This site is intended for healthcare professionals

Carbon Literacy for Healthcare Professionals



This On-Demand Teaching Session is designed to provide medical professionals with an understanding of how to use and deliver the 'Carpool in She' Project's accredited Carbon Literacy Toolkit. Attendees will learn about the four key aspects of Carbon Literacy Training and how to provide their peers and learners with an effective, meaningful and engaging learning experience. The session will also overview the Toolkits available and explain how they can be customized to local and organizational case studies to support the understanding of the climate crisis, while offering evidence forms to collect the action pledges of trainees. Attendees will be empowered to make a difference and be part of the zero carbon society.

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Learning objectives

  1. Define ‘Carbon Literacy’ and Explain its Significance.
  2. List the Four Key Aspects of Carbon Literacy Training and Explain their Meaning.
  3. Describe the Carbon Literacy Accreditation Process and Requirements.
  4. Explain Carbon Literacy’s ‘Peer to Peer’ delivery process and its Potential Benefits.
  5. Outline the Different Elements, Benefits and Challenges of the Carbon Literacy Toolkit.
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on. Welcome, Teo. This presentation from the carpal in she projects this's a livestream for the ICO medics conference. My name's Louise Harling. I, um the healthcare blue light coordinator here The combination project on today. I'm just gonna walk you through who we are, what we do on what we've got available for just so to kick us off. Covenant. She was defined in November 2013. So who are we? What is common? Actually, what is this concept that you might be thinking off? Eso Common entity is an awareness off the carbon costs on impacts off everyday activities on the ability on motivation to reduce emissions on an individual community on organizational basis. So in order to be calm a little, er, you need the awareness coupled with the commitment to change. So some idea off the scope off the work which we do here at the project, eh? So so far, the work of people from all of the organizations that we work with have resulted in over 32,000 carbon literate individuals. That means more than 65,000 actions have been plunged. We've engaged with 2821 organizations on produced 340 accredited courses, including the talk. It's now. Some of these concepts might be a little bit alien to you, but by the end of this presentation, I'm sure you have a really good understanding of what were these different kinds. So what is common to see project you are and what do we do? Essentially cabinet to see. There's four key aspect off training eso fastly cabinet. She training must be a day's worth of learning. This is because there's so much to cover on the topic of climate change that any lesson that would not elicit a broad enough understanding of the significance of the action, which we need to address the climate crisis I'm learning must also be so sure. So that means bringing the learning to where you are connecting to them to the climate issues that relate directly on in directly to them in their daily lives. A n'importe way of making this training or effective is to have periods peer delivery, and that's because our peers are most trusted source of information and influence, and training is much more significant when it's being delivered by our peers. Finally, kind of carbon. Actually, training must be accredited by us in order to be called carbon literally. Training on it must meet our carbon actually standard as well. So the covenant she standard offers essentially a framework for the content of carbon actually training courses on that's broken down into four key aspects. So that's knowledge learning method values action. So I'm really quickly gonna wish you through these four aspects. Just you have a better understanding of what it is that's actually include it in a garden. Interesting course so confidently knowledge is used to establish a common understanding of the science of climate change, and it's impacts, so that includes global heating. What is that? And how do we know this climate change again? What is it and how do we know about it? What is being done about that what people like you were doing about that on also exploring what you can do about that so taking action. So that's kind of knowledge, side of carbonate to see next. We've got the learning method on that insures that training is delivered consistently on effectively, no matter where it's being rolled out or who it's being delivered too. So local learning essentially means linking climate related issues, too. Everyone's local context, so that includes geographical area, professional role, personal interests, those kind of things. Trainers should also show that they understand how they relate to those that they are training. So the common issue training could be a conversation among like minded. Unlike hearted people who connect on multiple issues. Group Inquiry also supports this peer to peer aspects, which I mentioned a second ago, so as well as acting a way to create an engaging and enjoyable learning experience on day. Finally, training should address the often overwhelming or intentional impacts of climate conversations by maintaining a positive time so we don't want to training to be really depressive throughout the whole time. I'm obviously there's gonna be moments in the training based on it being such a heavy topic, that going to be difficult. But trainer enthusiasm as well a Z identifying, achievable and effective actions which lowers contain, come really kind of like in the mood and empower people. So we've also got combination see values on. That's a recognition off the different levels that climate change in its impacts can operate out. So carbon. Actually, training should thread those values throughout the course. So that's highlighting