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This session will give medical professionals an overview of MS Os, a unique organization that provides medical students equal access to resources to help them navigate orthopedic surgery. Emil, the president, will discuss its mission and past accomplishments, while Amy, the vice president, will cover the organization's structure and upcoming initiatives. There will be discussion of the year's goals, updates on MS Os's committees like the Diversity Equity Inclusion and accessibility Committee, and time for Q&A. It is an opportunity to learn how MS Os is making a difference by providing medical students resources and initiatives that help them succeed.

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Thank you all for attending our 2023-2024 Welcome Event. Highlights from the event are as follows:

Achievements over the last year:

  • Finalized our 501 c(3) non-profit status
  • Created 4 new committees
  • Completed our first year of the MSOS Mentorship Program
  • Hosted our 2nd Annual MSOS Symposium with over 900 abstract submissions and attendees
  • Created numerous educational events and resources, including 2 panel series with JBJS, a virtual open house calendar that gained over 10,000 views, and research year and scholarship lists

Society goals for the year:

  • Securement of sponsorship to provide more opportunities, resources, and scholarships for students
  • Begin the process of building MSOS Institutional Chapters

Upcoming initiatives:

  • In partnership with RJOS, PrideOrtho, The Perry Initiative, J. Robert Gladden Orthopaedic Society, and Nth Dimensions amongst others, our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) committee will host their Inaugural DEIA Summit on October 15, aiming to target disparities in orthopaedic surgery and provide and advertise resources for underrepresented students
  • Our Education committee has 2 more installments coming soon as part of the "Dissecting a Manuscript" series in partnership with JBJS, and is creating numerous resources for students and planning an event in the spring focused on preparing students for sub-internships
  • Our Mentorship committee has recently received 190 mentee applications from MS2/OMS2's across the country and will be matching them to 109 mentors as part of their 2nd year of the Mentorship program. They will be hosting a Mentorship Panel Series to support their matched mentor-mentee pairings, and are additionally releasing a brochure in August to guide mentees and mentors through the ERAS cycle.
  • Our 3rd Annual MSOS Symposium will be held on April 21, 2024.

Thank you all for a wonderful year, and we look forward to this next year!

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Explain the mission and past accomplishments of MS Os.
  2. Identify the structure and purpose of MS Os committees.
  3. Recognize the roles and commitments of the executive leadership, faculty advisors, resident advisors, and chairs.
  4. Describe the social media initiatives of MS Os, including Fracture Friday and other educational resources.
  5. Explain the objectives of the Diversity Equity Inclusion and Accessibility Committee and identify ways to support underrepresented communities in orthopedic surgery.
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Name is Emil Awal. I'm one of the co-founders of MS Os and the current president and welcome you all to our second MS Os. Welcome event. The purpose of this event is to give everyone a big picture view of MS Os for a 2023 2024 cycle. Next slide on the agenda today, I'll go through the mission of MS Os providing an overview of our past accomplishments. Amy, our vice president will then go through the structure of our organization and introduce our chairs. We'll discuss our upcoming initiatives and at the end, we'll go over our goals for the year as a society and provide some time for questions. Next slide. So the mission of MS Os is to provide medical students equal access to resources to help them navigate the field of orthopedic surgery. We start out at the free and virtual symposium and have since expanded into a national society. Next slide since our transition to a society, there are many achievements I want to highlight early in 2022 we were we received um confirmation of being a 501 C three nonprofit organization we planned and executed the creation of three new committees. In addition to our symposium, the mentorship, education and communications, as well as at our DEI A committee this upcoming cycle. And then we finished the first year of our national mentorship program. Next slide, we've also created numerous educational events including our five part, welcome to research series, our current or part dissecting a manuscript series in our How to survive a your sub panel. We also expanded to build the resources for students such as our highlight documents for these events, our research, your list dei A scholarship list and virtual open house calendar. Last but not least. We hosted the second annual MS Os event. We're excited by how quickly and sustainably we've grown and this is because of all the hard work of our committee members, chairs and advisors. MS Os is a unique organization in that it is run by medical students for medical students. We as medical students know where the problems are and thus know what initiatives would be impactful. So