a little refresher - Essay Writing 102 (Lecture 14)
This medical teaching session will offer a refresher on the main modules of pot one A:home, Mimms and fab. The attendees will get more specific advice on how to write each muscle essay, and topics that will be covered include essay structure and grammar, planning, clinical anatomy, Coghlan's, tables, first aid and more. Johnny, Mohammed and Elena will be teachers this evening and it will be sure to be useful and relevant to medical professionals.
Learning objectives
Learning objective1: Understand the different types of essays that are associated with Mimms and Home and Fab modules.
Learning objective 2: Identify and apply key structures for each essay.
Learning Objective 3: Discuss the importance of grammar and sentence structure in a correct way
Learning Objective 4: Understand the differences between a sign and a symptom and how to describe them.
Learning Objective 5: Apply the key information relevant to the example given to develop an introduction with a suitable structure.
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Okay, everyone. Eso Today's our last lecture off a little refresher. Well, technically, could be not the second to last, depending on one of the rescheduled lectures, but officially is the last lecture. Um, and they were doing pot to two of us off lectures off pair of Siris. Uh, today we're going to be going through more in depth on each of the three sort of main modules of pot one A So home, Mimms and fab and giving you more specific advice on how to write each of these muscle essays. So, Johnny, Mohammed and Elena are teachers this evening, and hopefully, you know, it should be really useful for you guys. So possibly two later. I'm Elena. I'm a second year medical at Trinity Hall on D. Yeah, I'll be giving you some advice. We're going to start off with Fab on some just general advice stuff. So if you can you could you give us the next slide? Yeah, I'm like, Okay, so just some general, um, just structure based stuff. Obviously, there's an introduction. There's a conclusion on typically depending on the length of the exam, because some exams, for example, Mimms, you have to write three essays in the same amount of time as you would write two essays of home and fab in your exams so you might be able to write more or few fewer paragraphs. But I would typically a for three paragraphs. Yep, you'll be aiming for around 800 to 1200 words. Anything about 1200 words is pretty much excessive, but it is also, if you have the time to do it, why not introduction? I would say it's probably the most important part, the essay that you're going to write because it's going to be around the same size of the paragraph. It's also the first thing the Examiner reads on. The Examiner has to mark hundreds of essays, so they might be court like you might capture their attention in your introduction, or you might turn them off and they might get really bored by it. So your introduction needs to be both informative so that they know that you know what you're writing about. But it also it needs to go read well and not be too convoluted and confusing. And yeah, the conclusion, especially in home, rarely does not have to be extensive it really doesn't need to be very long. It could be 2 to 3 sentences on. It can just summarize what you've already said. You don't need to make any, um, extensive points or add anything in the conclusion on, I would suggest that planning for the essay should be about 5 to 10 minutes again. As I said, depending on the length of the exam, if you're running out of time, you should still plan. But you might have Teo Lim limited to five minutes rather than 10. Um, yeah, it is kind of goes without saying a five s a will be different from a home or members I say on you might be lucky in the sense that you're recognize which lecturer probably set that exam title. And then if you heart back to your memory of that lecture, you'll know what they found important. And then you can kind of mentioned those points more heavily because a lot of lectures are very specific about what they care about. Okay, can I have the next light? So yeah, general tips just be a grammatically correct. Um, it's kind of the thing that gets get over quite a bit. Um, it's kind of weird to start a sentence with the word this because it means the Examiner has to go back to the previous sentence, Read the whole again, Figure out what you're referring to before they go on to the next sentence. So the word this I would tend to avoid. But, I mean, if you're clear enough, it should work. Um, always refer back to the S a question at the end of each paragraph so that they know how well a vin, what you just said is on. Do answer all parts. The question that maybe especially in clinical essays, enough to me, the first one of the question may be easier to write about because it's just anatomical. But then, if they get to the second part of the question, which is just about clinical stuff, you can't ignore it. You actually do. You have to address it because that will determine whether you get the first the second or third. Um, you shouldn't introduce points, then The conclusion on diagrams all really useful to reduce word count, especially in anatomy you don't be listing muscles or listing ligaments were listing various Austria's that supply a particular area and trying to describe how they look you want. If