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I uh I founded the organization. I'm now president of the organization and we have got a big committee. And um yeah, we've done a lot of hard work behind the scenes. There's been a lot of admin, but we are finally here for our first online webinar. So it brings me great pleasure to introduce our guest for the evening, Dr Mano. Sure. Uh so doctor Sure, I'm sure he'll tell you in um the coming moments. But he is a cardiologist and clinical lecturer, lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine of Imperial College School of Medicine. Uh He trained in Bangladesh at Solomon Medical School and then came here um on a wh O scholarship um having trained in London and Oxford and some other universities. He has, he is now um an excellent clinical skills tutor. He's received clinical teaching awards in uh in 2018 and also an outstanding teaching award in 2021 by the Imperial College Students Union. So he's a multi award winning um clinical clinical Skills and he has a lot of knowledge to share, especially if you're interested in the fields of interventional cardiology, you know, diagnostic cardiology or even cardiothoracic surgery. So with no further do, can I just pass it over to doctor? Uh Thank you very much. Uh the committee and the society and it, I'm so privileged. I'm the fastest speaker of the newly formed party and the society. I'm so so excited when you're one of your committee and my student there from Imperial Aksam has invited Dr She do you have some time to share your experience, your, your journey to the society, British Bengali at the Medical Association. And this is I would say some days are highlight of the week. Some are highlight of the month and some are highlights of the year. I would say this is my high left on my entire life here in the UK because I have been supporting different society as my role at Imperial. But this is the first time I can see that the body and society has formed with my heritage or your heritage is first of my congratulations to all of you who have formed this society. And that's a new start of British medical journey. I'm sure like people of Bangladeshi or regime still we hear we are less privileged. I think this society will foster to our highly privileged society in the UK and, and a lot of responsibility to this society. Actually, you need to do a lot of work. So let us start my journey. How to I was thinking how to start my journey. This is very you know, everybody has got, everybody had different story. Everybody had got a different journey too. And if I only talk about myself, my journey, my history and I find how it going to benefit you. I was thinking something that how it could actually create impact on your future carrier as a doctor, whether you become a cardiologist or nephrologist or a surgeon, doesn't matter which is specialty, you build up your carrier in the future. My, you know, I was born in Bangladesh until I and and you understand the country itself is still a lot of challenges. We need to accept that. But I think probably many of you who are born or at least brought up here in the country. So you normally don't do not see that kind of problems. The people in the Children in Bangladesh come across and they see that. And when I was thinking to study medicine and not in the primary school, my dream started in secondary school, but my dream, my dream shattered. And you know, once you see some positive impact, then we got to see, well, this is this carrier to be very rewarding carrier or it can create impact on people's lives. But and when I was in secondary school, I saw my mom had cancer, she had tongue cancer. And you understand somebody like in a secondary school kid seeing that and what I saw, I saw her suffering for this on that time. Actually, medicine was not that advanced at the moment. It's still her cancer case. Not still that great. So, unfortunately, so, and my interest, my interest for starting medicine is actually, you know, it, it, it was there. But I saw, I don't think doctor can cure patient. Doctor can keep somebody hope that doctors can give somebody life. So, but, but one thing, my mom always used to say, uh you need to know because uh if you study medicine, maybe I'm struggling but you can kill many people. So I thought, well, it's the balance. My mom said something I need to do that. So, and as a doctor for any kind of doctor and uh one of the things you know, we all need to when you studying medicine, we all need to be organized. I still remember when I was a child when I wake up from sleep. If I do not make my bed, my mom said you will not get breakfast. Ok. So, so see the organization actually my first uh if if you see that my first teacher uh as like II would say becoming future doctor. Hm is my mom. Ok? And also the great quality, sorry, the great quality people should have a doctor should have empathy, kindness is actually inherited from my mom. So and I II would say if she studied medicine, I think probably she could be one of the greatest doctor in the world because of her empathy organization skills and and kindness. So I became a little bit emotional. Yeah. So you understand then and so my dad used to encourage me, you need to because your mom, your mom like like myself, many of the Asian parents wanted one of their Children to study medicine. So what I decided we are like we are eight siblings and my dad said, so one of you become a doctor. So then I thought, OK, let's try. And I have been working