as you all hear the many new initiatives we have in store for this upcoming cycle, you should remember. These are all ideas initiated by your fellow medical students. We're a collaborative group and thus, if you have any ideas, we would love to hear them and make them a reality. And I'll hand over the mic to Amy to discuss the structure of our organization and roles. Thank you, Amil. Hope everyone is having a great night so far. My name is Amy. I'm a third year medical student at GW and I'm serving as the vice president for MS US this year. Um So just to briefly go over the structure for MS Os within MS Os, we have our executive leadership which is composed of the president, the vice president, as well as the advisory board. And then we branch into our five committees which are each led by 2 to 4 chairs and are all composed of 5 to 12 committee members each as well as faculty and resident advisors. Amil will be serving as our president this year. The role of the president is to shape and provide the structure of MS Os for the year and below, you can see the commitments of the president, as mentioned, I will be serving as our vice president for the year. The role of the vice president is to support the president and provide organization to MS Os for the year and the commitments for the vice president can also be shown below. Now, onto our advisory board, we're so thankful for your leadership in our first two years and to our new advisors, Doctor Boeke, Doctor Lapo and Doctor Sterling. We welcome you and we're looking forward to your guidance this year and beyond, our advisory board serves to guide us in executing our mission terms are for two years. However, if there are any reasons you're unable to commit to MS Os. This is not a binding agreement. The commitments for the advisory board members are to attend the welcome event like today and also attend the advisory board meetings every three months. Here are our wonderful faculty advisors. We're excited to continue working with so many of you and we welcome our new faculty advisors, Doctor Golliday, Doctor Jane, Doctor Laporte, doctor Sein, doctor, she doctor Sterling, Doctor Ward and Doctor Wessel. We're so excited to work with all of you. This year, each of our faculty advisors will help guide one specific committee in achieving their goals for the year. Commitments include attending monthly committee meetings and also meeting requirements for your respective committees. Here, you can see our team of resident advisors who are composed of orthopedic surgery residents from across the country. We're so excited to have so many residents working with us this year. As you can see from the many pages of resident advisors similar to our faculty advisors. Our resident advisors will guide a specific committee in achieving their goals for the year. And additionally, commitments include attending the monthly committee meetings and also meeting requirements for respective committees. Here are all of our wonderful chairs. Hopefully everyone has had a chance to meet their chairs and the chair terms are one year minimum. The main role for these chairs is to provide structure direction and leadership for their committees and each of the chairs will discuss their initiatives later in this event. And the commitments for the chairs can also be found here. So we will now hear from our communications chairs. Hailey and Alvaro. Hi, everyone. I'm Hailey. I'm a third year at Cooper Medical School of Rowan University. Um This is my second year with MS Os and second year as co-chair as well and I'm working with my wonderful assistant, co-chair um who is a third year at Albany Medical College. Next slide. So um we are both ahead of the social media committee and our objective here is to inform and provide useful content to medical students interested in orthopedic surgery through social media outreach newsletters, um and different blog posts. We can engage with our community of peers and everyone that is so involved in MS Os entirely. And so by working in tandem with the other committees, we actually help to create and shape the face of MS Os through all of our different platforms next side. And so we have four incredible advisors working uh with us this year, um some old from previous years and some new and we're excited to collaborate with you guys in the future next slide. And we have eight incredible committee members who we will be working with as well. I know we have not spoken with you guys yet but be on the lookout for a uh meeting in the coming months or coming weeks. Thanks, bye. Uh Thanks. Yeah, she mentioned my name is Row. I'm a third year ob Medical College, I actually just finished my fourth rotation and I had a blast. So, um yeah, when you think of MS Os, um you essentially think of our social media uh communications committee or essentially the public image of MS Os. So when you think of that, I think it's important to highlight uh not only our platforms but the growth that we have on each of our platforms, we first started on Instagram. We went from 1500 to 2500 followers. Last year, we started on Twitter, went from 2300 to 3900 followers. Last year, we also launched our linkedin. Our website is beautifully done and highlights all of our initiatives and objectives. We will continue to do our monthly newsletter which again highlights our initiatives and objectives. And our foremost goal of ours of