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Hello this session is now recording. Um I've just clicked the recording icon. I'm going to start you off with the questions that people get less nervous about Shaka, had she, what's your favorite thing oh I really like the content. I found that like the lectures and stuff were actually quite interesting um and they like teach you like new things about critical care that you haven't really come across in like placement and stuff. So yeah, yeah, I'd say probably the same as well. I think the reason I chose anaesthetics was because it's not like confined to like one organ system because a lot of the bs cs are like that with the gastro spec, specific to like the gastrointestinal system like neuro, stuff like that. Whereas I think with anaesthetics, you do quite a lot of like neuro, but you also do like the heart cycles. You do learn a lot by, like ecmo, but then you also do like infection and like ards um. So like there's a little enough diversity that there's like a bit for everyone, especially like if you do what you want to do in the future um and you just kind of want to like learn a bit more about like eat system and like what different things work like um I think anesthetics quite good, also the people the people are really nice yeah. Um In terms of structures, so in module one, that's where you get the most teaching um. So in module one they're really nice about it, so you come in at 10 am on like thursdays and fridays and only on those two days um And you have like 44 around four lectures um each day and then you um you have like group works or like formative tasks to do for thursday um. And they get group working quite early because you work with that same group for your literature review, so it's quite good because you know how your group works early on, without it being assessed. Yeah yeah, I think that's one of the good things because I know some of the bs cs, They like switch groups around every time, whereas I met my group that review group what we all met our group that review group at the BNA, so like we were already quite close by the time we have to work together to with an assessment. Um. So, I think that was quite good. Um. In terms of the first time teaching blocks, I think it's divided into three domains um. I think one is infection, the other ones like pain and then the third one is like critical, yeah, yeah, so you learn a bit about like those three things um. And then in module two, you get given your literature review um So you have no more face to face teaching after module one um and you work in your groups for your little review um and at the same time you also have to do what's called a science in context, which is a clinical case study, um but they like set you up with the consultant and who to contact in module one. Um So you don't have to stress about that on top of module to like lit review and then module three is what we're doing now um which is the project um and that can be face to face or remote like it really depends on what your project is, yeah and I think the structure is basically the same throughout. All bs cs, I don't think ours differs very much with what they recognizing centrally. Uh I think one maybe other thing is that we get for our science and context, we actually get to go see the patient. It's a case report that you're writing about a patient, but instead of just being given like a case study, you actually go get to see a patient and like talk to them um or you get given a consultant and then they tell you about the patient's um so, I think that's quite nice a little bit different than what the bs cs projects um I'm right now working on a machine running project, so mine's quite independent um I wanted it that way um I mean with my supervisor once a week and then most of the time, we just I just work by myself um and mind the machine learning project and basically we're looking at the radiological feta, types of ards um So it's we've got a database of like loads of imaging from patient's who are admitted into like into intensive care with ards, and we're trying to group them into different phenotypes to kind of them informed treatment. If, that makes sense because it turns out people do loads of x rays, but no one's actually figured out what do once you have an x ray, so that's what that's what I'm doing um I don't want to talk about. Um So my projects also like data analysis um. So right now, I have access to um the UK, medical cannabis registry and then I'm looking at how cannabis um is used um for chronic pain and inflammatory arthritis, so um it's also like only me once a week on teams, um but I have quite good email contact with my supervisor, so have, if I have any problems, he usually responds within like five minutes, which is pretty good, um but other people have lab based ones or clinical ones where they have to go in for a set amount of time um potentially every day and then they'll have like very close contact with their supervisor and then like other projects. Um There was one about a scheme limb um There's one about abdominal aortic aneurysms. There was sikma as well, I think what I'd like to do with my patient and then pain loads of pain stuff, yeah, that was a few like lab pain, ones, yeah um yeah, but yeah, there's a good range on say and you can kind of choose like we have a good divide between clinical lab like data, office, um yeah, and in terms of assessment, so it's assessed similar to all the other bs cs, um So you have I see one, which is in course assessment one, which is better to the edit er um and then an oral presentation and then your data analysis the only way in which our data analysis differs is that we don't do the experiment ourselves, whereas other bs cs do do the experiment themselves, we just get given the data um And then let's review your science and context and then Project yeah um In terms