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Ace Your SJT with QUB GP Society and Dr Olivia Bradley



This on-demand teaching session aims to help medical professionals prepare for the UKFPO SJT exam. The event is hosted by the QUB GP Society. Dr Olivia Bradley, an F1 doctor and recent QUB graduate, will explain what you need to know to succeed in the SJT.

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand how the scoring system works for the S J T exam.

  2. Learn the importance of addressing each question as it is asked.

  3. Acquire knowledge to effectively prepare for the exam and increase scores.

  4. Learn strategies to analyze scenarios, assess the risks and make decisions.

  5. Explore ways to communicate effectively within a professional environment.

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So good evening everyone. And you're very welcome along and to our event tonight is your S J T. Um We are Q U B G P Society and we're really delighted to welcome you back again. And for this new academic year, some of you might have been able to join us for our first event um last week. But if you haven't been able to join us on, you're very, very welcome to this very first event. Don't forget to sign up for the Q B G P society membership because you'll be the first to hear about all our upcoming events and different things that we've got going on in the coming weeks and months. So I popped a little message into the chat and so make sure to check out that link. Of course, tonight, we're really excited to be going live on Metal Live. So that's where we're all joining us from this evening. And we're one of the first societies and events to be using and this wonderful software. And we thank Medal and their director, Dr Phil Macal baby, who's on the call this evening and for letting us use this wonderful software and we're really looking forward to continuing to partner with Metal throughout the next academic year. But obviously you're all here tonight for our issue. S J T event were very kindly joined by Doctor Olivia Bradley, who's an F one doctor and she's very kindly going to be giving em this session tonight. And as we go throughout the session, please do use the chat box feature, um, on Metal. So it should be just under your livestream view and we'll be keeping an eye on that chat as we go at the end of the event, it's also very important and we'd really appreciate if you could fill out on the feedback form. I know Dr Bradley will really appreciate that as well. And if you fill out the feedback form, you'll then get a certificate, boot you can use for your portfolio, um or anything else as well. So please do take the time to do that. Obviously, just before we start, it's important to highlight that this is an S J T event, but this is an independent event. It's not been wrong by the UK FBO or S J T. So if you do have any specific queries, questions or concerns about the SGOT, please do get in touch with the U K F P O um as this is not one of their events, but we do really hope that will be really useful. So without further a do, let's get on to the event for tonight and I'm happy to hand over to doctor badly. Hello. So thank you very much for coming to listen tonight and thanks for the G P Society for giving me somewhere to actually do this with when we sort of chose this date. Okay. Um, I didn't know it would be the day after picking and how well that seems to have gone from what I've seen on Twitter before it crashed last night. I'm sure it's been a really stressful day or two for everyone trying to get their slots. And um I could only try and reassure you that it was as much of a fiasco last year. I happened to get up at about quarter to six that morning when it opened, got a slot. But I know by what think maybe seven AM they were all gone. I think it seems like it's gone similarly for you all, which is rubbish, but it largely got resolved with a bit of time last year for us. Lots more slots opened up. So I think one of my friends actually did the STD sitting beside me at the exact same time in the same place and she got that date maybe about a month after booking had opened. So keep an eye on the booking system to see what other spots come up because I think more will become available. And I would advise if you can to get a test center as inconvenient as it may be rather than doing it at home because there are a couple of stories last year about the examiners and how they were in vigil ated and it just not being quite as fair as the actual test centers. So that's all out of the way. I hope you all get resolved with your booking slots and times, but we shall move on from that and try and get you prepared for how to do your sgot. So, rather than just sit for two hours and go through questions, I think it's going to be much more beneficial to you to actually learn how to prepare for it. So we will go through some questions, but it's much about more about understanding how it works, the setup of the questions and how you can take this into the exam and go with the answers. So before anyone just sort of asks or queries, you'll not be getting these slides purely because you do not need another Power Point presentation in your life. You have hundreds to go through. But instead I'm going to put together a little thing, maybe try and keep it a one page of tips and all these sort of basic and key things you need to know. So that will be your catch up content whenever you do a feedback certificate. So that'll be much handier than having another 50 slide presentation to work through. So, let's see. Here we go. We'll try best to stick to the Times on this plan. This is just to give you a bit of an overview of how this is going to go. I've also got the chat up on my phone, which we'll try and keep an eye on as well as we're going through if you need to ask anything. So, yes, hello. I'm Olivia. I'm an F one. I just graduated in the summer from Queens. I know I work in Glasgow in the Glasgow Royal Infirmary. So I was always very keen to go away. I wasn't for staying in Belfast at all and I didn't know how competitive that process is going to be. For me. I had no understanding or knowledge of what the hospitals in Glasgow were like. So I viewed this whole process of finally are very much as, oh, excuse me, that my SGOT was the way I made sure my overall score was high enough that I could get a job I wanted and to get away. So you have a couple of choices. Sorry, once, skip ahead of how you view this year and it's all about SGOT and finals. Your sgot in my opinion for a while, it's a little bit more important than finals. And I'll sort of come on and explain why I think that and how everything works. But this next slide, it makes no relevance right now. But this is the most important phrase that you're going to take away from tonight, hopefully. And if you don't get anything else, I just want you to remember this. So does this single answer address the question? And this is going to be your mantra for working through all the different questions? You look at each individual question or answer or response that you're looking at and you have to think does this single answer address the question? We'll come back to that and it'll come back into use of it later on. So some of you may be very well versed in how all this works, but some of you may not. So let's just start there with the basics. So your U K F P O application, you get a score out of 100 it is split evenly. You will have varying opinions on how fair that is as well, pretty much everyone else, but whatever that maybe this is still just how it's going to be for your application. So the 1st 50 marks of it have already been decided and that's 43 points from your desk, I'll and then the remainder seven that come from educational achievements like publications and previous degrees. So that's done at this point. You're decile comes from first to fourth year and you're seven points. If your publication is past the application date, it doesn't count. So that 1st 50 marks that is sealed, it's done. Nothing can be changed about those. But the next 50 points are from your sgot and there are 50 points available from that. And so the average score usually in the SGOT is somewhere between 39 41. The Q B average tends to be around 40 and then this is something that not many people knew beforehand or even during it how the score ing actually works in the exam. So getting 80% of the marks of the paper on the day does not mean that you get an 80% score or 40 out of 50 which is what the 80% would be. So the person he sits the sgot and has the highest score, never mind if it's full marks or not. Just if they are the highest ranked person of the S G T scores this year, they get 50 full marks from it, then everything else is scaled back down. So I think it's just really important to know that it's maybe not quite logarithmic. I'm not sure. But just if you get 80% of marks, it doesn't mean you're going to get that 40 you probably will get a lot higher than 80% of raw marks to gain 40 40 of the 50. So I find this sort of somewhere online about the scores that Northern Ireland applicants have. I'm not sure how they can call it 21 to 23 data, but they have so you can see along the bottom. It's just the total scores that people are applying with out of 100 you've got, most are, well, no worse than most people. Actually. 71 to 75. It does seem quite low and I'm really quite surprised by this because most people I know are either in the 76 79 score or 8 84 over 82 84 you're pretty much getting the job that you want. But this can also be very dependent on where you're applying two. So if you're planning to the really competitive places, like is that North and central London and 88 84 probably isn't going to get you there. All this sort of information it is available to find out if you know where you want to go, you can see what last year scores were like and it usually tells you the lowest score that got into the area. So it's just good to know these things. I was able to find out all this information for Glasgow and Edinburgh as well. You can get it for all the sort of four bits of Scotland, the way their application is broken into for N I jobs. It seemed quite hard to find a lowest available score. But overall, how did it work to get Northern Ireland as you're at your first stage, it was quite a low score to make sure you got that. So everyone is pretty comfortable in that front. It's then the higher, higher your score, the more likely it is that you're going to get the job you want. If there's maybe only one spot that has a certain specialty you're really interested in, you're going to want to score, that's as high as possible. So this is partly why I view the SGOT is more important this year, even though that seems a bit ridiculous that four years of work is equal to two hours somewhere in, in December. But as I said, that 1st 50 points there already said and done, you can't change anything about them anymore, but you have another 50 points to play with and you can do something about that. And when it comes to finals, you either need to pass them to get your job, you don't need to get the highest work going. You might be going for it. You might want distinctions, you might want to do the prize exams, but they're not going to change anything about what job you get as long as you pass your finals and you've got a score high enough to get the job you want urine. So, I very much we wed first semester in. Finally, you're really quite heavily in favor of doing S G T work was doing enough to sort of keep me going through placement and enough to sort of just keep taking over that. I wasn't forgetting anything before exams, but from around, about now until this side of Christmas, I was at least 50% of my time doing SGOT and the closer it got, that got much higher as well. So I think it's quite important to just know the makeup of where all your scores are coming from and especially how the SGOT has scored in terms of this, that it's the highest person's score gets the 50. So you've got sort of five key areas that all questions of the SGOT are going to come back to and it's patient focus, commitment to professionalism, coping with pressure, effective communication and team working. So sorry, I'm just checking the chat that there isn't anything there. I'll need to remember to keep checking it every so often. So these are five areas that whatever the question is saying, it's going to come back to some of them, it might come back to more than one. But your patient focus stuff, it's going to be things like is your patient unwell? Has something affected patient care? Um, what else would it be? Patient confidentiality is a huge one. They will absolutely test you on that commitment to professionalism. So that's going to be things like, are you working appropriately? Are you turning up to work on time? Do you turn up to work in correct dress, things like that? That doesn't really matter so much anymore because everyone's wearing scrubs, but it's, you know, not turning up to work drunk and you've been out all night, things like that and that it will be a theme in some of the questions you've got coping with pressure. So there'll be a lot of questions as well. Where go along the lines of your f one colleague isn't coping well with the pressures of the job. What are you going to do about it? You've noticed that their work is getting poor. Your noticed that they're not able to complete their jobs, stuff like that. Um Cooking with pressures, I'll, is your own self as well. What are you doing to look after yourself? Can you cook with the pressure? You've got effective communication. And the biggest way this is going to come up is going to be in questions about handover. So the rule is an sgot land, you do not give a hand over over whatsapp. You do not want that patient details. You do not what's up any sensitive information, handovers are done in person effectively bleep free. Uh There can't be any confusion or mistakes in it and you've communicated effectively with the person you're handing over to that then, or the job you need them to do and then uh the patient's that are unwell on your award tonight when whatsapp didn't work last night, this was not the case because everything went a bit mental because my whole life is run by whatsapp and work. I uh just my whatsapp