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Attend this on-demand teaching session to learn about the London Deary application for the SFP and the timeline to apply. Jan B. and Niraj, both F1 and F2rotation personnel in the London area, will provide an insight into the process and what you need to know before submitting an application. They will also discuss the ranking system, the criteria for short-listing and interviews, and tips and tricks on how to maximize your chances of being selected for an interview. It is essential for medical professionals looking to apply for SFP to attend this session.

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In this webinar on applying for the London SFP, we will guide you through the programmes available, the application and interview process in this deanery.

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify the eligibility criteria for the London DEARy SFP program.
  2. Outline the timeline for the London DEARy SFP application process.
  3. Explain the criteria used for shortlisting and scoring applications for the London DEARy SFP program.
  4. Compare and contrast the various research opportunities available for F one and F two postings in London.
  5. Demonstrate best practices when applying for the London DEARy SFP program, including how to rank preferences and prepare for interviews.
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OK. I think we'll probably make a start. Not so. Um hi, everyone. Welcome to our talk on the London Deary application for the SFP. Um For those of you who went at our last webinar, I'm Jan B. I'm an F one currently in the northeast of London. Um And I'm aiming to do my um SFP in academic critical care. And hi, my name is Niraj. I am in North West London and I'm on the academic medicine rotation with Imperial. OK. And uh just throughout the whole thing, just pop things in the chat, just ask questions. It's gonna be more of A Q and A I think than anything else. So, just briefly before we start on the actual ins and outs of it, um We're going to just talk you through the timeline um because it's a little bit confusing. So hopefully you guys will know that on the fourth of October, the national application window closes and this is also your opportunity to apply for SFP. Um Like we mentioned our first one, you can apply for two deaneries at that point for SFP. Um Then the main thing with London to remember is, if you get offered an interview, the interview slots will open on the 8th and 9th of November. So I think they're gonna release some slots on the eighth and then some slots on the ninth. Um, if you're really particular about what date you want, it is important that you kind of do it early when it first opens because the slots do go very quickly. But I wouldn't let that put you off because we've got the interview dates here. So they're all in November, December. But honestly, I, er, I know everyone wants the later dates but doing it early isn't a disadvantage at all. So whenever you can do a date that works around your own timetable, that's perfectly fine. Um, and then after you have your interviews, um, you then get the first round of offers on the 10th of January. And then in that time, you've got 48 hours to either accept or reject the offer. If you didn't get an offer on this first day, then there's anyone who pulls out those offers then get released a week later and there's a few different rounds of cascading offers, um, depending on how many people reject theirs. Ok. So the way the London Deaner works for SFP is that you're allocated to while London is divided, you're actually part of more of a university than the actual dean. So, depending on where you're going to do your SFP, you're associated in that sort of area. So there's one in North West London, north central, northeast, southeast and southwest. So similar to the normal London um breakdown of the Dean. Um And as you can see, there's normally 100 and six posts available, I think these are pretty much the same as last year. Um And they're spread out as you can see through this. So depending on where you wanna to apply, there's more posts in some places than others. And then in terms of ranking your post, so you have to do this before you send in your application, you need to rank all of them by job. So all three jobs have been released normally for F one and all three, for F two and you have to rank them all um in terms of ranking, think about what kind of research interests you. So are you more interested in doing like clinical lab based research? Would you rather be at DGH doing kind of things in the community with public health? There's loads and loads of options available, especially in London, whereas there's no leadership management or teaching ones, there's loads and loads of different research ones. And I think the thing to remember is that even whichever research one you get, there's a lot of flexibility. So if there's something that you're very interested in, most of your supervisors will let you do almost anything you want as long as it's kind of related. Um The thing we always tell everyone is make sure you look at the other clinical jobs because your academic block is only four months out of the two years. So really make sure you look at what other jobs are available and if you'll be happy with them, um, think about the order you'd like to do things. So this is