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All right. So good evening everybody. Um Can I just check that people that has joining could actually hear us so you guys can just pop a message um in the chat box to see if you can hear us. Ok? And you can see us. Ok? That's great. Right. So, hi, my name is Aaron. I'm one of the events coordinator for EU PS this year. And truly, I'd like to thank all of you for taking time out of your busy Monday evening to join us today for this talk on a career in pediatrics. So definitely without further adieu, I'd like to introduce our speaker for this evening. So, Doctor Valerie Ray is a medical education fellow that's working with the medical education Directorate in NHS Lodine. And her current role enables her to be involved in both undergraduate and postgraduate education in pediatrics as well as educational research as well. And prior to her current role, she was an ST six pediatric registrar who was working in the southeast of Scotland. And before commencing her pediatric training, she had enjoyed a wonderful year working within the pediatric emergency department at sick kids in Edinburgh. So, yeah, without further ado. So here is Doctor Valerie Ray. Thanks Aaron. Hi, everyone. What a nice introduction. Thank you, Aaron. You've stolen me. You've stolen one of my slides. Yeah, so welcome everyone. It's really nice to see you all. Um Yes, so my name is Val. I'm uh um was a red and now medical education fellow and it's really nice to be invited to speak to you all today and I'm just going to give a little bit of a rundown of what I kind of plan to talk about. Um So I'm going to talk a little bit about my journey through pediatric training and think about kind of um what, what, what being a pediatric trainee looks like um kind of a day in the life. So what, what, what would a normal day look like? Think about some of the, the peaks and some of the maybe the the troughs of being a pediatric trainee and being in pediatric training. Um And then maybe a little bit of advice both for thinking about applications um and generally kind of around how you might go about um becoming a pediatric trainee if that's what your intentions are. But I think first of all, um I'll just tell you a little bit about me, um and a little bit about my experience, um which hopefully sets a scene a little bit about what we will talk about. Um So I started, I went to Edinburgh Medical School So if you are also Edinburgh Medical School, um, we started in the same place. Um, and I, at your stage, if you're interested in doing peds, had, had not considered pediatrics at all. So you're ahead of me if you're, you're thinking about this already. So I hadn't thought about it at all. I did enjoy my block when I was at university, but I thought it was quite short and I think that kind of that kind of small window of opportunity didn't, didn't kind of pull me in like it has maybe some of you already. Um So I went into F one F two, not thinking about pediatrics at all and was thinking maybe, maybe anesthetics, maybe I'm not sure. Um but I did an F two job in peds and I loved it and I thought, oh, ok. Now I'm interested in this, but it was, it came at a time where um the job was kind of the middle block of F two. So there wasn't time to apply for specialty training. But actually I think that was a gift really for me that I didn't um didn't apply for, for training that year that I then had to think about how am I going to get more experience in pediatrics to kind of confirm that this is a good choice for me, get some different experience, which also will really help, probably help me kind of along in training as well. So, yeah, that, that didn't totally fall into place. I think I, I see a gift and I think I've had other experiences like that like that along the way, which I hope, um, kind of gives a little bit of a flavor sometimes if things don't go your way or you don't think it's ideal actually that can work out in your favor in the long run. So, what did it do? So, I applied for a locum job in pediatric emergency department. So the pediatric emergency department in the children's hospital in Edinburgh and I worked there for a whole year. And actually, that was a great, great job both for the exposure to different conditions and working within a team for a whole year and getting to know them and them, getting to know you and what, what you were good at and what responsibilities they could give you and then kind of really understanding how to get the most out of you. And actually, I learned so much both in terms of being a pediatric clinician and also kind of how to manage multiple things at once, which really served me well as then I moved into training. So from that job, I then applied for piece training and I got a place in Edinburgh as a pediatric trainee. And this um just kind of details, kind of what the jobs I did look like. And again, I think it just gives a bit of a flavor of if you were to apply for pediatric training, what what things might look like for you. But I'm also going to outline that some of the pediatric training pathway has now is now changed since I I started. And hopefully that'll give you a bit of idea of how it might look if you were to, were to become a trainee as well. So I spent time both in the neonatal unit and in Pau, which stands for the pediatric Acute Receiving Unit in the first two years of my training. And those were both two great jobs to get lots of different experiences um and really grow your skills and looking after Children of all ages and really getting good at all the kind of clinical skills that um you do in neonatal patients. And I really saw that first job in neonate that first six months for as a trainee that my skills and my knowledge and my experiences like exponentially kind of grew in that first six months. And I went from someone who had no experience looking after neonate to being someone who could intubate a preterm baby. And I thought that that was absolutely incredible and just a huge, a huge amount of knowledge and skill that I acquired in that time was, was, was, was, was really amazing. And I, I think that was a great experience after those first two years, you then moved and worked as a registrar in a district General hospital. And that was a job where you looked after both the children's ward and the neonatal unit. And that was a real kind of stretch, a real challenge to move from working in a in a pediatric hospital