a little refresher - How Do I Study for MedST? (Lecture 12)
Welcome to elect Meetup #12 – a little refresher today on how to study for mediski (formerly know as vst). We have amazing teachers to educate you on the cost structure, revision techniques, resource options and a breakdown on what content counts towards which years. We will also discuss anatomy related pathologies, dissection manuals, Cambridge levels, external resources, self-directed learning strategies, practicals, debriefs and how to study for mediski. Don't miss this special session where you can learn and collaborate with other medical professionals.
Learning objectives
- Understand the topics that are covered in the medical school curriculum for the year ahead.
- Learn and apply the different techniques and styles of studying to help best revise.
- Learn how to identify the anatomy of different parts of the body and describe their structure.
- Understand how to use external resources such as textbooks, videos, and diagrams to improve understanding.
- Learn how to apply the medical knowledge to clinical scenarios in order to better diagnose and treat.
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Okay. Hello, everyone. Welcome to elect to 12 of a little refresher today. We're going to be studying. Well, study. We're going to be learning about how to study for medistik. Back in my day used to be called vst. So I'm quite old now that the names changed, but that's called em Med ST. Uh, but we've got some full amazing teachers for you today to teach you about the cost structure, telling you how best to revise. Um, resource is. And then towards the end, I begin your little bit of a breakdown on which years which she has count and how much each year counts. Okay, So pass on to be teachers today. Yeah, I just like you say that this is not a very scary talk. So don't be intimidated or anything, which is, like, a useful by tomorrow. Experiences on Yeah, hip is a beautiful. So just introduced ourselves. I'm guessing a on I'm a surgeon studying at the Christie. If it is on the second year studying at Sydney. So six college. Hi. I'm Clara. Most in second year at six. Or six. Yeah, I I'm could be an eye on the second year starting your paps and see Yeah, as my heat on sense. Well, let me have study today on on Do. Yeah, that's all. That's great. See, quite being play quite your number two. Um so hopefully this is useful. Um, yeah. You can be quiet. The step up on your own have to adjust your learning styles and region techniques. Um, outside, because it's a lot more independent on be will come and gone through the form of having to come here just and work out what works. First on. So hopefully this talk, we'll just give you guys come out in tips and fix. Um hum, easy was interrupt. Um, say if you're more comfortable, So Yeah, housing course structured in first year. You have for me already. You know, on the main three models are fun on data me basically names, like a straight home physiology. And then we also have three small models which is preparing for patients to be on basically minute placement something, um, very new like that. You will be a doctor's are I'm set. You come back alone in on, then that would be be just kind of stayed handling. Such so Yeah, next week agree? So found as you probably realize, came was likes to be extra and me is very fastenings. That lab is basically anatomy on first, um, architectural body on domain topics you learn every year our could be a problem. Um, metal lax and Nicholas on then having him until this on low them in color phlegm on the east is going to sound. Um I see you're you're basically living over the body apart from, um, had a like that we have a lever it is manageable on there are great, was also available as well. Um, provided by the fat department on Does include comes on the self directed learning said the dissection manual. That's basically where language is. Everything will be examined or, um nasally. So dated with lectures on D R sessions with for 20 dissection. I mean, that's unique. Um, I mean, I think few inferior you need is offering that. So that's really a special gym D on the most likely it'll matter museums on supervision. So you really have a whole host off results available on that? You can try and make the most of what I'm doing. Some creep back before some of these, especially kind of the clinical anatomy zooms and see if the vision's is well, it's helpful because it just makes you feel more comfortable on Onda. Yes, the next next, like on say those. Also, as I mentioned, there are a lot of resources on day. It is very easy. Teo, get overwhelmed. Um, but just the share among um I mean as well as the Cambridge levels was also provided. Um, there's a lot of external sources because anatomy mostly stay the same for us. What? How many years on and that No, I glad Exelon was also such as, like, 10. Hard to teach me anatomy on, then. Also, textbooks such a Z grazed you, not me. Alice is on. So there are plenty was also another Ondo kind of as interest level that might seem great on he had also the adult listen, because then you're just so confused us to want to use on everyone's telling of different ways of studying and your swelling What? I actually do it on day. So once we don't worry about it on these last couple of weeks will probably be a better religiously just working out what works for you. Um, and I certainly feel that way. And I was only still learning how to work on. But what? I was also working best going into, like on lemon. You need to done so. Don't worry about it. I would recommend just quantifying hours. Minutes for the source is possible. So, as I said, dissection manuals, weather exam content is really based upon um but initially I found is that it can be quiet. He doesn't really have many diagrams and like processions, so sometimes it could be quite difficult to visualize on. That's why I recommend stop preventing