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Clinical Research Methodology Day 2023 | Welcome | Mr Vikas Khanduja



This interactive medical training session welcomes medical professionals to explore and deepen their knowledge about basic science research in orthopedics, with keynote speakers, a research toolkit, and dedicated faculty members. There will also be opportunities to troubleshoot problems when working on degrees, and learn from SG Traveling Fellows who already have experience, as well as a chance to socialize in the famed Eagle Pub. The CCT research requirement will also be catered for. This is an event you do not want to miss!

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Orthopaedic Research Collaborative East Anglia (ORCA) is bringing you the 4th annual Clinical Research Methodology Day! This is a trainee-led East of England Orthopaedics (EoEOrtho) event focused on disseminating research methodologies, projects regionally and nationally.

The ORCA Clinical Research Day is a regional, national, and international educational opportunity to learn basic research principles, to showcase the orthopaedic research going on in the East of England Deanery in the United Kingdom and to have the opportunity to get involved yourself, and to hear from a diverse experienced faculty about their experiences in research and collaboration.

Following a revised syllabus, the ORCA Clinical Research Day helps you demonstrate that you have met the relevant requirements for Trauma & Orthopaedic research and scholarship both for CCT in the UK and for a broader international curriculum as follows:

  • The demonstration of evidence-based practice
  • Understanding how to critically appraise literature and conduct literature searches and reviews
  • Understanding and applying basic research principles
  • Understanding the basic principles of research governance and how to apply relevant ethical guidelines to research activities


The University of Cambridge has a rich history in pushing the boundaries of scientific research. When starting any research project there are two fundamental questions which need to be answered:

  • What is the question?
  • What is the appropriate method to answer that question?

The ORCA Clinical Research Day will explore these questions and offer an insight into the “how to do” basics in research from the University of Cambridge perspective. We hope you enjoy the course and find it valuable in your development as an orthopaedic trainee.

Supported by British Orthopaedic Trainee Association (BOTA)

Our faculty have come far and wide, with a wealth of knowledge from the University of Cambridge, OrthoEvidence and McMaster University, Ontario, the Orthopaedic Data Evaluation Panel (ODEP), and the NHS Clinical Entrepeneur Programme.

Certificate - to follow

Fee - This course is free for all and mandatory F2F teaching / training for regional training registrars.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Recognize key elements in research methodology
  2. Explain the process for meeting CCT requirements for research
  3. Understand the principles behind basic science research in orthopedics
  4. List the components of a research toolkit
  5. Describe the steps necessary to complete a successful research degree program
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Computer generated transcript

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And process of fairly simple. Uh they to make sure that you had the requirement, CCT requirements were met as far as research was considered. But what it's morphed into is uh the first part being exactly that. And the second part actually trying to excite you to do a bit more research and get into the depths of Fort orthopedic research and the possibilities of it could be uh and thinking about degrees as well. So warm welcome to Cambridge. If you're not from Cambridge, then definitely go and uh have appeared in the Eagle pub. Uh It's the place to literally derive inspiration because this is where Watson and Crick spoke about the DNA molecule uh for the first time. So this is our rain. We want you to understand the coq concepts of research methodology. That's the first bit. Uh The second bit is a deep dad into orthopedic basic science research. And we've got five excellent keynote speakers who will tell you a bit about life and also about basic science research in orthopedics. The afternoon is going to be a research tool kit. Uh If you are doing research and you want to troubleshoot problems if you're doing a degree or if you're thinking of doing a degree, then essentially pro focus keys here, I'm here. And we were hoping to get two more uh regions who are actually supervising research to help you get through these degrees. So it's for you really. And then finally, we want to make sure that we get the CCT requirement and get you to pass the exam that these, as far as the research component of the exam is considered. So the format of the courses we've got lectures, uh got lots of interaction as you can see the hall is full. So there will be enough time to uh to interact. We've got research updates from all of you who are doing research uh in the region and then ample breaks to quiz the faculty as well. Excellent faculty that uh George must have actually put together for you. So do make use of them, all of them are experts in their field. And if you're thinking of doing research in that arena, then definitely tap on them. The SG traveling fellows are here with us as well and they should be joining us probably later on if they're not here already uh today and, and tomorrow. And uh they seem to have done the important bits in Cambridge already. They've been having a beer, an eagle yesterday and they've done the pumping. Uh So one, welcome, one, welcome to them. And a big thank you to the whole uh OKA team for actually putting this together. It's your day and y'all worked hard to make sure. But one individual in particular who's been really uh the man behind the scenes who's put the whole program together, worked extremely hard to make sure that we are here, get all the sponsorships sorted, get this whole book and get all the faculties together. So a big round of applause, not towards the end but in the big man George to you, you've done an excellent and a stellar job and, and well done. You uh so learn quiz us uh if you're doing a phd in something and uh you know, more than us then teach us. But above all uh enjoy the day. Okay and warm welcome, George. I'll just check cram. Yeah. Thank you. Mhm. Yeah, beautiful. So this is the biggie bit, right? You got to put that in. Well done. You well done. Thank you. Right. Ok. So without much, do you think? Well, hello. It's our first speaker back to yourself. The second teacher. Um Yeah, you, you have this light up. Uh just make sure that that's uh yeah, if you just go to. No, no, that's okay. Just go to a presentation mode. Okay. Okay. Thank you. Okay.