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so as long as you keep it proportional and then make your final conclusion, like, make sense with the rest of it, that's fine. Okay, So if, like, overall, I think this paper doesn't really add much to the field, do I have to add something else to suggest how to improve it or what kind of further work needs to be done? Or if I don't have the space, I just don't say something. I think it's wise to. So in your limitations, you'd be talking about why it wasn't good and like what could have been done to improve it. But I wouldn't make it too big a part of your of the I see a and then at the end, in the final paragraph, you can you can say that, um, like, this is what we'll need to be done in the future. I think it's it's like nice to add it in the conclusion where you're saying this is my final opinion. All right, thank you so much. And 11 more question. Yeah, for the strength, Say, I think the design is good because it's like randomized or like double blinded. Do I need to elaborate on that as to why those are good or if my overall theme is that focusing on limitation, I just make the strength, like, brief and short. So I think in terms of randomized, double blind like, I think it's pretty clear why those are good. So because it's reduced by us, all of that, and it doesn't really add much to your essay, so I wouldn't bother being like, Oh, this is why randomized double trial double blind trials are good. Unless, for example, um, there aren't many of those in like the field of work that your papers from, um, and it's kind of a similar with sample size, where it's kind of a more basic strength that most people will comment on if if it's there, so don't waste too many words on it, is what I'd say. Okay, So, like, overall, the strength needs to be say, like, this kind of study hasn't been done before and or just strength of the methods. So what I did was I read a lot of other papers and then you know how in their discussion they usually comment on the strength of the paper and the limitations And then I'd look at the other papers, which was similar, and then, um, check whether my paper had done those or spoken about those. Okay, so I I compared to similar studies, but then I can only site like, like, 10 other papers in total. So I feel like although they don't like, site the papers, I'm just saying if you read other papers, you get an idea of different strengths and limitations that you can talk about. Okay? Yeah, that helped me a lot. It looks really good on you on you because it shows that you've read around the topic, and you're kind of commenting on it with a more holistic approach where you can appreciate what work could have been done. As if you were like a specialist, If that makes sense, yeah, but make sure you do. I don't want it to come across like, make sure you do have strengths, because otherwise, um, it will be like too unbalanced. But as long as the amount that you talk about either strengths or limitations that has to align with your final opinion overall, Okay. Thank you so much. Welcome. Any other question can be specific. or can be more structure. Oh, I think you're muted. Well, I can't hear you. No. If you want sell, you can message me your questions. I can answer it. Yeah. Okay. Um, any other questions generally at all? Should I do what I do? Like my, um, structure. Would that be helpful? Yes. Okay, so, um, if you email me as well, um, my short codes pee pee 218. I can send my I see a, um but so it's a weight is yours a letter to the editor just to make sure? Okay, so I started. Make sure you get your dear editor at the start, then because it's it's meant to be a letter. Um, I had a my introduction had a very It was like an introduction to the topic and kind of very, very vague general background. So mine was on postoperative nausea and vomiting, So I said, Oh, this is like, what's happening in the field right now and what's been done. That was two sentences. Then I said, Oh, I read with great anticipation. And, like, introduced this paper and like a one sentence on what the paper was about then My second paragraph gave a bit more background specifically on. So mine was like Dex Meta meta tizanidine Remember how to say that? And IV lidocaine. So I just very briefly introduce what those were and then said, Oh, the authors, um, investigated exercise that So that was a very generic introduction to their study. Then I went on to say, in this double blinded, randomized controlled trial, they, um oh, and then I included there method and introduced, like the groups that they had and the outcomes of the study. And then I also wrote about the results there. But I think in that I'll go into my feedback at the end and then So that was all the results. Then I said I spoke about their conclusion and like critique their conclusion or well, there's was fair. So I said this was a fair conclusion and said Why? I thought so. I had a very short sentence about how it was under powered. Then it was a a paragraph about positive things, then a paragraph about negatives, and it was kind of more of their study design. And I had like, one or two negatives in that because they linked to each other. And then another paragraph about the second last paragraph here is about what it adds if it added to the field and kind of their more about their outcomes. So