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I'm sorry. I was just gonna ask if you just repeat that. I think you cut out for a bit. Okay. Sorry. So the way it's structure is it is give an introduction. Um, sort of what, You're going to talk about that, But no, The introduction has to be about the paper. Right. So you just in the introduction, literally. Just write three sentences where you summarize the paper, but don't summarize the whole thing. So I got critiqued on that in the sense of like that My introduction Red like a summary. But you wanna give a brief summary, uh, and sort of say why this paper is important? Yeah. So, for example, I said for the breast cancer screening, um, that's, you know, the A. I was statistically non inferior to the screening. Uh, so on. But this needs to be validated in trials. So So basically, just give us a quick summary of the paper, but like, not a it's a fine balance, but introduced the topic and sort of place the paper in in that context, but only three or four sentences because you really don't have a lot. Then give some clinical background about why metastasis is an issue or or how we believe it usually happens. Sort of or what? The standard model of metastasis was in the sense of, like, you've got, you know, epithelium using kind of transition, that sort of thing. And then I would talk about the role of Micro the Microbiota. So the studies, other studies that show the microbiota might be really important and that and then after that, and you've got to give primary literature in that right? So don't use reviews, give the limitations of, um, the limitations of that. So give the limitations of the different studies and then maybe talk about how they could be improved in the future, etcetera. And then give your conclusions. Does that make sense? What? Yeah, sorry. I think my wife keeps it because I'm out right now, so I'll be home by, like, eight times, But I think my wife keeps, like, losing. Sorry. Um, okay, so with the I think cut out when you're talking about the general structure, So you said to like, um, not somewhere is the whole thing. Just give a brief summary about it, Basically have a brief summary, but sort of Yeah. Introduce it. Basically. Say what you're going to talk about, but give a brief summary of the paper. Yeah, and it's it's the thing is, And you're going to realize this is like you've got Joanna and Robert and so on again, right this year. Yeah. Okay. So I can tell, you know, Joanna is really nice and so on, but she literally doesn't have a clue about cancer, right? So, yeah. So she she's got a critique. You on some some? Yeah, some pretty obvious things, but she's never going. If you, for example, argue something about the microbiome that isn't right, she's never going to notice it. Robert probably isn't either, because that's not his sort of area of expertise. Have you had any pictures from Robert yet? Yeah, we had, like, a self signaling one. Honestly, that was the funniest lecture I've ever had in my life. Like no one understood anything. And then he did a hoot at the end, you know? Yeah, but you probably would have had the same one, but so he knows his self signaling extremely well, but but not the rest. Uh, they're going to critique your urine and everything I was critiqued on is flow, Um, and writing in the style is it Do you have to write it like you're writing to the scientists or something like that? Yeah, I think it's like as if you're writing to, like, a journal. Exactly. So, for example, I did some where I wrote one times 1.3 times bigger like 1.3 X. Yeah, I got critiqued or not, but, you know, you wouldn't say that in a journal. Um, so the thing is Okay, wait. Let me let me have a look at what they said. Yeah, it was everything on float. There was nothing. Nothing, really, on the condoms. It was minor thing. So you want to mention trials, which I did, but one of the examiners thought I didn't, uh then they said section in Tulsa, introduction reads more like a summary, and yeah, you don't want to say 1.3 times more. Pretty sure that was Joanna. So you're going to get critic like that, Okay, But don't worry too much about it. And then the other thing you're going to realize is, you know, in cancer frontiers, they mark really nicely like most of you will get it first, Uh, if you put a bit of effort and you'll get a first, Honestly, don't worry about that. And this is only 4% which is nothing. So I really wouldn't stress out too much about it. Okay. Thank you so much. Um, yeah, it's all about flow, because what they're giving you microbiota, none of them have a clue. So I'm not saying right anything falls down, but if you have to prioritize between flow and making something sound nice and like getting extra references or something like that, Yeah, prioritize the flow. Okay. Thank you. Any other questions? Um, I don't have because basically, I just, like, looked at it today. So it's due on Friday, so I'm going to try and properly start it like tomorrow. Um, so I don't have any like questions as of right now, but is it okay if I could, like email you or something? If I have any questions, I'm sure I've got so I'm one of the mm tutors as well for three of you. So you can ask Adele, I think. Or a me. They've got my details. Okay, um, the other thing I really recommend you to do is use connected papers. Do you know this? Um do you mean like, papers that are, like, similar to the You know, it's a website. Oh, the website. Basically, you find the paper. So you're going to put what you're going to do is you put in the paper you were given by them, and it shows you the most relevant papers to the paper you were given and papers they cited and so on. And it's it's a bit like a mind map. So you see the other important papers in the field and these are probably the ones that you want to side. Uh, slash right about. Okay. It's something I only found now in my PhD, but that would have really helped, I think. Okay. Use a reference manager. That's the other thing. It took me a just to get my references back together at the end. Okay. Thank you so much. Pleasure. Bye. Bye.