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Hello. Hi, everyone. Uh Good evening. Uh My name is me and I'm one of the I MT threes based in Norwich. And today I'm gonna be talking about the I MT application and how to maximize your scoring. Uh First of all, I just wanted to briefly talk about what internal medicine training is. Um I'm sure that most of you might be familiar with this already, but I just wanted to quickly cover this just in case. Uh there's someone out there who is listening to this talk just to get a general idea of what I MT training is. So I MT training is more of like the core level training um where you will be rotating in different medical specialties before you enter the higher specialty program. Um The idea of it is just for you to get uh exposure to uh different specialties before you apply for the higher specialty post. And you can do it either two or three years depending on the type of HST post you would like to go into. So basically, uh most of the medical specialties um are divided into two groups, either group one or group two and if you would like to go for a group one specialty, let's say you would like to become a gastro. Uh You need to uh do I MT three. And if you would like to go for a group two specialty like dermatology, you just need to do I MT for two years. And then uh you can apply for the HST post after your second year. Uh If you've got any questions, um just please feel free to type in the chat box. Um So um this is the application timeline for this year. So the applications were opened last week and um the application window is until the, the 23rd of November. So uh it can take some time to complete your application. So they ask you a lot of questions. So just make sure that you start preparing your application as early as possible so that you won't miss your application deadline. Um And you'll know whether you have been long listed by the 19th of December. And then you'll know whether you have been shortlisted and invited to the interview just before Christmas. And most importantly, the interviews are held uh around about January and February time. And then you will know whether you have got a post by uh March next year. Um This is the competition ratio for the I MT post. Um So the uh competition ratio is getting higher and higher each year. So if you're thinking of applying for I MT this year, just make sure that you apply for round one because there's no round two for I MT anymore because the competition ratio is getting higher. So they don't need to uh go for another round to hire more people. So just make sure that you apply for the November intake if you're applying this year. Uh So, um in order to be eligible, you need to have at least 24 months of experience by the time you start your I MT post. So if you're currently an F two or if you have completed your F two, you can apply this year. Uh But if you're, you haven't done your uh foundation program in the UK, you need to have the Crest form signed off, which is the alternate F two competency form. Um So I just wanted to briefly highlight about the um Crest form. Uh It's the short form for the certificate of readiness to enter the highest, but uh specialty training form. Um It's more of the evidence that uh you have achieved the foundation level competencies. Um So if you're going through the Crest form route, um I just wanted to remind you that uh the Crest form 2024 has been released very recently. So if you had the Crest form signed off last year, that won't be accepted, the only form that will be accepted this year is the 2024 form and any other version will not be accepted. Uh How do you make the application? Um So you can make an account on the oral system and your application will be assessed at three main stages. Um The first stage is whether is the long listing. Uh So they will have a look at your uh criteria, your, your form and they will just assess whether you meet the um basic criteria to be considered for the I MT Post. And then after that, you'll be shortlisted and interview and invited to the interview depending on your shortlisting score. I hope this makes sense. Just make sure that uh if you've got any questions, uh you can type them in the checkbox. So you need to make an account on the oral and start your application. Uh It's basically uh similar to any other job application. So you'll need to provide details of your um medical degree and your full employment history and also you, if you have had any gaps in your employment, um You will, yes. Uh that's gonna be recorded. Um uh If you've got any uh gaps in the employment, uh you will need to explain in details about that gap. And also there's some white space questions like why you would like to apply for I MT Post and um why you think that uh um you are suitable for the I MTI would like to um advise that uh you take these whitespace questions quite seriously because um sometimes the interviewers will let have a look at your application form. So, um you would want to make a good impression, uh just put in as much details as possible if you're answering those wife based questions. And also you will need to provide details of three referees. Um So it's better to give your consultant or your supervisor a heads up and let them know that you would like to um put them as referee on your application form. Uh And then you will know