of black clothes, like I haven't worked nearly half as hard as I did four years, three examples um So far um maybe that might change close to the project deadline, but it's very chill um you get given a whole week off as well before the deadline for age assessment uh and that's plenty of time to like do your assessment. Um Yeah, I don't know how you found it. Yeah, I'd say like maybe close to the deadline, you'd find that you do um quite a bit more work compared to like how much work you've done and I say it's kind of like a pendulum. It's like the last two days before your deadline like you're working so much and then you do nothing and then you go back to working like for two days that's usually like two days of intense work really instead of like constant bang out and then I literally did nothing for like three weeks of it, I would just get back to like working like every day and then just nothing for three weeks ago. A lot yeah physiology. If that's your thing like know that you're going to learn that you learn about like pathophysiology and like the diseases and incidents and all of that stuff as well, but like the whole point of the b. S. C. In general is to look at the signs behind like a lot of diseases and like where the evidence comes from. Um So, it's like physiology with a little bit like spice because you're like looking at, like which experiments, goods, which is bad like can, we trust the data, can we not, um but you know there's plenty of physiology, don't worry, analysis was literally a physiology one um yeah, so yeah it's really interesting as well because a lot of time like you're talking about stuff that like we don't actually know whether that's true or not, so that like you're literally quite on the cutting edge of like science. I guess okay, yeah do you guys know whether you want to do anesthetics are you still like looking at what your choices are business you like top choice yeah. I suppose it's quite soon as well because you haven't had your bsc fair yet as well have any of you done anesthetics on placement yet, mhm, yes, so, I've I've done. I just finished my second week, I can't include it. Um Yeah, that's why I put anesthetics after my placement because I thought was really interesting and like how much would you say that that builds like doing the anesthetics, bsc. Now how much would you say that it builds on your anaesthetics experiences from that for you, hmm, because it's split between anesthetics and critical care, So at the start your introductory lessons on anesthetics and we had this one lecture on like the history of anesthetics and like every single anesthetic ever that they used um and then, but because anesthetics isn't um doesn't have a it's quite a new, it's upcoming in like research after Covid, whereas critical care, it's been around for a lot, So because it's research based, you learn a lot about critical care and looking at the research behind critical care, but the thing is with anesthetics um When you go to do anesthetics, I think you have to do critical care anyway, so it kind of balances out like that. Yeah a lot of that needs to test that we get taught by work both in critical care and like normal surgery as well. Um So it's good to have like I guess both there's no exams by the way uh n. B. S. C. Is of course work and for anesthetics anyway. Um I think bio, end and management have exams, but the rest of them don't I was just gonna ask what is like do you prefer learning about the anesthetic side or the critical care side, which part of that do you enjoy the most oh. I don't know because like every single course work that I've got has been a topic that I've never really been like heard of or um been talked about and the course works are kind of on, like physiology, so it's like um so a lot of ours is on nets like neutrophil extracellular traps um or I had a course work on like how anesthetics could potentially cause cancer metastases. Um It was like very like you have to look at the physiology rather than like the anesthetic itself, but the thing about this year is even though I was in the library for a while. It didn't feel like a while like it didn't third your exams. I was kind of like going down like loopholes of oh let me read this paper. Next find out more like it was really interesting, so I didn't really feel like um either one was particularly more interesting than the other okay for me, I'm sorry, go ahead, no, I was going to say I went into anesthetics thinking I would like the anesthetic spot more, but I think the critical care side is way more interesting like you learned so much about it because we don't have a critical care placement until fifth year. You learned so much about this so interesting like now, I'm looking forward to the critical care rather than anesthetics um go ahead, You have another question, yeah I was I was going to ask, but I think it's slipped up my head, I have enough uh no no problem uh I was just gonna ask like what's your online to in person ratio um So in module one, um it's probably 5th 50 50 so um some weeks you have lectures only in person and no online lectures and then some weeks you have online and in person, but then module too, is fully online and then module three it depends what project you get and where's your like campus that you do it at I'm charles and Westminster Hospital okay. Um There's no pre record that they teach you everything um including like the skills that you need to develop for your i. C. A s as well um and also a good thing about the bsc. In general, I don't I don't know if this is the same for other bs cs, as well, but where you get taught in lectures, it doesn't correlate with what you get assessed on um because the assessments are more like skills based on that, critical appraisal, scientific writing, oral presentation, whereas the lectures are like that where you're interested, it's good like in a way that