where there was lots of support from consultants around you more senior registrars to then being the most senior person in the hospital overnight. And so that was a huge big jump, a big transition. And that was also for me during the time when COVID happened. So again, it was really a period of uncertainty both in hospital and in everyone's life. So it was a challenge that time and I was also doing my my exams as well at that time. So thinking about your exams and where those fit in is also important. And then I worked in um neonate again as a registrar and a registrar in the pediatric intensive care unit, some community pediatrics and then respiratory medicine um as a registrar there. So I hope that just outlines a little bit of kind of the the journey of being a pediatric trainee and we'll talk a little bit more about that shortly. Um and current. So currently I'm a medical education fellow as I am a outlines and doing lots of different kind of educational work. And I did that as an out of program and experience. So that is where you apply to do something different rather than kind of clinical training. And from there. I've actually elected to continue in medical education rather than going back into pediatric training. And we can maybe talk about that a little bit more and what my decision making around that was if that is of interest to others. But I think I'd be really keen to know from you. What do you want to get out of this talk just to make sure that I can address that within the next, um, 50 minutes or so. Um, so I'm going to talk about lots of different things as I, as I've told you, but I don't want to miss that thing that you want to know about. So, what are they? I'm sure you all will have questions and I'd love to know if you would type in the chat, what those questions are to make sure that I can meet those within the talk. So I'm going to give you a few minutes just to type your type your questions in. There's no question that's too silly or too out there or to anything, all questions are really important and it'll help me know, make sure that I'm kind of meeting your expectations and you manage to get what you need out of this talk. Ok. So thanks Katie. You've got the, you've got the ball rolling. Ok, great love. Ok. So we've got, what are some of their favorite things? But working in peds. Yeah, I definitely cover that. What are your exams when can you do them? Yeah, we can cover that. Subspecialties. Yeah, we can do that starting. So, thinking about medical education. Ok. What can men shouldn't do now to get into p, in the future? Yep. How to get into the specialty training? How now and then an F I one and two. How do you find work life balance? It's a good question as well. What do you most like about it? Any opinions on any specialties with peds? Most difficult part? Um 21. So subspecialties, subspecialties. Ok. How does work life balance look like? How do you manage it? What do you do now as medication? And why did you choose this? Can you take years out? Ok. Ok. So lots of questions. That's great. And burnout is quite a big issue in ps. What was your own experience? How did you manage it? Yep. That's a good question as well. The students who don't, don't manage to get a paid job in 12 as. Ok. Ok. So, so many good questions there. That's brilliant. I shall um is there any way Aron that you can maybe kind of collate a little kind of summary of those just to make sure I hit the key themes. Um but lots of these we're going to cover and I shall make sure we address them all, but it would be great if you could create a wee list of themes. If possible. Ain I'll just collate them and if by the end of the talk at the Q and A session, we still haven't addressed it, then I'll bring it up again and then the audience can also remind us again if let's say we haven't addressed any single one of your questions. That's brilliant. Yeah, it's really, really good to hear from you though just now what it is you want to get out of this because um otherwise, um I don't want to just be talking into um a vortex and not actually meeting your needs. So that's really, really helpful. Thank you so much all for your contributions there. OK. So I guess let's talk a little bit about. Um So this next bill will cover both exams, where do they fit in subspecialties and how they fit in. Um And yeah, so that, so this part will cover that. So this is a bit of a diagram about the pediatric current curriculum. So it's able to showcase kind of a little bit about subspecialty and a little bit about exams. So if you can see there's, it's broken up into kind of two sections. So core pediatrics, something that everyone who is a pediatric trainee will do and then specialty pediatrics. So specialty pediatrics is in the latter stage of training and that's where you'll choose if you want to do a subspecialty and the subspecialties um are applied for via something called the grid application process. And it's something that you would kind of compete nationally with everyone across the UK and Ireland to get specific jobs and, and those jobs would not necessarily be in the region that you've done your core pediatric training in. They might be somewhere else because the services kind of in your local area don't have enough um expertise in a particular subspecialty. So for example, if you wanted to be um a pediatric um liver specialist, you would probably need to undertake some training in a liver center. And the liver centers are um London. And um I can't remember the other one, Birmingham, I think off the top of my head. Um So it would be likely that you'd have to spend time in one of those centers in order to qualify as a subspecialty pediatrician. I guess it's also important to highlight there's actually another kind of way of getting into a specialist area in pediatrics, which is not necessarily going through the subspecialty grid pathway. And that's doing something called a spin. So you can see that um within this diagram here under the green section, under general pediatrics. So spin means um it's a special interest module. Um And that's where you decide that. Well, actually, I would like to be a pediatrician who is interested in high dependency care. But you don't want to be someone who is a pediatric intensivist where you're done grid um grid critical care medicine, pes critical care medicine. But you really like the high dependency stuff. So you say I would like to have to a spend in high dependency