Careers Series - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
This on-demand teaching session offers medical professionals an opportunity to learn more about Obstetrics and Gynaecology training. Roszina, an ST5 Apps and Gynie in the Northeast, will cover what a typical day, week, and life in O&G is like, including antenatal and postnatal admissions, labor care, maternity and fetal medicine, early pregnancy care, gynecology and the benefits of part-time working. Attendees will gain insights into O&G training and have the chance to ask questions and get a certificate of attendance. Don't miss out!
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the difference between obstetrics and gynecology and their respective roles.
- Gain insight into a typical day in obstetrics and gynecology.
- Recognize the benefits and challenges of obstetrics and gynecology training.
- Understand the options available for trainees in terms of part-time work, admin and study leave.
- Be familiarised with how to apply for and pursue obstetrics and gynecology training.
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So everyone, welcome to another careers. Talk from mine. The bleep. Today we Rosina doing a talk on ups and gynie training sperm Hope you guys enjoy. Remember to put any questions that you have in the chart and ask them if we've got time at the end on filling the feedback forms at the end, too. And then you'll get your certificate of attendance. So, do you wanna take it away with the Yes. Can I see me? It's just make sure. And it was all just and stop sharing money and wasn't a nation. Can you guys will see the screen A rock. Just put yesterday the chart, if you can. You never and see that. Yeah. Uh huh. Um, okay for you. And so my name's roszina. I'm an ST five apps and gynie in the Northeast scenery. Um, Andi, um, I'm just gonna do it. We'll talk about, um, ups and gynie. What it involves tickles off day in the life week in the life on how to apply. Um, so obviously it's split into two different specialties, the kind of things that you do in obstetrics. And obviously this list doesn't cover everything, but in obstetrics. Generally, there's a lot of antenatal clinic You review your antenatal airway in that are admitted. Your postnatal admissions. There's the pregnancy assessment units, which is kind of like any for pregnant women and the fetal medicine. There's maternal medicine. Eso fetal medicine is a lot of them. Stop scanning on, but ultrasound and diagnostic tests like amniocentesis and and sort of making diagnoses. I'm still in you tour. Where was maternal medicine is a lot more of moms with health conditions and, like they themselves, have, um, epilepsy, cystic fibrosis, heart conditions, that kind of thing. So it's really interesting. And and obviously the bulk of your own calls is covering a lot of those other things, but also label orders well, which is where a lot of drama happens on label ward. You've got all your women who are laboring you. You would obviously be doing em any instrumental delivery so far, sepsis and one Tuesday liveries and C sections. But it's not just the deliveries. Every seat reviewing the woman throughout the labor, looking at the heart rate trace of the baby, Um, checking, that's what moms are, are okay during the labor process, um, and then gynecology. Um, I think that completely different obstetrics and gynecology gynecology is very much a surgical specialty. Um, so it's It's kind of like a surgical job when you're when you're doing it. There's a lot of theater time then reviewing your POSTOP patients. Um, gynecology does cover early pregnancy, though. So up to 14 weeks. So again, this, um, standing there in and talked looking after miscarriages and terminations and that kind of thing and acute gynecology. So people coming in with him ectopic pregnancies or I'm a bigger, very insists or sister ovarian torsion, that kind of thing. Um gynie clinic mix up a lot of gynecology as well. So so of reviewing, um, menstrual problems. Pelvic pain, uh, very insists that kind of thing. And the time we see is everyone's favorite on down. Obviously, gynecology covers menopause on fertility on the rapid access clinic, which is when I am GPS would refer anyone who's got any sort of red flag symptoms in a two week wit to the gynecology clinic. Usually that tends to be things like postmenopausal bleeding or, um, ovarian cysts and things like that. Eso This is a typical week in my life. Mm. So I am, um, part time. Um And I think it was about three or four years ago that they have changed the rules that you can go part time just for any reason. Really previously needed. Teo, you know, have a child or be a carrier for some more. Know that kind of thing. And but now you can You can go part time if you want to, which makes a massive difference in work. Life balance. And so I want part time about 22 years ago, and it made a massive difference. Eso I'm 80%. So I have Monday's off. But the rest of my week looks like eso on a Tuesday. I could have Antonella clinic in the morning and then got any clinic in an afternoon. Wednesday would be an old a theater list. And that would be things like, for example, just Wednesday gone. I am did a couple of diagnostic laparoscopy he's on do. Then there was in a very insist for a lady that had endometriosis. And then there was five