very hard, really like in the GCSE level. And there is I studied in not English media by the medium. So II spend my time there and getting into like in total the area I applied to get into medical school in total 12,760 students. And and so only 200 seat. Luckily I qualified, I got a place my national marriage was 173. So there are in Dhaka during that time, there are two medical, we call it medical college there. But here is a medical school and I got a place in S Salama Medical College. This is how my journey started as a as a medical student. Like I saw some here, two medical student here the day I got a place in the medical school. I think probably that was the, I believe that was the happiest moment of my dad and that's one of his Children. He is going into medical school. From my paternal son. I'm actually the first one to get, get a place to study medicine and become a doctor. So at this moment, I will never ever, ever forget that. This is, you cannot imagine that, that actually my drive. So my dad when I got a place in medical school, so my dad has, has got, he was, he was a policeman, he was working in the civil service and he's a policeman. So he was a very responsible role to play in the National League. So he, he I have taught me so many important things and and I saw this as a policeman, he asked, he's a very curative mind, always curious of things. Like also he talked to the detective Bran. So he told me when you are a doctor, you need to be a curious mind only then you can actually diagnose the problem. So my next next lesson came from my dad. Then he said you need to be like a good communicator. If you're a doctor that also I learned from my dad, then you need to be collaborative, ok? You need to be consistent and you need to be confident. If you can blend all this together, then you could be a a good, you can develop a good leadership skills. Obviously, in health care setting, the leadership is the key skills in health care. At the moment, I have actually my time at Imperial College, London and Empirical College and I just trust I have been, I have been teaching training laws of doctors, medical students. Over the time, I would say around 5000 medical students have started the imperial in undergrad program. Around 3000 trainee doctors have trained them in their work at the college health care. And the trainees include foundation and trainees to specialist trainees. What all level of training and medical students have actually trained. I think I probably one of your member Akon and also help them to build how to develop the leadership skill and apply closed loop communication. I think probably Axon can also remember that and because you know, whatever you learn, if you think something is workable for everyone, it's because health care is always a challenging fail to work because it is people from diverse background are multi disc. So we got to really work hard. And so Akan and also I think probably he'll be doing some research on closed loop communication. So now my journey as a doctor. So and when I was first year medical student and unfortunately, my father died from a heart attack. Ok. So and during that time, I thought, you know, I was thinking, whether should I start medicine? Your doctor don't give the solution. And but my, so what I can remember that my father always had like when my mother passed away, he had two heart attack. So I thought, well, this might be a good specialty. This might be a good specialty explore. So I studied with, with my medical school. I'm trying to like, you know, Bangladesh, a lot of challenges but always consistent about the things. Whenever I do, I need to pass all the exam on time, which eventually I did, then, then II just, you know, when I qualified I joined in the because we're getting the government job. But initially, it's very difficult. There is no advertisement, there is no job vacancies. It's like not like here in the UK. Once you pass from a medical school, you directly joined in the NHS until this point really in the system is not like that. So what happened? So I started working in, I did my whole job and what we call the internship, then I joined in and then uh then I started working in cardiology. So this is my and then I thought my dad always used to tell. So you have qualified from you when II got a place in medical school, my dad, some, you need to explore the country in the UK. And it was his dream to think about coming to the UK. So I was exploring. So I came along into UK to doing some one training. Then after a few months, then I qualified in the government system to get a holding a government role as a junior doctor. So I returned, I returned to Bangladesh. And second, I will start working there, but it's still my mind and my dreams to the country in the UK. So and, and I was actually trying to, I was just trying to export things how I can get into the Uk's British system. Because the medicine book we have studied, we followed all the British books, not the American books. OK. The books you read, I also studied the same book and maybe in our classroom lectures was mostly done by Bangla and a couple of professors. But our book all have to, we have to read the English. So I think that that is also our, I would say that's foundation, that's foundation for. OK. So and so that's, and so I my dream live started. I said I need to get into the UK but I know I do not have any here in the UK. So I know UK is a very, very expensive country. I cannot, you know, I am from a very