whether you have been long listed and then after you've been long listed, uh you'll be shortlisted and consider for the interview. Um So, uh that depends on your application scoring and that's also called the self assessment scoring where you will be um scored against a pre formed me matress. Um So they look at seven domains. Um And I just wanted to remind you that this shortlisting score is the, is only considered for whether you, you will be invited for your interview. And shortlisting is the only state they will consider about your this score. This goal will not be taken into account in any other states after shortlisting. So this won't affect your interview score and this won't affect your appointment. So if you're not scoring very high in the application, this shortlisting score don't get discouraged because the, the main uh score depends on how your performance in the interview. So they look at whether you've got any postgraduate qualifications whether you've done a phd or master's degree, it's great that if you have got those postgraduate qualifications, but it's ok if you don't have them because it, it, um, it takes time and effort to, uh, complete a master's or phd. And I wouldn't recommend that, you know, you sign up for a master's course just to get a few points in this, uh, I MT application, uh, unless you've got extra money or time that you uh you would like to spend. So, but uh other than that, it's totally OK, most of the candidates don't have phd or master's, that's totally acceptable. Um And if you've got any uh postgraduate qualification, um you can score uh about 44 marks for the phd. Just a reminder that if you've got A M RCP or any uh post graduate teaching qualifications, they are not considered as postgraduate qualification and you won't be scored for getting an M RCP or anything. And also if you have done an intercalation during a met school, this won't be considered because uh they will give you a score only for the postgraduate qualification. And the next thing they look at is additional achievements. And whether you've had like a high achievement award or any honors or distinction that's related to your primary medical qualification. And again, it's great if you've got a high achievement award related to medicine, uh well done, but it's OK if you don't have it because um more than half of the candidates won't have any achievement score. And it's totally OK if you get no points for this domain, because there's so many other ways that you can uh get a point in other domains. And the next thing they look at is whether you have published and the uh the score will depend on the type of the publication that you have published. So if that's the original research, you will get a full mark, um eight marks. But if that's a um case report or letters to the editor, you will get three marks. And again, uh publications take much time and effort and it's quite stressful and I wouldn't recommend uh going into academia just to get some points in your port in in this application. Um It um so, um but there's some ways that you can get a score of up to three marks in this uh domain. So uh you can let your consultant know that you would like to um get a publication and if they have got any interesting case report that they would like you to write about. So I think uh if they've got any interesting cases that they would like you to write, you can easily write it in a few months and you can get it published and you will get three months, 33 marks for this. And the next thing they look at is posters and presentations. And I think this is really um achievable and you can do it in a few, in just a few months. Um So you can do a poster on anything really. So if that's a um quality improvement project or an audit that you have done, uh you can make a, make it into a poster and you can present it at a meeting and the point depends on uh the type of the meeting that you've presented it at. So if that's a regional meeting, you will get five marks. Um But if that's an oral presentation, we'll be getting up to seven months in the seven marks in this domain. So there are so many regional meeting um that you can, you can present your poster. So uh ask your consultant if there's any meetings happening. Uh There are so many national conferences happening as well. So just keep an eye out and you can present them at the one of the meetings. So uh what is considered as a local medical meeting? I think uh it's mainly the um your uh the meeting. So like, you know, the teachings at the uh at your local department, which is your hospital. So if you have done like a case presentation or some uh like an audit presentation at a governance meeting, you can ask your consultant uh to sign your form and then you can get up to two marks for this. And the next thing is teaching. So um they will have a look at whether you have acted as a clinical teacher and whether you have had enough experience in uh teaching. And also if you have had some training in teaching as well, I think this is quite achievable as well because there's so many medical students uh in the ward. And if you have been walking in a ward for a rotation, you can easily get three marks. Uh just make sure that for any, for any teaching, if you want to score a mark, you will need to have evidence of formal feedback. So whenever you teach, uh make sure that you ask for