this year is to actually launch a Tik Tok which brings us into our next slide, next slide, please. So one initiative we have this year is something called a Fracture Friday, which will be in collaboration with an orthopedic organization. Essentially what this is. It is a um interactive weekly post um highlighting an image with an injury and having an associated explanation to it. Uh We want the goal of this to be to provide a weekly source of knowledge um for the medical student to enhance, you know, the orthopedic and anatomic knowledge. We think this will be really helpful for medical students on all levels, especially those who are about to prepare for their rotation as well. Um Additionally, through all our platforms, we also want to highlight um each committee's initiatives. That's something that hasn't really been done before. And we want to anyone coming into any platform at S OS, whether you through our website, any form of social media to know what each committee is doing and what they plan on doing. Um As a as Emil mentioned, MS Os is a medical student run organization. So with the continued growth of MS Os, we really want to respond to our feedback, whether it be through our T MS and our messages and provide resources that we really think will be helpful to medical students that are about to engage in the orthopedic journey. Um Lastly is um we want to implement a social media takeover this year through platforms such as Instagram and uh Tik Tok, which we will definitely try doing this year. Essentially what this will consist of is um like a day in the life of a, a third year student on the surgery rotation, 1/4 year, on their way, the resident from the PGY one to the PGY five level um going up from that, the attending and highlighting different subspecialties. The goal of this is really to provide insight and exposure to students who really would not have access to resources. Otherwise, for instance, uh a medical student who does not have uh their own, own, their own home orthopedic program or a medical student who is unable to shadow a position, uh you know, foot and ankle, subspecialty or sports medicine, uh subspecialty. Um Next slide, please. So the communications committee, we are essentially in charge of streamlining the various initiatives of each committee. And in order to do this in an organized concise manner, we really want to continue our social media request form. Um What this is is a form where uh members from each committee can input relevant information in designated fields about ideas they have for certain graphics, certain ideas, certain posts, certain initiatives and the goal of this is really to provide an interactive, organized collaborative environment for creativity where all members can um implement their ideas and we can all discuss how to implement our um plans moving forward in an efficient manner. Uh Next slide. OK. Right. So next up, new to this year is our diversity, equity inclusion and accessibility or dei A committee, Mya Van Nrk. And more recently, Christopher Saker started this division over the last year and have now expanded into a full soI full committee of our society. So we'll now hear from RT I chairs Christopher and MCA. Yeah. Thank you, Amy. Um Good evening, everyone. My name is Chris, uh one of the co-chair for the Diversity Equity Inclusion and accessibility Committee along with MCA who unfortunately could not be here tonight. Next slide, please. Uh the objective of our committee is to highlight the initiatives, supporting underrepresented populations in orthopedic surgery through partnerships with leading organizations and to develop our own MS OS sponsored initiatives. It's no secret that orthopedic surgery is one of the if not the least diverse specialty in medicine. And although there are many initiatives aimed towards increasing representation, our committee noticed that there's no centralized place for people to learn about the opportunities available to them or to decrease some of the participation in these initiatives. We've been working to reduce the number of barriers whether that's from lack of advertisement time spent comparing available opportunities or otherwise for students to find representation within our MS Os community. Next slide, please. Before we talk about some of the things that our committee has been working on. I'd quickly like to recognize our faculty and resident advisors. This is the first year we're an established committee. So their expertise and judgment within the field of orthopedics and dia uh will be integral to getting this committee off to a great start. We thank you for being a part of our team. Next slide, please. I'd also like to recognize our inaugural committee members. Although our committee me, our committee is small. We think each uh one of our committee members has demonstrated a continued dedication and passion towards increasing dia in orthopedics and we're very excited to have them on board. Next s side, please. Even though this is the first year we've been in an official MS Os Committee. Uh The starts of our efforts began last year. As mentioned, we previously recognized the discrepancy between the number of initiatives available to underrepresented, interested in orthopedic surgery and knowledge of those initiatives. So, we've been previously focused on gathering and disseminating information uh of those initiatives uh uh from uh in the