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2nd session of Module III: Mastering Academic Writing



This informative teaching session will take medical professionals deeper into the academic writing process with Dr. John. Participants will focus on the importance of correct citation and indexing in writing, with examples provided to guide understanding. Guidelines and tips on paraphrasing and summarizing will also be discussed in depth. Professionals can bring value to their research papers by understanding concerns surrounding plagiarism along with the use of editing and proofreading tools. Dr. John will also share his experience as an editor and reviewer, providing insights into the reviewing process, and the session will cover the different aspects of writing a book chapter as opposed to a research paper. Lastly, the doctor will touch upon the significance of being published in recognized and ranked journals such as IGI Global. Get ready for this practical guide that can boost the quality of your academic writing in the medical field.

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Module III

Mastering Academic Writing: Essential Skills and Best Practices

speaker: Dr. Jana Saab, PhD.

This module focuses on understanding academic language and style, ensuring your writing meets scholarly standards. You'll learn how to develop effective body paragraphs supporting your thesis and responsibly integrate resources while avoiding plagiarism. Essential techniques for editing and proofreading will also be covered to help you produce polished, error-free work. By the end, you'll have the expertise to convey your research ideas with clarity and coherence and elevate your academic writing to a professional level.

Dr. Jana Saab is a 3rd year PhD student in applied linguistics at the Doctoral School of Human Sciences and Literature at the Lebanese University. A member of the Lebanese Writers Union, she published several research papers and book chapters in IGI Global that are indexed on Scopus. Jana actively participates in conferences inside and outside Lebanon and she is currently the English coordinator and instructor at the Islamic University of Lebanon. Oscar award winner in article writing, 2nd rank in the Arab world and North Africa

Learning objectives

  1. Understand and apply different citation styles in academic writing, namely APA style.
  2. Identify and avoid plagiarism in academic work through appropriate quoting, paraphrasing, and citing of sources.
  3. Effectively use editing and proofreading tools to enhance the quality of academic writing.
  4. Understand the structure of a research paper and a book chapter, appreciate the differences, and apply this knowledge in academic writing.
  5. Gain insight into the review process of academic papers, including what reviewers look for in a submission and the importance of meeting the criteria of the particular journal.
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OK, everyone. Uh we will now be starting the second session in the third module with the doctor. I hope you're ready for also an interactive session. And today I'm gonna leave the rest to doctor John. Hello, all. I hope that you're doing well. I hope that you benefit and enjoyed the session yesterday. Uh We move on to the second. Very interesting and important part of uh academic writing. Let me share my screen. OK. So we're talking just uh I would like to recap what we uh discussed yesterday uh to have just to remember and refresh. We talked about cohesion, coherence about um plagiarism. I will talk about the tools we'll talk about uh I think and the proof reading more uh you paraphrased the paragraph, you shared your responses on PT and there is another activity today. We'll talk about it after we finish everything here. And uh we discussed many other uh ideas that are ready to research the tone, uh the differences between the tone and the vocabulary between um normal English and academic writing English. No, it's time to talk about uh indexations. OK. So uh whenever you want to quote paraphrase or summarize. OK. You, you have to include the inexit here. I put an example about APA study because there are several examples or a lot of examples and other types of STS, for example, MLA Chicago, et cetera. Uh It depends on the journal, it depends uh on you. It depends on the major of the faculty. Uh They will tell you uh what style you should use. OK. Mainly it's mainly used now in several majors and fields, the APA style, that's why it's, it's it becomes common nowadays. So uh here are some examples when you want to paraphrase uh or summarize. Uh you can for example, start if you wanna talk about a study that is uh conducted by one of the researchers or experts. Uh For sure, we should include the family name of the, of the author of the paper and the date, the date of publication, this is error. Uh pay attention to the way you write the family name here. For example, according to a for example, OK, this is the family name of an author and the date of publication of the paper. Or if you want to, for example, uh include, include this at the end, for example, here you wrote the sentence and you want to uh to include the citation, can you have to uh at the end of the sentence? So you write it, for example, in this way, OK, these are some examples. Uh this is it. Uh, if you want to