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So while Ting is actually doing that, do you guys have any particular question about the application itself, whether it is the self assessment scoring or any other parts of the application while filling the application or the eligibility for those who are applying next year? Um A and I'm just on the chat box also and pl is asking that his main concern is portfolio building, especially the publication aspect, right? OK. So I love you. Uh So have you actually started something or are you working on something at the moment with regard to the publications or got it right by. So currently you are doing a clinical research job, which is great. Actually, what I would advise is try as much as possible to get at least uh a case review uh or even uh a literature uh review of any radio related topic which is easy to actually publish that would give you higher points than even doing uh an original uh publication not related to radiology. I found a lot of people do doing their audit and publishing the audit results which are radiology related in uh in peer reviewed journals and they can claim points on both the research aspect as well as on the audit aspect. So you're getting two birds in, in one. So this can be one of the things that you can consider. If you have done your audit to a high quality, you completed two or three cycles that resulted in a natural change for the practice. Then by all means, you can go ahead and publish that. Um mm First thing to start with is basically go through the Royal College of Radiologists and on the Royal College of Radiologists, they have uh audit section and that audit section contains uh some templates that can be used with the, with the topics there. So most of the templates there would give you a full Q I cycles where you can do two or three or even more than that. And from this, from that uh from, from that perspective, you can actually finish the audit tick the box for the audit. And once you're done with that, especially that you have done it in a uh I in line with the record of radiologist guidelines, it shouldn't be difficult to get that published somewhere which is be reviewed. Uh So, yeah, I would advise you to have a to have a, have a look into their website, see what topic is actually achievable and you got some access to the data there and start working on it. You can also expand that further and uh present the audit in one of the conferences, try to go higher up like something national conference, if not a regional or even a local conference should be fine. This way you can claim points for the research itself. You can claim points for the audit as well as for the presentation. So you are utilizing your time more efficiently and it's all really legit rated at the end of the day. OK. So I've been able to just get the whole port for you the surface at a PDF. And I've shared it. I don't know if everyone can see we have to like enlarge this spot. Yeah. Can, can you guys sneeze? Thank you. II don't know. Do you see it? Yeah, I can see it now. Yeah. OK. So just, yeah, you just let me know which slides you want me to put up, right? So let's start with the 1st, 1st part, which is the commitment to specialty uh section. So this section is quite important. Actually, it carries a maximum uh a ma point of 10 and it's an easy thing to achieve if you actually uh work on it quite earlier. But again, for those who haven't done much, uh do you still have time and you still can claim 10 points? Uh So in order to achieve the maximum points, you need to have uh two activities out of the three outlines here. So the first thing which is a straightforward one is uh doing a taste a week in radiology, a minimum of three days and these three days doesn't need to be actually, uh, continuous days. It can be, uh, separate days and split across, uh, weeks or even months. So this hasn't changed from last year. It is the same thing. But what, what they changed this year is basically they, they removed the MDT related activities, uh, part from here. So last year, if you have done one test a week, and you followed that by doing a couple of MDT sessions outside of the setting of the, of the test a week, you can claim 10 points, but this year they have removed it. So you have to have either two separate taster weeks in two separate settings. And by this, we mean having one of them main mainly in diagnostics and the other one in uh interventional radiology or if you do have uh one of them in, in, in a hospital setting, a tertiary center and the other one is in a district General hospital or General primary primary center, then that could count as well for multiple significant exposures. So either two tests a week in the setting would get you 10 points. Or if you do have one test a week and you have other activities like a research project related to radiology. And you can uh prove that you have been working closely with a radiologist outside the setting of that test a week, you can play 10 points again and this hasn't changed from last year. Uh But the only change here is about the MDT S that they are no longer counting as a significant exposure in radiology. So I think that's the main, the main difference this year. And uh it is, it is a straightforward domain. Anyone who does have 22 or more exposures would claim 10 points. If it is only one exposure, then you can claim six points if you haven't done anything but attended some courses or conferences. Uh Even this uh this, this is considered as one of the conferences or activities, you can claim the lowest indicators, which is gonna be two points. So, does anyone have any question about the first domain? The commitment to speciality about the points or about the changes you see? Right? You don't seem to have any questions yet. So let me just add one more thing. Uh This year you will find after each uh uh point in the self assessment