medicine and then you would then qualify as someone who is a general pediatrician with a, with a high dependency interest. So th those parts kind of come later down the line. But I guess if you're thinking about a subspecialty, you might want to think about that kind of in the core pediatric section where you're hopefully trying to acquire some experiences that will help you with that subspecialty application where exams fit in. So you can see at the bottom of the screen, there are um kind of gray boxes that say MRC pch theory and MRC MRC P Clinical. Um So that's the notes when you are required to have passed your exams by. So the theory exams, there's multiple theory exams that are that need to um be passed. Um So there's three and there's then there's one clinical exam. So you expected that you will have passed the, the three theory exams by the end of SD three and the clinical exam and by the end of ST four. Um and you, you, you could think about doing um some of the theory exams kind of earlier on in your pediatric training or even before training. So I, I did do one of the theory exams prior to starting pediatric training. So I did the foundation of practice exam, but it's not necessary and you don't have to do it. And I would probably encourage when you're applying for exams, think about how they fit in with your, um, your own life and where they might be best situated in terms of giving yourself the, um, the time to be able to study for them effectively. And that might be, um, when you have a slightly less intense job or a slightly less intense kind of period in your life where you can dedicate time to studying. Um But you're all very well versed in studying at the moment, whereas um once you start working, it becomes a little bit more challenging to, to find the time to fit that in. Um ok, so I hope that, that um gives you a little bit of an overview of um how training might look. Um And it's, it's in a period of transition at the moment. So we're just moving over to this new curriculum. So it probably by the time you were to come to apply in, in a year or two's time, if you, if you plan for that or even, maybe even later, if you after you've done your F two. So that's going to be um maybe even three I years in the future, this might have kind of molded and changed. So again, that would be my really one of my key core take homes is, is look at the Royal College of Pediatrics website because all of the information is there about um subspecialty applications and specialty applications and they will, they update that regularly and change that regularly. So, actually, kind of my knowledge of what I did at the time that I applied is probably getting out of date. No, because I applied, um, kind of 67 years ago, 67 years ago. Um, so I have to continually kind of update myself on the website about what the current kind of state of play is. Oh, we've got a new message. Where's that? Um, ok. Yeah, that's a good question, Alastair to bring in. So, um, if you're unsuccessful about getting a subspecialty, um often there's opportunities to kind of reapply um one more time because um, usually most subspecialty training is kind of two years in length. So usually you can apply um ST four. and then again, an SD five, but the, the different um subspecialties have different lengths of their training windows, but there's usually different ways um to, to manage it. So if you were thinking about a subspecialty, you would plan that ahead. So you had more than one opportunity, but it's a good question. Um Peed surgery, you would do um surgical training um to get into peed surgery. But thanks for that question as well. Ok, I hope that answers. Um, what does run through mean? Ok. Yeah, good question. So run through that really. Um, talks about um, how you, so some specialties, um, you have to apply for core training so like core pediatrics and then you reapply for specialty. So take, for example, um internal medical training, you would apply for core IMT training. And then if you wanted to be an adult hematologist, you would then apply for adult hematology. So you would have to make two applications. Whereas with pediatrics, you're applying at the beginning um for core pediatrics and you will all have a job until ST seven as a pediatrician. And so you finished as a general pediatrician, unless you decide to go off routes and do a subspecialty. So um the run through um means that you are make one application which would run through to a consultant unless you decide to do a subspecialty where you would have to reapply to do the subspecialty. But if you weren't to get the subspecialty that you desired, you would still have a job that would run through to being a consultant in ge general pediatrics. And then you could apply for a spin module in that um subspecialty. If you weren't to get the grid application, hope that makes sense. It is a little bit um confusing when you're not in it. But I think the main point to know is that those decisions don't have to happen for a number of years into training and there's more than one way to do it. Do you reapply at out of program? No. So if you're out of program, you apply, you apply to go out of program, but you don't have to reapply to get back in. You. Just, your, your job would stay for you and then you, you come back in after that of program and people will do out of program for both doing research degrees, doing, um, medical education jobs like I've done, um, having career breaks sometimes. Um, so there's lots of reasons and different ways to, to have time out of program. OK. I hope that answers everyone's questions on that part. Um This slide just is taken from the Royal College website and it um I guess summarizes some of the key things that the college are interested in at the moment. So what their training principles are. And I think this is really important to think about when you're thinking about applications for um jobs because you really want to try and tap into what what the college are thinking and feeling because that helps you to understand what they might like from you in an interview, for example. So thinking about um every patient you see could be a learning opportunity. So um I think that's a really good um message to take for all of us to kind of take forward. So thinking about complex care and as as a rich learning opportunity. So lots of the Children we look after in pediatrics have complex needs and being able to have some understanding