form of centralized centralized calendars on the MS OS website that keep track of residency programs. D dia focused virtual open houses and away rotation scholarships. As an aside pictured on this slide is some amazing artwork titled From Dreams to Reality, created by Denisa Loya Soda that was recognized through the MS Os Art Contest. Earlier this year, we think it's a great depiction of the diversity equity and inclusion within orthopedics that our committee is working to further foster next slide please. This upcoming year, our committee is working to continue our objective by creating MS Os sponsored events. One of those events will be the first annual diversity equity Inclusion and accessibility summit event will act as a one stop shop for medical students to learn uh and to have an open discussion with leading organizations regarding the current trends for orthopedic surgery and some of the many initiatives that they offer, several organizations have already confirmed their participation. And our committee is currently working hard to it in to ensure a successful lead up to our event date of October 15th. Stay tuned to MS Os as social media pages over the following months. For more information, our committee is also working to develop inhouse MS Os scholarship opportunities for under represented populations, send sponsorship guides to companies and organizations for the Dia Summit in hopes of receiving their financial support for these scholarships pending a successful summit. We also plan to apply for grants to further support these MS Os scholarships and develop more projects in a similar nature in the future. We will also be continuing work to provide information on open houses on the existing scholarship opportunity students for coming tonight and stay tuned to MS O media for updates on some of the initiatives our committee is currently developing. Thank you. Thank you. Next, we will hear from our education chairs, Jessica Drew Omar and Ryan. Hi, everybody. I'm Jess. I'm one of the co-chair for the Education Committee this year along with Dre, who is an M three at GW Omar, who is an M three on a research year at New York Medical College and Ryan an M three at Loyola next S side. So the objective of the education committee, as you can see here is to develop educational opportunities for medical students interested in orthopedic surgery and to foster a community interested in orthopedic research. Next slide. So of course, all of this would not be possible without our fantastic advisors. We have a number of them listed here and on the next slide, who will be helping us over the course of this year to really reach some of our exciting new goals that we'll talk about in a moment. So, next slide and of course, I would like to extend a welcome to our new committee members and a re reme to our several returning committee members from last year. We're very excited for everything that we'll accomplish this year next s side. All right. So here's just a little bit of a recap of uh some of the things that we did over this past year, the education committee was definitely active in its inaugural year. So we did our welcome to research panel series, which was our first panel series. Uh We partnered with JB Js for this and did a series of six panels featuring two attendings and three residents each and each of them had between 100 and 200 attendees. So this was definitely a great success and we got some wonderful feedback on just introducing students to research and the process of conducting it and presenting it. Um And so next, we held a sub I survival guide panel which featured five residents from programs across the nation with over 200 attendees where we had a sort of teach in on all the different things that are necessary to do well on your subs. And this was definitely a wonderful and well attended event. And our final thing that we've done this past year, which is still in progress is we started our dissecting a manuscript panel series again, partnering with JB Js. And this has a series of four panels, uh two of which have already occurred and two more to come. And this has it featured two attended members of the JB Js editorial board, typically including the editor in chief. Um just to kind of break down each of the different segments of a manuscript to help students all over the country. Just kind of learn about how to write up the best intro methods, results and discussion sections that they can. And so now I'll pass it off for the next slide to Ryan for uh what we're going to be doing this year. Thanks, Jess. The Education committee is very excited for another active year here. We have some great ideas in the store to deliver you all content and resources to help you stay updated on all things. Ortho. Um We'll be approaching this through a couple of initiatives. Um So this year we'll be hosting educational events and these will namely focus on sub preparation and subspecialty specific education. So, uh all you upcoming M threes, something to look forward to there. Um Sorry M fours. We, we just missed you guys. Um We will also be this year starting a new initiative. Um This will be creating and releasing educational resources. So this will be blog post, how to advice columns. Um All these will be constructed by our team and they will be distributed on our social. So we'll be working closely with the communications team. Um We also hope to