This site is intended for healthcare professionals


This on-demand teaching session for medical professionals will discuss unmet need in global surgery, anesthesia, and obstetrics, as well as sustainability issues and research. Discussions will provide attendees with actionable steps to improve global health care by 2030. There will also be a conversation about innovation, with insight from the conference attendees. Lastly, the session will honor the Sheffield City Hall team, the HIV team, meddle, sponsors, attendees, and the conference coordinator Gene. Attendees will also receive a Certificate of Participation and the chance to join future projects and committees. Join us for this essential session to gain practical knowledge and join forces with the medical community to better global health care.

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Welcome to the GASOC International Conference 2022, we are delighted to have you join us either in person or virtually.

Join the conversation online by using #GASOC2022


📮 Contact support@MedAll.org with any questions about the platform


Links from Chat:

Twitter is @GASOC_2015. The facebook is GASOC UK. The conference hashtag is #gasoc2022


Prof Mahmood Bhutta - 'The Real Cost of Healthcare': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hl7c3oDxIU8

Dr Hixson's twitter: @ICUdocX / Twitter: @oceansandus



Miss Hunt - https://bjssjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bjs5.50122

References from Michelle Joseph: References:




GASOC Mailing list - https://www.gasocuk.co.uk/join-now

https://www.gasocuk.co.uk/ Is our website for the Keith Thomson travel grant info

Phil - You can set up your own teaching organisation and get going straight away at https://MedAll.org/host

Or feel free to find at time that works for you to jump on a call after the conference and if we can help, we always will: https://calendly.com/phil-medall


HOUSE KEEPING - once you have entered the event, on the left of the screen you will find the following icons:

🎤 Main stage - this will be where all our talks will happen - you can use the chat on the right to ask any questions

💬 Breakout session - this is where you will see our coffee rooms where you can network throughout the conference and also sessions

ℹ️ Event Info - you will find our schedule - we will try our best to keep to the times listed

👀 Sponsors - we have a few some incredible sponsors here - please do take a look

📃 Poster hall - this will open in a new window for you, you can browse these and click on them to read them - click on them a second time and this will enlarge it for you. Please do 'like' the posters as well as ask our poster presenters any questions


(subject to change | 'Skills Sessions' 1, 3 & 4 can be found in the sessions tab on the left of your screen, Skills Session 2 is on the main stage )

08:00-09:00 | Poster Hall and Sponsors

✳️ Welcome

09:00-09:10 | President's Address | William Bolton

09:10-10:00 | Keynote Speech: "Global Surgery: The State of Play" | Kee Park

✳️ Sustainable Global Surgery

10:00-10:25 | Human Healthcare and the Oceans| Richard Hixson

10:25-10:50 | Sustainability in surgery: A circular economy for medical products | Mahmood Bhutta

10:50-11:15 | Sustainable surgery, Making each day count| Katie Hurst

11:20-11:30 | Break | Sponsors and Posters or chat to others in our coffee break session

✳️ Sustainable Global Training

11:30-12:05 | Sustainable Mesh Hernia Surgery – Can Dreams Come True? | Mark Szymankiewicz & Mugisha Nkoronko

12:05-12:30 | What can the Sierra Leone surgical training program teach UK surgeons? | Lesley Hunt

12:30-12:55 | HEE’s Global Health Partnership Team: Global Learning Opportunities | Fleur Kitsell

13:00-13:45 Lunch | Sponsors and Posters or chat to others in our Lunch break session

13:15-13:45 | Sponsor Breakout Session

✳️ Sustainable Policy and Advocacy

13:45-14:10 | Health Partnerships: for sustainable and mutually beneficial health systems strengthening | Kit Chalmers

14:10-14:35 | Sustainable surgical solutions in LMICs, how do we achieve this? | Tim Beacon

14:35-15:00 | Climate Change and Global Surgery Policy | Lina Roa

15:00-15:15 | Break | Sponsors and Posters or chat to others in our coffee break session

SESSIONS **(use tab called 'session' on the left of screen)**

15:15-16:15 | Skills Session 1 - Trainee perceptions of Global Surgery and our role as advocates| Catherine O’Brien

15:15-16:15 | Skills Session 2 **Main Stage** - Research skills in Global Surgery | Michelle Joseph & Kokila Lakhoo

