to them and they wanna know who you are. So if you go to these conferences and you find a consultant and you have discussions with them, they straight away see, ok, this person's made an effort to come to this conference, they've probably done something at this conference. So they're showing interest and they've made an attempt to come and speak to me and then when you email them, they know who you are and then they're more likely to help you. So that also would help as well. But yeah, certified workshop would definitely help. So you can do something like the start workshop, the cris workshop, which shows you how to um how to basically handle emergency patients when you're on the ward as a junior doctor. Um, you can do these at R CS. Um, they are quite pricey but they will be worthwhile. They give you CPD and they show that you've gone through the process of how to go through it online. course, like a certificate of public health education, it's OK. If it's an MS, if it's an masters or P uh phd, that would help more, probably do the teacher to teacher course as well, that obviously is quite popular as well. So do those sort of courses. OK. And the last question is that how do I find clinical roles or how do I find research roles? So clinical audit roles, you can do you speak to your seniors? So you might have seniors at your university, they might be able to involve you in an at least AQ IP audit um at the hospital, clinical audit might be difficult for you guys because a clinical audit is basically most likely will need to use patient data, which you won't get access to. But you can always do AQ IP which is similar to an audit. Um So you can show basically um basically, you can talk about maybe how do you consent a patient? So you can go back to your colleagues where you're studying and ask them, do you know how to consent? A patient in the NHS? Ask a list of questions. Did you know this? XYZ? They'll fill in that questionnaire. Hopefully most of them will say no, they didn't and make a like it scale because you can statically analyze it and it's better to them present once you've done that, you then tell them, look. OK, I'm gonna teach you how, how to, how to consent a pa a patient or I'm gonna get someone to teach you and then I'm gonna do maybe a workshop on it and then you basically then re question the, those, those same people again and hopefully the scores go up and then you can then go to the trust. Look, you have a lot of IM Ds coming in. I've done this Q IP which will help these doctors now be able to consent patients as an example. And this will basically improve practice and make sure there's no patient harm and then get it signed off by the hospital and present it somewhere. So that's how speak to your seniors. Hopefully someone will get you a role in some sort of audit and get your name again. Think smartly as well. Um It's all good to do a really big audit as a um basically as a collaborator because if you learn about audits, but also think about your time and think about something swift and think about again in this case as well point, think about leading a two cycle one that's quick and swift um that you get maximum points and it's still an audit because what you do now it's not going to determine you when you do it in like five or 10 years. When you become a consultant, you'll continuously do these audits or Q IP. But just to show you did want to know how to do one, do something quick and same with research roles. Speak to your seniors. Um Look to probably try and do a systematic meta analysis review or try and find a case that you can present or write about if you're in your university and you see an interesting case. Speak to your professor, say, look, I'll look to write this out. I'll present it. Would you be able to help me and take it forward from there? Also with research that I've heard doing clinical case, isn't that great as doing an actual research? Is that true? So, uh let me try and find it here. Um um It's, it's not exactly true, but I can see where they're, where they're coming from. So uh I'll share my screen again. So if you look at this pyramid here, hopefully you can see it, you'll see the list of evidence. Um So you've got editorials here, you've got the case reports which you've written and you've got a case control study that you've written. Cohort randomized Control of the systematic review. So this is basically showing the systematic review is the one that provides the biggest evidence and it gives you more points. And if you go to here, so we'll just take the I MT scoring for instance, and you look at publications for instance and you will look at. So if you've done first author or a coauthor for original site to study, and it says at the bottom here as well. Um Yeah, original study covers basics such as systematic rheumato analysis, you get the full eight points. If you've written a chapter in a book, you get five points. But if you're in, if you've done it for um a case report, for instance, or case review, you get five points. So it still counts, but you get less points than if you've done systematically if that makes sense. So it's not as if that is not worth doing. I mean, if you can't find a systematically or meta analysis to lead, then probably look for a case report that you can lead. But at the same time, you know, if, if you, if you can find us better answers, it works better. Um And again, even oral presentation, it doesn't matter as long as you give an oral presentation internationally. If it's a clinical case, that's fine, you still get the four points. So I think they're mainly talk talking about mainly if it's a um if it's a publication, then systematic reviews count more but doing a clinical case isn't, is still OK. It's still, it's still a research but it's not as much evidence. OK? Any other questions up until this point? Ok. So I'll go back to my presentation then. So here that you've got your full registration from GMC, as we said. Um So what do you do now? So you need to apply for either F two training grade or nontraining jobs. A lot of people recommend fy one level training jobs. I think there's not much difference between F two and F one. It depends what's more comfortable with you and obviously look to try and get your press form signed off. Ok. Um There are many ways that you can apply for jobs. Um So you can go through the gateway, you can do low curs, you can do trust grades or you can go for the F two, stand alone and there's different ways of doing that. And if anyone wants me to go through the routes, just um ask a question, I can go through the different routes or they are the different routes that you would take um to get through and I'll show you an example of the crest form afterwards as well. So I, yeah, sorry to interrupt. So we have one question. It says how to find clinical attachments. Yes, I'm gonna go into that part in a minute as well. So again, just briefly, these are the different routes So go to this website for Gateway F two, stand alone, make an oral account. Start studying now for your S JT and preparing for interview, cross grade, go to NHS, track jobs, NHS jobs and locum as well. And I'll tell you a reason why you should sign up for locum agencies afterwards as well as you go through um clinical attachments. So