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Catch-up recording: The Alternative F3



This is the final episode of the After F3 Series 2020. Join medical professionals in attending this session as they hear from an occupational health physician, Aurora, about how she spent her F3 year and tips on how to enter this exciting field. Discover the various sectors to work in, ethical workplace scenarios, and the day-to-day job expectations as well as a wealth of insights into the rewarding job of occupational health medicine.

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Learning objectives

  1. Identify the foundational principles of occupational health medicine.
  2. Understand the benefits and challenges for employers, employees and the occupational health physician in regard to incorporating occupational health services.
  3. Describe the components of managing referrals of employees from employers in an occupational health context.
  4. Provide an overview of the various subspecialities in occupational health medicine.
  5. Utilize knowledge from the session to provide advice on fitness for work, health surveillance, risk assessments, and more.
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Is this the last one than in the Siris? Yes. Yes, it is. It's the last one of the serious has been going thinking I'm really Well, yeah. Um, yeah. Now it's been good. Sweet. How about you? How are things with you? Yeah, man or good, Um, of accepted. Ah gp training in Cambridge. So, um, I'll be moving out of London side before bay with the worst. No, but that's a low number on the, uh, who's joint is already. We're just waiting. Probably until about five past for a few more people doing, uh and then we'll get things started. Okay, so we're gonna kick things off. Welcome to the final episode of the After a serious 2022. The alternative method three. We're joined. Body got both the Aurora who's gonna very kindly tell us about what? She got two during her f three year. Um, hopefully you've seen some of the other rapido. It's if you've not. They're all available on Patrick recording through the various metal event pages. At the end of this talk will be sending out some feedback forms. So if you could fill those out Great. Um, we really helpful for us to bomb future events pulls air really good for Sofia's. Well, he's probably given us a time is easier just to say this is brought to you by the portfolio clinic. They are a company that's not only set up the three series, but also runs. Don't think of the men t mental skin, uh, put you in touch with doctors in training and various different specialties. A teacher on how to get a port for the already. What other things about for how to best prepare for going into a particular specialty, the 1000 that interest. You go to the full further clinic dot com and register to be a day they could put you in touch with one of your mentals. So without further ado, I'm gonna hand things over to stuffy is going to tell us all about, uh, three serious. Thank you. And I'm just gonna share my screen. Guys, give me a set. Um, Okay. So, uh, if I do that, can everybody see the screen full it, Christian, if I, uh, full size it, can you see that? Um, it's That's better. That's that's That's good. Now, okay, Perfect. Just just do this. If anyone has any questions, just pumping of the chap and we'll get through them. We've got sweet. Thanks for the introduction. Christian on da welcome. Everyone has joined talk today. I can't actually see anyone loss. This is in full screen. So I feel like I'm talking to myself. But just with so, uh, no, I noticed I was videos or anything. Door. Okay. No, it would be what you're talking to. You sort of the whole thing. Perfect s Oh, yes. Welcome to my talk about my alternative F three. So I'll be talking you through how I spent my after three and four year. Um, you know why? Why? I came to do moving forwards on just some tips that I picked up along the way. So topics to cover again have some left before and then talking a little bit about occupational health medicine, which is what I've been doing on I'm the reasons for exploring it or versus against the various roots of entry to becoming an occupational health physician. Them how I actually get got into it. Um, what to expect in the day to day job on again? Like I said, just some tips from From my experience, it's, um I know a special health. Medicine isn't something that many people are aware of a specialty on be my first impression of it was I just thought, It's where you go to get your You have the booster. I'm get your blood stone in the hospital, but an occupational health position is an actual roll on. There's a whole host of sectors that you can work in, including private and non private sector's. So hopefully I'll cover a little bit about it. And, of course, at the end of the presentation, if anyone has any specific questions or wants to get in touch afterwards, you're more than welcome. So, um, what I did is this off, like called a hybrid? So I did part. I'm working a zoo, local Messager, mostly in psychiatry, in various any chest hospitals currently on based in London. So I have been working in some more Eastland inside on then, for part of my weeks, about the bulk of my week, three days a week. I've been