things like the action of individuals can and does make a difference how we need to work with others to create change, that these issues Kenly lead to a better world and also a way of life on not just less bad than it might be actually better and more positive than what we have today. It should also address eh, pretty and fan of spoke now and into the future and also handle eyes. The change that we want to see in the UK I'm globally as long as well as our organization training should also acknowledge that for some people addressing climate change carries with it and enormous emotional content on both positive and negative on that shouldn't be ignored. That should be acknowledged and used to drive action. The training day finishes in an action pageant session, so at the end of the day, evidence forms are filled out on learners. Asked to submit their evidence forms to the trainers who were delivering training in the evidence forms, there is a few questions about what we need in order to get to zero carbon society both on a national basis, but also has an organization. Individuals also asked to make action pledges things that they're going to do as a result of their training day. Um, so one option pledge needs to be individuals on one action. Pledge is getting needs to be as a group. So what you gonna do alongside your peers? Colleagues wide A group of people s o. These actions need to be in the context of the training. If they're training is delivered at work, then the action should take place up work. So we don't actually deliver any training ourselves. And people are often quite surprised. It's that. But we act as a facilitation support on accreditation body s o. Each organization audience delivers their own training materials according to their sector or community, organization or institution. So materials are submitted to us here at the project. We review them Onda credit them as carbon itch. See, training course is based on our standard, so the delivery of those courses might be observed. But the evidence is always collected s so that we can essentially make sure carbon literacy training is always up to a really high quality standard. ESO organizations can either use their own bespoke materials that they have developed an accredited for us or, if appropriate, they can use a pre existing talk it which is what I'm going talk through a little bit more detail. Now we'll be thinking, What is it talking it? Um so the main theory behind our tool kits is that essentially they maximize the speed on adoption of carbon literacy in the sector, which they have been developed for on so but having a pre made on accredited course that gets rid of time and cost barriers, which might stand in the way for organizations such as the NHS, who is already stupid busy. So thanks for some funding from some funding from be's, we've created a serious of public sector talk. It's which are free to use for qualifying. Organizations are designed to be September specific on the development of our talk. It's always involves input from representatives off the sector on this insures that materials cover the most important and relevant topics, making them unique to the each of the factors. So the inclusion off customizable slides allows for those training courses to be tailored to include both local and organizational case studies on that helps learners relate more to the climate crisis and increases their motivation. So that's the kind of local side off the learning. So what's included in a tool care? You receive a detailed training manual on that contains comprehensive instructions and explanations off all of the training material. You'll receive a slide deck, which you can use to deliver training within your organization. You'll receive an interactive activity pack, so that's very similar to if you're working in a classroom or online. It's where you can take notes on be reading cards or activities in there on. That's used to kind of keep people engaged and enhance the learning experience off individuals who are on the course. You'll also receive a getting started pack on that contains everything that you need to get your training off the ground within your organization on. You'll also receive those evidence forms so eventually they will be used by land ends you have delivered to the training on. That's what we use to check. Um, like I just mentioned on that gets sent over to us, and we then mark flu all of those. So the talk. It's which we have. So far, we've developed talk. It's for a variety of different sectors on that includes local authorities, universities and colleges or two motive social housing museums and, of course, healthcare. So how is that delivered s? Oh, it is a one day course that could be split into separate sessions on about 7 to 8 hours worth of training, but it can be split into short of session on. The training can be delivered either face to face or virtually we recommend a maximum of around 20 learners procession for each individual trainer. Largest sessions are possible, but we recommend that for a larger session you have more facilitators and what trainers on hand to support with that. So the materials are in in mind to be delivered resume or Microsoft teams one that can be really easily transferred face to face. So they're designed to be delivered peer to peer eso. The best training which we see is delivered in house. And then what we're also finding is that a lot of healthcare organizations are seeking trainer delivery externally s. So we do have providers who are trained Teo liver, the training as well So the idea is that trial in it, she training can cascade through an organization on. So, for example, we've had some really excellent trust get involved in our work. One trust in particular, hosted some open training sessions. They're director off the states and facilities went on that training ondas, a result of them going on that training just because they were interested in driven and found it really interesting. They then rolled