this is basically as we've mentioned before, how do you improve your chance of getting a job even with gap or no gap? Look for clinical um experience and look attachments. HC A S nurses. Also, they look for NHS references do as many CPD and CPD course as you can get involved in research, clinical audits management teaching. And these are the things that you would need to help you get your job as well to start preparing them if you can. Now NHS references make sure you get your occupational intact. So hepatitis B um Hepatitis C HIV for SLR P PCG. Um make sure you get your DBS, but it'll probably be done by your job, but you can get it done by um a local agency as well, two proof of addresses and an N I number. And again, this is basic stuff what you can do in medical school, which you've done. Um Some of the courses you can probably go on is basically, I wouldn't, I wouldn't be too concerned if you can't take blood or put in a cannula because there will always be someone there to do it. I would say the most main thing is, you know how to document how to do a walk round and know how to assess an unwell patient. These are the three main things that you would be judged on and how quickly you can do your jobs, how you organize yourself, if you can't take bloods, at least learn the technique. Um And there'll be with someone around there to help you do it but don't be too hard on yourself or too worried about that aspect. So how do you, how do you get a clinical attachment? So there are many ways to get a clinical attachment. You contact consultants. How can you contact consultants? You can either go to trust um trust websites, email, the certain consultants go to linkedin, email them, ask your seniors look, um I'm looking for a clinical attachment. Do you know if there's any attachments or how I can get attachment in your trust? Do you know a consultant that will look after me, get them to contact the consultant? So a lot of the times when you do write to um hr they will ask you, have you found a consultant? You can also ask the hr and say, look, can you find someone I don't mind where I work or I do my attachment and don't look out, look for someone. But alternatively, you need to find a consultant and again, that's why I said going on courses, going to conferences can help because you already make that sort of relationship. So what I did with when I was at medical school, um when they were online talks, I used to then contact some of the consultants that gave talks, but I wouldn't just contact them, ask them straight away. I want a clinical attachment. I'll get into discussion with them. Tell, give them a bit of detailed background about myself, what I'm interested in doing and what help, what I need. So I wouldn't just ask, I want a clinical attachment. I would ask, you know, I wanna go into this speciality. What should I do? How can I get involved in this? And then would you be able to um provide me an attachment as well? But I also asked them as well if you want, we can discuss this over the phone or a video conversation. And actually two consultants got back to me and they actually contacted me by video. We made like contact that way. So you've already formed a relationship and a bond that when I went to my clinical attachment, it was easier to get it. So that's one of the ways you should do it. So when people say they've received so many emails, don't just write. I know I'm looking for attachment. Give a background of yourself, explain why you want to do a clinical attachment. What's your career goals are? And what you can get involved with and then just leave a little line. If possible, we can discuss this further by telephone or video conversation at your convenience and sometimes they will get back to you search Google uh contact your local trust. So if you know hospitals that are near your house, print off A CV and take your CV to them, go and see them personally, maybe even try and ask is a consultant available again, make that face contact and get in contact with them and ask your seniors. So there are other ways to get a clinical attachment. Google, just Google it. First of all, uh Google different trusts contact the consultants. Um Make sure you kind of make some sort of contact with them in advance and they know who you are and obviously ask your seniors. Now, the good thing as well, why I said to apply for locus as well once you've made contact with that consultant and you've got that NHS um reference from them, don't just leave it there and expect their trust. What I did with my one was that I had no interest in doing locum, but I signed up to like six or seven local and I gave that one person's email address or two people, 23 people's email address to that locum, a agency where I know there could be a possibility of getting jobs. Now they won't reply all the time to it, but they'll always keep it to account that, ok, this person just keeps asking for reference, they're making an effort to get a job. And actually, when I applied for the job and got my first job, when I had the interview, the consultant actually said I received so many emails um regarding you asking for a reference and I thought I'll give it to you. He said it was a joke, but it was also showing that he saw straight away that I was looking for a job and therefore by him giving it to me, he doesn't have to sign X amount of uh references forms. He can just give me the job and that's it. It's over and done with. So that's why you should probably get NHS emails to your references and sign up to local agencies because even if you have no interest in signing up for those local agencies, when they send out the um references that doctor will know that you're looking for a job. Ok. And then how can you make the most of a clinical attachment? It's basically what I would always say is shadow the on call F one. because that's a job. If you're going for a registrar job, then shadow the on call cos the on call is when you're gonna get most of your um jobs. So you go on your first day and you can all the first two days you can sort of find out what's going on and what you can do afterwards is get involved. Don't just stand at the back and not do anything. Just speak to your phone. Look, I wanna get involved. Um Sometimes they might pick up the folder. Sometimes they might give you a computer, start typing or start scribing. As the consultant goes around to see patients. You will learn the documentation. You can always ask f one or whoever's around to ask you if you've documented correctly, they make the necessary changes. It will help you as well. When you start your job, learn about the prescribing, learn, learn the usual painkillers that you're gonna give. And if you give this painkiller, what else should you give? So if you're gonna give something like morphine or oro, you probably wanna um cover them with cyclizine or um Odansetron, but then you'd also probably wanna give them some do or some Senol Macrogol in case they constipate and learn the different dosages, how many hours and how you basically prescribe it, you know, the main prescription that you're gonna give. So Comox is one that's always given. Um Taza is another one. MetroNIDAZOLE is another one. If you do Gentamycin, you need to check the levels. So how would you check? Which