is ridiculous for the amount of reg is and consultants here now just bombarding it and it's not very nice when I looked through so many messages to school through and like just get away. Like today was my first day off really in the last two weeks and had so many what saps this morning of Ogea know such and such a patient. Oh, this happened last night. And do you know what's going on with him? I was like, this is my day off. I really don't want to talk about them. But, and again, when I got home last night and whatsapp came back up, I was starting to get messages through about Olivia. Can you call me on this bone? Can you do this? Can you do that? I was like, this never came through. Sorry, like I'm at home now. You know, this message really came through about four hours ago, but it's half 11, I'm in bed and finished work. So there's a really chasm of difference between what SGOT, want you to answer what the ideal world answer would be and what really happens. So you need to distinguish those two worlds apart. And no, I know this is what really happens. But when I'm answering an SGOT question, this is how it happens. And then your team working as well. It's working with everyone else on your ward. Not so many different teams and they're incredibly vital to everything running well, I would not survive on the ward without my pharmacist. She saves me every day and the patient's, we've got specialist nurses who know their patients' inside out to know the most intricate and delicate things about nutrition. Because I'm an award with lots of an intestinal failure patient's here on TPN. And they've got the most delicate systems. All their electrolytes are managed through their TPN. These nurses just arrive, fix everything and off, they go and it's magic. So it's how well do you work with your team? So, you know, these five areas, you know that you're going to get tested on them. And just think when you see a question, think which one are they really testing here, what way do they want me to answer this? And it will come back to one of these. So this is my information from last year. I don't think much of it or any of it will change some of the exact numbers might, but the waiting of them will broadly be the same. So last year we were the first ones who experienced this new rating section at the top. So you will notice that there are two official passed papers and the reading section is not included. That was the same for us last year. I thought for your year that they would have it up. So I've checked, sadly, they don't, the only place where you'll be able to see those questions is in the Pearson Vue online practice paper. But unfortunately, doesn't tell you the right answers or, and it doesn't give you a score, but that's your only place you're going to be able to practice those. So how that section works. There are 18 scenarios or like 18 little stories and for each story, let's call it, you're going to get a subsequent, either 4 to 8 questions relating to it. So in a total, you're actually gonna answer about 100 and 14 questions, which sounds very different too. You've got 18 scenarios here. There's around about 450 marks in total for this section and it's marked by near miss marking, which is very, very forgiving and very kind marking system. You then go on to the multiple choice section which is 20 it's three out of eight. So you read a little blurb, you read the thing and there are eight answers beneath and you choose three which make up the best overall answer. This is the only section where it's quite harsh on marking and it's correct or incorrect and that's it. And I'll come onto why I think this later. But I think that this is the most important section that you will do even though it's the lowest marks because of the incorrect marking. This is actually really the key area to focus on in my opinion. And then you've got the ranking questions which are probably what if you've seen anything about SGOT, it will have been a question like this where you've got that sort of a bit at the start, you've got your five answers and you need to put them in order and it seems like none of it makes sense and a lot of the time it doesn't and it is forgiving as well. Could you get your near miss working? So, if you're nearly right, you still get most of them works. But you get a total of 740 marks here. So the overall marks, it's like it's well over 1000. So it feels huge and it feels very overwhelming when you start looking into ST 80 stuff, it's vastly overwhelming, which is why I don't want to bombard you with question after question after question tonight. I think you need to get the basics first and understand the three different areas of the SGOT. And then within that what the questions are like. So if you get to grips of these things early, now get these bases, get this basis and then you start building up on it and you'll get better and better and better and it will become less overwhelming, the more you practice. So let's have a little look into the reading section again. I'm keeping away I on the chat if anyone has any questions either. So the reading section is a really funny one. You get some sort of scenario and you get to read it. Is it going to be very appropriate, somewhat appropriate, somewhat inappropriate or inappropriate? That's for most questions, there are variations to this where it's actually very important somewhat important, somewhat, not important and not important, something along those lines but broadly, it'll be this appropriate sort of style question. So if so let's just go back and remind you how this is set up. You get 18 scenarios. So you read your first scenario, you're then going to get 4 to 8 questions about it afterwards. And each of those 4 to 8, you're going to rank somewhere between very appropriate down to inappropriate. A very appropriate answer is nearly perfect. It addresses the scenario and it won't have any negatives. Somewhat appropriate is a good answer. Usually addresses the scenario, but it's going to have some negatives to it. So there has to be a little bit of a negative. That means it's not a very appropriate answer. Then you behind it's somewhat inappropriate. It will marginally deal with the scenario, but it's going to be outweighed by negatives. So it's mostly a negative answer, but you've got something good that's trying to push it up and that just brings it to that somewhat inappropriate level. Then an inappropriate answer. It doesn't address the scenario at all. It just doesn't do anything about it. And it's mostly negatives. However caveat to that is inappropriate, doesn't always mean a bad answer. It's simply an inappropriate response to the scenario. So inappropriate doesn't mean that someone told you you've got a patient unwell and you've said right. Well, I'm away from my lunch. I don't really care. That's bad and inappropriate. But because I can't get any example, questions that are accurate to, um, the SGOT for this section, I can remember one vaguely from when I did it last year. So it sort of went something along the lines of something wasn't done for a patient. It was either a scan wasn't done. A medication wasn't given basically some part of their care was missed. But on the Monday morning, whenever this got discovered that it was missed over a weekend, say it was a really big deal that it was missed, but the patient is doing well. It's okay. So one of the questions from that scenario to me was something along the lines of how important is it that the patient was? Well, I I answered this is inappropriate at the time and I don't know if it's right. But I do you think it is because what else was in this story originally was saying, you know, they need to make sure that this doesn't happen again, whatever this thing that was missed, it can't happen again. We need to learn from this. So the fact that the patient was, well, it's not important. It obviously is important overall. But as a response to this whole scenario that something really crucial was missed, it actually no longer matters that the patient was well, because if it was missing someone else, it could have had much more detrimental outcomes. So it felt very strange to answer a question that said your patient is fine and doing well and was discharged home. Well, that's, that's not important. But in the whole scenario, it's not important because this whatever was missed was so vital that if it was missed in someone else and nothing was learned from this situation, it could have been much worse for another patient. So just some tips for the rating section, you can repeat answers more than once and you're going to, if you're going to answer at times, so don't be scared to repeat an answer just because you've used it. If you said appropriate twice in a row, that's fine. It could be to appropriate answers twice in a row. It's been like doing your single best answer papers that, you know, you're like, I've used to be a few too many times here. Better throw in an air mix things up. Don't get caught into that because it's quite likely that there are appropriate answers. And again, I think the answer's get scrambled between everyone else doing the paper. You're all doing the same questions on the same day. I think, I think if you do them on different days, it is the same questions you're getting or there may be pulling from a bank. But even if you do the same question as someone, the answer's probably come up in a slightly different order that's been generated for you and your login. So you're gonna answer questions with the same answer more than once. That's fine. Every time you click on to either the four or eight questions from this scenario, it alone is a standalone statement that you are reading. It is nothing to do with the one that came before it or the part that's going to come after it. You just have a sentence in front of you and you rate that alone. So it doesn't necessarily have to fix the problem. It really is just whether this statement as a loan statement, is it appropriate or inappropriate or somewhere in between? So something along the lines of, um, you were taking blood from a patient and you actually left them with a really big bruise there quite sore now or even actually, their cannula site has become really red and inflamed and they need to get it taken out because it's hurting their arm too much. So, say, for example, our response to that is you go to the patient and apologize for the pain, that's totally fine. That's completely appropriate that you have gone to a patient. You've said sorry for the pain there in and you've sort of taken responsibility for or say, I'm sorry that the cannula I put in has caused you pain. That's your sorry, you took responsibility and you've sort of been kind and polite to the patient. It doesn't do anything about their big red and flamed sore arm, but it's still an appropriate thing for you to do the best way to sort of deal with this section as well, is take a bit of time to read this sort of this scenario at first and you've got your eight questions afterwards, read it really well, the first time and you're going to read it again for the first few, but you will speed up because you'll know this sort of story really well and you'll be able to get through those last few quite quickly. You'll move on to the next one. You're going to start the process again. So just take a little second, breathe and get on to the next one. And again, it applies here, but applies everywhere else throughout the whole exam. You only know the information provided to you. You have information in front of you and that is it, you don't fill in any gaps or assume anything however obvious it might be. You only know what you've been told that you've read on screen. Okay. And when I say this is near miss marking here's and this is how I think I remember it working something along these lines, but you definitely pick up marks even if you're wrong. So for example, if the answer is a and you've chosen it, great, you get four marks. If you chose be, you're dropping down to three and then again, if you sort of choose, see you drop down to two. So it's how far away you've gone. So say the answer is a and you're down here, you're only one away, you're going to get three marks. If you choose, see you're actually now to away, you're going to drop down to two marks and so on, then if you're over here and let's say B is now the answer again, you're going to get four marks if that's what you choose, but either side of be, you're only one away. So you're still going to get three marks. And then if you're down here, you're two away, you get two marks for being, um, sort of right at the bottom. So sometimes it's very hard to choose between, somewhat appropriate and somewhat inappropriate. If you're stuck, you can kind of hedge your bets and choose one of them because you're either going to get a four or a three, which is quite good. So don't sit on the fence all the time. But if you're really stuck, if you sort of sit somewhere in the middle, it's a good tactic if you're just really floundering on a question and you don't know where to go and you just need to move on and move away from it. But if you think something completely appropriate, go for it and you know what, if you think it's inappropriate, it's inappropriate, go for it. But it's quite hard to determine sometimes between somewhat appropriate and the somewhat inappropriate. So I'm just gonna open the chart again. Right. I don't think there's anything there? Oh, let me have a look here on the screen and face for the reading questions. Do they want you to order by signing a number of 1 to 5? So for reading questions, you know, from what I remember on the screen, the way it will pay, they'll just have the answers beneath it and you just take a box. So you have these four here and you would just take one, You'll have each of the say eight questions that comes after a scenario that you're in the rating section, it will come up as eight separate questions and then it will be pretty much like this and you click on one and move on to the next. So I hope that makes sense. Okay. Is there anything else we need to say about reading? Probably the best way to determine between these two? Oh, great. Thank you. And is whether if something's inappropriate, do I maybe have more on this? Yeah, we'll go back to this. So it's hardest to