middle class family. How could I afford it? Like paying like six month or a year rent is too much challenging for me. So how could I explore that? But you know, if you ever think to, well, I want to get that. You planned, you try to different kind of approach, try to set up different strategy. I have applied to Imperial and National Heart Now Institute. And I read about that in Hammersmith and there are a lot of good cardiology training. There are a couple of consultants from here in Hammersmith, they went to Dhaka and delivered talk. I said, wow, the cardiology of medicine, they know why can't we not been told by the same kind of people there in Bangladesh? So my interest actually developed there. But when I applied for getting 20 it's so expensive. I cannot afford that. And I, you know, one, I don't know whether it is a good or bad thing. I dream high. All I have been dreaming high. So I have started. So I have to pass an English test. So I think probably probably you have heard that Ils is also somebody's first language in Bangla. So for them, it is a difficult I got through that test and then I applied to your Imperial Imperial said that we can only an Imperial and National Heart and Lung Institute contacting me. We can offer only your training in cardiology at Thomas Smith. If you have got uh financially, you are sound because that's a very intense program which makes sense. You do not have time to do anything else during the whole time. So I was explaining how to explode that do you know? And I have been, I've been trying writing different bodies or it comes to something coming from supporting any scholarship, Bangladesh. You don't get good news, but I never gave up. I've had five different bodies. Finally, my day came and have interviewed me and they have seen, I have National Heart and Lungs Institute in the Imperial College has accepted me and they have interviewed me. So ok, if you can arrange fund or probably we can arrange something for you. That's my journey in the UK has started my first day when I arrived in the UK in the airport treatment was very bad. You know, people from somebody like developed income country who in the port and they treat you so bad and we are not bad people. We are actually we are treating and Bangladesh itself. We are proud Bangladesh is actually contributing so much things for the whole world for making water a better place for living. And then I found my first week I had got like panic attack. You might laugh. Do you know why I'm feeling I'm having a panic attack the past uh uh morning. Wow, they are so advanced giving me consultant. Give me ECG I was very, you know, I cannot think about that. Was that ECG on the medical student, the undergrad medical student? I cannot, I cannot answer that, that the consultant was instead of being negative and he has offered me a month. Do you have some time? I need to actually, I want to spend 10 to 15 minutes time with you. I want to give you advice. So, you know, and I was very honest with him, I think one thing I have learned my entire life if I do not know something, if I'm being honest you know, I didn't get the opportunity to learn that better medicine. I was open to open to the consultant. And this is because I was open to him and many of the consultant in different hospital, they all came forward. We got a very honest one who is willing to learn, we need to support them, we need to support him. Do you know, sometimes, you know, some of those high or kind of, you know, what people will think? I think there is no no harm in life if you're open, if you're honest, I don't know that. And you will find there are at least some good people, some honest people or some people who can create impacts on other lives and it will come forward here. So so far my journey, if I, what I told already so far my journey and what I see Bangladesh is feeding my, feeding my heart and Britain has started feeding my brain. I can see I started becoming a different person. Now, I can think, you know, I can, I can think very intelligently what I, what I saw that when I saw that and this is this is not, not, not easy country. You can get through everything very easily. You need to work very hard. Then my training and it was amazing training in Hammers me and Royal Brompton and C West. And that was amazing. So that's why I would say my foundation in cardiology. You cannot, you cannot learn how, how good all these hospital I mentioned and how that's good if you want to be a cardiologist in future, probably, excuse you probably these are the one of the best hospital. You've got to find so many, so many lovely people, so many lovely people willing to offer you help. That's how I built my cardiology, my foundation and later on I got to trained in the heart hospital. Then I then I got to absorb in the Imperial and absorb in the Imperial Trust and the Imperial College in London. Then over time, II did training in was that called Exeter College. I attended a training, I also got some, there's a competition from the junior cardiology trainees. I've also got an award there. I was actually very surprised person who was well first was very nervous. I was, I was thinking to leave this country. No, this is not my peace of care. It's too advanced for me. But you know, because that's something I have learned from my dad, my dad taught me, you need to be consistent if you want to get something. So and in 2014, you know, I've been working in the field of cardiology. And then 2014, I got an offer from Imperial