levels do you need to do? Get used to prescribing like that? Um You need to learn how to make requests. So how would you, first of all make a request for Act or MRI but then you have to get something called vet it. So you'll need to speak to the radiologist, um registrar or consultant. Ask, give them a reason why you need to do this MRI or CT scan. So start practicing that, why the CT is important and why you need the CT to be done. As I said before, if you want to, you can get involved in procedures, learn the techniques with cannul laugh When you puncture catheterization. Also on the on call, you'll probably see a new patients. So see what kind of questions you need to ask how you need to clerk a patient. That's quite important, clerking, physical examination. So how do you clerk a patient? How do you take a really good medical history and can come up with a designer plan and the test that they need to do and what examinations you need to do on the patient. Download the app micro guide for trust guidelines, download the app switch for all the different numbers as well. Um And download BNF for um prescribing. They're the three apps that you will continuously use throughout the list and also learn how you make a good job list. So as I said, if you do the morning ward round and you've got discharge summaries and you've got bloods to take and you've got pets and scans, which ones would you do first? You'll go get the scans first because there's no point doing the discharge summary when the patient's going home in the afternoon, doing the bloods, which the patient is staying in. Anyway, you can do that later and do it tomorrow or later in the evening. But then you go to the scanner at three or four o'clock and the consultant wants it that day. If you go at three or four o'clock, it's not gonna happen because they need to put a slot. So you need to probably go first thing around 1010 30 to spread that scan. So learn how to make a good job list and how to stay organized as I explained earlier, get involved in projects because you wanna show how you should come in development, but also attend journal clubs that are in your trust as well because there'll always be a consultant. There offer to present a journal, a journal as well in that, in that, in that meeting. Because what will happen is that consultant will see, look, he's making an effort even though he's on a clinical attachment and therefore he's more hi make contacts and gain advice. This is really important. So who do you think you should um approach when you're going for a job? So you've done a clinical attachment? Who do you think you should ask about job vacancies? Any s uh we didn't understand your question. Could you repeat it again? So you're going for a clinical attachment? But you wanna see if there's any job vacancies available in the trust. Who do you approach the office, the r office? OK. Any other answers? Maybe we can ask the consultant, who, which consultant though, under whom we work or we can maybe ask around other consultant if he OK. Any other answers? Ok. This is a mistake. I often see a lot of people making. So hr is only the basically they only deal with applications in terms of what comes through to them and your documents, they can't make a room or basically are gonna say um make room for you to get a job. The person you should see is the clinical lead. So it's not just any consultant, find the clinical lead in that department, make contact with them because a lot of the time some some jobs are through internally and sometimes they like clinical attaches. So you should find the clinical lead and he will tell you, is there any vacancies coming up or is there any openings? And you can then obviously make contact with them, don't just stick to the clinical lead in the department where you're doing your a clinical attachment, go to every single department in that trust and find the clinical lead and that goes on to the next point. Have your CV ready printed, go and see them, explain to them again who you are, give them a bit of background, you know this trust now because you're doing a clinical attachment here and you're really keen to do this job and find constantly and find out a lot of the time they wait until you wait for this day. That's fine. But once they say yes, they could give it to you, you can then on the application form, on an NHS um, apply as an internal candidate as opposed to an external candidate. If your prior is an internal candidate, you get more preference and you'll then obviously have, you'll increase your chance of getting a job. So that's the key thing. I think a lot of people, I've spoken to make a mistake if you speak to hr as wonderful as they are, they will tell you keep an eye on the trust um website or NHS tracks because they haven't got provision to open up jobs or they don't know when a contract is coming to an end with the clinical lead, he will know exactly which staffing he needs. And if he needs somebody and if you make good contact with them and they know you, then you could increase your chances if you don't meet the clinical lead, but you've done a clinical attachment, the clinical leave will think well, who is this person? They wanna know who you are. And again, that's why you should get involved, get involved in projects, get involved in general club, get the consultants and other registrars to know who you are. So they can then feedback to the clinical lead. Ok. So that's how you find out if vacancies are available, always seek out the clinical lead. And the final point is basically make sure you can get references because at the day when you do your references, you wanna find out, you want them to give you references. And when you apply for jobs, it's better when you have an NHS reference as opposed to another country. Because if you've got an NHS reference automatically, it clicks in their mind that OK, this person is being endorsed by someone from the NHS and they're worth looking at. So there's three things they may look at in your application form is your supporting information, your employment history and your references. So have your supporting information to at and have NHS references and you're already two thirds there. And the main thing obviously when you're on a clinical attachment, other than learning the job is seek out the clinical lead. Ok. Any other questions or anything anyone wants me to go through in terms of anything, it can be anything um feel free. So the three apps are B NF Micro Guide and um switch. OK. It's all type and yeah. OK. Any other questions or anything that anybody wants to ask or anything that wasn't clear that they need going through. Um So would you, was it good to Yeah. Uh uh Is it better to do I ES or O et like according to you is dependent on you? I would say they're both the same value. Um Ielts is cheaper and you get the results quicker. But from my understanding, I think a lot of people do also struggle with Ielts as opposed to O ETS. And I think most people get the marks or O ETS E but it's more expensive. It's less often and you wait longer to get the results. So it really depends on you. I think how much practice for me personally, obviously, cos I was brought up in the UK and stuff and I was quite confident doing the Ielts. I did, I chose