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BOA & BOTA Culture & Diversity Day | Close | Deborah Eastwood & Kate Atkinson



Medical professionals are invited to attend a special on-demand teaching session that highlights knowledge and attitudes of doctors towards telemedicine, gender diversity of surgeons on the National Joint Register, and the importance of taking a patient history and listening. Professor Eastwood will announce two winners of post submissions and reward a highly commended and winner.


🌈 BOA & BOTA Culture & Diversity Day 🌈


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Catch Up:

Sustainability in Orthopaedics - https://share.medall.org/events/bota-oruk-sustainability-in-orthopaedic-surgery-conference-2023

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the importance of taking a patient history and listening to what they are being told.
  2. Analyze the gender diversity of surgeons on the National Joint Register. 3.Explore cultural diversity champions and how to promote respectful medical practices. 4.Describe the knowledge and attitudes of doctors towards telemedicine. 5.Develop sustainability principles when organizing medical events.
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Computer generated transcript

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Thank you so much to Kate for organizing. I think we should give her another big congratulations. Yeah. Um So I just want to say thank you to all the speakers again today for your fantastic talks. Um I think they've all been amazing, but obviously I'm very biased because I chose you all. Um Thank you to the P SYN for sponsoring the day and thank you again to medal for making this accessible for everyone. Um Just to wrap up the day in a second, Professor Eastwood will announce the winner of the post submissions that we had, but just a little bit of housekeeping in the interest of sustainability. We are going to reuse the lanyards so please drop them off at the registration desk on your way out. For those of you in London. We do have a reservation at all bar one just the other side of the square. You are all welcome to come for a little beverage, soft drinks, anything. Um Those of you online. Thank you again for attending. And I am just amazed that we have managed to get people from all around the world attending this, but I will hand you over to Professor Eastwood just to wrap up. We can't go drinking before five o'clock. So I'll just have to take that. I have to take 6, uh 60 seconds. Uh I am gonna, because we don't want to be late either. So I am just going to say, uh thank you once again to, to Kate, particularly to all the B A and voter cultural diversity champions. Despite all the difficult things we have heard, we are getting better and we are in a good uh less, good, less bad place than we were. And I think it's good to remember that because then it gives us that positivity to, to keep on going and listening to all these talks today has reminded me the importance of taking a history and listening to what you are being told. And I am sure that we all recognize a little bit of each of those stories as being relevant to ourselves or relevant to a colleague or to a patient we have seen. So thank you very much to all our speakers for reminding us of what they uh the variety and the diversity of our colleagues and our patients are. But on to the nitty gritty. Uh of course, I never do things the way I am supposed to do. So I am awarding two prizes. So the also ran or the highly commended goes to Abdullahi Habib Ring for his uh paper. I'm assuming it's him on knowledge and attitudes of doctors towards telemedicine in Kano. And that comes from Nigeria so very well done to that team there. And then the winner is Laura Casey et al, which includes Caroline is gone as well. Laura Casey at who are looking at gender diversity of surgeons on the National Joint Register, which was a little shocking to see. So therefore, it's so low the gender diversity there that can only go up and we will remember that 19% of consultant appointments last year went to women. So we are changing and they will be arthroplasty surgeons in that group. So finally, thanks again to Kate, to Karen, to all of the culture and diversity champions. Thank you so much. Oh, and the people on the back row as well. A lot of you. Yeah. Good.