medical school. I was interviewed, that is very, very interesting day. On that day, there was tube strike and train and tube and underground strike. So and I was half an hour half an hour late for the interview. But, and I'm luckily, you know, I've been selected and offered a major job and my first thing, you know, and during that time, there is a kind of direct entry to, to coming to Imperial like Oxford and Oxford and Cambridge there to there. After doing three years preclinic, they used to come to Imperial and then, and then they do clinical medicine here at Imperial or UCL or Parts. So, and I was taught by the Professor Neve Martin ne said she's a, she's an endocrinologist. She was my academic lady and she was telling you, I'm giving you a huge task. There is a 20 students starting from September. They are visit students. They are one of the top one person students in the country and, and you need to do some good, you know, uh good teaching to them. Do you know what happened? And my first, my first person and they have actually nominated me for teacher of the month and I was teacher of the month and, and I was actually asking them and I found, and I still remember then when I was teaching them an an and one of the students said I'm taught by Professor Bon her who has actually classified the anti arrhythmic drug when I mentioned it. And, and, and the A V node is the main function of delay or relay that in past, actually generate from the surrounding tissue. He he was struggling, he was very resistant to take my answer. So then he had to write to his professor and his professor explained then and then while you know that the function is to mainly delay or relay the impulse but the surrounding teacher gener impulse. And so this is a teaching clinically skilled cardiology over the years graduate grade. The shock came in 2018 when I have received an email from Mr Martin Laton, head of medical school and head of medical school when he wrote and congratulating mano who have been actually decided the panel has decided to awarded you clinical Teaching Excellence award. I can't, you know, it was beyond my dream. I can't think how is this possible or it's just, you know, something like hoax, I was double checking Mr Martin Lapin's email. I said, oh then, then I was actually on that. I was traveling to D and I got on our current medical school and head professor Sam, he phoned me manj. It's a good news for you. We have been actually selected you for a teaching excellence and so on. And, and I thought, you know, and while I was a bit shocked, surprised at the at the same time, I'm very excited, but the thing is, and, and actually my contribution coming for because of cardiology and clinical skills because sometimes if you go to the ward, if you see, sometimes people are not teaching even not much of attention to you. So and and another shock and and over the years. So I have, I got to actually I got to develop skills, teaching medical student, developing my skills on how to actually create impact a better learning environment for them. And so gradually, gradually what I did, I found that students struggled two exams, one is sy and another is called pa exam. So I think, I think probably imperial, those who go to Imperial medical school, those who got into contact with me or I taught them then Monju has developed something five step O OK. And I was probably you can probably you had osteo with the brill score, you know, one of the top score, I believe you will agree that how the di oss or, and you know, help you to score better marks in the OS as well as not only a good score in the U exam also at the same time, it helps you to become a very good doctor in the future. So and that, and actually in 2023 I have completed a book of the Five Stows Akon also contributed on that book in future in future. I have got dream with society. Those I'll be working on two more books in 2024. I'll be very happy to get you involved. If somebody has got academic interest, I'll be more than happy to take you on board and contribute something. And so, and, and 2021 and, and my contribution for medical school and Imperial Trust and also trainee doctors. I were actually actually received an award by Imperial Students Union. It's for the actually from the undergraduate. It was not only medicine award for the only the people in the medicine, the whole Imperial college, London is Business science, other ty computing engineering. And that was a shock news for me. I actually, and I still can't remember that. I still can. I still can't believe that. How could I they have and have given me such an honor. And finally in this year, in 2019 of January, an Imperial has called since the Emperor School of Medicine has formed and 25 years of jubilee silver jubilee in 1997 to 2022. So in this year, beginning of January, April is School of Medicine given honor to award in total 33 people. And few of them actually got this award after they passed to a memorial award. So I'm luckily I was, I'm one of the lucky person. I still can't believe that. I think, you know, I think sometimes I feel like I'm overrated. I don't know why did I get this? And, and, and actually on that day, if you, this is this moment, I'll never ever forget. And you know, professor, there are big, big profile Imperial, they all are there when they are doing the citation where they have given me award is actually most of the time with my contribution in cardiology and make a good cardiology doctor. And see. And so, and