feedback, um you can ask one of your registrars or one of your consultants to observe your teaching as well and they can sign you the teaching feedback form. Um And also, I think it's quite achievable to do the teaching program as well. You can speak to your colleagues and you can speak to your registrar as well that you're interested in organizing a teaching program and you can do like uh ECG teaching or um you know, uh some departmental teaching. Um uh and then, but it, it's not just organization of the teaching program if you want to score full marks in this uh this domain because uh they look at whether you have organized the teaching program, but they also want you to regularly teach in that program for up to three months. So, um and then you need to have uh evidence or formal feedback and evidence that um you have organized the teaching program. So you can ask your registrar to uh sign you uh to like, you know, to um to give a letter of recommendation. So I think um it's quite achievable to get up to 66 mo six marks in this domain. So um what is considered as formal feedback? So uh I think uh we, I use the uh teaching feedback form from the GRC BTB um TB website. So you can ask uh teaching feedback, you can uh type teaching feedback, GR CPT B domain. Um And uh it's on the website so you can uh download it and then you can give them to uh the medical students that you teach. Uh And uh and I think that's it, but I think the easier way to do it is to ask your consultant or your registrar to write you a letter that, you know, they have observed your teaching. And um you know, and that you have regularly taught over a period of three months or longer, I think. Uh So in terms of the feedback form, um you can just type in Google, TRC BTB, teaching feedback form. Um I use that teaching feedback form for my I MT application. I hope that makes sense. And the next thing that they look at is the uh whether you have got uh training in teaching. Um I think uh this one has changed from the change since last year. So I think last year, the they just wanted to know. Uh so the scoring is a bit different last year. But this year they have changed the scoring now. So they want you to have a uh PG set or PG diploma in medical education to give you two marks. But last year, if, if that was a teaching uh and teaching course, like teach the teacher course, they give you two marks. But I think the marking system has changed now this year. So in order to score two points in this domain, you need to have completed uh PG or PG diploma in medical education, they won't accept if you're doing it at the moment. So you need to have the certificate that you have completed this PT set to get two points in this domain. But don't, it's OK if you don't get this because you can get up to one point in it. Um If you have done like a short teaching course. So uh I did t uh um the t the T course uh from Oxford Medical Training. Uh but II applied two years ago. So um I got up to, I got two marks for this because the marking criteria has changed this year. But um if that's the teach the teacher course, you can get one mark. And also uh there's some teach the teacher course on the e learning website um that in your trust. So you can, uh you can sign up to one of them and you can easily get uh one mark in this domain. And the next thing they look at is the Q I, there are a lot of qis going on in every department. Just speak to your registrar or your consultant that you're quite keen and they will let you get involved in the quality improvement project. Um You can do it in just two weeks really. So some easy quality improvement ideas are like, you know, if they're doing the, if they're doing like um ct regularly, if they are doing the respect form uh on admission and also like oxygen prescription, like those are really quick and easy to do and you can just do it in just a week or something and you can complete two cycles in two weeks. So if you don't have a quality improvement project yet, you can do it right now and you can complete it just before the application deadline. So, um if you have done two cycles and if you have involved in two in all stages of the quality improvement project, you can score up to 55 marks in this domain. Um So what form of evidence do you need to present for the Q I project? So I it's advisable to use the Q IP at form. So it's like the Q I form. Uh that is, you can find it, you can just Google it, you can just type Q I platform and then you can find. So it's from the G I CPT B website as well. So you need to submit it to your supervisor. So you, your supervisor needs to sign that off and it, it provides details of how many cycles that you've done. What changes that has, what changes has been made and you know, just PD SAA cycles that you've done. Mm uh And then um if you don't have the Q I platform, that's totally OK. You just need a confirmation from your supervisor or your supervisor or your consultant. Uh that, that is supervising that project that you have involved in this project, how many cycles that you've done and what changes that you've made and then they just need to provide their signature and their GMC number if they're not from the UK. Um It's OK. So they just need to provide details of their registration number and also you'll need to provide the, the stamp of the um of your hospital because it needs to be