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Join us for this on-demand teaching session where a panel of experts will overcome technical issues and successfully conduct an insightful presentation. In this unpredictable interactive session, you will witness the problem-solving skills of professionals in real-time, making it an engaging learning experience. Be part of this unique opportunity where real-life challenges meet knowledge exchange. This session isn't just about the material being taught, but also the resilience of presenters in the face of technical difficulties.

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Mr Vinci Naruka graduated from the University of Cambridge and is currently an ST6 Cardiothoracic Surgery Registrar at St. George’s Hospital. He holds the position in the Education Committee for the European Association for Cardio-thoracic surgery (EACTS) where he hopes to widen education in Cardiothoracic Surgery across the Continent.

For the past 6 years, he has given talks and mentorship to help people develop a strong surgical CV. He is keen to continue this mentorship through the UKPRC lectures, to aid us develop our surgical careers.

Mr Nathan Tyson is a specialist registrar in cardiac surgery in the East Midlands, with an interest in transplantation. He has a keen interest in surgical education, and has previously served on the council of the Association of Surgeons in Training (ASiT). He has regularly tutored on the MSc Surgical Sciences at University of Edinburgh, and has an active involvement in cardiothoracic research.

He previously trained as an anatomist before entering medicine, and was awarded a Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education. Nathan is also a proud Northerner!

Learning objectives

  1. By the end of the session, participants will have a thorough understanding of how to successfully use the online platform for web presentations, considering its various features and functions along with troubleshooting steps.
  2. The attendees will be able to navigate through the sharing options and successfully share their screens, so that their PowerPoint presentations can be seen by all.
  3. The audience will learn how to join the stage for seamless online presentations and discussions.
  4. The participants will understand how to effectively communicate through the platform and use the audio-visual components for best results.
  5. The session aims to educate participants on how to handle technical issues, like the camera not functioning, and how to log out and log back in for smooth functioning of the system.
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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

Yes. Yes it yes it oh Nathan. Can you hear me? Hey, yeah, I can hear you. Hey, nice to meet you. How are you? Hey, nice to meet you. Sorry. It took me a little while to sign in because I've not presented on medal in about two years. So don't worry, I think people are just joining so we'll give, give them like three minutes. Yeah, that's fine. Are you able to share your screen? Uh I think so. Uh if I click on present now and share my screen uh I don't know if that works. Has that shared my screen? Um I can't see it yet. Ok. Uh let me cancel. Let me try something else. Share screen, share window. How about now? Hopefully that works. Share a window, share this window. Yeah, I can see it now. Cool. I'll stop sharing it for a sec. You can just keep her again. Yeah, I think Vinci's going first, isn't he? I think he is. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah he is. He is cool. Is Vinci here yet? Uh let me send him an email. Mhm. Mhm. Yeah, I'm just gonna see if this works. Does that come up with me sharing my entire screen now. Uh No, I can just see your powerpoint. Uh Oh dear. I don't know how to, I might have to install chrome. Let me have a look. No, I read somewhere that doesn't let me share my screen if I'm in so far. So let me, let's see details. Yeah, I'm just gonna log out and log back in to see if I can get my powerpoint to work. Yeah. Sounds good. All right speakers. Mhm Yeah. Oh um Are you able to join the stage? Is there a joined stage function? Invite stage? OK. Uh When she have to invite you to this stage? Right side. Ru A four. Yeah. OK. Vinci. Are you able to join the stage? Oh, great. Hello? Can you hear me? Uh Yes. Yes, we can hear you all. I couldn't find the join the stage at all. It wasn't follow up. I'm sorry, I cut out. Sorry about that. Otherwise, can you hear me fine? All right. Yeah. Yeah, we're gonna hear you. Are you able to share your screen? Uh I uh for some reason my camera is not working on the system.