that also nomination came from cardiology. So and I don't do you know, I don't know how many people I have trained but I have got some good experience. One of them, she is F two now and I, when she was placed in cardiology. So I taught her how to lead lead in emergency. Her first night as af one training, she has started, started night, she has got three cardiac arrests. And she told me Dr Shear, I opened up my phone, I had, I was sitting patient and I was going by your notes. What you have taught us, you, you can, you know, she's now F two. So you can think how you are doing this, you cannot actually aide with anything of these kind of things. And she, you know, and what I would say, whatever you do and your time and our time was different and your time is different because at the moment, if you want to be a good doctor, you need to have a combine of three things. One is your medicine, knowledge and knowledge in coding and knowledge in science. Because if you're not a coder, like after having that many trainees degrees, training degrees. A what II recently found myself, I'm, I'm illiterate. Do you know why I cannot code? So for your time, if you do not know how to code. Then I would say you are ill literary doctor. Sorry, my you know being very, very harsh about the saying that because I see the deep machine learning. Yeah, actually taking our medicine in future during your time, if you do not know if I say if you fail a module but learn coding, I think it will work your future medical career because without coding your job, even if you not be shortlisted for interviews, because when we see the finally recruit a good candidate, we want to see that somebody who has got the kind of some kind of results of there's also kind of publication. At the same time, if somebody who's got technology kind of things, we actually give priority because in future, if something can save our NHS is technology, if something can contribute, people's eat, it is technology. So this is one thing. So somebody like for example, if somebody wants to be a cardiologist, I would recommend coming to doing PSA in the Imperial National Heart and Lung Institute, you will learn science, you will learn. And at the moment you see aspirin is for every patient is having aspirin future, even for heart attack prevention. After somebody of them future, you might see something coming. Monoclonal antibodies are possibly coming for preventing cardiovascular disease because we literally know very little about monoclonal antibody and cardiac cardiac, you know, heart attack, those who have got low level and IgM antibody, they are prone to have more heart attack. So for them, if you give them as there is, you know, maybe a little road but for them to prevent their heart and are probably giving some monoclonal antibodies probably can do, wait for something. Give you some hope. So, I think, I think, I think probably whatever specialty you go, whatever specialty you try to explore. You are so fortunate for science and medicine. I think if you ask me, the best city in the world is London. We all are based in London. We are so fortunate. I, once when I, when I was in Bangladesh, I thought, well, London is such a great country. London every day. We kind of some the politicians got so many negative messages. Something a lot of I a lot immigrant, we need to, we need to cut down immigrants, sending both so many negative news we get ignore all these things. You were in London, you can learn medicine, you can learn coding, you could be the best doctor, one of the best doctors in the world. You can change the world, you can change the world, the institute, the institute, you were starting medicine. I cannot even dream of coming to that medical school. I never dreamed like. And I can't, I think probably if I was your at this time, I probably couldn't get to a place like UCL Imperial or ST George's. You have been, you have been doing an amazing job, amazing job, the leadership skills, the leadership skills, what you have done, you try to integrate people, you try to explore medicine. I was also when I was a medical student, I was three times elected representative from our medical school Students Union. Our issues were coming actually implementing some medical school building that all these things, not about the improving our academic environment. Rather finding lia with politicians to get something for the medical sort of something. But your job is your focus is mainly focusing on, on how you can make your academy per better, how you couldn't do network with better with the people. And I think, I think, I think at your time, one very important thing, whatever you do, whatever you do do not do half hearted. Honestly, if you are tired, go for sleep, listen some good music. OK? When your mind is fresh, then get better with half hearted on a tired brain, can't explore, can't do anything, can't do anything. And also at the same time, it is very, very important, very very important and there are a lot of destruction that can upset you every day. Ignore that I need to achieve that. Ignore that honestly when I started my journey in my first few months, if I if I go back to the time and I mentioned already, there are few consultants actually willing to offer me, give some extra help, some regs actually giving me some extra help with everyone's support. I'm here today. I'm so, so I'm so so grateful to the people. One thing, other thing I have learned in my life, if you are surrounded by idiots, then you will be