an official document, what carrying out an audit, introducing a change and then re auditing. Yeah, so I think that's ok. So um you can, but it needs to be um signed off by the consultant. So your consultant needs to uh mention in the like Q I platform or in your uh letter that you know, that's too two close two audits. And then, so you did the 1st, 1st cycle of audit and then you have a look at the result and then you uh you, you did the recommended changes and then you do the another cycle. And then I think that's considered as two cycles of AQ I PQ IP. That's ok. So just ask your consultant that you would like to apply for I MT and that um you know, that needs to be in the P DSA cycle. So most of the supervisors would be happy to sign that. Sign that off for you can a register sign and complete the Q I platform. So I don't think a register can be, can uh sign, sign the form because um in the Q I platform, um they asked the consultant to sign the form. So um I think it's better to ask your consultant because otherwise you will lose scores in your Q I domain, introducing a change and then we order it to change. So I think it's OK. So as long as it's two cycles, so let's say that you're uh having a look at uh where the oxygen prescription has been done. So you, you do the first cycle and then you do uh so like let's say that only 50% of the um patients has been um uh prescribed with oxygen. So you do like a local awareness teaching program. So that can be considered as a change. Like, you know, you have implemented some changes. And then, you know, you have put uh like, you know, um a notification that, you know, everyone needs to, every patient needs to be prescribed with uh oxygen on admission. And then that can be considered as a change as well. And then you do another cycle and then um if that's it, it it you know, there can be an an improvement. So uh from 50 to like 80% of the patients were prescribed with oxygen on admission. So you have implemented change and there is a positive change. So, you know, you quality improvement project was successful. But uh if there's no change, that's OK because uh you have done the implementation, but still there's no change. So even if there's no change after the implementation, um that's OK, you can get uh you can get the sign off for two cycles of the audit. Uh Does the consultant fill out the form or do we need to fill it out? And they just sign it? I think, you know, I think it's advisable to um it's advisable for you to fill the form because sometimes like, you know, some of the consultants don't really know what is needed in, you know, in your application. So I think if you write it in a way that is gonna be like, you know, needed in, in your application, like, you know, you, you do like P DSA cycle. So planning, let's say that, you know, you wanted to know how many, how much of the patients have been prescribed with oxygen. And then you do a cycle one cycle and then you develop, you, you have um did like, you know, you have sent out the emails to the juniors to prescribe oxygen and then you do another cycle. So you, you know, you explain everything in that Q I platform and then you just ask your consultant to sign it off. So I think that's gonna be better because some of the consultants don't know uh what is needed to be done in your, for your um application. So I think it's, you can just write it on your own and then they can just sign it off. So that's not a problem. And the next thing and the last thing is the leadership and management. So a lot, a lot of the trust have leadership role. Uh so you can just sign up to one of them. Uh like, you know, um you in, in every department you can like, you know, do like uh maybe rota coordinator or maybe like, you know, you can organize, you can allocate the junior doctors to a teaching program. So you can claim points for, you know, acting as a manager, like, you know, you, you have taken on this role, you can claim points for that. And another example would be uh like a president and most of the hospitals have um the Junior doctor forum or Junior doctor committee. So you can sign up when they advertise the posts and then you can easily get um 22 marks in this um in this domain. But it's, you need to be in that role for at least six months to get a, get to get to get a, get two scores, two points in this domain. Um I think it's quite difficult to find a regional or national leadership role, but if you're in a foundation program, so I think if you're like, you know, you can apply for the trainee rep rule in the region. So it, it can give you four marks in this domain and my top tips for the self assessment scoring. Um can, can we claim points for being president of the society? Yes, I that's totally OK. So um it, it can be anything. So whether you, you ha you were a president at the med school or as a doctor, that's OK. So you can get up to two marks because that's a loc local leadership role, making an impact. So, um I think like, you know, um so what I um think making an impact means, I think like, you know, uh so I don't think it's really assessed to be fair. So um you, they, they, they ask for like demonstration of the positive impact. Sometimes uh you can ask, you know, the society or the committee that you, you have um had a role in So like, you know, you can ask them to give you like confirmation letter that