to do the Ielts, but I know some of the O ETS as well. So it's just basically a preference. Um OK, we have a question. Um Do we need a verified Epic ID to put into the GMC? So you need uh what do you mean a verified Epic ID? They can expand on that. So the only thing that you need to get Epic to verify is your university documents. Um Your ID, basically GMC will have a look at it when you show, when you go to the ID, check to show them your passport, if that answers the question. Is that what they were meaning or do you want me to II know I'm asking them and I'll let you know. OK. Um And Solomon, what do you mean by what is it good to include in your, does it mean what is good to include in your CV. So what's good to include in your CV? Is um do the A LS if you can, I know it's money. Do that. 10, some courses like a start course or crisp or any CPD approved courses. Um Any research that you've done as points, any presentations you've done as points, any awards you've done at points, audits, teaching conferences attended. And I think I've mentioned teaching already and any management organization as much as you can, you need to fill in the whole gap in your um NHS track. I'll see if I can pull one up to just show you a brief. I can just sign in one sec. OK? OK. I'll share the application that I did for the current job I'm working now and see if it can be more clear. So this is the application that I applied for when I did mine. So you just give a few details, but I just want to go through the points that you need to fill in. This probably is not the best one. This is probably not the best one actually. Yes. Yeah, this might be the better one to show. So basically you need to have your education and professional qualification. So base your um CV like this. So if you've done M RCP, you've done M RCP, whatever. But here you want to put relevant courses that you've attended. So this is why I said if you attend to start course any CPD So for me, I attended Basic Life Support. I did a quick pen puncture cannulation course. I also did the basic surgical skills just being interested in surgery. I did my A s and I did the teacher teacher course. So it's relevant courses and they add gaps, they basically add weight because they're extra courses. If you've got membership, professional GMC, you can also put your M RCP here as well. And then also your employment history is important to put that all down. But also in your employment history, write down some of the jobs that you've done. So I did some clerking um attend MDT S um admitted patients, admissions, more duties, discharge, summaries, et cetera. Um And you go down, down down. So I this as well, I also include all my clinical attachments and my internships as well. So it makes it kind of more full that I've been up to date gaps in improvement is here where you'll write any gaps that you've had for more than 30 for um six. So basically for any gaps of employment for six months or more than five years, please include contact to a professional mental educational supervisor. So you need to verify why you had that gap. And what was the, what was the point? The main thing is your supporting information, which is here. So you need to write all the things that you can do. All the clinical practice that you can do. Don't worry if you're not confident, you need to put something down that you can do it. But here is obviously like highlight which um how you can, how you, how you've done that proficiency. So I did mine through my jobs that I did and how would you um reflect this is what I'm saying. When you say teaching as well, you can say how you like to gain feedback and improve. So that's how you do it for your teaching. Again, any teaching experience down, you should put this down as well. So what teaching you've done, um any management that you've done? And here again, you want to put all your orders that you've done. So if you've done an order, you keep it for, you don't want to keep it empty. So the more you do, the more better it is. Um And then again, the same with research. So for all the researches that you've done, um all the presentations and publications that you've done. So here comes the publications that you've done, any presentations that you've won and prizes that you've won as well, and then you want to show basically your leadership. So which roles have you shown to show that? You show leadership? Um How have you shown good teamwork? So for my leadership, I use gradate predominantly and obviously how I do teaching, using that teamwork, how I work for a charity and show good teamwork. Then also I worked in various teams. This is the most important part, the supporting information. And I always tell people use a CAM P approach. So the first paragraph basically gives a little bit of detail of my clinical experience and why I'm suitable for the job. The next paragraph gives a bit about my academically. So research, the next paragraph is about teaching. Then the next part is basically about um a management and my personal and then I sum it up. So you basically want to write everything that's important. So I've written that I'm a junior doctor, but you obviously write, I'm studying at university, but I'm just saying how I'm suitable for the job because I've done these set roles. I've seen how the NHS works. So therefore, I have the skills and I'm also completed my A LS which was uh main specification for the job. I've also mentioned the different types of research I've done what I've led and awards I've won and all the management. So that's why it's important to basically, and I will put this as your first paragraph on your job. OK. And even for this job, I was given an interview, but I turned it down because I only started somewhere else. But that's what you should be looking for, like structuring your um CV, in that way. Um Sullivan let me know if that's clear uh Samuel to answer your question. So what around what year should we start doing? Clinical attachments as early as possible. So I did my, um, I did five during my, um, um, my, my state y, my state year I did one at the beginning of my state year. I did another three during my state exams and one just afterwards I think the earlier you do it, the more likely you are to make contact, um, the disadvantage of doing it beforehand. They'll tell you to come back when your GNC registered. Where if you do it a straight after your um state exams, you'll have GMC registration. You can start straight away. But of course, a lot of people do it straight after um their state exam. So you're more competition po where if you get in contact with them early, they get to know you. So what I did is when I did my wild I state years, I just kept in contact with them even for like basic things. Like wishing them a Merry Christmas a Happy New Year. Just so they kept knowing you. So I would say start doing clinical attachment as soon as possible. It'll make you a better doctor anyway because you'll learn the different stuff you need to do for the NHS as well. What kind of examples would you give for management or an organization? So if you've been part of any societies in your university, if you're any part of it doesn't have to be medical or anything you do outside, but you just wanna show basically how you can work as a