✳️ GASOC Projects updates

16:20 - 16:40 | The Future Surgical Training - Sustainability and Challenges | Moiad Alazzam

16:40 - 17:00 | Uganda VRiMS and Events Update | Helen Please

Sunday 23rd October

✳️ Welcome

09:00-09:10 | Secretary and Conference Organiser Address | Pei Jean Ong

✳️ GASOC Trainee Prize Presentations

09:10 - 09:20 | Ethical challenges in the implementation of global surgery: The Non-Maleficence Principle | Ana Toguchi

09:20 - 09:30 | A case report of multiple urogenital abnormalities detected during the post-surgery in a 20 year old primipara in Uganda | Paul Stephen Ayella-Ataro

09:30 - 09:40 | Designing low-cost simulation model for laparoscopic appendectomy and its application for surgical training in lower and middle-income countries | Bishow Karki

09:40 - 09:50 | Prize presentation including announcement of Keith Thomson grant recipients

09:50 - 10:00 | What are the challenges facing the development of pre-hospital care service in a low resource setting? | Elizabeth Westwood

10:00 - 10:10 | Speech from President of FoNAS | Michael Kamdar

✳️ Sustainable Global Development

10:15 - 10:30 | Why Global Healthcare Education Matters | Phil McElnay

10:30 - 10:55 | Patient-Centered Impact Evaluation in Global Surgery | Mark Shrime

10:55 - 11:15 | Sustainable Strategies for Global Surgery | Salome Maswime

11:15-11:45 | Break | Sponsors and Posters or chat to others in our coffee break session

11:25-11:45 | Mentoring in Global Surgery (EADP) | Omar Ahmed

✳️ Sustainable Global Innovation

11:45-12:10 | Design Challenges for Affordable and Reusable Surgical Devices for Low-Resource Settings | Jenny Dankelman

12:10-12:35 | Environmentally Sustainable Change in Theatre - Our Experience and How-to Guide | Katie Boag

12:35-13:00 | Frugal Innovation in Healthcare: How to Do More and Better with Less | Jaideep Prabhu

13:00-13:15 | Conference Close and Prize Giving | William Bolton


A Global Conference

The GASOC International Conference 2022 will be hosted in Sheffield City Hall, UK, on the 22-23rd of October. Everyone is welcome, including medical students, trainees and allied health professionals from all surgical specialties, anaesthesia, obstetrics and gynaecology with a passion for global health. There will be something for everyone, with a range of keynote speeches from inspiring leaders in global health, breakout skills sessions, and opportunities to present your research through our e-poster hall. Finally, delegates will have a chance to meet our sponsors and exhibitors both online and in-person.

Sustainable Global Surgery

The theme of this year's conference is Sustainable Global Surgery. This is an exceptionally important topic as sustainability impacts every aspect of healthcare training and service delivery. Through this conference, we hope to not only tackle areas concerning environmental sustainability but also take on a broader approach and explore sustainability in other aspects, including sustainable training programmes, sustainable global partnerships, and sustainable innovation.

Click here to view our conference programme.


We thank all poster presenters for your enthusiastic participation. Please upload your posters by 17th October.

*Important information regarding registration*

Delegates from the UK can only register for in-person attendance, until our venue capacity is reached.

  • UK: in-person tickets only, virtual option will only be made available when venue capacity is reached
  • LMICs: free in-person and virtual tickets available, subject to a strict vetting process. Please note this does not include accommodation or travel expenses etc, these must be covered by yourself
  • Any other countries: in-person and virtual (fee-paying) tickets available, please save the date for now and we will open this option at a later date

LMIC is defined as per World Bank LMIC country classification, please do not pick the Fair Medical Education ticket if you live/work/study in any other country.

All delegate registrations will be reviewed to ensure that the correct tier of payment is selected. We take probity issues seriously and reserve the right to refuse admission to delegates who may have been dishonest in their application.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch via gasocuk@gmail.com if there are any queries about payment.

Refund Policy

GASOC is a trainee organisation and will have to shoulder the burden of the costs when people cancel their tickets. We seek your understanding in this matter. Should you require an urgent refund, this will be considered on a case-by-case basis. No refunds will be considered after 6th October. Please get in touch via via gasocuk@gmail.com in the earliest instance to discuss.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Please visit our GASOC website for more information on the conference programme, food and accommodation. You can also follow us on Twitter @GASOC_2015 for the latest news updates!