you have been in that role and then what you have done so far and you know, what changes that you have made. I don't actually think that, you know, you need to provide details of the positive impact that you have made. So as long as you know, let's say that you were um a trainee rep. So um you, you need to contact the um education administrator or your like, you know, training program director that you have been involved in that role and you have regularly organized the regional teachings and you have sent out emails to the F two and F ones and then, you know, that, that involve like, you know, your management skills, your leadership skills and that has uh led to like, you know, regular running of the teaching program and that has made a positive impact. So you can just ask one of your consultants or like, you know, the president of that, you know, society to write you a letter, a confirmation letter that you have been involved in that role. So I don't actually think that, you know, it needs to be like something impressive, something big. Uh It's OK as long as, you know, you were doing your job properly and then, you know, you were in that role for six months and then you can easily get uh two marks in that point. In that domain. So my top tips for the self assessment scoring. Uh So don't over claim. Uh they have a look at your uh application form and if you over claim, you can get, you know, that can have a very negative impact on your application. So I would recommend that you only claim for the points that for the things that you actually completed and you can't claim for the ones that you haven't completed. So let's say that you're doing a PT set in medical education. Um and you haven't completed, it's not, you can put it in the white space. Uh white space, you know, they, they're like some white space answers that you can put. But um you, you can't claim for that PT set that you can't, you haven't actually completed yet because that will mark you down rather than give you marks. So, you know, if you want to let them know that you're doing a PT set, just put it in the white space, that's at the end of the application form. So they will have a look at your application and know that, you know, you're actually doing some, you know PT set, but you can't score yourself for something that you haven't completed yet. And also uh you can, if you have got multiple achievements in a single domain, uh let's say that you have done a poster and you have presented it as uh you know, at a local meeting as well as a regional meeting. It's better to select the one that will give you a higher score. So you need to select the one you know, for the regional meeting because that will give you a higher score and achievement in multiple domains. Uh So, uh let's say that um you have completed two cycles of a quality improvement project and you have presented it at a national conference. So you can score score in both uh Qqi P section and also um and the presentation section that won't mark you down, I think it's different to the CST application. So other application, surgical uh CST surgical application doesn't accept that. So, but in I MT application, you can actually claim the same thing and both domains. So that's really helpful and also make sure that you start your application early. So um because it can take up to 6 to 12 months to score in certain domains. But you know, if you want to score for the uh leadership role, you need to be in that role for at least six months. And also just make sure that you have a look on the I MT recruitment website about the types of the evidence that they want. They can be really picky sometimes. So it's better to provide all of the evidence that they need. So let's say, you know, you want to um you want to claim for the teaching program that you have done So you need to uh provide evidence that you have organized the teaching program and also that um you have regularly taught in that program for up to three months so that you will get full marks in that score in that domain. Uh BMA rep in a trust count as a local or national. Uh I think um that's, that's kind of like a gray area. So, um you know, I think it depends on how you put it because BMA si think in the uh anti recruitment website, they've mentioned that if you're working as a rep for a national organization, you can count yourself as a national rep. So uh like, I think it's similar for the um for the like, so for the I MT, so we've got a role called college to test. So they are local, local rep rules, but since they're working for the Royal College of Physicians, it's considered as a national rep. So um I think it's better to, you know, email the I MT recruitment website, like, you know, email and ask in details like, you know, if this role will be counted as a um as a like national rule or a regional role. But I think it's OK to score yourself as a national rep. Uh And then you can like, you know, put it in like the White Space Quest whitespace. Um It answer that, you know, this BMA rep rule is for the local hospital. So um I think it's OK for the national uh organizations like the BMA RCP. So I think that's OK. Uh But if you're working locally as a mass president, you can't, uh you can't like over claim yourself and then well done. So after the um short list. So after the um so, and then you, after the shortlisting, you'll get