hysteroscope. He's on the list, and obviously at my level now, a lot of those things you'd use off doing when they're independently like under the supervision of a consul into. That's great fun. Thursday I was on calls. That's a long day, so 8 15 AM till 8 15 PM And that's like I said, covering Laboard and covering Pregnancy Assessment Unit and the wards and that kind of thing. Obviously, if you work in big territory seventies, you tend to have a separate obstinate, a separate guy, any team. But I'm working in the in the dd a chat the moment. So when you're on call, you cover everything. Friday. I would have, for example, gynecologic in the morning and then in the afternoon, the early pregnancy effects mint clinic and which is sort of like women who are less than 12 weeks that maybe had some pain or some bleeding. And with off scanning those and and then Sunday, I happened to be on call again. So it's quite varied week. Um, obviously concede that there's a couple of long shifts in there as well. Um, like I said, I'm part time and you can't make that decision any point in your training. Um, you are supposed to get some admin times. Well, first off doing audits and presentations. Um, depending on how full your water is and how many trainees you have. Um, it varies as to how often you get some madman time. Um, some weeks you don't get any or the weeks you can you can have, like, half a day session, um, which is quite good and useful if you if you do get that time. But one of the main complaints I think training's have is that we don't get enough fiber in time. Um, every week there should be local teaching in your local hospital. So I currently, um, the chicken coordinator at my hospitalist. Well, so we all take intends to so teach each other and do presentations of the consultants to supervise that. And then they do sessions for us as well. And then once a month, there's mandatory dina re teaching as well that all the training is have to attend through lock down that stopped happening in person. Um, which kind of made it a little bit more accessible because lots of time, obviously somebody's gonna be on call and not managed to go. But now the sessions a recorded so people can can catch up with them at a later date and things and and do them from home. But they've just started to be in person again last last month, which was really nice to see everyone again and and obviously study leave. So they used to be a set budget on a set amount of leave that you could take. But no, I think it's still a set amount of leave that you can take. But the study budget is just whatever your educational supervisor deems appropriate. So if you want to go on a course, a zongs you see the visor things, it's appropriate that you you want to go on that cost, and then money isn't really an issue with that one. Mm, So I don't know how many of you probably watched a This's gonna hair or you've read it. And but I think a lot of people are 50 medical students have said, you know, Is it Is it really like that? And is that what your life is like on in many ways? Yes, it is, um, on in lots of ways, things have become a lot more different than the TV program, um or the book would suggest. So I think that these are all sort of my opinions. But the positives to me, our that no two days of the same ever, like every single day. Even if you were doing antenatal connect day and out for two days, you'd still have completely different days, cause patient will be so different. Generally, your cohort of patients is fit and, well, young pregnant women who are only there because they're pregnant. And other than that, they don't have a lot of medical conditions on. But I find that quite quite attractive in the specialty because, you know, when I was in, uh, four left ear wasn't particularly medical, and I just you know, it depends on your personality, but a big problem list of like 30 things used to really put me off, and I enjoy my thing at a time. You get lots of scanning practices well, and obviously you get signed after's to scan, and that can be obstetrics running all got any scanning? Um, delivering babies? I've been doing this six years now, and I'm still not bored of it at all. It's I think it's such a important moment in people's lives. And I really enjoy um, doing that and being present for for those moments on but procedures A really satisfying as well. Like like doing a C section or doing the forceps. So even doing a lot more oscopy like it's quite satisfying procedures, and they're quite quick procedures and, you know, in theater for hours and hours and hours, you know, it's all quite quick on goes up high reward. Um, you do have continuity of care because obviously, sometimes you see a woman right from booking her pregnancy right up until her delivery. Um, obviously, you get that with the gynie ladies as well. Um, the cases can be really interesting. Um, depending on where you were because, well, like, even like the social aspect of, like, pregnancies and deliveries and stuff like that, it is really interesting. And generally most of the time you have mostly happy outcomes on a board, which is always fun. Um, but the negatives are the challenging aspects of the specialty is yeah, nor two days are the same, and that could be quite draining. And you just never know what you can expect in some days. You know, when If