bad with come on, dialysis or form so that you can actually see a procession. I also see that anatomical variation that comes between competition patients a year more realistic inside. When you suddenly get the steeplechase friend here, the exam on you get be able to hide it from structures. Look on. So one eye doesn't use it was met. Is Alice that only helpful on dialysis? And they also online ones such as the ones that can have, um, teach teach me. And acting especially, I felt was so for kind of clinical and they always normally have, like a clinical aspect at the end, which, especially for essays and that saves may seem scientific. Um, adding in clinical, they're always ends up on a boost in USA and issues that you have glasses for. Why the, um what concepts on realize that, um well, this anatomy you're learning is kind of related to pathologies. Onda, um, diseases that some of that. So you understand me? And, yeah, isn't going to we'll find include kind of clinical information and I don't get to stop in with the Santyl stuff recommends for be having with 50 50 Split. And I say is, um maybe a bit more science. But it's still, um um that, um and then also was also I've done real easily. Was happens anatomy did years, which is actually in a free um, well, I mean, nothing came in space where so it's just one of the hydro things and often like I lost a with multiple multiple times a member. Me, if mine told me these down a little more standing waiting for me on, but it looked He seems like it's developed in the 19 seventies, like the Stone Age their pharmacy is really helpful. Is Onda especially helpful to come some ways concept in a video form, so different form after the other resources? And so if you feel like you're more kind of, um, you learn to like did he is and stuff like that and kind of reading on that was something like doesn't find he's also check out for fun sectional needles for that on Also notice. Anatomy covering book um, that could just be used when you are break something. It just gets used to drawing those structures because often diagrams can actually save you a lot of time. On a lot of writing, you can completely, um, a lot for a diagram that you wouldn't be able to do that. The way it's see, I was just try out these various reasons to see what works for you also work together. I'm going to talk about that later on, and this session is well, you just just see what What's the Onglyza self directed? It might be. You might find a bit more challenging on be at the start, especially because you need to work out what we're for you. Trust me, it does get easier time and yeah, that's an afternoon. Basically, say yes. Now what is home? The home is short for him is basis on It's all about facility. Is Kevin mentioned earlier? They're as any of the modules that you study our past recommend, always briefly skimming through the topic that you have that will be covered of the year. There was a cost to home. That same station remembering transport into the communication muscle activation, cardiovascular physiology, the heart circulation respiration. We have a video Logie digestion enterprise. Some regulation, not a limp. So these are the topics all covered in my ear. So I'm not sure how the structures change you if I always highly, highly, highly recommend just going over the topics that I like listed in until you get the handle on the middle website Southgate of topics we kind of get into headspace off. Okay, The one covering next kind of like things together as well. So one of my favorite things about home was actually the chemicals are like so yes, we're babysitting, um, athletes and see how they're all linked to yourself as well. But what harm? You can also start to see on on on the sand. Topics such as BP, which you were here about the heart on this is made so much better by the fact that we have practical. So with the practical, I'm sure you guys a boy had some already but he gets measured her she get to on the sound how to interpret EKG on it will become very interesting. You start to see the purpose I did all these things that you're forced to memorize. That's nothing. I never came recording. Wouldn't like natural. Find three years with a drinking a patient here and there. But do you remember that we are going to be doctors in the future? So the pancreatitis super important. I think one of the best things is try to use these little experiments impractical to see. Oh, that's how we'll do stuff in the future as well. Um, the I don't forget. Don't use a lot of medicine by having to memorize things. 24 7. Do you remember that in the future that you'll be passing as well? Yes. The physical side is very, very interesting. And we've got the practical for you guys already know. You get the sheet, which has instructions on how the pack schools actually structured on. When you go do the Paxil, which is always good fun on you. Get your friends and your measure there, uh, BP, etcetera. And then you get a debrief sheet. Allow. What I say are is that these debrief sheets are super super important for me. I love connecting the lectures, too. Practical help that she connect the dots on understand our This is month on, down, out To see how everything works together and actually applies with the knowledge that you're learning next life, please. Yeah. How do we study home? The home is one of those things which has the Lord of processes are highly recommend diagrams their flow charts, tables see how the process will connect together. They're very useful that I'm a very visual person. That's nothing. Makes you forgot how you'd like to revive like you Some visual. Do you like listening to lectures you like like rushing things down to figure out what works best for you? But I think with home in general and then Koby's needed to earlier diagrams always people their best friends and and see if I don't pick will limit the time that you the hot, humid use of the time But you haven't essays, and there's such a nice on the presentable way of showing information is showing that you know the knowledge. So there are also many grass in rushing home, using back my clothes of grass and cards the unity of recognize explain them. They don't just lost his grass and just see kind of found them. Um, And if you don't understand, um, the best thing is to ask you supervise that that's not Thanksgiving in older people. Important. You understand it. Place to don't ask questions on test your own knowledge when you're being tested, but appears as well. So I would say, if you have any issues, talk to supervisor on your wide, Always grow you like I'm on my home. Was a girl there? 