invited to the interview. All of the I MT interviews are remote interviews and the invitation to the interview will depend on your shortlisting score. So, um what is um uh and then what questions do they ask in the interview? So um they will ask you three questions. The question one is the application and suitability for I MT. And then the next question is the clinical scenario and patient handover. And then the next one is the ethical professionalism and governance question. Uh This is just a detail about each question. So the first question is about application and your suitability for I MT. So uh you will get two minutes of presentation. So you will need to present yourself like, you know, you will need to sell yourself in two minutes. So you'll need to tell them about why you're applying for this I MT Post. And what is your future career aspiration is and why you think that you're suitable for I MT? And this is the part where you have to sell yourself. So make sure that your presentation is clear and well structured because this is the start. So everything you know, if you do it very smoothly and nicely, you will get uh you know, a very good score because you have made such a good impression. And then this will be followed by four minutes questions about your suitability for an I MT. So you will be asked questions about, you know, in details about your achievements, you know, you will be asked about, you know what quality improvement project you did. So that depends on the interest of the interviewer. Like, you know, if they're interested in your quality improvement project or your teaching, they will ask in details about your um your, you know about your uh portfolio. It's just four minutes of chit chat really. So it's not, it's just um I think it's just your opportunity to sell yourself. I think that's going to be pretty um achievable and the next one is a clinical scenario. So you'll, you'll be given clinical scenario, let's say like, you know, this 82 year old patient has been admitted with um sepsis. Uh You'll be given details about the past medical history and everything and you know, you'll be provided details about the uh news observations and everything you'll be given uh the investigations as well and you will get full three minutes to read that question. And then after that, you don't have time to read the question anymore and then you will have eight minutes discussion with the examiner with the interviewer. Uh and then you will get one minute for handover. So handover is a different uh question. So, I mean, you get a separate mark for the handover. So even though it's just one minute, make sure that you do it very properly because they give you two marks for the hand on the efficiency. Like you know how well you hand hand it over. So make sure that you do very well in the handover. And then the last one is the ethical question. It can be quite fake. So I I'll explain a little bit more in the next slides. So what do they look at in your interview scoring? So you will be, they will be looking at six different areas. So it's quite um straightforward. So they will be looking at your achievements and why they think that you know, you're suitable for IM team and then they will be looking at your management of the clinical scenario. And then that's why I mentioned that you need to do handover properly because it, even though it's just one minute, you get a total, it's a separate uh marking criteria. They you get two marks just for the handover. So make sure that you hand over very properly. And then uh the next one is the ethical and professionalism and governance scenario. And oh and then the last one, so they will have a look at your overall communication scale. So it's you know, I think um they will just look at how you, how well you, you have communicated and, you know, it depends on, you know, the impression that you've made. So I think it's uh better to make sure that um your questions are well structured so that you'll make a very good impression. Um And then you will be assessed by two different examiners, two different interviewers and each interviewer will be giving you a score of 1 to 5 on each assessment area. So you will get, so you will get up to 60 marks for the whole interview. So five marks is the full mark and then there will be a, there will be six domains. So that's gonna be 60 for two examiners. And then in order to be appoint, you will need to get a score of three out of five, which is a satisfactory score. So the question one is your application and suitability for I MT you, you uh it's two minutes of presentation and four minutes of question. Um So you need to make sure that you know, when you're presenting, you know, when you're doing your two minute um presentation, I would recommend that, you know, you have to look at the Health Education England website and look at the I MTI mt person, it uh person specification criteria. So they've got like a really long list and uh you know about your eligibility criteria, your essential criteria. So make sure that you include the skills uh that they wanted you to have, you know, you can mention about your communication skills, your interpersonal skills, your leadership skills. And then, you know, and if you think that you've got uh a skill that makes you really stand out, make sure that you mention that as well. And the next one is