really important because some people want to do the academic post at the beginning of F two, some people want to do at the end. And it depends on kind of what your own personal circumstances are. They normally have for each academic job. They normally have three jobs and it just means everyone does the academic block, the first one, the second block, the third block. Um So you can, if you're really interested in one thing, then rank all those three in a different order. Um And we mentioned this in the first one, but only ranked the jobs that you really want to do unless you want like a specific SFP and really useful is there's an Excel spreadsheet on the London Deanery website, I would recommend downloading this almost just getting rid of the ones you don't want to do first of all and then ranking them according to that and you can move stuff up and down. Um And that's a really easy way of doing it. And they are like I said earlier, divided by the university that you're in. So that's the code for them normally. Ok, I'll pass over to re now. Thank you very much, Javie. So, um I'm going to talk a bit about the application process itself and the criteria that are used um to assess your applications. Now, as usual things change every year and this year is no exception. So the criteria that are used this year are slightly different from when um Janie and I both applied. So the first thing to say is that short listing for interview happens in a two stage process. So I've just copied this uh screenshot from the applicant guide. Um And I would recommend for all of the deaneries that you are going to apply to um having a really careful read through the applicant guide. So you know exactly what they're looking for and what to expect when it comes to scoring. So this year, the major difference is that publications alone are used as a primary sort of cut off and candidates who don't have publication points that meet the threshold, which I think is determined after they pull all of the applications together. So it's not something that they predetermine and the applicants who don't reach that cut off will unfortunately not progress to phase two of the shortlisting, which is where they look at all of your other things. So things like prizes and further degrees. So in the past or last year, at least um both prizes, sorry, both publications and presentations counted for this stage. Um but this year, it seems to be the case that only publications will be. So if you do get through that first stage of the shortlisting, which is meeting the publication cut off criteria, then you'll progress on to phase two where the rest of your things are. Um the rest of your achievements are scored and then a cutoff for interview will be set and then applicants will be offered interviews based on those scores. Um The score that you get from shortlisting is then added to your interview score. And then that's what determines your rank and ultimately, whether you get a job and if so where or which preference you get. So this is the criteria for uh the short listing score, which is out of 20. So short listing on your portfolio is out of 20 then the um interviews themselves are out of 40. So you've got a maximum of 10 points available available for publication. So that's two points for publication, meaning that you can get points for five publications. If you've got more than that, then you get the maximum points. If you got less than that, then you'd get two per publication uh five for further degrees. And we've got a slide, um We've got a slide up next uh to tell you how those are scored and then five for prizes, you need to make sure that your publications if you are listing them, um have a PUBMED ID and have an abstract. If you look at the London SFP guide, there's a really useful sort of prompt on there to show you which sorts of publications will be counted. It's important that for all of these things. So the publications, the further degrees and the prizes, you list the first, um you list them in likelihood of them being scored points. So for example, if you've got 10 publications, then you should list the five that you think are most eligible for points first because those are the only ones that will be looked at. And the same thing for the further degree. Well, the further degrees are usually just a degree um but the same thing for prizes. So if you've got like 10, 15 prizes, then you should rank the ones that you're confident meet the scoring criteria first because those are the only five that will be looked at. So this is just a bit more information on exactly how your additional um your additional achievements are scored. So you can see on the left that in terms of further degrees, you would get five points for a first um a distinction in a, a level seven degree. So that's a master's, you get two points for a 21 or a merit in your undergrad um in your post grad degree. Um and you would get no points for the other degrees that are mentioned there at the top. And then on the right hand side, you have your criteria for, for which prizes score points. So first prizes um scholarships, distinctions, nationally awarded funding for research projects, et cetera. And again, I reiterate that if you've got more than five, then you should be ranking the five that you think most fit these criteria first to maximize your chances of getting your points. Now, for all of these additional