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Today we invite you to join a discussion with Ms Laura Armstrong, a Medical Education Fellow and Breast Surgical Doctor with Southern Trust. She will be discussing a day in the life of General Surgery and sharing insights on recruitment to Core Surgical Training, which has changed drastically over the last year. Learn all about the new recruitment process that includes the MSRA Test, the breakdown of scores between portfolio, interview, and operative experience, and how to maximize points and recognition for quality improvement projects, teaching experience, and presentations/publications. In addition, Laura will provide advice on best practices for medical students looking to pursue a career in surgery. Don't miss out!

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A range of Doctors. A range of specialists. A range of career paths.

Find your Dream Career!

During this careers event, the sessions will be divided up into 10minute talks. With 2 different talks running as the same time in break out rooms. Pick and Choose which specialists you would like to watch. Ask plenty of questions in the chat box. There will be 18 speakers to choose from! Don’t worry if 2 of your favourite specialities clash - you can watch it again on catch up :)

Click Here for the Agenda

Looking forward to meet you all :)

from the Southern Trust Medical Education Team, Northern Ireland

twitter: @STMedEd

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the new recruitment process for General Surgery, including the relative weightings given to different elements of the portfolio.
  2. Define what types of activities will count towards their portfolio scores, such as commitment to surgery, operative experience and teaching experience/qualifications.
  3. Appreciate the benefits of submitting quality improvement projects to conferences, as well as accessing feedback forms for any teaching they complete.
  4. Learn how to create an electronic logbook to log their operative experience.
  5. Recognize the value of early completion of exams such as MSRA and MRCS Part A, as well as engaging in webinars, speaking to consultants and submitting projects.
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Computer generated transcript

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Okay. So every day, you're welcome to, um the talk on general surgery. Uh, we're really honored of Ms Laura Armstrong, who's currently working as a medical education fellow and, uh, the Southern Trust and also as a breast specialty doctor. So the floor is yours, Laura. Thanks, Daniel. Uh, hi, everyone. My name's Laura. As Daniel says, I am one of the especially doctors here in breast surgery and also work as a postgraduate education fellow. Um, so I suppose the purpose of today is to give you a rough idea of a day in the life of general surgery and maybe, um, something to do with recruitment. So I thought I'd focus more on recruitment and for yourselves in court surgical training, which you should past towards general surgery as it's changed the most over the last year. So prior to covid, um, recruitment to court. Surgical training was mainly based on your portfolio and your interview, um, skills throughout covid. It moved towards, uh, self assessment and an online, um, surgical interview. And then this year, they've adopted and the help of the MRSA exam, which has been used for different specialties as well. Sorry. And I'm sorry, I should say, not MRSA. Um, it's essentially a test that they've used for a number of specialties in the past, including radiology and GP. And this year, they've adopted it. Full course surgical training and anaesthetics, oxen, gynie and neurosurgery. So the split, um, of, um, in your recruitment. So the MSRA accounts for 10% and the self assessment verified score, which is your portfolio is 30% and then most of the waiting is towards your interview score to 60%. They've also taken away a number of the sections within your portfolio and for score ng um, so they no longer count your m s m. Uh, sorry. MRCs Too many, um, m and SS your MRCS part A. They've taken it out of your scoring and they don't care account surgical courses anymore. Any postgraduate call of qualifications, any prizes and also leadership and management. I suppose that leads us to think What are they counting? So it's mainly your commitment to surgery. So things like Taster Weeks, any projects that you've done anything within university that you've done, uh, quality improvement in clinical audit. So maximum points will be scored there for closing your lip or closing multiple lips of an audit presenting that audit either locally or at a conference and presentations and publications. And it's next that's being grouped into the one category, whereas before poster presentations and publications were counted separately and then finally teaching experience on training and teaching. And they're also taken into consideration operative experience. And so make sure you have an E logbook setup takes two minutes to set up using the Log Book website, and there you can log your operative experience and by way of your involvement on any stage is in each operation you were involved in, um, about I have spoke about quality improvement projects, but just to make a note that you will score maximum five points if you've submitted that project to any conferences. So any work that you've done make sure and maximize the recognition that you'll get for that and instead of doing an audit and and you know not pushing it forward for any presentations, um, presentations on publications. Then again, as I mentioned, they have been merged into the one category, so any presentations will be published in confidence such a, such as acid or s s g B I. Your abstract is then published in the BGS, so that's worth noting. Um, something else to mention is about teaching experience. So I know a lot of us take part in an ad hoc teaching sessions, and we have medical students on award, Um, but in recruitment that now they're no longer counting any informal teaching, you don't have written feedback from So, um, any feed any teaching that you do make up, make yourself up away a four and feedback form that you can give to students that you complete anonymously afterwards. It doesn't have to be in much detail, and it's essentially to allow them to give you some feedback, which can be then uploaded as a single. PdF. And then you can count that towards your teaching with formal feedback teaching qualifications. And there are a number, of course, is that you can do maximum points are scored within recruitment for any postgraduate diplomas you have within teaching. But there are qualifications, such as teach the teacher or, um, I think the Oxford Medical Group do quite a few online as well that you can gauge, but again, maximum points are from diplomas Um, I suppose I pause there and see. Is there any questions anyone wants to ask about? Recruitment? Fresh and foremost. And there's no questions in the in the in the chat function yet. But if anybody has any questions, um, pop them in. I didn't see anything coming through there, I suppose I have a question, Laura, what's your favorite thing about your job and your specialty? Uh, so my especially is breast. And I really do like the continuity of care and breast breast is one of the special is where you get to do sort of everything. So your triple assessment Kinda, because where you see the patient assess them, you do their imaging and their biopsy there. And then you will have a reform or a provisional report to give to the patient. They're there. And then, um then they go through MDT, where you get to discuss your patient and discuss them with a ray of of professionals. So your radiology team and your oncology team in the breast care nurses, um and then you go ahead, you operating that person as well. So for me, it's the involvement in every stage of patient care um, breast at the minute is moving towards especially on zone at the minute. It is, um, three general surgery, especially recruitment at ST three. But they are changing the curriculum for that, Um, worth three minutes left. I'm just letting you know, Laura, don't interrupt. You work. That balance is another thing that I really and I do enjoy. But my job. And I suppose that's another point to make about especially doctor and being within, uh, especially that that that doesn't perhaps require to to be on call. Certainly in the trust that I meant the minute another trust you are on call as a breast surgeon. But this was that specific to me. Ethan Miller just asked a question here, Laura, what are some of the best things a medical student can do if they want to go into surgery? So I would make yourself known to somebody, um, consultant wise, and let them know if your aspirations to become a surgeon and asking for any projects ongoing and even to help with data collection on an audit project and then to go on and have that presented would be a huge benefit. Um, there are a number of online sort of webinars and quarters that you can attend that are all free That shows your commitment. Especially that you've been attending those in the build up to your foundation training and recruitment. Um, I would say as well to do your exams early. So the biggest success rate for your Emerse e m MRSA. God, I have a mercy in the brain. MRCs is to do it in F one. And you know you're coming out of university. You're used to written exams. Um, I would say to your your your exams early. That's good, Laura that. But that's the time up now, so we all have to move on. Thank you so much, Laura. Thank you. And if everything moves to their next, uh, next breakout room now that they want to go to Okay, thank you. Apologies. Uh,