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COVID-19: Factors associated with psychological distress, fear, and coping strategies among community members across 17 countries



This talk will discuss a study examining the psychological distress associated with the COVID-19 pandemic among 17 countries. The talk outlines the study's findings, which showed a high discreteness among women, single mothers, those of lower incomes and health care professionals. It also highlights the fact that resistance and coping strategies were associated with higher levels of resilience, such as those over 60 years of age and nurses. If you're a medical professional curious to learn more about mitigating mental health issues as a result of the pandemic, join this session to understand the factors associated to successful coping strategies.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify the prevalence of psychological distress among different age groups, genders, and income levels during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  2. Analyze the association between psychological distress, fear of COVID-19, and controlling factors.

  3. Compare psychological distress among different populations in 17 countries.

  4. Examine mental health outcomes of individuals during the pandemic and their relationships to financial impact and access to basic needs.

  5. Design a health promotion policy that accounts for social and political support for individuals with higher levels of distress.

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Hello, everyone hollowed occurs students and everyone who with us in the conference, a box from thank you for having me today on something Had wound internship doctor at that because, um, our study title inspectors associated with, like, allergic in distress here and coping here during the carbon 19 pandemic among 17 countries. Um, our study has been published Any globalization and help Jordan, which has anybody special 4.1 a try. This is why I showed you would be participants in our study Prefect Ground Cover 19 Band in it, which has a sickness. More than two million cases and 4.7 million by mid September 2021. All took over 19 impacted psychological well being off the global population, for example, in a systematic review with more than 300,000 for dissidents prevalent off psychological district. And there's the Depression. During the Bandon, it was reported as 50% 27 28% respectively. This is the old soul shows that the psychological distress have been more prevalent among little age but single women and mothers and goes with lower income groups. Another international study off it seen countries is the morning the mental health outcomes off the look down. So it showed that out of the participants expressed moderate mental well being also the financial impact and leg access to basic needs where as a as a factor, support associated with poor mental help out. The aim off this study is it is examine the extinct and the country that associate it with, like elliptical district. A little fear of 19 and causes, including Saturdays among the are very strange off community people in was in countries we conducted across strictures but he occurred 17 countries. We want to be barking. 15 countries are short here. It was studied population. Everyone who age of more than or equal 18 years and living in the participating countries enable respond to our online. They can participate in this study So the participants include the general community members, health care, professional patients. You know you don't and stuff This doesn't cool. Destructor surveying actually is a questionnaire that was a practice from previous study conducted in Australia. A psychological distance was measured using six psychological distress scale fear visual, using fear off over 19 still and recording history, using the brief, resilient coping skills there. There were collected during November 2022 January 2021. States software was used for data analysis. Our result, Um, because the participants in or study our, uh you go to the participants and number is 8500. The nine participants where the female were 64%. I mean age off the participants is 53 years with standard deviation off their teens, 42% had the source of income during the band in it and about a couple of the participants there. The shots seriously affected during the Bandini and 45 40% off our participants are still defined as Drunk Line or Essential Service, where curves the liver, 16% or doctors and nurses 40 person has gastric or even sell our issue, and most of the participants are not smoker. About quarter off. The participants had their contact with suspected or confirmed cases off open 19, it has been percent had in direct contact. 6% tested positive for cocaine, 19 and 14%. Eyes believing before is easing negative, um, participants that visit till scare providers and those who defined as patients in our study, where the three persons and 13% use health service during the previous six months before the data collection. This is like shows new is the psychological distress person is about a second person has a 70% of the participants actually had mother to high levels off. Psychological distress around water off the participants has higher level off ear off over 19, and about 60% has moderate to, um, order it too high. Coping Resilience Ah, after using the binary logistical addition for adjustment off the corn founders factor is that associated with moderate, very high little secular. Get the stress where being a female change off employment status during cold and 19 band in it. Identification at the book change or financial situation. Mental mental health conditions. Cause that would cover 19 patients directly or indirectly. Being a patient. Use a healthcare service Overcome cover 19 Stress higher living off ear off over 19. Also after the adjustment of the little levels off peers. Um, fact is that associated with a higher level of year where ah h category, or 30 to 59 years being a female change off employment status still defined as frontline or essential, take this worker changed all financial situation, had co morbidities contact with over 19 cases and healthcare health service used overcome cover 90 related stress and has had moderate very high levels off psychological distress. This is like about coping strategies, factors that more likely to have, um, mid medium to high resilient coup being a a more or equal 60 years being a nurse. Financial situation impacted negatively during the Bandon. It would two excellent mental health contact with no North, effective cases off over 19 and healthcare provider visit. Let's stop briefly about the results off the policy. Prime specific, uh, research. Uh, total number. Where to the number was 417 mean age eyes. UH, 2020. With the sun that vacation six years, 87% of the participants were females. 71% had a source of income during the bandon it and two thirds off the participant. Their job affected adversely by incoming 1931% defined themselves as print line or essential service workers. 30% had psychiatric or mental health issues, and most off, the participants were not smoker. It's well percent contact with known or suspected covered 19 cases already cut the percent in that time. This is positive for covert 1911% help, 11% visit the healthcare provider, and also they're defined as patients. In our study, 88% I had moderate, very high living off psychological distress, which is very high number off the participants. 20% that means one in five participants has a high level fear. Poke off corporate 19 and also around 60%. 60% had medium to high levels off resilient Kobe. Also, after the adjustment off pickle bonders practice that associated with a higher living off psychological distress were being a female employment. The change distress front line worker affected by financial situation. Change contact with codeine. 19. Bandic being a patient on higher living or fear, of course, in 19 after adjustment will confound Ear's all the called Prandin. The little fears where were associated with being a female employment. The change destress financial situation. It changed impact and higher level or psychological distress. The medications off our study that you know as you look down and the band in IQ we the only tool that we have in this time or the online survey was the most trouble available option. And this introduced selection by, of course, and the multi country background, the difference policies among countries are also make this. Um, we cannot make a conclusion that for, uh, old countries So we adjusted the variable country recommendations are for study. We have to bear guys. The particular is who had higher levels off the Kalashnikov, this trace and peers on. They were the females and people with existing mental health issues. So we have to, um, very cars. It's bradycardia. These categories, I think, with political and social support alone with Pacific health promotion policy is should be considered with this tragic response toe ongoing pandemic. And don't going Vantin it. Okay. And if you choose, studies should focus. And the well being strategy is sorry. Future studies should focus on the living strategies that it has the resilience And is the lining the effectiveness off study interventions? Yeah. Thank you. I hope that you enjoyed by enjoyed my presentation. Thank you. Uh, spell. Thank you. Uh so all the attendance today