you could draw out and remember how to draw out, it's so much easier safety time and also the Examiner's of have to read through this really chunky bit of text about it. Um, tables again are acceptable forms of conveying information. So if you want to do this muscle, they're supplied by this now that supplied by this artery, you can do that in a table, and it might be more easy for the Examiner to read. Um, my next point is just some Coghlan's. They're pretty tricky. Two years. We just be very sure you know how you're using them because the Examiner will know the grammatical way on do. It's just incorrect romantically of Use it wrong. Okay, Next, like please. So, yeah, I'll be doing General clinical anatomy essays. Um, a typical introduction for a clinical anatomy essay should be very patient focused because the exam question will typically say, I know a 72 year old male has fooling down the stairs on Is has another word. Leave irritated lower limb. But I've just made out from the top of my head, But you now on the rue. Firstly, the patient is mail. The patient is elderly, the patient has fallen. So in your introduction, you want to be mentioning or three of those things and then also kind of discussed what that might implicate. What does that tell you about what could be the potential diagnosis? What could be differential diagnoses, for instance? What I just described is pretty typical for, um, a femoral head fracture. So a differential diagnosis might be any dislocation, any type of fracture in the lower limb. I just I don't know, but you can mention those briefly, but do you focus on the thing that you actually think that trying to refer to you, um, describe again? Imagine your doctor in the emergency room receiving this patient on describe how they're presenting what signs or symptoms might they have? A sign would be something that you contest Well, so blood count. So, um, at night, anything that's tested and this other patient can't explain, I'm gonna zoom for, uh, the patient chronic sling on, then a symptom is something that they feel like, Oh, I have a headache. That would be a symptom. Um other side. If you're a consultant, Dr. What would you expect to see and how would you deal with this? Another thing that you might want to mention in the introduction is if it's an emergency medicine medicine thing mentioned first aid. Are they conscious? Are they breathing? Are they bleeding out? So you want to do your doctor ABC on then also, you're their level of consciousness, which I would remember with the acne. Um, a VP. You have poop. So a being alert be being responsive to voice pee, being responsive to pain and you being unconscious. And I hope next light, please. Soon. Here's Justin example Question. I'll read it out for you guys. So a patient saved himself from falling by grabbing a branch the tree and sustains a nerve lesion of the upper limb on investigation there, sometimes as to whether there is damage to the low break, a plexus for a more peripheral nerve lesion discussed the possible findings and describe the ways in which you might distinguish between the two. So this is an actual exam question from 2005 on, but I just want to give you 30 seconds so that you could test yourselves and what you think might be the key information in this question On what you would want to discuss in the introduction. Okay, Next light, please. So I kind of highlighted here what the key information might be. So the way that patient has fallen so they've fallen by grabbing a branch. That means that that arm is above their heads and they over extended it. So it's probably likely that the motion has caused a hyper abduction of the upper limb. Um, I don't know if you feel you understand that you're if you're covered all of the upper limit yet, but hopefully you do you know what that means At this point in the term Onda hyper abduction of the upper limb would typically cause, um, some nerve lesion to maybe the lower back or plexus. It's saying sooner of lesions. In the introduction, you can kind of discuss what different types of love fusions that could be more peripheral, more, more closer to the like breaking up Lexus. What symptoms and signs. So what different diagnoses You can discuss which different nerves might have been affected. Um so also just discussed history examination investigations to determine the difference that you would carry out on all of this would fit into your introduction and then by saying all of these things, you kind of order traitors. You for yourself. A structure of how you would write the essay than each paragraph would cover all of the things that you've mentioned saying history examination, investigations. Okay, next slide, please. Oh, and his love on, uh, yeah. I just take 30 seconds to think about what you would think of the key pieces of information to include in your introduction of the next light, please saying quite important leads. This man is 71 years old. What might just make him more vulnerable to So an elderly person also in being male might make someone more vulnerable. Two conditions like aneurysm, um, also has a history of smoking again. Could lead to hypertension and risk of aneurysm. So I'm a pulse of home mass in the abdomen. You haven't yet covered the abdomen. I know this, but once you do, you'll realize that that is pretty much screaming out. You know, this is an aortic abdominal aneurysm. Um, on