working when is she has a medical advisor in occupational health medicine, Um, and that was in the private sector Um, but now, um, I'm working as a Xhaka mission. Help physician, um, as I've acquired the diploma, which I'll talk you guys through a swell. So, um, just a brief overview of what exactly is occupational health medicine? I think the easiest way to sort of summarizes in a nutshell is it's looking at the effects of work on health. Unhealed from work. Um, Andi, there's many different facets to it. So there's a lot off, um, essentially law that's combined in with it s So, for example, um, what the hustle was stands whether it's helping safety at work act. So it's essentially legislation that mandates that businesses have certain procedures in place of more specifically for things that have known have the defect such as lead us best, also radiation they will have their individuals or legislation's on. It's the role of appointed occupational health physician to be sure that those procedures are being followed by doing health surveillance on brings like that for companies. You're essentially the bridge between the employer employee on also GP on especially so, For example, um, employer may refer you somebody to give you a pinion on that fitness for work Onda. Not only do you have to then speak with the employees, you might need further medical evidence, which will mandate you to get in touch with their doctors and write Write to them essentially. So it's a little bit intertwined in that way. And then, of course, there's a whole ethical, ah, viewpoint to take on it, such as the belly issues and things like that. But just a point out develop. Medicals are separate branch to occupational medicine. So you might have heard of doctors in there F three and four years on. So until fourth doing, develop medicals or, um, disability. Uh, what they called. Um, I've forgotten the name off the people who told it more. Maximus. Yep. So Maximus healthcare runs off disability medicals. That's very different. What we do. Um, so just breaking it down into, uh, slightly more details. Obviously, there's the inevitable health promotion involving smoking cessation. Things like that's a risk assessment that's going into a property. And looking at what the hazards and risks are to the workforce on putting in recommendations for for improving that risk, then health surveillance is sort of what I've talked about already. I if somebody works with lead, you know they need to have blood levels of the lead off lead done every so often, and you need to make sure that you know they're staying within safe limits and what not and make recommendations if they're not on essentially closed business down if they're really dangerous. Um Onda, uh, the next thing I'd like talk about his management referrals. You can see on the bottom that that's really what the bulk off what I do my day today. So I'll talk about that more detail because that's why I can give a better, more accurate representation. ALS. So we'll talk about that in a bit more detail later. But you know, there's also ill health retirement, so giving advice for someone who may not be able to work in the foreseeable future. Also medicals for work. So the the called pre placement employment consultations essentially so say someone deployed for a job, and they have pre existing medical conditions. Such a neck. Let's see your role is Teo. Speak with them on advise of their fitness for work, especially if it's in a safety critical environment. What I mean by safety, critical environment things like working from heights, you know, operating dangerous machinery and driving. And obviously you can imagine how how that might be complicated by pre existing medical conditions. Such a that clips because you have to ensure the seizure control is with regulation. So on a social. Um, so that's that on. Then there's some nodes of subspecialties, which I haven't really explored. Uh, including aviation. That's a for commission. Help. Police fire are five services rail. And so what? I'm so full. Um, so I just thought I'd summarize it, assessed if I could, So it's definitely It's a multidiscipline field, focusing on interaction to work and health on by Sosa. Uh, but having said that, you don't direct. You work with people in the multidisciplinary team. If that makes sense, is it's sort of parallels GP and that a lot of it is quite independent working. So, uh, I'll touch upon it on my next slide. But essentially, if you're somebody who thrives off a team working environment, then you know, perhaps it's not the best for you in a full time capacity. But you know, there's loads of options with it, and again, I'll go on to talk about that a bit later. The work, as you can see from the slides previous can very considerably. To be honest, you can make it how you want to make it. Um, I think initially, when people come into the specialty, the bulk of what you do like I said, is management referrals. But, you know, as you become more senior, more experience, you know, people then can take on more management, strategic rules on back. Chew away. You know, sometimes they completely eliminate clinical work entirely. S so that is also an option. You know, if someone has it has a, um, really, uh, passion for managerial leadership and