around that is really important. Think about patients and families being heard So how can you involve patients and families in your decision making and how you and how you work as a clinic? Um Thinking about bias psychosocial approach. Um So again, thinking more holistically about people's health is really important to the college and I think someone raised about thinking about kind of burn out in pediatric trainees. Um And I guess that maybe um lands quite nicely with this number nine. So moral and job satisfaction are morale and job satisfaction are improved. So that, um, probably speaks to that. That is, is a, is a challenge in pediatrics. Um And um that the college are, are working, working to do things um at national level to think about that. And one thing that they've done recently is they are um creating a program called Thrive Pediatrics, which is, um, is a well being and innovation network and in Southeast Scotland. So that the, the place that I've worked is going to be one of the whole sites for that new kind of, um, that new innovation where they're going to really try and think about how we can make people feel um, more like they belong and that they have a voice kind of in a, and a, and a stake. So, um, I think that's interesting and um, I guess it's important that the college recognize that it is a challenge. Um, and that, um they're, they're trying to do different things and innovative things to, to try and manage that. Um, but it, it, it is something that people experience, but I don't think it's um confined to pediatrics. Um, but I think maybe some of the things that make pediatrics, um, more susceptible potentially are the, the, the length of this training is, is obviously quite long, but they've, they've shortened that recently to now seven years rather than eight. Um, the, the, the kind of um the top down kind of nature of pediatrics. So a lot of the um decision making is held quite high up the chain. So as you become a more senior pediatric trainee, you, you make a lot of the decisions on a kind of on a, on a shift. So that is, that's challenging. And the, the, the work, the, the, the rota, the work life balance is also challenging at times. Um and the Rotas are often um can be understaffed, which makes the work life balance and the Rotas even more even more challenging. So I've definitely had periods where I've been working where the Rotas have been, I felt good and, and I felt very manageable and sustainable. And then there's, I've had periods where there's been sickness of other people or things like maternity leave or people um leaving the program for various reasons and then the people who have then been left have um had to had to do the same amount of work which can make it um really difficult. So doing lots and lots of night shifts. So for example, doing um 12 kind of sets of night shifts within a six month period. So that means doing um maybe like two sets of nights a month. So three or four night, three or three or four nights a time, which is obviously quite a lot of out of hours working. So I think we should all be realistic that there will be a large proportion of out of hours working in, in pediatrics. And that continues to later into your training and continues to be a consultant as well. A lot of my consultant, colleagues do still work night shifts and and are also called a lot overnight or, or come in a lot overnight if they're not resident. Um And how did you, how do you manage burnout? So I think my key things um for that would be thinking about um both us all being open about the challenges that we face and, and talking, talking with people that you trust. So supervisors or colleagues about about those challenges and it's not, it's not shameful to be finding it difficult. Um And also thinking about your own strategies to manage your own health. So how you can relax, how you can switch off how you how you set yourself boundaries in terms of like the amount of work that you take on learning to be able to say no to things and so like extra projects and stuff when you don't have the capacity to take that on at that time. And I think developing your own skills and self awareness and, and self reflection and when challenging things happen. So if you, if you meet a really difficult case at work, being able to reach out for support around that, so there's lots of support systems in place, but often people, people struggle to reach out to them. So there was times where my supervisor kind of highlighted that actually, I think it would be good if you kind of spoke to someone about that. And I, you know, reached out to things like the peer support network or peer mentoring and, and I found those things can be really, really helpful to help you um be able to kind of move forward from something that's been really, really difficult. I hope that answers your question, but I'll probably talk a little bit more about that later on as well. Ok. So that's just some, some themes that are coming up kind of from the college just now, which are interesting to, to um think about. Um And that's um yeah, just highlighting thrive pediatrics and, oh, thanks Jonathan for your feedback, that's helpful. Um OK, so day in the life, um I guess the one of the key things to say is and hopefully this will um speak to some people's questions about kind of what the highlights and, and the, and the best bits about pediatrics are. So it's a job that holds a huge variety both on a day to day basis and also on a more kind of global basis. So thinking about being in working in a neonatal unit and looking after those super, super little tiny little babies who have their life just started and they are 405 100 g and you have been there during that process of them being born and helping support their family and having conversations with their family and then being with them on that journey whilst they go that go through that really emotionally challenging time and you being there as, as a person caring for their baby and supporting them through that is, is an absolutely immense privilege which I have had a and if any of you get to have that as well, it's, it's wonderful. And then versus you're working in A&E and you see, um some young people who have, um had, um they've fallen off their bike and they've got a traumatic um injury from falling off a bike and then you look after them later on in critical care or um you have a, a toddler who has a chest infection and they are in the ward with