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Arterial Supply to the Head and Neck


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everyone in this video, we're going to be having a look at the arterial supply to the head and neck. So we'll be looking at the common carotid artery as well as the course of one of its branches, the external carotid artery. But before we start, I always think it's useful to get a big picture of you of things. So if you find the sternum here, we can see that the left common crossed adultery branches off the aortic arch. Where is the right common carotid artery? Branches off the brake you cephalic trunk, which itself branches off the aortic arch in the neck, the traveling the wrestler compartment of the neck as we consider this transverse section of the neck here, along with the internal jugular vein, which we can see here on the vagus nerve, which we can also see here. And the facial. The government, it's called. It's the court of sheath, but you can see him moving to the side of the model, as we can see here. Didn't bifurcate into the external carotid artery you can see here on the internal carotid artery, which we can see here. The bifurcation occurs at the level of the third or fourth cycle vertebrae, but you can see here and here, respectively, the extra, um, carotid artery, which you can see how I like it here is located anterior to the internal carotid artery has various brunches. It's also what matching that these branches that president both left and right side of the body. It's just I've removed the ones in the right side to make the model less complex. There are two raising, which we can remember the branches of the external carotid artery. One is the Monica, some anatomist, so like freaking out poor medical students. This can help us remember the branches of the external carotid artery from inferior disappear, with some standing for superior thyroid and optimists for us sending her in jail like for lingual freaking for facial injury out for except it lottery. Poor football Syria. Regular electric medical for maxillary artery. Okay, and students. This is official Temple luxury now our second method in both switching the branches into four groups on anterior group, consisting of superior thyroid lingual and finish lotteries, you can see here a medial group consisting of the ascending friend in jail. You can see here, a posterior group consisting of the posterior regular on except Lotteries Onda, a temporal group consisting of the maxillary. It's official temporal arteries, which you can see here now. If you look at our anterior group of branches, we can see the superior thyroid artery here originating. Just sip here to the office in, and you can rub it's location. It descends down to the thyroid gland is you can see here. We can also see that it originates above the tear glands, so it's superior at the terror. Klan has superior temporal artery. We can remember the lingual artery quite easily. As you can see, that lingual essentially means things like into the tongue. And we can see here the lingual on tree travels to other time is located. We can also remember and identify the facial artery quite easily. Do you do it? It's unique. Tortures appearance. I mean sort of full of twists and turns. You can see here. We can also see this in the catheter. Every community shares the facial arteries, number 20 on beginning seats that has a unique, tortuous recurrence. Here. It's well, I mean, you can also remember the fish oil a tree is essentially trouble. It's across the face facial artery. Now, if you look at our meeting group of branches going have the ascending for and he'll artery to are on, we could see that the reason I called is medial group is because petted of the branches gas sending artery, I said, Find you a luxury. So the troubles and more medially it's actually harder to see the only kind of Eric cut American Midge we can get a nice view of. It's part of if we use the origin path option instead of highlighted spot here so you could see ascending Fine Jill here. Now, if you have a look at our post year group of Bunches, we have to auditory the posterior or regular artery on the occipital artery. We can see the posterior articulatory here on. We can remember that a regular essentially means things like to the external part of the air. On posture is a way of saying that something is behind something else in the matter under. Consider that it's sort of behind the cartilage in the here, here, here, the auricular cartridge cartilage. I remember that posterior, a regular artery, therefore is posterior to you. The second thing of it as being the posterior aerobika laundry. So you remember what it's name and it's location as a result of this than the last bunch in the posterior group is the occipital artery. But you can see here, and we can, um but this is a tremendous across the except the bone, so you could not remember that it's the except lottery. And lastly, we haven't important group of lunches and this consists off the maxillary on a tree. But you can see it here on the superficial temporal artery which we see here. I remember the maxillary artery as I remember their troubles. Little Steri leads the maxilla that you conceived here. It gets denied axillary artery. You see the basis of that, we can get a nice view of its course. If uses the origin bad function, you can see the muscle reactor in here