team. You're a good listener, you're good at communicating, you're good at showing duty of Candor and um you can also show good leadership as well. So any example, so even if you're like in the sports team, you sometimes need to show leadership in there, you need to work as a team to gather, galvanize a team and how you, how you can show that you just need to show an evidence that you've got that management organization. It can be anything, it can be medical or nonmedical as long as it's proof. OK. So coming back to the other previous question, so what the person meant is in order to create a GMC account, should the Epic uh account be fully completed and verified by them before we uh proceed onto the GMC one? No, you can, you can open your GMC online account beforehand. Uh But you can't progress with the I MG 23 until you got your Epic verified. OK. And um the person was saying that, you know, the Epic people, they um gave the username and the password and she has notarized the form, but she hasn't heard back from them. And do you know like how long would we have to wait uh for to hear back from them? So have they uh they said they received the form and have they notarized it? Yeah, through online. So if, if it's notarized, it would say it's completed. So they should have the number. Has she already paid the university the fee to? Yeah. Uh yeah, that that has been paid. Yeah. Then it should say on the form, it should say verification called accepted. OK. I'll ask her if you go to my credentials you'll have so have an order. So uploaded, then it will say credential received then sent for verification. It will then say in review of medical institution and then it will say verification received and in review of E CFM G and then finally, it will say verification accepted. Once it says verification accepted in the top right hand corner, you'll have the epic ID number that you can use on your GMC form. OK. Uh Hello. Uh Yes. Well, first of all, thank you so much for allowing us all to ask the questions and to participate in the discussion. Basically, as you mentioned earlier that you should include any management experience or any publications or teaching experience in the CB. But you also mentioned that they should all be documented like the GLC anos only and identifies only those stuff that is documented. But if we do not have a documented teaching experience or but if we have a publication that has been like an article that has been published in, in our own country, the or the national journal, not like a index. Could that be applicable as well? And regarding the management activities, like if we have done a lot of management activities, but like we do not have the proof of it. For example, for someone who has served in the military, for example, as a doctor or something, obviously, he would have done a lot of management activities, but he otherwise will not have approved and evidence of that all. So how to keep up with that, please? So I think the first question I think about teaching, um even if it's formal or informal, if you can contact those that you've taught, try and get some feedback because they'll want a feedback form from them. Um If you're explaining about GMC and a gap or you're applying for speciality, they always ask for documentation. Unfortunately. So if you don't have documentation again, it kind of gets rejected. Um because from their point of view is that anyone can say they've done it, it doesn't mean you haven't done it, but anyone can say it. So what you should probably do is go back to the military army and see if you can get at least all from your hospital, see if they can at least provide you a letter with a stamp to say um this person. So and so served in this and the activities they've done. Uh So I think I can probably show you a letter and if I can find it of how a teaching letter should, should look like if you just give me one second, if I find I find it. Oh, is this one? It, give me one second here. I'll try and find it as soon as I can. Yeah. Sure, please. Yeah. Mhm. No. Right. So I'll share the screen. So this is the letter I got from my trust for my teaching. So if you look at this, it should have basically to say that it's certified that I've taught and what kind of teaching I've done and to back, back, back to verify it gives you the dates and what you've taught. So you need to get a letter like that and then it's signed by a doctor stamp. You, you do need to get something like that, even if it's retrospective, it's fine, but you need to get something like that. Um And alternatively with the audits as well, um You need to get a letter like this. If I can find it, I got various documents. Sorry. Right. Yeah. So you can see for the audits, you need to have something like basically, again, what I did for the audits, what was the audit? And sometimes in the UK, there's a project ID number, they give the project number and where it was presented. So again, you need to get some evidence um like this basically to show that you've done it. And also I did tell you as well, I was gonna show you the Crest form as well. So your crest form basically looks like something like this. Um cos I know a lot of people ask is another letter is not. So you basically, once you, once you think you're ready to do it, you go to a consultant who's happy to sign it, uh You then write your name and a G and C number, you write all the roles that you've done where you've worked and the dates and everything I did this up until the day I got it signed, you can leave that blank and basically you need to get your consultant. So in my case, the consultant cos I was only there for 34 months. He looked at my EHO portfolio and put evidence received. If your consultant ticks off all the green boxes, you don't need to do the last bit. But if he ticks the yellow box, I'll show you what he needs. So basically you need to show them that you've got good clinical assessment, you know how to prioritize holistic approach and communication care. But I just also wanted to touch on this point. So I updated the wrong way, but this is basically his details to make sure he's DMC registered on the days that he supervised me, tick, tick, tick signs it stamps it. But he also needs to show here. So you see you've done AQ IP. So the earlier you do it, the more easier you'll get your quest form signed off cos at least you'll see an evidence um teaching. So any teaching you've done if he's got evidence. So he will, he'll want to ask for your feedback form. He'll wanna ask for a letter that you've done this teaching and then he can take it off and CPD as well. Like if you've attended CPD, take it off. So you need evidence. Sometimes if the consultant is happy to just say he's witnessed it any way he can take it off. But if he was evidence received, you need to show him this evidence and then what he would also do as well. So in my case, because it was all evidence, he would then write down all the names of the consultants that verified my documents that I did from each of the trusts that I worked at, who verified that I did this and he signs it off. So that's how your quest for get signed off. You need to make sure that the consultant is happy to sign it off or is happy with the evidence that you've received. And then if if is evidence