the clinical scenario and patient handover. Uh So you'll be given a scenario and you will have a chance to look at that question for 333 minutes and then you will have eight minutes to discuss about the case. Uh They, they might ask you during your, you know, presentation, you know, how would you like to manage this case? So, um and then when you're presenting the clinical scenario, I think it's better to have a well structured approach like, you know, so let's start with, you know, history taking. So, you know, you will, you will ask about. So if a patient has got chest pain, you will ask about the chest pain in details and then you'll want to do a system review as well if they've got like shortness of breath, any leg swelling or like, you know, and then if they've got um any um palpitations or stuff like that, so you'll do proper history taking and then you'll do uh examination. So it's better to have a two e approach if you're doing a clinical assessment. So I think it's better to format it in a way that, you know, you will do general examination first look at the patient and then you will do like detailed examination head to toe A two E approach. And then uh after that, uh you have finished the in uh history taking examination and then you have to look at the blood and investigations and then, you know, you'll do ECG you start from like non invasive tests, you know, you do ECG chest X ray um and then blood sugar levels and then um and then um you can do, you know, start from small, like, you know, then invasive and then invasive blood tests and then you will do imaging chest X ray. And if you think that, you know, they need a CTPA or something like that, so you will discuss it with the med reg and then order a CTPA and then uh it's better to give a differential diagnosis. So they want to know about how you know about how you're thinking. So it's better to take, take them through step by step management. So what you think is going on with the patient, so it's better to give a differential diagnosis. So if a patient is presenting with shortness of breath and chest pain, so it can be either like, you know, you can give it differentials like, you know, um that could be a pe or that could be um you know, it could be uh heart failure secondary to like, you know, ischemic heart disease, like, you know, with underlying ischemic heart disease or that, you know, I think it's better to take them through differential diagnosis so that, you know, they will know what is going through your mind. And you know, I think it's easier for them to score, score you as well because they will know what's going in your mind. So I think it's better to do it step by step approach. And then I think you can get brownie points for communication as well. So you're not uh treating a patient on your own. So you've got a whole team. So make sure that you involve them as well. So like let's say, you know, you, you've seen this patient, you will talk to the med, right? And then you will inform the nursing colleague as well. And also like in um in medical, in patients, like, you know, you will as uh involve the uh speech and language therapy team. If you think that's aspiration pneumonia, you know, you can involve every member of the multidisciplinary team and they really like it. So I think, you know, every time you manage a clinical scenario, just make sure that you involve the multidisciplinary team and also the family. So um it's better to like, you know, the especially the uh opium consultants really like it because um you know, we do family update every day in elderly medicine. So I think it's better to make sure that, you know, you, you will involve the family, you know, it, I think you, you can get brownie points for that. So that will make you really stand out. So top tips, um make sure that you do a structure approach. Um So like, you know, history taking, always start with history taking. So, but don't spend too much time for history taking, just spend up to one point just to one or two minutes for history taking and then examination and then how uh you will do the management. So you, you get only eight minutes. So make sure that you make it uh very concise and very structured and then after that, uh you will need, so if you're thinking about differential diagnosis, it's always useful to have a, a like a structure. So I use the surgical sieve um like, you know, if this is congenital is if this could be acquired. So if this is acquired like ischemic infective inflammatory stuff like that, so it's better to have a, a surgical thief so that, you know, it's easier for you to. Um So I think like, you know, it uh it's easier if you have a structure and if you've got a surgical see, like, you know, so and that will make a really good impression as well. And for the handover, I use the Cyber approach. So uh like, let's say it it's um situation, background actions taken and your recommendation. So let's say um what, so situation is what is going on with the patient. So just make sure that you uh point out the main thing going on with the patient. So let's say this patient is saturating 80% on air. So the main thing going on with this patient is airway and breathing. So you have to stress the point that this is the problem and then the background, a brief background of the patient and then actions taken. So what have you done so far? You've