This site is intended for healthcare professionals

A very short video (2)



This online teaching session is designed for medical professionals looking to expand their medical knowledge and get the most out of their educational experience. Attendees will gain a wealth of experience and insight on how to use online tools and resources effectively to help provide better care to their patients. The session will be guided by an experienced medical educator and will feature the latest tools, technologies and strategies to optimize their learning. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions and share their experiences with other professionals in the field.

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Learning objectives

  1. Identify and explain the fundamentals of using medical software to upload recordings.
  2. Describe the tools and processes necessary to upload audio recordings in a medical setting.
  3. Explain the implications and safety measures associated with uploading audio recordings in a medical setting.
  4. Demonstrate the process of uploading audio recordings in a secure, accessible and confidential way.
  5. Analyze the risks associated with the use of medical software when uploading recordings.
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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

This is just a very, very brief recording. Just said I've recorded something. I can upload it to show you how the site works.