24 7. We started a whiteboard. Makers stand, the bigger at hostile on the graph you just forgot about, like you basically have to break it down yourself. So it's the best way of like bringing out little processes that you thought was just kind of lost over. But you actually need to know also a number of equations so quickly on flash cards. Beautiful little Anky Dex on down. I would say he was fine Quiz that the article of Made That very well May could use with the practical doesn't much. Earlier on the debrief sheets, I made a mistake in collections of the getting provide of practical. Um, let me see if I did like a baby sheets. Uh, another topic that I found was quite frequently she trying to get your head around was electrical socket five party. Recommend taking some time out, trying to figure that out as well or any other topics in general. If you have an issue with that topic, take time out. Break it down. Off. People offer results on that will help you to make sure your vital extra content so you can apply it to questions and see where you know, understand on supervision. All your best friend for you. You have to know what you're doing before you go to see her and then you're tested on essentially what we get. Our question. Let me get our questions. The appetite. That's a beautiful test. How you on the pet test that you understand how old links well on as mentioned earlier diagrams like I'm too much from Yeah. Next. Likely. Hi. Okay, so men's I'm trying to quit. Something was right behind. Um, incidentally, body chemistry. So you'll cover whole range of by chemical process. That's within the body on you, man, you look at kind of the cellular level, so we've gone down in scale from whole body and after me to home, which is the way that different organs and systems connect on members is looking at a much deeper level with certain cells in the way they preserve go through processes. There's also kind of like this happens there. For this happens, this happens kind of early, which happens in which is actually quite president home. And you're saying on a little bit in five Sometimes when you're looking at the clinical applications of the announcement that you learn members quite good. If you like to think because they give you a lot of questions of if this were to happen, what would happen further down the line in this process that we talked you on the teacher the way the process is working the way that they could be altered and changed mainly for the bucks of things like regulation. But you'll get the hang of it. Don't worry. So that's easier saying before about the former stuff like it's useful to have Flowtrons diagrams. If you want simple notes when it comes to hormones, would really recommend just using bullet points in there when you mentioned your process more bullet points. You don't always have to write everything out, but it's really, really useful when you want to look at something in particular to to write that out on better the next light, please. Okay, so the way that medicine examines you got the essay. The practical paper on the empty keys similar to a pretty much all the other modules, thie say, is a lot about being a picture, and it looks at your specific sections or specific processes and the way they may interact with others. And again, it makes you think a little bit. It might ask you a bit of a question. Rather than ask you to simply state of processes, they may have done a levels. Now you have to they'll say this on this happening with the work processes the card not to do that, for example. So as we've been saying, learning this university level is an order of magnitude higher throughout the content. Then you had a A level that could be a little bit overwhelming. But don't worry, you will get it. Every ends up getting in the end on the course of structured so that most of you will thrive essentially. So don't worry too much practical. Baber. I'll mention a bit on the empty cues. They do repeat questions, So just bear in mind, um on if you want to get kind of the gist of antique use and the way that they ask you specific questions, given the amount of constantly give, you just do the past. But it wasn't Thank God. That's like Please thank you again for the empty She's how you study now, Just understand. It's kind of like, yeah, really a flash cards. If you can try and get things into your memory, remember specific ways that certain things we need to one another. Few look over balls because every now and then, try not to inundate yourself with them too early on, because it can be quite stressful to look at this is what the actual supervisor, for example, for a couple of questions that may be relevant to you well, suddenly now just kind of keep an eye on the future on what you're working towards. Um, so city exams again like is that prostate is a really key and try and told me if you can try and also supervises which prospect questions are useful because there's some exams which may include things from previous syllabus, is so surprised. If I resource is when it comes to you, what's this? What's know? So really need to try and use the next like please, thank you is any essays. It's really quite this well, quite kind of daunting