then your as they should be focused on that particular, um, condition because it's screaming at you that it's an abdominal aortic aneurysm. You don't need to necessarily be thinking of alternative diagnoses that you can regimen the introduction because that's possibly suggesting to the Examiner that you're confused as to what they're asking you about because they've made it so clear. So in this particular instance, I wouldn't introduce differential diagnoses. So yeah, I've asked you to describe the anatomy, so yes, disgusting, actually, of the water surrounding structures. What's around the I oughta and also just postoperative complications. So again, answer all parts the question. Okay, next life. So once you've covered the introduction, there is a general structure which I found quite helpful. It's not necessarily applicable toe every type of chemical anatomy essay. But if you start with history and then you go onto examination and then into investigations, you're kind of explaining exactly how you would figure out what is going on with this patient on giving away a relevant information to the examiner's. So they know that you understand what condition this patient has super history taking. You're gonna want to talked about questions that you would ask which would distinguish between the differential diagnoses that might be relevant to the question is the patient is brought in, they could be unconscious. So how would you get this history just briefly mention you might get it from witnesses or paramedics or anyone who saw the event. But is there conscious, Obviously capable of giving their own history again? Is the patient is a child? Maybe just mentioned that you'd ask the parents for a history rather than the child themselves, especially if they're of a non communicating age, like a baby. So, yeah, last relevant questions. So is our family history. Um, ask about things that might make the person more vulnerable to what you suspect they have. So if the question is about lung cancer, ask, Do you have a history of smoking? Um, here's just some general pain questions, cause a lot of s a questions are about paying, Um, especially when it comes to referred pain in the abdomen. So is the pain sharp or dull? Is it constant or intermittent hair intermittent meaning going and coming back? Does it worsen under what conditions? So if it's a muscular pain, which motion causes the pain to worsen, might be a question you would want to ask What makes the pain improved? Does it improve when you lie down? Does it improve when you drink water? Various questions like that. And also how long? If they had the pain, Um, on just a very important point. When it comes to ask National, you need to know whether it's congenital condition or a quiet on here. I mean, by congenital, they have it due to some memory, a logical reasoning. And they've had it since birth on acquired being through lifestyle habits or trauma or infection, they have come to acquire this condition. Okay, excellent. Please. So after history taking, you want to do an examination and there's a general structure this to this as well. You're gonna want to look before you feel now, before you move. So was looking. You start off on the outside and then you go further in. So, with skin, you look at that skin community bruising bed nets, bleeding, etcetera. You want to see marks of something that could suggest a particular condition? So, for instance, George, this could suggest a blockage of the blood upped. Um So anemia cyanosis, clubbing nails are a Sinus long these Dema. And then once you put to the skin, you look at the soft tissue and you see swelling atrophy of the muscle. Um, I don't know if you've got done this in the upper room, but actually that the muscle in the hand might be indicative of a medial. A median. The story of, um cool. See, Like, um, I call him over the name of it, but yes. Anyway, on then you go into bone on. Is the bone misaligned fracture? Dislocation is enough. Injury causing disfiguration like a restaurant. Um, so a fracture dislocation at this point of look in the examination, you're not looking at it with an X ray. That would be an investigation. You're just seeing whether the limb looks like it's in the correct position. Okay, Next line after examination, you're going to feel feel for bloating. Tensing up. Are they guarding? Guarding is a term quite relevant to the abdomen. So it's just essentially, if you're gonna touch a parent and area. Sorry, that isn't paying. It's whether they clinch their muscles to protect them from being in pain on, then feeling for lumps in large nodes, rigid abdomen's feeling for sweat and then sensation. Uh, this is the dust. The sensory nerve function is quite relevant to the introduction were talking about before for the low break up Lexus. So you're looking for two point sensation pressure, the temperature and pain, and 10 l sign and Tinel's sign is essentially, if you're suspecting a a nerve fusion, you compress or press upon the area where you think that nerve is compressed on the patient was feel some parasthesia. It's and tingling on that can kind of be indicative of that. And then after you've done sensation, you do movement. So you test for muscle function and major nerve function on you could mention various tests such as From and Sign Ferment. Sign is a test for the, um, old enough, and it's kind of you pull paper