BOTA Congress 2022 | BOTA Presidential Welcome | Oliver Adebayo
Don't miss this opportunity to attend the hybrid Botha Congress in Liverpool. The theme of this year's Congress is more green, more global, more diverse focusing on sustainability, work with work and culture and diversity. Attendees will have access to content from presenters from around the globe, as well as hybrid courses and workshops from industry partners, including Strike, Zimmer Biomet and Rosa Robot. There will be sessions for medical students, postgraduates, orthopedic surgeons and chief trainees focused on topics such as robotic versus navigated arthroplasty, equality, diversity and inclusion training, overseas work, lifestyle and burnout. There are also a number of fun social events like the boots pop quiz, charity gala dinner and after party. Don't forget to also vote in the new committee and take part in the three yearly census of orthopedic trainees for a chance to win one of six JCT fees.
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives:
- Understand how logging on to the medal platform is a necessary requirement in order to attend the conference and gain access to the hybrid content.
- Awareness of the different pre-conference courses and sessions which are being offered over the course of the Congress.
- Recognize the importance of engaging with the industry partners in order to gain access to the latest innovations and technologies.
- Knowledge of the various activities available for attendees: such as engaging with Twitter, taking part in Robotics Wars, attending educational sessions and participating in social events.
- Appreciation for the importance of taking part in the BOA Census as it is critical in order for orthopedic trainees to get their opinion heard and to be able to win a JCST fee prize.
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Hello, everyone. Hi. My name is Oliver added Bio, and I'm your current both presidente. Uh, I want to thank all of you for coming here today to be a part of the first face to face Botha Congress since 2019. Hopefully, we can get back to normal life. Um, do you have my slides? So, um, we're here in Liverpool. Uh, this is the 2022 Congress. The theme of this year's Congress is more green, more global, more diverse. Uh, particularly pertaining to sustainability. Uh, work with work and our work on culture and diversity over the course of this year. Um, this is our hashtag please, over the course of this conference, engage with our Twitter. Uh, there will be a prize for the attendee who who engages with Twitter the most and has the most Twitter impressions. Uh, so please do if you are Twitter or Twitter, rati or whatever they call them. Uh, please do engage. Uh, and you will get a prize at the end of the on Friday. We will announce at a GM you will be aware that we are in partnership with medal who are conference partners. We have a completely hybrid conference. In order to firstly attend the conference, you need to sign in. You have a QR code on the back of your on the back of your name tag. Uh, you need to make sure that you log onto the medal platform with the email address that you registered with. Once you do that, then you'll be able to interact with the conference. Throughout the whole three days. You'll be able to use the chat function. You be able to look at all the posters. You'll be able to look at the program and access some of the hybrid content as well. This is very important. If you don't do it, you will not get your refund. So so it's vital that you do it. Um, you also get your feedback form through there as well. If you don't do your feedback form, you will not get your refund so before before I get emails next week saying, Oh, I didn't get my refund or where's my refund coming? Make sure you sign in the medal. Make sure you do your feedback for and you will get your refund. I want to just give a shout out to our partners. That medal fill who's over in the back of the room. Please give him a round of applause. Um, they have been absolutely instrumental into making this happen this year. And they are a fantastic organization. We will hear a bit more. About what? Middle of doing for medical education globally. Um, and as a result of our conference being hybrid, we have over 100 attendees attending from home. And even better than that, we have, uh, attendees from across the globe being able to access the content. How many different countries feel? 20 low middle income countries are able to access this all our our content over the course of the congress. So we appreciative we are technically international. If you want to put that in your portfolio, you cts Okay. So yesterday we had our pre conference courses. Uh, we had to virtual conference courses, the innovation in orthopedics and our equality, diversity and inclusion training. Uh, and then we had three face to face. We we had our bombs, er, medical student course. We had the postgraduate orthopedics F R C s course that STC boot camp. Uh, they all went fantastically Well, I'm sure that many of you were attendees yesterday. Uh, and if you're not, please do look out for the next year. Uh, we'd like to see more of you attend our pre conference courses already highlighted. Please scan your QR code and log in with the email address that you have registered with and you will get your refund. It's important that also the program for today's for for the whole Congress is on medal, but it's also on our website. So, um w w w both of the or that UK slash Congress, and you can also download the pdf version of the program. So if you if you want something a bit more substantial on your phone next, I want to shout out our sponsors. Without this, you would not get a refund because they they have effectively sponsored our conference. Uh, and we have over 60,000 lbs of sponsorship as a result of it, Um um and effectively have a cost neutral congress. So can we give a round of applause for our our sponsors, please? Um, particularly to our colleagues at RCs Edinburgh, who will be giving us a talk a bit later. on, But, uh, they are diamond sponsors, and they've given us the most money. So we're truly appreciative for all that they've done. As a result, you have a sponsor card or an, uh, industry engagement card. Now, the way it's gonna work is that you have 10 stamps, which you need to collect. You can have a lot of fun chatting to industries. Collect your stamp. Uh, 10 out of 17. If you collect 10 out of 17, you get a prize. Well, don't actually get a prize. You get entered into a prize draw. Uh, and we'll be picking that prized on Friday and the winners of the prize draw. We'll get a nice prize from us. All right? So please do engage with the industry. Like I said, they have been instrumental in making this Congress happen and allowing us to be able to be cost neutral. And I'm sure most of you have picked up