quote, you put the, uh, dictation you into quotation marks and then come on. OK, state it, et cetera, et cetera. Uh, you write here, the family name, the date of publication and the page where you find the, uh, this, uh, this quotation. OK? Or if you want to directly start with the name of the, of the author, you directly start with, uh, the family name here, the uh the date of publication and then you write men stated, asserted comma and then you include the quotation here and include and write the page number at the end of the, of the sentence. These are some examples just for you. Do you know, OK, here regarding plagiarism detection and anything of reading tools, it's, it's very well known and it's mainly used by doctors or professors at universities when you want to submit your proposal or you submit your uh your thesis, your paper, they directly check the plagiarism on linkedin on, on alternate, I'm sorry, uh how to avoid plagiarism when you want to. For example, I read a certain paragraph or a certain idea in a paragraph and it is relevant to my work. OK. I take uh II have to either summarize or paraphrase this part of the paragraph or this paragraph, the part that you paraphrased it is your own. However, you have to include uh the in excitation, the family of the author or authors and the the date of publication here. In this case, you avoid plagiarism. And when we talk about uh uh paraphrasing, as you said yesterday, it's, uh, it's about having the same idea, but you are rewriting it in your own way, in your own words. It's not only about changing. Uh It's like it's not, it's not a puzzle, putting things here and there and uh replacing this word with another one. No, it's not like that. It's about changing the whole structure of the sentence by preserving the same meaning. OK. And regarding editing and proofreading tools, as you know, we are in the A I era and many, many, many people and even researchers use it tools according to me, according to my experience in this field, I do not prefer to use and I don't use it, by the way, I don't use uh any itune in research. Uh Here are some tools in for grammar Hemingway, uh grammar quill for example. And many other ones, this is because uh or this is something related to uh research, ethical issues. And uh and uh for example, uh the idea well, or when you, when you copy and paste your idea on the editing and the prof reading platform of tool, uh you know a algorithms, you know, there are tools that uh it will be there, it will be safer. OK? And later on, later on when the doctors see your work, for example, they can say uh that this is an uh I gene text. You will get surprised how that comes uh or if you want to paraphrase, as I told you yesterday on grammar, uh don't take the paraphrased copy to show that it is a all generated as well. OK. So if you want to edit and the proof read your paper, you should, you have to get back to the, to some grand rules. Pay attention to the diction to the uh to your type, the structure of the sentence, to the tense consistency within the sentence and within the whole paragraph. And uh that, that would be fine. And a review, keep your paper, for example, for several days or a paragraph, maybe your, your thesis and then uh get back to it later on and read it if you want to uh to get help from any of your friends to review. It's called peer review, you can do that. OK. And uh here, uh I said them, by the way you identify and quite common grammatic errors. Uh Here, uh you can uh or your friends, you can sit with a group of researchers. No, here you are researchers and future doctors in here sit with each other, discuss some points. OK. Altogether. And then uh the problem will be solved here and regarding reviewing uh papers, uh I don't know if you have an idea about I gi Global. It's an international publisher. Uh and you, and uh it's it includes a lot of published books, articles, book chapters, et cetera. I have about four published book chapters there. Uh I am a reviewer and editor there as well. How do we review papers? Uh I wanna, you talk a little bit about this point uh because uh if you want to elaborate on it, it needs a lot of plan. So reviewing here uh or the or reviewers look for the, your style of writing the format of your paper or your book chapter. Uh For example, if you wanna talk about the paper, it should include the introduction, they should review. Uh The there is such questions. If you have hypothesis, uh data analysis and methodology, how did you tackle this issue? The statement of the problem, the purpose, the significance, et cetera. So uh here in this case or here in this case, the the reviewer looks uh to this point and to plagiarism. Uh let's say for, for example, if someone uh wrote uh a paragraph about a certain topic and his or her paper with without quoting or without mentioning or including any citation, this showed that this is gi uh even if you, if you wrote it in your own words, uh you read for sure, you read uh information in a certain paper and you get inspired from this author there, then you wrote your own ideas so cited. OK. Include the citation. Uh We look for grammatical errors for uh tense consistency as well. That's it. Uh That's it regarding the reviewing papers. And uh if you want to review any paper, it depends uh on the journal because each ju each journal has its uh its own policy