that they will ask you to actually fill uh a white box with uh open answers. So last year, all what you have to do is basically give yourself uh a score based on your achievement and then they will verify that later on. But this year you will give yourself a score and then you have to write an explanation on why you think you are uh uh you are actually claiming this, this score uh based on this achievement. So it's, it's just an expansion in your own words of your achievement. So if you have done a test a week, you can write down that I have done a test a week in a tertiary center and I was exposed to uh diagnostics and sub different subspecialties. And I have done another test a week in intervention of for example, or in a primary care or in a district general hospital. And you, you mentioned the dates. So this is an explanation. If you have used other evidence like uh involving in a research project, you can mention here, the research that you are involved in and uh that it is related to radiology and that you will be providing a letter to support that later on. If you have attended any course, you can mention the name of the course and the uh and the, and the, the, the date of the course uh or the conference or any other activities that you used here. So it it should be a straightforward fifi box exercise. Now, the the other domain is the leadership and the management. So this year they haven't changed anything about that domain. It remained the same and you can claim up to s uh se seven points on that domain. Highest one being uh having a leadership role in uh radiology and that should be at a national or international level. Uh If, if there is no questions about the second domain, we will uh we will uh move on because there is no changes here. If anyone has got any questions, you can put it on the chat box and we will get to it later on again after you've uh you score yourself on the, on that domain, you have to uh write down in the white box, the evidence. And what was your role in, in that society or that management rule? And the main responsibilities that you did and the duration of that uh rule for you, it has to be a minimum of six months and that rule should be uh a voluntary rule. It, it, it you can't use a, a bait rule actually there. Um Next uh is the teaching and training. So again, you can claim up to five points on this domain. They haven't changed anything this year compared to last year. So it remained the same. But the only change is the white box where you have to elaborate more on your teaching and training experience and uh how you actually scored yourself based on that, II hardly recommend making use of the 100.100 words that you got on that white box to clearly reflect the evidence that you're providing and convince the panel that you actually deserve that score because you have seen in incidents where the panel would actually uh uh give you a different score from the score that you have given yourself if they view your evidence from their, their perspective. So try to make use of that white box to show your perspective and uh support the evidence that you're providing and direct them uh into a way how to look into that evidence and give you the appropriate score. Next domain is the formal teaching domain and this again remained the same. It hasn't changed since last year and uh there is no explanation. So basically you fill uh and you tick the box, whether you got any formal master's degree or any teaching qualification at a post graduate level, if you haven't done such a thing, and you have attended a teaching course like uh the the train, the trainer course or the teach the teacher course for 22 days, then you can just take the box here and later on provide a certificate. The next domain is the audit and equality improvement. It, it largely remained the same compared to last year where in order to score the highest points you have to complete to radiology related uh quality improvement projects or audits which results in a change to the practice. This is the same as last year. But what they changed this year is the evidence that you provide and the requirements of that evidence. So this year, the certificate or the letter that you get from the consultant confirming your involvement in that audit should uh should have a GMC number of the consultant there and you should also enclose uh a copy of the audit presentation or uh the outline of the, of the main uh findings and the summary of the, of the project that you have done. Uh So 22 key things here, adding the GMC number of the verifying consultant and enclosing a copy of the presentation of the final audit or a summary of the scope and the impact of the project. And again, in order to qualify for the, for a full uh closed loop audit, it has to be at least two cycles and you have to show evidence that this audit has actually resulted in a change in the practice, either in, in, in metric uh analysis or in numbers. Yeah. And again, you have a white box that you need to expand on the audit experience and your role in each of the projects. So here you clearly need to state that you have led that audit or you have just participated in in certain aspects of the audit like data collection analysis or implementation of the changes or even the final presentation. But in order to, to claim the highest points, you have to clearly mention that you have led that audit. If you have to, if you, if you have contributed to some parts of the audit, then that will be the the lowest uh category for the audit part. Again, in that, in that uh white box, you don't need to actually mention the the the exact details of the audit because there is not much space, but you need to mention what was your role and experience in each of these audits to qualify for the for the points that you're claiming for. Next domain is the academic achievements and that domain hasn't changed this year. It