you're just learning about things that you're interested in without like the pressure of like having to memorize it for like an assessment later. Um So, yeah there's like you don't need to do anything sorry I used to play scribbly oh lectures well, we always did um oh um I was thinking of either doing like pharmacology or management, they would like my other two, um but I knew that management was really hard and then pharmacology, I didn't really feel either way about it, so I put anesthetics first and then was kind of like those three. I don't um while I would prefer anesthetics, I didn't really mind if I got one of the other two yeah, I think I talked to like the student at the BSE Fair and she sold an aesthetic so well. I was like okay, I'll put that birth and then I put farm and then surgery, and then I think it's like both of those are quite competitive, so I've kind of played the game without playing the game, like gaming the system, without trying to game the system, So I also like people giving like an assessor, I want to help and might come back, I don't know if I think of anything else thank you good luck, yeah does anyone else have any questions, feel free to um you or turn the camera on, can you hear that oh okay, they're still dressing the not at all, it's just recording our conversation now. Yeah I can't talk shit about anyone anymore. Uh I actually can't believe my data analysis like I actually need her 865 is a lot how long does it take to do one like clean one depends, hello or feel free to call me or turn your camera and if not you can yeah, I found it really interesting, I thought it was um it was a topic that was quite interested in but like it definitely um has like a lot more aspects to it than I expected, so like I've definitely say that I've learned so much stuff that I just didn't expect to learn in this. Bse what kind of things do you like to learn about um so we learn about like different types of anesthetics and how the physiology of some of them um and how it like interacts with your like immune system um. And then we learn a lot about a. R. D. S. Um and like critical care and then we learn like how different so like ecmo or like ventilators and how they work and how they relate to your physiology for them to work well um and like what problems that can cause which campuses are you guys on where at chelsea and Westminster like the whole year um Yeah basically um because only module one is face to face and then module to is online and then module three depends on your placement as or your project, um which can also be in Hammersmith Hospital. I think if you have lab based ones, uh yeah what have you enjoyed the most about it oh uh I quite like the content I thought it was really interesting um and like all like our group doing anesthetics are really nice, so yeah you have to say that uh sorry how big is the uh 25 26 yeah 26 26 yeah and what you guys think is like the hardest thing or the thing you've struggled with the most mm because some of so what you learn in this bsc is very new um Like a lot of the topics are like still being debated, so when you're like analyzing the content, um you sometimes like second guess yourself see whether you fully understood it because you can see that. There's like debate within papers about the understanding of the topic so that would probably be the hardest thing okay. Thank you guys, no worries, no worries, pretty how long does it take its clean, uh how long did it take you to clean like um some of them I like see that everything is filled out, so I just rest complete and then some of them hello, hello, how's your bs, he informed your academic interest um I found the critical care research really interesting actually um So maybe that has definitely been something that I'm like oh if I wanted to do research like I would try and do research in critical care okay. I'd say same for me like it's it's just us to you know what doesn't matter um you were saying how long does it take you oh yeah, so then there's other ones and I'm literally trying, so you don't email the patient straight away if you don't find information, so I'm scrolling through all of their files trying to find like one thing and it takes ages so that was from like five seconds to like a solid. It is, yeah you have to email them. Yeah, I have to email them if I don't if I can't wow okay, fair enough you know what I think my project I like my project compared to that, but wait I actually haven't started. I think it will get bad once I start know sounds bad, like it sounds hard, hello, do you have any other questions uh. Huh It's feel free to like type in the chat or if you want just a meat yeah Hi, guys do you have any questions okay right oh I think I would because I've had a very good time like it's so less stressful compared to your three and compared to some of the other bs cs, I think I would yeah I think I would also I think that I wouldn't be as interested by other BSE content um because this can't like the content is really interesting and even when you're doing your coursework like it's all like new topics and you like learn new things so like tell my housemates about like what I've learned and they're all like wow, and I'm like no that's actually you know what that's true my flatmates doing Gastro just learned about like yeah. It's actually it's it's insane. It's actually all about Heller, feel free to put any questions think about your psc, do you wanna yeah, so like yeah the content. Also, I feel like there's quite a good like even if it's not like directly going to the faculty, like often the other people in anesthetics, like your um peers, they're usually quite helpful like I know that whenever I had a question like I would just message someone or just message on our group chat and then everyone's so happy to like help you out, so you can all like get through it together. If you have any