degrees and I for all of these additional um achievements rather, this applies for London as well as the other ones, I would err on the side of listing everything that you've done, you have nothing to lose by listing everything. Even if you're unsure about whether it scores a point if you have publications and you're like, oh, I don't know whether this would score a point or not, just list it because there's no negative marking here. The important thing is to be honest and obviously don't exaggerate or lie about anything on your portfolio because they do do random checks, but you have nothing to lose by listing everything. You have to remember that it's the job of the assessors to, to assess whether what you've put down gains points or not. That's not your job. Your job is just to submit what you think would gain points or what you would like to show them. So yeah, list everything you've got nothing to lose and a bit on the interview. So after the um after the cut off for the interviews is set, you'll receive your invitations for interview. And as Jan V said, if you are particular or you're set on wanting a particular date, um then it's a good idea to have Oreo open and refreshing early on the days that the interview slots come out because they do go quite quickly. If you have been, if you have received an offer to interview, you will get one of the interview dates that just might not be your preferred choice if you are a bit late in booking it. And as Javi said, there are advantages and disadvantages to doing it early or late. Um I mean, personally, I wanted to do, I applied for two Suoas and I really wanted London. Um and I had my other interview first and therefore I booked the last date for London because I wanted a, a sort of dry run before doing the London interview. Some of you will prefer grouping together your interview so that you can prep for them together. I know some of you have finals in December, January time. So all of that sort of figures figures into when you, when you book your slot. So just do it carefully. Um So all of the interviews are online via teams that's across the board, not just for London, but for all of the deaneries and the ratio for interviews to places is 2 to 1. So you've done a really good job if you do get to an interview if you do get to the interview stage because there's a 50% chance that you'll get placed. Now, the interviews are scored, uh, as I said, out of 40 that's 20 for the clinical side and 20 for the academic side, the academic side consists of five questions which score four points each. And they're sort of like in medical school exams or OSI is a ranking of like clear pass, pass, et cetera, um or excellent, outstanding. And then in the clinical part, uh you've got a maximum of 20 with four questions worth five points each. And so your maximum score is 40 your maximum overall application score is 60. Um The process is, is as on the, the bullet points at the bottom there. So you've got 15 minutes to register. It's really important that if you do get an interview, you take along all of the documents they ask for. So things like passports, driving licenses, make sure that you're in an appropriate place to do the interview and that you're not going to be disrupted or distracted. You've got er, then you got 15 minutes to prepare, which is quite funny because you're all like in a team's breakout room. Um and you're just staring at each other slash the abstract and the clinical scenario that pop up on the screen, you can just see people frantically writing notes. Um and then you've got 20 minutes for the interview itself 10 minutes for the clinical side and 10 minutes for the academic side. Um I will just say that these timings are very like I waited in my uh breakout room for about an hour before I had my interview. So just be warned that you might be waiting for an incredibly long time and you can't use your phone, you can't do anything. So you just have to sit there staring at this team's call. So just be warned that you might have to wait and it's just a test in patients almost. Yeah, absolutely. Um So yeah, as I've said, there are two parts of the interview. The first one is the academic and the second one is clinical. Now, London is, um, quite a nice scenery to prepare for because, um, the interviews are very, very structured and very predictable. I say that now, um hopefully in like two months time, you don't all come at me and tell me that it was completely different to this. But generally speaking, the academic interviews will start with an nice icebreaker, sort of like, you know, why are you here? Why do you want to do the SFP? Tell me about yourself, what do you want to get out of the year? That kind of motivation type question. Um And that is a really important time for you to sort of set the tone for the rest of the interview and show the examiners why you're there um you will then be asked about the abstract that you were preparing for in the 15 minutes prior to the interview. Um And this is usually from a high impact journal, usually a randomized control trial. Um But obviously, it could be any type of study really. So just be prepared. Um And you'll be asked to talk about the abstract in a structured way. Sometimes you'll be asked to just present your findings of the abstract or present your interpretation of the abstract. Sometimes you'll be asked um specific questions