champion, idiots. Remember one thing, try to try to create your environment because you have the control of your own life. You can create an intelligent mind. Don't make some, you find intelligent mind but selfish. You've got to be also be careful of that. And you need to understand that you need to find a create a nice environment where you can actually find a create an environment where you are comfortable. And, and in the UK, there are so many new challenges during our time, a lot of international Dr goo here, but your time is, is, is is a new challenge because your caliber or competences are far ahead than the many of the people in the country as a Bangladeshi regime. Because if you look at the three and the top three countries on the TCS result in the country for the last five years, Bangladeshis are the third in the whole country. So you've got to understand, you've got to understand and Bangladeshis are like, you know, more far kind of like his skills and consistently going they are becoming, I think probably you will be more far in medical field. And I believe and, and also I think, I think my research interest and I was gonna say is uh 3D printing and this is one of my area and also microcirculation is my other area. If anybody has got interest in uh interest in cardiology research, let me know I can help you with some interview with our team and also I can introduce some good people. And also, and in addition to that, I'm actually in the process of collaborating with Bangladesh military with the imperial. OK. So, and I've got one meeting next month and, and, and guys also anybody want to expose something in Bangladesh, please, please, please let me know. I'll be more than happy, more than happy to because I'm in both countries. I visit quite often, I'll visit quite often and also try to look after your hobby, like outside of medicine. I like to listen music, writing songs, maybe, you know, in the future, you might see more just songs you are listening in. How are you and going to work? Who knows? And one thing I would say my final essay on this talk today, I would say 2023 has given me the year off by laying my foundation for next year. And yes. OK. And thank you very much. And thank you. I think, I think my things are not very organized, but II tried, I talk for my heart. That's what I have been trying my best. Thank you very much. Um Doctor Chalco. That was an absolutely amazing, inspiring. Um talk from you. Uh I mean, I can say to myself that it is so impressive that even without slides, you can speak for so long and speak for so adequately. Um and keep us all engaged uh while doing so, um I think right now uh probably be best to open the floor to any questions if anyone has any. Um but I mean, you know, you were so detailed alone if anyone will. Um So please feel free if you've got any questions to write them on the chat or even uh be better. Yeah, just turn your microphone on and just ask them directly if it wasn't for the UK. Were you thinking of anywhere else practicing anywhere else? Uh Yeah, I was, I was exploring, that's a good question. I was exploring the United USA. So I attended a training in Harvard, Harvard and, and that's before coming to Imperial Health and, and I actually, I like the environment in Harvard and the US system. But you, but I would say still, I think UK is my home, second home. Uh II II enjoyed Harvard. But the thing is I didn't like the country honestly, wherever you want to go, it's not only work you need to uh like the country as well. And what are your, I mean, you've already achieved so much in a short space of time. What are your future career goals? What are your next steps? Yeah. Uh In next steps? My future. Well, you know uh three things. One on professionally, you will see all my three haps. One in research, one on clinical one is Adem three. You will get three and uh in our brand three into one ha and, and, and, and also, and also in future in 10 years time, you might, you know you still out with medicine, you might see something in a different role and, and that can create impacts on a lot of doctors life that can create impacts some long term solution. Doctor's solution you'll see in 10 years' time, I'm exploring other avenues as well. So, but it's still I still in medicine and, but you know, this is, this is my bread and butter. This has given me the prestige, this has given me the honor. But at the same time, at the same time, obviously, my another aim is to make this body, this society is very successful. One. Um Anyone else have any uh any questions before I asked mine? No, I mean, I think that just shows how good your thought was uh doctor. I mean, you answered so much. No one's got any questions um for my, for myself. Uh I just wanted to ask about um America specifically. I think that's something that uh I know personally. So and I discussed literally every day uh talking about you assembly and talking about oh attending salaries and this and that and the NHS going to to pot. I was just going to ask about what exactly what happened at Harvard and um what you saw in terms of the healthcare there and in terms of working as a doctor, what is a working life there? A lot? You know, for any healthcare system, if you think that the healthcare system is not providing care for everyone, you don't feel good. Yeah, you become a greedy doctor. You are earning good money. But you are saying people are dying, the proper care, proper treatment. Do you feel better? You have the knowledge and necessary