questions, so there's definitely a good link of like all the years helping the Mbs and anesthetics like I just had so many examples from all the year went to in close to work, and I would just like copy the template and just do it um Ward time maybe in your project not throughout like the teaching, we do do like we have a field trip where we go to like ICU simulations in different hospitals um and that's like similar to what you kind of do in your three like the same sessions, um but you don't go on Ashley sorry, I like um you might end up on the Critical Care Award for your scientific context because yeah like I was on a Critical Care Award for my context um and I was on like a pediatrics one, so like you haven't done that on placement, yet, so it's really interesting um and because you're not going for placement, um you like get to spend more time like looking at the files and like focusing on one patient in particular, um which is quite good uh remote versus in person, so in person is fast as in friday's most weeks or so. Um module one is in person, module two is all independent work, and the module three is dependent on what kind of project you're doing in module one, The teaching is in person, testers and fridays from 24 you have like a one hour lunch break unitary going for four hours of teaching um well eight in a week and then sometimes you'll have online sessions on monday and a tuesday um Yeah that's basically, and every two weeks, you get one consolidation every three weeks, you get one consolidation week mm. I chose this BSE because I was really interested in the content and then the oldest years said that it was um quite well supported um So you get like a lot of examples from them, um. And I think that there's also like acute care society, which personally go through every single. I see a with you and you can literally email any of the older years in that society and they'll like help you out, so you get like your med tutorials and you also get acute care society tutorials and you also get like a. B. S, anybody who has loads of examples from like loads of audience, so like you don't really go into any, I see a like unknown. Um you kind of know what you're doing by just reading through those examples and going to those tutorials, yeah, I agree, I think it was like it was very well supported. You always know what you're expected to do and if you don't like there are people around you that you can ask, um but then that I'd say there's also like a quite a good variety of content, It's you learn a bit about like everything um brain, heart, lungs, blood. Um So like you don't just focus on one thing and just do that for the whole year like no well gastro. You're not just doing the gut but like a whole. Yeah you like you kind of diversifies quite a lot, which is quite useful. So you kind of like never get bored basically, I think hematology and gastro have more like faculty support where I say anaesthetics is more like student support. If that makes sense um Yeah is it hard to get it first um personally, I don't think so I think when I first joined it when I first picked everyone scared me, when they were like, oh it's really hard to get a first, they're really harsh with marking, but actually what from my experience. Mine alone. I feel like they've been quite generous um and it's actually like quite okay, it's not as hard as people make it out to be. Um I know other bs cs, like they are actually really harsh remarking um and like the amount of work you put in doesn't reflect with your grade, whereas I think with anesthetics, it is like that nice, I'd say I think yeah, I think it just um depends on the marker sometimes like uh like there's somewhere, I've got feedback and I was like oh, my god like I'm so glad I got this grade like Mine was so bad and then there's times where I've been like it was quite good and I got my feedback and it seemed to be quite good and then it wasn't the mark I was expecting so like in general, I think I think it just depends how many like iterations of your course what you can do like, I think the ones where I managed to do at least two drafts like my school was much better than like one where I only did like one draft also get all the years to read your draft like even if you don't end up doing an assessing whoever bsc, you're doing get all the years, you'll get wherever you're fighting how likely I used to get a publication. I think it's quite easy. I think the public, especially with your project you're doing stuff that like hasn't been done before you're doing like actually new research, so it's actually quite easy. I think some people like might even like publish their that reviews. I don't know, I'm not sure, uh but like it's very easy, yeah like when they sent, so when I got sent, my project like support material um and I was looking at the papers and I thought was just like a normal paper and then I like recognized one of the names and I was like oh my gosh is that you like the person did the BSE two years ago, so like um is that yeah, it's one where you usually get something out of it and like they like your supervisors know that as well, so like they will help you that publication as well like if you tell them, I want a publication. They'll make sure you get publication out there even if like what you're producing is like absolutely darvish, They'll make sure they like they read they read it. They literally offer to read it paragraph by paragraph. Um I don't want to say which one's that harsh asked me on the street. This is recorded. I don't want to say um but like just go, ask like around bs cs, I don't know I hope what experiences because it also might be that like well, I think might not be correct, uh might be fake news. You say this is physiology, heavy. I think there is quite a lot of physiology. I think that's probably true with most bs cs, you do learn a lot like clinical research