and way of reviewing. Uh they set a template for you if you wanna review any paper. And let me show you uh one of my chapters, published chapters in, in a book. It's about entrepreneurship, it's about cultivating entrepreneurial mindset, how to embrace entrepreneurship, mentality and spirit in schools and universities. So here this is the abstract. This is the introduction and the difference between a book chapter and uh let's say, and a research paper is the following and the chapter chapter is part of a whole book. OK. This chapter only includes theoretical uh points or theoretical background about a certain topic. OK. So this is it uh it doesn't include any experimental study or any descriptive study. Uh You are not applying a study, you are not experimenting here. You are just uh dividing this chapter into headings and sub sub headings. Let's say it depends on the topic. And then you are uh you have ideas from other papers or other uh books or other chapters or others uh work, then you create your own and that's it. However, in the research paper uh or the research, you know, it includes uh it really and applied research study can be the experimental descriptive uh qualitative quantitative or both mixed method et cetera. Uh This is related to the methodologies of, of research. Uh Here is the introduction and uh there is the other part of the chapter here. II, just like to let you have a look how, how the book chapter it is. Uh what does it look like and that's it. OK. This is regarding the book chapter here and here is one of my published articles are they use and explore of hate speech among students at this course analysis study. For example, I know that it, it's maybe be away from your domain. Uh But it's, it's just an example uh for you. And by the way, uh for sure, we'll talk about Scopus about the, the publications or publishing there and how to choose journals. I'll talk about this later. Uh So here is the uh one of my published research papers for sure. It's related to my, to my major linguistics. OK. So here as you see, there are the, these are the results, the analysis results. OK. The methodology is up, the reference is down. This is the research paper. I think that you have an idea about that. Uh OK. Do you have any questions so far before we move on to this point? Hello, Doctor. Hi. I do have a question uh compared to like other sites that showcase journals. What is special at I GI Global Comparative I GI Global they are ranked on. So this is the most important thing that you have to know IG global its base is in the USA for example, when I, when I always write my chapters, they go to an editing machine and they ask to figure it out. Is it uh or does it meet the criteria of uh in order to be published or not? So you see there, OK. Uh It depends, this is an example, this is the, by the way, uh my first uh publishing house um when I decided to uh to publish my first book chapter, it was about artificial intelligence and search engines. This is, this was my first book chapter long time ago. Uh However, now, uh II also publish and all publications. Uh I do advise that to be on uh Scopus or s uh here is the uh the idea. OK. You can search about I gi global, you can read more about it uh to see uh what they have. Uh they cover several fields. Uh And you see the scope of the journal. Uh they, they include journals uh where you can publish your articles there and you can see the rank or scopes as well. OK. Yep. Thank you very much. Will do any time and there is something more important here creating an account on S AU Research Gate and Google scholar for sure. As a researcher you should have and uh you should have a profile on Research Gate uh on Google scholar. At a go here to scopus, you know. Um Or let me ask you a question. Does anyone know anything about scopus? What does scopus include or what is the scopus as far as I know when uh I'm a corresponding author in some of my articles, I use chemical to check the details of different journals. Uh Usually, so like uh their uh fact, their uh factors uh who is the chief editor, their emails, stuff like that. Excellent. C you see the journal la uh journal rank. Uh let's say for example, I triple E access here. For example, you search for conferences. The uh you see, I you know IE you should hear about, you should have heard about it. I know more about the medical education conference. This is not one that I know about. Yeah, and this is more related to mathematics, computer science engineering. However, I thought I published, for example, II typed the name of a certain journal or I think here uh on, on s ago, I have an account that's why it directly open. If you don't have an account, then you should create an account here. Let me tell you something. He briefly uh it's about the index, the more you see here when the angler when the index is very high, this is amazing. This is well and when you have um high impact factor, it means that this is accredited, this is a reliable research paper and you can publish it in it. And there are several quartile for research papers. You have Q one, Q two, Q three, Q four. The best one is Q one, then Q two IQ three and the Q four, they are trying to, to become in the rank of Q two or Q one. However, the best one is uh you know, Science Direct and Severe. Uh those are the most popular journals where you can publish