distinguish between the somewhat appropriate and a somewhat inappropriate, somewhat appropriate is mostly good, but there's maybe one little thing that just deters like takes away from it. It makes it not quite so good. Yes, you do see the scenario at all times above the question. So you don't need to click package should be there. So you'll always be able to read it. You don't need to memorize it. Um So it's going between that you're somewhat appropriate and somewhat inappropriate. Somewhat appropriate is mostly good. There's maybe just one little issue that takes away from it. A somewhat inappropriate is more likely to be an inappropriate answer. But there's maybe one little thing that's trying to make it a bit better to try and remember that it's a multiple choice. So this I think is what I said earlier is the most important section. This will differentiate the scores between you and everybody else. So there's only 240 marks available for it, but it's negative or no, it's not negative marking, but you only get marks if you're correct. Whereas previously over here you're wrong, but you've still got three marks. That's really quite generous. But in this one, you're not getting that at all. So you have something that you read, you have eight answers beneath it. And what you're going to do is select three. And if you get them all three right, you're gonna get 12 marks because it's four inch. So you're going to score somewhere between 048 or 12 and if it's wrong, it's wrong. You only get marked for the correct answer that you have. So this is why this one is most important. Spend a lot of time understanding the question types in this section and how they work. Because if you get as many works here as you can, it's gonna separate you out from everyone else. So the approach for this section is to think about just putting and in between all your answers. So you choose three answers from the eight. And what you want to do is to be able to put and between them. So answer a blah blah blah and b blah blah blah and see blah blah blah. So it's going to create this combined response. And then another really good tip for this section is look for opposite pairs. So quite often in your eight answers that you're choosing from, there will be two things that are complete opposite to each other. One would be like this won't really, but to sort of show the example of how opposite they'll be, it will be turn up to work late or turn up to work on time, something as silly as that. So you can't do both of those things. You can't, I will turn up to work late and I will turn up to work on time that can't happen. So they're gonna, you've chosen one, it kind of rules out it's opposite pair that you're not going to pick it as well. So you'll be able to rule out quite a lot of answers from that. So at least you're maybe only choosing three from five actually, even much better chance of picking the right three. Okay. So the ranking section is probably what you've all seen before, if you've seen anything of SGOT and this is where you have a question that you read, you have five answers to E and you rank them in order you get, you can get up to 20 marks per question in this section. And it also goes on near miss marking. So again, it's like the first section that if you're away but wrong, you're actually still going to get quite a lot of marks. So again, can be quite forgiving. So this is where this phrase comes in. Most importantly, and if you're taking away one thing, it's going to be this, does this single answer address the question? Okay. So you're ranking your five from an to a read each answer before ranking any of them, choose the best answer first, then reassess the remaining answers for the next best response every time. So what that means is you have a T in front of you, you're going to read them all and from the five, you're going to choose if I only had one answer here or one option of what to do, which one would be best, then you put that and you read it first, you're left with four answers and you apply the same thought process again. I know I only have these four options. If I had to choose one of them, what would be the best thing to do? You choose that and your rank it second, they have three left and you do the same again, quite often, you might see advice to rank 1st and 5th 1st because it can seem for some of them quite obvious, which is going to be the fifth answer. You know, which answer is terrible. You know, um, you can ask to see a patient who's been unwell, is nice, like an a temperature of 39 5 and they're desaturating and maybe one of the answers is go for lunch. Don't tell anyone about the sick patient. Don't give a hand over and return to the ward two hours later, having forgotten your blake something absolutely ridiculous. That would be a terrible answer. But even though the worst answer might seem really obvious, don't catch yourself out by knowing what number five is going to be as well as number one. Because what you then do is leave yourself with three that have to fit into the middle. So you're forcing those middle ones to be 23 and four when it actually might not always be the case. So the best way to avoid doing that is doing 125. Look at them, pick your answer number one, take it away, look at the four that are left, then pick the next one. Look at the three that are left, pick it and so on. So when we think about this, this is what you ask yourself every time does the single answer address the question. So you're choosing one of them, is this the one that does the most actually deal with the problems in the question and if it does, that's going to be number one. Okay. So again, it's sort of the same thing if this is your only option of things to do, if this is the one thing you can do, is it going to be the best? And as well, whenever you've got your order and you're thinking about it, compare it to above and below, does the order seem rent, does three actually seem like it could be four, this kind of thing, you know, you've got an order. What do you think? You know, do you know the way I've ordered them? Actually, I think what I've put it number four is now the worst thing. It needs to be number five or something like that. So once you've got your order, sort of look at it and think does the same right? Is this the best thing? Is this the next best one? Is this the next best one and go from there? So you're really thinking of best from best to worst? Okay. So there'll be lots of little things you're going to pick up the more you practice for your sgot some really key words that I think will help get you through. A lot of questions is this should actually be numbered like 123 and four or a big I'll going down the ways of like increasingly per answers. Usually the best answer is going to have informed, written in it somewhere, then the next one is going to be explained, telling, not as good. So you're still letting some information get out there to a patient or to a coworker or someone, but telling them isn't as nice as informing, to someone, informing someone or explaining something to someone. If you just tell someone to go and do something for you, it's not a great answer. It's in a great way to deal with things and then ignoring someone is obviously the worst. So it's quite easy if you sort of have these keywords to look out for, you know, ignoring someone, generally a bad answer, informing or explaining to someone, it's usually a good answer. Okay. And again, sorry, I put this in so many times to reiterate just how important this is. But does this single answer address the question? Okay. So we'll move on with it too. Just generally how I prepared. If you have any questions, I want to sort of the three sections that have gone through. Do you put them in? So I don't really have examples of the reading questions that I can put in because I can't get any U K F P O examples. They're not available to anyone other than the piercing of you online practice test that you will have access to, which doesn't have a mark scheme or answers or give you your score or anything useful like that. But I don't have a log in for that anymore. So I can't get into that and we'll do a couple of the multiple choice and their ranking questions later on, but I'll just sort of talk you through how I prepared. So, I suppose, actually maybe should have explained this a bit more at the start. I am. I suppose I feel like I can try and give you some advice and help along the way with this because I did put an awful lot of time and effort into doing my SGOT. And then my score was 43.5, which I was really, really pleased with, especially when the average is 40 and with the sort of scaled answers from 50 down, it is quite difficult to move beyond sort of 40 41. So I was like ecstatic that I got that score. I was very average on eight PM and Deaths Ireland stuff. So I really put the effort in to pull my overall score up with S G T to make sure that I could get a job in Glasgow again. Like I just didn't know how competitive it would be. I didn't know if most of the students who were in Glasgow would stay there if they were going to go away. So I just, I didn't want to leave anything to chance is at all about getting a job in its backtracking allowed on the test. Yeah. So it's all going to be in a computer screen and you can go back and flick through them and you can flag questions as well to come back to you later. Um, the Pearson Vue log in example, practice paper that you can do is how it will look on the day. So as long as you sort of get yourself used to how it looks on that screen that you're, when you're able to, that's exactly how it will be on the day. So, what are we now? Fifth of October. Yes. So I pretty much had started now and I did mine on the 12th of December and mostly use the two official passed papers and you have the marks schemes available for those ones and use the third practice paper with the login. So there are a lot of courses available. None of them are verified or accredited by UK FBO. Just the same way that tonight isn't either like it's nothing to do with them. It's just me and some slides that I made. Um, but I did the medical sgot course, which I thought was very good. It was a full day. It was like 9 to 5 or something. It was live. You were able to ask lots of questions during it. You did loads of example questions and that one and a lot of tips and stuff that I picked up that I'm talking about tonight. I feel like I got from that course, it can be quite expensive if you wanted like a few of you watch it together and share the cost. It's a good idea. The only thing with that is you are able to get, you get a log in with that and you actually get access to a bank of questions on the medical website, but you can do them over and over again. So even if a couple of you like all chip in to pay off the course once if you all know the log and you can just keep going back and doing the questions together and let me just check the questions again. Um I didn't do the online Proctor version. I did one in a Pearson Vue Center. So it was fine. The only thing I would say I did it in the Portadown test center and it was absolutely freezing were about three jumpers, a hat and a scarf. I am timing. Did you have enough time to check over your answers? Yeah, the timing is two hours, 10, 2 hours, 20 minutes roughly had a lot of time at the end. So the timing wasn't an issue. One of my friends actually left about 45 minutes before me and she had completed it. So I think she didn't use enough time and she would probably agree now, but she actually said she was so cold, which is part of the reason why she's just sort of like. Right. I'm done. I'm going to go. So you have ample time to do it and you have time to check questions and you have time to go back and fly. So you need to pace yourself somewhere between having enough time to go through the questions at the end. You don't want to be sitting with too much time at the end, overthink things. So I think it works out at just under two minutes of question. But with the way the questions where he can't really split it into that because you can do some questions quicker than others. But largely I would say time isn't an issue, but it's something to be aware of and I would recommend doing practice papers to time as well. Um Oh, that's another thing. Actually, there's going to be 10 questions within it that are pilot questions which won't get marked. You will have no idea which 10 they are. So it's almost irrelevant to you because you treat every question like a real question, but they pilot 10 questions every year to see how well people respond and if they can put them into their bank of questions for the following year. So like it's good to know, but on the day it doesn't make any difference. How many practice questions did you do a day? How many hours per day did you say you spend per day? Um I'll show you a bit about that later on actually remind me if I don't mention it. Um Again, with this, the medical course, there's a really good video on youtube. It's maybe about an hour long from the guy who runs such as like Doctor Mahathir maybe. And so if you search a medical foundation, Sgot Essentials on youtube, there's like an hour long video gives you lots of tips. Probably a lot of stuff I've nearly stolen from him or learned from them. I should say about how to do it with lots of examples on how to treat things. So if there's any issue with how expensive the courses it was, maybe I booked it really early in the summer. So got like an early bird price. It was maybe 70 or 80. It could be close to 100 lbs for that course. But I would recommend I would recommend it and I would recommend sharing the cost as well. And a few of you watching it together, I'm pretty sure there's a B M M module on it. There's also the M D U S G T preparation course. It will be advertised. It was about 89 lbs. I think I also did that one. So when I say I wasn't leaving anything to chance is for S G T like I really wasn't. Um You also, this was a recorded course, so you couldn't ask any questions on it. But again, you've got access to a bank of questions and you got to do a bit of a practice paper as a one off which actually in the end, I was saving it for the last week was like, right, I'm going to do a full time to paper. It was nowhere near the full set. It was maybe half at most and