if you just want to sort of, like, quickly get on with something like there's not much scope with For that, Um, there is a lot of exhaustion burn now, and that's especially when you sort of look at the full time waters. They are really, really busy. Like, for example, at my hospital you would do a week, so you do four night shifts in a row and then the week after you'll be on four long days and then the week after. You have, like, an 80 hour week of like being on call Monday, Tuesday and then uncle Wednesday Thursday without being on call again Friday, Saturday, Sunday on Dad's up to a lot of hours, especially if any of the days that you have to stay late. Um, and that was one of the reasons that I want part time a couple of years ago just because at that point I was I was just really, really, really exhausted, and I thought it would be like beneficial for my health if I just cut that down a little bit and it did help, um is quite high pressure. Obviously, label Ward. There's quite high stakes involved It's a lot of, um, emotions at stake. People really, really just want a nice, happy, healthy baby delivered, um, on you know, this certain emergencies on on label. They're still time sensitive. You know when if you're having a hemorrhage or if you've got, like, a baby, a stroke or something like that, you're dealing with, like, seconds or other than minutes. So it is quite high pressure. But that's, um for like, you know that's quite enjoyable is well, at times it is emotionally draining. Um, I would say, like, you know, there's days where you have to counsel like three miscarriages in a row or you have a bad outcome on label Ward or something like that. And obviously those, it's it's you wouldn't be human if that didn't affect you emotionally. But do you feel like it? Just come up a lot in our specialty and it can be quite traumatizing at times. Obviously, it's labor, it's delivery. There's a lot of blood we get. Um, you know, if one's and two's were taking through your GP training sometimes and I don't think they're sometimes prepared for how dramatic things could be sometimes, eh? So it's really important to sort of be supportive for those people because it it can be quite traumatizing on. But it's a very big learning curve. It's big, it's deep, those lords to learn. But again, I find that quite enjoyable. And this is the time line for training. So obviously you would do you fly, want enough for two, and and then then apply to training at that point. And then it's a run through a program. So it's once you get in ST one, it's ah, straight career path all the way up to ST seven. Your ST one s t two is your basic training years. Um, that's when you you, because is what we call like an S h o. I think that term is quite outdated now, but that's what everyone uses. And you be on the set, your auto, um and then so by the end of ST to be looking to get stuff signed off for doing C sections, forceps one to use is independently a basic laparoscope you that kind of thing on. But then you would progress to registrars about ST three onwards. Teo, start a sticker. You have to have passed you apart. One more cogs, Sam, and you can do that anytime, even in foundation training, which, um, I think I do recommend just because it's a really horrible examines, you know, it's all your embryology and you buy a chemistry, and it's not entirely like I can't think of many things that come up for my part one. And so when you're fresh out of medical school and you still know a lot of stuff, it's probably a good idea to get it. Then then And But you know, I did mine in ST one, and that was absolutely fine. And then and then you start your ST three. So your register at that point on, then intermediate training is ST three through Testy five, and by the end of ST five. You need to have completed your part, too, And your part three m. R c o G. It used to all be one big part, too, but now it's put into a part two and three support to is of written. It's very it's clinical and guideline based, and part free is, um, off ski. Um, and that sort of recommend doing it apart for you very close to your part to you while while the knowledge is still for us brush. And at that point, I would. Mm. You would then apply Teo what you want to do for your advanced training. So you're 80 s m's are advanced training specialty modules, and they can be anything from Montana medicine, fetal medicine, a fertility, early pregnancy, acute gynecology. I'm do mine in benign abdominal surgery. So lots of laparoscopies and or conservatory and that kind of thing. Some, um, more competitive than others on. Do you have any sort of have to pick, too? Um, alternatively, at that point, some people decide to go down the subspecialty route, which would be feet on the medicine. I'm internal medicine and and then that sort of let you leave the training program for such and you just become so specialist in that in that area on get consulting job in that specific area. So the application process eso We've had a few of our of our junior doctors applying for this this year, so applications open in November. Um, it's also off, like north of white space questions. It's just a general application form. And then there's a standard long listing process. There's the MSR, a exam that you have to do in early January, which is not specific drugs, and I need It's