away. And if that's um, ends in a funny way, that particular thumb has been denervate ID for the only love. I'm not expecting you to know that at this point, but there are just various nerves, signs that you can mention to get yourself into the first class band of an essay. Okay, next life, please. So investigations this would be how you would kind of come to the ultimate conclusion of what you think this patient is suffering with exercise MRI except your various different investigations. Basically anything you do to the patients, find out what they have. Um, so I know that this is quite a convoluted way of disgusting, a particular disease or condition, but it helps you systematically discuss how you would reach a diagnosis. So if I help that too, history taking on you mention a question that you would have asked. You could then say if they were to respond with this, it would be indicative for this particular condition on. Then you can tell the Examiner exactly what you're expecting to see the same with investigations, you could say for a pancoast tumor of the lung. If I would extrate, you'd be able to see her the apex of along. So this kind of thing shows the Examiner exactly what, um, you know, and just kind of shows off that you're very well informed on that condition. So, yeah, after mentioning all of the investigations you would perform only use ones again that relevant in that scenario, you can mention some potential treatment methods, but you're expected to know this is well, so they're not teaching you to be clinical doctors at this point. So, in preclinical years, just mention how you did how you would determine what condition the patient has. You don't need to give that many therapeutic options, okay? Next, like kids. So I have given us, um, just helpful acronyms that really do come up often. Um, I probably have put this at least one of these in every single s I have ever written. So with arterial injury signs that are are six peas of signs that the patient will be presenting with that pulse should say pulseless nous so you wouldn't be feeling any pulse. Um, paying Paula parasthesia paralysis and perishing with cold perishing with cold is just to fit the six piece. But it's just basically, they feel cold to the touch. Um, and again, with arterial injury, they're losing a lot of large. They may present with hypoglycemic shock. Um, Then again for lumps. There's also another acronym with the six s s site size, shape, surface, surround sounds and surroundings. So it's like, where is it? How deep is it shape that rounded is irregular surface smuggle run sounds. You can use a stethoscope if you're hearing bowel sounds. That was just, uh ah herniation and feel herring blood sounds. Also known as Bree. That could be some form of pollen of blood, making a larger but also making some disruptive blood movements on. Then surroundings. What is surrounding the area specially relevant with tumors? Because you have to then consider the lymphatics because that you make an always spread. So just for some potential lumps go hernia cancer. Benign mass like Homer Saphenous Eriks that you'll learn about in the lower limb. So don't worry about that if you don't know what that is. Aneurysms on down large nodes. Okay, next light, please. And then this one just for any nervous Say, if they've said this particular has been cut, just briefly mention that all of these functions will be affected by that, especially if it's a mixed nut. So sensory motor autonomic reflex and traffic functions for Merv will be affected. Just to clarify. Traffic is basically about growth and supply. So if the nerve is supplying in particular down the time of the skin, it's not nervous. Cut the skin will struggle to regenerate itself and build itself. So you might see some, um, cell death in that region. Um, you won't see any hair growing in that region. That's kind of what that implies. But you really don't need to mention that in the essay. Just say that they're a traffic consequences to mix now. Injury. Okay, next life least. So it's, um, just general anatomy essays, because you'll get 22 essays for anatomy. Um, the first one you write is a general outta BSA, and the second one, you might well be technical. So we started with clinical, and now we're going on to a general. So here's an example. Instruction. Well, sorry, actually. Question given account with enough anatomical relations and vascular supply of the pancreas to include it's major functions and the basis of it's only allergic Aleve. Elopement on This was a real question from 2008. I kind of highlighted the key information's there an anatomical relations they want you to describe what structures and 100 s on in this particular instance, you're probably gonna want to be talking about the biliary system Quite a lot. Pass your supply. Yeah. Talk about the vascular supply. I think, General, and after the answer is a pretty easy because they tell you exactly what they want you to talk about. Um, Andi, they've mentioned. And realistically, development. Do you Don't forget that it's important that you answer all parts of the question. Um, so I'm gonna just give you a seven. I hope this is on the next light a good plan of how you approach a question. Okay. Next, Like these? Oh, it's been defeated. But, um, let me just find it for you. I hate that. Yeah, I would just read it out for you. I I can't really show my screen, but