you and you have to try and convince them that they need to take some antibiotics and the challenge of that can be immense. So I hope you can see that. Actually, there's a huge variety which I think is one of the real selling points, I think no day is the same. And and this slide kind of shows that like the day, the day to day kind of aspect of that. So talking through kind of my last clinical job, what what the day might look like. So probably start off with the ward round in the morning and we generally kind of lead the ward round, do some procedures using um specialist support. So again, that's another really, really brilliant aspect of pediatrics is the multidisciplinary working. So everyone wants to really do their best in pediatrics, all of the clinicians, all of the professionals who care for Children want to come together, they want to work together to deliver the best care for Children and young people. And I think that's one of the the really brilliant things about it and really what drew me to it, people, Children get really good care in pediatrics generally. And that's, that was one of the reasons why I wanted to do it. I wanted to be part of a team who always really did the best for the people that they care for. And we really had the right enough resources to be able to do that. So play specialists are people who um can help Children to be in hospital environments and cope with that through play. And that might be when they're getting um procedures done and they help with distraction or they help preparing them for that or it might be helping them with um access schooling whilst they're in hospital for long periods of time and multiple, multiple other things, they often provide a lot of emotional support for families as well. So there's some really great play specialists in the children's hospital. I might have done that. And then, and then I'm in theater and I'm helping with one of the bronchoscopies for a patient that we're looking after with cystic fibrosis. And actually that patient then needs a picc line, which is the line is inserted where for a longer course of antibiotics. So a line that is much longer, excuse me, sorry, much longer. I can stay in much longer. And then that's quite a skilled procedure and you would help, I would have helped to do that. And then in the afternoon, I've got clinics. So I then go down to clinic and work with our asthma nurse specialist and physiotherapist to look after Children who are out in the community with asthma. And then also through the day we taken referrals from the emergency department, communicating with staff in, in the community who have got concerns about Children out there and and supporting colleagues who are also working with parents, nurses as partners and delivering care on the ward. So again, I hope this illustrates how much is going on in the day, which again, I think is, is amazing that the challenge of that is, is, is is brilliant and so varied and so um dynamic. But at times that can feel like it's a lot for one person to kind of take on and again, that probably um highlights how you also need to use your team around you. And um that is one thing in pediatrics. It's also a real strength that people will all come together and help each other out usually as well. But you need to let people know that you need that. So, yeah, so let's move on to thinking about kind of maybe pros and cons of pediatrics. And I think we've probably talked a little bit about that and I'm just going to scroll back through the questions and just make sure um that I answer this in relation to your questions. So, favorite things about working in pediatrics. So we're in the pro section. So I think I've said some of these, but I'll just um summarize them again. So one, the diversity, two, the kind of coming together of different professionals to look after Children and three, the Children, the Children are so fun and joyful. I think if you're having a bad day in pediatrics, you can always convince yourself that that next child that you're going to meet is going to probably put a smile on your face, make you laugh or you can um go to extra effort with them to kind of make them feel better. And when they're having a rubbish time So there's a lot of joy to be found working in pediatrics. A lot of joy kind of every patient interaction can be um really, really um joyful. Another pro is that you have the ability to kind of influence people's health kind of from the outset. So how you as a doctor, as a clinician are able to help someone choose healthy life choices that might carve out how their life looks kind of longer down the line. And again, that was one of the reasons why I decided to pick pediatrics was because I wanted to, to, to think about how people could um influence their health, kind of from the from the get go and think about how families can also influence each other's health. And you as a care provider can make a huge difference with that. Um So yeah, I think I'm answering a little bit about why I chose to do that as well. Um So maybe what some of the cons are. Um So some of the challenges um and these will be different for everyone. So, and I think probably what I would encourage you is to think about how these occur in relation to you as well. So one person's experience um as in the whole story. Um and I think this is a starting point to get information about a career in pediatrics. But also I'd really encourage you to speak to as many people about it and you as you can at different stages along the way. So people who are both um in early training and people who are kind of later on. So a more senior registrars and kind of consultants as well if you can um and ask them, they what, what they think about this as well and take all of that information for you and make your decision based on that. Um But the cons for me, um I think for me, the um the challenges have been the um the out of hours working and there's a lot of it which impacts um the ability to have a bit of routine in your life, um ability to kind of um have as many other kind of outside interests, outside work and some people are better at that than um than others. But I definitely found that a challenge and I think the other kind of main challenge that is good to highlight is the the emotional kind of impact that working in pediatrics can have and thinking about how you um how you counter counter that early is, is really important. So being involved in cases where