it tried to give you accurate score. I think it did give me maybe like 42 or 43 possibly when I didn't. But if it was picking between the M D U and the medical one, I think I would choose the Medica. Um, I attended lots of other Facebook events like this. So there is a balance of doing too much and over preparing, but you need to be careful of, you need to know what suits you and how you get on with it. But I was quite reassured by doing as much as I could and especially when it came close to the time the rule of Facebook, things like this. I actually quite liked it just sitting listening to them, having them on in the background and feeling like I knew what they were talking about. I was like, oh, yeah. Yeah, I've got that thing. Yeah, I know what you mean there. I understand why this question is answered like that. So it's just made me feel a bit better going into it, sort of haven't done enough. Okay. So G M C good medical practice, you cannot go into your SGOT without having read this. This is what the whole thing is based on. I read it. On a flight from Belfast Glasgow in half an hour. It's fine. It is actually quite helpful when you read it. So, absolutely read this. If you don't, it's your own mistake not to. So, what I also did was I made my own templates for the past papers to charmer progress and flag areas that needed work. Um Hello, Serena. Um What you get in Pearson Vue is a little whiteboard about this side or no, what was it? Like? A bit of paper that was laminated or something? And a little whiteboard marker. So you're not allowed to use it before the exam has started. But as soon as sort of exam time began, I wrote down a few notes to myself that was basically does the single answer address the question and just little things that I sort of wanted on paper in front of me and just to remind myself to come back to, you don't really need an awful lot of there isn't much need to write down things as you're going through it. But yeah, you do have something to write with if you need it. So, yes, I made my own answer templates which I have beside me here. So, yeah, this was me last year. Okay. The Reflections Terrible. Actually took a picture. It's on the next one that might be a bit better. Yeah. So this was STT past paper, one and past paper to that you can find online. I made them slightly differently because they're slightly different amount of questions between the two papers. So the template had to be slightly differently. So as you can see here, these are the ranking questions where you go A B C D E and rank it and it gets scored out of 20 and on the answers it tells you how to market. So, you know, if you've got 2018 or 16, whatever, I would do a little count up after 10 because the numbers were just getting too high to count because there's about 700 was 740 marks available from this. Even though I've sort of explained how 80% of the scores overall does not mean 80% as in 40 out of 50 for my own progress and shortened how things went. I actually did use percent, but that was just for my own benefit knowing that it didn't actually correlate to the score, I would come out within the end and would do like a little short up here. And you can see this is like, yeah, attempt number three. So this is the third time I did this paper. There's a date above here as well. I would usually right, whether it was timed or untimed. So yeah, this is really helpful because I could see, let's see, there's maybe two questions here where I'd get 16 and I'd look back at an old one. So I look back at attempt number two and say, oh, well, did I get 16 the last time? Did I get higher? Did I get lower? Have I learned from doing it the last time? And I continuously getting 16 in this question. Is there something about this question? I just don't understand. So I would be able to flag up questions that I'd really need to work on, which I thought was really quite helpful. So if there's consistently once where you're getting the 20 on them, you're like, okay, I understand the concept of this question. Fine. Got it. But there's ones that I just aren't sticking in my head. So that was really helpful for me to see if I was getting any better at those. Um Seeing for this one as well. There's maybe I know the scores and this actually look what I please bear in mind. This is my third go at this paper as well and I have been working on it for months. Um So there's one like I got an eight, I'd look back and see. Did I get it the last time I did this? Is there something about this question I don't get, or if there's a few that have got 12 on and I got on the previous attempt? I said, all right, good. Something's starting to click with this question. So if someone has asked me, how many practice questions did you do that? And how many hours per day would you say you spend per day, it's kind of hard to remember now, but I did a mixture of full exams. So this is a full exam here. Under timed conditions. I would do them untimed to start to sort of ease my way in just to get used to before sort of putting a time pressure on. But even when you do it under time, a lot of us remember commenting last year, that's still, the time was fine when you were just doing it like in your room. And that usually stead when you're doing it for real. That time didn't feel like a huge issue. Obviously, you don't let it run away, but it's not that it's impossible to finish in time. That's certainly not the case. Um, I'd say from November, so all of November and then half of December, it would have been at least four or five evenings a week. I was looking at this stuff for a couple of hours. I almost referred it to do in finals because I could actually do something about this or as, you know, was trying to avoid learning like cardiology or something. I was like, this seems to be better. What I would often do is, well, even just to break things up and not overwhelm myself, I'd say I'd take one of these pages out and I would go, right. I'm just gonna do this section tonight. I'm going to really focus on it and that's it and that's enough. And that's keeping me going. Sometimes I'd come over to this side and said, you know what, I'm just going to do the 1st 20 and then I'll go and do something else. So it's always keeping it quite fresh in my mind. It didn't always have to be a full exam under full time conditions. As long as you're taking over, actually think it's better to do in small chunks for like the most part and really understand those 10 or 20 questions. Why the answers are the answers, doing small chunks retain some information from it and it all. And you know, maybe the next time you do it, you've sort of been able to learn from that as well. The best thing. So this is saying attempt number three, you want to be able to do enough attempts that you're really well versed and how it works, but that you haven't done your three attempts all in one week. And actually, you just remember the answers from the first go on Monday on by Friday. You're like, you're just using memory, you need to have them spaced out enough that the question actually still feels quite new and it's still a test for you. So let me just check a quick chat again. Um I would do the medical course early because you'll get the tips that you'll use for the next two months of preparation. Obviously, whatever is available is available. But I probably did it in October time as well for a December sitting. What were the disadvantages in Sgot at home as opposed to a test center? So, I just remember hearing stories of people getting the online proctoring. There's all these crazy stories of people looked away from their screen or there was a noise behind them like an examiner would maybe pop up or there'd be some query over whether the exam conditions that they'd set up in their room were accurate or like we're good enough. Um, there may be issues. I don't know if you're allowed to go to the toilet. If your online product of you sort of have to be in front of the camera at all times as far as I'm where it was in the test center. If you need to go to the toilet, you sort of sit there and put your hand up and you go to the toilet, you get quite, um, well checked going into it, you put all your stuff in a locker, you have to empty out your pockets in front of people, like pull out your genes pockets and like a jumper pocket. We were wearing masks and we were doing it. We had to take off our mask and show them the inside of it to make sure there wasn't anything written on the inside or there weren't any notes hidden inside a mask. And largely I would just to take away the stress of doing it at home. Whether your internet connection isn't good enough, whether something happened at home, whether a delivery came and your dog started barking all these things. You just don't have those distractions or possibilities in a test center. So, if you can, I would try and get a test center. And again, if you have to take a day or two off emplacement in December to go to a test center, that's a bit annoyingly far away. It's really, it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. The finals are like, what? Mid to late February, it's fine if you've a day off. It really is. Trust me. Okay. Are we ready to do some questions or do you want a little minute to breathe if anyone wants to say because I realize I've talked, I'm a little bit off schedule shock. Happy enough to go ahead and do some questions. All right, we'll start with some multiple choice ones. Okay. So I'm gonna give two minutes to do this. And before I give you any time to write two minutes to breathe, you can read this question for two minutes. Breathe. We'll do the answer in a couple of minutes. Um I didn't use any books for this at all bit. They recommend that you only use the official papers because they are the only thing that are accredited by the F P O. So they don't everyone else, all these other courses as good as they can be. They haven't golfed questions that are verified by the F P O. So there's no point getting a book either because it isn't verified by F P O either. Don't use pass Med for SGOT. It's far too easy. Don't, don't bother passing out is great for everything else. Just don't even look at the SGOT section. I actually forgot the had one. Okay. Um, I don't know about past test. I didn't use it but those sort of question banks. No, just don't bother with them. Okay. I'll stop talking for you a minute or two and you can read this and come up with an answer, let's say at eight. Okay. Well, sort of come back on for an answer then and I will shut up. You know what, I'm actually going to look at my work, whatsapp and see what's been happening is I've got 20 on red messages. But yeah, in the estate e land, this wouldn't happen. Okay. Okay. We'll give it another minute and then we'll talk through this question. Okay. Let's all right, close enough. Ok. So a confused patient has intra abdominal, has an intra abdominal infection and acute renal failure. After procedure, instructions to the nursing staff are clearly written in the notes regarding what action to take in response to a change in the patient's urine output on the morning ward round. You find these instructions were not followed by the night nursing team and the patient has deteriorated as a consequence. Patient has now received treatment but follow up actions are required. So if you have your answer, let's have a look at what it should be. So it's gonna be S C E for this one. So what you need to do and look for the really good words here are informed and explain. Remember, so inform the nurse in charge of the ward on the of the incident because this was a handover from the op note or the notes wherever it is to the nursing team, what was to happen during the night. So it's very appropriate. Let me see, appropriate to inform the nurse in charge what happened. But this patient is under the medical care and required treatment to resolve the issue overnight. Uh What did they get renal failure? So you also need to inform a senior member of the medical team of the citizen. They want to know what's happened. They've just come out of a procedure. Surgeons are going to want to know what's how their patient is doing POSTOP. And what the other thing you're going to do here is find out whether the nurses were aware of the instructions regarding changes to the patient's urine output. So it's all well and good that it was clearly written in the notes. But did anyone tell the nurses that this is in the notes that this is what was to be followed? If anything happened that they might not have known that. So this is the section where you're going to pick three from eight and you're going to put and between all your answers. So when you read it all together with, add, it actually makes a lot of sense. So you're going to inform the nurse in charge of the word on the word of the incident. And you're going to inform a senior member of the medical team of the incident. And you're going to find out whether the nurses were aware of the instructions regarding changes to the patient's urine out, but not all seems quite reasonable. So have a look at the other answers and why they weren't wants to choose. So quite often explained to the patient is usually a good answer. But in light of the scenario here, you have a confused patient who has an infection probably has a temperature, probably is a bit delirious and now has renal failure. They're completely confused. I have no idea what's going on. So the three most appropriate actions to do sort of right now about this isn't going to be explained to the patient. They're going to be confused, they won't understand, they're not going to take any of it in. It's not to say you don't explain it later on when they're able to understand, but right now, it's not going to do anything. So you need to look for your sort of parts up here for your context, explaining something to someone who's confused, it's not really going to get you anywhere. Okay. So speak to the nurses involved. Next time you see them about your concerns with their management of the patient. Next time you see, that doesn't sound very timely, doesn't sound like you're doing anything really much to get to the bottom of this. So next time you see them really on the surface, it doesn't sound like you're doing anything about it. Offered to write a protocol and formalizing team