if you just write this down, it might help you. So there are seven s is to help you with General Anatomy s a, um, answering. So there's a statement. Uh, what, actually is the structure you're talking about? And then the next one source how did it develop? And realistically, the number three would be structure you could tell about micro level structure. So at the cellular level was the histology. What type of cell makes up that structure and then macro level structure, um, science shape all of that and then the before would be situation. Kind of where in the body is it at what vertebral level on do then, if I would be surrounds what structures surround it? Um, six would be supply. So what's it's nerve supply? Both water, more water mix and somatic. What's it's arterial supply, But it's venous supply. And once it's lymphatic supply and then seven is surgery, so you can kind of mention any clinical aspects. And, hey, uh, next lies and I'll be passing on. It's you who's me? Oh, thank you. And I know, um, we can add in the extra slide and get it, get it sent to you or something, because that's quite a good acronym to remember eso. I'm gonna be talking about about home essays and a lot of the principles that Elena was talking about a very much relevant for home essays. But there are just a couple little specific things that I think you could do for home essays that will make them in first class essays. So the home one top tip would be to use flu charts. This how often makes us is much more concise. You consum arise. Maybe two paragraphs worth of lecture notes into a flow chart on home. Physiology is systems based kind of learning approach, which means that things like flu charts can come in really useful for essays. So I'm gonna give you, uh, have you So they're talking about introductions, Palm essays. So again, introductions A really important ask you advice is always said that they could sort of tell how good an essay was going to be from the introduction. So if you can nail your introduction, give a good outlined make it concise and clear, um, you need well on your way to writing a really good essay. So one thing that's home specific is describing the physiological significance of what of the process. So example I've given hair is so if the question was described, the physiological mechanisms of BP control. Um, in your introduction, it's a good idea to comment on why it's important that we control BP. So you'd say something like it's important that all tissues are adequately perfused, but at the same time, you don't worry about it. Pressure to be too high because this would damage small vessels and microvascular structures for example, in the brain. The second thing I wanted to mention was Hamas, a Z. They do let themselves quite easily to kind of compartmentalization and, like you can categorize home essays quite nicely into different sections, which can help you structure them really well. So I've given some examples. Has if we were talking again, or BP control, we could talk about short term versus long term ways that we control BP equally. If the question was describe how blood flow is regulated a different tissues. So, for example, and exercise if when we start exercising and we need more blood to go to our muscles I was this controlled, we could divide that into local mechanism. So paracrine, metabolic and myogenic. Some of this probably doesn't make sense just yet, but it will soon on versus central mechanism so you could do local versus central feedback classes. Feed for is a kind of steam that comes up white loss and physiology. So you couldn't often based us a Z, but they're talking about control mechanism. You could compare the feedback loop, feed forward mechanisms, um, and then I've got a couple things here about If you want to get a first in a home essay? There are three ways you can do it. Um, the first weight is through extra reading. Um, you. This one, I think, is probably the hardest one because I feel a so election. It's a quite dense, Um, you're probably spending more than an hour essays, especially when they recorded. It's quite easy to spend two hours on a non necessary on a lecture, so it's quite hard to find time to do extra reading. But if you do get a moment to pick up a text book or do some extra reading on like a paper, that is a way that you could, if you could put it into an essay, that is a really good way to get it fast. The second way is a drawer string effect on This is, I think, the easiest way of getting getting brittle. First class essay on. That's where you start pulling together topics, different topics. So if we were talking about BP control, you could bring in stuff from the kidneys as well as the heart, and that shows the examiner that you have a really good, comprehensive understanding of physiology that way is lots of experimental evidence that I think you guys have probably been doing kind of nerve muscle stuff at the moment on. There are lots of examples of experimental evidence that comes with that. So if you make a note of those, you can throw them into an essay. Explain how we know why we know that these things are occurring is often a really good way to, like bump up your essays. Um, so here I just got an example paragraph of an introduction. So this one's in response to hemorrhage. So discuss the physiological response to the loss of one liter of blood, so I'll just read this out