Mr Vinci Naruka graduated from the University of Cambridge and is currently an ST6 Cardiothoracic Surgery Registrar at St. George’s Hospital. He holds the position in the Education Committee for the European Association for Cardio-thoracic surgery (EACTS) where he hopes to widen education in Cardiothoracic Surgery across the Continent.
For the past 6 years, he has given talks and mentorship to help people develop a strong surgical CV. He is keen to continue this mentorship through the UKPRC lectures, to aid us develop our surgical careers.
Mr Nathan Tyson is a specialist registrar in cardiac surgery in the East Midlands, with an interest in transplantation. He has a keen interest in surgical education, and has previously served on the council of the Association of Surgeons in Training (ASiT). He has regularly tutored on the MSc Surgical Sciences at University of Edinburgh, and has an active involvement in cardiothoracic research.
He previously trained as an anatomist before entering medicine, and was awarded a Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education. Nathan is also a proud Northerner!