communication, jumping the gun a bit to go and write a new protocol. When actually, why don't you just talk to the nurse in charge first? So maybe a new protocol does need to happen, but it's not the most appropriate thing at this time. You actually need to get the nurses and the medics involved with how this patient has been looked after and you're gonna check, did they know the notes were there? Maybe they just didn't know the notes were there and that's it. That doesn't need a whole new protocol again. Record your account of the night's events in the patient notes. No taken is really important. It's medical legal document. It's vital that it's stated time signed, but it's not a priority right now. Your priority is talking to the nursing and the medical staff and to find out what went on and lastly ask the nurses to increase the frequency of observations on the patient. I don't know what that's going to do to help you right now. They've already had their treatment. So why are we increasing their observations? The instructions were pretty clear in the notes of what to do. You don't need to change the instructions, the instructions are up here. So again, this isn't going to do anything if you're just increasing the frequency of the observation. Are you treating the intra abdominal infections? Are you treating the acute renal failure by just up in the abs know? So that's why that answer isn't very good. Okay, I've got one more of these. So I'll give you two minutes to do this one and then we'll come back and go through the answer. Yeah. Okay. Let's have a look at this one. So Mr Saad is a psychiatric patient who has been brought on to your medical ward with a psychiatric nurse. You are aware that he was admitted to the hospital the previous week and is very disruptive and refused all treatment. Your consultant has told you to book an urgency t scan of his head. When you inform Mr Saad that he has booked in for a scan leader that day, he tells you that he will refuse to cooperate. So for this one, you're going to choose three again and you're going to want to put and between them and look for your opposites that counteract each other so you can remove them. We'll remove one of the pair Okay. So it's going to be S E N E here. So inform your consultant that Mr Saad is refusing to cooperate with the CT scan and attempt to explore Mr see odds reasons for refusing the CT scan CT scan and find out from your specialty trainee if it would be appropriate to assess Mr see odds capacity to refuse the CT scan. So ultimately, the consultant is responsible for the patient's care. Every patient in a hospital is under consultant. So really it's kind of there a problem if there's not going to be an issue with the CT scan, especially as its name that wants it, you're picking it, but it's a consultant that wants it. So if there's any issue, you're going to want to raise that with your consultant, a very good thing to do if in any scenario where a patient doesn't know if they want to go ahead with something is maybe refusing a treatment is refusing to consent for an operation that they critically need. Try and explore the reasons why it is almost invariably going to be a good shot to go for something to explore why the patient doesn't want to do this thing. There might be just some part of it. They don't understand that's limiting them, but you're always going to be pretty safe with saying why don't I go and talk to them and see what the problem is. You're not going, I'm going to go and tell them they need this scan and not tell them why we're explain anything about it or maybe understand what their fear is. Maybe there claustrophobic and I don't particularly want to go for a CT. And the next one, what was it find out from your specialty trainee? If it would be appropriate to assess Mr She has capacity to refuse the CT. So it's a really reasonable thing to do as well. So it's not always possible to get in touch with your consultant. It's actually quite difficult. What you're going to be able to do is to get the people here in their team. But or maybe like an S T 567, the reg, the S H O and it's a good bet to run things passed them. You're an F one in this scenario, you're an F one in all scenarios in the SGOT, by the way, you're only ever working at an F one level in these questions. So there are some limitations to what an F one can do and what you're going to do is quite reasonably is check with your senior doesn't have to be consultant, but as long as it's senior to you, and, you know, maybe you do need to assess the capacity that's not really going to be something you're fit to do, but you might have the idea and you're really going to run it past them. So that's quite reasonable. So let's look at the answers, which don't help us here delay the CT scan for 48 hours and allow him to calm down. You haven't told the consultant you haven't told their edge, you haven't told the senior, you haven't asked the patient why they don't want to go for it. You haven't tried to explain to them anything about it. You've just delayed it and all you've done is delay the problem for two days down the line. That's it. So does this single answer address the question in any way? No, it does absolutely nothing about it. Discuss with your consultant, whether it would be appropriate to prescribe a sedation for Mr Shot to go ahead with the CT scan. You're jumping the gun a bit. Okay. There's going to be very few circumstances where you're going, where you're going to prescribe sedation for somebody when it's not a general anesthetic. So by and large, stay away from prescribing sedatives for people unless they are a danger to themselves through a danger to others. It's a bit lower risk, but it's usually if they're really posing a huge risk to themselves, that's the most likely chance you're going to consider a sedative. You don't prescribe a sedative for someone who's a really difficult patient and it's on nights and they're up and down all the time and they're causing a lot of work for the team. You don't just sedate them to make your life easy. That's a terrible thing to do. And what was huge ask Mr shot if he would like a relative to come and accompany him during the stay in the hospital? Okay. You don't often get people coming in and staying with you. Especially not at the minute. Visiting is barely allowed is again, you're jumping the gun a bit with this. Maybe he does need a relative to come and help explain with him and sit and sort of calm things down, but that's a bit later on down the line. You need to talk to the consultant first and you need to talk to the senior first as well. You'll maybe bring family in a little bit later on but not just straight away. What do we do? Politely tell Mr See, odd that his disruptive behavior is making it difficult for healthcare workers to work. There's absolutely no point doing this. You're in a psych ward telling someone they're disruptive, like, okay, it's kind of part and parcel of what life is going to be like over there. It's really quite inappropriate. This is part of their illness saying they're being disruptive is really, it's actually just quite mean, it's unhelpful and doesn't do anything remotely to resolve things and it might exacerbate the behavior and make life even more difficult over there. Ok. Explain to him why he might need to have the CT scan. You don't know how he's gonna react about this. You're going to want to do these other things first granted, I don't think this is a terrible answer at all and you'd probably consider it because it says, explain why he needs to have the scan. But again, you need to look at the context of the whole thing. You're in a psych ward is explaining this. Actually going to help right now is the best thing to do. Still going to be, talk to your consultant, talk to the senior and explore the reasons for refusing rather than why he needs to write. So this is the difference between C and G attempt to explore his reasons for refusing the scan. You're having a really open discussion. There's no pressure from you that you need to have the scan, you have to go for it. You don't have a choice. Then down here, explain to him why he needs to have the scan. There's no part of this answer that says anywhere about trying to explore his reasons for refusing down here, you're just basically telling him you need to have it. So there is sort of your nearly a pair there and this one is far better. You're having an open discussion with him, doesn't matter that they're psych patient. You still have an open discussion and want to see how they're feeling about things. This, you're just essentially, although this says, explain he needs to have the scam know sounds a bit like you're telling him. Okay. Well, sorry, we've already had our break and we're maybe trying to catch up. So we're going to skip that. Sorry, they got ranking questions. We're going to do another two of these. So that's your air to ease. Okay. So I will give you two minutes for this. Mhm. Okay. Well, have a look at this one. You're working on your face first rotation in surgery. That's currently me working my first surgical job. Surgical jobs are the worst. You're working on your first rotation in surgery whilst assessing a 65 year old patient with jaundice, the consultant surgeon asks you to refer the patient to gastroenterology department. Regarding further treatment. You are unsure why the referral is required. So we'll just bring up the answer now if you've already got yours. So it's going to be E D B C A. I don't think I've done it. No, I haven't. Ok. So you have been asked to refer your patient to another team by the consultant. You don't know why this referral is required. This is pretty much my everyday at the minute. So a speak to the consultant surgeon again, gain more information before making the referral. So does this single answer? Address the question? Yes. The surgeon asked you to make the referral. You don't know why you go back to the surgeon. You get more information, you have a discussion with them. Why do you want me to make this referral? What is the question you want me to ask this other team, what do you think this other team are able to do? So if you're only going to do one of these things, this is a great answer. Go back to the surgeon, you get the info, you go and make the referral. That answer is no longer part of what you're choosing from. So you've got four left and you choose your next best one. D ask a more experienced colleague, what information the gastroenterology department will require to make the referral. So if that's what you're going to do next, that's still pretty good. So you don't need the consultant necessarily to be able to tell you why a gastro referral is needed. You're probably going to go to the reg, they will know exactly why as well. However, e is first, the surgeon asked you to do it, you go back to the surgeon, but the next best thing here is going to your reg pretty much and they'll be able to help you with it. You get the information, you then go on and make the referral. Great. You know, I have three answers left that you're going to choose from. The next one is going to be, be conduct research on the internet into why the referral could be required. So it seems like a bit of a funny one to go off and just Google something really about what you're going to say to the gastro team. But between the three, there are three that are left. This is going to be your next best answer because the next one after that is contact Gastro consultant. By the way to explain, you need to make a referral and ask what information they need to proceed if you're in a consultant in another team and say hello, I am asking, can I refer a patient to you? I don't know anything about them. Can you tell me what I need to go and find out to then bring you back again and refer them? It's a waste of everyone's time. You're lengthening out the whole process. You're calling this consultant with no information, asking them what you need then having to go and find it, then you're going to bring them back when you could have gone to the consultant, you could have gone to the reg you could have looked up what a gastro referral needs then spoken to the gastro consultant. Then that leaves. She was pretty much ask a more experienced colleague to make the referral. Now was that might sound like it's more efficient than you ringing the gastro consultant with no information and no idea what's going on. Asking someone else to do it is worse because you haven't done anything you haven't learned for the next time. You need to make a gastro referral. You haven't gone and got any more information from the consultant, the reg the internet about gastro referrals. You just panned it off and ask someone else to go and do it, you've learned nothing. So, next week when you need to make a gastro referral again, you're right back in this position of having no idea what, what it's about. So does that? Oh, sorry, the chat is gone. We'll see if there's any questions. Mm. Not that I can see. Let's see. Indeed. Is that not address the fact that you're unsure why the referral is required? So they kind of does. Um doesn't that not address the fact you're unsure why the referral is required. Uh It's a bit of a, doesn't that enough? It doesn't not crash. Um So you've asked the more Indie you've asked the red, what information the Gastro Department will require. The red was probably rent. So you can't assume anything other than what you read in front of you. A reg will know especially a surgeon to gastro that reg will know what a gastro referral will need. You've gone and ask someone for your own learning. It is a reputable source. This senior, what you need to know about the patient to go to Gastro going to see is your same D C doesn't, right? I see what you mean that C says you still gone and tried to ask someone, but that's not a good way to make a referral by asking the team that you're referring to. What do you want me to go into? That's really inefficient and it won't go down. Well, so you're not helping yourself at all. You don't go to a consultant with no information and go, hello. What you want to know by? That's not very good. Um, oh, this is a bit of funny one. And it's one of these SGOT questions that they're saying the internet is better then just go into the gastro consultant. But there's things