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Abdominal Vasculature


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first even gonna have a quick overview of the main, uh, arteries that we need to be aware of within the abdomen, we can see here the descending aorta, uh, piercing through the diaphragm of the level of t 12 and sending It's the Donald aorta here, uh, it gives off. It's first major burn to me to be aware of your CF drunk, which is right in the arteries that supply the organs of the four guts. Then see here with the level of L1, the superior mesenteric artery. Uh uh, which gives, uh, rice of the arteries that supply meds guts really? Here we have inferior mesenteric artery that well, three, um, from the abdominal aorta, the old ones off the hind guts. We can also see here just below the level of the superior reason. Terry, artery left and right. Renal arteries supplying the kidneys was left writing these respectively. And then the gonadal arteries. One either side, um uh, which committed to stick to the arteries, uh, in the mail and of the ovarian. Cancer is in the female. Oh, follow their course shortly. So when I look under sected specimen on locates these arteries um, It what? A PSA test will have a look at that. The CVS trunk or of this, uh, we'll need to dissect parts of the liver. Well, what? You're here along this line on the remove the letter. Say, um, less of a story on the process of parents. See him really see access to celiac trunk here. Who wants me off the realtor? You remember the previous screen. You can see the door at the aorta, gets into the dye from here, and then see the trunk here. We don't see that the CIA drunk three major branches. Uh, which will follow first, one being the left gastric, which we can see only on this image here, always straight up. We can see that in the specimen yet straight up and around to supply. Unless a curvature off this stuff. Well, read this leg of the stomach here will be able to see it happen. That equals these are three more clear. Well, then follow the second branch of the celiac drunk, the common hepatic artery, which that moves, right, um, and then slips into to the proper particles running in the gastroduodenal artery. The proper hepatic artery it goes along side me. Has it also vein here on the common hepatic duct here that in order to deliver, uh, here at the port hip office here is also where the problematic splice to the right left at the Oscars. Also, if the problem I think we have a branch uh, called the right Castro artery also supplies the lesser coach off of something similar Left artery anastomose. Yeah, when our follow the gastro judy know parts the colon at the artery And today it's funny to replace. Made the stomach know if we take around, we'll be able to clear you see path of this gastroduodenal artery behind. Did you want him here giving it? We can Can you see? It gives off this branch here Just the rights gaster Well right, Castro Mental. And if we moved on anti review of this, we can then see that it would actually go and supply thing greater curvature the stomach instead of me really in the specimen with appreciate would be here And it would spike the great that after getting off this branch, this gastroduodenal artery continues to have been fairly becomes the Pancreatico Judita artery. Very supplies. This runs behind that. You want, uh, supply, Jordan. Um, and here, the head of the pancreas. Okay, so it runs in between Jordan and the pancreas, that now you look at the last branch of the celiac drunk splenic artery, which is normally hidden from you. My stomach. But now we've made some agree with C's torture's path towards something along the top off the pancreas. Uh, I finally had to in the hilum here, Uh, it also gives off a branch. Before this called the last left gastroepiploic or less gastro mental, we should lies again. The greater curvature off the stomach I don't exercise is with the greater with the right gastroepiploic, part of which we saw when I will talk about thie superior reasons very often. Yes. You remember? Yeah. This comes just a little bit down from the CF trunk respective. The pancreas slice over overhead here. And so the superior mesenteric artery and my just one, uh, underneath the pancreas. So now yeah, And if we just highlight angry is and remove it for a second. Well, you know what to say. Opening of the superior reason. Three. Here. The pledges below the pancreas here. Okay, Weakens The origin is actually above it. Transvestites behind it, then emerges from beneath. It's Yeah, announce for his path. We're going to move some of these sections. So the ah, greats of events Um um the smaller testing Trans best hope. Well, now we have a look again. You didn't see a superior mesenteric artery urging from underneath the pancreas. Now we can see it answering this structure here called muse injury, which is a double for a peritoneum. Then it closes the vessels, and that's and the fact is supporting me about So if we take away, that means it treats. Have a look inside it. We don't see the branches of the superior recent artery. SEC gets up multiple branches here with judge it'll arteries and the iron arteries in order to supply. Judging of highly in perspectively, we think we can then see superior mesenteric artery giving off this French here with the EEO chronic artery. You'll just spy which is twice the branches to supply the sequel area cecum. We've been seeing this bunch. Well, this is this superior mesenteric artery again. You see this first of rights? Current artery. You know which goes supply the ascending colon. Finally go back to where it just emerges from the pancreas. You'll see. It's again. This artery is called the middle colic artery. What you see would supply the area which transmits Come on, would be all right. What are you going to still in the cereal? He's is that artery. So he had the severe reason. Take lots of those from what this part that you ordered them was. Even if you're using, a lot of it comes below that. That's a concern in this picture here, cause significant. It rises. I will significantly love soup here in necessary or three. See if you raise it or doctor uh comes out. Yeah, And again, a lot of it is enclosed in reason tree when we can see here now that we removed the reason trade his rise to this After here, the left college artery, which gives rise to brunches that supply the descending colon. But also we follow this part of the transverse and actually parts of the left buttock artery. That's the most with parts off the middle colic artery that we saw on the transverse code on that from the superior of these attacks. Lottery. Well, then relocate as us. The inferior mesenteric Artery agency gives off these branches called sigmoid arteries supply sigmoid colon. And then again, we really paid the infusion reason they got. So follow it down because his temper branch here be superior rectal artery. Which guy to supply the top part off the wrecks. And, um, we're now going to do about the renal arteries. So again, if you go look at this last year, we can see that the renal arteries, uh, arise from the abdominal aorta. Just zoo period artery. Uh, we know the origin of Superior mesenteric artery largely. Hey, them from the pancreas. Five pancreas stories of we removed pancreas. We'll be able to see the superior. Wasn't artery here again. We can see of the, um, splenic vein, uh, covering on the, uh, original thesis. A period? A music artery. So dreaming that reflex. I don't see the origin. This in here. Is there a year and and see here, Lee. Okay. Left left to read or artery. Giving last words towards the hilum. Off the left kidney turns here. The right renal artery getting right towards the highland off the kidney. Yeah. Means behind the inferior vena cava treated in that little vein. Awesome. The superior used Serevent in a swell every every seeds, half more clearly moving towards kidney. Uh, here on finally, we're going to want to go now, Aussies So he wouldn't see them here. Um, level between superior area. He's answering pottery. You're back to this message. Be able to notice them. The's thin arteries that may all right, in fairly and naturally. You know, you can see that part here. There were trace up. Uh huh. Uh, two, It's opening here, leaving behind the, uh, ct. Um, unitary pain. Your naturally no service major muscle for going back in and in the mail here. Just steeped the artery leaving three quarters now descending with spermatic cord in the seam out, uh, sending with suspensory, uh, ligaments of the ovaries. We have to see variant part. Sorry. Yeah, it slows the ovaries, and we can see it, so Yeah, well, the right side on here on the left side