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BRS Phase 1B Neurology Crashcourse- Cortical organisation, function and Motor Control



Dive deep into the foundations of neurology with this on-demand teaching session. Titled 'Cortical Organization, Function, and Motor Control', this course offers a closer look at the first three primary neurotopics. Encounter an in-depth exploration of Cortical Organization and Function, Motor control, and Neuromuscular Control and Reflexes. Due to unforeseen technical issues, the session, originally designed as a Powerpoint, is presented as a PDF. While this shift might provide an overwhelming amount of information at once, it offers an invaluable learning experience, and the original Powerpoint will be shared post-session for further independent study. Ideal for those who have recently attended the headache tutorial and lecture.

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9am - Headaches + anticonvulsant pharm + Cerebral vasculature

10am- Cortical organisation, function and Motor Control

11am- Cerebral Inflammation + dementia

12pm- Auditory, Vestibular and Visual Systems

Learning objectives

  1. To understand the main concepts of the cortical organization and its function in the nervous system.
  2. Acquire knowledge about the principles of motor control, including its physiological and anatomical aspects.
  3. Understand the mechanisms of neuromuscular control and its implications for reflex action.
  4. Analyses and interpret complex information related to neurology from slide presentations.
  5. Compare, contrast and review the key concepts discussed in the lectures for an enhanced understanding of neurology.
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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

All right, I think we'll make a start now. Welcome back to your second part of the phase one B neurology crash course with me today. We're going to be covering basically the first three major neurotop, right? So our title of this Cortical organization, function Motor Control is basically going over those first three lectures being the Cortical Organization and Function one, the Motor control lecture. And then as part of the motor control, there was like a second power point or neuromuscular control and reflexes and all that stuff. So we're gonna be going over with that as well. Alright. Uh just as a preface guys, this is meant to be a powerpoint, but it's now been turned into a PDF G, just some tech issues. So there are some slides which are quite overwhelming because I've got a lot of information, quite a lot of boxes on them. And I was on the assumption that through a powerpoint, we kind of get it, you know, with the transitions going, it would be easy for you guys to understand. Unfortunately, we can't do that right now. So you guys are going to get some slides with a lot of information thrown at you. Um We're going to send you guys over the actual powerpoint itself after the session. So, and those will have to transition. So if you guys want to actually go ahead and, you know, go through those after then those might be more useful for your understanding. All right. So I think we'll just make a stop. These are gonna be our Tylo's for this session. Um You can read them yourself, you can find them one in, send d under the lectures, et cetera. I'm not gonna spend too long going over those, but this is a rough overview of everything we're gonna be going over. All right. So, as I said, just the first three lectures with this topic as opposed to the headache tutorial and lecture, you guys just had that.