like staff nets, internets and stuff that will have like information. it's only available to you. It's not actually Googling. I suppose there's all sorts of protocols and guides written on sort of staff based staff nets that you can get information from. So that's still you trying to do something then just going blindly to a consultant with no information whatsoever. Truly d doesn't tell you why the patient needs referred just what you need in the referral. Yeah. So I see what you mean. So with d what information will they want to make the referral? You then go and find out this information about the patient and you'll be able to work out why they need it. They'll say maybe it's this, maybe it's that go and look at their notes, go and read what they're bloods are doing, going reading. Um What may be the consultant has written in the notes, they'll tell you what stuff you're looking for, which is really quite a good way to deal with this. Any more questions from this one? All right. So see, indeed address the process of making a referral but not why the patient is needed. So, yeah, this is the whole point. You've got a is the best one that deals with everything, but it's no longer an answer. You just have to rank them from 1 to 5 what's left. So they're not perfect answers, but you still have to put them in an order. So it doesn't deal with the whole question in that. What is it that you said? So it's not why the patient needs the referral. So like, not all these answers are going to be great. You're just sort of getting them right. Well, this is slightly the next best way to do it. Okay, of this sort of two answers that are left. This is the next best thing to do. So it's not that all the answers are great. You maybe only have one or two decent answers here. You rank those one and two pretty much and then you just have to choose an order of what's left. It's what's in front of you. You have to make some sort of an order and be like, yeah, it's not a great answer. But if this, I've got two answers left, if I was only going to be able to do one or two of them, one of these two, which one would I choose? Okay. So, yeah, C and D aren't. So what you said is C and D address the process of making a referral but not why the particular patient needs the referral. Yeah. So not all, not all of the answers are going to be that perfect one if that makes sense. Let me see. See. Indeed. I just, yeah, I think I need to get this across. See is a pretty crap answer. You don't ring a consultant with no information even though it might seem like, well, they'll be able to tell me exactly what they want to know. It doesn't work like that. Yeah, but they equipped you to find out why. So, speaking to a reg is a really good idea what information a gastro department will want. So you don't necessarily need to know why. To be quite blunt. Your, just the f one you just need to put the referral in and you need to know what information a referral requires. I refer people to things all the time. Don't have that much idea why or what big fancy thing is going on with them. But I have a, probably a little note I've written in front of me before. I ring someone with their story. What's been going on with them? What's happened with them when they've been in and why a surgeon now wants Gastro to look at them. I don't need to know everything about them. I need to have the appropriate information that a referral requires. Okay, let's do the next one. So actually let's look at how they get marked first. So this is available on the answer form or like on the answers for the past papers of how you score them. So, and I'll come back to in a second time. So, uh so the, the answer here was a CBC A. So if you got that in order you get 4444 and four, which gives you 20. If you get to see you get these two mixed up, you still get four here. You know, I get, you put D at number three. So you can make the, you put these to the other way about. So say, you know, I have put D in the third spot. You put D at three, you get three marks and you've now put, be at number two. So you go be uh rank to, you get three marks and you still put CNN in the right order, you get four and you get four. So you dropped down to 16. So you'll quite often pick up about 16 marks or so for these questions because it might be something as simple as it's quite hard to pick out. You maybe have them vaguely in the right order. But something like D and B, you put them the other way around, you're still going to come away with 16 marks. Even if you get them all completely in the wrong order, the way this grid works, you'll still get it marks for being completely wrong. So this is why you pick up marks. It's this near Miss Market, it's quite forgiving. You're going to pick up it no matter what you do here. Okay. But you're going to get more than that. So I'll just go back a second for your question hands. So general stands for these on the internet and the wording questions like this, would it be deemed as a reliable source? And right entire, um, there isn't a huge stance in this. There is a certain amount of this being an sgot version of questions. So you have to take some things with a little pinch of salt, really work through the two passed papers and the answers and really study them in quite deep detail about how their view to rank things. So internet can be quite good. So I'm working in Glasgow, it's the greater Glasgow Clyde Trust. There's an app for us, it has every guideline on it. It has calculate, has um Gentamicin and Vancomycin calendar or calculators. It has the exact protocols of what to do. So you would be able to sort of look something up that's actually verified by your hospital site. So I had someone yesterday who was hypokalemic. I looked at the Hipaa claim guidelines of what fluid and how much potassium to give them, wrote it up according to the guidelines and I am totally covered because I have done what the guideline that is applicable to my hospital has done. Okay. We'll do one more of these. This always happens. They always generate a lot of discussion, a lot of debate of, actually, I don't think that's right. Like that seems like a really stupid answer. Why would you do that first? Don't worry. This is really normal to frankly disagree with what the answer is at times. But you have to get yourself in a mindset of understanding how the SGOT works, even if you think it's wrong or even not quite, if you think it's wrong or you don't quite agree with it. There is a version of the world that is really and there is a version of the world according to STD questions. So you will get yourself into a way of thinking how they do by practicing the, especially the official papers and the official answers that go with them. So you'll not see it here. But whenever you look at um the answers online where you get this smart's game, there's quite a detailed section of why the answer is the answer and it's quite good and you're able to pick up trends from, well, actually, s a t always seem to rank this kind of thing quite highly de value this. So there's a huge amount to gain from knowing the official papers pretty much inside out, not to the point where you've memorized it, but to the point where you understand how they approach questions and answers. So I found that the things that you'll pick up between the two papers that you have access to. So, whatever type of question is whenever I sat my exam, the things were very much the same, the questions were just worded slightly differently and the responses were slightly different, but you'll be pretty well guaranteed to know what they're going to ask you about. Just not how they're going to ask it. Okay. We'll do one more of these. Okay. Two minutes. Let's have a look at this. You're working on a surgical ward. Your specialty training arrives in the ward, looking unkempt and you noticed that he smells of alcohol. He is due to operate in one arm and you believe that his ability to operate maybe impaired. This is really like a very serious scenario obviously. And alcohol, either it being someone senior to you or another f one, you the smell of alcohol or you know, they were out last night because you saw it all over Instagram that's been out drinking and they've turned up for work. This will absolutely come up in some way whenever you set this. Okay. So it's going to be C E B D A. So going to inform your consultant of this situation. So there's some really key information in this question. He is due to operate in one hour that's vital. Some patient is going to be in a theater being operated on by pretty much you're drunk reg unless you do something about it inform the consultant of the situation. In this scenario. It is most appropriate to go to a consultant first because it is a huge patient safety issue. You as an F one alone are not going to be able to stop this. Your consultant needs to deal with it, then you to find someone else to do the theater, it's not going to be you, you're an F one and F one does not find cover, does not like start recruiting other surgeons to come into work. That's a consultant's job. So the time issue in this question is why you go to the consultant first and other similar questions to this. And it comes up between the two papers, there's an alcohol question in the other paper and in that one, you don't go to a consultant first, you speak to the person first, I think from memory. But because of the time sensitive issue on this, you go straight to your consultant. I'll come back to that wee bit later about Glasgow Belfast. Um So the next one is eight. Suggest to the specialty trainee. He should not operate if he is under the influence of alcohol. If this is your only answer, it's pretty good. You've raised the issue. You've not been shy about it. You've gone directly to the person you should not operate or you've suggested you should not operate if you're under the influence of alcohol. Okay, you've raised that with them next one is be ask other team members whether they think the specialty training is fit to operate. So remember seeing a year now gone, there are no longer options you're choosing from you rank from what is left available to you. So it's a bit dramatic getting other people involved, but you've still alerted it to other people. Other people may be able to do something more about this situation that you can't. And you've raised the issue that he is not fit to operate your maintenance and patient safety. Here. D is next contact the theater team and ask them to prevent your specialty trainee from operating nowhere, an answer. D does it mention anything about the patient safety issue that he is under the influence of alcohol? You've just contacted the theater team as an F one and told them, don't do this operation. The theater team need to know far more information than that. It's not appropriate for an F one to be doing that. That's a consultant's job to be dealing with theater lists. Okay. And the last one, whilst it may seem like it's kind of a nice answer and it's a gently, softly approach to this to suggest to the specialty training that he looks too tired to operate. You don't think he looks too tired. You think that he's under the influence of alcohol? This is totally different. Him looking tired is not what you think at all. So this answer is just completely know and void. It's like it's not quite a lie, but it pretty much is. If you said him, you look too tired, you're lying to yourself because you think he's drunk, you don't just think he's tired and it does absolutely nothing about it. You haven't alerted anyone about this. You haven't let the consultant. No, you haven't said that you shouldn't do this if you're under the influence of alcohol, cause if you do, you'll get struck off. So this will not generating so many questions because it's a wee bit more clear cut. I think there is a time sensitive issue in this. Someone's going to get operated on in one hour unless you raise this issue appropriately. If, however, in a slightly different question of the same thing in the other paper, I can't remember if this is from paper, one and paper too. It's more appropriate in that instance. You think someone has been drinking in that one? It's not quite that this smell of alcohol, which is a far more convincing tale. You think that been out all night or something? And the best way to deal with that is go directly to them first and have a chat, not jump straight to the consultant. It's maybe another f one who's sitting on a computer or something doing a job harbor on this one. Someone's gonna get operated on by a drunk surgeon. You'd go straight to the top to deal with that. Okay. So again, when you look through these answers, there's a full explanation under every question as to why the order is the order and you're able to start delving point all these things. So I show you these are all the same as last year is quite a few polly pockets here of things. I was picking up from the mark schemes like trends of answers. I guess I can't even hold a drink. So I was highlighting all the different things and what was coming up. So as much as people say, you can't study for the SGOT, you can't, it's not an exam of clinical knowledge. It's about how you approach situations and how to respond to them. But there is a chasm of difference between not studying for something and not preparing for something. You can be incredibly well prepared and the benefits of it. Really. Okay. Okay. So here's some common things that are always going to come off alcohol as we've just done is always invariably going to come up leaving on time is a huge issue. According to S J T land, you leave exactly when your shift finishes and you don't sell it unless it's a clinical emergency. I wish that was true. But in ST T answers, you leave on time and you give an appropriate hander and away you go and that's great. Life is fine. Patient safety is huge. One is anything you're doing or someone else is doing or anything that happened. Is it a risk to patient safety confidentiality is also massive. So, even if someone's wife is sitting beside them, you still need to check. Does the patient want their family beside them on a ward round or when someone comes to speak to them? The patient's confidentiality is number one, it doesn't matter who it is, that's with them. Appropriate handovers are a huge thing. So, handovers