done the full auscultation of the lung and then um if the airway is clear, so what you have done so far, you've done the chest X ray, the bloods are normal, uh D dimer is a little bit high. And then what do you recommend? So, so you've done the D dimer. So I would I have requested the um C TPA. So like, you know what you, what you would recommend uh to the to the colleague that you're handing over to. So I think it's better to have this approach because it's just one minute. So you want to make sure that this is a, a very effective handover. So make sure that, you know, you um you, you stress out like, you know, you highlight the the most important thing going on with the patient and what you have done so far and what you would recommend and then um also involves the multidisciplinary team as much as possible because uh most consultants really like it and you will get really high marks for that. And then question three is the ethical question. So this can be um like a sequence to the clinical scenario. So let's say you've got this patient uh like a patient presenting with 80% on air. But um you know, um but he didn't make it. So you to break the bad news to the like to the family, you know, you have to um so this can be a consequence to the clinical scenario. This can, but um it can just be a random question as well. So uh it can just be a hypothetical scenario. So they will, you know, they will ask you just a random case like, you know, your consultant has drunk, like, you know, um is walking into the, into the ward and you think that he's quite drunk. So how would you approach this case? So like, you know, difficult colleagues and then, you know, uh your uh your colleague, like your sho is coming in late every day, like he comes in like, you know, at 11 o'clock every day. And you think that, you know, this is a concern because he's not giving, you know, the patient um care is compromised. So um they will ask you questions about like difficult colleagues breaking bad news um discussion about DNA CPR and mental Capacity assessment, stuff like that. So they're really um uh popular questions that's asked in I MT application. So make sure that you read about them. Uh you, you'll get up to five minutes to answer this question. Um So tips for the interview because um this is the remote interview. So make sure that you familiarize yourself with the structure of the interview because it's quite time limited. So you don't get, you know, many minutes. So like for the handover, you just get one minute for the whole handover thing. So you want to make sure that you know, the timing and the structure of the interview and also make sure that your internet connection and the microphone, it is working before the day and also make sure that, you know, you practice a lot. Um you can, you know, team up with your colleagues or you can ask your registrar to give you an interview practice and some of the consultants are really nice. They can, you know, they can give you a mock interview so that, you know, you will get an idea of what's going on, like what to be expected and always use a structured approach because that's gonna, you know, make you more confident and also that's gonna make a really good impression. So always make sure that your ques your answers are well structured and easy to follow. And there are a few resources that I would recommend. So I always use the I MT recruitment website. So uh because it's really useful. And uh I use this uh medical interviews book. So it's from the IC medical and it's really useful. So, uh if you are worried about the ethical scenarios, just make sure that you read that book because a lot of the um ethical scenarios, they, they cover a lot of ethical scenarios in that book. So um it's better to buy that book because you'll need to use it for the ST three ST four interview as well. So it, that book is really useful but um there are a few online resources as well. So, but you need to pay like 60 quid or something for the online interview I MT interview question banks. But you know, if you're practicing with your colleagues, you can like split up and you can buy the interview like, you know, question bank together. Uh I use the Medi medi buddy um I MT Question bank for my I MT application that was really useful for me because they covered the uh clinical scenario and also the ethical scenario. So that was really useful. And then after that, you will get your offer. So um depending on your performance in the interview and um so the offer will be made based on your interview scoring and then high. So it's like first come first. So because the highest scoring candidates will get, it will get a chance to do the preferencing first. Um And I think that's it So, um, that's the end of my talk. And thank you very much for listening and good luck with your I MT application. And, um, please let me know if you've got any questions, you can email me from my personal email as well and I'm happy to take any questions if you've got any now. So just make sure you type them out in the chat box. Thank you. All right. So if there's no questions, so I'll just log out and then, uh, just make sure that, um, if you've got any questions, I'm happy to take anything. Uh, so just email me on my personal email. All right. Thank you very much. So I'm just gonna log off now. Have a nice evening everyone. Thanks.