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Climate Justice - How to get involved as a student | Students for Global Health



This on-demand teaching session provides medical professionals with the opportunity to gain insight into how climate change impacts health, how to get involved with advancing climate justice and how to be a part of the green new deal. Participants will hear from experts about how the green new deal and financing can help with climate adaptation and mitigation, learn how to get involved in taking action for climate justice, and how medical schools, universities, and individuals can make a difference in the fight against the climate crisis.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Explain the concept of climate justice, its implications and its relation to health.
  2. Identify government and environmental initiatives to address the climate crisis and their benefits to healthcare.
  3. Analyse the direct, indirect, and social impacts of climate change on health.
  4. Assess strategies to reduce emissions, including transitioning from fossil fuels, ecological restoration and protecting critical habitats.
  5. Describe local and global organizations and initiatives that tackle climate change and how to get involved in them.
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Hello were the climate and Health National workgroup which part of shoes? Because the health general health, a student network, a registered charity tackling local and global health and equalities through education, advocacy and communities on social action over health National worse injury for Ms Attack 2020 and bringing together have to shoot across the new case that topic it claim it justice. Actually others are employment did say reported it could be in climate change The curriculum The breakthrough you survey on the Claritin open letter demanding call traced exceeded a nuclear government Commit to clean justice which is signed by 1300 half care professionals on a serious of royal college. Get perfect. Thank you and bright royal colleges. I've thought of the international batteries in bed post inflammation, the culprit twice this we negotiated with half ministers. Government officials challenge them to explain it. Just this. Yeah. Um can it change? Has huge impact on hell off directly and indirectly as actors driving climate change, including by the fossil fuels, uh, in the industrial agriculture as biodiversity. Direct impact are consequences of changes in climate patterns and temperatures leading to increase incidences of heart show you strokes are, you know, on strokes of dehydration, dermatis model diseases spiritually and cardia, missus or extreme weather events like flooding leading to engines. Infections impact, including whether extreme weather, uh, result in food and water and security. Temperature change on back in your toe. Three. Hydration, waterborne diseases and contrition. Another. Another time, indirect effects. Health by climate change is the impact on society. It is an infrastructure compromised, but they didn't compromise access to the functioning of health Texas is This includes destruction of habitable environments through a natural disasters, forcing migration and treatment, psychological distress and social. This wide ranging impacts of climate change on health Highlight Sorry hell. Highlight of the comet change adaptation and mitigation all necessary but protecting health as well. Environmental and social justice Introduce. Can a good help Artie about public and policy practice? What claim that justice mean quite a justice. Recognize the climate crisis on a social and political probably as well as an environmental one. Knowledge is a different communities feel the effects of the climate pry crisis different on the original forms ability for the quiet crisis wrecks with some qualities, the company's more than others climate justices are recognizing interconnectedness of struggles on during so fighting persuasions to the climate crisis that not only reduce emissions that create if they're at a more just world of the process. So how did you get involved in helping our arm? So it says that they're concerned petitions raised like raise awareness you chose on a diet e biotin protests on definitely joining groups of your invest, use or any local organizations if you live like a wafer university or like in your local area. Just getting in contact with other people, though. And I was just wondering if anyone had any juice of some post of things. Your university or organization does more environments and frankly, you know, just a tall in recent years with intermittent other places, um, or are you familiar with ways you can get involved with taking claim action for claim it justice at your worst insults organization? I'm a big one. Obviously, Universities is students for global health and then a little bit to get a first use it and Medicaid and the university's have, um so the other Or are you All the medical students are okay, Yeah, and another way to get involved is a lot to help support cards anyone hard. A lot of pork are before. Yeah, with anyone you think your car flat out and try to correct this part out by actually important it various other night generation of doctors, the pot, half court cars and it's assessment to completed by medical students. So I get if I the medical school strikes and weaknesses. More cars. Patrick. How often claim a crisis? At first you came twice society, and there's still a huge amount of improvement acquired. They're also medical school. There are no involved. So if you know your medical schools not involved, please try and get them involved. And as you can see, you know, we've got a few screening, but a lot of, um, orange, which I think the see, and then our car in city. Okay. Uh, okay. So each participating institution student that a faculty member teens fell out, report cards, identify opportunity for improvement, and reach out to the relevant stop and faculty along the way. Results are published in the annual birthday report, which helps trying institutional change. So it's like what the planetary helpful is. Uh huh, the initiative was developed by medical students in the United States. They evaluate medical schools at activations of the A planetary health report called Financing a Policy. Training programs have recently been piloted. Have you heard about that? And so in our and working group, we cook some diabetic. So if you don't want that vaccine is the active sailing off subsidiaries and best success. It's a basic ultracet of investment, and as a team of yeah, it's working nice. I recently attended the People's A GM. Where this stuff start, financial companies are getting ready for their annual A GMC where CEO is in. Shareholders share their companies