remained the same as compared to last year. Uh It's, it's quite self explanatory. If you do have a formal postgraduate research degree like a phd MD or masters in research, then you can claim the highest points. Otherwise you can go by the research. If you have done any publication related to radiology, that will give you uh good good points. If you have done other research, not related to radiology, you still can claim points on it. And as we mentioned before, even uh be reviewed uh even case case reviews and the case reports ca can still qualify for uh the points here as long as they are, uh they have been through a B review process and they are published in one of the be reviewed journals. There is no specification here about the journal being a Bob journal or not as long as it is a peer reviewed one. Oh The the last part is the prizes and awards. So this time they have changed it quite significantly. So last year you can claim uh the highest uh score which is six if you have got a distinction in, in your med school. But this year they removed it. So you can no longer claim uh points for that distinction uh uh as the highest points. And again, same thing for scholarships and bursaries. If you managed to get them last year, they, they would count. But this year they no, they no longer count. And they have restricted uh the, the claim into having a prize awarded by a recognized radiology institution or specialist society at a national or international level to claim the highest point which is six. If you don't have that, then uh you can still claim three points if it is uh a price by uh regional uh uh institution. And that doesn't need to be radiology. And uh next is two or 32 or more prizes by local organization like your university or local hospital or trust. And the last thing is one prize awarded by the local organization. So here uh it can be in any, any, any specialty, any society, except if you want to claim the first one, which is the six points. It has to be regularly. And they have included a small white box, 75 votes at the end of this section where you have to actually elaborate on the work that you did for the award and the price to be granted to you. So if you, if you claim that six points you have to mention uh on what meeting you, you got that. And what did that price entail uh for you to, to get it? What were, what was the selection criteria basically? And on what basis you, you, you got that price. If it is uh upright in a meeting, uh if it is uh a distinction from the university, then you can, you can mention that it, what work you did? It was mainly academic work which led to this, this prize. If it is something outside medicine like sports or something, you have to uh mention that clearly in that books. So these are the main changes this year with regard to the to the self assessment scoring for radiology, the rest of the of the application remains the same. They haven't changed the uh the other uh criteria for the eligibility for radiology. You still have to get uh signed the CRS form if you are coming from overseas or you haven't done your foundation training in the UK. And uh maybe 11 minor change that they have done generally for the oral, not only for radiology, is that the first specialty you apply to, they will assess your crest form and they will limit it whether it is satisfactory or they would reject it for you. And the decision that they take on the first application, regardless what is the specialty would be applied for all the other specialities including radiology. So just, just uh to, to be aware about this change as well. Um Do you have any questions uh about the self assessment scoring or the criteria here on? Or you guys? Um Alan, just one question. Uh I would say comment also is when we are writing the letters, what guide can we use to produce these letters for the evidences? So, II think the best guide actually to produce the letters and the evidence is to go through the, the official guidance from the oral or from uh uh on the, the, the one that you, you are sharing at the moment and make sure that you include the actual words that they have put into the assessment criteria because the assessors would be looking for these key words. And if, if your evidence is lacking these, these words, there is a chance that they might argue or they might actually give you a different score from what you are trying. So for example, if you are writing a letter of confirmation of audit completion, it is quite necessary to include the ward. They have led that uh that audit, otherwise it will be difficult later on to prove that you have led that audit or you actually just contributed. And from one assessor, they can give you five on that, but the other assessor can give you one and just count it as a contribution rather than actual leadership of, of the audit itself. So yeah, I'll, I'll advise to go through that official guidance and use it for the letters. Yeah, I agree. And honestly we can't overstress this, but you need to be quite strict with using those words and making sure that your letter reflects exactly what they said. Not what you think you did be very strict about it because they can easily call you out. Um, and on score, you will not give you the appropriate course just because your letter did not reflect exactly what they have asked for. Um Amino is asking if you are currently in a training program. I want to re apply to radiology. Do you need another question? No, actually you don't need a crest form. Another one. If you have a national training number, you can use that one in your application. Um that should uh should make you eligible for that application. You don't need a crystal um pa asking. He said this is not on the scar or if one completes the Plavix exams and apply for GMC registration. Are there opportunities available in the UK to build on all of these that you mentioned? Yeah, absolutely. The