things like that. You know, there's a lot of there's a lot of ways that you can take it. Um, I think the fundamental point to take home about occupational health medicine there is that your role is really to make a medical assessment, focusing more so on the occupational health elements of it. So they're job what they do in more detail than perhaps we would do in a normal range, clocking or, you know, in GP given time constraints, of course, on then, to give impartial advice back to the employees on the employer on various facets. So the primary one being their fitness for work. Um, and at the end, we can I can talk to you through, like, a briefcase or an example of off What I mean by that, um, of a typical management referral. If if anyone's interested in think, it might be helpful. So why Explorer of this is this is my kind of favorite part of the presentation, because I'm going to be very France parent and honest with you. Uh, my reasons for for going into this where were made at a time in FT. Where I was doing any I had been there for four months. I've been told I had to stay there another four months because of coated on. Inevitably, you'll know what? How difficult Be, uh, the rotors are, um and so at that point, I just I really, really didn't know what to do. Onda, Uh, I kind of I kind of thought, uh what what could what could be better. You know, a 70 hour week we'd like to rest does. So, um, I happened to come across occupational health now, uh, it is genuinely offers hours. Yes. Okay, You can work a little bit later. I'll be honest to prickly. I work 9 to 6. 30. But that's kind of almost by choice is Well, you know, the quicker you get your work done quickly, you can finish. Um, Andi, it is no nights, no weekends, no uncles. That is business dependent. But from what I've heard off different places, it is pretty much united five Monday through Friday, um, or part time, if that's what you prefer, um, importantly is financially rewarding, particularly in the private sector. Obviously, you can the occupational health in the NHS a swell, but it is unbandage, which is something to be mindful for the training. Yep. I mean, definitely it's It's quite lucrative in the private sector on again. I'm happy to talk about more specific financial figures If people are interested in a ballpark figure on D on. I think another thing that might be quite attractive about specialty is the fact that it's very possible to have a portfolio hybrid career with occupational health. So, for example, a surgeon pee. It's very, very possible to get into occupational health on a part time basis and, um, stick to your, you know, treatment role in a very clinical setting on then for part of the a week. So I've come away from that and do something a bit different, and it varies a week up. Um, and it's it's pretty neat, straightforward to get into a swell, Um, if if you are interested. But I'll definitely talk through the roots of entry later in a bit more detail because it was quite confusing when I started researching it. There's not really much out there s so it can be a bit confusing to know. Well, I don't understand. How do you How do you get into it? And how do you become a consultant and what not so but moving on from that. So typically, you know, in any GP, we have 10 minutes or in any you might have half lower to cock a patient GP is obviously even more time constraint. But what's nice about specialty is you really are given plenty time to make a consultation on you could make it is quick auras, long as you want on. There's no pressure of these aren't acute. Imagine emergency situations you can. I mean, I had a case recently whereby the employees just kept okay on talking, talking, and you can try and get someone back on track as much as possible. But sometimes, especially when there's employment relation matters in question, you just have to let them get out system. And I actually did that produce the report at the end of that constipation. I spoke to my, uh, my senior, and he was just like So I just took another appointment in and carry on and then try and finish off was okay, that's that's that. That sounds good. So it's really nice that you have the luxury of time to do that on. You know, I get one out of sorts, but you do have to do your concentration of them, produce a report within the hour on the report to you about two pages long. But it's all well, I I dictated all. You'll give it software to dictators. It's not too bad on another thing, which for me has like being life changing is weapon from home. So I never fought. You know, as a doctor, you're able to work from home. I just didn't think it was possible, but and again just have to say that it is business dependent, but, um, where I work, the business model is a little medicine consultations. So I literally work from home three days a week on it is really, really nice to break up your weak like that. And then the cons, I suppose, like I said, it is a lot of independent work. So if you're a team, can you love being around people the time? Then it's just not for you. Uh, I suppose a pro is. You do have peace and quiet to do your work. You know, sometimes I'm busy hospital environment. It can be quite difficult. Concentrate at you. I found that to be the case. Um, so I guess there's