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This on-demand teaching session will provide medical professionals with insight into becoming a specialty doctor in cardiology, given by Doctor Brady, a specialty doctor in Craigavon who has personally experienced the process of mature entry, a graduate entry medicine. In this session, Dr Brady will discuss the pros of having a specialty doctor role, such as the job security, specialized clinic work, and having a work-life balance that doesn't come with an on-call commitment - all while retaining the challenge of becoming a specialist in one's chosen field. Attendees will receive tips on where to look for specialty doctor jobs, explore the avenues of career progression and gain insight on the value of personal experience and learning from on the job.

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A range of Doctors. A range of specialists. A range of career paths.

Find your Dream Career!

During this careers event, the sessions will be divided up into 10minute talks. With 2 different talks running as the same time in break out rooms. Pick and Choose which specialists you would like to watch. Ask plenty of questions in the chat box. There will be 18 speakers to choose from! Don’t worry if 2 of your favourite specialities clash - you can watch it again on catch up :)

Click Here for the Agenda

Looking forward to meet you all :)

from the Southern Trust Medical Education Team, Northern Ireland

twitter: @STMedEd

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the roles and responsibilities of a specialty doctor in cardiology
  2. Gain insight into the idea of job security through the specialty doctor pathway.
  3. Understand the benefits of working as a specialty doctor in cardiology, particularly around achieving a good work/life balance.
  4. Explore the potential of becoming a specialty doctor, including qualifications required and availability of specialised roles.
  5. Learn more about the journey of a mature entry medical student, especially around juggling other commitments, from the personal experience of Doctor Brady.
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Computer generated transcript