combination training out to their entire estates and bacilli. He's department on. That trust is now operating with a completely carbon literate states of the city's department or 90 individuals that were trained across a period of around three months. So the idea is that the more people that you get trained, the more effective it becomes. It's not about training everybody in your whole trust, because we know that that's really not an achievable thing to do. It's about training the right people who have the right impact. For example, estates and facilities departments that are making a lot of decisions about estates and energy usage of building usage can then have a massive impact over the overall foot. Print off a trust that same organization is now going on to deliver on anesthetics and the attorneys base courses because they understand that there, that's where one of the cop in hot spots have been that trust allies. So actually identifying and targeting those areas can be really, really effective. So the materials are available for free to qualifying an HS organizations on. But we are on hand to support. In the roll out, there is a cost involved in a crediting the learners, which is an essential part of carbon itchy training on within the agreement to acquire the materials for the abdomen process that comes with certifying your learner's on That's 10 lbs per head. Eso that admin processes When you collect the evidence off and you send it through to us, we then get that individually checked by a certification team. So all 32,000 and something Landers who have been accredited a scar been itcher have been checked by our team. Our past Ray is fairly high on. We're not super strict on things on, but we do just like to make sure the individuals are making effective action pledges is a result of their training. So yeah, it's 10 lbs per head. Like I said, it's not about getting everybody across the whole trust trained. It's about getting the key individuals trained. So you might be thinking, Why does the chest mean carbon literacy? Eso most of you hopefully saying is you're on economics conference Might recognize this delivering a net zero National Health Service document s Oh, I know it's not going very well, having developed these materials on the work of sector professionals who you know, are very in the know of sustainability. Um, so I'm not going to bore you with the details, but I'm just gonna raise some of the key points from this report s O in one of the sections. There's details that up skilled workforce will be needed to drive an implement the interventions outlined in this report. They'll need to be supported to learn, innovate on in bed sustainable development into everyday actions within the house of us. On it also notes the importance of engaging with staff on the need to increase the carbon literacy. Now that use of carbon it's easy isn't directly referring to us. Unfortunately, it would be fabulous if it waas but you know, the whole report is focusing around that upscaling the workforce engaging with staff come. We expect any chest staff to drive this next zero approach and drive these next zero goals without understanding why they need to be doing that. So, you know, carbon actually, really. Actors a tool to bridge the gap between the policy on the staff engagement and the action, which we need to see. So what's available for an HS? Um, so we have a cerebral framework course. So essentially, what we realized that we started looking at NHS on healthcare training is that it was compared to with in it with other sectors where we have one course or a few courses for one audience. We realize that across this audience, we have lots of different audiences within it. So we've come up with a framework approach on, so there's customizable content throughout the talker on. But this is slightly more than what we see in other sexual tool kits. Eso you can see a generic term side deck on which trainers customized to that work in groups. So, for example, I'll show you a little bit what that content looks like in a moment. But around 70% of the course is suitable for will NHS employees on then around 20% 25% sorry off. That course is made specific to the working road, depending on the department or the organization or the individuals it's being delivered to. So, for example, that 75% is suitable for everyone. But the 25% might be made more specific to individuals in the states and facilities nurses, you know, people working with Children or people working in procurement. So essentially what you could do is use this one course, but alter and change it and develop it in order to make it suitable. So we have that terrible framework course, which is our generic stuff. Course on. We've also got on. I'll tell you a little bit more details about in a moment. We're just about to launch our leadership course now that course is likely different in terms of it's still very customizable on, but it's not so adaptable in terms of the department or working group. Now that's based in the idea that leadership really need to have a good understanding of what's happening across different departments on so therefore it takes more of a strategic approach to deliver in common interest. So I'll talk about that and show you some people. It's from that in a moment, but we also have an ambulance took it as well, which is available for ambulance services to. So these are just some off the key partners that we have on that we have worked with. You have support at this process. Try out this process, trained, done training on provided case studies, all of those kind of things so massive, thanks to one of these organizations, because we really wouldn't be where we where we are today if we haven't had a partnership from these guys. So like I said, the course is free to access for internal NHS organizations. So some charges do apply for that for external contractors or sustainability consultants who delivers services internally, too. And it just But that's decided on an