over whatsapp, absolutely not handovers on a scrap of paper that are left lying around and you hope someone else finds it. Nope, give a direct hand over to the appropriate person that you're handing over to and you make sure that they have fully understood it. So another really good and important thing to remember when you're applying this to question is that you find out information first, you don't assume. So it's always a very good approach when you're answering a question that in some form of the question, you find out more information first and a lot of questions are going to come up regarding usually appear colleagues. So another f one is struggling with adapting to the job. Quite often. The best answer is always going to be or your first ranked answer your answer. Number one of eight A is encourage others to go to their own supervisor for help. Usually one of the answers will be something along the lines of you go to their supervisor and tell their supervisor they're struggling and your friend knows nothing about it. Not very nice. You're going behind someone's back but you're still trying to get them support, but it's not that good as you encouraging them to go to their own supervisor. A good answer as well as often you will, um, offer to go to the supervisor with them. So they're still go to their own supervisor, but you're giving them that extra little bit of support by saying that you come with them too. So there are more things than that. So as I said, at the start, you don't need these sites. You do not need another power point to go through. Instead, I will collect this into something much more compact, much more digestible of how to approach this. You have all the information you need between those two passed papers and the answers that they provide, they fully explain why answers are answered. There's some that you will absolutely disagree with and some you'll never get your head around. That's fine. As long as you pick up the answers and you just get into the way of how they think even if it's not how you think, you know how they want their answers to be. Remember it got to December last year and I started saying like things were somewhat appropriate all the time. I got like a city is in my brain. This is not good. I don't see it anywhere but you just need to, you know, I think like the S D T, how do they want me to answer this? It is. What should you do? Not? What would you do in real life? It's what should you do in this scenario? And let's see, some tips and resources start early. No, all your information, like your date and time location information to hand. Don't be scrambling for it the night before figuring out how to get there. Where do you park for this place? Just basic things don't make it any more stressful than it already is. Just know that stuff first, I think knowing how the exam works and it's really important. So you start with the reading questions, you're somewhat appropriate, somewhat inappropriate, inappropriate. You then move on to the multiple choice where you choose three out of eight and then the last section I'm gonna say we've got this right as far as I remember, you then go on to the rank at a last. You can fly questions, you can go back to questions. There's also some video questions um where you watch a little scenario and then you answer questions based on it. So you like little animations. Um There's a couple of those thrown in as well. So you get, you get your phones given to you at a piercing of you to listen to pretty sure you could maybe bring your own, but they give them to you and practice timing, practice the exam technique, you don't always have to practice under time, but make sure you do a good couple of attempts under time congestions, just make sure you're used to it and you know how to space your time. Some people time it, that they actually take like a five minute breather during it. And be honest, probably do have time for that might just help you sort of between sections, take a minute or two and just sort of psych yourself up to move on to the next one. Spaced repetition is really important. So you need to start early enough that you have gaps between how many times you look at these questions so that you're not just scoring better. The next time you do it from pure memory that you've actually learned something's gone in and you've moved on from it again. It's not a clinical exam, but it doesn't mean you don't go in without preparing for it. And this is the exam that's actually going to get you into the job and the area that you want. Your final's aren't. So take from that what you will about how much time you put into these things, you can debate all you want about how she tired. The SGOT is how stupid it is that a 2.5 hour exam as the exact same weight is four years or far more if you have a previous degree of your life, but it's not going to change for you so be angry about it for a day or two and how they messed up looking again, get it out of your system and just move on and get on with it. Um Let's see if we got anything else here, know. So thank you very much for coming and listening to it. Good luck. I hope everything gets sorted with your back in times, put in the effort and it will pay off, please complete the feedback because I really need that for my portfolio and you'll get that sort of write this catch up document of everything that's compressed and for a better version, I won't lie. It's not done yet because I think I've actually just worked um the elite quite an illegal part for the last two weeks of my Rhoda. Uh This has been my first day off in quite a long time. So that's not ready, but you will get it. And I've got one question that I still need to answer here, but we've got 15 minutes for questions, whatever you want, it can be about this. It can be about. Finally, you're in general about the whole application process, whatever you want for the next little while. So start with this one. How different is it being an F one in Glasgow compared to being an F not or an F one in Belfast? Are there many great differences? Absolutely everything. Every single bit of paperwork, every single computer system is wildly different. It's taken me ages to get used to the paperwork and how things work. So we're all really used to using the cr don't use in Glasgow these track care. It looks completely different. It's really bulky clunky. Nothing intuitive about it. As a computer system, you have to electronically request bloods every day and it's the most cumbersome system I have ever used. But don't let things like that, but you're going to try and somewhere new. I absolutely would do it every single time again to move over and go somewhere new. The majority of the other iphones I'm working with have come from elsewhere. There's only about four or five, he studied in Glasgow who I am now working with out of a group of 27 surgical F ones. So just put it into scale. How big this hospital is. I think there's about 80 F ones that have started this year and there's nearly 30 in surgery alone. I have never seen a hospital so big in my life. It's overwhelming. I was used to Daisy Hill and Craig Gavin. I'm going like the biggest hospital in Glasgow, I think. Or well, maybe not quite the QE the new one is probably bigger actually, but this place is huge and it's a central, it's like a tertiary center for surgery. So we get all the complicated patient's from the tertiary and district or no, the district hospitals elsewhere. If they can no longer cope with them. So we have incredibly complicated POSTOP patient's who or on the edge every day and they go off and they get vastly unwell and they go to, I see you, it's very stressful. You have a surgical ward of really, really sick people and a lot of the time it's just Rhianna, but moving away is great and the media questions. So it's a video instead of reading a scenario and I think it can apply to all three sections of the exam. It's maybe 90 seconds long. There'll be, you know, a doctor and a nurse and a somebody else or something. Um, there might actually be video questions in the sort of online practice paper that you get through Pearson Vue and you'll get an idea of what it is, then it doesn't make any difference when you're in the test and doing the question. You still have, you can watch it again if you need to, you still just have some answers to be us off on it. It don't worry about it. It's not going to really throw you off or anything. Sometimes they're a bit funny nearly and you're like, right? Ok. There's not that many either. So it's not something hugely to worry about. Um, do you always think about which to me? And the question is being examined quite frankly, know you kind of forget about it. But if you're struggling, sometimes it is good to think back to the Dominion. Is it actually a patient folk? Uh I forget the demeans actually, that would be helpful and then go back to the start to bring them up. Uh You can see how many slides is. It was nice demands, demands demeans demeans demeans. Okay. You'll be able to tell if a question is really hammering off the patient focus. So in that instance, maybe you would stay late, patient's critically unwell clinical emergency. You're not going to leave on time or is it actually team working? This question? Is it you need to offer support to your colleague? You need to try and help them. So you don't have to think about it for every question. It doesn't excuse me. Um change things vastly during it. But if you're maybe needing to think if the questions a bit harder, it's maybe a good idea to start thinking back to what one is this really pulling off? What, where do they want me to answer it? And the demand will usually focus on that or will help you with that. So then you start picking the more. So you think actually this one's really mapping back to patient focus and in your answers you're thinking of right? Okay. Which answers here are the best outcome for the patient. No, there's three different types that we've gone through different types of questions. You've got reading, you've got multiple choice and you've got ranking. So reading is the new section which is not. So this section here, it's not in the two official passed papers that you have access to. It wasn't last year for me. And sadly, it's not for you either. I really thought they would have put it in to give you some practice with it. The only place you will be able to see definite official rating questions will be in the Pearson Vue online exam. But unfortunately, you do not get marks or like a mark scheme for that. So you're practicing that section blind. The only consolation is so is everyone else uh is it hard to move to a new place socially? So I did a first degree in Glasgow, which is why I moved back here cause I never actually wanted to leave Glasgow in the first place and moved back to Belfast for five years. And my boyfriend lived here so socially, it was a very different reason for me to move over. But I feel like I've made really good friends from the group already. We go out most Friday nights and well, are not like outside. There is a really cool brewery really close to our hospital. So usually on a Friday night, a lot of us go there. I was on all weekend. But I know Friday and Saturday night, a lot of them went out together which people doing like different activities together, you know, go for pizza after work some nights as well. So you spend so much time together, working that you have no other choice but to make friends with them. And they're the only people who understand how intense and how overwhelming starting as an F one is. So you kind of cling to them and you do want to see them outside of work as well. It's quite nice actually to have people understand completely the position that you're in. And it's quite exciting when you first get paid cause all of you're just like, oh my God, we just got paid, we just got money within students for years and we're so broke. This is amazing. Let's, let's go somewhere so socially. I think it's a great time to move elsewhere because a lot of people that you're gonna work with will have just done the exact same thing. So it's not like they have their own friends set up and it's actually just you, that's new and it's really hard if you move to a big city or somewhere like that, everyone mostly is going to be new. And even if they're not, you spend all day with each other working that is really easy to make friends. Um I can't answer about what happens during an online Proctor one because I didn't do it. There is there be accounts, recounts of people's tales last year kicking about of anything that happened. There is the potential for to maybe get paused or terminated and you maybe need to do it again. If systems go down or something. Just I can only speak so much about how the online Proctoring version went because I didn't do it. But I would absolutely recommend going to a test center where possible. It just removes so much of the doubt, especially if your internet crashes or something. Like, at least if that happens in a Pearson Vue, which it doesn't, it's not your fault. It's Pearson views. See any other questions, what anything really but finally, or about the process, whatever you want for the reading section, should we rank the response is as appropriate? Somewhat appropriate, somewhat inappropriate, inappropriate or can we use it many times? I did see that crying question before you deleted it. You need to be more specific. Uh at what point did I cry, please come back with the specifics um for the reading sections, should we rank the responses as appropriate? Somewhat appropriate, somewhat inappropriate and inappropriate? So they are your four responses. But for each sort of, you've got your story scenario, then you're going to have 48 questions corresponding to it and they come up individually. So it's going to come up like a new screen eight times with the same story. Then your question underneath and you just choose one of those ranks, whether it's um very appropriate, somewhat appropriate, somewhat inappropriate and inappropriate. You just choose one per question. Does hopefully that answers that for you. When can we do the piercing? You test do you just go online? Yeah. So you should have logins to like, book your test through Pearson Vue and you can get it from there. Um, I did see it earlier. If