about the abstract. So tell me about the study population. Tell me about the study design. Why do you think the researchers did XY or Z? Uh and then you'll be asked some follow up questions. And again, this is a time where you can bring in other parts of your knowledge and really shine. So, um you know, if it's, if it's an RCT, then you can say that OK. Well, this was a um this was a great trial but it would be really interesting if they did it as a crossover um or kind of just, just expand on things. But we'll, we'll go into that when we talk about interviews. Um at another point, this is just giving you an overview. So you'll have 10 minutes for this and then you'll have 10 minutes for the clinical side. And the reason for the clinical interview is um generally, we could get the next slide the reason to have the clinical interview is because obviously, as an academic trainee, you, you will have competing demands. So you will have your academic commitment at the end of F two, as well as your clinical commitment to hit your foundation program competencies. So they just need to make sure that everybody who is appointed to an academic post um meets a good standard clinically. And this is the case throughout academic training in the UK. So when you go down the AC F route or whatever you need to be benchmarked clinically, um usually you'll have a handful of clinical scenarios. Um and you will be asked to maybe prioritize them based on what you think is most urgent. Uh These generally, I think generally will probably agree, generally do reflect what happens on the ward in day to day life. You might have like a deteriorating patient and then a staff member who needs you to sign a prescription. And at the same time, a family member who needs to speak to you or you might have multiple patients across the hospital that you have to prioritize and what the examiners really want to hear from you. Here is your thought process and why you're making the decisions that you're making. Obviously, as in real life medicine, um people will have different answers to all of these questions and that's fine, but it's about showing how you're thinking through them and coming to a rational decision that's really important. Uh Generally speaking, again, these are quite structured. Uh You, you might have to talk through an A three assessment. Um And it's really important to be uh comfortable with the common clinical scenarios that come up. So M ISP es heart failure, that kind of stuff. Um So yeah, fall back on your A P assessment if all else fails and you also might be asked to show some of your other skills. So team work, how you would work with um a person who's been difficult, for example, ethical considerations, for example, capacity and consent, prioritization of jobs as I've just talked about and communication with patients and families. So again, this is a 10 minute um interview uh where they just want to hear about how you think as a clinician preparing for this might seem a bit daunting, but actually, it's really, really useful for finals. Anyway, a lot of the time you will in your AKI have acutely unwell patients that you have to manage. So actually having this kind of practice from October, October November time takes the stress off a bit later on. Um And also just getting into the flow of how you communicate your ideas is always good for exams, but also for general life as well. Yeah, I would say like just to add, I wouldn't worry too much about the clinical. Like none of the scenarios any of us got were anything completely out of the blue, everything was very like gold standard medical emergencies. Um And there's like near said, there's no like right answer as long as you can think like in a processed way. And if you get completely stark worst case, if you just go through an A to E that is more than good enough, like you don't have to go into like the nitty gritty and just remember you only have 10 minutes. So you also don't want to talk about everything, you know about an I for example, like you just, they just want to know what you would actually do that. Yeah, I think that's our main presentation. We've got loads of questions that we'll go through. Um But just before that, um we have, we're gonna plan to do a mentorship program where we set you up with different um people who are already on the SFP program. Um So this is just a QR code to sign up for that if you're interested. Um And then I think we'll go through the questions. Yeah. So I think you've answered the first few. So the Excel spreadsheet, you've linked to um all of the deaneries will have a similar one. And like Javi said, I did exactly what she did and just took out like hid the rose or deleted the rows of the ones that I didn't want to do and then ranked and it made things a lot easier. Um One thing we did touch on was how to choose your programs. You need to really think about what matters to you. So if, if just doing an SFP anywhere is the goal, then obviously rank all of them, you've got nothing to lose. But I think Janie and I were both quite particular with the locations we wanted to work in. She wanted northeast. I wanted Northwest. And so we only ranked a handful of jobs and that worked out quite well. Um because it means that if you are, if you don't get, um if you don't get, so if you do well on your application, but not necessarily well enough to get your job the first time, then