received, you need to fill in this last bit or so, which evidence did he receive and sign it as well? Zabel the Crestor. But just going back to your question about um the letter for management and teaching, you still need to get some doc documentations when for GMC and when you're applying for speciality, because without that, they'll probably question it. So I would advise even if you've got one consultant in your current trial, you can verify. Yes, I verified and saw this person have this, this and this. That's fine and get the feedback from the teaching. Well, thank you so much. And that consultant need to be on the G and C register as well or not because I'm not from the UK and, or on the I think for GMC evidence, um it doesn't matter but your quest form, it needs to be a GMC registered doctor. Well, thank you. And for the last question that I asked, uh what if we have published a paper in a national journal that that is not per indexed? Will that be counted by the JMC or not? Will that be I? Yeah, sorry, I forgot on that. So basically you can answer, you can say yes, you've done it. You should have a copy of the article. So you can say I've published an article, it's not publish article, but it's an article. Um They will accept it when you go for um points system, when it goes for applying for jobs. I don't think you get the full points but you still get some points. Let me just double check. Um Yeah. So if you've published one or more abstract, non peer reviewed articles that are not public cited, you'll get one point. It will still count on your GMC four, but you need to get a copy of that article to show them that you've done it. So if you saw the website somewhere, just print the article off and scan it in and send it off to them, right? Anything else you wanna ask? Feel free to ask? Well, thank you one more question. I don't think if it is relevant, he will make this event a note if someone who is like a consultant in the country of origin, which jos he should apply in the UK like senior clinical fellows, like I know that's a very subjective debate. But my point is that what will be more suitable for someone who is a consultant in the country of? I think if you're a consultant, sorry, if you're a consultant in your back home country, you won't be able to serve as a consultant straight away. So you're probably, and you're probably too experienced to go through any training. So I'll probably start off at the minimum as a middle grade registrar, but probably as a senior clinical fellow registrar and then you'll have to go through the Caesar route and then get through your CT. But I would say you're, you'll be probably ready to start as a registrar, just be clear with the jobs that, you know, you've never worked in the NHS, but you're consultant experience and you'll want about 34 weeks shadowing, make the most of your shadowing period and just start off as a registrar would be my thing because I think you starting off as a foundation one or two doctor is two reasons I would say is one thing you're probably over, qualify for that post. And number two, you're probably holding up someone else who probably needs that post if that makes sense. So I would say when there, if there is a gap for registrars, go for the registrar post and just make it clear to them that you need some time to adjust the NHS system. But you know what you're doing. Um So basically, when you start working, I think a lot of people say it's, it's quite tough transitioning. I don't think this is as tough as people say. I think there's two things. Again, I think someone also mentioned the conference is that is a language and if you grow up in NS system, so if you pass and you probably need need to learn the different abbreviations. But um for them to say that you're, you're not as good as UK doctors are not true cos I had my appraisal recently and they said that's not true as well, but you just need to learn the different types of systems. So the computer systems, how you document this, how you should um refer this, that takes a couple of weeks. We're gonna, regardless of which trust you go to. Sorry. So just ask them for 34 weeks experience and staff as registered post. Thank you so much. Bye. Any other questions from anyone where can we do this a S and BLS course that you have mentioned in the messages. Where are you based? Uh I'm in Bulgaria, I'm in Sofia. OK. So there's the E RC um contact us. We'll give you the contact details. You could do the BLS at A S in Bulgaria. Alternatively, if you can get to the UK, probably do your B LS in Bulgaria and do your A LS under the UK Resuscitation Council in the UK. Um It's a bit pricey. Um There's two types of A LS, there's a two day one and there's the one day one. I did the one day one, but I was quite comfortable with the at E assessment. Um I think that was 450 lbs. I think if you do the two day one, it's 600 lbs. Um I believe in Bulgaria it's the same costs and the B LS in Bulgaria is about 100 and 30 100 and 30 to 100 and 50 L. So I would probably, you can probably do in the E RC in Sofia. Um They do both or you can do the B LS in Bulgaria and do the A S in UK. No, my question is, should we contact with the grade scape or? Oh yeah, you can contact, you can uh for B LS and A Ls in Bulgaria, you can contact Rasca, we'll give you the contact details. Um If you decide you want to do A LS in the UK again, contact us and I'll give you, um, information how you can apply for the ALS through the UK. So, but for the ALS in the UK, we need to be physically present in the UK at that time. Right. Yes, you do. Yeah, because it's a practical course, a practical exam. Yeah, because I, I'm not a British citizen so I don't have a British passport. I need to apply for a visa first. That's why I asked if you can do the A and BR in. So, yeah, so what you can do is do your A LS and B LS in Bulgaria and then when you get to the UK, do a reverification course which is just a one day event. And so you'll get a UK in resuscitation but you for s Yeah, you can do the E RC which is a European resuscitation Council in Bulgaria for A Ls and B LS. Ok. Yeah. Yeah. Go for it. Uh I joined a bit late. So apologies if this has been answered. Uh Will this talk be recorded? And if so where can we do it? Um I believe, I believe it is being recorded. So I think you'll be on the um recap content after the meeting? Ok, perfect. But is there any other questions that you want me to ask? I can probably try and answer for you now, uh not off the top of my head. OK. So as you as, as you said, doing uh 100 CPD points and A S and B LS scores and plus a LC scores. Is it more than enough to, uh, including your CV? To, I would, I would honestly say, um, rather than like CBD, do count A s definitely gives you more points, so definitely do that. But I think if you've got, you've got a lot of time, more time than you think that when you start working, I would consider in your case doing some teaching, doing a research and if possible do an A G IP do those three as well. Um I think that will strengthen your application form. Not just for now when you go for speciality, you've already got the points in your bag. You don't have to worry about it. You can just worry about adjusting to the UK and then you can apply for speciality if you