when you see them, because it feels like that's good that you could be saying, Excuse me. So the main thing here is just kind of get that practicing. Get yourself used to it yourself. Used to the pressure of time conditions, what it's like to write a scientific essay, what it's like to try and put everything you've learned onto a one sheet of paper on did. It has to be perfect. They just have to be done at some point in this year, you will write your worst minutes essay, and that's okay, because it's gonna be one on its own. But you got your best one, and it's OK, have either you're gonna have a whole range of between as long as you learn from once previously happened was really useful is to go in. Past s a corrections. You feel like a struggle there. Certain topic. That's what we needed to revision for us to exams instead of maybe fixing morning three in USA Bonds. Look at USA you wrote on Think about ways you can adjust it for future. Try and be smart about the way the study don't always have to do everything perfectly. Don't always have to do everything brand new, and you don't have to do everything. Um, and you think bigger. So this is men. If you want to just get a little bit of finance than that, it's a very small scale on that you're focusing on. So if you want to kind of connected to biggest ruptures connected to processes, physiological process is such a home sitting home, you know, feel free to do that little flexes of knowledge of things like that can be really fun to just kind of throw in that I close to take some just kind of trust yourself. You've got this. It's okay right there. Say plans to see what other people gain ideas and understanding because that you don't have to do everything. You don't have to write for less, then you can just wear a crime. Don't necessarily have to write and see if you could just discussing, uh, sit down with a friend. Just do whatever you can to make sure you feel that you've done something. Next light, please. Thank you, sir. The men's radical paper is another one that could be quite daunting. Some different colleges deal with it differently. I know busting my college. And with most medications that I've spoken to and their colleges, it's left bit later on because it requires an understanding of the kind of whole course distinctly so. Don't just want to much. There's a reason I leave it to later on. It's yeah, it's a vitamin you. If you haven't had that much about it before, I don't want to eat too much, not necessarily cause it stress you out because you don't need to know. It's got quite low average marks, everything. You got a bonus on brick wires. A lot of thinking. It's kind of I think, in my opinion, it's the paper that is most like your Cambridge interview because it doesn't necessarily follow a course of a syllabus or course IV done. It will use application of knowledge of things. He's not around them sort of it around a bit. Um, I think that's the end of May was Paul's great. So, yeah, I'm gonna be talking about three modules that are sort of more minor, and they take up last few times throughout the year. So the first one is sexually, which is the social ethical contacts of health and illness on. But this one, you only have one lecture a week it often. So you rely more on your own research, collecting your own references to put in essays. So it's sort of up to you whether or not you find lectures helpful but often making just your own bank of references from the resources are middle or just from your own research. That could be really helpful. And what's really important about this on Dalser. The two other modules I'm going to talk about is that it's a partial fail, so there's really no distinction between 50% and 90%. So all you really need to do is past, Um, once you've passed, know or care whether it's you've got 99% just 51%. So for supervision, you'll have you have seminars that organized by the set, she sort of course organizer's rather than with in college. You'll probably have around three in the first two and three in the second term on this is a really good option to be for you to send in any essays. Let's say plans that you have. Get the market and have a look at the feedback on dure just to reiterate again, you only need to pass. It doesn't matter what your school yesterday as long as you pass so the actual exam has taken earlier than you other three exams. It's taken in normally in March on it doesn't contribute to your try past that'll. It is quite a long time, so it's 90 minutes, but you only have to write two essays, and there's 90 minutes on one of the essays is a section. A essay on this is quite general. You can sort of take in which direction you want to onda. Often this gives you an option is to reflect on your experience with the course as well as reference some of your own patient encounters or what you've seen in your sort of clinical placements. A swell on, then your essay from section be a small conceptual. So you'll talk about things like epics off medical research, abortion, euthanasia and things like that. So in USA, that's really important that you do reference the names on dates off. The reference is that you've got good throughout the year. You can find this on needles Well, but just just to let you know that this is what they expect from a good essay. So something that shows good organization on planning. Um, you have to answer the question and don't just sort of regurgitate everything you know about the topic. Try and drawn evidence to support your planes, and this is where you should bring your reference. Since it's well, you can also draw on patient contacts, your own patient experiences, I through work experience with real clinical placements. Um, you can also give examples, but just make sure that they are well, fill out and actually do emphasize the point that you're trying to make, um, again make appropriate reference. Teo related topics on It's quite nice