as well and like trials and like all of that stuff stuff, um but you are, so the teaching is split into pain medicine, uh critical care and infection, so sepsis and ards, critical case like Ecmo, and like ventilatory support, uh anaesthetics all of that and like pain medicine again like anesthetics, pain relief, whatever analgesia and with all of them, you kind of get to learn like the basic physiology how they work, but you also get to like see where the data comes from, so like the basic animal models are experimental, pretty clinical studies all the way to like clinical studies. Um So there is quite a lot of like physiology and pathophysiology, and like some interesting some might not be interesting depending on like what you like what you don't like, but say, there's like that better for everyone like there will be at least one lecture in my opinion that like you find really interesting or like and you will want to listen to every word that like the lecturer thing, yeah there was like one lecture uh actually like, so some of the lectures are like really engaging, um and you're literally like staring at them like wow like I really want to be like new when I'm older uh oh, yeah Harriet Camp that woman like if you do even if you see her like chelsea and Westminster doctor Harriet Camp, that woman is a badass, had a former like group lit review that woman is iconic, We are based in charleston Westminster, so no you don't need to go first year and second year content. Um They literally start from scratch um and if you have any questions because there's only 25 you and loads of them are really happy to just um they literally wait around for like 10 minutes. So like if there's anything that you don't understand, like you can go and talk to them straightaway and clear it up, yeah And we'd like coursework as well A lot, I think a lot of the times, mike was like uh if like anyone of you want to like right address formative, and then like email it to me. I can give you feedback for when you have to do your sensitive um so like there is enough help around that day um. And there's like a different need for each assessment as well, so that's good as well, cause. Then yeah and I had like a question about one of my course works, so I literally emailed the lead and they replied within like a day, so um it's very like easy to get queries cleared up that you want like officially cleared uh the way the pick is the happiness scale, so you rank your five or six, yeah, 55 yeah, you rank your top five choices. Yeah yeah that you'll be happy to don't try and limit system um and then like the algorithm works in the way that everyone gets the best choice that they can, so everyone has like an overall hi, uh happiness scale. If that makes sense, so it might be that like instead of getting one person their first choice and another person their fifth choice, it might be that like both to both of them get their second choice so that we're both of them are like as happy as possible, but also if there is a course that you really want to do um but sometimes but obviously put that first, if you don't get it, I've heard, lost, their people wrote like essays to the module lead and actually managed to switch their course um So you can do that as well like a passing statement, I don't think that happened finance that expander it happened. Collection of course is anyways, no worries that's have any other questions. Hi, um I was asked um sorry someone's already asked you this, but um what's your allocation process like for your projects oh that's also the happiness scale, so um I think we had a list of like 35 projects that we could pick from um and you list 1 to 7 um what you would be most happy with um to what you would be seventh most happy with yeah. I think I got my first choice, I don't know if you've got your first choice I got my second choice so three uh yeah sorry, um but so would you say like most people get something left me with yeah because the projects are like really interesting um so like I picked it based on like um Also like convenience, like I was like do, I want to have a lab project, data analysis project, or a clinical project. So like do honestly, even if I got my seventh one, the content was interesting, but it was whether I wanted to go in as much really so they might talk for choices were like number one choice is like I would have put them more at the same level as well, were there like more choices than students or was it like Yeah, Yeah and uh students is there like a bank campus like where you guys are based, chelsea and Westminster, thank you so much, Hey, worries yours um and how much teaching like do you guys have in a in a week um So module one is face to face and I'd say probably eight hours of teaching um In module one give or take so eight hours in person and then you could have some online sessions um and would you say like you learn a lot that would, wasn't cause obviously like some of the some of the bs cs, like have mentioned how that they either have, although they haven't really like learned a lot that they think that they would learn fifth yet that makes sense oh we've learned stuff for 50 yet because we've learned critical care, which I have a whole Critical Claire basement. Next year, you think it's very relevant, I think it's quite relevant bsc uh and also I think it's also with the BSE, the more important than the content, the important thing is the skills that and I think the skills that otherwise I think like I would I don't think I would have learned them as well anywhere else. If that makes sense, I think they will be really helpful to quite like they try and teach you so that they can hold you to quite like high standard, so like the quality of your writing like I found that the quality of my writing has like exponentially increased since starting this bsc, close to you, so, I'm like just uh quality like there's way