don't do your research of audit. Now, teaching now, you not only have to adapt to the UK, you would also have to do this to go to speciality and that could hold you back. So I would recommend if you're still at university or you've still got a bit of time to get a hold of research audit and teaching would be my advice and that's why I did personally. So apart from teaching yourself for the research, so how to contact for research here in uh Sophia um contact myself through grads. Um and we can discuss a project that we can go through, um, to do research? Ok. Ok. Ok. Uh, do you recommend doing a LS before applying for F two standalone? Yeah, I would say yes. Um, it could never hurt. I think when you apply for F two, stand alone, you will need to have I LS by the start of your F two program. So, IE if you're applying this year, you'll need your, at least I LS by August 2025. But if you, again, if you've got a s at the back, um it's quite, it's, it's recommendable and probably best to do and it gets just another tick out of the way basically. And after doing a clinical attachment, you need to get a document to show that you've done it. Not necessarily. Um as I said, just make sure you get a reference NHS reference from them. Um So when you pull off, when you apply for jobs, you can put their NHS um email and their name as a reference, they'll contact them and they'll certify that you've done a clinical attachment. It won't, it doesn't harm, there's no harm in getting a letter. But ideally and more more importantly, you need their reference. So you need their full name and email address and how can you get into teaching? Um a lot of people um you can do formal teaching so you can teach within your group in terms of your own study groups and get feedback. You can also try to get it through to other organizations, um ask them and make sure you get feedback and then you get a letter and there's also specific words, have a look on the I MT and CST. It's basically that you need to have led it for more than three months to basically apply for, to, for that teaching points to be more. So you just need to have that word on the letter to say that I worked with local tutors that's important to organize a teaching program for healthcare professionals and that you taught over a period of, of more than three months. So you need to fill that directly arterial to get full points. So I would do formal teaching, get involved in organizations and do teaching that way. How can I go for a research project? After graduating again, you can just get in contact with us and we can probably help you alternatively if you're working in a trust, um you can speak to a consultant, you can find a case that you want to present et cetera and get involved in research. That way there are different types of research. Um probably as part of our next series. Um Next year, we'll probably have a series on talking about research because there are different types of research projects and it's probably more as a series as opposed to one tour. Um But we'll try and do that probably early February March next year. But in, in, in, in short, basically fine if you can collect data, present a um publisher original research. Otherwise, do a me or systematic review, I will send um join the Grad Scape um whatsapp group. Hopefully someone will give a link on here or you can contact me on my number. I'll give it to you here. It might be easier just send me a whatsapp message. Um One last question from my side uh when we do the registration for the GMC, uh do we need to do the Ielts or the O ET exam before that? Or we can do it before after that? No, you need to do the Ielts and O ETS because um as I sh showed before they will ask for your um I ETS or O ETS report um results number. You need to provide that number. If you don't, if you haven't got your Ielts or if you ever sorry, if you haven't got your O ETS or Ielts, you don't qualify to register for GMC. So you need to do it beforehand. So that's why I said do it as soon as you can. No, I asked this because I joined 15 minutes late. So my, no, that's fine. That's fine. And for, for, for Epic, we don't need uh I or we can do the Epic. Yeah, you can do the Epic directly. So um as I mentioned at the beginning of the talk, I would say do your epic as soon as possible even before you finish your um state exams because you'll need to verify yourself. So you need to verify your passport, your photo, you then need to set up a notary appointment, you meet with them and they verify, ok, this is you and then only after that will you be able to then upload your university documents to get verified? Um And then probably just before that or within that period, do your Ielts exam or oe exam? So by the time your documents are verified, you have your ielts results back that you can then apply for T and C. So for example, I did my verification with the ECF MG. So does it count for the paperwork to get connected from the ECF MG to the epic or no? Can they do the verification? So you've done, so you've done your verification through the F MG? Yes. Yes. Yeah, that's fine. Yes. I, two years ago, how many years ago? Uh two years ago, two years ago, I don't think it may not be valid. You probably need to check or ask the GMC. Uh you probably need to get it revver I would assume uh because I did my notary session also and I also did that uh my form 186 and uh very efficient passport and other things. That's why I asked. Yeah. Um I think you're ver verifying you as a whole is fine. But you probably need to, um, where did you obtain your degree? Uh, I'm graduating this year. Actually, I finished my, all the state exams and I will receive my degree, uh, in 2025 on the, a ceremony next, uh, this 20 this 25. Yeah. Ok. Have you got your, um, documents, your pre graduate document about already? Yes, because I had the exam. So I'll go and apply tomorrow for this, then I'll have it. OK. So take care. OK. So your ECF MG you've just verified yourself or you haven't verified documents? No, I'm talking uh Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you can say that. Yeah, I have verified myself. Not my documents. You can say Yeah. Yeah, that's fine. Your, your account still is still valid. So what you just need to do now is once you've got those documents and translated, upload those documents onto Epic or E TFM G, they're both the same thing and then basically they will verify your documents and that's fine. They'll give you a number. So it will be faster compared to applying to directly to the Epic Account. Epic and E CFM G are the same thing. So E CFM G are the organization that host it, but the form they give you is an Epic form. So it's the same thing. So you still go to your EC F MG account, you then upload your documents and they give you the number basically and that basically is your verification of your documents. OK. Does that make sense? So I understand a little bit what you said, but uh I already have my ECF MG number, my account there and yeah, hold on, I'll share my number, I'll share my screen with you again just to Yeah, if you can, yeah, if you can just show something. So it would be. So, so this is your E CFM G account that you already have, right? Um And you've, you've verified yourself. That's completely fine. Yes, you