your research papers there on DPI, by the way as well, uh regardless of your major, these are the top, top, top ones and they are here ranked on uh s uh let's see here. Uh Let me check something for you. OK. So you have to always pay attention whenever you want to publish any research uh paper, check the, the journal, it's index, its impact factor and uh it's, it's quartile, it's Q one or not. OK. Uh Yeah. And that's it. Go to the website, for example, to uh to each journal, you can see the fee, some of them are paid, some of them are uh for free uh check uh check everything there and then uh you decide if you can submit uh your article to this journal or not. Uh I think, you know, Research Gate, right? This is here, you should have profile there and I'm showing you an article here or Research Gate. However, uh you should have an art an account there. Let me show you something here. I don't wanna OK? Here, here is my profile on research page. When you, when you create an account there here, for example, uh you see uh the publications you put your publications there by the one it's for free. OK. This is your research profile. Uh They, they will tell you how many people have read uh your articles uh citations. It depends on, on the, to here on the topics on the papers that you included. For example, you see here, here are my publications, for example, OK? You include them here it is. OK? So I hope that you can create your own. And here they, they require you some information about you. It's like a bio uh your image, your name, you go and see the details there. And let me show you here on Google Scholar, which is very, very, very, very important thing that you should do is Google scholar uh OK. On Google Scholar, you can search as well. Uh You can add your own publications here, your book chapters, your research papers, et cetera. And here they show, they show you the citations, the index uh throughout years. OK. Uh Here in this way as well, you put your uh you put here some keywords, OK? And you can search as well. Here is my profile. For example, you can search for other authors here or other search profiles here in this case. So or on, on any other topic. It appears here to you. OK. So create your profile on Google scholar as well. Um Do you have any other questions? And before we move on, uh still in progress, I'm working on other research papers. Even your participation on conferences, you can find, uh you can find that on uh SIM or Scopus, search for conferences that are highly ranked on scopes. I know that they might be a little bit in expensive. Uh But uh they are really worth it. OK? Conferences in an outside, mainly outside, depends on the country that you would like to go there and check everything. Uh So it's not only about uh publishing a research paper. Uh Sometimes uh for sure you, you, you hear about uh a person or a research or a doctor that he participate in a conference. When you participate in a conference, it means that you are working on or you work on a research paper from A to Z and you present it among other people. You are a presenter in this conference. OK. This is the uh the main idea here. And uh if you want to publish a research paper, it's, it's something else. You publish it, you come back the study and you publish it. OK? Um Any other questions before we move on to the very last activity here, you apply this by your own, by the way and they try to create your account even if you don't have if you still don't have any other publications, I know that you are in, you are in your early ages or early stages. Uh But you have to create an account that be presented. Plus uh I know, do you know uh plus one journal, a trend? Uh top one on Scopus as well. You can search for it. Uh It's for sciences as well. It includes sciences and engineering as well. You can publish it in it there. Uh I am a reviewer uh for research paper uh there on this uh journal as well. Uh You can create your own account and see what they have. Uh what, what are their scope? Pay attention to the scope uh of the journal before you publish. Uh OK. The publishing the process uh takes time, sometimes some papers are rejected. This is uh not because they are bad or they have problems or sometimes they research paper is excellent, however, it doesn't meet uh or match the scope of this journal or maybe they don't have uh uh for example, they, they, they don't want to exceed the limit of publishing uh research papers so they rejected or for any other reasons as well. OK. Any questions? OK. Uh Do you have the Yeah, I just wanted to mention that uh currently I send to the group, the links to the three sites. And for Google scholar, you automatically get an account if you have a Goo uh Google account. So that's automatic for you. Just make sure if you're using different tabs and different gmail to use the correct one. Thank you. Thank you very much. Yeah, you are right. And now I wish that we have uh a lot of time to discuss uh how to create the accounts there and um to talk more about publishing, how to publish, how to move in the process, how to do things. I hope so. Anyway, uh you will practice uh and exercise. Do you have the word document? Which includes the three paragraphs? How much did you send them to the? Yes, I'm gonna send it right now. I was just waiting. OK. OK. Send them the uh the word document. Let me know on