busy. I think you just have to do even if you're applying to GP training or at or any sort of training, really? And so it's It's general clinical. People say it's sort of like finals level and kind of exam. And then if you get selected for interview, they tend to be in January or early February on. That makes up 75% of your interview school. Um, at that point office, um, it in March. And then if you have an offer, you would rank your dean Aries and specific hospitals within those Diener ease on, then post start in August. Although there is a bit of talk of maybe delay, it varies through hospitals in the country. So I think down South, some people start in September up north. We still start in August. The interview process. It's changed since since when I did it, but, um, I have obviously seeing what the current situation is. But I did have the three of the stations S O. You have one clinical part is a shin station, and this is again. It's not specific to obscene gynie. It could be anything. So it's just a general A B C D situation and why they give you some some examples of some patients and use off. Say what order you would see them in. Um, then there's a communication station and again, not specific drops and dining. I think I had a lady who had an allusion on a chest X ray, and it was just going through that with her. And and then there's a panel into the where they would look through your portfolio and see. And if you've demonstrated, like a commitment, drops and gynie and why you want to do and how much you know about the application process eso in that part for your station. Part of the interview Things that you can do to sort of talk about in that part of the interview is, um, in your foundation years. Try and get an upset by any job, because in those four months you can you can learn a lot. You can get some assessment stone. You can start seeing how you actually like the job but it's a really, really useful way to see um, if it's going to be for you and some people take a gap here in and do a bit of obstetrics and gynecology work, or they get a job as a teaching fellow after they're foreign left, two on again. That's a really useful wait here to get involved with the specialty and start building up your portfolio, and you're only allowed 18 months max of experience before, and that's too much. And so if you have more than 18 months, you wouldn't be a player able to apply to ST one on. But then you might be able to you apply to ST three onwards. Um, obviously get involved in order. It's and quality improvement projects. There's always register. I was looking for help with their projects that they're doing so and you can get involved with that from sort of medical student point em stage. Or even if one F two, um, while you're at medical school. Obviously, I don't know if every university has his book em SSC. So student selected components part of your curriculum, um so potentially doing those knobs and gynie and then getting so experience at that point and the out your GI has a Careers day every year. I think it's in June, Um, so that's a useful thing to attend. Um, there's obviously even if you're enough one afternoon, then you don't get allocated, um, and UPS and I need a job. You can still apply for a study, leave week and do a taste a week and UPS and gardening. And that and that again shows commitment to the specialty. You could sit you part one and all the sort of transferrable skills. When I was on two of the surgical job, I tried to go to the theater and do some soup during and and and just general clinical part is a shin and things that things are always useful in ups, and I need. And then, um, if you're very academic, you can submit applications for the osteo gee prizes. And there's a wall is for foundation doctors as well. Um, why did I pick the specialty? So I like it because it's a good mix of medicine and surgery. We got a lot of theater time, but it's not just pure surgery when you renew clinics. Um antenatal connects and got any clinics. There's lots of medical options for all of the this, um, patient symptoms as well. So you get Teo. You get to sort of use your brain and do lots of medicine. But then also get to use your hands and do lots of surgery as well. Um, obstetrics. Like I said, it's high drama. It's high pressure, but it's It's also a very sort of like high reward and is good phone and like there's a lot of teamwork involved with the mid wives and nurses, and everyone sort of works together to make sure labor wards running effectively and it is, is good for most of the time. And gynecology is, um, some of my special like area that I'm more interested in, then obstetrics and just cause I really enjoy operating. And so I'm doing Things are hands on and developing like surgical skills. Um, obviously, having a baby is one of the most key events of a woman's life, and it can be on. I think, honestly, depending on sometimes care of, that could be either. A really positive experience are really negative experience, and obviously the reason I wanted to do it was to just sort of make the experience is positive is possible for those women because even sometimes, if it's about outcome, you can still make a difference to how that woman felt at that point in her life. So, you know, that was particularly important to me. So that's why I picked up some gynie. Um, I