Winners & Close
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This medical teaching session is designed specifically for medical professionals. Those in attendance will be join a live discussion and vote for a winner of the 1500 lb oruk seed fund. During this session, three projects related to orthopedics will be presented and the winner of both the Best Abstract and the seed fund will be announced. The session provides a great learning opportunity and the chance to gain insight into current medical projects in orthopedics. Attendees can further participate in the November Congress in Edinburgh to receive their certificates of attendance.
Learning Objectives
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And um I think what we are going to be able to do now is we're going to be able to announce our winners for the best Abstract and announce the winner of our 1500 lb oruk seed fund. So if you give me two seconds, I'm going to make sure that I can show, you know that no one saw that it's fine. Um Firstly, thank you everyone for coming and attending today. I really appreciate that you've all given up your time and I hope that everyone's managed to learn something. So the moment you've all been waiting for a little bit of a drum roll, please. Our best abstracts today, we had three fantastic projects all very different in scope and in what they wanted to look at in orthopedics and it was a very close run competition. Um would be thrilled to announce the winner of our best Abstract this year is Miss Deepika Pinto with her virtual joint school prior to hip and knee arthroplasty using patient feedback and carbon footprint savings. So, congratulations MS Pinto. And I'm sure I'll be able to catch up with you after your own call as finished. I know that you weren't able to join us um to hear the result. Now, um, and the winner of our oruk 1500 lbs seed fund, we had three fantastic projects and we had really lively discussion from our three dragons earlier today to discuss who they thought deserves the funding and the opportunity to go forward with their project. We thought they were all brilliant, they all had their own merit, but there was one in particular that we thought was really achievable and we thought was going to be able to result in significant change to our patient's. So the winner of the Oruk seed fund this year is Lindsay Atkinson. When we're going, she's going to be assessing the impact of pediatric forearm manipulation with in the emergency department, the wider perspective. So congratulations to Lindsey and we will be in touch with you to be able to get all of this. Um uh You know, that is difficult and that no one can hear. But congratulations Lindsey. I'm sure that Oruk are going to be looking forward to working with you. Um So I think that I'm going to uh stop share in my screen because it's a little bit inception, seeing it over and over again. Um I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who's got involved. Huge. Thank you to all of the delegates who have attended today. Thank you for, for turning up. I want to say a huge thank you to all of our abstracts that been submitted, our presenters and our speaker's. Thank you to Mr A sopa who's been helping to chair today. Um Thank you to a rash from Oruk. Um Just a massive thank you for me. Thank you to Oliver for helping to arrange this with me today. Um It's been an absolute pleasure and thanks again to you fan for, for leading this, leading the charge is clear, so well done, well done. Fran Fran, well done and Ruth. Thank you, Ruth. Ruth. Thank you and Professor Eastwood and professor. Thank you. Yeah, so thank you all for coming. Please do sign up for a vote of Congress in November. Uh It's gonna be a great experience uh in Edinburgh, it's a face to face conference this year. Uh So we'd love love for you to join us. Uh Thank you. Thank you very much. Everyone, everyone afternoon, remember to fill out your feedback and then you'll get your certificates through attendance as well. Thank you very much, everyone.