also, to show some evidence reading beyond the notes that they've given you. Um, and you can do this, for example, by bringing in reference is from your own research. So, to be honest, not many people feel sexy on def they do. It will be for some of these reasons, and it's very easy to correct. So, for example, if you don't reference enough research articles, if you don't really ask the question, if you're sort of dismissive of flippant about the concept that they're trying to ask about if you really haven't put enough work on the course, if you do struggle writing an essay, and that could just be sort of poor spelling grammar things already used correct. So this is the, uh, sort of grade boundaries that they have on the middle, A Z you can see so you're only needs get their past on go. That's not that shows, um, enough empirical evidence theory or dresses policy Onda. It's even if it's not addressed fairly or in depth. You can see here that you will still pass, So this was definitely very doable. The second module that you have that will also be examined in March is the F E v p. Um, and this is more of like a statistic. Go lots of maths involved. S O If you enjoyed maths or if you did statistics a level, you'll probably find that this comes quite easy to you on if you haven't done math. This is also really easy to break up. So don't worry. Um, I think the trick to this is to just do it. When you pass the questions, it's possible they will repeat the questions on Does only 15 questions that you'll get, and it's multiple choice so you can take your time. Often, people will finish before before the fourth. Your act minutes on some of the questions just requires simple calculations. So, as always, your aware of some of the keys of terms on concepts. Then you'll be a pro, and the past Marc is usually around 11 15, and then finally, I'm going to talk about preparing for patients. So this is the first of clinical experience that you have in first year on. But, um, I don't know how it will be for you guys, but for us it was on nine, which is interesting, but hopefully you'll be back in about, um, for you. Um, yeah, My advice is, once you've done the placements, just do the right up as soon as possible. As as it's fresh in your mind again. These are graded. It's just the past of fail on day. Don't contribute to try possible. Um, yeah, don't right Page them pages. You will have a limit. I think it's like 500 words. Some things that really, really minimal on. Do you get sort of questions that you have to answer? So as long as that as long as you're answering those questions assault, you stay within that word limit, then you'd be absolutely fine. Another thing to know is that it might be worth mentioning one of your parents patients sort of patients that you encounter on preparing patients in your sexual exam. Um, so, for example, what I used to patient that I met in the pft module for one of my sexual exams, and that's quite a nice way of thinking of the models together in first year. So I think that's everything. Yes, now onto, generally by. So the good thing is to blood, the blood is quite good thing. It's even feel like, you know, little track of what, you know, one of the sound. But actually just saying we was in your mind what you think is right. But like, I didn't mean to be like, there be scat of being wrong. It's actually good way of learning is by getting things wrong, because then you remember Oh, I got that wrong, actually. So especially good, because it's quicker. Well, I remember in supervision, I just People don't talk. I talked with time, which might be a good thing, but the bad thing, but in general helped me kind of engage more as well on down. It also helped me for the things that much quickly, much more quickly, because I would get drawn quite often. But don't be scared. So we're going to get things wrong. And it's one of the best ways to learn another good thing. Uh, is that card So we mentioned earlier. Well, so make sure that you want you to use flash cards. Just randomly go through them, but keep track. Or how you actually doing too, exactly by an Excel spreadsheet or just writing down what your past quarter and how you want to improve and just keep track of your progress on a good advice would be to start early, and it's not even have to do one thing. And you don't have to do all in one fashion just a little in Austin and you actually feel of people flash cards. What field? But for I mean when on Ritalin, there are lots of things are available for public you. So if you do look up, grab a hold of this. Quite used to find other people have made a DVD wary there. Sometimes we have a steak. It's always good to cross reference with your own notes and let your hands up. Yeah, next. Like great. Yeah, so going on from the general device on be a big aspect is just working with the others on now that actually in Cambridge School, those competition ratios that 80 to 8 places or something you're in now you're you're you're you're working together. It's I mean, I'll see you in 5 to 7. Is kind of colleges colleges on something. So is just about using each other's strengths. You have different things, will be strong in and just teaching each other. Working with one mother on, I think sometimes he can be tempted to where the investment on something on. But I was guilty just trying away with them on Don't get much worse under Sometimes when you're working here, just take those people you meet with friends with birth, you can complement your strengths on Do you feel will push you on further on down. Um, yeah, there's conceivable on those friends from college is on b CS Just gonna be wise. My twisters on also think about where you actually work best on about me. But I call work in my Lena's much I must to be control acting area. So I'm afraid to go to a live before last when to come with on gonna give you that split between. I don't know that I work on on