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This medical professional teaching session will cover double the head show, maternal health, breaking down silos, patient and public involvement in research, and inspiring lectures from Professor the PSA Gallatin. The session will discuss and reflect on different research topics to be implemented. It will also include lectures from key speakers and panel discussions, as well as interactive activities for medical students. Lastly, the organizers recognize the hard work of all those involved to make this event possible. Attendees will be guaranteed to gain new knowledge and skills and a unique experience.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe the primary goals of the World Health Organization in relation to health verticals.
  2. Explain the value of patient and public involvement (PPI) when designing research projects.
  3. Discuss two examples of innovative maternal health programs.
  4. Identify components of successful capacity building initiatives, e.g. involving medical students.
  5. Recognize the importance of collaboration, communication, planning and organisation for successfully organizing an academic conference.
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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

so I can see that everyone is ready to be going home. Some of you have even got the wrecks act on your on your backs. That's how ready you are. So I think we should bring the proceedings to a closer. We've had to fantastic days. Haven't really, you know, amazing lectures, really good discussions on D. Lots of things for us to take away and ponder over and reflect. And perhaps, you know, consider what we would do with those things that we have discussed here. Maybe some of those discussions will become the focal point off a research application that you're going to put together. Or it would become the starting point for a new collaboration. So I think the opportunities are endless. So thank you so much for coming for the for the two days and and staying with us. Hope you've enjoyed it as much as we have the second. There has been just a brilliant as the as the first day we had a ah, fantastic keynote lecture from on a pill A You know, you told us all the exciting things that double your head show is doing. And wh show there's only one World Health Organization and your leadership is absolutely vital for us to pursue a coherent, meaningful program on really breakdown silos and deal with this problem Off Vertical is a shin, so I think I'll plead to double the head show is to see how you know we can talk across the programs and I think you know you're talking was really appreciate it. Thank you for that on when we had a lovely top from the president elect off our CEO G on R. C O. J. Has huge vision's vision for improving maternal health throughout the world, not just the UK on It was really lovely to have a runny talk to us about that. And then we had the really moving discussion panel discussion about what it means. But it really means to have a patient on public involvement in research. You're both spoke from your heart, you know, And that was really appreciated on. I think that is a real issue here because that, you know, we all know that PPI is important when we do research on and you know, you develop a research project, you pass it by a friendly member of the public and say, Do you think it's okay? And they say it's okay And then you think that's all that you need to do for PPI that is, paying lip service That is not the right way to do it At the right way to do it is to properly involve public on patients as partners. You know, on That's what Katie's Network has done. And I think you know, you support from your heart and we really appreciate it that, thank you. And then we had a range off. Brilliant, brilliant, uh, talks covering a whole range off off subjects on. Then we, of course, moved onto under capacity building. The next generation, as as a proper 70 grand put it, is absolutely why glow exists. It's the connect people to create a community and, uh, and strengthen capacity building. And we started at the level of medical students, which is brilliant medical students. When I was a medical student, I was really concerned about passing exam seen around, you know, you passed exams and you got drunk, you know, I mean, that's what medical student's life was about. It seemed, but you guys are doing amazing work on I think there is a lesson in that for all of us. You know, there are. We're surrounded by people, brilliant people, you know, doctors, midwives, you know, non clinicians. If things start to work with them, you know, what amazing outputs might you have? And of course, we had Ah, amazing lecture from Professor the PSA Gallatin. See, Andre, really? I heard you to follow what gala density is doing because it is nothing but transformative northern Nigeria. You would agree. Ah, Horizon is not a rich blood out of place. But you are making you know, huge strides in terms of progress on that is a little for all of us. And that's an inspiration to one of us on. Then we had the panel discussions on the brief presentations from the from the medical students which were great. Eso Thank you, everyone for for coming along now, an organization in the