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Bones of the Pelvis


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it will be focusing on the bones off the pelvis and talk about the structure of the pelvic girdle. Talk through the anatomy of the pelvic inlet and outlook ligaments of the pelvis, including the formation of the greater unless a sciatic foramen explain the sexual differences in the pelvic Scalito anatomy and finally talk a little bit about the palpable anatomical landmarks of the pelvis. Before we begin, we would really appreciate it. You could do the pre and post session feedback for which include practice questions for you. We've also produced a screen good for you to use to access this exact complete anatomy screen so you can follow along on your own. Complete, uh, what's you watched the video, So we'll begin with structure off the pelvic girdle. It's formed off three bones. The alien, which is here, uh, the pubis, which is here. And you've got the issue, which is here. So, Theirry, um, is the largest and most recognizable part of the pelvis. It's like the top off wink articulates here with sacrum with ligaments that we'll talk about later on. In the video, the pubis is flattened on a rig on an irregular shaped bone. Um, Andi essentially articulates at pubic symphysis, which is a cardinal cartilaginous joint right about here. Um, the issue is located directly below the pubis, and it forms the bottom of the wing. Right. So now what about the pelvic inlet and outlook? The pelvic inlet demarcates the boundary between the greater or also known as the folks pelvis on the lesser or true, the false pelvis supports the intestines, specifically the sigmoid colon and the ileum, um, and doesn't really have any genital urinary function. And that's why it's the false pelvis. The truth. Pelvis, on the other hand, contains the pelvic colon, the rectum, the bladder and also some of the reproductive organs. So, um, just to remind you, pelvic in luck, the markets the boundary between the greater pelvis on the lesson. So the anatomical borders of the pelvic inlet are, uh, anterior border off the pubic symphysis. So that's here. If I give this type of you here. So here, anterior border off the pubic symphysis. The posterior border is the superior portion of the sacred. So just around here, um, on the lateral border is thie arcuate line on the inner surface of the ileum on the pectin, Your line on the superior pubic Ramus. So this continuation off the curve. So as you can see, it's this circle right around here. Now, the pelvic outlet is the end is at the end of the less of hubris on it is the beginning of the pelvic ultrasound. Really? Um, on it doesn't have you here. And I'll just take you through the anatomical borders off the pelvic outlet. So the anterior border is the pubic arch, which is this area here. The posture borders the tip of the classics. So that's what you can see right here. The cost six on the lateral border is the issue, or tuberosity and the inferior margin of the sacred tuberous ligament on. This is another ligament that we'll talk about later on in the video. But that's this ligament here, uh, which is currently highlighted in green Ondas. You can see this also forms sort of spherical or circular shape. There are four men types of ligaments in the pelvis. So you've got the number. Um, which is here? Yeah, So it's the lumbar there. You've got the sacred iliac ligament which are here on You've got the sacred spinous and the sacred Cheap bruise. So sacred spinous ligaments left and right on Sacred, Cheaper again left one. Right. So the ileal lumbar ligament is the major ligament that runs from the pelvis to see sacrum. I'm the sacred iliac ligament consists of three different types. You've got the anterior interest, it's and posterior, and essentially they just form the joint capsule between the sacred and the pelvis. Um, okay, so now if we talk about the sacrospinalis so sacred spinous ligament is essentially a thin and triangular shape Bandas you can see on what it connects is the margins of the cost. Six, um, here on down the sacred to the spine of the issue. So that's why it's known as sacred spinal. So essentially it connects the the core six on the on the sacred to the spinous process. Healthy issue now sacred sake sacred. Tuberous, on the other hand, does a similar job, so it connects the sacrum and the cost six to the um to the issue of Tuberosity. And that's again why it's known as the sacred tumors. The's two ligaments help you create the greater sciatic for a minute on the lesson Sciatic Furman, the greatest attic firm and essentially provide passageway for structures to pass from the pelvis into the gluteal region. On the lesser provides a communication between the perineum on the gluteal regions. So essentially both provide your vasculature for the pelvic region, but two different parts. Okay, so now we'll talk a little bit about the differences in the pelvic Scalito. An empty anatomy off the different genders. So But this is, ah, male pelvis. And as you can see, it's quite narrow in that it's narrow on compact. Now, if we have a look at the female pelvis on, get rid of all these ligaments. If we look at just the bone structure, we can see that it's a lot rounder more oval. Um, And then if we go back to the mail, um, you can see that this is less round. Okay, so that's the top. That would be the pelvic inlet. If we look to the pelvic outlet, we can see that, um, the mail pelvis is more heart shaped right there. So that's the perfect angle. You can see that the male pelvis is shaped like a heart. If you look at it from, uh, from the pelvic outlet. Whereas the female is a lot more round more oval shape. Um, also of the key differences. The greater sciatic notch is wider. And females this again helps, Um, have a more oval, um, pelvic out, um, in males, the issue of spine and the tuberosity ease. Uh, heavier. Um, on essentially all these differences. They helped, too. Uh, they've basically evolved females to have the maximum width off their pelvis for child birth. What's still being able, Teo? Walk on 2 ft. Whereas for men, childbirth is obviously not a problem hand. They're just optimized for by Peter or locomotion. Okay, so for the final part would talk a little bit about the land marks that you can find So you can do this even. What's listening to this video? Uh, on yourself. So you've got the iliac crest, which he confined by placing the size of your four fingers in the fleshy part of your waist at the level off the bill. It on If you move inferior Lee on the first hard lumps that you find are the iliac crest. This level is L3 L4 lumbar vertebrae. If you move in fear leaf from the iliac crest on the most lateral part of the hip. The first hard lump that you feel is the greater trochanter, the femur, and you can check this by rotating your leg, and you should be able to feel that rotating this well in the supine position. If you go from the anterior midline of the five, you move superior. The first lump your wife you'll be feeling is the ASIS on the pieces is marked on the posterior side, often as dimples uncertainty.