opportunities are there. Um It actually depends which post you are getting, which department and which hospital, but generally speaking, uh most of the hospitals would actually help you and support you to build on portfolio regardless what is the specialty that you're working at. Some people might be working in, in, in medicine. They want to do radiology, nothing can prevent them from doing radiology related projects. So you can always tailor what w what the projects you're doing to meet the, the uh criteria that you're looking for. Uh So you don't necessarily need to be in radiology department or need to be working with radiologists strictly to actually gain these competencies, even the radiology related aspects. Some people I have seen uh in, in, in surgery doing audits related to radiology because there is a, uh there is a great interlock between these two special is you can always do any, any, any audits or any projects you want about imaging, which is technically present in every specialty. And the criteria is, is quite clear if the imaging uh constitute a significant portion of the project, then that should count as we do it even if that's a research project. So yeah, uh the the opportunities are there all, what you need to do is just be being proactive and know what you want to do uh uh prepare uh uh actually a checklist of the things. Maybe a good starting point is printing these self assessment criteria, keep it with you and start working and ticking the boxes of each of these uh assessments. Uh Good start, a good starting point is start arranging for at least a week or an elective in radiology because that can guarantee guarantee you uh a good amount of uh time to interact with the radiologist and the trainees and even get involved in in these projects. That might be actually ongoing. So you don't need to start things from the scratch. Um I'm sorry that we are not going through the whole application process and details. That wasn't the name of this session. And I'll just put a link to the main session we did going through like the whole application process where we dissected it in details and gave tips on how to achieve these various parts of your portfolio. So you can use the link and just watch the recorded video. Um We just wanted to make sure we address the parts of the portfolio that have changed. Um Yeah, that's what this session is for. So sorry about that. Um Another question is there a cutoff mark that we are expected to get with regards to the portfolio. This is a quite difficult to tell actually and I don't think anyone has got an answer to this. It entirely depends on uh on uh the people who are lying in your cohort. But to get things to clear the bar doesn't count for uh for the shortlisting. So for the short listing, you need to get a high score and the M sra because that's the only criterion for the short listing. So regardless what is your report for the score that wouldn't count once you reach the interview stage, then the final score would be 60% on the interview and 40% on the portal. And again, this is, this is a new change actually from last year. So last year, it it uh it used to be uh 50% on, on the interview, 30% on the port and 20% on the emissary. But this year they removed the emissary from the final calculation and it's now 40% and 60% interview. OK. Thank you. And I think that goes to show that one needs to be quite deliberate and careful in putting out the portfolio this year because you don't want to make any mistake that would cost you some marks because you may just have like a very huge implication on your final at home um when it's time for in come around. Um I don't think I see any other questions. Um Anything else um Hernando you wanted to talk about? I think we, we covered the the new changes this year for the assessment. Key, key things are basically focusing on to building uh a law as the assessment criteria rather than uh just um trying to build the bot a generic bo trial of with, with no guidance from, from the assessment criteria because I have seen people actually attending and doing a lot of uh time consuming stuff if I can say that related to radiology, but that's not adding anything to their because at the end of the day, what the assessors are looking for is, is uh is these criteria? So either you have it or you don't have it. So it doesn't matter if you have like if I see uh exams because that's not gonna give you any, any, any points at the. So just make use of the guidance. And just another, another, another note is that from next year, they will change the box uh scoring criteria as well. And they have announced on the, on the official website, what is gonna be the the new uh the New Year's uh scoring criteria? So they will remove 22 domains from here. It will be only five domains. So the prizes section will be removed totally uh from uh from the assessment criteria and they will remove another, another domain. So it's, it's really important if you are aiming for next year to have a look into the updated uh criteria which is already published there and uh focus your work on to these criteria rather than this year's criteria because things are dynamic and changing rapidly. So instead of wasting time on things which wouldn't count next to you, focus on things which would give you more weightage and more points. Yeah. All right. Um Thank you so much, Adnan. I think it's been very clear, um highlighted the changes this year and I wish everyone applying all the very best if since there are no further questions, I think we can draw session. So a conclusion now, thank you so much guys. Thank you so much, Ana um We'll see you next time. In our next event. All right, thank you, Tingo. All right. Um Just to say, there will also be a feedback. Um Could you kindly feel the feedback and when you feel the feedback, you're able to get access to the recording? So that would be very useful. So.