Applying a Thomas Splint - A Perry
This medical teaching session is an introduction to the application of Thomas Perspective and Margin Splint applied to family teachings fractures. The session will allow attendees to learn key elements of bone and muscle anatomy, and resortment techniques as well as take away practical tips in order to ensure a comfortable patient and successful treatment. Knowledgeable clinicians and doctors will be on hand to answer questions and guide the session.
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives
- Identify and explain the techniques used for reducing swelling in injuries.
- Understand the purpose and importance of providing a comfortable environment for the patient.
- Describe the proper application of casts, braces and traction in the reduction of fractures.
- Demonstrate the safe use of tools and materials related to the reduction of fractures.
- Apply the knowledge gained to a successful management of fractures in a medical setting.
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So is it a major? We're going to use our mean generally on nature. I'm five centimeters for swelling in the injury. We are going to choose this part of the spring days. Each one has a vitamin. So this one he is he in stage, boys body it to 60 centimeters. Make sure you put the car. How about so that no mental will be packing the patient's skin? But the two most things that men trouble should be only about Oh, yes. Oh, they get so that's the patients. And I have, you know, have a mental and yes, don't you put the hands on itself prepared and it looks make sure the patient is comfortable. Have some people even word meaning progressive nation on. Because when your body is able, then I I should like a walk and fractured comfort. Why I'm here is the next thing is when you get like itself and I'm so when I was in the packet, everything should be finding the books for most folks, including based runs. Yeah, spoons. Like really? Um, I'm thinking the clinician, doctor or under the skin. It's not till the language place patch in Italy bring your expression, Hold off home, okay? And hold dressing. Like so when I travel by five years below the age but strength, you know, that is where and bomb it's It's all if I monitors again comes with actually then he exposed. So what? I'm some would be often realized additional deal and fast along I'm behind in a lot of support me. Well, I don't high person. He's Are there any issues with, like in here? Basement Help Way, this way, Right. I just had a buckle. Is, um then I usually have probably stay on this story and, like, I can't leave. Then he exposed for us. We're going to you, But that's what that's what you would want. Can you know what I'm trying to the next week? Really? Like, I know you don't want the heel against the other and just yeah, night comes, they were when I should buy a traction. That's the part that's most people started doing. Okay, so And the markers, a little metal rods he constantly used. There are little specks wrapped up with some of the last possible. So for this gonna have a chase rings ones. When I started, but I'm over that whole. You know, I was gonna start going on with that. Okay, Honest. Okay. Very tired. Okay, so and we're going to You're going to bring in your local stuff on your chart. Spend around. I just keep spending for a long as the patient already. We tried something. I money, but tight enough. You just take the levels that they sent across from that work. What time of the leg supposedly flying? Best to be tight. Please remind me, um, moving to yards and open television. Have there financial people have double jack care of Oscar's is the Sure. Okay, so hopefully that's a nice demonstration off application of Thomas punt margin off family shop fractures on. But it's just one of these things that we thought would cover because And people tend to Not often the panic on the acidy. Um, but hopefully that will give us a, uh, we saw a few pointers in terms of applying them. Any questions on that one