you stand a good chance of getting your job in the second round or the third round even. Whereas if you have ranked everything, you might well end up with your 50th choice that you might not want to work at. So that was the first question which Excel Spreadsheets are kind of went on off on the Tangin at what point do you have to rank the program? So Jan V is very helpfully answered. Um and ranking jobs, how much detail you should give for prizes? Do you want to take that one, Jan V? Yeah. So I would say you don't because I think there's a question later on there is actually a character Limon Oriel and it's really, really annoying. So you don't actually have to give that much detail as long as it kind of just makes sense what the prize is. Um The thing is with the Lon with London, they won't actually more than likely ask you for proof of this but can always ask you. So definitely don't lie. Um But you don't have to give masses of detail either just enough to show that this is a prize that people have got. Um And like Nira said earlier, like if you are a bit unsure, does this prize count? Does it not count? Like, put everything and they can decide if it counts or not that you don't have to put too much detail at all. Exactly. And it's like if you've got a prize that has a name, so if it's like named after someone or something, that's not what needs to go down there and what needs to go down there is first prize for medicine or distinction for XYZ. So you need to give what the prize is actually for, not necessarily the name of the prize because you might run out of space. Yeah. And I think I need this later. But for example, getting distinction is one of the things, but then I would write distinction in year, whatever. And then in brackets, top 10% of the year if that's the way your medical school does it because if you don't make it clear, they might say, oh, but you haven't said distinction is the top 10%. It's the top 20%. So, just make it really, really clear and it doesn't have to be like, distinction and finals, even if you've got a distinction in like a surgical exam, a random medical exam just put it all down. Yeah. Um, is it true? You have to have a minimum of seven points overall to get through to an interview. I thought every year this changes, um, a minimum of seven points overall to get through last year, wasn't it? 12. Yeah, I don't think there is a minimum this year. I think, like we said, there's 100 and six places and I think they give 212 interview slots. So I think that's gonna be that because there's no E PM. Um, what it called EP anymore. Um So as long as you're in the top 210 or 212 whatever it is, then I think you'll get an interview. The thing is this year, it's changed a lot from our year because I year did have a minimum. Um, but I couldn't find any information on that anywhere. So I think that's all it's going to be. They're still very clear. It's a 2 to 1 ratio from interview to places. Well, in our year, there was a minimum, there was a minimum number of points for publications and pri publications and presentations and then, and then you go on to phase two and then from phase two I believe the interview cut off was around 12, 13. They don't publish it. This is just based on friends who have got interviews, like one getting 12 and not getting an interview and then one getting 13 and getting an interview. So, um but like Javi said, it's going to change. I wouldn't be surprised if it is maybe lower this year. Um But you can't, you can't actually predict because a lot more people might apply this year as well. So, yeah. Yeah, because I think from when we applied more, obviously, more people have presentations rather than publications and most of the people we know who applied had very few publications. So we unfortunately don't know what's gonna happen this year. But I would say even if you have zero publications, I would still go for it because you could always make it up in the interview like some people do really well in the interview just round. Yeah, I uh fine. Yeah, sorry. So I would say if you have zero publications, um it would be a good idea to look at other soas who don't have this system of cutting off first on publication. London has always had cutoffs that work in different ways. So one year there's a des I cut off where like only the top three death that doesn't happen anymore. This year is publication. So you can say with some confidence, unfortunately, that if you have zero publications, you are very unlikely the cutoff isn't going to be zero to get on to phase two of the short listing. So I would say if that's the case, don't waste an suoasuo a application place, apply for something else. There are plenty of good sfps out there like Cambridge, Oxford KSS Wessex. There's a lot around. So yeah. Um I mean the answer to your question is no uh no, you can't make two applications for London. That's not how it works. So you apply for London and you apply for another Deanie. Um London is one big one, big deal different one, but you apply for whole of London first. So you don't actually apply for like North London, South London, East London. You apply for London and con it's different to the because what happens in the normal foundation program means you say you apply for London and you get London, then you have to rank your like area within London. Then you have to rank your job here. You rank all the