your sustainable cup part of our sustainability drive If you haven't, please do. There are limited numbers. So, uh, pick you up today? If you can. I mentioned that the program is on the website and it's also a medal. You can download a pdf version. Please do. There's a lot happening, okay, over the next three days. All right, um, I'm going to go do a few highlights later on. Today we have our robot wars session where we'll be having, uh, two prominent robotic arthroplasty surgeon talking about robotic versus navigated arthroplasty, followed by some fantastic industry workshops with a striker with their maker robot. And with Zimmer, Biomet and the Rosa uh, robot, uh, over in the Albert Sweet. Um, we have educational sessions from O t s and best over the next couple of days. Uh, please, uh, particularly F r. C s focus, but obviously content for all registrars. An orthopedic surgeons, we have our dragon's den uh, research proposal session. Uh, that'll be happening tomorrow that we have at the same time as our walk session, our world orthopedic concern. We'll be hearing from some of our colleagues who have been doing some fantastic overseas work. Uh, and then we have, uh, let's talk, Doctor. F. R. C s prep session will be having on Friday at the same time as, uh, as our junior session and our and prior to that, our lifestyle session how to avoid burnout. So there's going to be a lot happening over the next three days. It's gonna be busy. Uh, like I mentioned, we've also got a few highlights. So author Hub will be recording a podcast, uh, tomorrow live with us. So that should be a whole lot of fun with cash. Act on Pete Bates. Uh, we have a number of industry a workshop, so be born will be showcasing their author pilot over in Albert one. And they also have their virtual reality. Sweet. So please do interact with them. Apparently, there's there's some donuts and stuff in there as well. Some some extra goodies if you're interested, uh, as well as obviously will be Strike and Zimmer Biomet with their robots over the course of today. Um, and then we've got sessions from the pre Synthes and a, uh, trauma, which should be really good for those who are you who have a trauma focus. No, good Botha. Congress will be complete without some epic social events. Um, the first one being our boots. Pop quiz. If you haven't bought ticket tickets are available on our medal platform. It's going to be amazing. 16 quid for food and pop quiz, and the drinks are on us until they run out. But there's plenty of money behind the bar. So, um, so please do sign up. It's going to be great. That's tonight. Okay, um, over at, uh, Leaf Bowl Street seven. PM It's gonna be a great, great event, and then we may go out afterwards. Uh, and then the gala dinner, which is happening tomorrow evening. If you haven't got the ticket, there are some tickets left. Uh, it's going to be our charity gala dinner. We're gonna have an auction. Uh, there's a raffle, which we encourage you to buy tickets for a whole number of prizes. Uh, there's gonna be a band. Were pretty good. It's gonna be less booze. It's fun to be had. We're gonna be announcing our training of the year at the gala dinner. Uh, and so, um, it's gonna be a great evening. So if you haven't got tickets, please do I know some people will have plans. Otherwise, that's that's another problem. We will be going out afterwards. We will update you with the after party venue. And so you can all join us after that, um and and so, yeah, please do engage with at least one of our social events over the course of the next couple of days. If you didn't know are a GM is on Friday, and as part of our A GM will be voted in our new committee. And so, uh, if you haven't voted already, please do vote. Go to www. Our vote of the or the u K. Slash. A d m r new committee is waiting in the wings to take over and do even more than we've done this year. So But we need you guys this to to vote. This is the first year where we've opened up the boating to the entirety of our membership and being as per our Constitution, uh, to be a full boat member, you need to be an n t n holder in trauma and orthopedics and a b o a slash Botha member. Um, so if you are those things, please do vote if you are not, But you are still a voter member. As a junior member, you can still vote for our junior member rep. I can see a couple of them in the audience. Uh, so please do vote. And finally, today you should be receiving some emails into your inbox. Hopefully not to your span slash junk mail. Uh, but it is our boat. A census, which is our three yearly census of orthopedic trainees asking about some key topics with regards to burn out training. Um, and other issues. Ally to training this year will be having a focus on cost of living and also thinking about ionizing radiation at the work in the workplace. So, uh, it would be vital to get your opinion, uh, in order to guide how we represent you over the next couple of years, So please do take the time. It takes about 20 minutes. Uh, but it is vital, uh, that we are offering six prizes. Six j cst fees, uh, which will be paid to pay for your JC sci fi on the website. That's 260 lbs. That's not bad. Um, so that will be done in a prize draw. Um, and it's open until the 23rd of December. Finally, you're here now, but I'd like to see you next year. So we've already got our dates and our venue sorted for 2023. So put in a diary. Now, put the reminder in. We're going to Edinburgh next year, so hopefully see you there. Thank you very much. So, um, now I'd like to introduce the man who has made this all happen our education rep. Mr Adrian and Chronic, who has done an epic job in making this Congress arguably the biggest and best Congress we we've had in years. Thank you very much. Morning, everybody. I don't have any slides, so and I'll keep it short. So, Yes, I'm Adrian Andronico, and I'm the elective education representative. Um, I'm very excited to see you all here, and I'll just go over a few housekeeping notes before we get started. I'll emphasize again. Please use and interact on the medal chat. This way, the 100 virtual tickets can have the same experience as you guys here, and we will use that chat as our main forum throughout the Congress. Um, there is a fire drill plan for Friday lunchtime, but nothing else. Um, our volunteers for the Congress, medical students from all across, um, the UK are wearing both up polo shirts and they can help direct you find the cloakroom, There's a quiet room and any other queries. Um, I would also like to thank the Royal College of Edinburgh for the amazing support they have given us, um, to make this, uh, Congress happen, And, uh, without making it too long, I would like to introduce Claire Edwards, Harroun Raymond and James Tomlinson for the first session. That's it from me, guys. All right. I hope you have a great time. All right. Thank you.