individual basis, based on a quite a few different things that need to take place. Eso do you get in contact? If you are from unorganised a shin like that, essentially, you have to pledge to work based action pledges that's gonna cost 10 lbs certification fee per learner. It could be delivered over distance or face to face. And essentially, that training package contains all the resource is which you need in order to deliver a day's worth of training. So let's have a little bit of a look at what we're talking actually looks like and what it contains on. So I spoke earlier about the customizable content on. So this is just one example of a slide, which can be customized and trainers or encouraged to go and put their own details in. So, for example, this one looks up. Climate change impacts in your local area. So here, if you were delivering, for example, were based here in Manchester, we would be looking at extreme weather events in our local area so the individuals really feel related to it. It's all good and well talking about, you know, big things that happening across the world. I'm actually in order to her to be affected by by the impact of climate change week. We need to fill it in our area. That's just one of the ways which side's get customers and you'll see these blue slides pop out throughout the news. The few next slides. They can see a little bit more about the customization of that. So in terms of what gets covered, module wanna goes over climate science. Now, if you're thinking, How can I possibly deliver climate science to people? I'm not trained in climate science or don't know that the end zone outs of it? Don't worry on We use a fabulous documentary, which is the David Attleboro Climate Change fax documentary, which essentially does this for you and Solanas asked to watch that documentary. And then we have some interaction and discussions based around how that makes people feel, eh? So there's a few slides on which do you get covered here? So, for example, on there's an activity which looks at which sources relate to which greenhouse gases eso the training is very engaging and interactive. So there's lots of break out rooms, games, activities, so that's just one of the activities. You also got the emission trajectories here, So looking at you know where we are in terms of his historically, also where policy is going to lead us on where we're projected to go on. But this part is to our future slides. This is all as a result of the latest IPC see report. So you can see some of the impacts on that slide at the second module, which details all about climate impacts and healthcare specifically. So how how is climate is gonna impact on our health care systems and on our health? So how does this impact on our work on how how will we vulnerable to climate change, what groups? A more more vulnerable to than others. So, for example, you know, marginalized groups is sick, the homeless, elderly in infants And then we've got another blue slide example there, which looks at local airport Lucian levels in your area so you can actually put in your postcode. They're on, get a score, which tells you you know how bad the air pollution is in your postcode. So, for example, if you're a trust which has a main hospital site, you can put the main hospital site into that area and so that your staff can actually see How bad is it on my doorstep? What? My breathing in every day? This part also covers covert 19 and climate changes. Well, so you know the impacts of climate change on pandemics And you know what that means on what we're going to see More as a result of that, which, obviously is is a massive, important topic. Model three goes over climate action as a health intervention. So essentially, this is when things start to become a little bit more positive. So we've had the, you know, the really depressive stuff in the beginning of the day. And then throughout the afternoon, we start looking at or within your next action, you start looking at the more positive impact. We often described training as a bit of a rollercoaster. Eso, you know, starts really bad, and people are feeling really low. And then we start to lift people up on, you know, empower people and turn that fear into empowerment to take action on. So, for example, we have a code benefits activity, so that looks into what are the benefits off reducing emissions both, you know, as an economic as a social on, but also environmentally as an organization, you know what we're going to see? So, for example, this game looks at a different climate, interventions that we can take in order to reduce emissions on how that's better for airport itty cardiovascular health, mental health, community, health on also, you know, just generally increasing the NHS's capacity so you can see all the kind of benefits of reducing emissions there, which can have on our health, on finance, nature and community as well. So that's the start of the more positive part of the training. We also in Module four look at policy. So that goes from an international level right through to a national level on organizational level was, well, so the HS is a whole, but also, you know, your organization well, so it looks at any chest policy in terms of emissions. Under our direct and indirect control, it looks at the Imitrex is trajectory. So identifying the areas which need to make a change on also organizational policy. So, you know, what is your organization stating that they need to do on, You know, every organization has that, and that's okay. That's a good place to identify if those gaps are missing as well. We also look at breaking down the carbon footprints as well. Um, so you can see the different levels of carbon footprint there from an NHS level. We also look at the organizations on the trust, his footprint on the breakdown of that definitely especially for like, I CS is or different levels that way. We also look at personal carbon footprint as well. There's not a massive focus on personal, just based on it