things um things don't go well or when Children die can be really, really challenging. Um And um yeah, I think we should all just we should all recognize that and um who I how you deal with that, I think is by finding kind of support systems that, that help you and help you kind of um process some of some of the emotions kind of attached to those things that happen. And I think the other kind of not, I wouldn't say con but challenge is the, the, the how many different people kind of need you as that senior kind of pediatric trainee. And actually it leaves very little room for, for you having kind of any um, you kind of meeting your own needs on a day to day basis. So, um if you're quite like an introverted person, which I am and having kind of five minutes to recharge your battery, if that's what you need is very difficult often when um you have lots of people who are reaching out for you for support. So, um I think it's important to kind of think about what type of person you are and how many kind of day to day interactions you're having as a more senior kind of pediatric trainee and it's lots. Ok. So maybe move on to the next slide and we'll um have a think about kind of applications and, and, and, and interviews. So, um my, my one big um tip for interviews would be to practice with other people. So, um I wouldn't, I don't think I'm a natural um person kind of in interviewing or, or being an interviewee. I think there's some people who are really good at it. Um And I wouldn't say it was my natural um place. So if you identify that in yourself as well. Like I'm not sure that I'm that great at selling myself or not great at kind of sharing. Um, you know, all the good points about me, which you kind of have to do in an interview then practice and kind of just get, need to get used to it. Um, I guess it's, it's quite good to probably tell a story of how my Peds interview went and just reassure you that if yours goes similarly similarly badly, it doesn't necessarily mean you won't get a job. So, um, the first one of the first questions I got asked in my Peds interview was, um, can you tell us something? What, what thing are you most proud of? And I literally just froze. I froze, I couldn't think of anything to say. And I was just sat there and I think, I think about five minutes past five minutes, you know, like, you know, a good length of time and the person who was interviewing then prompted me and said, please just say something anything. Um, so then I said something, but it really then caused a lot of time to have a lapse that then I then couldn't really answer the question very effectively. And I think, um, I would have practiced more and practice that kind of question, but I didn't. So that would be one of the, the key things that I would suggest that you do make sure you practice and make sure you practice and know what sort of questions they're going to ask you. And there's lots of books that can help you with that. But actually use people who've gone through the process like a year or two before you. So reach out and find those people. And if I can help you with that, then let me know, I can, I can, I can point you in the right direction of some, some people in further down the line. And I've helped a couple of people who um have applied for, for training and then they've been successful. So um having having someone who knows what the process looks like and has been through, it is, is, is, is really useful and this is just taken from the college website about what's currently in the application process. So um there's a form where you fill in some um white space questions and they use that as a form to shortlist at the beginning. So they ask you about your past achievements, your clinical experiences, career, motivations, transferable skills and governance. So kind of quite global areas. So I guess that helps you think about how am I going to cover those areas when I apply? And lots of you'll get lots of experiences in and your f five years that will be able to help you cover these areas and they're not expecting you to have had lots of pediatric experience before you apply. So don't worry if you were in Fy and you didn't, um, you didn't, you didn't get a job. For example, there's other things that you can do that can still mean your application is really strong. And I think we had a question about that as well if you don't get a job. So for example, I guess, you know, I did have a peach job but I then decided to do some more pediatric, get some more pediatric experience prior to applying for specialty training. And I think actually that was really, really valuable. Both when I started training, I felt like I, I felt like I really kind of could really get the most out of the training experience because of what I've done previously. Um And I got more out of it than I think I would have otherwise. Um And it also meant that the beginning of training, I didn't find too challenging because I, I had worked in P CD and I kind of felt like I had had lots of clinical exposure there. Um The interview there's, you can see here that they, they have reflective practice is one of the kind of the key areas and they're really asking kind of an application these forms these days that you have all had the um opportunity to like, think about what you've done and kind of reflect on it. So again, that's a, that's an area that I would really, really encourage you to start thinking about now. I know a lot of, lot of what you do in med school, there will be opportunities to reflect on what you've done. And sometimes that can feel a little bit like you just kind of jumping through hoops or you are having to do it because it's part of what your course is. But actually, reflection can be a really, really powerful tool and actually that is more and more what people are looking for and um people who apply to them. So how can you, how, how self aware are you, how can you understand how you're thinking? How can you um see what you've done and take feedback from it and then implement it. So think about strategies and ways that you're going to start doing that now. Um And if you do do anything that's relevant to a application, so pretty much anything that you do could be relevant to p application, think about what you learned from that process and think about how you then use that learning and implemented it in the future and write that down now. So take, take two minutes, three minutes, four minutes short