jobs within London. So your first choice could be something at UCL. Your second choice could be something at Queen Mary or third choice could be something at Saint George's if you really wanted it to be. So, yeah. No, you apply for London Pound London. Um Yeah, didn't take the next one characters. It's really, really annoying but you do just, you either shorten the name of the prize or the publication or you just cut it off at what a reasonable point is for publications. It doesn't matter so much because you're going to put your Pubmed ID anyway. So they can look it up for prizes. Just make sure like we said earlier, you get the main thing if you're in the top 10% that what the prize is actually for. Don't worry about putting all of the things in. Just make it easy for the assessors to understand. Yeah. And there are, I know note that before one of the prize options used to be scoring within the top 10% of the year. What counts as a distinction? It seems a bit vague, agreed. Um So there are no, as far as I could see on the handbook this year, there are no um definitions for what a distinction is. So that means if in first year you got a distinction for your dissection of a particular part of the cadaver, I would put that down even though it might not be in your mind. What, what a a legitimate like distinction is? It just says distinctions. Um Actually, I'm gonna have a look at January. Would you mind going back to the slide that I might have changed that? So, oh, they don't even have top 10% anymore. Yeah. So, so anything anything for educational achievements? So yeah, if it says distinction in it, I put it down. Um And then the other thing is, yeah, first prizes. So if you put down like a second prize for something then you probably won't get it. But if, if you got a first prize for, like, performance in a topic or in a subject then, then I would put that down. Um, when, what's the usual publication cut off for getting an interview? Just on a rough gauge? We don't know this year because last year it's publications and presentations and I think it was somewhere I did hear seven. Jan me. What do, do you remember from last year? What it was? Oh, sorry. Changes every year, every year. This thing. Yeah, it was like two. It was two, I think, I think last year it was low. Um, it was like you had to have something. Uh, basically it was just making sure you had something, a publication or a present or a couple of presentations or a publication. Uh It's not preet because it depends on how many people apply and what they've done. So obviously, if everyone applies with no publications, they cannot have a publication cut off because no one will get a job equally if loads of people apply with loads of publications and the publication cutoff will be higher. The only thing we can say with some certainty is unfortunately, if you don't have any publications. Um and actually to be fair, I'm, I'm guilty of that. I got all of my points on presentations. I would not have got my job. This year. Um And so I wouldn't have applied for London this year. So if you, if you um yeah, if you have no publications unfor unfortunately, it's not like you're going to proceed. If you have one or more publications, I would definitely put your hat in the ring because you, you never know um standard made, you know, mentors will be allocated before the fourth of October deadline. Yes, we will try our very best for it before then. But if you have any burning questions in the meantime, before you get your mentors, um if you look on the mind, the ble um website, there's an email address for us like an SFP email. So you can just email us if there's any questions and we're more than happy to answer, but we will try our very best to get the mentors done before the fourth of October. Yeah. Uh regarding the seven points minimum, they said that the webinar is unlikely to, to get an interview you have below seven points. Yes. Um But the cut off for interview last year was about 12 or 13. Yeah, I don't know. It's going to be very difficult this year because if no one has many publications, if everyone has maybe one publication, they might have to change things. So I think it's very variable and I think no one really knows what's going on unfortunately. Yeah. Do you want to take the next one? What question? But what are you looking to get out of doing an SFP? Um Yeah, great question. Um So the reason I think I chose it was because I've always had like a bit of interest in doing some research and unfortunately, throughout medical school, I haven't really had the opportunity to do any actual like research research. Um So that's what made me interested. The other thing is, um and Nira will probably agree with this is that I really wanted to stay in London more than anything. That was my goal. And this was another way of getting into London without relying on the SJT or whatever. I know you guys don't have that this year and I found out I was wanted to find out my jobs very early on so I could plan the rest of my life. That's what it was. But I am still looking forward to. That was just a side thing. I'll let Nira John. So why he did it? Yeah, to be fair. Not dis from Ja, I think um it's nice to have a protected research block. Uh This is another thing to look at every deary does it differently. Most most have a research block and some deaneries do like a day of research every week on like a