you Google STT practice questions, the one that it kept taking me to, there's like the online one and then that link takes you onto Pearson Vue. Then you've got paper, one paper, one answers, paper to your paper to answers what resources? Gm Akron reading. Is it just good medical practice or the more um good medical practice is the me and sort of official thing that you should read because everything, it's all about G M C and all their stuff about how excellent you should be. So read that it does actually help, make things a bit more clear. Um So yeah, read it, understand what's going on. It, it's not that heavy, which is quite good. It's also worth knowing what F ones can and can't do. So, let's see, an F one can't consent a procedure they can't do. So I don't go around consent to people for surgery because I'm not the one doing it. I can go and do an MRI checklist with them, you know, check in, they don't have any shrapnel injuries, they don't have any pacemakers, stuff like that. I can do that. I can't put a D N A D N A C P R in place. It's usually very senior and consultants to have those conversations, I can be part of the team that's there, but it's not done under me. You can certify deaths, you can write death certificates, um, certain prescriptions, you can't do things like methotrexate. And if one is never going to start a methotrexate, that's gonna be a specialist in clinic that's doing that. And of course it's worth going to. So which one do you recommend? So the like official line is the SGOT, right? Sorry. The UK FBO Practice papers are the only official resource that you can study from that are verified as accurate representation of what the questions are. I do think the courses are good. I did a Medica and the M D U one. If I was choosing, I would just do the medical one. But it is a lot of money. You can share it between people or you can search on youtube for the medical SGG essentials and it's at least an hour long and it gives you a lot of really good information to get you started. So I did lots of other things like this. But overall, I do think going through those two passed papers all the time and knowing them inside out and understanding how and why they're ranked. Things was the best preparation I did. But the courses were really good at breaking things down for you. Like the way this one, this side were on actually about just understanding your three different types, how many marks are available in this section. How many type, how many questions are in this section? Stuff like that? Um You don't need to do additional courses. I didn't use any books at all. Just the good medical practice, which is an online resource. I didn't buy any books, paid for the courses, but largely I worked off like the official stuff, most of all. Um Do you have the mark scheme that you created? So it's not a mark scheme. It's genuinely just a table um onwards. I can try and fire it up for you. I don't think I still have it on my laptop anymore. I'll show you a blank one, Megan. Like it really is just like me onward and I made some tables. So paper, one paper to have a slightly different number of questions, which really annoyed me after I printed one off because they no longer like fitted in nicely, very frustrating. So like it's genuinely just tables like that. I'll bring it back up on this one. So you see it a bit better, like I still have some blanks should post the um there it is. So like it's just tables. So it's just question one. Um the answer a score and then I did this week. Total's one. So I'd like, count up every 10. Just thought it was a bit easier to add it up at the bottom because I'd lose track and, you know, I'd add in like a few, too many numbers and I had throat myself off and it is just tables and I actually, I tried to find it to see if I still had on my laptop. I think I deleted it once it was done. I was like, I'm done with S G T. Um, do you, I can try and do something, I'll say, um, do you think each of the three sections deserve a third of the time? Otherwise, what way did you keep on track? No, they don't deserve a third because they're really, there's a very vastly different amount of questions and time involved between the three sections where this Yeah. So this section is huge. Those questions are really worthy. You're five responses of Eddie are really worthy. You're probably spending close to half the amount of time on this and you'll be able to get through this in the first half as well. Generally time and it's not an issue. So the two papers are only going to give you this section. But doing those, the time, you'll be able to get a really good idea of what your timing is like, but it's definitely not equal thirds. Know these ones go quite quickly because you read your scenario once and you answer up to eight times based on it. So it's like you've read the question already and you just answering eight times. So you do speed up quite a bit as you get to question sort of 567 and eight. Then you start again with your new scenario. You're sort of slow questions. 1234, you're kinda into this thing about you, you, you'll always see the scenario. So you sort of keep reading back on it by the time you get to the end, you know, it quite well. So you build up speed. These ones don't skim this section because again, this is the one that differentiates your scores because you only get marks. If it's correct words in these two, even if you're wrong, you're actually still pick up a really decent amount of marks. And did you use tomorrow's doctors outcomes for graduates in your preparation? I might have, I can't remember. It sounds like a good thing to do really. Um, but they recommend mostly good medical practice, but whatever is in that, it won't be a bad thing to do. When are you likely to get your score? You get it in March. Sorry to be the bearer of that bad news. So it's quite annoying once you do it, like you have no idea how it's gone at all. Like you genuinely, I walked home from it because my test center was really quite close to my house. I was very lucky. It was freezing cold down December. Oh, yeah. And my friend who left like 40 minutes earlier than me, she's like, it was too cold. Like I just went home and I was really sad that she wasn't there so we could like, go for lunch afterwards. So I walked home. Oh, this is the person who asked if I ever cried. Yeah, I cried, walking home from the SGOT was quite overwhelmed that it was finished and it was really cold and I was really tired because it was the most draining 2.5, 3 hours of your life. Um, uh, really backtracked off the question. Oh yeah, you get your score in March. So if you look at the high level timeline for the whole application process in the year, it was the 11th of March for us, I believe. Yeah, it was that we got our allocations. So you have roughly until sometime in February to rank the 20 units of applications. So a unit is Scotland unit is Northern Ireland. A unit is Wales. Then the remaining 17 units are areas of England. So you rank those 12 20 you have to rank them all. Don't just like rank one and leave the rest. It won't count, rank them all 12 20. You submit that now pretty much, I'm not quite sure where you are in the application process. You have roughly until February like some point in February to change that order and people do change their mind. That's fine. As long as you make sure you save it and you are happy with the order that you saved at the date of final changes. Then it was the 11th of March that we got an update on Oreo of what area we've been allocated to. So, on the 11th, March, I logged in and it basically just said to me, like your unit of allocation is Scotland and that's it. And then, oh, actually it was even later than that. We got S T T scores. That's right. Actually, I can't remember what it's bloody ages away. Um You get your unit of allocation and then you either Northern Ireland is you rank all the like 250 jobs that are available. Scotland has a to process ranking stage and a lot of the majority of the English ones do as well because they're further subdivided areas. So I had to rank sort of twice after that and at some point along the way, whenever you get told, worry you've got into like which job or whatever you get, your S J T scores becomes available somewhere on Oriole. So sorry, you don't get it for, you just can you backtrack the answers. Yep. So you can like click back through them on the arrow, you can flag them so that Pearson Vue practice paper is the exact same screen that you will see on the day. So it's good to get yourself acquainted with that annoying that you don't get answers or a score from that exam, but definitely do that one. You get used to just what it looks like on the screen. Would you recommend explanatory explanatory guidance documents for? Gm? See. No, never heard of it. Um, again, doesn't sound like a bad thing. Anything that's a G M C document, it's going to be good and will be useful in Sgot Land. Like that's what they're basing it off. But as long as, as long as you've definitely read good medical practice, you're good. If you read anything else on top, on top of that, you're doing really well. Do you get a break halfway through? No, no, you don't. I think you can get up and go to the toilet if you need to and hear some of you. They do let you go and sort of sit there and raise your hand actually thinking about upward one point mainly to, like, just get away from it for a second and then you, the time and was going fine. So I just used it as like a bit of a mental break nearly. Um, but the time still runs, even if you're away from the computer, the time is still running. So you're not actually getting a break. You've chosen to take time out to leave the room, so it's up to you. But largely you have time to do that if you wish. But, yeah, practice the time. But timing will be fine on the day. Like no one ran out of time and I just really liked the medical course, I thought it was really quite useful because I did quite a few different things I was able to, I suppose, um judge them in a way. Um The medical one was live, the M D U one is prerecorded. So, in that sense, it's good. The M D U one can't run over time and the way that I have now essentially gone over time because you ramble and you get loads of questions and it generates lots of discussion. The medical one is live. He answered the questions that were coming through and so many questions do you come through? And it's quite good. You're just getting a live response and feedback from it. The M D U was prerecorded. I don't know, I just really like the a medical one. It's worth watching the medical video on youtube first seeing if you like the video itself because the video is just kind of a really, really condensed version of the full day. Course. I think you can get a break this year home accuse well, for some, if you get a break. Um But yeah, if you do, that's a good thing. It's useful to get a little mental breather from it if you can, if they've changed anything from this year. So I'm quite glad I've written this in as for 2020. This is all the information I had for last year of how many questions we had, they will largely keep this to the same. It might vary by one or two. But this is roughly the waiting of how many questions you'll get into three sections and anyone have any other questions happy to answer or try to. Okay. I think I've maybe talk to you all to absolute death and boredom. Thank you very much for staying on for so long and listening to all this. I hope it's been of some help. I'm quite happy if you've got any further questions. Like if you've got me on Facebook or find me on Facebook or no, someone like get in touch happy to. Um, well, there's a deleted one there who I didn't say that in time. Sorry. Um Oh, thanks Salena. Um Well, thanks everybody. Uh maybe put up my email actually. What I'm gonna do that. Oh, yes, I need to actually check just before we finish up Olivia. Um, and just sent the link in there for and the feedback certificates and, and just the link to the form. So, um, anybody who registered on metal, you'll also get the feedback link and sent directly to you and, and I know after this fantastic section tonight that Olivia would really appreciate your feedback. And so if you fill that out, you'll get certificate and then you'll also be able to get the catch up content as well. So, um, I think the liver is going to produce a little um, short document at the end as well. So, uh just on behalf of everyone. And Olivia would just like to say it from the G P society. A huge thank you for doing this event tonight, I think. And from all the nice messages coming through on the chat and from the interaction throughout and everybody has really, really appreciate it. It's been a really, really useful session. So thank you so much for giving up your time despite your busy schedule and of the rest of the things you have to do during FM. But we really do appreciate it. Oh, thank you very much. Oh, there's really nice messages coming through. Thanks everyone. Like I hope it's helped. It's a really, it's a busy year. It's hectic. It's not a particularly nice exam doing the SGOT. If you get your head around it, I promise you it isn't as bad as you think it is. Break it down into small chunks, work on it from now. Don't leave it to the end, just chip away at it from now and like you will be all right and everyone gets the job and the place they want broadly in the end. So don't be stressing about it and this year will fly. So it'll all be over raising. So best of luck. Okay. Oh, I am. Yes, I will get working on this catch up document. You will get something. Just, let's see. I'm back in tomorrow for another run of Long's so not quite this week, shall we say? But I will get something out to you all. Okay. All right. And just, and the final question on the feedback form is just in relation um for us at the G P society, if there's any other events that you would like to see us run and for finally your students or for students and in general, please do, let us know and we'll do our very best um to hopefully accommodate them throughout the year. And of course, just stay tuned, charge social media for all the latest upcoming events and everything else. So thank you so much for attending. Thank you, Doctor Bradley and hope everyone has a really good evening.