different ways of looking at it. Um, again, it is a non treatment role. So you're not diagnosing. You're not prescribing. You are literally making an assessment off someone's overall health status and their ability to carry out that roll on giving advice accordingly. Um, and that advice is just that it's advised the employer, the employee can completely ignore it. As long as you've given a rationale for your advice, that's fine. on. The reason I say that is because the specialties is getting a bit of a bad reputation for a high level of medical legal complaints. As you can imagine, you are giving advice on employment relation masses. I mean, that could indicate that someone might be a risk of losing their job as a result of your your report. But like I said, as long as you come back up by fax and your your your perception off what they told you on the day, uh, I think that most of those complaints don't ever amount to anything because it's just your advice. I'm There's a rationale behind, um, some moving on to solve Burt's of entry. Now, um, there's two main stay ways I would probably go about explained there. So the first is the four more training route Now. This could be done by the any chest. This can be done by industry. What I mean by industry is the private sector, and it could also be done in the military. As you can imagine, they have their own occupational health advisors on. There's also the non trading route, so this is kind of like a more informal way off getting your foot indoor for patient health. Um, and there's a series of things that you could do. Uh, Teo, you know, be able to practice the specialty. I don't talk about that on my next side, but if you are interested in finding out more about what the training, the exams and what not the faculty of occupational Medicine website is really helpful as a resource. Okay, so moving on to the training route. So the training room, you know, you require full registration GMC so I eat completion of F one F two. You then need to acquire a CT want into or ST one and two equivalent. Now, this could be anything from doing two years a Pedes tiers of psychiatry two years old. Um uh M o c p. Or something like that. Even, I think even surgery. It's considered. But, um, it's important to retain that equivalency and be able to demonstrate it. Then what you could do is apply are ST three level by the National School of Occupational Health. Um, for a training number. Essentially, here's where it gets a little bit confusing because there's also formal training rolls within some businesses, so you're still in a formal training route, but you get paid more because you're working for a private company. And basically, the School of Occupational Health has has approved some training coasts within the private sector. That's why I've said it can be an industry to So you get a number and you've arrange something privately. You know, viral company. You can just say no to you. Any chest program on that on go a bit about. That's a possibility as well. But I'm not 100% clear on exactly how that works, because I'm not explored it myself. But from my from what I've heard, why Brad and wives spoken to other people, that's kind of high work. And then you, um, are required to do these exams, called em from part one and two. You need to pass your SED requirements each other as you would for any training program on. Then you take consultant status. I become a specialist, an occupational medicine, and that's you know that's one route, um on for some people, they really like this because it's very structured. Um, Andi. There's definitive goalpost at each level, which obviously people might prefer, um, as opposed to the non training route gel talk about now. So again, you still need to have completed your one afternoon and gainful registration with the GMC. Then you would be required to demonstrate two years of clinical medicine experience post halfway to I eat the equivalent off ST 12 or CT one, too. Now, this can be possible by local me. So I know a couple of people who have done that, but again, it can be difficult to demonstrate it. So it's very important to make sure everything is evidence inside and things like that. And most important thing to take away from his page, I would say, is to do the diploma off occupational medicine. Just call the doctor now. You could do this at any stage one. You know, if your GP you can do this exam, I I did it during my after, um, four years. Um, on that basically gives you the license to practice. Is an occupational health physician at a very general less level. So you you're not a specialist, you're you're generalist. But that's to be honest, quite sufficient for many companies to accept you with that, um on to be honest, it's because it's not a very well known specialty. I don't think it's I stopped rate to this, perhaps of a specialty bill on. And then if you want to progress beyond the generalist level to a more specialist level, then there are certain things that you can do, for example. So take the doctor Med the doctor MediQuip mint off the M form part one Essentially. So that's cancelled. That so then you would need to sit the end from part, too. Once you've done that, you get a title called Associate Specialist in Occupational Medicine. Um, you're on a lot