them. OK. Sent it. OK, great. And I sent a link for Palet here and the chat box. You can open it today. You have the fruits. This is the uh they won't pay for you. Uh It's uh OK. I think that you saw the exercise. It's, you have here 33 paragraphs. Imagine that you wanna write. OK. A paraphrased structured paragraph explaining how COVID-19 can contribute to the development of uh a sclerosis through its effect on vascular smooth muscle cells. And you have to use an excitation. If I don't, if I don't see any in excitation, it means that your paragraph is plagiarized. Uh and when you want to paraphrase, right, your indication, OK. This indicates that this shows that based on the results. For example, you have numbers that will help you do, do that. OK? So how much share with you these three paragraphs and you have to read them very well. Uh Here is the question above. Each one of you should create a paragraph from all of this information and upload it or publish it on tablet as you did yesterday. OK? You have time and the don't use the tools, don't coffee and taste. You can get inspired only. And before you start uh to ask any questions uh or like during the period, uh the doctor is here for all the questions. Yeah, sure, sure. Uh I'd like to remind you of something. Uh Don't forget to use an cations because for three paragraphs here you have the names of the authors um And the date of publishing everything is included uh there, as I can see, some of uh the participants are still in the word doc uh for the others. Uh If you have any questions again, please go ahead. The doctor is here for any questions or if you're facing any difficulties, do tell us. Uh I think as yesterday we're gonna just go over the pats, uh give comments and have one of you read and stuff like that. Um Let's see how much time do you think is necessary or do you want to ask to see how much longer they need? Uh If they are still in the writing process and they feel that they need time to, for example, eight. It's fine. Let, let them take their time because I know that uh it's not that much easy. It needs time so we can stop at eight. I think it, it will be great and then we'll discuss the plat everything there uh, within 10 minutes max. Correct. Got it for sure. Yeah. Ok. Then, um, doctor or do you think it's we should start uh by going over on the platelets? Yes, just a second. Uh I wanna add here link. Yes, for sure. I will directly go to the PT um OK, please. OK. Out. OK. Let me share my screen and let's see what you wrote that. OK. Oh, here's the, let's see. Uh some of you included intest cations, however, others not like the first one here to the left. Um OK. Some of you here, it's like uh someone here summarized uh the, the areas. However, the aim here is not to make a summary and without in excitation, for example, this is an example here where it is considered that it's plagiarized. By the way, it doesn't include an excitation. It doesn't include this is regarding plagiarism more, but it also include, it also should include more elaboration about the, the topics that you wanna talk about. Where are the numbers? What are the uh you, you didn't, for example, with your ideas. OK. Uh It needs more elaboration during the second one, you have to put uh a point after uh after the here and then put the como pay attention to this, to this point. OK. Uh We will read them all of them just he, he like, he focusing on the general idea. For example, here. OK. That's a great design excitation bravo. Uh We use a, for example, we have uh three or more authors. Yeah. OK. OK. What else? That's a great uh and here as well. It's, it's good, it's good. And the third one. Uh-huh, in that paper, she et al uh and it is written here in this way, let me added something here that will go deep into all parts. However, she, she put full stop. OK? We open here these two brackets and here it is OK. When you wanna start with it here, a thought it should include point and then OK, here, continue. Here is the same and then continue and put full stop uh reaction. Can you see? I think that you see my screen, huh? The full stop should be put right? You see what I am doing? Yes. Yes, me too. Yes. OK. Great. OK. Here pay attention. Put the full stop after the index excitation. OK. And he, this is a common mistake among I read here. Also, these are technicalities in the English language. Also it has been shown that et et cetera, it's better. OK. Also it's good to start the paragraph with. However, when you want to add the information, we do prefer to start with. Furthermore, in addition, additionally, it's better but it's not wrong. OK. And their paper uh she about 2020 described mm, here you're right. The researchers. Hm This is because you don't put a come on and then directly, right? Uh Divert, OK. Never ever do that. This is for example, for, for later on. OK. Described. are they, were they describing or defining? What do you think here your comments? What's the description or definition? I think definition would be more attributable, especially like it's usually uh they mentioned Aoris is usually uh and then they give the definition. Hm. Yeah, it, so it was definition and not that you see here determine and one word can change the sentence the researchers defined, let's say uh acro as the accumulation of fatty and or fibri material in intima, et cetera, et cetera. Then you