take advantage of the trend towards short form um and the declining uh attention span of the population. So we're gonna be trying to create some uh engaging short form educational content and working with the communication team on this. And then also um we're gonna be working to consolidate and help direct students towards the orthopedic resources that already exist out there. Um try to consolidate them um and make those available for everyone. And then finally, with our new education committee, we really look forward to brainstorming and carrying out the many other ideas. I know you all will be bringing um and collectively work to improve the orthopedic education available to med students. And with that, I'm gonna throw it back to you, Amy. Thank you. So now we will hear from our mentorship chairs, Christina and Ivan. Thanks so much, Amy. Hope everyone's doing all right tonight. So my name is Ivan Liu and I'm 1/4 year medical student at the Medical College of Georgia and one of the mentorship co-chair. Joining me today is my fellow mentorship, co-chair Christina Del Pret, who is 1/4 year at Rutgers Medical. Next slide, please. So, very briefly, the purpose of our mentorship committee is to connect the future of orthopedics, namely at the medical student level with orthopedic surgeons at all levels. Of training. So this includes residents, fellows and attendings. And we hope to do this by providing a little bit of guidance and some high yield resources for both our programs, mentees and mentors throughout the year. Next slide. So helping us achieve our mission are a fantastic group of faculty and resident advisors as well as 10 outstanding medical students from across the country. Our 2023 and 24 faculty and resident advisors are listed here and thank you all so much for your time. Really none of this will be possible without your help. And here are our medical student committee members for this year as well. Christina and I have already met with you, but we're really looking forward to continuing to work with you all in this upcoming year. Next slide, please and to quickly run you through our inaugural mentorship program cycle that ran in the 22 to 23 academic year. We successfully paired 244 mentees to 100 and 69 mentors nationally, 80% of the students were MD and 20% were do. And with the nearly 50 50 breakdown between 2nd and 3rd years, our mentees were diverse as can be seen here. And our program's initial impact measures show that we played a significant role in residency application preparedness. And this was demonstrated by subjective survey measures. Our one-year data is still pending but it's looking very good. So next, I'm going to hand it over to Christina who is gonna talk a bit more about what we've been up to in the past month, as well as all the very exciting things we have planned for this upcoming year. Thank you, Ivan. So, recent updates, we welcomed our new committee team as you saw um all of their wonderful faces and we're really proud to say that they're spanning from MS ones to MS four s from MD and do programs and from all across the country. So we have really great representation and we hope that that is and networking and connecting mentors and mentees. We also developed a new mentor brochure that will be sent out in August containing information from mentors regarding recent changes in applying into orthopedic surgery such as step one pass, fail changes, application changes and signaling. And so what's also new is launching our mentorship panel series and this is aiming to support the mentor and mentee pairing. So the first cycle we had, we made these pairings and we check in quarterly with them. But now we want to provide more of a organizational curriculum so that mentees feel comfortable reaching out to their mentors and having something to talk about. And we'll be hearing from both attendings and residents in a Q and A style panel to offer this information. So we'll talk more about what we have planned for the end of July. Um But we're really excited for this new initiative, these panels will be moderated by two of our committee members. So this facilitates involvement amongst the committee um and just overall discuss salient topics for successful mentorship relationships. Uh Finally, we released our mentee applications and we recently closed them on July 1st. And our final numbers are 100 and 92nd year medical students from MD and do programs and 100 and nine mentors. And we're really excited about this because the mentors have, some of them have indicated that they will take multiple mentees. So no mentee should go unmatched this year, which is really great for the program next slide. So for our panel series, as I alluded to previously the purposes to support the match mentor mentee pairings further than just connecting them to that mentor in that initial email. So our first event will be at the end of this month titled Maintaining your mentor mentee relationship. And the goal of this event is to conclude the first cycle of mentor f mentee pair that we have. So this is taking place on July 27th at 8:30 p.m. via Zoom. As I mentioned before, a panel of uh two attendings and three residents to share their experiences of how they've maintained mentorship relationships throughout their uh career in training. And we're in the works of planning a welcome event for the new cycle. Once we make those mentor mentee