more after you do this exam on, but that's kind of a step in the right direction towards Consultant. See, I I don't know if many of you have heard of Caesar training. So this is something that typically trainings from overseas, do whereby there being consultants or very, very senior registrars in their own countries that have come over to the UK um on they basically have to go through to see the process to demonstrate that there, uh, they have the, um all the tick boxes take aren't as you would expect from a train in this country. So you know, we'll competencies, you know, x number of case basis questions, x number of many Texas and so on, so forth on bats over a four year pretty period. So the reason why some people might prefer this to the formal brew it is because you don't have to do it four years. You can take a long you want. Essentially. I mean, I wouldn't drink out too long, but you can take your time with it. It's not rigid. It's no structure. You make it what you want to make it. But that also means it. Conversely, you have to be quiet organized of it. Onda, um, that being goes off on you do get equivalent status is a zoo consultant is an informed level again, Um, as an inquisitive specialist, Um, but I think for someone who's not sure about it and just kind of wants to explore it, um, it's definitely possible to do it just with the diploma. So, you know, I think that's really the key message from this side. Okay, I've talked a little bit about this already. I mean, how I got into it and what I've been doing the date of their job, so sort of more specifically, I was on a GP Tastes terrible things on the GP arms were told me of occupational health. I started talking to those people about it Onda Networks on. To be honest, I really felt lucky. I had loads and loads and loads of nose because I didn't have a diploma At the time I met, you just stepped out best to not knowing ABC of occupational medicine. But I saw persisted and, you know, one of the chief medical offices. I went to me just for, like, a shattering experience Day on Little don't know. I was having an interview. It it very lies on. He offered me a position as a medical advisor, so it was very, very heavy, supervised, and pretty much everything that I've I've submitted went through a consultant. It was very rigorous and very super arised, But I really, really good learning experience, but I I'm not sure how ah, how common it is to be honest with you. So, um, I think my advice would be to get the diploma cry to get a diploma, speak to loads of people in the field. Make sure your network, um, on literally get the experience from everyone because I think it's really helpful to speak to people who have gone the former routine on for more group on that different stages of their career. So register or level, um, doctors as well is consultant, um, just to get that perspective on that journeys, Um, one thing that really struck me about it is everyone's so happy in the specialty. A little bit like, Well, at least in my experience, I went abroad. Student, for example, seem quite happy with that with their jobs. And I thought it was a little the glass is going on the inside. But actually, now that I've done it, um, I must say it is It is a great specialty. Really. Enjoy it. Um, I see seven that we don't call in patients, but employees a day of their telemedicine consultations. They're well one. Our appointments. Um, so 67 today, Onda. Um, you get an hour for lunch break. Um, if you don't feel like finishing a report on the day, just don't do it the next day. It's up to you. You have a lot of water on me. You treated like an adult, which I found very different coming out off your left one, too. Um, Andi? Yeah. Um, well, still do. My doctor said mostly do management referrals are also pre employment health assessment. Um, so I'm just going to go to the original screen where everyone is. Ah, and go to the chart. If you if you want me to give unexamined all off what management referral is, like, what I'm actually talking about, Just like right? Yes. In the chat or something like that. If anyone interested in understanding what it actually is, thanks dot So for that was really, really helpful. I'm hopefully we'll have a couple of questions, all of that. I think it was splendid or really? Well, it sounds like a really interesting. Yeah, very trip. You with that, um, picture in picture? Think they, uh I know it's like the inception. I was sorry. I forgot to show you my hips slide. My tips slide was was as follows. So let me just make it a little screen. So really make your f three what you want it to be. What suits you you really have a lot of freedom on. Don't be confined, Teo. Medical work do explore non medical things. I also did a little bit of aesthetic medicine. It wasn't for me. But, you know, some people really like it, um, on, you know, going into our you know what anyone anyone's hobbies might be. Uh, I think it's really, really great toe have the time to explore that as well. And I'm talking specifically to those people who may have found themselves a little bit, uh, a little bit alienated from medicine, especially after f one and two where you know, is really tough. I found it hard, Um, on, You know, sometimes it feels feels like there's no options or, you