quickly. So hemorrhage can rise under a number of traumatic or pathological states. For example, penetrating the penetrating or blunt trauma gastrointestinal bleeding on abdominal aortic aneurysms. The greatest challenge presented by hemorrhage is he decrease in blood pressure. BP must be regulated within a defined range to ensure adequate perfusion of tissues on to prevent hypoxic hypoc sick damage, but equally the lower threshold that will damage delicate microvascular structures such as those in the brain. The physiological response to hemorrhage can be considered in a number of categories. Physical, neural and decline on ingested factors. In this essay, I will discuss the integrated cardiovascular risperidone three and renal responses to hemorrhage. So this introduction is highlighted to the Examiner that you're going to talk about different topics across the course that you've kind of integrated. You're learning. You've done the drawer string effect. You categorize things quite well on if you couldn't sort of given introduction. That kind of is very well, four towels and plan it and it will come across really well to the Examiner. I think that is it. So we can I can hunt David do Mohammed to talk about memes essays. Oh, thank you so much. Um, hi. I'm, um, about me a second year in the far away place, Um, passes Holliston. I was also one of the, um, widows that actually lights men's was my favorite subject. Um, but, um, yeah, if you do like names. Great. If you don't, hopefully this will, um, help, uh, with, uh So, um, just it's off. I feel like one thing that I particularly troubled with in men's was that they just throw a bunch of molecules that you say, Hey, go s So it's very difficult if you're, like, really obsessive on want to know you, You know, like, what happens to this bond on, um, how does this nuclear feel? It attacks occur. Something like that. Um, I feel like that isn't great. Um, when it comes to this is at least at first, I'd say, get a general understanding of the topic, then delved deeper. It's good to toe have molecular detail in your essays. It's very, very good. And that's one way to elevate your essay to our first to include good molecular detail. But please, please, please don't obsess over. You know, what does this proton do? Where does this hydrogen molecules go? Because you won't get very far, um, trying to do that, Um, another way. Which again? This was mentioned in home. But flu shots are really, really good because essentially saves you a lot of time. Um, Andi, it also is easy as like a tour to remember something in the first place. Um, so really easy. First of all to remember in your revision and second walking literally just be like imported to an essay from your brain not from a word document. Hopefully, um, on then, um, yeah, um I'd say men's is challenging because off the time constraint, Um, you have, unlike the others where it's two essays. Um, two hours. You have two hours, but three essays. Um, so it works out bit tighter with the time constraints. Obviously plan. Um, and then what? Your A c. Um but you do really have to be very, very quick and efficient. And what you do, um, have a detailed plan. Include what? Diagrams and stuff you're you're put in there. Um, onda, um, you do have to be extremely efficient in what you say. What you write, how you plan. Um, another thing is, I'd only pick an essay. Um, if you have enough variation in your examples, they re like examples from lectures. Be that medical examples like a pathway, um, or, like, techniques like PCR stuff like that. Really? Like when you include that? Um, so I'd say only pick one if it has enough variation. Um, some, like some of head of March lectures, um, which you guys will hopefully be doing now she'll include, like, two of the same, um, two different like enzymes, old, two different drugs, but operating along a similar pathway. So if you include one, essentially don't include the other If it's waiting. Similar. Um, but try and make those examples clinically relevant. Eso anything that's to do with, like, cancer and diabetes, things that have, you know, a a place in what eventually we will be doing. Just being doctors. Hopefully then, Yeah, that feels really like that. Um, so, yeah, I have the next light, please. Cool. Um, so I kind of already mentioned some of this, but yeah, three essays instead of two. Um, on planning on excusing that plan really well, on efficiently is how to really good at names. Estate. Essentially, Um, the first essay is always based on Mucomyst term content. Um, so that's your first time. SC To is always based on Lynton content or second term on s A three is cirrhotic, and you can always bring in, you know, content from around the year. And I would highly recommend you bring in content from both Nicholas and Lent. Just to show that you have that sort of on the standing of the topic that you can, um, bring in you know, information or ideas from different parts of the lectures and sort of kind of bring them into together with your own understanding. Um, but yeah, bottom line, essentially is just planning. You need to plan very well very efficiently on day. Just stick to that plan and hopefully, um, do three essays to a very, very good degree within the time limit. Next light, please. So this is a, um, example I wanted to go over. Hopefully, it is relevant to you guys because you guys will be doing Helen. What's