The video is about the British Elbow and Shoulder Society (BESS) T-Survey. The speaker, Fiona Ashton, discusses the purpose of the BESS T-Survey, which is to collect data on shoulder and elbow surgeries in the UK. She presents the findings of the survey, including the types of surgeries performed, the complications and revision rates, and the patient-reported outcomes. The speaker also discusses the benefits of participating in the survey, such as the ability to compare individual surgeons and institutions with national and international benchmarks. She concludes by providing an overview of the current state of shoulder and elbow surgery in the UK and the potential for future research and developments.
BOTA Congress 2022 | BESS-T survey | Fiona Ashton
This session with Fiona Ashton is a great way for medical professionals to learn about BEST Trainee, a free membership for any trainees interested in children's elbow surgery. The session will provide educational support, career planning, and opportunities to get involved in research and audit. With a special emphasis on offering guidance for fellowships, Fiona will discuss new developments and activities with the membership and how to access available resources. All are encouraged to join for free and hear more!
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the structure and purpose of the BESS Trainee program
- Identify channels of communication used by BESS Trainee
- Understand the educational opportunities available for BESS trainees
- Identify ways to support career development and advance fellowship pathways
- Apply best practices for auditing and research within the medical specialty.
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Computer generated transcript
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Okay, everybody, um, welcome back. I hope you all had a very good lunch. Um, not too rushed as well. Uh, so this is the best, uh, session this afternoon. Some amazing talks from some amazing speakers, Uh, that you're gonna hear about, um I'm gonna start by first introducing Fiona Ashton, who'll be talking about bed. Uh, trainees. So obviously, best has been a great supporter of us for this Congress, especially if Adam Watts will be talking soon on this stage. Um, and you know, best does want to reach out and try to get as many of you that are interested in upper limb to, you know, to sign up to their kind of educational um, program. Um, there is the chat on medal. So just logging into the chat because we will be taking questions, and I'll be pretty much reading them from this iPad. So just write them down here. So I know what people are thinking. Um, that's pretty much it. There will be a coffee break. We're hoping kind of 3. 45 if we're keeping to time. Uh, so, uh, Fiona Ashton, Thank you very much. How about Hi. Thanks for the introduction. Um, so I've got some slides. It should be loaded up, I think. Yeah. Okay. So I'm here to talk to you about best trainee. Hopefully, some of you know about this already. Um, if you don't know, then hopefully you know a bit more about it and how to join in, if you are interested by the time I finished. Um, So, um, if you're actually I'm a trainee in the Northeast, Um, I'm also now on the best education committee to try and represent you as trainees. Um, and try and work on what we provide as a as a society that can help you with your learning with your career. Um, and any interest, Particularly things like research. Um, an audit. Um, So who are we? I think we all know about Bess. So? So, Especially that's interested in Children. Elbow surgery. Best trainee or bestie is a trainee branch of that. Um, and we're for anybody who is below can sort of grade essentially so undergraduate medical students, foundation court and higher specialty trainees trust grades, um, fellows and best society Also a very strong relationship with RHP. So particularly or extended scope physios or your practitioners. So anyone who's training along those lines is also welcome to join. Um, I said already, um, also functioning as a trainee representative. So working quite hard with the best, um, subscribers. How do you join if you haven't joined already? Um, it's very straightforward. You can go to that link directly, or if you go to the main best websites for easy to find through the links at the top. Um, important thing to stress if you join best as the parent, um, society, you do need to pay a small subscription membership, but for best, he you don't. It's free. Um, and you don't need much information either. Just your name and contact details. Really? So it's very straightforward to do, um, in terms of what we're planning to do, Um, we're relatively early stages, so we want to try and grow the membership and get as many of you to join, um, as possible. Um, and we want to try and provide you with the root of communication amongst trainees. Um, provide some educational support around Children, elbow surgery, help you with your career planning. So in terms of fellowships or how to develop your interest in Children elbow surgery, um, and also provide a route in terms of, um, getting involved in research and audit. That's a bit more specialty specific, But we're also open to suggestions. So if anyone has any other ideas, then let us know because we're keen to hear from you. Um, so we just finished circulating a survey around the people who already signed up to us in terms of what you would like and how we go about delivering that to you in the most effective way. Um, working out here. Exactly. We've got signed up as members. Um, and so in total at the minute, we've got just over 60 members relatively low response to the survey, despite some reminders. Um, so just over a third of you have replied 58% are surgical trainees and fairly even split between junior and senior trainees. Um, and then about 40% of h p trainees, uh, and then in terms of where you will come from, there are some areas that are not represented at all. East of England and Northwest have done best in terms of responses to the survey. But, um, clearly we're very happy to hear from any of you that want to get involved. Um, just out kind of emphasize the fact you don't need to be a best member is such Then you 25% of people that responded had concurrent membership with a parent society. So in terms of communication, wanted to know how. Um, it's best to communicate with you social media, through mobiles and text messages or by email, uh, and overwhelmingly, or would prefer emails in particular, like a regular updating newsletter with what we're doing and how you can get involved. So that will be our main form of communication. So one more reason to sign up and give us your email address so that we can get in touch with you. Um, looking at our educational activities. We've looked around at the other subspecialty societies and their training offerings, which, broadly speaking, split split down into these activities. And there's a priority. You'll seem most interested in kind of online journal club type activity. So we'll bring that to the Education Committee and see if we can look to get that set up for you in terms of career planning. Um, so in terms of how you work out your fellowship plans, what financial support there is available for that and whether there's any interesting kind of a mentorship scheme, because that can be really helpful in the latter stages of your training. Uh, and I think all of this is quite you're quite keen for most of these things, but fellowship guidance in particular, has come out with something that people are looking for a bit more work on. So we'll try and make that available on the website for everyone. Um, as soon as we can, Um, and in terms of research and order activity, um, so working on maybe having a network to get people involved in the sub specialty areas a bit a bit quicker, Um, but also pathways into research and opportunities that maybe not available in your immediate area geographically, um, but are available in the other areas. So I think that's an area that people are most keen to hear from. And again, we can use the newsletter to try and update your with things that are coming up that you can apply for. Um, so, in summary, if you're at all interested, um, sign up. We'd love to hear from you. Um, most of our, um, contact will be through email. Um, we'll try and develop the training area of the website so you can access resources, but more easily, um, and development. More online, Active online offering from an educational standpoint, uh, any questions or any immediate comments? Otherwise, sign up. You have to hear from me.