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So it's not live yet. Hi, everyone. We're back in. The breakout rooms were in the SAS grade cardiology room. Okay, we're here with Doctor Brady. She's one of our specialty doctors in cardiology in Craigavon. I'm going to hand it over to you, Dr Brady. Thanks very much. No, Father. Thanks, everybody. Excuse my voice, please. I seem to be having the dreaded lurking at the minute, um, so I try not to cough the whole way through it. So, um, I don't know whether or not you listen to James talk, but he had very interesting, um, way of getting to where he was. And I suppose that's true of most doctors. Um, I actually am a mature entry, a graduate entry medicine person. So, um, I had a career before I chose to come into medicine. That's okay. I am not. That's all right. And then I did my f y once I trained a Newcastle upon time hit my f Y one had two babies in my FY one year. You can see there's a thread here, and essentially. Then I ended up moving to Australia because my husband's Australian and I worked out there doing a variety of different A house jobs, a surgery and then ended up training, Um, starting my emergency medicine training. Unfortunately, my son got sick. So, um, that paid to that. That's okay. I came home and did a variety of, um, looking jobs, and, um and then I realized I probably needed to think about my career. Um, I suppose from the offset, I was very clear that I didn't want that This is going to fly in everybody's face. It's bit controversial, but I did not want to be a consultant. I didn't want a consultant life. Although I didn't know that I didn't want to be a GP either. Um, and that's just because I enjoyed the I enjoyed hospital medicine. So, um, I was a locum s h o in a am you in Craig a binary hospital and then was approached by the cardiology team to see whether or not I actually wanted to join them and work with them. And I'll be honest with you. I was bitten. Do I really want to do that? Um, and then I realized, actually, do you know what I did? And the reason I did several a reasons. One was that I realized to become a specialty doctor. I could not especially both worlds. Um, so, really, What it is is you get to become a specialist in an area of interest, But you also get the work life balance, so I don't do on call. I'd work 9 to 5 Monday to Friday, and I would hate anybody to think that that is me not choosing a career. I am also the SAS lead for the trust. This is a career choice. I love being a specialty doctor. I know what is coming up. I have my 9 to 5 is job planned. I do a mixture of outpatient and inpatient work. So, um, some of its emergency, some of it's not. I run a specialized clinic is the first one in Northern Ireland for looking after aortic valve disease. This is a you. To me, being a specialty doctor is the best of all worlds. Um, at somewhat biased. Uh, so, um, cardiology, as I say, it is a 9 to 5 job that I'm doing. I do a mixture of procedural A work outpatient clinics. I do, um, one impatient a session, So I go down and see people in M in the emergency room. It is very varied, but it is also consistent. I'm permanent. I don't have to move. I have my life sorted, she says jokingly, Um and that I I know where I'm going to be. I'm in one hospital and and I know when you're starting out your career, you probably don't think about all these things. And I'll be honest with you shirt I didn't remove from Newcastle to us, Really A to Northern. And you know, So I've had quite a nomadic life, I suppose. Really? Um, when you're thinking of a career, you really want to find something that you enjoy, something that is stretches you a little bit. I don't know all the answers. I certainly will never know all the answers. And, um, it challenges you a little bit. But actually that you enjoy doing with a team that you enjoy doing it with. I have to say in the Southern Trust. I'm actually very lucky in that. I'm a very, very I'm a valued member of the team, but I'm also very supported. So when I came on board, um, I was allowed to essentially find out what I was interested in and supported and trained to do that. Now, you can't always say that. I mean that that that is such a luxurious place of luxury to be in and that you have a team where you have to do you okay, you have your clinical commitments. But you also actually get to specialize. And that's the whole beauty of being a specialty. Doctor. Claire, I'm going to ask you a question here from Alexandra in the chat. Thanks, Alexandra. She's like, Hi, is working 9 to 5. Something that you can do in cardiology. Ordinarily, our their post available like that or yes, role was specifically created for you. Thank you for that, Alexander. That's a really good question. That is a very good question. And thank you for that. Um, no. We have nine specialty doctors within cardiology. So we have nine people who work 9 to 51 of them actually is an associate specialist. That's a whole different. A whole different talk. But they they choose to do on call so they have an on call commitment and they are smart, a bit more less treated as a consultant, but the rest of us know we'll work 9 to 5. In fact, some of them work 8 to 6 compressed hours. So they do four days a week. Some of them actually only work part time, and they work a three days a week. There's an honestly, there are many different ways of being a specialty, Doctor. What you do is you find an area that you like. I enjoy cardiology, and and then, um, you know, you you get in with the team, you approach them or you just apply. And then you realize that actually, they're life is so much better This I shouldn't really say that, cause I know a lot of people should go into training, but I'm saying I love being a specialty doctor. So we're going to ask another question. Just keep going on, uh, thinking about time. There's another question here from Clare. Did you have any experience in internal medicine training? Uh, to go into college? Cardiology as a sass grade? No, I didn't, um you don't actually, necessarily. What you need is you need four years post a graduation, um, to be to be eligible to be a specialty doctor. I had more than that. Um, and I am, as I said, started e d training in Australia, but I didn't have any specific cardiology training. Know. And I can tell you, um, none bar. We have one person who actually was a Reg and came to be become especially doctor Labor ST five. Um, but no, the rest of us don't have any specifics. You, um it's a type of thing. You either you enjoy it and then you learn it or you don't go into it. I did have a lot of, um obviously I worked in acute medicine, and, um, I had a lot of experience in that respect. And essentially, they came and asked me, Did I? You know, I got on with everybody and they came and asked me, Did I want to think about cardiology as a career and I'll be honest with you. It's been like, Oh, I don't really know. So for six months I said, Well, look, I'll come and I'll work for six months to see whether or not you know you like me. I like you, etcetera, etcetera. And then after that, absolutely love didn't have them. Look back. I have another question here from Lauren. She says so is that four years after your F one F two. And can you just get these four years via locum? Does the low coming need to be in cardiology? She's She's just basically asking a few questions beforehand. How did you get your stage? How do you get these four years? Did you do them via low coming? So I did. Look, um um, I did look him. Yes, A. But I didn't look him in cardiology. If you look him in cardiology, I would imagine they would want you to be a specialty doctor. They would approach you. And that's how we get most of our people. I'm working on that. Should I say, working on somebody at the minute to become a specialty doctor who has been low coming for us? But you don't just have to local incision there, okay? You don't just have to look in in cardiology. Uh, although having some experience would sound in good stead, I suppose. Really? Because, um, where I was working, I was working in close contact with the cardiology. That's the beauty of being in in Craig Aven is that we are quite a close knit team. And so because I worked sort of alongside them and I was a relatively mature, I think and s sensible. Um, and they had seen me work. They knew that, you know, essentially would have fit it in. But if you can get some experience doing cardiology, I think the only way you can know whether you want to do something is actually to do it. As I said, I did six months of it, um, to make sure that I It was actually the right choice for me. Um, so, um, it's an It's an effort to say never. You don't have to make one decision and stick by it, but always give it a go, I think. Any finishing comments there, Claire, Before we move on the next room, I think that, um, I love my Korean cardiology. I also think you should actually think about it being a specialty doctor. You do get job security and everything else that goes with it, and you also get to be a specialist without having to do on calls. It's the best for work. Uh, I'm gonna thank you very much. and thank everybody. Let's go to our next room. See you in a second, everyone. Thanks. Thanks, Claire. Bye, now. Bye bye.