have an Epic I, you, you already have an Epic ID already. You can use that same Epic ID once you've verified your documents. OK. So the Epic ID stays the same. So once you, so you've done this stage. Yeah. Uh This is the, this was more confusing actually, I don't have the Epic ID. So that's why I was confused with this when you said, OK, so you've signed up to the E CFM G, right? OK. It's also called the Epic account as well. So they're both the same thing. So the E CFM G is the organizations, the educational Commission of Foreign Medical Graduates, but you're using the Epic Portal, electronic portfolio of international credentials. OK? OK. So you've made your F MG and they would have sent you this an Epic identification form. OK. So once that, that this verifies you, so they'll say OK, this is you what you then need to do is you then need to go to my credentials on your E CFM G account. OK? You then go click on alternative graduation document and you upload these two documents. You upload the Bulgarian document first and then your translate document and then you pay the fee of 100 and $30 and then you'll get a list like this. So you've uploaded it and you've requested for verification and the fees been paid and then it's in review. Once they are happy with it, they will send it to your university for verification. And that's why you should send, if you're from Sophia, send it to T Todaroa at me. Sophia dot PG. Once she's happy with it and you've paid her 100 and 20 LEV, she'll click a button and it'll say in review and they'll say verification, accepted. So to answer your question, if you've done all of this already and you've got this account, you log into this account and you just basically go to my credentials and upload your university documents and that's enough. And the top quarter will have your Epic ID and that's the Epic ID you put on your GNC registration form. OK. Is that clear or do you hear? No, no much better? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. OK. I mean, if you do get any doubts later on, um just feel free to contact me and I'll, I'm more than happy to try to help So if you're applying for GMC through the MRC S pathway, then you probably need to, you can still get epic count before you complete MRC S. But just make sure you need to get MRC S basically verified similar to what um Toha just asked, basically, you can set up your Epic account any time you want, but your documents have to be verified once you've got them. So you need to. So it depends on your documents. I know you're saying, can we upload the document certificate in English directly? So it depends if your original document like from us from Bulgaria is in Bulgarian, you need to upload both of them because the Bulgarian one will have the stamp. The translation won't if your original document is in English and Stan, then you can just put the English one up. So it depends which your document is from from us. From Bulgaria. We were given the document in Bulgaria and we had to translate it. So we had to upload both of them. Very unlikely. You'll get your quest form signed during a clinical attachment because you're not in NHS paid work. So you will need to get um an NHS employment and you don't need one year of work experience. You need three months working with that consultant um to get your Crestor form signed off. Uh What you can do during your clinical attachment is if I can just quickly load it up, you can get somebody who's working at your trust to print off Ehores forms. Uh just give me a second. So I'll put it out and you can ask you can. So if you've done a blood, for instance, I'll share the screen again. You can ask them to basically, if I just put create here, you can get them to fill in this form for you. So you can write the name, title, the Docs. What you did, what setting it was procedure and get the trainer to sign it off. Um That's what you can do on your clinical attachment if you've done either even clerking a patient or um so if I give you some examples. So if you've discussed a case based discussion with somebody, if you've done like a procedure like a cannula acupuncture, ask them fy one to print out a physical form, fill it in physically and get them to sign it and then you can scan it and use it later on and that can count as evidence that you've done something. So those are the sort of things that you can do. Mini cases are basically, if you've um clocked in a patient for someone, you've taken a good history, you've done an examination, you've come up with a plan and you've discussed it, get somebody to sign it off to say you've done it. Um So there are sort of things that you can do um that will help with your Crestor later on, just ask someone you're working with, if they can print out a hard copy, um Ehores form and then you can get that basically signed and then they can put that in your portfolio, but you can't get your crest form signed off just through your clinical attachment. Um So if you're back in the UK, basically, I believe you pay it by balance transfer. Um and you can just send them a scan alternatively. If they want it from a Bulgaria account, you can get someone from um who Bulgaria to pay for. You, just make sure they get the evidence, scan the evidence and send them, send them the proof that they've done it. Um But she would ask for proof that you've paid it. So you need to have some sort of proof that you've paid it. Our do and mini kicks falls from country or region of that. Yeah, II would assume they are. Um, they should be um as long as that person who signed it off though is GMT registered. They would ask you um I can be a registrar or consultant, but they need to be on the GMT registrar list. So just double check that. So, ok, any other questions or anything or anyone that you have any queries or anything? So if he's not due able to register, then he probably won't be able to sign it, to be honest with you cos it won't be valid cos they do check that on the um EHO portfolio. Even if he, yeah, but even if he's a consultant, it doesn't count. So, uh they need to have cos when we fill it up, um, electronically, it makes sure that their GMC registered. So they're, they're basically a trainer, they train trainer, so they officially sign things off. Cool. Any other questions before we finish off? If not, you guys have my number as well. So feel free to whatsapp me. I try to apply as soon as possible. Sometimes it might take me a bit longer, but I will reply. Um This is the last CPD approved um, talk of our series this year. Um, but we would commence again next year as well. So any ideas you guys want us to talk about, if there's any particular topic or any series that you would want us to carry out again, just reach out to us and we'll try and um, get that for you. Um cause this is for you guys as well and if there's any advice, further advice on anything you guys need, just feel free to get in touch and thank you for attending and good luck to everyone. I'm pretty sure all of you will get a job. Um It just takes time but you can do it and good luck and have a good Sunday. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Uh Also guys just before you guys go. Um please just fill out the feedback form and once it's completed, the certificates will be sent to you guys.