pairings uh aiming for the end of August of this year and then we'll have a mid cycle event in January or February to help support and check in at the halfway point next slide. So as an overview for 2023 the rest of the year we plan to wrap up the current mentorship cycle and that will be with that July panel. We will pair the current signed up mentors and mentees and we will host the welcome event for the new pairs in August. Uh in 2024 we will start by checking in with the mentor pairs and one of the that mid cycle event that I mentioned before in January and February will be a great point to do so. Uh We also will update the mentor brochure with changes to anything regarding or applying into orthopedic surgery that we think is important for mentors to know and then plan for another wrap up event. And I think that concludes the mentorship committee's portion of this. Thank you Christina. All right. So finally, we'll hear from our symposium committee. Um Specifically, we'll hear from one of our chairs, Alisa. Hi, everyone. Uh My name is Alisa Moko and I'm one of the co-chair of the symposium committee along with Amy. We're both currently on S3 SGW and we're looking forward to having the opportunity to leave symposium committee again this year, next slide, the objective of this symposium over the past two years has been to support medical student research and education by creating an annual symposium for all medical students interested in orthopedic surgery. And our goal is to continue to embody this goal again. This year, next s side, we would like to send out a big welcome and thank you to our new and returning advisory board members here. We have listed our faculty advisors and our resident advisors who will be joining us in planning another wonderful symposium. This year, we are thankful for all the time and work. You all are dedicating to MS Os and we're looking forward to working with you all. Next slide. Next, we have our 2023 2024 committee members. This year, we have a total of eight committee members, some of which were members last year and some of which are new members. We're excited to welcome you all to the symposium committee and are excited to hear all the new ideas that you all are bringing with you next side. Um Before we discuss our new initiatives for this year, we wanted to give a little review of our 2023 symposium. We had a total of 923 unique attendees the day of the symposium and had a total of 983 submitted abstracts of which 300 were selected for poster presentations and five were selected for podium presentations. We also held three panels this year including a program director, panel, a tips to match panel and a day in the life of resident panel. We also partnered with three amazing sponsors who helped provide funding and resources for the symposium to run successfully. This past year. Next side, we had great support from GW JB Js and inside the match in planning and participating in the symposium. Additionally, we worked with several organizations listed here to provide free and discounted resources to our podium and poster presents presenters as well as our symposium attendees. Next slide. This year, we also started a new initiative in the form of an art contest for students to have the opportunity to share their medical art. Um Some of these pieces were featured in our program this past year and all the submissions can be found on our website. Next slide, we wanted to share some of the posts that were mentioned across various social media platforms. Um Some of the symposium highlights from the attendees perspectives included our informative panels, the ability to learn from others in our breakout room sessions and having the opportunity to meet and connect with faculty residents and other students interested in the field of orthopedic surgery. Next side and here we have some more highlights. Um And now I'll hand it over to Amy to discuss her initiatives for the 2024 symposium. Thank you. So we're so excited to for our third annual symposium um which this year will be held on April 21st of 2024 and will be hosted at Johns Hopkins University. New to this year is our use of metal, which we've all joined on tonight. Um But through metal, we'll be able to integrate abstract submission, abstract review and the conference itself all within one platform, we will initially be able to create a virtual poster hall for everyone to view to view posters prior to and following the conference. As many of you suggested we include and then finally, as a committee, we will strive to make our next symposium more interactive for viewers. Now, Amil will finish by discussing our societal goals for this year. Thanks you next time. Awesome. Thanks, Amy and all the chairs uh to wrap up this event. I wanna discuss the overall goals that we have for this year. First, we aim to successfully execute the many initiatives you just heard about. Next, we aim to gain more sponsorship to finance and initiatives. But the goal to build scholarships and lastly a new society initiative, we plan to build our MS Os institutional chapters. We gonna connect the many institutions to provide guidance for institutional, create events as well as create collaborative regional events. Next slide. All right. Thank you all for listening to our presentation today. We'll open the chat as well as the floor for any questions anyone may have. Hey, Amil, it's Alex. So