event like this looks very easy from from the face of it. But a lot of huge amount of work goes into it to make it a reality. And lots of people have been working really hard behind the scenes to make this a huge success. and I think we need to note there effort and we need to thank them. So I'll invite Chocula to come and come and do that. I like this bitch. So this is so thanking everybody. I should start by thanking all the speakers. We're joined in person and those who couldn't join and joined this online. Thank you. You made this. Ah, really special. Two days on ah sent the standards Andres the steaks for the next ones us one my thanks to the child, starting with Andrew the small and do weeks. Yesterday morning I followed by a diesel Zaida and Wendy today and for expertly keeping everyone on time and keeping it all in good hands. Oh, thank you. To the chests participants. It's been a fantastic interactive group. Both are here in person as less on online on you made it. Ah, really? Um uh, enthusiastic and interactive session on and off the sessions actually felt dragging are boring. So thank you for for keeping it, um, keeping the interest throughout. I should thank Molly and lists from the magnet for the fantastic drug like you guys. I think this is going to have a ride off place in our walls. The artwork on is going to give us a lot of special memories each time we go past the walls. If you're going to remember the session, you're going to run with the people who were here with us. You're going to run by the speakers on. It's actually going to create warm feelings throughout, and it's going to live on a wall. So thank you. And I don't know how you managed to continues to do well throughout the day. And thank you. We are very so grateful that it's it's and it would also have it electronical as well so we can share with everyone, thanks to will from from the Organizing a group here. Thank you. Well, it's not been easy managing the hybrid work on we have ah, you named biting moments. But it all went very smoothly. And thank you so much for helping us with this on. It could not have happened without the support from all funders. M A. C. R wasn't off the main funders. Charlotte was here earlier on Go also my thanks to the charities alias London an international, um, and self charity as well as, um my life on all three off them gave us the funds to be able to to undertake the conference on Been a sustainable fashion. Thanks to the export photograph. First John and Sylvia, they're not Photograph is by train. They are full fledge academics methodologies. But they're they have exploited taken on the matter, and we shall shot all off the the pictures. Thank you for helping us throughout on. As I said, the team only is as good as the people who are in it on my thanks to the lab. Wise duty, Ellie, um, Andi, um, Petra are for helping and expertly marrying the desk and yesterday for Christine and Khloe or administrators for helping. Thank you very much. On lastly, I'm going to come to the core team. Was bean working over the many months, I think more than a year they've been working behind planning the project that planning the conference proceedings hope to make interactive, lacing with the various speakers on releasing with the numerous individuals across the world to make this happen. So thanks to hell in a for getting a social media on getting the interest going throughout, I think he started of a few months before just raising the Lantus and highlighting it. Thank you very much on Djamila, I think seven eyes at all down treasure should say change troubleshoot. Citing she writes good papers. She undertakes data on she does it all in a very nice approachable Vanna on. And I think they're all very privileged to have somebody like a work with this. Doesn't matter who she is. 40 a medical student daughter, researcher on as a person. She's being a brilliant So so thank you. Think even the rock She's jumpy that that Okay, fine. It started. I think it's sort of shows how much we actually rely on her, um, to take us through on Kathryn, who again has been working tirelessly. She wants the main brains behind putting the whole program together, identifying the speakers, trying to make sure that it's something in it for everyone. Then chasing us S o. Thank you, Catherine. On last, but not the least, Lucy. Okay, ER visits manager loose Iwas The main person was holding us all together and she had this exhaustive check list. Ongoing How Lucy pays attention to detail had had no doubt at all that this would be a success on it truly has. Thank you, Lucy. On I quest adding to assess, um, just show up. Thanks to pass them for case for organizing thing to Lucy, please. Somebody happy churches. Yeah. Thank you. Capital? No, on Halima. Okay. Yeah, you know. So now is the time for about the next globe conference. Ah, place to say it's going to be in again. Blow on it slow. See, here on us is the tradition were going to pass the glow candle. You have to take it all the way. Thank you, everyone. Onda, thanks to everyone has joined this online as well. We will put it on the website. It's all recorded. So those off you couldn't be there throughout. You can actually access all of that on Januvia will be sending the feedback forms of please. Can you complete it? Thank you.