being an organizational approach. Therefore, we need to be looking at what we need to do a cross the organization as a whole. But it does focus a little bit on that passed now. March of six is where things become a little bit more customizable s. So this is looking at essentially the case studies how climate action is occurring in healthcare system. So where is that being seen In what department, you know, how can you relate to those departments specific climb actions? Eso The examples convene more varied if the group is mixed with receiving the training or it could be more specific. So this one looks at this specific trust on how they reduce discharge times. We also have activities which look at imagining what a zero carbon health care sector might look like on that. This is kind of your main customizable content here. March of seven is all about action planning on talking about climate change s so it's about communication, climate change, looking at last visit, influence develop in action plans, those kind of things. So this is where the training is drawn to a close on. So, essentially, this is the part where you put everything that you've learned into evidence, forms and action pledgers and roll things out like that. So I'm just going to quickly cover the leadership deck because the leadership deck is very similar to lead in Eric Jack Deck, but instead off module six, where the case studies are inserted, the the course follows much the same structure. However, instead of march or six, we've got more time for discussion. Action pledges on exploration of things like strategy. Approach is S O, for example, innovation in an HS green or an HS program work streams, engaging the workforce adaptation, things like that. And so this has been trialed on supported by green or NHS on. So we've been working very closely with them, um, in order to get the final materials which we have today on, we'll be launching this on the ninth of tune, so I'll put some more details on the slide deck of that later on. That definitely come along to our weapon are on the knife of June to find out a little bit more about the leadership talker. Because we'll be covering that in more detail. You know, women are. So now we've got all the materials and a good understanding. How can you get carbonate? She training rolling in your organization. So the first thing to do is you can send a select individuals on a health specific open course s so we have some links to are the events page on our website, which I'll show you how to access in a few sites time essentially, in order to get things rolling. You don't have to be a qualified trainer once you kind of have bean on training and understand how training works. You can acquire those materials and then deliver it yourself. So training has been designed to be delivered by anybody with a little bit of climate change, knowledge of environmental awareness on on understanding of the sector. So, like a set, you can find the courses for healthcare open events listed on our events page. Now, training providers externally do charge for places on those courses based on the time that it takes to deliver them. But once you kind of outsource that training once, you can then acquire those materials for free on roll out internally. On the only cost for that, then would be 10 lbs per head on all the cost. Details were going on an open training course, our body it out on the events page on our Web sites. Once you've attended to cause you could drop us and email again, I show you my email address in a moment on Meet with us with surface, um, guidance. We'll just walk you through the process of make sure you feel you understand what needs to be done and what's expected on upon course completion. There is a little bit admin involved, so you do need to collect at the evidence of the details. You need to send that over to ask for certificate checking on. We can walk you through that process when we meet, so it's actually once that's done, you can then request those materials on set up the pilot in your organization, so organizations tend to go with green groups, people who are really ready, Really engaged, interested in carbon literacy. So they're really good growth groups to start with in terms of, you know, getting training rolling. So get involved. So, like I said, we'll be having our leading and the zero and I chest event. Um so how to engage Your staff will be launching our leadership materials. I'm walking through those in a little bit more detail will be hearing for some trainers and from some learners who have bean on leadership training. So that would be a really great thing to get involved with. You can register using that link or again and find it on our vents page following that will also be hosting a train orientation as well. To keep an eye on our social is an events page for the details and the dates off that when that comes through. So come along, get involved so you can get all those details from the event part of our website. So that top banner you can click on the event page and that would take you through to our Patagonia Action Works page. There you can find all the available carbonate she courses. They are the courses across all of the sectors, not just healthcare. Some of our contact details are Here s so you can find us a healthcare carbonate she dot com I just Google carbonate see? And it would take you straight to our website on. Then you can navigate to the healthcare Pain should find out a little bit more about what we do. Thank you very much for having me here today. It's been a really enjoyable experience. Do this Livestream. I will be in person at the economics conference call and say hello. If you are present, we'll be doing workshops session on you. If you've got any more questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch were really keen toe, you know, get in touch with with enthusiastic healthcare professionals And you know, we really want to see this spread quite widely. So thank you for coming