day also, by going with another person, it keeps your accountable. It's so easy to stop class in a ting. I'm always want to give up, maybe Look over and see the person coming. Where were you that you like that doing right now? Still movie on down on the concept of weather bothers Talk to people in the year buff. They've gone through exactly what you have, and they know, um, they've had to figure that way on few. What was also the best I have to manage that time on. I mean, that's what the college friend system is for, um so just ask them to his mother. Just bombarded with questions. They're they're hard to be on some where you're coming from on. But also talk to any other friends, you know, from society's from one on day. Yeah. On also, just make sure to schedule on what you do, because it just gives you something to focus on way. Um, Andi going back to go asking people get about food. Life on yeah, you mentioned was also help, but something I like an example would be, um I asked one of the people in the year, but only mentioned the c you to channel from it. For me. It was very hot. It's called an engineered lectures on basically some wise concept and such a more understandable way on actually, the concepts of the whole, especially from IMS I found helpful on, because that's just saying that you enter sides of my new details on Do You like it was a boy of this massive, long like May more job on just us. Ask people, basically the year's book on We'll have. But he's probably is, um, on next week. Okay, um, just a quickie ads business. Own advice is quite like there's a lot of a bit as global saying We're looking for the little piles of wisdom, that shrine thing. You you hear a lot of different beasts. Advice. Don't be afraid. If there's something you here and it doesn't work for you, that's okay. Just leave it behind. It doesn't have to equally really, really seek out as much. First you can. And then just then you can choose to pick and choose whatever you want to do. Okay? So when it comes to procrastination, what we'll see if it will guilty of it. And I think the main thing here is that on the side is completely normal, especially When you're a Cambridge student, there's a feeling that you shouldn't have any free time, and therefore people do to regulate. The time is they just try and work 24 7 in the time that spent aggressive eating this year's every time. So the first thing and genital warts fascinations, Just make sure you timetable enough space for yourself. Your brain knows you're gonna have time for yourself at some point, because otherwise, just adjust your brains were trying to regulate time on. Then you end up taking. So far, you feel like I'm doing much work, as you could have done the other day. As much work you did that day, it was much because he could have done. Here's the key is to recognize it, get to the root of it, work out why you're doing it. Because otherwise, like most things, kind of there's gonna be a little block there. You get over and you don't drive. Get some work done. So I don't know if you guys have the same thing for me. When I was doing a little creative writing and yet it hand if you're struggling toe, get some thoughts that on a page did like make here, right? Just not take your pants off the page for 10 seconds to get you going. And then you've got some momentum going. There's little tricks like that. Uh, so I'm happy about the point of it, but it's okay to get less important. Task comforts it. Okay, to kind of get the ball rolling is okay to get that pen going across the page just so you can start doing it and start to feel like you're getting a bit of confidence. So royal, you might procrastinating is to to journal feelings, fives. You know, just be honest yourself about how you are, okay? If you're feeling about down, okay, if you're feeling a bit like you got a lot of foam over like you're getting enough sleep like you're tired, if you be thinking like so, constant work wasn't like that. And just try and recognize when you're struggling with that, because it's really, really easy. When you're in this kind of states of procrastination to just let it snow board. Just you know, you take four hours of work and you feel you have to work more on you. Push yourself more than you procrastinate more. It's okay to stop. Take a step back and say to yourself, You're not going to work until a certain time in the day. You're gonna just gonna give yourself that time of just that matter How much pressure is a work on your back? Recognize when you're not gonna be productive anyway And give yourself that time off. Um, there's another reason we press anything is we'll have You're a failure, you know. And at some point we just have to let go. You have to understand that the supervisors are there to help us. If we give them a really awful essay, they're not gonna hate us forever. They're gonna appreciate it. We gave it opportunity to, you know, improve when we gave them the opportunity to help us improve on better ourselves and academic styles. And it's so much better to get it done badly. They're not all it's okay if you turn up Sprite school and tired, you can't do it, and you focus on just two piece lines of text is better than if you didn't tell up to, you know, it's about that's here, right? That essay and not gonna absolutely perfect then to have not done it. And you will learn so much more than you think you will. You're incredibly small human beings. That's why your Cambridge, the way the course is structured, even if you're just doing something passively, it will be helping you a lot. Don't worry on define honesty to your lack of understanding. Sometimes we don't know what we're supposed to be doing. And then we progressed in it because we think that if we just give it enough, time will work out. And this is the point. We just have to get yourself. I don't want nothing doing. Get on that route chart of the you know, the