think if you if you look at what your personal strengths are, So if you're you know, if you're very introverted and you know you don't really like lots of pressure and lots of drama, you know, you might be more suited to, like ideology, your microbiology, all that kind of thing, where it's like, I I really enjoy like that the team work aspect, that people that know two days being the same and all the drama. So, um, you know, look at what? Um, your best out and sort of applies to that and on obviously just wanted to be in a specialty that that helps women because that was a proper and one of my main interest in life. Um, so that's my presentation. So if anybody has got any questions, or if there's anything that you'd want me to go through again, just let me know. Harvey. Xena. Hi. Thank you so much for that. That was really useful. I learned quite a lot in that as well. Um, we haven't got any questions. Just Yeah, I don't know why someone has been asked if foundation counts as part that 18 months And yes, it does, because you would do it for four months. So those four months do you count towards your 18 months so that if you wanted me to go abroad and do a year in opposite Gynie, then you starting to limit how much experience you can have A that point. But before, they never used to be an STD three level entry that started about three or four years ago. So that's that's a good thing now. So we see there's lots of people, you know, the countries they're really experienced. Thompson Dyne. And then there were limited from applying to ask you one. But now there's the ST 3 to 5 level entry as well. So that's really good for people like clap. Like I say you just apply it straight. Test t three. Is that how that works? for various. Yeah. So that tends to be people who, uh, like from other countries who have got lots and lots of experience. Um, I would say if I mean, you could if suppose if you're signed off for a lot of the procedures and you and you don't experience in gap years and things like that, then, yeah, maybe you are better suited to the ST three level entry personally, actually going to start the beginning and go all the way from ST One. Someone's asked if we get rejected on initial specialty training, Can we reapply and take enough for a year yet? That happens to a lot too much of you, because it is quite competitive s. So that's probably a good chance to do a year. Is a teaching fellow or take a nap here or local? Um um, in August and I any for a bit on, then definitely. Try again. There's no, I don't. This is a limit on how many times you can apply. Um, so that's absolutely fine. Yeah. What was your, um, so your personal experience with getting into the specialties off. How did you go about it? Um, so I am. I didn't know that I wanted to do apps and gynie, um, fraud. Like looking back. The signs were definitely there because all my SSA use were knobs and gynie my orders for knobs and gynie my any projects that we have to do, I would always, um, pickups and gynie. And even when it came to start revision, I realized that was the only thing I saw Really enjoy it. But my plan right from medical school had always being to be a GP. So that was not something that I was really looking at doing. And then it was the last job of my F one year, and I just enjoyed it so much on I thought, you know, you know, when you like, you don't even care how many calls you doing because you just you don't even see as work. You just really enjoy it. Him and then in F to my first job was gp the job that I totally was thinking that I would do, and I just absolutely hated it. I really hated it on. But that point people were starting to apply because it was my first job of F two So I applied for ABS and Gynie. I wasn't sure if I get in or not, because at that point I didn't. I didn't think I had lords of my CV. But then obviously, I had denied it, and it had done SSC is And it so I did have a fair bit and obviously from my F one job is, well, I got lots of assessments for for doing that little procedures and many Texas and CBDs and things like that. So, yeah, I got in when I was in Ft. So I went straight from after you straight and test you one b So it's quite quit borrowing, but most people take some salt, seen it grew into it. And you got peers and things like that because obviously after after, you don't really get that chance again, especially with it being running through. So and I would probably recommend if if you do want to do with the things I and get those in, But after after and then apply after that, um, I what causes what you recommend to improve surgical skills? Um, there is the, um there's an R c o g. Basic practical skills costs on day one that, um that's when they cover, like, basic things like soup during and like, a basic C section and hysteroscope ease things like that. Um, generally, let your training will cover all of the surgical skills that you need, but you do have to attend the basic practical skills costs in ST one. But if you've already done it a Zen F one or two, you can go any point that but again is is good points for your CV and any classes that would be beneficial to prepare for med school or for the obstacle only specialty. Um, looking into med school. But I'm not sure where to start through my undergrad. And I think if you've not quite started medical school year, I