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Explore the intricacies of digital learning during this on-demand teaching session with Dr. Rice. From discovering the ins and outs of presenting via iPad, to managing the idiosyncrasies of PowerPoint presentations, you'll dive into the demanding yet rewarding world of remote teaching. This session will be a learning experience not just on the presented topic but also in overcoming the tech-savvy obstacles of online communication. Acknowledge the challenges faced by providers in today's connected world and learn effective ways to resolve them. You'll also get a chance to observe how to handle live chats and manage questions during a teaching session. Be prepared to gain valuable insights on managing technical hiccups while remaining focused on delivering quality education. Remember, the ability to improvise while facing glitches is a skill worth mastering!

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UoN radiology societies annual national teaching series - delivered by Dr Helen Wright.

This series takes medicals students through the A-Zs of the radiology curriculum for the UKMLA exam.

Catered to all levels, the series will teach you the basics of image interpretation, reporting of radiographs , to more advanced techniques and skills required in diagnostic radiology.

The series will run from Tuesday of Jan 14th, and then every alternate Tuesday till April. A must attend for students entering their clinical rotation years, and those in their final year preparing for the UKMLA.

Learning objectives

  1. To familiarize with the operations and technical aspects of modern digital communication tools used for remote learning in the medical field.
  2. To understand the process of converting and uploading educational material in compatible formats for sharing and presentation.
  3. To learn about handling technical glitches during a live teaching session and how to successfully troubleshoot them.
  4. To improve multitasking skills by managing the presentation, interaction with audience, and keeping track of questions and comments in a virtual classroom setting.
  5. To understand the importance of flexibility and adaptations when facing technical problems during online teaching sessions and overcome these through effective problem-solving solutions.
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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

Hi. Uh Doctor Rice. Um I can see that you're on the stage now. Not sure if you can hear me. Yes, I can see and hear you. Sorry. I was gonna try and do it on my computer but it hasn't worked. So I've moved to my ipad. Can you see me? Yeah. Yeah, I can. Yeah, perfect. The only thing I'll have to do is just make sure I can get my powerpoint up here, which is fine. Uh Right. How do I, if I do this? Can you still there? Yup. Yup. Um Let me just, I just need to get up my powerpoint. It's fine. It is on here. I just need to. Ok. Still there. Yup. Yup. Um I think there should be a button saying um present now. Where might that be? It's next to like the, the mic and the camera. Oh, yeah, I've got share PDF. What is that presenter present now? Uh choose slide deck. Um Oh, does it not allow you to just, is there not an option to just share your screen instead of there doesn't seem to be unfor let me just try that again with something else? Let me just as present. Now, why is this being funny, upload slides in PDF format? I can, oh, in PDF format. Bloody hell. Um, I'm sure I can do that. I'm so sorry and I'm not sure why it's doing that. Um, but, um, let, yeah, let me know if it, if it's possible to convert it to a PDF, then otherwise if you send it via email, I can, uh, convert it into a PDF and send it back. Um, I'm not sure if you're talking to me, but II can't hear a audio anymore. And the top. Oh, I think if you click the three buttons, like next to more options. Um, and then click on the settings, it should allow you to choose your microphone. So it might have put the wrong thing in, like trying again. Can you hear me now? Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's brilliant. Yeah. All right. Ok. I will sort that out. Can you go upstairs? Ok. So I'm just swapping computers. Ok. That's good. Give me 30 seconds to get this onto a PDF and then we're away, uh, my files. Just xray guide. Sorry, I'll be two sick. This is, I'm now on my usual computer. Download a copy, uh, open and I definitely can't do it as a, uh, can I share a window? Mhm. Right. Is that working? Yeah. Yeah, that's working. Uh, perfectly. Yeah. Can you see that in full screen? I can, and can you still see me. Sorry I just I can see. Oh fantastic. Ok, sorry, sorry, sorry let me get ok ready. I can only, the only problem is I can only see my presenting screen so I can't see if anyone's writing anything in a chat or anything. Is that alright? Yeah, sure. Do you just want to take questions at the end then? Yeah, or if you're happy to keep an eye on the chat if you're staying. Um, I'm happy for you to interrupt. I can, the other thing, option is I can bring med all up on my phone as well and then I can always look at that. Yeah. Yeah, that sounds good. We wait for a few more minutes anyway. I'm just going to draw it on my phone to see if it lets me do both and then let's see if that works and then just tell me whenever you're ready. I am happy and ready. All right. Sounds good. Can