continue who will read this whole paragraph? Any volunteer or I will choose names you choose. OK. Go ahead in the paper. She et al 2020. The researchers defined atherosclerosis as the accumulation of fatty and or fibrous material in the intima caused by the multiplication, the placement of the SM CS from the media layer to the intima promoting the formation of the synthetic phenotype of the SM CS. It has been demonstrated that the induction of IL 18 during SARS COV two infection distant uh irregular HIF one signaling pathway uh resulting in the per of synthetic phenotype of VSS MSC S. Also, it has been shown that SARS COV two infection affects a uh Ro Kase uh signaling pathway generating vasoconstriction and impaired vasorelaxation. Thank you, Mohammad. What about this paragraph? Do you think that it covered the areas and the other three paragraphs, the original ones? Uh As I see, I think every sentence is a summary of a paragraph. That's how I, OK. Uh I think they're pretty well done. Uh There was a place where I was wondering about one second. OK. Uh Is it possible like the, the start I didn't like in the paper, in the paper, in the paper? Yeah. No, I can see. Or do you have any other suggestion to start the paragraph with before I say my suggestion? Um I think we can say sheet define directly. We don't need to mm or according uh to sheetal. Uh Alos is et cetera or based on uh sheetal uh 2020 perceptions or whatsoever or she 2020 asserted that uh uh a acsis is the accumulation of uh there are several ways. Let me write something here. You can start just to have an idea. Uh uh This is the first option. This is not only for this paragraph, by the way, this is to, to everything. OK. Uh 2020 uh sir to that, then you continue uh uh a atherosclerosis is the accumulation is not according to come on. Then you continue or based on the research study conducted by OK, conducted by OK. You're right. This one and then is et cetera, et cetera. There are several ways uh or, or you can write it in this way, defined as et cetera, et cetera. OK. So these are the best ways to start and you can directly or easily uh started, start with the. Mhm In this way, sorry. Uh I sit here is et cetera, et cetera. You define it, you finish, you put the excitation at the end. Stop. What do you think is the idea clearer now, this is to you and there are other ways. OK? The formation of, I found this paragraph are efficient. They are good. OK? But sometimes the way uh you write your paragraph, it strengthens the structure. Sometimes it weakens the structure. So here, you know, academic writing is not uh it's, it's totally different from uh any uh other types of writing. OK. I hope that this uh can help. I do have a comment from one of the participants. They couldn't use tablets. So they will be sharing their summary in the chart or I think they're gonna send it to me and I'm gonna Yeah. Yeah. One second, I'm gonna add it to tablets. Oh You will add it. OK. OK. Uh Because uh it's interesting to know your opinion. Sure. Sure. Yes. So the first two, we we talked about them. They should include the more ideas uh according to what's found in the previous original three paragraphs. Uh They, uh for here, the first one doesn't include, um, any inexit, which is a disaster here. And the second one that includes an ant and I added the comments, the, the things that I added here should be added, added, it should include more elaboration. OK? In your own words, uh, here we still have these two ones and uh comma is adding the other ones. OK. Pay attention, pay attention to the point, the comma the uh they can make a difference. OK? Because the especially the doctors and the professors, by the way, focus on these points on, on these things and they consider them as fit and mistakes sometimes. Uh OK. Uh Let's read this 1. COVID-19 who will read this very long paragraph. This is interesting other than Hamad, we'd like to hear any of your voices. Yeah, microphone. Yeah, you are doctors and you should be active sometimes. I don't know if you are tired or what. However, um I don't know. It seems that uh they uh no one will uh be a volunteer in breathing. So uh how much can you take a step and read this one? Yes. Sure. One second. OK. Yeah, COVID-19 may contribute to the development of atherosclerosis through its effects on vascular small muscle cells. The SM CS atherosclerosis characterized by the buildup of fatty and fibrous uh sorry fibrous material within the arterial intima. With the SM CS playing a central role in plaque formation and extracellular matrix production throughout the disease progression. She et al 2020 during atherosclerosis, sm CS undergo phenotypic switching and migrate from the media to the intima layer processes that are crucial for plaque development. 