day release. Um But yeah, like Javi, I think I just wanted some dedicated time to research to, to explore something I'm interested in. And the other reason was because it's, it's a it was a nice way back when we were doing it, removing some of the randomness from the SJT and staying where not necessarily in London, but getting a job where you wanted to if you thought your portfolio is strong. Um But I'm looking, um really what I'm looking to get out of it is to push myself a bit in terms of doing things. I won't be able to do elsewhere in my career. So, bits of research that I know I won't have the time to necessarily dedicate, dedicate myself to um whether that's learning like wet wet lab research or um, or learning a bit more coding, continuing some of the stuff I did in my BS E. But we'll see, uh, it feels like an interview on so I would definitely practice that answer. Um There are says, what's the best way to prep early for interviews? Would you recommend getting an interview partner? I can answer this and I'm sure Ly can too. Yeah, I would really recommend getting an interview partner. Um, and just doing often, er, you don't need to do like hours and hours and hours of interviews. But I, one of my, er, very close friends is uh an FP now as well in Northwest London. And me and him used to do interview practice quite frequently, maybe once every two days. Um, but that was like, maybe a scenario or two each and just keeping that ticking over was really good. Er, and then you learn, you also learn from each other. You, you pick up, um, you pick up on points that they wouldn't have picked up on and vice versa and it just means that things are a lot more polished by the time you get to interview. So I would say don't prep really early but, um, definitely little and often is the way I would do it. It's not really something you want to be cramming for. I'm sure you probably agree. I say the same thing. The other thing I would say is it sounds silly but just like, talk to yourself through the, through the questions. Like you don't need to have a, it's very good to have a partner. But if you don't have time to always have like, set times with someone, honestly, it's all just practice, even just talking yourself through something and saying it out loud makes a really big difference. Don't just keep reading things and thinking about them actually physically say them. Yeah. And we'll do a bit more of this when we do our interview, um our interview prep, er, webinars, but there are certain things that come up again and again, um, that you realize you just don't know how to say properly. Um So like, I remember week after week, I'd be asked about things like bias and I would just like fudge my answer every week, every week and actually just practicing that answer was really useful. Um So yeah, and, and the thing is when you do get an interview partner or even if you are just talking to yourself, you need to be really critical. Like, of course, everyone's really nice but you're not gonna learn from each other if you don't push each other. So, uh I remember me and my friend used to just have like more and more and more ridiculous abstracts as the week went on. And then actually, by the time we got to the interview, we felt ready to tackle pretty much anything that was thrown at us and that's how you want to be feeling. Um So hope that answers that. Um And of course, our mentors will hopefully be doing some mock interview practice with you guys as well. I mean, says once you get through to the interview, do the 20 points, not ma no, they still matters. So the 20 points are added to the 40 points of the interview. Um And then I think they're still multiplied by four. I'm not sure if that happens anymore. They multiply it by four, but it doesn't really matter because everything is multiplied by four. Yeah, the only thing that did matter for us is that it was then your E PM was then added to it and therefore it like created fine tuned rankings. But at, yeah, so it's 20 plus 40. So out of 60. Um Do you want to take the next two. Yeah. OK. So does the publication have to be first author? No, no, I don't think it helps. I think. Yeah, I think you can be a collaborative author though. I think you can't. I think as long as you're a named author named on Pump Bed. So it can't be like XYZ and then like there's something collaboration and if you're in that collaboration, I don't think it counts. But if that's the case just put it down and I've just looked it up and word for word, what it says is you do not need to be a first named author on the publication. Just one of the named authors. Fantastic. How strict are they regarding approving prizes? Can't give you an answer to that because uh all of mine were approved GV were always approved. Mine were all as well. I think they're not super strict, but I wouldn't massively exaggerate the truth. Um The other thing is they are, they are scored by two independent assessors. So, um yeah, so if there's any major disagreement, the third one comes in, I think. But um like I said, and like Janie's just said, don't exaggerate or lie actually even worse than exaggerating because that, that will just land you in loads of trouble. And secondly, make sure that you are telling them what the prize is for. So even if you've got a really fancy or really impressive name, like, I don't know, it's a ridiculous name. Um, just put down