performance south right there on the stuff, the future stuff these. But we know the future shots. You should be the funding client chaos and stopping the investment Also feels on the 24th of May is the South Shells am in London. I was strongly consider finding if you're in London, more information will be available in arts, from which is due for a little have underscore CT the activist talk and have this short video on Jack Door and I will play it just tightening wise and buts. I really consider looking into, if you've ever heard of, um, we'll stop Campbells. That's more recent project that's been going on. So those of Muskie's have students were going to help is a society. So if you have one enjoy, don't let you know that stuff. Uh, that's how I ended up joining this working group was going to event about vaccine inequity so really useful, like host everything. Uh, many verses have this society, you know, when you can make it your on. It's a really great way to get moving climate, justice, and then that's like a picture of the website you can go to does anyone part of erection will help us. Oh, it's a really good like to involve, especially the Natural Working group, because I personally feel that we've got a little of contacts now. We didn't have before we tried it. So if you're interested in and like, climate and things really get to dyeing it, that other stuff is all like a race working group himself. So it's not just your name any. So what? Comfort green. You deal as healthcare students and global health. We're big sport cars off the green tea deal acts and a part of a movement that consent the balance of power in our favor, change politics. Unfortunately, the government tax this requires would come together and get politicians a champion of jobs. Transition. Mobilizing the House community has to be a paper chart of this as we're trusting society and need to be advocates for a patient in the car in state of a cost of living crisis, we have to get a little the sake of people's have so. But what is the great deal? It's a bold and ambitious government program of investment, job creation, um, restoration about violence. And it's centered about these five goals, uh, the girls to end the total liars, uh, the UK has on fossil fuels, while iradicate in social and economic air quality. It must be a just transition to clean energy, which doesn't affect the workers in the process. They must be supported and retrain, so they are behind the green. You deal will create millions of new, well paid, unionized jobs across the country. I am the third principle is a transforming our economy. The financial system should serve the needs of the people in planet. If it's can't be a priority anymore. A to cost of lines at a critical destruction. Well vital habitat such as far as a lot of areas must be protected or store. These are natural carbon. Since they take carbon out the environment, the environment must be safer. Finally, with must promote growth well, justice. This includes a contact with historic admissions on exploitation of resource is and communities, especially those in the global South. There are different ways to get both either through health for agreeing to deal campaign or there are local hubs is well the green you deal rising is specific. But you you you saw him for these work in groups and have our uniquely place to draw attention to help in pots of social environment and justice. To explain her agreement, deokman place greatly benefit public health. Likewise, a major public bodies that sent to the heart of our communities health institutions Comodo that kind of changes into the call society to ensure the are transition. So in that in that zero carbon society supports that happened well, being a ball currently mega that's what you like the adult version of soup people the house are planning a parliamentary of bed and western. I start to bring more and he's on board for agreeing you deal. Other projects includes was complaining that clinics to engage with public about relates between House on the Climate's. It's really tries to kind of involved, and I'm gonna add that there's because of time just for listening. You know, it's a new oil pill that might be being built in the North Sea. I lose a lot of campaigns are moments trying to no Bill. I had you see much about it apart, one instagram, but it just didn't seem to use. That has stopped Campbell. Right now, I was really hoping to raise awareness. Obviously, I am remember being myself, so I really you know, I think it's something that's so close to home me and I really don't want to see if we felt so bad for environment. Just in general, they're little like agents and, like, uh, he's like organizations don't really care about, like, the cloak a catastrophe. And I'm gonna keep pushing to take a much of a can from the forest long as they can. So, like whenever you find out about like, different ways to get rolled in stopping directions. It's really useful. Excellent casts. Yeah, well said that It's the so ms you consciousness. You know, I think you saw that side was trying to read about Kills. I'm not entirely sure I will close. It's from after I I also just one other thing. I really recommend it. We don't stable medicine Society at your good of our seats set one up because of the military I know we commit. It's have a thing where they're trying to set him up every medical school, and I just really want to see um, or there's not any other started medical school setting yourself. Thank you, Thank you guys. Wear my waist like you guys want to make healthy fresh. It's helping also. Like what? We try to do it so And if any of you guys having boys seven. I guess I reckon first it was like trying to do is we could try help you make one, that's all. I found that my own society is a gorgeous. For example. It's like great you get this great rates kind of promote these things as well in your urine. So what's your every quickly. Is there anything else that device would like to have intimate? Does not to use a synopsis, Rico. Medics that we could drive. How do you want to students if you if you have any ideas that you would like us to do for medical shoes just I heard the eminent, the ground or just send in the mail. Teo, like your medics, and then we can five. So it's something to, um we've run the half of them just yet to kind of promote because one of the of this is from the DNC is raining sustainable help get into medical school curriculum. But this is actually not really done. Medical schools, as you know, from the Planetary Help People Cup. So we're gonna happen and kind of find who understand how we can bring that into the medical school curriculum. So there's a lot of competition that we've done on, but we're hoping to run more mediation. So you have any MDs we could do really