think obscene gynies still quite far away at that point. So I think just medical school in general your your cover? Um, obscene gynie. Um so I don't I don't think the particulars any classes is such that you could take before before medical school. That I think would be relevant because obviously at that point, everything changes so quickly as well. So it would just, you know, things that I like, just for my own application process. Things is so different now. Um, so, um, just sort of folks on that school fast and or so, of course, should retake to her for the the I think they mean the MRC or GI Part one. And so there is lots, of course, is there's the Royal College one itself down in London. Um, I did that one, but I didn't I didn't find it particularly helpful. And I think it was. It's one of those exams where you it's just so in depth with the science, and, you know, it's it's sort of like, very like, early medical school kind of level exam. And this is also private courses. You can go on this. And I did the ACE course in Birmingham, and I found that really am useful because you just go over and over and over the basic principles and on um, there's other courses like I did it is Professor Conjure. He doesn't cause in Leicester a swell on. Did I use that one for my part, too? And it was very, very good. Um ordered to research papers from medicine and said, Your current for the interview are the looking specifically opposite that know? So they definitely count you still get marks and points for doing ordered it and research purpose or anything I would say is Just use them to your advantage and just what, like use as a transferrable scale. So obviously, if you've done an order in, like infection control, that is definitely like relevant tribes and gaining and just and just talk about how that would be relevant drops and going if you've done unaudited I did, he added, an infection control one. And then I did one on using local anesthetic for a BG is which is obviously nothing to do with the office and got any. But it's to do with, like kindness and compassion and pain relief and that kind of thing, which is obviously really relevant drops and 90 so you can have other things. But long as you can relate them tops and gynie, that's that's all they need to see. Really. Is it worth doing the PG set? Does it give you extra points? Is it worth doing with the things to improve the portfolio? And lots of my friends have done the PG set? I think it does give you extra points because it's still a postgraduate qualification. Um, Andi, obviously, if you are doing a ticking fellow year, you might as well get a postgraduate qualification out of it. And other than that, I don't think unless you want to go into, like, teaching and stuff last Iran, and it would be useful for that. Um, so it sort of depends on if you haven't got in and you're doing the teaching fellow. Yeah, even if you just want to do a teaching for a year, I would definitely do that just to get the extra points. And since you're gonna be teaching anyway, you might as well get the PG searched. Um, but yeah, other things could be just a z useful. So you started working on your port. So, basically in medical school, um, well, kind of I wasn't thinking like that time. It was just that that those are things we have to do like a couple of SSC is in a year on. We have obviously on elective like I like for my elective. I did that in the Caribbean, but it was at maternity hospital, and so like when I look back? Definitely. I can see that. I was I was definitely interested in using my knee. Um, so, yeah, I just saw it. Like if you are interested in it, I would say, like from medical school. You don't have to know yourself too early. Like I said, anything could be made relatable to the specialty that you want. Bush having specific things, obviously would be would be good to, um but yeah, like, obviously medical school makes you to order it to make you do presentations. It makes you do SS season. Make sure your electives, and so you get a lot of it just from from that anyway. And then obviously enough one. Enough to you. Like I said, you can do taste of weeks. You can. You can do jobs in those specialties as well, just to gain more experience. Um, would, um, local and ups and I any be seen negatively versus clinical fellow Know, To be honest, we just grateful for any any cover. Any staff would be absolutely fine. And lots of the people that I know that were low coming for a year and went on to apply to training successfully and it makes it makes no difference at all. Um, can you do the MRI here? You put one before the emissary? Absolutely. You could do an F one. You just have to have, um, between your apart one and part to you have to have less than 10 years. So you put one? Basically expires after 10 years. So as long as those within 10 years of each other, that's absolutely fine. But yeah, you could definitely do it. Enough one, Um, just beautiful audit cycle two, you get two points. So to get a certificate from whichever hospital you do your, um, order in, you have to register your order, and then they usually give you a certificate of completion of the audit. Um, so I would say that as long as you put your certificate to say that you were part of a Nordic and then that should be enough. When which, when should we start looking for the