it was another kind of critiquing paragraph, and I finally I had my conclusion, which was that it was good, but overall did not really add much and then a sentence about what needed to be done next. So it's, I feel like it's easy to follow a good structure, Um, because it kind of follows what the paper does to my main overall. They like my structure. But they said it would be nice if at the start of each paragraph of the argument section, it would be clearer if it was going to be a paragraph in support or criticism of the article. And another bit of feedback they did was Oh, it was. I thought this was a good oh, so basically in mind, I had all those negatives, but then I had, like, a nice positive part as well. So in the end, I was like, This paper has no give no contribution to the field, and they were like that was quite harsh considering you had, like, a positive paragraph, and it was quite positive in some aspects. So yeah, it's really important that you, um that your final, um sense make sense. Good question. So, in terms of when you're writing these paragraphs with positives and negatives, how do you link each point together? Because I can, like, list a lot of positives, and I can list a lot of negatives, but it's like I struggle with, like, making it flow when if you're like reading, it will be just, like, kind of all over the place. Um, I think so. I didn't list all of the like positive. So I chose the most, um, important ones, I thought. And I think I made it clear. So I'm just reading it now. I think I just kept it simple. I didn't try to link it to much. They didn't criticize it. Um, and just like, don't list them or don't make it a list, pick the most pertinent ones and just go with that because you have limited words. Anyway, in terms of my limitations, the I picked the biggest limitations. Um, so I didn't bother too much with small ones like about sample size or like more obvious ones. And I picked the limitations that would show off how much I knew about the field. And then I just use, like, linking sentences like, Oh, with regards to the study design. This was off and just like me linked it with, like, firstly, Secondly, these are the issues because I think it is hard to make it flow. But if if you kind of connect it and make it clear this is a negative paragraph, so I'll be talking about a few negatives. Here it will. It won't be too big a deal. One more question and we have a reference limit of 10. And they said that would be about 8 to 10 references. Where do most of your references like, Is it like in the first paragraph when you're giving a background? Is it when you talk about each like I don't know. If you talk about the weakness, you say, Oh, this other study this this instead really confused where to, like, kind of fit the literature. It is so difficult in mind. I used six references for the first two paragraphs, which was the background. And in those six references, one of them was the study, because make sure you reference the study. And then, um Oh, what I did was I know it just kept. It's quite difficult, isn't it? Um, trying to find studies like control. Like, make sure you're not using too many review articles, by the way. That's like criticism generally, but try to find the same source that can work for multiple. Um, well, the same study that works for multiple of your like, um, statements. So I like used one source source. Six like, three times. And in the criticism paragraphs, you don't have to. I used fewer, um, in, like, the positives and criticism. Yeah, because I think background does use up a lot. Thank you. You're welcome. Xeloda. Did you have a want to ask me a question or you're good, right? Any other questions at all? Are you all, like, finished with the first draft or halfway through? Okay. I finished my in the morning of, um and submitted it, like, 10. Or the deadline. And I still did well overall because I think it really matters. Um, what matters most is you showing that you know, about the field and coming across, um, like a specialist in the field, but don't like in mind. They said it was good how I made it accessible, too non specialist readers as well, and spoke about a few broader issues. Any other questions? If not, um, you like free to go. Go on with your evening and feel free to message me with any questions as well. Short code is P P 2118. But don't worry too much. I feel like with anesthetics. Sometimes the grading zar Quite random. Like I read one of my mates you got, like, in the fifties in one of the other I see is, and I wouldn't have been able to tell, um at all. So if even if it goes badly, don't worry, you've got loads of ICS to make up for it. And this one, it is hard. But make sure you just follow the make sure you make it a letter to the editor. Don't make it a commentary. Um, say, dear editor, end it with how did I end up? I don't remember, but it was yours sincerely. And then I put my see I d. So you follow the letter structure, you make sure your conclusion is justified and that those two are, like, really important points that might really hammered in to us if there aren't any other questions. Feel free. I think you need to provide feedback. And, um, good luck with your I see a I hope it goes very well. Thank you so much. No worries. I think you guys can go unless you have any other questions. Hello? Do you have any questions?