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Recognize the unmet need in global surgery, anesthesia, and obstetric care.
  2. Identify key indicators for improving care by 2030.
  3. Develop an understanding for sustainability issues at all levels of care.
  4. Understand the importance of research in the advancement of health care.
  5. Describe how ideas and initiatives can be implemented within global health initiatives.
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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

Thanks, everybody. So now I just like to invite to the stage of gas up president to have some final words. Thank you. Hm. Thank you very much dot Um, and Kathy for that amazing session. I certainly learned a lot. I'm a bit biased because I love innovation. So that was that was a great session. So, uh wow, I don't really quite know what to say. I'm still a bit days from the bar last night, but it's been an amazing conference, and I don't have a huge speech or anything like that. I just scribble down a few quick, quick comments, but I think some of the things that we've covered, uh, I've been absolutely essential. And I hope that you've you've you've gained a good understanding from this. Um, so I'm just getting loads of messages pop up as well. On my right side, there's, like, loads of what groups happening at the same time. So what have we covered? Well, we've looked at the unmet need in global surgery, um, and anesthesia and obstetric care. So for those of you, I spoke to quite a lot of people yesterday. Who this is some of the first sort of global health stuff that they've been involved with. So hopefully, you know, understand the unmet need that that it is. It is still enormous, and we have a huge amount to do before 2030. And we know what the indicators are to try and improve care by that stage. But that's really only in seven years. So, um, it's not a long time. So we need as much action as well as advocacy and meetings like this. So I hope you you go forth and, uh, and do something amazing in this space. And if we can ever help you do that, then let us know, even if it's just I'm boasting you're connecting it to someone, it might be of significant value. Hopefully, um, we've learned about sustainability issues at all levels and facets, um, from devices through the policy planning, training. Um, and we've also had some amazing research on display in posters or presentations and the S a competition. And again, congratulations to the winners. And thank you so much for everyone who spend, you know, to spend some time to submit. Um, I also have to thank all of the committee again thank them a lot, but I just want to make sure that they know that it's been amazing to work with you over the last 12 months. And I hope that we get to continue to do amazing projects and conferences and things together in the future. Thank you so much to everyone for everything. I also want to thank the Sheffield City Hall team for this amazing venue and all the food and refreshments and looking after us and helping us navigate this maze. But, uh, it's been incredible. And to the HIV team who are hiding down here. Thank you very much, guys. And to meddle who are obviously provided are online platform and, of course, our our sponsors the final sort of group of people I want to thank as yourselves. Thank you so much for giving up your weekend. You know, that's precious time that you could be spending elsewhere, I guess. But I hope that you've had you've taken away something and you've had a good time as we've had putting it on. Um, we've had people from 50 countries here with us today, or virtually which I think is a fantastic achievement. I do wish you a safe, safe journey home and, uh, very fruitful career in global health. And whatever your chosen specialties, maybe, um, one quick thing is make sure you scan the QR code and logged onto the metal platform in the chat. There's going to be a link to a feedback form, and that's really important that you feel like it, because when you do your get your certificate and evidence and everything that you need for your, um, for your portfolios. So I hope that you continue engaging with gas stock. We have, like, a range of things that we do projects, events. So just follow us on social media and our website and join our mailing list. And please do join join our team as well. When we have committee applications. Be great to work with a load of you. Some of you are doing some amazing things which I've never heard of. So, uh, you know, I just love hearing about it, and I would love to work with you on a number of projects going forward. Um, there is one final thing that I think we should do, which I think is really important. And although It's been a big team effort to get here with one person that's done a huge amount to get us here. And this is a gene. The machine is what is called allergy in the conference queen, whichever hashtag we want to get trending. But, Gene, thank you so much for coordinating us and putting all of us this on today. It's been a huge success, and it definitely was not nowhere near possible without you. So thank you so much. And we do have a little something for you, so if you could come up to receive that Thank you so much. Uh huh. Okay. Well done. Oh, and I think also thanks to Well, our president has led us all the way as well. Not that he didn't have enough last night. A bottle of wine. Thanks, everyone. Safe trip home