less um like waffle in what I'm writing now than like the first thing I wrote, so do you mean like for research or yeah, yeah, so you start writing more like what a research paper would sound like quite quickly oh that's good and then um like do you guys do a lot of practical stuff. We're not so much not really like practical experiments, but we had like an ICU simulation day, so we went um to either taran cross or norfolk Park and did like a whole ICU simulation on like that Comey's um similar to placement, but like way more tailored to ICU like the situation was like way more intense that's that sounds really cool actually um so what what projects are you guys doing this year, so I'm doing a data analysis one, um I thought it just gave me a bit more flexibility um and I'm looking at how cannabis is being prescribed medically um for chronic pain for inflammatory arthritis, and it's quite cool because you know how cannabis is still like um illegal in the UK, even for um medical purposes so like the fact that this trial and like this clinic is existing. It's just really cool um so yeah okay, thank you so much you know, mine is the same, It's a i and machine learning um It's about a r. D. S. Like x rays and stuff, don't worry all right, thank you so much, there's a lot of breakup rooms that's why I'm just sure don't worry good luck does anyone have any other questions. Rest content, I suppose, Ards can be rest content, but it definitely focuses more like the management of it and like how you would think about it from a critical care perspective than rather maybe um a rest perspective. Yeah there's no like pressure volume loops because they help me and there were none of them. Um view of the bs, you go uh so so the bs, cS, anesthetics and critical care, so a lot of like physiology um and then like very new topics are being introduced into anesthetics or critical care and so it's split into the three modules, So module one is where you get most of your teaching about these new topics and your physiology and that's like face to face, but they're really nice that you only come in twice a week on thursday and friday um and then you have a bit more online stuff, but not really in module one and then module too, is your lit review and the good thing about anesthetics is you've been working in your lit review group since like Day three. So you know really well how they work, so there's no stress about like group dynamics really um and you just meet with your supervisor if and as many times as you want to um and also in module one, they set you off on your science in context, which also happens in module two, so you get a bit more time to like um do your lit review and your science and context and then module three is your projects and I think anesthetics just have really cool projects um So like no matter what you get given is actually like quite interesting, so yeah, workload heavy, I don't think so no, so sure like none of the lectures really come up in. Your I see a um like there might be like a few aspects, but like you're not required to attend the lecture to do well in. Your I see a if that makes sense um So, there's quite a lot of like just enjoying learning the knowledge with no pressure of it being assessed, which I felt really fun, Yeah like for I see a three. I know like other yes is you have to do your own practical, you have to make your own data whereas like and I said I should just get given it and just do your like I see a. It's quite nice like because yeah and you basically get told every single starts test to use, so yeah, yeah like um you're you're never like oh which one should I do now like there's a whole power point which basically tells you exactly how to do your data analysis. I think this bsc has historically been quite popular, so I would really recommend putting it first on your happiness scale. Um If you want to have it, and in terms of getting a first, um I really think if you work hard like I'd recommend starting your coursework early and trying to get at least two drafts done because every time that I've done two drafts like I've got a school that I'm really happy with, so, yeah, yeah. I agree, I think it was very well described subscribed last year. It's been like going up every year. Um No worries, mhm, mm, what time does this act, seven okay, that was so funny all of my life. Uh Are your plans for the friday evening more data klay than no I actually need to start taking a bit more seriously. Um We're going to eat fried chicken um Staff wants to go to wing mond so that never heard of it where is it so ho oh nice, and then I shall get back to data cleaning. I think I'm gonna try and bang out as much as possible next week. Otherwise, yeah no I've been having like a red bull and just like intense session, and then I just moved up for like all day. Yeah It's because I'll be like oh let's do let's do data cleaning and then you know the, while you just switch off all notifications, I just think I need to do that and just get in the zone. Know, Yeah you just yeah, I feel like that is probably the hardest longest bit as well like after that. We surely yeah. It's like statistical tests, so I don't have to read yeah, It's literally like days like not like recent summaries, guys, oh my god, I read him to your p, I'm gonna go, p, I'll be back, yeah, can we go. I was I'm also going to go, I think it was, I think you we see anybody social again, but like I want to do a social, I want to like I mean everyone, but we'll sort of would you be okay please I beg okay. I'll suggest that in the group chat yeah because Jamie's just come up with all these weird ones as far away, but that was so ride them as well. She's like I can't go, but I'll carry it yourself. I'll think about it good luck with your project. I hope it goes well. Yeah youtube. Hopefully, you learn python in a day. I enjoy the fried chick it nice, yeah, I will I.