amount of time and just keep a little note of what your learning was and how you then implemented it moving forward and you'll be able to use that kind of later down the line when you then are writing this application and you're doing your interview and it'll save you lots of time and kind of down the line. Yeah. So other kind of key advice. So think about whether pediatrics is the right fit for you. So, yeah, I think that's um really, really important. So, um and I guess the way to do that is to spend time um in pediatrics and understand how it might look um for you come to things like this, which is great um and speak to people, so speak to multiple people at different stages. I think mentoring can be a really useful tool to help you understand more about yourselves and and to think about career options. So if a mentor isn't available to you kind of at this stage um of your career, um you might want to try and engage with one in fy training. And if you stay in Lothian, there is a, a peer mentoring program which you can engage with from F I one and that can be a really, really, really helpful tool for thinking about um what career am I going to do? And is this the right fit for me and using a mentor as a sounding board as a listening partner to understand that for yourself can be really useful. And I think I wish I had um done a bit more of that kind of um during my um decision making process and around pediatrics if you can experience it during foundation training, great, but it's not the be all end all. So, don't worry if you really want to do peds, but you don't get an F five job during peds. It's definitely not. Um, it, it, it's definitely not something to be too worried about. You can um do some taste your weeks in pediatrics. Um And if I two, if you don't get a job and that can be really, really valuable and help you make connections with people in pediatrics. So you could do some projects with like an audit project or some teaching projects. I think that last um so years or clinical fellow years are brilliant. So getting different experiences that can you can bring in is so great. Um So whether that's in the UK or whether you wanted to go abroad. So don't worry about having feeling that you have to get started immediately. I feel like the years where I've done something different or taking time out of training have been some of my most kind of valuable years. Oh, last and last. So last stands for locum appointment for service and last stands for locum appointment for training. So, and the difference means so for service, you um it doesn't count towards training. Whereas if you did a lap job in pediatrics, you might then be able to account that towards your training time and further down the line. Thank you for um asking that sorry for the acronyms. Um And also thinking about the training is only one option for working in pediatrics. So there's lots of other ways and to do that. So, um doing like a specialty job. So there's lots of different pathways for working in pediatrics. So knowing that um you, you know, there's more than one route to that to that end point. Um So James is asking, can you do three in Australian or would you need to be in training and James, to be honest, I'm not 100% certain about that, but I think the answer is probably yes, because I've definitely had um, friends who have gone and worked in pediatrics and in Australia and New Zealand and after F two. So, um it's definitely possible to go and do something like that and get some experience in pediatrics and, and another setting. I'm not sure there'd be kind of specific job criteria as I imagine whether some of them would ask you for previous experience in pediatrics maybe. Um But there certainly is potential for opportunities to do that. Um And then someone else, sorry, I don't know. Your name is just NP um same place for seven years as long as you don't want to take time out. Um So yes. Um generally, but you'll rotate around different sites. So for example, for me, um I was in Southeast Scotland. So that meant that I worked both in Edinburgh and in and in Fife, but I could have also worked in Forth Valley Hospital or the border. So quite a large ge geographical area. Um and a different places in the UK will have even larger geographical areas than that. Um So Diana Diana's asking experience in peace before one. It's not, it's not, it's not like a jury. No, but um it's good to have some if you can get some, but it's definitely not kind of obligatory. Um So don't worry if you want to apply for piece of training and you don't get that experience in if I one or fy two. But as I've said, kind of having seeking out experiences kind of via non training pathway can be really useful prior to starting training because then you know what you're kind of letting yourself in for. Um, do we need the MS R to get into peace training? I'm not sure at the moment Mohammed. If you need that, there was definitely a time where they were using that, but I'm not sure if they are gone if I think they might have reverted back to not using it, but I would need to double check that one. I'm sorry, I don't know, definitely off the top of my head, but it will be on the Royal College of Pediatrics website and you'll be able to find out there and they might change it by the time you come to apply for it anyway. So, um yeah, it's all these things kind of come in waves unfortunately. So, yeah. Ok. Um There's just a few resources. I think a should be able to share the slides with you afterwards. And so you'll be able to kind of have a look at those. But yeah, I'm happy to take any further questions. I'm going to just scan back up through the um the questions and make sure that I've answered them but feel free to cope some more. And if anyone wants to kind of speak um to me, if they've got a bit of a longer question and you want to have a little bit more of a dialogue, then please feel free to just insert that in the chat and Aaron will be able to put you up on this, on this, on the stage with me. Um I'm just going to scan through the questions just now. Whi you take a moment to think and type, we've got five minutes left. Um OK. So someone asked about medical education in peds and F one or F two level. Um Yeah. So I definitely think that that's um possible, but I guess with education sometimes the, the value and so it's sometimes easier to become an educator once you've had experience and kind of doing something. But also there's a huge