medicine. Give your college or email that supervisor and just clarify what you actually need to be done. What needs to be done because so often when you press it ask is just because we don't know what they entail. Um, and that the estimate is I'm sure you got hurt before. Really good way to schedule things is your prostate. It also you say you want to write, it s a and then it's just harder to do list essay. Break it down, say you're gonna research part one of the essay. So you're gonna write, introduction and write the middle body, right? Conclusion? No, it isn't really fun to take more items off. It also just means in your head. It's less daunting. Task. I mean, you got through. I know you've had this a million times before. I'm really sorry. Just sometimes you need to hear things enough time so they actually go? Uh, yes. I mean, next light, please. Really quickly. Um, just a quick note on studying, learning difficulties. I said, someone who's diagnosed with dyslexia and 80 HD last may say, Hey, this is what we're going to Cambridge It was like a lot of difficulties on. They really start to crop up when I came to Cambridge. Think everyone has a level of it's actually dysfunction. I would go to for us to say that everyone's a little ADHDD because medically, that's not impossible on. But I think these tips could be helpful for anyone who's struggling with difficulties on people who struggle instead of learning any sense. So the first step step to this is kind of understanding when you're struggling really about yourself when it doesn't have a diagnosis. Self diagnosis is valid. Very much so. People don't often have a resource is to try and and official diagnosis you need does have a party going on, strike a diagnosis and dig and 100 with the to talk to see if you want to explore that option, but equally for those who don't have any difficulties, Notice where you struggle and try and really beyond yourself about where, and you find it easier to learn what you find. A hardest man. I'm really lean into them. We've given you lots of different ideas today, and like I said before, someone will work some of the morning and just be on to yourself. But what really works and what doesn't look like something today, um, to supervision could be a really, really difficult environment. They are intensive there an hour long. It took you this really world renowned puzzle. He stays lipids and heart or something, and it's really overwhelming. Sometimes you feel that you have to pull out your best friend hours straight. When you're struggling to even focus on supervision, it's itself. If it's the supervision a hand, I think one of the things here is to focus on the fact that it is a supervisor supervising relationship that you're developing. I part of May have been working on asserting what I need a break in supervision on sometimes if you have, you have automatically released for to say things like that. I have been just the other day where I'm hour and a half long you've got about our through. What? I was flustered. I was struggling with my eyes open. I just wanted a break, uh, telling myself, You know, when you're hurting, you had just like you can't quite see. Please gonna have a break in the summer. I'm just going through. I have to get out. I say on the supervisors clock that wasn't looking to get these, like a steady We need a break instantly. Yes. Uh, and so I went, I felt I mean, what's what? So we open some one day standoff. The radiator, it took a minute and I was researching was back into focusing. So it's another one of those things of snowballing if I just let the kind of room, but let's keep their head of millions. I don't take him in out. What then? they would have just wasted a possible 15 minutes, half an hour for any school supervision work because the kind of strength Well, yes, I need a break. Take him out and everything was better after that. So do you understand that your lining processes completely valuable and completely valid on if you Let's say you didn't but others and you have a Certainly that you have It's okay, it up. Discuss that with your supervisor and see if you can kind of get through that and see if you can get a lot of supervisor will be very willing to change their teaching style so that they can teach in a way that's due to your best. Give yourself different deadlines and this is particularly the h g try and you watch with that line. Well, no, you will miss the deadline every now and then. If you set yourself the deadline is being started on also supervisors to tomorrow. Work from you treated before other people you will eventually get it in the same time. Is other people just It's a case of trying trying to adapt to the situation of heart. It's kind of a case I don't if you told them this sounds really off topic was doing remembering the house. Particulate it as a tablet most of years back of us when you went to therapy on there, really, there was that's like STD. And they got really comparing. Did was that the hair straightened on on. The therapist just said like Okay, well, why don't you just unplug your street this and put your hand back? You leave for work and then you always know that I'm not left hand on books, that they're in your back on the car seat next to you. And so when you have any difficulties with any differences, there will be ways that you think will actually and differently. And it's okay to lean into that you're in Cambridge. It's a place for have weird and wonderful people on. You will never be the busiest person here. I can assure you of that. So do you try and do what you can kind of yourself on. There will be ways to your brain, has a little fun quirks which actually really help you. And it's okay if they help you and they won't help other people just do what you can for yourself. 