MRI? See? Oh, gee, um, what do you mean, like time of year? Or do you mean, like, when is it when in your training? Because they're so the actual sittings are, um, January in July. Um, so if you want to sit January So if you want to see in January, I think applications open in October and it just fill it really, really quickly. And trainees are given priority. So if you need me to look quite early on, then for July and start applying in May, Okay, but it is quite a hard exam, so it does take a solid. The guideline is six months of preparation s so I would if you're gonna be saying I would be revising far as well. What other resource this did you use to revise for the exam other than courses, they eso when your attorney you have access, you and the are cogs of training platform, which is called Strat Strategy s so that's quite useful. But I found that more useful for my part, too, because it was more clinical for my part. One, it's, you know, it's your basic sciences, so it's going to sound or no. But back in my day, like it was all like text, books and things is a big our CEO g a part one textbook that's, you know, a good couple of interesting and and that covers the whole curriculum for it. And to be honest, there's a lot of questions. And I found question books were more useful and so actually going through those. And I can, um, email you the names of those if you want to show them afterwards. But this'll, um, under sizers use on one of the he's one of the Examiner's for the for the part one. He's written a book. You can get them off Amazon, just part one preparation books and they just full of questions that come up time and time again. And and then I found those to be the most useful and then obviously online resources a swell this and I used them. Pass MRC or gi dot com. There's on examination as well on day for your part to this what? Something called busy spr A Z Well, which is actually what one of our so one of our consultants in Newcastle. He developed that when he was a registrar. Um, but that's a really good resource as well. Okay, but if anyone wants any of these resources, if you pop your email in the chart and I can get them from a senior and then send them to you, if that's all right with you. Yeah, absolutely fine. Does anyone else got any more questions at all? Just keep popping them in if you have. I was just going to touch on Earth. Well, I know you mentioned audits and things, but is that what else did you do in your left? One? Enough to year to build report. Really? And also, do you think How did you find the time to complete it in time without doing the every year. And so, like I said, I just used So when it came to the application process, I, um, in F one as part foundation, you have to you and do an audit s So I just used the audit. I just didn't have one. That was Ah, very simple infection control order. It was just, you know, one of the consultants gave me at the time and I did that. And I just made it relatable to ups and got any because I am there was obviously guidelines for for all sorts of infections in pregnancy, and I just the the oldest cycle is the order cycle, and they ask you about that. Do you know the thing that so as long as you can demonstrate knowledge of the audit cycle, um, what it involves and if you've done it, that's that's still relevant. So I didn't I didn't do lots of things like above and beyond. Um, like my like F one F two is as busy enough as they as they are, and I just used my time of doing my phone job. Like once I realized I was attention going to apply to this, and I just started asking the consultants there assessments and putting them on my portfolio. And then And when it came to, like applying and printing those off and having good feedback from all my obstetrics and gynecology consultants on, but just doing, like procedures like bits of suit during here and there, um, getting involved with sort of like teachings of medical students, that kind of thing, any anything that you probably be doing anyway. But just do things. Get certificates for them on, then use in your application. I lost you there. No, I'm still you could give me there. We go get your But I think the Internet keep dropping. I don't know whether it's me or you, but already carry on. I didn't mean to. Yeah, you got quite off the most pain. How much How much teaching experiments was desirable? Um, like to be honest, it's not. It's not massive part of your abs and going to be because, obviously, the act the interview process is aimed at, sort of like F two level. If you have done a teaching fellow year, that's that's absolutely great. And if you've done it in OBS and Gynie, that's great, too, because it just shows again commitment to the specialty. But there's not a specific amount of teaching that's X m expected. And once you start ups and any training, there's then teaching obviously becomes a part of your part polio, and you need to demonstrate that you can do that. Um, but you know, just just informal bedside teaching to any medical students that happened to be on your ward that day like that. That's fine as long as you've got some sort of evidence, like even if it's feedback forms on one of your consultants, gives you a certificate for doing some teaching like like I said we have and local teaching every week so the F ones have to use the GP. Training is a