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This is Rhea. I've come to click record. Um, so now it's recording, so everyone will be able to see what kind of you're saying in the Q and a session. I hope that's OK. Um, go ahead. Um, I won't interrupt. This is a good time. And I had a question for you. Uh, okay. Yeah. Go on. I I want to send a link. I'm trying to direct them to the link to graph pads. User guide. I verify your account to join the I haven't got, uh I see. So basically, they'll have sent you an email asking you to verify your account. Basically, you click on the link, and you just proved that that email is your actual email. I see. Okay, so if you search medal in your emails, it should have like, and then after that, once you verify You know what? I could probably change the setting. Now, hang on. No. Okay. Now it should work. Does that work now? That's great. Thank you. Good stuff. Yep. I can see it. Thank you. No worries. Okay. Cool. So, yeah, that's that's the link. And that will, um a lot of, um, different analysis. because I'm not sure which analysis you have to do yet. Um, it will depend on your data set and what you're trying to find out. But on graph as websites, um, they've got several user guides that go through how to use, um, each specific, um, analysis method. And there's that that also a ton of YouTube videos on this to quite useful. All right, Thank you. And is there anything that sort of, like, specifically looking for or anything that, like they said in, like the, um, mostly called, like the feedback sessions that they like was really good or like, really bad to do, I think as a it's it's a pretty general report. Um, one thing that was a particular note in in our group was that you shouldn't be afraid to criticize the methodology as appropriate. Um, they may make some mistakes. Mistakes? They may use the methodology that isn't the best. They may do this on purpose. Um, so in your discussion, um, right, all the good things that went well And also don't be afraid to write what didn't go so well and comment upon how this can be improved in in future studies for the late summary, right? Would you say that there's a limit to the number of words in a sentence? Because one of the workshops, they said something like Try to avoid having more than 12 words in a sentence. But then they give us a few examples, and then a couple of these sentences are like 2030 words in land. So I'm a bit confused now. 12 words is is quite short. Um, I'm just I'm taking a look at mines right now, and, um, most of the sentences are a lot shorter than the, uh, the paper itself. But I think on on on occasion I went up to maybe over 20 words in a sentence. Um, I think in in my last paragraph, I had maybe about 30 35 word sentence. Um, it's scored fairly well. It's It's more about the style of the way that you write and the word that you use. Of course, shorter sentences makes it a lot easier for a laid reader to understand, so it should be shorter than the paper itself. But don't don't take 15 is a hard and fast rule. If one of your sentences requires you to use more words. That's also fine. Okay, I just put like a example of because they give us a couple of examples of lay summaries. Right? So, like, this sentence is, apparently it's from the l A summary, but it to me, it kind of looks a bit complicated, right? Yeah. Oh, it doesn't. It doesn't look particularly late to me. Yeah, exactly. So I'm a bit confused. Like, what are you talking about? Cooperative. Basic physical eyes. I would probably take out cooperatively. Anti logistically, just both entirely from that line. Yeah, well, I suppose that that paper is this paper a methodology paper or why? Why are they using these? Like because we kind of ask, for example. So they give us a couple of examples of technical wrestles, lay summary side by side, Like, purely just for linguistic purposes. But I don't know why. Yeah, well, I I can send you I can send you my lay summary, and it'll have all the markings on it from the Examiner. If you'd like to take a look. Um, and maybe that will help inform how you right yours. Although the examiner we had was with I think it was CN Harding. Was it? We had We had Professor Harding and Doctor Boyle, I think. Yeah, Boil is still knocking out also, So yeah, so that that may be useful. And they're doing Q and a sessions there, too. I guess so, Yeah. But it's just just the first week of dirt blocks. So we serve two more weeks and sorry. It is the second week. Yeah. So I think next week where the CUNY Yeah. Okay, Well, yeah, in that. In that case, it it definitely makes sense to, um I can I can send your minds on WhatsApp And also, um, with this with this particular line, I guess at a push, if it's one line out of several in a lay summary and the rest are all very late, you can get away with it. But if the entire lay summary reads like that line there, then it's, uh, maybe more technical than I I would have expected. It's always good to approach the because this this you're saying this is from a workshop? Uh, like, yeah, we went to a workshop and they kind of told us to dump it down. Quite a lot more than this. But this is the thing they sent us after the workshop. Like, for some examples, So I kind of just copy pasted entirely summary, but I don't know. Okay, this is from the workshop, but I think it wouldn't hurt to ask the examiner during the Q and a session. The Q and A session will be, I think, with one of the examiners, at least, um, always helpful to see what the Examiner wants. Because whatever their idea of lay summary is that that's the idea that you want to take with your paper, right? Fine. Yeah. I think if you can send me some, it'll be really helpful so I can get. Of course. Uh, okay, guys, let me know if if there's any more questions you guys have. Yeah, I think that's all from me. Thanks a lot for your help. Yeah. All right. Thank you for coming. All right. So I'll see you. Bye. Bye, Damir. Thank you very much. Um, that's really helpful. Uh, yeah. Thank you.