27 SARS COV two infection has been shown to exacerbate this dysfunction by activating il 18, il 18 R one HIF 01 signaling pathway which promotes the transition of the SM CS to a synthetic phenotype. Moreover, the virus induces vs MC dysfunction through other mechanisms such as altering the RO ro kinase pathway, resulting in increased vasoconstriction and impaired vasorelaxation, causing further vascular remodeling and progression of atherosclerosis sites at all. Thank you. Uh I think that this paragraph according to what I have read compared to the first three paragraph, original ones. It's good. It's rich in information. Uh The one who wrote this paragraph uh knows very well what you she was writing and included. Uh The, the in citations were included in um in the correct way. And let me give you a, a piece of advice here. When you want to write that here, you have, for example, only three resources or two. OK. Uh To refer to what you want or when you are writing your paragraphs, especially on the literature review part and your thesis or even in any research publication. Uh It is more preferable to use or to include 2 to 3 index citations or resources within the same paragraph. And for sure, when you include the citations or citations are here, you are adding what others are saying. Uh Plus you should add your own indication. This implies that this shows that this indicates that or the results obtained show that et cetera. So it's like your own interpretation. OK? To, to the paragraph or to the part that you are your contribution here to, to this part or to this paragraph. OK. Uh Pay attention to this point. Uh Never ever write a paragraph without any excitation. Um Do you have any comments on this paragraph? OK. Even this one. Uh I like it. I like the way the uh the writers start writing the excitation information, the transitional signals, pay attention to that. Mhm This is good. This is good as well here. The, the last one, it's a process characterized by OK. It is important to pay attention to the verbs as well. Mhm It all here. You should add the full stop after the L in addition, comma OK. OK. And that will stop after the the here after the uh excitation. Uh It's, it's not bad. However, it should include more information, everything, the length of the paragraph. Mhm Depends on the, the idea that you are talking about, depends on the information that you are providing. OK. And uh attention that you have to add your own indication, read a lot of research papers, a lot of research studies before you develop your own research paper. Ok. Um Do you have any questions? Uh leave my comments here before I move on to, to wrap up uh the whole session? Any questions again, guys, you can write in the chat or on the whatsapp group uh and we can share. OK. OK. It seems all is clear. Yeah, I, yeah. Ok. It seems uh the doctor reconnect and then we're gonna be wrapping up everyone. Uh I'm just checking, can you hear my audio right now or did my neck disconnect if you can just someone uh write in the chart or something for me? Yeah, these you have to always include indexation. Oh, I can answer that for you. Uh brahim. Uh usually uh zo already does in text citations or it depends on the journal what the journal asks for you. Uh But the corresponding author then changes the type of uh referencing according to the journal, but you use what you prefer usually if you got what you would care. I mean? Ok. Ok. I'm gonna be sending now the feedback and at the end I'm just gonna be explaining something uh as the ad RD for you as participants. And yeah, uh please uh fill the feedback form because again, for your certification, we are mainly mm uh checking the feedback and according to feedback we're taking the attendance, it shouldn't take home. Yeah. Yeah, and the doctor is reconnecting just a minute. Um Hello again, I'm God and uh let's see here my screen. Um Can you hear me? Yes, yes. Ok. Um uh I was asking if do you have any questions? Any recommendations, any comments? I'm ready to uh to hear you uh in the text they did mention in the chart, they did mention that everything was clear. Ok. Ok. Oh, is it enough to use XO for referencing? Or do we have to always include ations? Uh Xero can help you create your citations and your reference as well. Uh Mentally, uh I do recommend XO more. Uh you can use it as well. Yes. Yeah. Yes. Um I would like to share with you my social media uh accounts here. Are they share them in the, in the chat box. Uh You can follow it to see my tips uh that I include about three. I uh I hope that you can benefit even participations in conferences. No, uh it from something there. Uh Because I sometimes IP I publish about my phd journey um some research there. Uh And uh I'd like to uh you for attention uh for attending this uh this workshop in these two days uh regardless of your circles. And uh it doesn't stop here the way and I'm always here to support you if you have any questions. Um uh You have my social media accounts and uh I can share with you uh my phone number here in the chat box as well. Ok. Uh You can ask me whenever you want uh anything and uh that thank you very much. OK. Thank you very much, Doctor. Uh Again for the amazing session. Uh I just wanted to mention uh for the participants that to take the feedback. Again, we're gonna be feedback for the certification. And uh as this is the last session of the workshop, uh we're gonna be giving a headline for the recording as well and then we're gonna be issuing the certificates. So I hope you look forward to that. They will be sent as always through your emails. And if you have any questions regarding that, you can reach out to me how the AD RD of Medica or is the research education manager. And thank you very much. Thank you and please follow uh if you have any questions, any remarks, you can always reach out to us or to the doctor for sure, will always respond. Thank you very much. Thank you. Bye. It's my pleasure. Bye bye. Goodbye.