really keen to do those sessions because we can then give them certificates that then they can use in their applications. Okay, just gonna put the feet that link on the chat now as well s O gods. If you feel this out, you'll get a certificate of a tendon and you can use that, as they say about fuel pool float over. Um, yeah, And then when you apply in few years time, you can say, Look, I went to this presentation, all right? So you guys just let me know if that's working or no, um, so make. So you will use difficult. Is there anything you found particularly challenging about the application process? And you're getting but prepared to go into upset gynies that anything that's all stood out to use particularly difficult or the whole process may? Yeah, unfortunately, at that point demonstrating the commitment to specialty if you haven't. And if at that point I hadn't had a lot of time, I hadn't done anything else I hadn't like, gone away and doing a urine obscene gynie elsewhere that would really show my commitment to the specialty. So it was just And that's the bit that I was nervous about in there for the interview, like clinical Part is, Asian was fine. The communications issue was fine. It was It was that panel interview that I was like, How am I? In my short time of like, F one f t. I'm going to demonstrate that I am committed. But what they want to know is, um, like, obviously cause your points, not speak, to use it for themselves, like all the degrees and whatever that you've got. But it's knowledge of the training like they ask you about that. You know that timeline that I've showed you so they would they would act like What point do you expect it to do? Um, are you G pot, too? So they obviously have to know that you have to have that by the end of ST five. And there's on the osteo Gee website. There's a there's a matrix of training, and it's what the current kid, um, covers and things like that. So having that knowledge of what what your training is going to be about and knowing what you're gonna send that they'll ask you, like you know, at what point would you have expected to be able to do An independent C section was not difficult. It's all available, like on the website, but just, like, know what training is going to be like, so that they know that you've fully making a fully informed decision when you're applying. Yeah, um, I heard that if we get high mark in m A c r e, we get the job right away. Um, yes. So I think there's a very it's a small, small percentage of people that score like above a certain amount. They can then bypass the interview stage and for for even GP and whatever else they're applying. Teo um, so, yeah, I think that's the case. Um, but but majority of people would still have to interview because it's still very, very competitive. And I don't know how high the mark needs to be in that. And that's our job. I had I have heard of a couple of people getting it. Um, think I'm I'm sorry. Sorry, Emmett. Any tips on preparing for the MSN? And again, it's just like online question banks like I haven't actually done it. But I was helping with the juniors that we're doing it. And they were all using sort of, like on mine question box on examination and the like, the specific websites for that one as well. Just practice questions. Really Think we missed one dose? Urges asking if you have any tips for sort of interview prep? Um, so what we did with our So we had, um, enough to you and a couple of clinical fellows that wanted to apply. So what we did was we just we as very distressed. We saw under together, we all just did like a little sessions with them, so made, like, little stations of what to expect. Um, so, you know, practice doing clinical part is in these examples and things on the Internet, we obviously got some in our text books on what comes up in our exams as well. Eso just practice doing clinical part is Asian. Always know that you know, someone who's unstable is gonna be a first priority. And that kind of thing working any communications girl, sort of anticipating what kind of stations come up and just practicing that and and yeah, so if you if possible, I would just get a couple of friendly register eyes or consultants who potentially do a bit of interviewing a swell just to do some practice sessions with you before the interview. So it's not the first time that you're you're doing and obviously timing yourself, eh? So that you're you're getting it done in the 15 minutes a swell. Okay, we have quite a little question that's been really thorough, though, that thank you. I think that will be really useful to everybody. So I think as medical students, you know, half the reason why I want to get involved in this theory that I don't feel that we get quite enough information about how to tackle the applications and what to look out for in medical school, even the extra curricular activities that good to get a little future. It's so good to hear. Um, I don't think we've got any more questions. So if you just send me the copy link for the books and then I can get getting some out to the attendee. Yep. No problem. No, brown, they're just Yes. Okay. Well, we may as well go up a little bit early then. And thank you so much for eczema. And thank you so much. Everyone for attending. Thank you. Um, just turned, you know, Feel a to go. Bye. How many people were there?