I just wanna first off say how an incredible this all is and how much work that you the executive board, the committee members have put into this. I mean, looking at from where we started day one to where we are now, this is incredible and you guys should all be really proud of yourselves for this. Thanks a lot, Alex. Thanks also for all your support um and help building this to what it is today. Hey, Emil. Uh First off, I just want to say again, congratulations. Uh What a wonderful event and what a wonderful leadership as well. And gras to all the students who made it on to their respective committees. I guess my, one of my questions was how often uh can we expect to meet with our committee leaders? And uh you know, what can we expect to go over during those meetings? Yeah, I'll let uh Amy your committee uh chair talk about that sounds good. Yeah, I'll be sending out some information about our meetings in the coming days. Um We wanted to um first welcome all of you to MS MS. Um But with regards to your question, um typically as the symposium committee, we meet roughly once a month um every single month um leading up to the symposium and the like the last two months, we'll meet a little bit more frequently as there are a lot of little like loose strings that we have to tie. Um But in general expect once per month and then in terms of things that we actually go over in these meetings, um anything that you can think about that is involved with planning the symposium we discuss as a team and then also assign different tasks and also provide updates on how um things are coming along. And then our faculty, as well as our resident advisors also attend these meetings. Um and they provide um any sort of advice or guidance um as we plan our symposium. Sounds great. Thanks, Amy. So it looks like there's a question in the chat. Oh, that a mil is answering right now. But um another question that I I'm seeing in the chat at least is what steps are needed to begin building MS S institutional chapters. And is this something that you foresee happening within the next year which I'll pass off to am to chat about a little bit? Yeah. So that's a good question about the MS Os Institutional chapters. Our first goal is we want to create a um we want to start out small with certain institutions just to build um what kind of content we want for the institutional chapters. Our eventual goal is to fi to further build upon this by incorporating um multiple institutions. And with that being said, incorporating the multiple institutions, we have a standard it kind of curriculum that students can follow. So that like in certain many uh medical schools have orthopedic surgery interest groups um in that situation, um they could follow this kind of like got like a concept that we have found and like um that to be the most helpful for students. Um if they so choose. Um in addition to, we would love to create it collaborative amongst different institutions such as if you're say in the DC Maryland, Virginia area, for example, we could create like collaborative events um with so that you as a medical student say at, for example, I'm giving the George Washington University as that's where I am, we can create an event with um George Washington Georgetown and other local communities so that you could have um some kind of exposure with um the other programs too. And obviously, this is not limited to this, to our region could be for New York. Um And Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, et cetera. All right, we'll probably give about like two more minutes for questions and then we'll let everyone enjoy the rest of their Monday year. We have an application to be a resident advisor as well as a faculty advisor. Um And that cycle has ended for this year, but we'll open it up again next year. Um Any idea when abstract submissions will open up for next year's symposium, Amy, do we have a date for this yet? As a committee we've not met to um discuss the like the um official date yet. However, last year our a abstract submissions opened on September 1st. So expect for them to open around that time again this year. Great. Um And then regarding resources for finding research projects. Unfortunately, MS Os, we do not provide research projects, but our goal through our educational content is to prepare you so that you can maximize your time so that you can be most efficient in conducting research. Um And so if you want to tune into the dissecting a manuscript series, we still have a few more of those coming in to kind of help maximize your time to teach you the different sections of writing a manuscript from JB GS editors. Um Is there a time frame for us to expect mentor, assess mentee matching to occur? I'll uh defer this to Christina and Ivan for that. Yeah, I can answer this one. Emil. So right now, we have closed up the applications like Christina said and we're working through the matching process right now. So it's a bit of an involved process. Um But our timeline should be for August 1st essentially. So at the beginning of August, we should be releasing all the med or pairings out. Perfect. All right. Thank you all so much for joining tonight. Um If you have any other questions, please feel free to um DM us on social media um at MS Os Ortho um on Twitter and Instagram as well as you can email us as well. All right. Thank you all so much. Have a good rest of your evening.