lectures? So Russian is to what extent to these structures and polymers off by O'Connor's, um, depends on the cereal. I think that's, you know, steroid chemistry off the more American components. Um, so for the introduction, um, I see, try and be as concise is possible. Don't waste time. That's just the theme around. The Linzess is because of the timing. Defined anything off 11, um, in the intro. So these are the key times that I've highlighted. It would be really good to define them, um, and describe them. You could put in a diagram to help save you some words, but that's completely up to you. Uh, next line. Um, so for the essay body, um, this is how I would have structure. So I will put three paragraphs each sensitive around a really good example by a polymer. Um, each example has to be relevant, but it would so help to illustrate a different point or a different argument. Um, so my first paragraph would be about, um, alpha blockers and pizza glucose on how they polymerize differently just because of their different positions off the hydroxyl group in their structure. Um, so my second one would then be about the cardinal called an amino acids. Um, and how you know the they are responsible for differences in bonding. You could put, um, stuff like second restructure feel really ambitious. You could put stuff like the, uh, around 100 block on stuff like that. Um, Andi, the sudden tab off, I'd put ah, at least one being like an argue against. So you give two sides, um, of the essay eso all the faxes, um, also affect the bipolar is not just their steroid chemistry. So you could put in something like glycogen is affected. You know, its structure is different because it has a different proportion of Alpha 1 to 4 on Alpha 1 to 6 bombs s. Oh, that's just making that's covering your back, making sure that you want So the question fully because it says to what extent? So it's kind of hinting they're that you're not alone for the question you need to provide, like, a counter argument. Um, on then for the conclusion. Oh, no. Sorry. Thank you. Um, the conclusion I'd say don't include anything new. Um, anything new that you mentioned should be in the main body s. So it should just summarize and wrap up your argument really well on again. Keep it concise because you don't want to repeat yourself and you want to save yourself some time. It's like he's Thank you. Um, so just some general tips. These can also, like, go to, um, home and sad, but diagrams of really nice, um, they're like an easy, quick way to sort of boost remarks on Dave. You words all time can try to include some in each of your three essays from IMS. Um, they can also so you can also with names like trip up on your words, trying to describe, like, a pathway or trying to describe a reaction like trying to put in words. How would you prefer, exactly is on which are bone or some like that quick way to just say that while being efficient in saving time is just to his eye ground. So if you do remember like the diagram for that, just put it in. It will save you a lot of time in the obese. Your marks, um, again, including examples from outside lectures be in fab homonyms, um, really elevate your essay. But for ms specifically in depth, unlikely detail they really like that on. So that will definitely elevate your essay. Um, in terms of planning, you convey strategic with Memes s is, um So I knew that I This was also a weird one. But I also like, tell him what's lectures from first time Not many people did, but I was more comfortable with that. So I knew that the because of the way the structure. Um, well, first let's see will be from nickel, Miss. Your second will be from Lent, and your throat will be stopped. Six. Um, you know, write out the Michelman stop IX know which ones you like on are more likely to be able to write a good essay on on which ones you avoid. Eso For me, that was metabolism. Really hated metabolism. Didn't want to write a lecture. I don't want anything metabolism. Eso I just avoided that, but had really good examples. Um, and s a plans for anything over the metabolism, Um, for seconds for the second s A. You can also do the same. Um, So for example, I really liked, um you won't have electric harbor. I hope they keep her. Mary call. Canny. Really, really good lecturer, um, about sort of, um, DNA and its structure and stuff like that s so I really liked her, um, lectures on. I knew I wanted to run to see about her, um, economy, which one I avoided for a second term. But essentially, you can be a research eating with it on. It can also sort of help save time in, um, exam conditions, because I assume is, like I read a, um, essay about his metabolism. I knew I wasn't going to do that. Um, so, yeah, it's, um it's a plan ahead and be strategic with memes essays. Um, with your third s e. That's sort of a gamble, because you need to be decent at all the topics and after to bring them in and see, um, Yeah, I see 5 10 minutes planning for each of them. And so you'll have 30 minutes. Dedicated writing and drawing time. Um, on guy, definitely safer medicine stays. Do them on the some conditions because 40 minutes is very, very tight to plan, right? You know, drawing diagram and stuff. So definitely be very, very careful. Um, so that's that's all from from us. If you have any questions, feel free to put them in chat or being physically ambitious. You know, just say them, um, but