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Bristol Neurosurgery was founded in 1948, at Frenchay Hospital by the first female neurosurgeon in the world. This year marks the 75th anniversary for Bristol Neurosurgery.
This on-demand teaching session hosted by medical professionals from all over the world will discuss the history of Neurosurgery at Frenchay Hospital, led by Rick, a very influential figure in British Neurosurgery. Attendees will get the chance to hear more about the ethos of Frenchay Neurosurgery and learn how the department has persevered despite difficulties to flourish over the last 25 years. Attendees will also be able to network with registrars and sponsors, and they will be rewarded with food and drinks. Listen in and join the discussion to learn more about the important milestone that is the 75th anniversary of Frenchay Neurosurgery!
Learning objectives for this teaching session:
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And okay, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. So, it's um it's amazing to see so many very distinguished speakers from all corners of the world to join us here today. And uh it's certainly amazing to see um a very, very wonderful talk ending the conference day for the, for this very special historical, hopefully memorable event. Now, it's uh it's a massive brand French, a neurosurgery I wasn't trained here, but I mean, everybody talks about connecting the door. So when I was training, Rick is a very um influential figures in the British neurosurgery and still is. And I remember back in the days I was attending um teachings that Barrows under Professor Nick Theodore. And during my ens teaching, I was under um um professor uh Austin. Now, then the Oxford team actually made a lot of help for me to subsequently end up with a job here in Bristol. Have to be honest. Um And I'm very grateful that risk actually gave me an opportunity to um to start my career. And now I've been mentored by Rick over the last few years and it's been a very wonderful mentors for me. And in fact, I think it is probably the mastermind behind this event and we have to give him a big round of applause. Now, this is a picture that Nitin has taken. Um And I think this picture actually speaks a lot about the ethos of French, a neurosurgery and apparently I was never there, but this is a picture of the barracks, um, a very old wall at franchise and you can see that it's buttered is obstructed, it's covered, it's repaired. Um um ultimately still stands. So ultimately, I think it's a little metaphor as to how, as the department of neurosurgery here in friendship, despite all the obstructions and difficulties, somehow the department final ways to get through it and flourish and we hope that the next 25 years we'll be able to pass the baton onto the younger generations here. Some of our registrars are in the audience and I'm hoping that uh now you can go and have the champagne and the cancer pace and hopefully we move on to the dinner part later on and have a good evening. Thank you. There are, there are too many people to thank for, for, for this event to actually happen. So, actually, one of the most important, some of the most important people, our, our sponsors. So we managed to get quite a lot of help from them and it's all the long collaboration that the department has had with them over the years and we're very thankful that they're able to support us for this event and some of the sponsors hopefully around and hopefully we'll be able to continue the uh collaborative relationship moving forward. Um There are a lot of ladies here who help us for the event. It's more than planning for a wedding. I was told back in 2020 when we first look at this, uh actually started from a book that Knitting created and it was presented to David Sentiments during retirement. And we were looking at the book French neurosurgery started 1948. So then the idea came, oh, why don't we start a 75th anniversary uh celebration in 2023? So back then we thought, oh yeah, it's a good idea. You know, we should just pull everyone together and it's amazing. After three years, we see so many distinguished face is amazing people, all the influences and I've seen all the amazing work that people are doing all over the world. So we hope the legacy carries on. Thank you. So there will be kind of pay being served downstairs and uh enjoy your dinner. Listen.