first prize for performance in fourth year examinations and then if you've got characters, then put characters or distinction in brackets, top 10% of my year in finals, er, which I haven't done yet, or like fourth year or 50 or whatever it was. Um, is it the same for leadership and teaching or the like, or is it just research to the best of my knowledge? London only has research. SFPS London only has research ones. Um types of research, like we said, there's like community ones, there's things in labs, there's things in hospital base. Um but they are all research, there's no leadership or teaching that I know and then, and other deaneries will have different criteria for different ones where abouts on or you meant to rank SFP jobs. Um It's in the same place that you rank your uh like your foundation deanie. Once there's just a separate tab that says SFP. Once you do your application, it's really, really self explanatory. Um just make sure that you save it when you do it. But otherwise it's self yeah, make sure you save it and make sure you meet the deadlines because once preferencing closes, for example, so you've like, OK, say you, you went in and then you were like, OK, I'm gonna rank five of these jobs now and they would rank, rank the rest of them later. Uh And you forget to do that then you're only in the running for five jobs. I would say, like, don't use Oriole to rank the jobs, do it on the Excel spreadsheet. So you don't make mistakes and then move it from the Excel spreadsheet to Oriole because, or I, I don't know if you guys have started ranking your jobs yet, but it's really messy and you can very easily put things in the wrong place. Yeah. And on that, um each one will come with like a job um like number like a like it will be like 24 slash 25 slash I for imperial slash blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, um copy and paste that from your Excel sheet into or search like search for it and then rank it. Don't like try and eyeball what it is because you eyeball it wrong and I I know someone that got a job that they didn't want. It was not, not nice. Um Says, do you have any interview, any ideas about where to get prep for interviews? Types of bias? Yes. Watch this space if you want to get a, if you want to get ahead, um you can have a watch of our webinars from last year. If you really want to, we will also be doing similar things this year and there's also an article is there not on the mind, the it's not very detailed, but we're going to run um a webinar where we go through the whole academic process on the sixth of October. So that's next Friday evening. And what we'll do then is we'll talk you through exactly what to revise what resources to use. And briefly there are loads of books that, um, like worth reading. I think there's like the doctor's guide to critical appraisal and stuff like that. Um, but we will, don't worry, we will talk you through all of it next week. If like Neri said, you want to watch the webinar from last year, it was very, very good. Um And that does talk you through it as well. Yeah. Um Bernie says this is the main school ranks. Yes. So you'll rank your jobs after your main ranks. So like main UO A ranking and selecting of, yeah, it comes up on your SFP application and then it will say um like which UO A and then you click on it and then it will say the rankings and yeah, it is like once you do it, it's quite self explanatory. Don't worry, you don't just submit like when you submit your application, you can still modify your rankings. Yes. Just make sure you do it in the, in, in whatever the deadline is. Yeah. Um So if that's all the questions, sorry, I'm going through this. So this is just a QR code for a feedback form. Um But yeah, keep going with the questions. We've still got plenty of time. So just confirm you know. Yes. So you don't have to rank all the jobs. Like, personally, I only rank I think about 30 out of the 106. Um, but if you are, it really depends, if you would rather do specific sfps or stay in a specific area, I would only rank the jobs that you are willing to take if you want to do any SFP. You don't mind where it is in London, then obviously rank all of them. Um But be wary that you might get a job right at the bottom and then you will probably have to, you probably will take it because you want to do SFP. Um But I know this year everything has changed quite a bit. Um So it's really up to you. Um Mandi if you want to. Yeah, I personally didn't rank all of them, but I know loads of people who did rank all of them. Yeah. Oh, if there are no more questions, I think we'll end it there. Like I said, we do have an email address on the mind, the website. Um I think it's just SFP at mind the blue dot com. Um So it's quite easy to remember. Um So if you do think of any questions then um just email us or you can message us on um Instagram, whatever. Um We are like I said, our next webinar, it's going to be next Friday. Um So that's the sixth of October where we're going to talk about the academic one and then two weeks after that, we're going to talk about the clinical interview. Um And yeah, I think that's it. Anything else you wanted to add? Urge? No, I think um that was about it. Good luck everyone with your applications and we're here for any questions and um we look forward to seeing you at our next few webinars. Yeah. Thank you everyone. All right, thanks guys. Bye.