amount value of having um kind of prior or recent experience of being a learner in that area and what actually you think that you needed or didn't get as that learner um in that area. So there's definitely would be opportunities to do that, but it probably would be kind of working with colleagues that you, you kind of knew in a specific area and reaching out to them and saying that you're really interested in doing some education stuff and how can you get involved? So I, I guess my um advice there would be let people know that that's what you want to do and they should be able to sign post, use different opportunities. What can medical students do now to get into in the future? So I think um coming to things like this and being involved in any kind of pediatric projects that are happening in your department. So sometimes there'll be audit projects or research projects that are happening and being involved in them can be really useful. But I think really a lot of it is about thinking about reflection that you're, that you can do. Um and and thinking about is there any other experiences you can get? So um yeah, can you um do kind of a week or can you um be involved in kind of any charities that are involved in pediatrics? So sometimes thinking laterally about that, but I would say I had no nothing on my CV um until if I two that was related to pediatrics because I had not thought about it. So please don't be too worried about getting things at this stage. You obviously can, but there's plenty of time kind of later. On as well. Um I'm just scrolling through these and then I'll get to the new ones as well. Um, someone asked about a medical education fellow. So what I do is medical education fellow. So I do some stuff with undergraduates to do some of the um, pediatric teaching, but also do lots of work with post graduate ped pediatric trainees and doing education with them. So, thinking about their educational needs, introducing new simulation education and then I've done some educational research, thinking about kind of co creating educational resources between students and doctors um and thinking about the quality of education and doing lots of some education with s as well. So lots of different things and why did I choose it? Um I think it was um it was good to do something different and I've always really liked education and it is a really good job with lots of flexibility and lots of opportunity to um carve out what you want to do and what you're interested in and also meet the learning needs of the other people around you and have the time to do that. Um OK, think you've got most of them. So yes. So come down, what sort of person would a career in pediatrics be suited to? Ok. That's an interesting question. Um Jonathan. Um Yeah, I think, I think that's um I think that's a difficult one to, to answer. Um because the, I think the, the value in most um areas in life is having a range, a diverse range of people kind of working in, in, in one area. So, um but I think thinking about your own strengths and maybe kind of your own and your values as well. So what you most value, what's most important to you um can be a really useful questions to ask of yourself before you apply for any, any subs special, any, any specialty. And what do, how do those match up with the um the training program in front of you? So if you're someone who really um really kind of want to have um lots of kind of flexibility and wants to really focus on lots of outside interests or lots of kind of home. You know, you've got lots of things going on at home and pediatrics would probably present a challenge to you maybe. But there's also lots of ways to manage that. So you could think about less than full time working. So not working full time can help you do um pediatrics and but also be able to, to meet that balance and, and have more of a home life as well. Um But I think people, the, the generally, generally the type of people you meet in pediatrics are people who really, really care about Children and young people and their health. Um and people who tend to be um like working in a team, like working with other people because that's what you will do most of the time. Um And otherwise there's, it takes all sorts and there's lots of different people with lots of different backgrounds. And I think bringing pride experiences and different experiences into the job is, is, is, is of a lot of value. And so James is asking about peds and anesthetics p offer much exposure to airway management, practical procedures and guess is the answer probably James but maybe not in all kind of um maybe not if you want to do anesthetic specifically. So if you wanted to do pediatric anesthesia, for example, you would probably um go you, you might apply for anesthetic training and then sub specialize into pediatric anesthesia. But if you wanted to be a pediatric intensive care consultant, there's would be two routes into that. You could either be do pediatrics and then apply for pediatric critical care as a grid or you could be the anesthetist and then also do um intensive care and um an anesthetic. So there'd be two routes into that and it would probably depend on your specific interest. There's often quite a lot of exposures to doing prac procedures, but a lot of those procedures would be doing kind of um vascular procedures. Um Airway management, you would do a lot in the neonatal unit. So doing kind of neonatal intubations but not so much um in older Children, but in emergency department, I had some experience kind of doing um kind of managing airways for sedation, et cetera, but not really intubating older Children apart from the need it. Um, but there is an opportunity to do that if you were to do high dependency, um, like as a spin module and definitely know, um, my colleagues who have done that, they've had um, experiences and like going into theaters and helping on like, um, anesthetic lists, for example, with a, with an anesthetist. So there's ways to do it. Um, any other questions or, um, is there anything that I've not answered that, um, would be of interest? I'm conscious of the time or two minutes over. That's my email address. If anyone wants to reach out, um, and ask any kind of specific questions that they didn't feel that they could ask here or if they just need to sign posted to any other resources are of interest or any other contacts that I can help and reach out to you, reach out for you. I'm going to pause there now.