0.4 give you some credit you got here. Anyone who doesn't learning differences? Um, no, you've got here Well done. Proud of you. You're doing really well. Don't worry. There are lots of people who makes, in my opinion, it make a controversial areas are people who would survive the Cambridge and dessert became which we don't get in and therefore those You do get it very much. Do you deserve to be here? And it's I don't know. That was in processing was really difficult. And that does affect your work. We completely honest on. That's not exactly what the sessions want to go into. I just want to say if it's dropping a positive, you're not alone. When we talk about working it off this there's a level of being a library. Work 25 minutes, chapter five minutes, you know, took every now and then about how to find your practical group, for example. But when you work with others is also a level of solidarity. They're ongoing ability you can show, and if you can't necessarily get that sense of use of nuts in the community in your college, you can go and you got the community. You're me. Other medics in practice Practicals through group chat on religiously into those relationships that you find really support you dry and match them because they'll do you so much good in the long run for competitive kind of relationships I never had Great. I had all this one, my friends racing If she could remove me from one of her stories about history of natural who all she posted, just how much he worked. It's okay. Sometimes to start this boundaries and make sure that people used to ride yourself, you feel better. So that's attention. But yeah, Number five was like, It's okay if you stay couple hours off. It's okay if you get behind the lectures. It's okay if you run awful essay on your prostate. Gets back to you saying you could have done better. It's okay if you can't get that club. Night is okay. If you go on that club, might you don't survive long as you thought you would give us, uh, some slack. You're hearing you're doing your best and you are currently functioning and sustaining such a high level. If you drop just a tiny bit. You're still doing so, so well. I can assure you on also, you'll never really give yourself credit when you do do slightly better. So yeah, sorry. That was quite a ramble, but that's neat. Thumb. It was for your back, please. Food lover. Thank you. Awesome. Thank you so much, guys. I just have a couple of things to say as well. Um, where's? But if you do have any questions, drop them in the chat now, and we'll be able to answer them after I've finished talking. But I would like to reiterate what is said that. Please, please, please make sure the two things that you prioritize are your mental and your physical health because it's very well known. Or it's a stereotype that Cambridge students more so medical students have really bad mental health on. Do you know, if you're just going to, like, buy over medicine, then what's the point? Really like medicine shouldn't be your life. Please make sure you take care of yourselves if you need any help, Uh, talk to your welfare support. Talk to one of us. If people have a some, I'll have my email at the end of well, and you've got everybody here should know what? Let me mail it anyway, if you have any problems doing you know, But just so we can finish off some pizza, um, things that people don't know Please don't stress out about this. This is just if I if I I things. But, uh, each of the different years count for different things. So first year, second year, 40 and 50 year, actually years that count in terms of your foundation years on which way you'll be placed. If you scan this your coat or go on this link here, um, I'll show you the Freedom of Information act. It's actually a bit old because it doesn't have, uh, had a neck, but had a neck should be included in one Be here. But essentially, that's, uh, how it's split. Just say it's much easier for you to understand. First years, 20% 2nd years, 20% forth and 50 or 30% each. So essentially, it's 40 60. So if you don't do amazing your 1st and 2nd years, which I don't think I did necessarily, you call ages. So hopefully that so called you down a little bit, so don't worry about it, because the other years you still go to have time to do that. So what? I said, yeah. So idea. Actually, cancel something completely different. Doesn't count for a foundation. Yes, accounts with something way into the future. Which is your ST threes I am teased. Bother love about. Either way, it's ages away. So please don't worry about that on D. Generally the parts that you want to focus on, or your second and B's on your final empties, which are 1 to 4 and five. I also wanted to shout Anky, I know that if you came with you, probably heard of anch'io early before there's also a new place for a remnant a Z. A D panel was saying that space repetition is quite helpful and fascia cause these are two resource is which you can use that you can download on your phone or use on your laptop on D. Lastly, some resources as well that, uh, by the select a share pass Met is something that we use in clinical school. I only found out recently that there's also a pre clinical so of thing that might be a demo. I'm not sponsored. Don't worry, Um, but feel free to try that out. It might be good. It might be know I personally haven't used the pre physical section, but the clinical section for us is amazing. And once you get into clinical school, your meal, it's it's that's great An instant, not a me is developed by Bob Whitaker. I don't know if he's still in the D R anymore. Hey, might be he's quite little off around D on and moving on the back section tables, but it's a great resource. I Plus they found it amazing. It should be free for everybody. University of Cambridge. So just looking through, Raven, I think if you go on that website, you should be able to get it for free. And obviously Kobe, earlier mentioned, can teach me nothing already, but awesome. Let's stop swinging. Do you have any questions? Uh, yes. So let me just