skills but you cannot fully create impact on everyone's lives. So it kind of insurance based policy, the healthcare system, the public health care system, not like the British, we have got so many limitation here in this country but it still if somebody ever got a heart attack, they have the place to be treated and somebody have cancer, they have the places to be treated in America. If you visit there for, you know, if you want my good money, fine, that's fine. That's fine. But it it money is one part of it being a good doctor. And also, and also what I have seen over the years, a lot, I know that I still imperial as a huge bunch, go to the states. A lot of, a lot of them actually in touch with me and I actually a couple of months back, I wrote a reference from one of the brightest imperial ones is started system, the American system and, and I think, I think people for earning money, it's a good system. But if you want to say you can create better people's lives, I don't recommend honestly my advice. Ok, thank you very much. And any other questions from anyone? I just wanted to ask um doctor you mentioned earlier that um you'd be happy to accommodate any students um in the SS or electives. How can we go about um getting in touch with you for that? Yeah. So what are you going to do? Ask a has come my contact details, ask a for the committee and I'll, I'll actually, once you are ready to do elective, I'll introduce you there. I'll give you a phone call and now also on that team, I also give support to them and also you got that can connect with me, you know, and I think I'm part of this body, this society. So I will look after I will be looking after you guys. Don't worry about that. Thank you. Anyone else before I conclude, let me, yeah, I think we got, we got uh do you want to write it on the chat or speak to speak? Um Thank you so much for your talk. It was really inspiring. Um I just wanted to ask for British Bangladeshi medical students who are in the UK. Um What advice would you give to us? Uh who want to like go over to Bangladesh and actually make an impact over there as well. Do you know what? And uh if you really want to work out uh what I can offer to this body, what I can do and you actually during the summer month, during the summer months, what you can do, you plan this body or try something and you try to expert two things in, in military kind of export things and public sector, both military things you can because they are very discipline as someone going from here in, from London, they would like to see like kind of military things. I would actually because I'm healthy military, I would interest the relevant people in the military and the universities all support national heart and lung cardiovascular disease. The university, I do regular talks there. So if like I would say going individual, I can help you. But if you go as a party, if you go as a body, I think probably it will be good to have because I can, you know what I can do, I can actually organize on TV, interview for this body in the most popular TV channel in Bangla, I support them as well. So I think probably if they get through a proper media and proper body within a short time, within a short time, people will be, people will be know about this body and it will help to, to flourish very quickly. But military, I would recommend military. I will actually a good friend of mine. He's a military general who will be actually controlling the military medical school. They report to him the top man. So, and, and, and so, and he is actually his son is also in one research project with me at Imper lab. I have included him. So, you know what we could do, I can also involve you with some couple of research projects or Ineral. We're exploring it doesn't matter which medical school you are from, we still can fit into our research project. Yeah. And I think just to add to that as well um through the BBM, we're gonna also in the coming year in the coming months, we're also fo fostering partnerships with um organizations such as ma um which uh is a really good organization that does a lot of work in, in uh with maternal aid. Then there's also selfless. That's another one that we're looking at. And um there'll be more such organizations and there will also be outreach schemes that we run individually through BBM. So if you do um you know, keep in touch with the BBM, keep in touch with network, come to our events, join uh uh join as a member, um sign up for committee when we um advertise some roles, I think you, you know that there will be so there'll be so much um diversity in terms of what you can achieve from the BBM and what we can help you with. Um That's the, that's the whole point of why we're here, why we're, you know, why I form the organization myself. Um But yeah, I um and I was just telling Doctor Chalco before the talk, every single consultant, every single GP, every single um professor, whatever lecturer that gives a talk with us or helps us in a teaching program will be part of the BBM network. It'll, it'll be basically an umbrella of um uh different doctors and different medical students that have helped us through. And therefore you can have access to an individual network through some of our in terms of being able to directly communicate with people like Dr Sho and then also arrange things like that. So I think this organization will only help you if you want to achieve pretty good things. Oh yeah, that, that is a wonderful offer for me. I actually, you know, this