know, you're not really sure where to go, but I think it's so important not to get on that right race of getting into a specialty and just really taking your time to explore it. Um, so I think that that that would be my my key tip. And the other thing is, if anyone actually interested in pursuing occupational health, I used the Occupational Health Academy okay on, by the way, I'm literally not affiliated with these guys. I don't get a profit for mentioning, uh, but they they did some courses to prepare me for the clover. Have, uh, which is in two parts. There's a written exam which is an MCQ and then a portfolio, which is like a visor. You you produce a portfolio on there's two sections. Who is the works like visit and a clinical case, and then you basically get grilled on it for a bit. It wasn't as bad as that, but yet, essentially, that's the sex up. But they were really good and the last thing on stays and they can link soon. That's actually how I fell into my role because I was literally messaging random occupational health doctors being ah high. Yeah, I can you tell me about your journey and, uh, where do you work and how do you find it on through that? I just made contact. Um, so if you don't have one already, make one. It's applicable to everything. Not just, um not just talking. Helpful. Okay. Yeah, I'm done talking out. If anyone has any questions, please let me know. Back in crystal, that was fantastic. Thank you. So it sounds like you really got everything that you wanted to out of this after it was something a little bit different. Um, how did you find working at the, um, at the Occupational Health Center, along with everything else? Was it difficult to, you know, kind of manage the balance? Honestly, Not all. My, my my junior one. It is. Um, there's so much option available in terms of low committing, I would just get onto one good locum agency that works for you trying to get multiple because they will span you to death. So let me just find one that works for you. Um, either get a long term low concern for a while, and it just did two days a week. I've long term locum, which was It can be hard to find fewer days, but it is possible. Or you could just stick with that hock. So, you know, you could do the odd any shift at the weekend or on a Thursday or Friday or whenever you want to do it. So I think especially because, like I said before about the is financially rewarding. So I mean, my local workers being sort of like a surplus to what I've been doing in mice off Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. But there's a lot of options. I wouldn't say it's been challenging at all. To be honest, that's good. So while you are on your question of health, uh, what did you first folio you maintained for further? Yeah, Yeah, I know I did. So I I did my appraisal Austria and I'm due to do my appraise and again this year. Um, I think we'll still still working for the NHS, even if it is less than the private sector. They prefer you, Teo, go via your salt, no come agency Or if you're working for the hospital trust to go buy them as you're as you're you know you're governing body. So I've done that both last year. This year, I think it's just something that's good to have his nose to talk about. Um, I'm even if you don't have anything. Talk about that also. Okay, You know your F three and F four years 56. Whatever you want to make, it is not to work full time flat out like there's a reason you take this year. It's to have a bit of a better work. Life balance. You could make it How you want to make it, Onda. So you know that. You know, that's what we're here kind of company. Any questions? If anyone has anything, please post a minute. Otherwise so if you have anything else so it's, uh no, not really nothing to add the matters on a 7 45. So, uh, come in that cracker. Thank you so much for taking the time to do that. You're welcome. Say again to everyone if you could please fill out the feet. But for my great story, I think I interrupt you do that. No, no, that's fine. I was just going to say to everyone, I don't know. He's sort of joined a bit later. Well, from start, I can't see the screen. But if anyone has any questions, you know you feel free to contact me. I know sometimes you don't want a post on a public platform, Any questions? But if anyone has any more specifics, you can fall in your Lichten. You could just type my name and I've also got it. I think right on. Thank you, everyone for joining, um, once again if you are interested in the mental program. He's just the port for the clinic dot com. The recording of this book will be off loaded. Do the events page so you can access it. Uh, you know, over the next, however long you want to, you could also share it with anyone who wasn't able to it. Today. Once again, please fill out the form that will send out. It's really helpful both, but was on for Sophie. You was really kind to give us time today on, but I think that's everything. Thank you so much. Stuffy. That was fantastic. No, no. You're more than welcome. And thanks to everyone who is able to join, I hope that was helpful. Well, this was the last episode of the F three service 2022. So I think when I went out on a good one Thank you. Hopefully won't be everyone but it for the next there is. Bye, guys. Sorry,