This site is intended for healthcare professionals


This session is designed for medical professionals and offers an invaluable opportunity to learn from a specialist consultant neurosurgeon and a neurosurgical trainee. The focus of the session is emergency cranial and ventricular access, demonstrating DVD burr hole placement, drainage of a subdural hematoma and various types of craniotomy and craniectomy. The session will also include insight from a colleague from India who will share their experience delivering neurosurgical care in rural settings. Don't miss out on this global neurosurgery in VR day! Join the livestream now!

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University of Nairobi, Chiromo Campus, Nairobi, Kenya

1st November

Stabilisation of the Patient, Trauma and Emergency Surgery

Airway: Intubation, cricothyroidotomy, tracheostomy

Breathing: Chest drain

Circulation: Venous access / iv cut-down / intraosseous access

Repair of vascular injuries


2nd November

General Surgery/Abdominal Surgery Essentials

Diagnostic peritoneal lavage


Repair of ruptured bladder

Repair of diaphragm

Inguinal hernia repair (elective and emergency)

Nasogastric decompression

Reduction of sigmoid volvulus

Exploratory laparotomy

Appendicectomy and drainage appendiceal abscess (open approach)

Cholecystectomy and cholecystostomy (open approach)

Enterolysis, small bowel resection, colostomy

3rd November

Essential Orthopaedics, Burns, and Neurosurgery

Skeletal and skull traction


Cast application and removal

External fixation

Managing limb injuries

Tendon repair


Amputation (guillotine and definitive)

Primary and secondary wound closure

Contracture management

Escharotomy and skin grafts

Burr holes


Learning objectives

Learning Objectives for the Teaching Session:

  1. Demonstrate how to place a DVD burr hole, drainage of a subdural hematoma, and many craniotomy trauma craniotomy.

  2. Explain the differences between cranial and ventricular access.

  3. Compare neurosurgical care delivered in rural India and in other countries.

  4. Demonstrate how to perform craniectomy, if time allows.

  5. Describe the role of a consultant neurosurgeon, and explain how to provide successful neurosurgical care.

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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

everyone. Everyone, There's some I think. Good morning, everyone. Welcome to the global neurosurgery in VR day. Um, please do make sure that you click the link to join the live er stream will be starting the demonstration shortly. So the theme of today is emergency cranial and ventricular access. Um, we'll be going through the whole placement of a DVD burr hole, drainage of a subdural hematoma, many craniotomy trauma craniotomy. And then we might also move on to some craniectomy if we have time. Um, the faculty today is Mr Ryan Matthews, a consultant neurosurgeon in leads in the UK And my name is Paul Bolton. I'm a neurosurgical training also in leads, and we will be having a colleague from India joining us, hopefully at around 10 o'clock GMT to tell us about their experiences of delivering neurosurgical care in rural, uh, centers in India. So just give us a couple of seconds where we get started, but yet so please head over to live your stream now and hope you enjoy the morning