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Clinical Research Methodology Day 2023 | Collaborative research | Mr Ignatius Liew



This session is an opportunity for medical professionals to understand the importance of collaborative papers and the role it plays in their education, career, and professional development. The speaker Ignatius, an Orthopedic registrar and Vice President, will provide a comprehensive overview of how to create a successful collaborative paper, from higher end clinical studies to auditing, and include details on funding, data security, ethics, and the British Orthopaedic Association's guidance. Join to learn best practices and a roadmap for conducting successful collaborative research, and come away with the governmental background knowledge to help you create and contribute to research studies.

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Orthopaedic Research Collaborative East Anglia (ORCA) is bringing you the 4th annual Clinical Research Methodology Day! This is a trainee-led East of England Orthopaedics (EoEOrtho) event focused on disseminating research methodologies, projects regionally and nationally.

The ORCA Clinical Research Day will explore these questions and offer an insight into the “how to do” basics in research from the University of Cambridge perspective. We hope you enjoy the course and find it valuable in your development as an orthopaedic trainee.

Supported by British Orthopaedic Trainee Association (BOTA)

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the types of collaborative work that are possible in medical research.
  2. Outline the steps necessary to design a collaborative paper project.
  3. Distinguish between different types of collaborative projects, such as randomized control trials and simple audits.
  4. Describe the importance of issues such as data protection and the ethical considerations associated with collaborative work.
  5. Identify resources or guidance available to medical researchers when designing and executing collaborative project.
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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

And okay, stand between you and coffee. So I'm going to keep it to five minutes. Um I'm Ignatius, one of the orthopedic registrar um within the region and the Orca Vicepresidente. Um This is how you can get hold of me if you want to talk about Black Business research. Um It's important for the audience whose core trainees or before they get a number that collaborative uh publications as of last year was the first year that did not count as a publication, which is a shame. Um But you can also, you can use it for presentations. It still counts as an audit. Um Most importantly, if you turn it into a higher degree within the east of England itself, just to emphasize, we've got a different target. So this is this may be different around the world in terms of the research output and what fulfills your curriculum criteria including being a local leave for a steering group. That can be a very loose term to say whether it's a collaborative paper, running a collaborative, being part of the committee and this is all great and dandy, but we've listened multiple times in terms of what collaborative is actually mean and I'll just briefly once run through it at the higher end of the spectrum. You have randomized control trials being a collaborator in a big study internationally, such as the ones that have been published between cemented and un cemented hemiarthroplasty for inter capsule hip fracture. On one end, you might get a personal text for me to say there is a British orthopedic trainees Association project that's essentially a very simple audit. Looking at a simple project with a bigger problem. That's the end spectrums of the collaborative paper, uh collaborative work. But fundamentally, it looks at a very good research question. You need some form of money, which we will talk about your team, how you've designed it in terms of your stats, your collaborators, whether it's going to be regional, national or international, you presented and you publish it and you see what your next work is. So in terms of collaborative work, we should always start with the low hanging fruit and I have to say global search and COVID search. Some of you may have been involved in this collaborative. This is one example of how a general surgical registrar that I used to work with as a medical student in Edinburgh, um then became a consultant. Then this has become the, this is the gold standard for big data as a collaborative. Some of you may have been publishing on this and we're stronger with numbers. So we know that Cornett. So kudos to uh the northeast region, they've come up with the white studies that have been gold standard for hip fracture care within British or to be extraneous association, we have multi, multiple publications that's come out or two part in injury fragility fracture, postoperative mobilization in bone and joint journal, and open and bone and joint journal. Some of you may have received a personal text to say, get on it and get your name on these papers that count. But fundamentally, if you want to run one, we'll talk about how you run it. So for example, FFM was a very successful collaborative project from British Orthopedics trainees association. The if you have an idea, if you write to me from a British orthopedic trainees associations perspective, and I sent it off to be away the British Orthopaedic Association. We then do a sort analysis to look at the strengths and the weaknesses and the opportunities. The other things that you have, you have to do as they investigate or chief investigator of a collaborative paper is other things that you may not think it's important. So for example, putting a map on who's actually not done something. So this is actually very good by the orthopedic Trauma Society where they've said uh in the, in the current the latest project, haste, looking at hip fractures and anti coagulation, they've identified that east of England had a big hole in it. So a few of you may have got emails or text messages to say, get on to do haste with all. Talk about open is another very successful publication. And it's called off the one gentleman Chris, best person who was a core training in east of England. And now he's done a phd look at randomization and the terms of how and when we should be weight bearing. So when he started as the academic a few years ago, he looked at a very simple audit. It used the same principles, collaborating. Uh Bone doesn't exist anymore, which is now has been slowly taken over by the British Orthopedics Association specialty Surgical specialty. V. There's so many acronyms um and you can find more information in JTO as well as the Bolter website. Importantly, you want a research question, you need numbers with uh this is just to summarize a lot of this has been talked about. You need governance and ethics. You want a consultant or specialty society support or university to support you and what your long term plan is because there's no point doing an audit on this, the radius fractures, whether they've all received appropriate K wires versus open reduction, internal fixation. If you don't have a long term plan, governance wise, I've emphasized this again and again, of people who submit projects to the bo A and Boulter is that you need to make sure your data is secure. So not just an Excel sheet with the password we used to do that but it doesn't work anymore. And red cap is expensive. So you have to have funding or there's another tool that has been used by Ganga Hospital recently looking at microbiology, uh paraprosthetic infections using Cobalt to Box, which is free, then you have to think about ethics. Does this fit uh do you need an ethics board to say yes or no? So using the hr a decision tool and then using Iris, which is, has been emphasized again and again and follow the basics. So if you're within the UK, you have to fulfill data protection act called a coat and it's just confidentiality and finally enjoy what you do. Find a mentor, find the time plan and network. Thank you for six minutes. Six minutes. Yes. Uh Yeah. Uh Yeah. Uh So the problem with, with that is not a cloud database. So they want to know where your paper has been ie digital paper or digital or whatever. So if you have a folder within your hospital folder that you say I'm going to put this Excel sheet, they will say where have you kept your Excel sheet? Have you kept your Excel sheet in your own laptop? Have you kept your Excel sheet or your paper within a box? Have you kept your Excel sheet within a folder in, in the hospital folder in like s drive t drive whatever drive they want you to say and promise that you will delete the data, send it on a secure email. You have to make sure everyone's got a secure email such as energy yes dot net. And then it has to be password protected. But the issue is that then you receive an Excel sheet. The uh the the answers are not standardized. And for example, some of you who have been on haste and FF palm and open study before you have dropped down boxes and the drop down boxes just gives you a yes or no answer. And within red cap itself, you can push a button and it spits out data instantly. So it will give you uh pie charts trends time when people put it in. So for example, they're using red cap, the hip fracture anticoagulations study, they know live, they've, they've got now 4000, 200 patient's in that database. And about 100 I think there's 100 protocols of deviation or variation of how we stop anti coagulation before uh fixing hip fractures. So that's a lot of variation. So, but it's just handling data is key is the important thing about collaborative, whether it's a land night randomized control trial or a simple audit. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Right. So I just want to wrap up the first session. Thank you, Prop mcdonald for some sort of chairing this first session. Thanks all the speakers and thank you for exciting. Our first invited speaker twice in your in your talk. That's fantastic. You'll be very pleased. Um.