is how that why we need to be actually Colab. Yeah. And, and, and, and for like my organization of the BBA, the current Society of Off and G Society places in Bangladesh, we are very, very close, we are very close and I can actually introduce you. I have to have a meeting with her and, and please please go ahead and, and also other thing what I'm going to suggest to you, I think probably Imperial Imperial Elementary Society in Bangladesh or we try to do something with co or something with the British Council. I think probably the BBA, British Bangala Medical Association BBA may also become a stakeholder of that. Probably, probably, probably we can collaborate something with the British British High Commissioner. And also the other thing I was going to suggest to you, I think probably one of the event you can actually ask our high commissioner here. I am Asim. I know her very well. So I can actually tell her that you can invent one of our program. So she can actually let as her role to integrate more with all the different bodies because she's the right person to, I have put my personal connection I can foster, but that she has the right body. Whenever there is, this kind of program comes, she will be definitely invited and whoever comes in the high commissioner, they will be inviting. This body can develop network with, with Bangladesh in the right way. And, and that's just testament to what we can achieve together in the Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'll, I'll, I'll actually, I'll, I'll, I'm going to see her soon and what I'm going to do, I'll, I'll request her invite uh that this body maybe in January or February, I II would say, you know, I'm kind of like you, I'm one of the mentor for this society that way I want to find myself and, and take my things, anything I can help you to grow and I should be, I mean, that's extremely exciting to have a high commissioner come to one of our events would be a great, great honor. Um And I think the other thing Doctors is, is what we wanted from the B was to also showcase Bengali culture uh and um showcase the talent that we have on offer at the bingo community uh in, in the UK and, and also abroad because I think one of the, one of the problems in the bingo community is that there, there is a lack of sort of community in the sense of not, there's not really that many people pushing um you know, medicine and pushing all of this great stuff. And I think if we, if we work together, I mean, we can, you know, we can do of, you know, healthcare delivery and, and medical care in the future. Oh yeah, definitely, definitely. I would, we would, you know what we do, what we do, I would actually introduce some really, really some good people and also cultural things. The best composer in Bangladesh music is a good friend of mine. Yeah. So he's visiting London next month January. So ho he's here, he's a brilliant performer. He's a brilliant performer. A few months back. He actually played with his Scorpio. Uh Have you heard him? So he's, I will introduce you and the culture kind of things. You can also collaborate with him that society. And he actually can do some nice theme song for you. You don't have to, I'll, I'll tell him he will do free of charge of all those theme song for you. I think what that, what that basically shows is guys, like anyone who's in the school who isn't really part of the committee, who, who hasn't really heard of BBM yet. I think if you do join the BBM, either as a member or like, you know, join the committee or whatever, they'll, you'll have access to some of the most um important, powerful people in the community, both in Bangladesh and in the UK. And uh that's exactly what we're trying to foster here and that's exactly the community we're trying to create. And so, um honestly, I think, you know, it's really exciting to see how much um how much we can grow in such a short space of time just through, you know, uh making the right connections and, and honestly, Doctor Shorter, that's, this is just one of the most like it is more excellent than I even thought it could be a great turnout. Um And, you know, the, the, the state goal was to inspire, to motivate um to create and to deliver some really top quality uh healthcare in the future. And I think, you know, we are well under way. Um and you know what intra in the, in the future, if we can um do some bigger events in person, I think that would be amazing. I mean, we were thinking of doing a network in Mixer October 2024. That was our sort of, uh, proposed date. But having seen the sort of traction we've got and having, see the sort of, uh, speed we can run out. It could be that February March. Um, we might even look at a time like a look at a date for that and if you could help us doctors, I think that would be. Absolutely. Please, please help me anything you need. You can, uh, you take my contact numbers and everything over a them. Yeah, I, I'm just, you know, I'm, I'm all of the person that who will help you giving you samples when you get you stuck, I'll give you adrenaline. That's it. Absolutely. Absolutely. Um, so yeah, I mean, um, if anyone has any further questions, feel free to ask now, um, if not committee can stay behind for just five minutes just to speak to doctor, talk about the directions we're going. Uh, does anyone have any questions? I'm gonna take that as a no, let me just check the chart. Yeah, I think we're fine. Ok guys, thank you all for coming. Um Yeah, we'll see you at the next event. Follow.